Trying to Win My Own Viewer Tournament

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up to 72 players if you're in the chat and you want to join even if you don't want to join you could still join by clicking the link in the chat five four three two and one and it's a ten-minute tournaments it's actually two hour-long tournaments games are ten minutes no increments I'm playing foutch SL let's play a Sicilian what do I want to play good mix it up no I'll just stick with normal normal stuff time on of 96 open Sicilian there's no rating requirement for this tournament so you can be any rating you can be completely provisional it is rated so it will affect your leach s rating there's also no Burger King which is a new kind of element different from previous tournaments because previous tournaments allows irking and then it just encouraged lower quality chests okay so my p5 is a line and like at first it looks like a logical move some players will play this without knowing anything and those types of players usually just end up wasting time because I'll play a six and then the knight has to move back I will say there is a specific way white can kind of justify might be five but it's not that easy to figure out especially if you're not prepared and it seems like my opponent isn't so well prepared given he's already used two minutes but Bishop III okay so the main line after a bishop III a six would have been Bishop d6 with a piece AK but here let's play Knight f6 it's very possible play Queen c7 soon transposed back into me line hey kiyomi's and the chats welcome back heal me I would think most people watching are also playing but maybe I'm wrong maybe there's there's probably people that exists who are just watching and not playing f3 f3 seems a little bit committal I think I'll play Bishop b4 and it's a sub well the thing is way too big shrink this a little bit thanks for the sub chai re appreciate the support I'm gonna put the sub notification on the top the top right corner okay so guerre EO is watching and playing nice multitasking I'm multitasking - I'm playing and drinking Starbucks a3 think maybe I can just take and go for d5 very intuitive decision but this happens a lot in like these time on of structures where I mean White's pawn structure is a bit crippled f3 is a bit weakening for whites because if we trade on d5 then the bishops not defended so rook b1 so it does have an open file that try this to do this and make me sad so I mean Queen c7 looks normal like could take and play Bishop e6 but I don't think that's too much of a problem I mean I could also take then Queen takes oh let's do this it takes on c6 I might just take back with Queen because I'm the c3 and he for both targeted so before I started the strain I updated my like go-live notification to tell people how to join the church things but maybe not everyone got the notification you do have to be following me to get notified when I go live can I do this maybe I should Castle first you go castle King the safety first very soon I want to play e5 the one thing that White's has is a bishop pair but for now the bishops are tamed so white doves Castle let's go for anything better the e5 looks nice I'm trying to provoke Knight takes c6 so I can take back and just have a very nice Center if the light doesn't take on c6 where is it going b3 or e2 or f5 might end up playing d8 soon on lining with the Queen rook da there's Bishop d6 okay so I can't be careless so maybe just Bishop e6 and Bishop e6 looks normal Oh what's so link so a lot of people like just joining you can also just go leech s org go to play tournaments scroll down and you'll find the Eric Rosen arena it's a long way to do it so I really can't complain about this position my pieces are happy rooks are ready to come in it is a little bit annoying I can't play Rupp d8 because of Bishop e6 like probably one rook will come to see aids so Bishop c5 doing things it's what they work on Yates am i throwing b5 nevermind Queen e7 and Queen d7 the Queen c7 I want to leave the d7 square open for the night and then maybe kick away the bishop and then maybe someday play dirty aids I'm also attacking a3 a guy might just be greedy okay he's stopping me so there are a few choices here I could take on e4 I could play Knight d7 I could play rook c8 and I'll start with rook c8 cuz I want to give white options like 97 it's obvious that he should move back but rook c8 make him think some more gain some more time leaving the tension is always nice I don't think it ever benefits White's to take because when I take back and my knight is happy so see what happens envisioning some eventual tactic 97 takes b6 vertex b6 and Queen c5 check ok I'm expecting Bishop e3 but maybe white will be careless I would like to see Knight f5 because I take take and Queen c5 in the end so Bishop e3 maybe Knight c5 there's f2 okay you'll still play Knight c5 just applying pressure the Knights has good access to a bunch of white targets if the bishop ever takes my queen is happy to come in and win the c3 pawn and the move that I someday wanted to accomplish is it's coming soon this rook d8 but this move I forgot about I just plunder upon maybe we're just trading I mean I should have seen this is gonna be annoying Oh Knight f5 first Wow yeah my position is actually looking very shaky Queen our fates only move I'm not seeing a follow-up though I'm thinking white should have gone for this just when the pond get rid of the bishop wait did I put it in Zen mode what just happened when did that happen I pressed a Z was it like that the whole time how that happened I have to go back huh I even know this okay so rookie ones a good sign that I'm not getting crushed instantly I could take on a four and be super greedy but I feel like I should defend the bishop that's what their work here I must have press D on the keyboard but maybe I activated it some other way no idea yeah why not coming out six my Queens tied down to the Fang my knight so I faith is not the happiest square but it does its job and a force still attached now I'm probably threatening to take it even like could hop around if a five I could be greedy I have some idea of Bishop c4 too so I think whiteness is a chance like how this one chance for Bishop takes h7 but did not seize the opportunity okay but Queen g5 still maybe scary so take sticks I think I'm just gonna simplify there might be better options but this looks very solid not sure what white is thinking about now I'm attacking the bishop or attacking the Knights with the bishop I'm attacking the pawn if Queen g5 no Queen g5 maybe f6 actually f6 looks very nice mine a chick's doesn't hurt me and if Queen G 4 I have g6 this line I could take on d3 why takes on b7 hmm I really don't want to lose the b7 pawn maybe Queen e7 queen can breathe I'm up a lot of tying and I'm winning upon okay things are looking better this is a square for whites maybe Bishop f5 some x-ray vision this is also a square let's play Queen d7 I think there's some nice coordination like the Queen the bishop