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what is going on everybody Eddie sound that back once again you would sound head entertainment and we are back here in rec fest on a rec fest Wednesday that's right it is time once again it feels like the week flies by until we get to a rec fest Wednesday that's when that's breakfast Wednesday is the new Friday basically is what it is ladies and gentlemen so all right we are here today at Christian sand Raceway I've said this right because this track is pretty cool I was just testing I did test run on this a minute ago and it's a pretty sweet little track now of course this week NASCAR is heading to the second of their two Cup Series Road course races that they do at Watkins Glen so I was like I'm gonna try to find a nice Road course that has some elevation change it is fast and I think we found it I think this is it right here this is this is a pretty perfect example of what I was going for so we're gonna go ahead and jump right into this with the NASCAR legends to start things off we might move into some other stuff a little bit later in the video but we're gonna start it classically with the use of NASCAR legends and see how it goes so let's go ahead and let's jump right into it we're starting a few rows up from the back this time at least this isn't like a last a first challenge again but we are underway if there you go for the first attempt and was this place called again Christian sand I think it was and I've already slapped somebody already got Davey's shot there a chief boy piloting that Davie oh boy we got a stack up for old Mike one day I'm in a bad spot yeah I knew I was in a bad spot not want to be on the outside right there okay well it's all good looks like he's about everybody else had a major offing right there as I nearly collect the seventh all my goodness nope I thought we were gonna get out of that cleanly and the 42 was just like let me do a quick barrel roll for no reason and Jody rizal Jody I'm sorry Jody yep now that one was on me I would all gasp package there it is there it is excuse me everybody let me survive please Bridgette Rick this is going fantastic this is going absolutely incredible hey she can't tell Richard well you know what Richard you had that coming bud and then we almost got cleaned up a fireball Roberts right there and I have lost a shocking amount of time and we've only made it through the first couple of corners that honestly couldn't have started any worse if we had tried it somebody's just going off of the trees over there to try and hit somebody else and they did successfully I think it was Michael Waltrip I haven't seen the parents from him in a minute all right well we got fireball Roberts up here driving a monster energy cars already there's a few a few historical inaccuracies there one his name's not Kyle secondly he just needs a live which is also uh something that's not exactly accurate anymore unfortunately and he's quite a ways in front of us and I think he just pulled away from us a little bit during that sequence so we need to try and hunt him back down as we are already entering the final lap here because I thought oh this one will be nice is short and sweet nope we got killed her the first corner the first corner means struck us back again we got a tire check going on and it's just it's gone all bad it's gone all bad I'm sorry and we are looking like we're gonna sit in about 14 hopefully we can gain a few more bags before this is over with come on you mean to tell me nobody in front of us is gonna have a moment today I mean tell me fireball Roberts is just gonna stay there in front of me taunting me I'm gonna take down all these poles out of here we can tell me how this is gonna do this is how this is gonna go today neat come on we got to hunt somebody down here though we're gonna gain one position before this is over this has been a really sorry sight Greg sacks the legendary man himself has won the race and I've got a run forming here I've got a run on fireball I'm gonna set it up the inside that was a send that was a definite send it needed to be done though and off the final court to the front straight that will at least get us into 13th which is better than nothing I suppose but man that one was a tough start all right well we can go ahead and always hit a restart on that one and try to get the Dove that we're looking for but Greg sacks with the win we did have the fastest lap time by about three seconds which is pretty impressive and then Tim Richmond finishes last you hate to see it all right well let's see what we can do here on attempt number two at ember one was about as bad as it gets honestly so I'm gonna make a big move right here to the inside lane and we are just smoking these guys on that inside lane and I'm gonna get on the brakes nice and early they're stacking up I'm cutting the corner and we've managed to get around that oh the record in front of us though they're going on track either coming back on track oh no I caught one in the door right there pretty good I caught another one in the wheel oh boy yep this is not gonna add well is it nope it's not it just was not yeah yeah yeah I'm dead sick well that that went even worse somehow but I still believe that the inside is the winning strategy in Richard Petty I'm I'm sorry buddy I didn't mean to do that but you know what you hate to see it well I don't hate to see it because in advance my position and straight up the inside I go on a lot of these guys I'm not gonna play nice but you guys said no you're not gonna play nice with me oh boy I am case in point right there and I thought I was gonna get an aspect and now all wait a minute we still might we still might and I'm down to nine health why am i at nine health we've made it through two corners exactly and I am at nine health what kind of world am i living in just trash my hood has gone up there's fire in the cockpit and that'll probably do it no how did I not take anyhow wait a minute though that'll do it that will definitely do it as some seven car on seven car violence that we all just