Guatemala Gospel Campaign: Pt. 1 / #DOAN / Nathan Morris

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the following program has been made possible by the covenant partners and friends of shake the nations ministries [Music] coming up today on desire of all nations i don't know what you need tonight but i have the answers [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hello i want to welcome you to desire of all nations i'm your host evangelist nathan morris on today's program we're going to take you in some brand new highlights from our gospel campaign in the nation of guatemala this was literally days before the lockdown came through covet 19. we didn't even know whether these meetings would go ahead but god made a way we preached the gospel thousands were saved healed and delivered you're gonna just love to see what god did in the nation of guatemala i'm gonna be right back to pray with you after this these are the highlights of the guatemala campaign i want you to turn with your bibles to the gospel of matthew de mateo the gospel of matthew de mateo chapter 16 yes he says this is what the word of god declares the bible says when jesus came to the region of caesar philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that i am so they said some say john the baptist some elijah and others jeremiah are one of the prophets but jesus said to them who do you say that i am. simon peter answered and said you are the christ the son jesus answered and said to him blessed are you simon barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven and i also say to you peter that upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it is and i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose upon the earth it shall be loosed in heaven i want to ask you the question [Music] where the words of jesus are coming to pass i belong to jesus christ hallelujah [Music] needs to hear the gospel of jesus christ jesus is the only hope for guatemala jesus is the only hope [Applause] is you may be sick [Music] you may [Applause] the bible says that you have an inheritance an inheritance is given to sons and daughters it comes through the bloodline your father gives the son and the daughter inheritance can i tell you your inheritance tonight your inheritance is joined your inheritance is the steal your peace is [Applause] who do you say that i am if you die tonight he will show the god but you may know the holy spirit in your life tonight you're gonna answer that question if you are far from him if there is sin in your life if you are living for this world then tonight you're going to run to this altar if you are bound by addictions in your life that will bring blessing to your home it will bring peace to your children can i tell you if you're sick tonight is jesus are you ready to stand before him what a mighty god we serve you don't want to miss part two of our gospel campaign in the nation of guatemala right now i'm going to take you into a video that will show you some of the experiences that many of our prayer teams have as they join us on these gospel campaigns many come from churches from all over the world they get to lay hands on the sick and see god use them in a mighty way you're going to be just so blessed that you see the testimonies of god working through every single one of these precious people i'm going to be right back to pray with you and believe your miracle watch this people of guatemala would like to greet you in the name of the lord and savior jesus christ i believe over the next two nights god will pour out his spirit in this place i was like we're going on the next one i want to see god move and i want to be used with whatever he wants to use me for and i plan to see the multitudes get saved because that's what this is about and touch their lives and let them see what god is doing and reach the heart of these beautiful people in guatemala the bible says when jesus came to this earth that he might die that he may pay for your sins my question all of heaven rejoices when just one person comes to know jesus so i can't imagine what it's like in heaven to see as many souls came to know jesus tonight father in the name of jesus let the holy spirit fall right now every disease every bondage and when i laid hands on her feet you could feel them moving and shaking nathan this is andrea she was unable to walk the team so when i prayed for her it felt personal the faith when i would ask them do you believe god could heal you it was 100 percent yes [Music] with his heart for 10 years it even affected his speech he couldn't speak properly [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] upon the a praise [Applause] generations [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] we left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] a thousand generations [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is i want to welcome you back to the studio i'm here to pray with you and believe your miracle today before we do that i want to just go and read from the word of god it's taken from revelation chapter 3 and verse 20. and these are the words of jesus and he says this behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and dine with him and he with me i just i really felt that scripture on my heart for someone that's watching this right now you see notice that there's a condition that jesus asked he said i'm already standing here you see jesus has already paid the price he died on the cross he shed his blood he rose from the dead and he says now i stand at the door of your heart and i'm knocking i'm calling to you but notice what the scripture says he said but you must open the door and so many times in our lives we listen to the lies of the enemy we listen to our own guilt and our own shame and we say we could never open the door because we're not worthy my friend jesus is calling to you all you have to do is open the door of your heart and said jesus i accept your grace and your mercy i accept what you did on the cross of calvary i'm speaking to people right now that you're running from what you know is the truth you're broken inside and you've closed the door not only to the lord but to those around you you've put up walls of defense against the pain and the hurt that you felt but i want to say that jesus he is the answer for your soul for your life he'll bring peace and joy and he's standing right at the door of your life he's knocking he's calling to you all you have to do is simply say yes lord i receive what you're going to give to me he said i will come into your life and dine with you and you will dine with me the bible says that jesus is the bread of life he's the living water whatever you're hungering for right now [Music] whatever you think you're thirsting for i've tasted of the world i've tasted of what the world says is good and it left me emptier and hungrier than ever before for the true meaning of life but when i tasted of jesus he is the only thing that will satisfy wherever you're watching this right now i want you to open the door of your heart the bible says if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that jesus will be faithful to save you right now wherever you're watching this put whatever you're doing just stop for a moment and i want you to open the door of your heart say this after me say lord jesus come into my heart i open the door to you forgive me wash me cleanse me make me whole today i give you my life i will serve you all the days of my life in jesus mighty name if you prayed that prayer i want you to write to me the address is on the screen right now i want to hear what god is doing in your life what a mighty god we serve right now i'm going to pray quickly for those that have sent prayer requests from all over the world right now if you need healing in your body i want you to play your hand wherever you have pain whatever whatever your need is i want you to make your request known right now out loud you may think more people are good if they're going to think i'm crazy who cares it's time to call on the name of the lord i want to pray right now holy spirit i welcome you here i welcome you to fill every home every life that is watching this right now father i speak healing and deliverance i speak peace i speak joy father i speak provision over your people in this time of unrest and uncertainty father i speak the the living word into every place of death and darkness in jesus name lord i speak over lanka martin's who needs healing for a heart problem i command our heart to be made whole in jesus mighty name also over barbara barnett who needs healing from high blood pressure and heart problems also over laxmi gurung you need healing from tuberculosis tuberculosis and diabetes i rebuke that in jesus mighty name lord i speak healing in the name of jesus miracles to be outpoured right now in the hearts and lives of your people in jesus name i want to thank you for joining me today on desire of all nations we're out of time but i'll see you next time god bless you in jesus mighty name we want to thank the partners and friends of shake the nation's ministries for making this program possible we covet your prayers as we take the gospel to the nations of the world visit us at to learn more about upcoming events follow us on facebook at evangelistnathan or on instagram and youtube at shake the nations to enjoy more content that will inspire your faith we look forward to hearing from you
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 1,232
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Id: kyBNkTaUzS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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