the rook they're all talking to each other I'll move the bishop back rook d2 coming maybe this coming - hey it's bits from coward pawn thanks covered pawn so white wants to win b7 I want to win the king I'm trying to find accurate moves 32 takes Queen d5 the Queen d5 immediately there's also night a five-way truck D - I'm just winning the rook I forgot this is a discovery now I can take if rook takes probably Rupp t1 otherwise now I'm up the exchange you need to show some technique rook be sixes of threats so maybe he wrecked the eights I'll be very happy to trade rooks okay let's be solid some guys with emotes don't play f6 but sometimes you have to disappoint and fine gold part of life let's play this and now this is a pretty explosive square for the Knights rook d2 maybe a five a five will trot the bishop ooh there goes my pawn let's go back that's sad I'm missing my a pond had some like emotional attachment to that pawn 93 looks nice so because g2 is hard to the fence and I'll snatch it New York c2 and the plan is this this and meet it's kind of a race like why wants to Queen I want to meet I think I'm winning the race so there's only thing that can defend the pawn is a rook and then I win this pawn and then I'll still mate eventually if I don't may it a flag and life is good okay interesting game there's one point I don't know what was this move Oh II takes d5 I think I got a little bit careless I should have been aware but light should have taken on h7 would have been a lot scarier okay back to tournaments if you're just joining there's a viewer tournament you can type exclamation point join then the chat if you want to play if you don't want to play you can watch I have two points it's for people with four points this is a no buzzer keying tournaments this is also a rated tournament could I play the Italian if I'm whites and my opponent plays 'if I've just for you so we're 20 minutes in the thing about ten minutes just seems can take up to 20 minutes so trying to do the math three games and power I mean theoretically I could only play six games this tournament I'll play e4 and we're gonna see an Italian getting ready for it us assume Yoon okay so I'll play Knight c3 Sicilian and while playing can you explain every threat and long-term plan that's what I try and do anyway sometimes I forget but okay we have a what do we call this grand prix it's some sort of ROFL emo type thing this is a move - six is questionable because I can take immediately and play e5 I'm gonna try and punish black I might be overly aggressive but this looks very attractive because the knight has to move I this dream last night where I was showing examples of when to push the pawn when not to push the pawn when the pawn can be a weakness when it's a strength looks like more of the strength in this position I think I'll play Queen e2 Queen e2 is useful preventing Bishop a6 I'm not scared of 9.4 cuz I have Queenie 4 I'm also trying to discourage d6 some of takes those are a pin on the the e-file and I'm also supporting the pawn so moves like this this and this upon will already be somewhat defended now I think long term just because aunt Divi was asking movie 6 u6 is a little bit weakening usually black should play d6 well now if I do this there's not enough for so I think I'll start with this I was going to say long-term I want to do this and this and this and then this and this and then this and then like eventually we'll get some Sun up later this Bishop has a very hard time entering the game like even if it goes to a 6 especially if I get in pawn see for the bishops just dead and c4 it will kick the night away I play these types of positions before and it can sometimes be hard for black to find active play so a5 is interesting he wants to play Bishop a6 I guess I'll play 94 c5 is potential long-term weakness here ugh 1 - welcome back wait kramnik quits what does that even mean like he quit chess I know he had a disappointing tournament but what are the details I have not been following chest news maybe retire it is probably more properly quit but okay maybe after turn there like that you can can use the word quit c4 c4 let's do it I do not read the chest newspaper so I don't think the chest newspaper exists what is this the free nights as he climbs earlier I was I was the one blind because I was playing blindfold chess and it was difficult and now I sympathize with blind people maybe it was just to get a pawn in the center rather than the Knights I kind of want to do this even though it feels wrong let's do this eventually I want to attack on the Kings side um Bishop here looks nice it's always nice when you can align your bishop with your opponent's Queen just kind of the positional rule she allowing your bishop with your pawns queen king or rook any piece that's of higher value I think now Oh Castle I'm sorry and I bothers blocking links I don't know how to change it so I could take I could play my h5 rookie one looks natural play rookie one because this is a pretty big focal points trying to figure out how to best attack maybe this this and this in sack apiece yeah I got most of my chest news from the chest subreddit which maybe isn't the best place for news but there's I mean I basically see anything that's trending from there so blog wants to play rook beam and win be to take stakes I mean we could trade I have 95 tray them play 95 immediately but then there's f6 probably a position I should not overthink there's one line I'm kind of liking Knight g5 h6 I'm seeing a very nice trap which I think I'll go for oh but he takes on g5 I can't take first so there it takes on g5 takes takes that's not good okay I'm gonna play Queen d2 I'm getting off the diagonal of the bishop if recopied I play rook e1 I'm kind of just going with my original idea I still might want to play Knight h5 in Bishop h6 as it looks reasonable I would think Kramnik will come out of retirement at some points like Kasparov retired but then he he came out to play some exhibitions and st. Louis chess club events okay so take stakes now let's play 9 h5 now I think Bishop h6 is actually a real threats because a pawn is pinned to the rook and if it takes and I get my queen in and just meets the one thing I did hear that was related to Tata Steel was the story of Sam Shanklin going through customs and the customs agent I assume this is true the customs agent said something like okay you're allowed back in the country but don't don't resign in a drawn position ever again there's something like that which is a reasonable kind of statement as a customs agent so you don't want people allowed in your country who sign in lost position or resign in drawing positions what wait no no I didn't want to play the ship g3 what was that I've click-click turned on so it's annoying sometimes but my opponents so generous not even taking the free nights the night was semi free I would get a little bit of compensation but now now I just have overwhelming compensation I'm not losing material I guess I am losing the pawn block wants to take and