witnessed right there well that's great that is just great what I just saw right there all right well another abysmal finish another last place finish for Tim Richmond poor guy he hates eat and Dale Jared the man who tried to end my whole career last episode takes the win I can't believe it okay so after maybe a couple of the worst attempts we've done yet still believe that the inside lane is the winning strategy so I'm gonna jump back over here again I'm gonna take it nice and smooth cut the corner even a little bit just to try and avoid the absolute disc no no go ahead hurry go ahead and Ernie no no don't don't stop burning go ahead oh my god we aren't even gonna entertain that as an attempt that's not it that's not even loud and I've dumped heard your Betty already once again well you know what Richard you love to see it yeah that's right I said it I said it alright let's see we can do this Simon and it's gone swimmingly once again matt kenseth really got it all wrong right there didn't yep and Kenny Schrader's just barely missed him oh my god oh my god are we actually surviving more than one corner as I swerve to try and not get absolutely cleaned out let me well all us there was a little bit of a tap at the three wide in the middle Dave Marcus sent it up the middle and gained two spots oh my goodness awesome ooh but now he's secret ice spinning with Earl Ross and we lost them boys you hate to see it but you had that sometimes all right well hey at least we're still in this one that's that's a nice a nice development being made here cut stick it up the inside of me Oh bonnet Oh me and Neil are going way wide way wide Neil Anil's back across the track and head on in the outside wall Neil you hate to see it come on we gotta try and make up some spots that we're losing spots if anything and me and Dave Marcus hit Dave must have recovered from that off-track excursion they went on I got the power down the straightaway Dave you can't handle this I'm on on the brakes hard into the corner all gonna go up the banking a little bit all right that'll just help me turn oh I did not get him creak oh man Dave got it all wrong off the corner there tragic and this is already the last lap maybe I should add an extra lap do I need another lap I don't even other 20 laps maybe by the time this thing is over with to get in front of some of these guys I don't know if we're gonna be able to make too many green flag passes here they seem to be pretty quick the I if I could get them on a straightaway would be nice all that grass is not played too nice with the FPS I just slam AJ boy out of the way and then get loose myself on a straightaway night well we got a hunt down Kevin Harvick here can I stick it up his inside snap into a slim jim up the inside of that slim jim car and I cross him under all that was a nice move right there that was a nice move oh what a bomb well I make a brilliant pass like that and then I'm just gonna get taken out these AI have no respect I can't believe what I'm seeing today Dave Marcus is gonna get by with you isn't he yep yep yep yep not if I can help it Oh God oh that's gone all wrong yeah well you know what at least we finish the race right at least we finished no 1515 finishing place not really what I was going for actually actually and tells you once again why and Tim rich wouldn't finish the second why and Neil Bonnett finished his last wait did we kill Neil Bonnett right at the end there or did something else happen to him the world may never know but what we do know is that was a disgusting attempt and we're gonna need to try again all right maybe the inside row or isn't that maybe that just isn't the way to do it I'm in imagine we try on the outside so let's go for it if this actually ends up being the secret all along and I was cut to the inside for no reason I'm gonna throw up I'm just gonna throw up there's all I'm gonna do a head jail do you hate to see it and you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me we're in we're in second effectively right now and we're in elite I'm in the lead you got to be kidding me you mean to tell me that the outside lane was the secret to success the whole time and I've been trying to get away from it I'm gonna throw up I'm actually gonna be sick all right well we lead them right now let's see what we can do with clean air oh boy got a little light over the hill right there you hate to see it we're gonna though oh my god the elevation changes this track is actually amazing I really like this track and for a walkins Glen week it's kind of perfect and there's a lot of road courses in NASCAR coming up this month I think August is the best month for Road course racing in NASCAR so that's your thing the Y gets next month technically since it's till the 31st of July but August is your month at we're a road course person because the Xfinity series I believe does a bunch of them and then a cop doesn't watch this fight and whatnot oh I got air and I just dumped any traitor for the lead and I might get dumped to buy the other seven car that's a Morgan Shepherd moonlighting is Alan Kulwicki by the way in case you were wondering who that was that's nice and we got a couple of dead ones we got a couple of them trying to find their way through life and failing miserably at doing so well right now we're holding onto that lead right now all I got to do is play the roadblock but I think we can get home free from here pretty much although it is a method of not choking the race away which we've been known to do I slide it into this corner right here nice and early go a little wide there I love this corner right here that the dip down in the middle between those two for is awesome and this is a nice little section right here as well this is just an awesome track one of the better road courses we've ever done I might argue oh boy we got bumps we got a home stretch come on I got McCready Shepherd hunting me down but we're gonna pull away on the final straight and that is gonna be a W in the books we get a nice win there early on and that will do it for of the NASCAR legend so what do