then take here but then it's just made into so this is a very nice position man whatever PD has ten points already to start winning more games more quickly okay I'll take ya this is going to be a nice feast of pawns looking for some quick meets I have rook takes East six but I don't think that leads to much okay so I'm going for this take on f7 take on e6 take on d5 probably 594 there's some ideas of this so I'm up a piece yeah this is good enough if King here I fork if King here I win the pawn with check if King here everything's winning he can be vive ok I mean Rick being one looks nice he plays 83 this is really not a position to overthink maybe night here forking the Queen in the pond and I would like to just keep winning stuff while attacking the king and just keep initiative and eventually mates mm-hmm let's take care are we will see King before King before where's the mates King a five I'll take here just want to take here next we're playing this this is a fork and a discovery attack on the Queen it's hard to follow the chats sometimes ooh this is a massive attack I'm attacking literally all of the major pieces what the fork Knights yeah resignation was the best response to that and move okay so I'm in sixth place whatever PD is crushing it oh but he drew a game so lost the streak all right playing chess nope chess good luck play e5 someone wanted an Italian earlier so maybe I'll play an Italian from the block side you said French please a little bit too late sorry about that I would have played the French you said it earlier so I have I still have time to come back hour and 27 minutes left in the tournament my opponents playing very slowly - three okay so not quite an Italian and have a four Knights there's a few main moves for whites this is one of them for Knights Scotch playing mainline and Bishop e4 is a typical move this is an opening I've played since childhood for both sides ax villager you did hear correctly but ax villager do you play for Knights scotch or do you play mainline scotch f3 so I've three I'm very tempted to take and then play Queen h4 I does it work maybe it works I mean there's taking on c6 when I take on c3 takes takes takes takes I'm up a pawn if take c4 takes you for Queen h4 or King e2p nitu can be the problem actually I mean I could take on c3 yeah I actually don't see a solution after Keaney too which is a bit unfortunate it looks good but I've been in these situations before where I go too crazy and then I'm down the piece so let's be a little bit more civilized what to play I'll play this maybe a d5 looks very thematic because I'm ready to castle in one move I want to open up the center putting a media pressure on e4 why can't play e5 because I take if Knight takes takes and e5 probably have 27 if this should be 5 I probably just Castle and then in some cases sack upon 4 initiative yeah never fly off three never play off three in the Scotch usually not a good move to play in the scotch there is a Queen h4 variation in the Scotch but it's only in mainline scotch I don't think I can play them it's four nights okay so yeah I'll castle so why could take twice on c6 you have takes takes takes I am gambling gambling a pawn maybe this g4 okay so he's going for this so if Knight takes I can take your first and then Queen d6 and then I have a double threats of taking e4 and also taking the Knights I mean the knight has to move I think maybe there's this move actually this is interesting so if Knight takes there's Queen takes if I take there's a fork but I mean if white takes here I have rook e8 and the King is pretty naked and then I can take on d5 and if night retreats and I take on e4 or maybe even consider Bishop a6 so I'm liking the condensation ax villager I have played Queen h4 again Scotch it's dubious but it's a great opening against like anyone below anyone below 1500 won't know what to play against its and like White has to understand some difficult moves or at least some slightly unusual moves to get a good position after I pushed my D pawn could you have done the knight sac that I previously mentioned Oh after it Bishop g4 or after Bishop e5 it would have given me a headache it's a flank Knight takes e4 here just because White has options like like good throwing this or this or take first and there's just so many things to calculate but like I just saw castling it's was way more intuitive the wayward Queen variation is e4 e5 Queen h5 I believe but maybe it's similar okay so this is a move if I take we trade Queens I could play this preventing light from castling and threatening this and also threatening this looks good very multi-purpose and this is a big threat and like it's a triple fork and if white has to defend then not take your next and the king will just be stuck yeah when I said v like below 1500 I was probably referring to us rating and not online rating let's take c3 is gonna fall I mean Y could take and a counter-attack but my king is just much much safer in all of these variations like such a such a nice shelter okay so white has essentially two moves pawn takes or Queen takes take cure so there's King f2 that's still a little bit complicated maybe I have Bishop e6 which is a move I do not see ahead of time that this might just be very simple let's imagine King off to Bishop u6 Queen maybe there's Bishop d2 but then I take and I'll be able to exchange and then because ticks I can take on each one okay I think life is good yeah do other countries have ratings systems because the u.s. just has like us raining this position I'm just up a full rook trying to think of countries with their own rating system I know Canada that has their own rating system but I would think most other countries just use feed a like everywhere in Europe just has feed a Australia has their own rating system I actually haven't Australian blitz rating and a regular rating too but like the first Australian blitz term and I played and I did really well in my blitz ratings high 2500 so I think which rook let's move this rook there's to open files so presumably my other accounts to be on the B file I guess Queen c2 my queen is stuck but that I have Bishop d3 yeah I mean blacks upper rook nice time advantage so relatively smooth starts in just over 40 minutes in toilet noggin finally joining been waiting for the toilets to arrive yeah let's do this I remember now I hit g6 after queen h5 yeah you deserve physical punishment for doing that especially if it's something that you've learned it before or been taught before okay so my pieces are coming to life yeah I would like to deflect the Queen away from defending a2 or defending c3 so actually the only save square is Queen a3 but then maybe I do this it's a battery I also do this in this this looks nice there is Bishop g5 and things get a little bit weird there's some line Bishop g5 I take white takes and then I mates on anyone it could happen it could pre move this oh I shouldn't pretty move that because there's a Bishop b2 potentially there's also Queen e7 but then I take on e2 and play rook a fades King g3 being patient well I'm still stuck because the bishops defended let's play h5 I mean we're both kind of stuck Queen stuck but everything is stuck like defending each other so eventually white will run out of moves or more likely run out of time okay so Queenie seven decent move by Brooke here so if rook F eighth or would maybe be this should be maybe annoying now both pawns are undefended but White's gonna flag let's take the bishop okay good game yeah that's why you should never play off three man Eugene all 16 points double my score it's impressive with no buzzer King but I guess it's just a matter of winning quickly yeah I got rid of the berserk you'll because I'm trying to encourage higher quality chess and not just trying to flag people or like play super aggressively and plate quickly okay so the fifth place bunch of people still have in me there's a hundred fifty eight players I forget what the last pure tournament had I don't think we broke in two hundred that yet so there's people watching that haven't joined yet you should join it and play at least one game and then leave just to get the number up whoosh yes I can I think I can check me with knight in Bishop even against stockfish okay hey I'm playing I'm playing are Beasley student of mine good luck are Beasley what do I play no his strengths and weaknesses okay let's play this someone wanted an Italian earlier so I'll play an Italian Bishop c4 and I think I'll just play I know there's a few ways to play the Italian there's an aggressive way and then like a quiet way I'm a bit inclined to play the aggressive way yeah let's some let's test him I was watching John Bartholomew extreme earlier and he played exactly this way it's very tricky if black doesn't know what to do because there's some very forcing lines and this was one of the very first openings my coach taught me back when I was 8 years old we kept a notebook of my my chess openings in starting with 93 this is really just the beginning of all the fun in white sacrificing a pawn this is called the molar attack and actually why could be sacrificing two pawns if that wants to take on c3 but essentially white is prioritizing development piece activity to get some initiative later you have white or if black takes with either piece okay if my takes it's funny John Bartholomew had this exact position about what was it about ten hours ago but John's opponent played Bishop e7 which is probably the better move Bishop takes c3 this is still my opening preparation from when I was eight years old this is one of my the very first things my my teacher taught me so I I'm sacking two pawns I'm also now sacking a rook if he wants to take it but I do have some attack and some pawn and the bishop and I think there is a moment I don't when I was like 10 or 11 years old I played some like National scholastic championship and got this position and had like an 18 move game where it was just all preparation the game ended with some kind of neat that I had studied like previously so it'll be interesting to see if this game goes down in the same line I don't want to say too much though leave some of the position of her mystery so he's okay he's tossing me taking the rook so the point is that I don't care about my rook I don't care about my pawns I care about winning the king and the move to play is Bishop g5 which just about wraps a queen black only has one way to save it which is 97 whoa that's a move I have I seen the smooth before I don't think I've seen this move before now I have to think because usually Bach plays 97 and like 97 was still this like mean lion which I had many years ago but okay Knight takes d4 so I could take but that allows Queen takes and I'm down a lot of material I could just play Queen a3 that's probably simplest and then when the Queen Queen a3 yeah this is good enough sadly for black there's no move to defend both of these if Queen e7i just meets fd6 I take and then they'll all be up somes for the material he can't capture the knight because he's in check oh maybe you're were you asking why I can't catch for the Knights if I were to capture this Knight then my bishop would be undefended okay so I'll win the Queen and this Bishop is still attached so we're probably getting some position where all of a queen for rook Bishop and a couple pawns but black will just be hundred develops so it could still be a fight and do I take the bishop probably oh there's also 95 or Knight g5 so much fun 9 g5 9 g5 king g6 let's do it if King g6 I can then take the bishop of King takes I have 27 and this might combined with the Queen will be a good attacking combination hey it's Jill Collins welcome to the live stream every stream there's some some new people feel free to say hi in the chats okay now I'm like I don't know if I even want to take the bishop I just want to go after the king could do this maybe play like queen here I'd like to be a little more subtle Queeny seven or calf eights maybe queen c5 I'll just take I am allowing a fork but I'm allowing it intentionally yeah this is uh this will be nice I guess black has d5 but I just want to see King h8 King h8 would be nice then there's some smothered meats but whatever happens I mean this is already pretty winning but smothered mate would be some nice icing on the cake okay so now I'm attacking h7 I'm some sort of mini pawn pork Patrick James he is back what were you before you became a people what does that even mean okay now I have another fork the forks are unstoppable I guess there's rook d7 sadly were we're not seeing smothered means yeah a tough game this is a game I mean can't play in my opponents just walking into opening preparation I could just show the completion of the line like the main line if black plays 97 there's ninety five curious how many people have this in me chess yeah over 100 the idea with 95 is nice like opening up Queen f3 so Bishop takes T for Queen or maybe Bishop g6 first yeah then g5 and then Queen f3 and this is just completely crushing so yeah it's a dangerous line the move to play is Bishop takes c3 and then there's some complications like I would play d5 and then black should save the bishop I would play rook e1 black should save this Knights and this is essentially the main line where black is up upon but it continues for several more moves and I could probably spend like a good half hour just showing this like this opening theory but okay let's go back to tournaments very nostalgic game 4th place and Eugene all unstoppable so far but I am making some headway trying to break into the top three yeah it's hard to play on instinct when you're in some like very well-known theory that requires some counterintuitive moves are some very like deep understanding but ok that's how you kind of learn over time so I'm playing useless player sounds like a username with not the highest self esteem what do I want to play I forgot to play a French so I'm playing a 6 ok I'm maybe will transpose into some French who knows no we're having a time on earth so this is a second time on