we usually do add to the NASCAR legends we've been bust out the Gen 6 Camaros and I think we're gonna do the same here today so let's go ahead and get them alright and we are back you're with the Gen 6 Camaros here back in the 44 here which it's a pretty interesting car to say the least obviously it's kind of Kyle Larson's Halloween car from last year McDonald's car from last year whatever you want to call it and then +2 apparently so there you go all right we're gonna jump right into this one we know the deal we're starting on the inside line this time so this should be interesting on a hike camera up a little bit higher and we're gonna go ice I've already been asked fact from behind who was it was it Cale Yarborough and I put it in the back of Ernie Irvan as well that is not not good and I'm still gonna hello there we go that was an ass pack supreme right there there it is oh my goodness and a couple of them going to the outside wall or inside wall or into me we're gonna all the engine sounds working flawlessly as usual as I'm gonna go ahead and pass tony's through it there nice little move see if we can get Mark Martin one of the greatest of all time to never win a championship and I'm just shoved it right into his rear end you hate to see it that Davey Allison hero no-neck Newman I'm gonna slide oh man you guys suck look at me oh no oh no oh aintry yep yep yep yeah that's unfortunate right there that uh that's not that's not good that is not good oh dang it all right everybody's rolling single file appears hopefully we can get by most of them or at least some and tire check there it is okay excuse me guys excuse me Richard Petty excuse me pardon me coming through I'm just cut that corner entirely let me get back up here did my voice all right full power down the straightaway pull send and on the brakes and it's an ass backing for all of eternity to terry labonte got bobby allison and him just you just roughing it up just getting in on got rusty oh no we don't got her damn pretty easily managed to sass back central today got the Gen 6 Camaros out here that's all they want to do oh man that was a rough landing oops sorry it's just literally ass banging everybody and Tom I've gone through like everybody I've had so far I've wrecked literally well why why in the trend now I might as well go for Cale Yarborough and Tony Stewart yep who said Tony Stewart Oh what I'm losing it come on I gotta gain a couple of spots this thing to come to an end I might be able to win this thing why weren't sitting back here like a jerk trying to wreck everybody because I think that green one up there is the leader Oh Mike yep these things still don't drive to you great by the way case you were wondering Oh Mike Oh mark Mark Martin why why mark mark is Louie actively putting me in the wall mark you are scum oh boy yep that's all that coming from a mile away and we're at least gonna finish the race hey we finished it on three wheels but we have one too many ones in this number where we finish so you hate to see that we didn't have the fastest lap by quite a bit Dale jr. gets the win jr. nation is gonna throw a party tonight for that one for sure and then if we go ahead we always got to see who's the the poor sap that finishes last and it's swerving urban alright so start on that inside maybe I should make a move to the outside maybe that's the play maybe this is the play so we'll go full power down into the corner and then on the brakes hard that is like walking slam when you think about it with a long straight into a hard braking zone that Dick Trickle getting sideways swinging around Dick Trickle swinging around there it is there it is I've got David Pearson just shoving him all the way just get out of here they're all done it it was no neck Newman and he's been killed he had to have died right there nope we lost the wheel though so he might as well be well Newman I hate to call that Karma but that's exactly what that was guiding let me go on the outside of just everybody right here excuse me pardon me don't land in the trees on any last time it all right I'm just not gonna say it cuz if I say it it comes true well wait a minute I'm going to win this race alright let's go make it come true now Oh Mike what are you guys doing Louie there's only two of you squirt or swervin Irvin unbelievable he'll find any way to crash unbelievable oh and I just take out a concrete barriers while while we're at it I'm just gonna cut all these corners because what is the point the Stewart's are not looking at me in this race they're like this idiots at it a bit I'm long gone long gone in their eyes but Dale jr. is 10 seconds ahead we got to get him back here hard on the brakes into the corner slide it in and not even a chance to the wall but getting slowed down for that one was there at a tire check uh boot and I lost the left front wheel is gone that's neat and there goes everybody by me and my car is in ruins and at least I picked up another wheel to kind of be my fake wheel and then it just leaves me like the real one did so that's nice that's neat it's great it's grand oh oh boy oh I just missed the tire check right there okay we're good oh boy Oh side to side I'm jiggling juggling oh the cars not turning the car is not turning at all almost like I have three wheels or something in in the tree well it'll reset right there get back on the racing surface and xx this is looking pretty good right about now and now 19th is because Mark Donaghy was beast on his side as well were apparently Kurt Busch just lost somewhere in time and that's not a really good view you when you can't see the transmission in the spot where the transmission is supposed to be if not a very good sign Ronde shard has claimed to win somebody's going on an adventure out there in the trees at the Ryan Newman car who is it it was Benny Parsons legendary champ all right we got by him as oh yeah this car does not like the turn does not like to turn that way anymore oh well going left is fine going right not not a big fan of that one not a big fan of that one at all and Benny is just gonna hang