earth of the tournament's personally it's one of my favourite openings for black NC 4 it's been mine in my like main tournament repertoire for many years and it's flexible I usually do this in this I was explaining this yesterday and my bishop decides where it wants to go sometimes I'll play b5 so we'll see what happens actually I think both my black games so far have gone down similar type of lines where my opponent plays the early f3 I have my Bishop on before and I played d5 so maybe we'll see it again in this game ok this is one of the the main lines see f3 and there's actually some very sharp theory emerging from this line as far as I know 95s I mean move I know d5 looks attractive there's some reason why g5 shouldn't be played but I forgot why 95 there's some goal of 94 I'm also unleashing the Queen if a 3 then I take and then go for d5 I mean I could draw arrows over every square of the board but that would be kind of obnoxious so King B 1 usually white plays Knight B 3 can be won maybe now d5 let's play d5 now I forgot all the nuances I know 93 is usually played to like discouraged Knights or discouraged pawn to e5 now okay now 93 interesting so I could take on c3 I could take on you for two there's some weird tactic like take on e4 and Knight b5 could actually be unpleasant so I could castle you things get a little bit complex takes takes calculating taking on c3 and then taking on e4 and then castling I take on c3 of them play Knight c4 that actually looks reasonable Knight c4 [Music] just trying to make sure there's no tactics along the D file buddy it's covered and I just want to get some structure I understand white has to concede that the disrepair expecting bishop takes c4 if the Queen moves I'd probably just take on III and then whenever I get the chance I want to Castle and be happy oh so we have another person watching mine for the first time yeah there's a whole different dynamic between twitch and YouTube and again going back to watching John Bartholomew earlier he had a really good quote explaining the difference between twitch and YouTube he was saying like Castle here I think at Castle he was saying that when he does content for YouTube it feels like recording a lecture when he does content for twitch it's like delivering a lecture so it's a whole different dynamic okay so white wants to attack me I want to attack the King it's actually relatively safe I could bring the knight and like bring the Knight to a4 and put the Queen on b2 it takes some time but I mean that's what time is for just matter of getting pieces to better squares 90 the night being on a four it would be a very nice square I don't know what these pawns are doing seems like White's attack should be a little bit slower I mean all it takes is one two three more moves and already after a night a four I'll be threatening made into I'm imagining including rook deeds can maybe be a move start with nine a four because C 3 is also targets on my plate we nee 5 and go after a c3 you don't think pieces move that way well they do move that way it just sometimes takes more than one move so the Queen a5 I'm attacking c3 how those white defenders 92 or Bishop t2 but then b5 play b5 immediately I'll do this first I think the eventual plan is like b5 rook b8 b4 and be happy always afraid of castling kingside in the Sicilian I assume from blacks perspective I mean sometimes it depends I think if for some reason I have a pawn on h6 orgy 6 then White's pawn storm would be much more terrifying because white could force files to open but when all my pawns are back it's very hard for white so actually open up lines to get to the king it's like even with the pawns here they're not really doing much usually white needs some kind of hook to open the position so b5 erupted units or Bishop d7 you know play b5 it's going to be hard to get in b4 as a bishop in pawn form a battery but b5 solidifies things so rook the it runs on tonight c6 so probably the Queen should go back to c7 and I think what I want to do is play Bishop d7 a 5 B 4 that way the bishop sports the Knights I could be sacking upon but then I'll open the a file Marvel Thor saying hello question mark hello they said this would be seven Queen e7u maybe now rook e8 I mean this is an open file I might actually be threatening me five here does it's a skewer or a pin I think the Chad is quieter than normal because everyone's playing the tournament they're focused on their own games f6 looks good always playoff six and Bishop has to retreat whoa treating all the way so iffy five nine five five takes takes rook d7 I don't know I want to make something work I think I might go for a queen trade because I'm liking the the queenless middlegame whereas III becomes more of the targets then I don't have to worry about any of whites attack I can focus on D file play I think White has to trade Queens 2 because there's nowhere for the Queen to hide wow there's lots of new viewers welcome to the new yearís toy wagon is one for five or is it one in five if only there were ways to this track toilet noggin to make up for all the times he distracts me can i play a five a five looks actually it looks bad I mean I could take on the c3 that looks good tactics have to make a new rule that every time you unleash a tactic you have to say tactics that would be a bogus rule whoa what is this counter tactics but I can take I think these tactics are favouring me if truck takes me five I take and then take life is good it's taking me longer than normal to drink my chai latte because I ordered the the latte first of all the the barista was having a hard time understanding me but I said chai latte and then she asked he wants Syrah which no barista has asked me because usually it just comes with serif by default so man I was confused like was she asking if I want extra syrup so I said a little bit so I wanted to be cautious okay good game and now now I have a chai latte which is just a little bit sweet but much less sweeter than normal it's mostly they're just like chai what chai tea and milk basically with no sweetness I wanted to dessert but there's no dessert button let's play ghee for so it's taking me a little bit longer and then she asked for my name and I said Eric and she gave me a very confused look I've run into a lot of people did I play here let's play f4 and be aggressive a lot of people have a hard time pronouncing the arse so and like they cannot pronounce the arse as owls so I said Eric and she wrote down let me show this me play g3 she wrote down this she wrote down Alex which was kind of funny because when I was like 5 years old I had a hard time saying my name and instead of saying Eric because I had a hard time announcing my arse I also like I said something that resembled Alex like Alec it's something like that and they also don't like a lot of people don't pronounce asses here they all ask for ice and stuff and they'll say I slowly learning the accent okay so we have doesn't even really paying attention to what's going on in this position we have a closed Sicilian but I want to play aggressively so I think I'll go for like the standard development and then if I'm given the chance I just want to play f5 I'll castle first I'm holding off on playing d3 because I don't I might want to play d4 at some points but now it's probably time to make up my mind that's why d3 probably a five coming next act hasn't touched anything on the kingside so I'd like to open things up on the kingside f5 right away it looks nice I do this for a few reasons one reason I would like access to d5 I would like my rook to be happier I might want to play Bishop h3 like there's some threaded like taking my g5 Bishop h3 and if a pawn lands on e6 like if we trade on e6 and a pawn stays here and then it's a big target where do I live at the moments I mean for the moment I'm pretty nomadic it takes takes 92 then II five so maybe I take care of first mmm-hmm so Bishop h3 or 9595 there's 97 queenie - i have 96 threats I'd be very happy if Bishop takes d5 because then I just keep initiative and the e-file opens and I think black is suffering because like the I mean the kingside pieces are not in the game the King still in the center think a little too much time was used to push the Queen side pawns instead of finding safety for the King and now it's a matter of actually using these these nice open files probably expecting like c7 so Knight g5 looks pretty direct defending attacking also threatening this and this ripple probably wants to say on f1 the other rook would love to come to you one at some points there's it's only a few ways black can defend the pawn 96 is one way and then I play this if this and this if this and me still this or this or even queen h5 okay so things are good and Joanna's in the chats welcome back Joanna good to see you night h6 okay so Bishop h3 Queen D eights Queen f3 let's do it I mean I would like to provoke at 6:00 or Queenie 7 I mean Queenie sevens just winning immediately what's my least played opening probably Greenfeld almost never go into anything Greenfeld really even a 5 I forgot about its I would like to offer us off with my Knights but that's not legal Queen h5 there's g6 good take that doesn't really lead to anything so maybe 96 first but what's the threat I need six Knight takes d5 Bishop takes h6 that looks good enough I just want to get a pawn to e6 I also want to unleash this bishop I have some threat of taking and then queen h5 there's 211 players nice good turnouts I don't think I'm gonna win this tournament Eugene Hall is just running away with it 24 points hard to keep up with wait if reading an earlier comment from Getty Getty you would have a hard time pronouncing our it's a capital R with like a squiggly line over it no idea what that means so it was my plan just to take on each six and probably to take on f5 hmm it takes I have I've rook e1 and the 96 does a great job at preventing black from castling so if I want to make any sort of running for first place I have to start winning games more quickly which means I have to be playing more quickly let's take on that 593 looks like a fork Knights but I can do this counter-attack there's only two legal moves for black there's this or this if Keeney seven maybe just rook e1 takes and like Queen h4 I mean okay I'm also having ideas of this move too at some points and it's a winning position it's just a matter of converting and the quickest way possible so Queen f7 I'm looking for meeting ideas so Keaney 7:00 check and sorry with check again two legal moves I'll probably just bring the other rook in like I have all of my pieces doing amazing work this is this is teamwork right here if Knight takes f1 I have a double discovery oh this is also mates that's not nice mates okay back to tournaments second place oh I'm one went away I forgot I can go up by increments of four when it was 16 to 24 it felt like a far away's away but damn a bit closer why not 97 Queen h5 was faster are there any good free chess books look untestable there's a lot of free content on chasuble I believe just go chasuble calm I need to get around to making something for chasuble I'm recommending it to everyone but I need to eat something of my own sipping on the site znation chess you're back again okay so we're playing a budapest because I feel like it's and yeah for those complaining about the tournament format yesterday's stream I basically let the viewers decide how the tournament would be or did I flip the coin I may have just flipped a coin determining for rated or unrated so I go back and watch but the Titan control was determined by the viewers ten minute was the most popular request is this live not AGM no this is this is in the past this is way far away in the past at least for the people watching on YouTube let's castle if you're watching on twitch it's probably in the present unless you're watching them the replay which then would make this also in the past if you're watching from the future congratulations wait I'm just confusing myself let's play d6 so we have some Budapest declines I want to play f5 at some points I played this move usually don't see this trap but I think I'm just winning a pawn here Canadian historian with a sub thanks Canadian historian I'm going to Canada for the first time in my life but I don't think it counts I'll be going there for a few hours because I have a layover in Toronto I'll need Tamika make a longer trip to Canada oh this is very nice like sometimes my g4 is played to just prepare f5 but in this case I mean f2 can't sufficiently be defended Bishop e3 is probably the best move I'll take with Knights want to keep my dark squared Bishop toilet noggin is leaving adios I thought watching me was work though maybe there's other types of work do I have any long-term chess schools most of my chest schools are related to teaching and just producing online content and not necessarily playing I would like to improve at least my rapid blitz and bullets because I feel like that's the direction chess is heading there is gonna be more competitive like online events and even if my classical play is subpar maybe I can roll with higher level players and faster time controls but no I'm not going for the genome title if you want to learn more about me there should be a bio commands if you type an exclamation point bio in the chats it should take you to my websites so I played a 5-2 stop before also to preserve the bishop in case of this I always thought this with a 7 and now it's time for f5 oh there's no bio command that's so sad wait I might be able to add it was it add a commands I don't know if this is gonna work I think that worked though but I don't think it's gonna be a link oh it's not a link I messed it up I googled earlier how to like changed nightbot commands my play here could play a four I'll play a four because I'm fixing white spawns and I want to control the be three square because there might be some long-term ideas bringing the Knight to b3 okay let me try this one more time I'm slash by the way now I have to use like commands edits did that work I think that works I think now it's actual an actual link and better have words but there's some like downtime where if you just expand it then it stops working so don't spam it bishop g6 okay so this bishop actually both bishops are just so happy like they're controlling so many squares in White's territory that's the power of the bishop pair how to join the tournament use the joint command that's a command that should be working takes I want to just sack but probably doesn't work wants to play h5 I'll play Queen f6 attacking also having some ideas of this some invasion I've answered this already why no beserk option so I want to encourage higher quality chess buzzer King is I don't know I wanted to create a fair playing field for everyone if I enabled buzzer King then I would be more inclined to beserk and then I wanted to keep the game's more instructive while keeping things competitive but if people really want the zurka I'll add it back for future tournaments and why no increments I could've added increment again I let people decide what the time control would be and 10 plus 0 at least about 12 hours ago 12 hours ago 24 hours ago wait I can take the nights and that wins upon okay I think what I'll do I'll play Queen out for first than 92 I'm gonna for 92 if I take maybe I can take and take on a three in the end let's do that I have to worry about this a little bit and taking on a three looks so fun I guess I'll take here there's a Bishop d3 so maybe h6 I'm so conflicted right now from the page six I probably just have to play normally like 97 and rook a f8 Budapest reversed London not really because it's a keen sides Bishop developing not the Queen side bishop okay the structure may be sort of comparable to that'll work f2 looks nice and then again like this whenever you have a pollen chain with the bishop right outside the pawn chain it's a very harmonious way to develop okay so all complete developments maybe my knight will find its promised land on b3 or maybe I'll go after the Jeep on the bishop wants to be on d4 there is might be five ideas yes I'll drop the bishop back it's just a solid position like everything's covered I'll bring the rook to fates eventually these pawns should fall I think I played chess Network many times mostly in bullets I forget our exact score we've definitely gone back and forth I can't recall playing in in a longer time control okay let's play with two that's a good sign put the knight on c5 and the bishop will come to a5 yeah Ruka fun I don't really want to trade this could be an interesting move let's trade I'll bring the king to a better place like it's hard to stop this King attacking both pawns maybe I'll play 94 interesting so takes King up since the bishop lands on f5 I have each five in the end that should be winning it is risky going into an opposite colored Bishop ending because there's these weird drawing chances but I think things are under control because I'll probably win I mean if I went either G pawn I'll have a passed pawn on the the Kings side and the Bishop f5 is this useful move h5 so Eugene all keeps winning which means I have to ramp up the speed the h5s very nice she can't take it and this is going to be a queen very soon it would be for a beer fork I would have on passant I think as we saw it in the game now there's this move white would love to on passant this way okay back to tournaments third-place man this guy has been playing so many more games than everyone else okay playing whatever PD I'm gonna be aggressive let's play don't want to play I'll play a Belgrade gambits it's a nice open I think Knight takes d5 is already a mistake it's like this is amazing for whites he wants to play Queen before which I can't really stop yeah let's play this should be to play Bishop e3 okay still a nice position I'm a little bit sad that Queens are traded but I mean white is still probably a little bit better just good space advantage I could still go for some attack the bishops have some scope his ideas of this and this let's start with h4 yeah I want to play Knight g5 there's some interesting trick if h6 I can do this yes I think this is very nice I think White's winning material actually because the rook has to move and then I take and when h6 and the bishops will flourish black could sack the exchange that's also nice or sack of bishop was very generous okay I'm getting my attack despite trading Queens pretty early attack is still here not seeing any immediate mate you don't throw in the smooth and then probably this take this neither passed pawn put them dish up here and now I'm just trying to win as quickly as possible yes you can still join the tournament there are just under 19 minutes left in the tournament if you want to join click the link in the chat or type in exclamation point join and then click the link in the chat okay this pawn is unstoppable I think and yet bishops are too strong okay you'd gain whatever PD I think he played a little bit too quickly worked out nicely so I'm tied for first still in second place Eugene all playing grabthar's hammer now I'm playing you 84 I'm gonna play a London Ivan played a London that never mind we're gonna play a pier it's or a modern I'll play the line with Bishop c4 and Queen e2 it's a nice variation and E 5 very aggressive way to play against the modern blurtin this opening about a month and a half ago 98 some move in white supposed to Castle six you don't place III I'm anticipating a French structure earlier like d5 will be played but should here I see five and then the D pawn will be supported ninety six so black staying flexible Bishop g5 is interesting I think I'll start with rook t1 just aligning the the rook with a queen so the D file opens my rook will be happy if d5 I moved back and the C point can advance okay so the shove g5 why nots if f6 I can take and win e6 so I think Queen d7 is forced which is a good sign but what to do maybe 92 and then 9 f1 okay so now we have a French structure or than why it wants to go to g4 yeah the night on g4 can be very nice in conjunction with the bishop because both pieces will control these nice squares I'm just trying to make a thumbnail so c5 let's start with this this is probably a decent threats as of night a excited fork and if Bishop takes I get rid of the best defender okay so I could take the knight and then play Knight f6 or Knight f6 right away and then they take Sam Bishop eight shades takes so now I have six takes takes Bishop h8 95 I mean that looks like such a great position and then g4 next let's do that and I'm not concerned if Bishop takes Sun the darks words will be much weaker and there's Bishop h6 here too I guess but also looks good for whites so the plan was to do this and then g4 coming next just so much initiative there's also some ideas of this like Knight g4 and take on that five in the night h6 mates so Knight g4 black probably has to play h5 then I can take take nine h6 King h7 then there's Knight takes f5 looks very close to working I mean but also g4 so 94 h5 takes I guess there is also block taking on g4 I mean g4 96 Queen f3 now before it takes takes Queen a for Queen B 5 c4 it looks nice and all these lines been looking for something concrete maybe we're not three immediately I'm gonna play coin off three immediately leaving the tension hopefully as a decent decision cuz if Bishop takes and I can I mean I could take him to a g4 or ninety seven okay it's all in the Knights oh do I win the night I forgot about that move oh I guess I'm not winning the Knights that's unfortunate do I have 97 Cal play keying each one that's not what I wanted I should have gone for 97 ah such a good position to mishandle that's just forgot about Queen g5 at least I still have some play like f4 g5 and Knight g4 and some idea I haven't sneezed in a while on stream probably allergic to making oversights like that f-for good playoff for right away why not okay so that's reasonable if g5 9f5 and let's take first so the lights a little bit stuck I still have activity extra puncture black doesn't mean too much but it will become a question how I make progress maybe some f5 move eventually this could be a long game though this game could go the rest of the tournament potentially imagine ting putting the Queen on each three okay that's a move the Queen age three with some idea of doing this this takes takes either rook belongs I'm gonna play rook here first and then put the other hook here and maybe lift over at some points I guess I'm a long queen before Queen before I'd probably play rook a d1 cuz the night needs some babysitter lights just kind of stuck which means the queen basically has to stay on e7 so I'd like to take advantage of this somehow g5 9f5 take C takes maybe you'll put the rook on e to can lead to some eventual tactics yeah the rook on e2 aligns with the Queen and also prepares some rookie 3 move not sure what else black can be considering here maybe Queen takes t4 but then I just take the knight f6 what a move I have 97 where are my moves I have this move too but then the Queen takes on d4 so 97 things are getting sharp let's play 97 attacking the rook I'll probably wanna pawn back somehow even though d4 is kind of hanging black probably doesn't have time to take it if work off seven I could take take take rook F it's queenie five solid in lobbyist positions and winding up with just a better bishop tax bishop aligned with my king but not too impressive yeah if i were to capture the knight right away black would take and the queen would be eating some pawns so okay I'm going for this sign 96 is a major weakness d4 it's defended some plan of just rookie to rookie one slide over yeah we're doing this slide can I take here takes takes King f8 okay let's do this first oh but then we're got7 I could play f5 f5 looks amazing because the pawn is pinned and he's both of these pawns now our targets Oh the pawn is actually pinned I was about to say in two directions but ok most importantly so the rook if black takes with Ag paw and the G file opens if work f7 probably Queen g5 now both pawns are pinned so I'm essentially forking the pawns with my own pawn so it's a it's a pawn fork or a fork pawn and there's three attackers on g6 only one defender I might just leave the tension like if rook g7 I might just play rook e1 Bishop such a key player I don't think I'm gonna win the tournament though there's four minutes left in the tournament so this will probably be the last game which counts rook g7 is played weights I forgot he unpinned himself I completely forgot black can take this way why did I do that it was unnecessary thankfully I'm attacking the rook which is tied down to the pawn I think it's so good for me but that wasn't necessary bouquet it's still good for whites I think assuming I'm not missing anything more because now I just gotta be something here where's my something takes takes Queen g5 rook g7 I could take on f5 Queen e8 doesn't work ok let's take first looking for and I could play over g1 looks good later up G one g1 or g7 Queenie eights it's hard to calculate under pressure let's play with g1 now I want to win the scheme of where the term it ends there's 2 minutes 10 seconds left in the tournament my opponent has admitted in 50 so I can't use more than 20 seconds of my time so if I get below 230 that's giving my opponent a chance to prolong the game so it doesn't count for the tournament okay positions so good do this yeah I didn't want that to happen we're gonna get some end game and do this first Oh interesting let's keep a pin each for I guess I just want to put the pawn in each six if King GA that can take on d5 I'm running low on time let's take that didn't really solve anything check check okay let's bring I can't bring the King in like that I'm down upon but I'm gonna win this one but I probably don't want to take it too early let's put the bishop more actively place yeah this games not counting for the tournaments sadly I'll finish in second still weights take stick sticks t3 we both queen it's complicated but what else do I do I guess I can do take stick sticks Queen Queen each Queenie tribes not possible I'm gonna go for this line I mean f1 yeah cuz if I can win h6 I'll be happy okay I'm happy and then it's a matter of defending ooh probably shouldn't have allowed that all right I shouldn't allow Queen trade in some cases yeah queen g6 I think is useful because I keep on ending is winning okay good game I was I mean I like my position at many different stages somehow I didn't get anything I probably should have taken that five sooner Queen e7 was a good move and then I came down to time yeah rookie one was careless though I should probably take on g6 or even a six for that matter if I take on e6 takes takes I don't have Queens Yates and then recap one is winning yeah not the best technique but a fun game that was a nice opening I like this this preparation with the early e5 a lot of the line hey it's bits cheering at the right time not trying to distract me during the game like some people thinks Hearts wise a mule 1000 bits what place did I finish in my finishing second finishing second congratulations Eugene all crushing everyone scoring 32 points even if I caught up and we were tied at 32 I think he'd still finish first because I think the tie break is whoever reaches the score first will finish higher so that was a good turnout over 250 players
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 43,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, chess openings, chess tactics, chess lecture, chess tutorial, chess thought process, chess analysis, how to win at chess, attacking chess, how to play chess, international master, chess instruction, chess tricks, chess brilliancy, chess stream, twitch stream, twitch, chess traps, chess explained, chess commentary, viewer tournament, rapid chess,, online chess tournament, lichess, moller attack, Taimanov Sicilian, 2019
Id: nsM_fO8qMLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 49sec (7429 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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