out behind me maybe he has a similar problems that I do but we're gonna come to the finish line and finish even worse than we did last time which is not what we wanted to see there's 16 that's a full five positions worse Davey Allison finished last you hate to see it and of course Ron Bouchard like we said got the win what a guy all right I'm actually gonna see how cleanable race can I run I know cleanliness isn't really what we're going for cleanliness Clent cleanse look I'm having a stroke I'm having a stroke right now ladies and gentlemens happening right now on camera right now on the recording and I I just made it up to fourth while having a stroke I can't believe it what's the cleanliness right that's the word I'm looking for good god go to school ed will you geez you need it you need bad all right well I'm gonna go ahead and just take that lead and run away with it now cuz I don't even know what just happened I don't know why he's got the lead you're like as if it were nothing at all I was too busy having a mental breakdown to even analyze what was taking place that's a concrete barrier dampers leaking oh now whatever while I do about my dampers leaking that's really dampened the mood oh my god I should just shut the game off for that one right there and I'm going through all the the concrete barriers suspension damage like brain damage I know we say that one every time but it's a pretty accurate that's a lap already completed that is a lap done right there let's see can we have like an actual fast lap recorded right here because I think as long as I don't bend it up right here I think we could win this race but we've we've done worse things before I mean we've we've thrown them away in in quite masterful fashion before so you never really know what to expect here Oh yep that was a little scary that was a little scary ain't it when the thing that nose starts to go like that yeah the nose like acts like it's gonna dive in but then it doesn't that's very scary very very scary oh I hate when the car gets light over the top of these hills because this thing doesn't like to stay in a straight line very much anyway and then having to do all these back to back corners and uphills and downhills just throws it even more out of its element especially when you remember that this thing is probably just supposed to be turning a left on a very short or moderately sized oval but we've got it making almost no noise so we are gonna get to the line with a blistering lap time just over a minute and we get the dub with a 102 best lap hole smoke and everybody by far look they I don't even put up much of a of a fight here with the the NASCAR Gen 6 Camaros for whatever reason but the NASCAR legends did a pretty decent job at least so we got the win there we are far from done though let's go ahead let's bust down some other types of cars here and keep the fun rolling let's see if we can get a competitive race in all right we are back here at the Christians and Raceway Christian am I saying the right Christian saying race but yeah I guess that's right and we've got some Class A racers here we got a Lightning McQueen sighting and got them back please do I keep forgetting that I have these skins in here so it's kind of funny when I happen up on this one or the King which I still have in the game because I kind of gently modded them into the game on my own so we're gonna run this one today the speedbird is what this car is we're starting near the back of a class of aid cars I guess you would say an assortment of eight cars of this especially since we're starting right behind a NASCAR Camaro but we've got a bunch of other cars in here as well so we're just gonna go ahead and try and see if we can get a win against the normal AI and a mass car Camaro and probably a legend in there somewhere as well because the Quaker Steak are usually finds its way into these kind of races as well so I feel like my camera is really far away from me now because the one on the June 6 Camaros were they close but we'll just deal with it for now as I'm sending it up the inside and making up a ton of spots this car actually is stupidly fast and fireball Roberts has made an attempt on my life but yeah this car is actually very fast it's highly upgraded and herring and I make it a little bit of contact though almost got out of shape there into some signage no big deal there fireball just gonna send it right back up the inside I'm gonna cross him over all three wide you're in the middle you hate to see it oh my goodness how did I not wreck it right there how I didn't want it up right there will be a mystery for years decades centuries to come we are up here hunting down a podium spot Matt Kenseth Matt the brat he in sideways oh man this is gonna be another another one where we can just roll right through the lead isn't it oh but I'm going wide I'm going wide like a bomb oh my get it together old man well you what are you doing water get on the racing surface please oh my goodness we just gave up so many spots up and passed by Carl Edwards now it's really a problem now or now we got a problem now we got a prop Carl what was that call excuse me as I just ride the daytona Bank Carl Carl I'm not gonna ask you again but oh and then fireball Roberts he tried it he tried it I saw that with my eyeballs I've seen it I cannot believe what I'm seeing unbelievable and I'm seeing somebody almost take out a tree and I went for the same move and I'm in the tree yep they're all carful you know what good I'm glad that what a run by Carlo but he's went flying off the track because of that my FPS is not like that section of the track right there at all and I'm found in ninth again cam man boo you guys suck Larry all man talk about just not beating yourself through that was a beautiful move I hate him I hate everything I hate it all I hate it all now I don't but that that is annoying and Morgan Shepards one I've been killed it was that fireball Roberts again it's the same guys every single time that fireball that better number you that's Ken traitor all right there's another one up there that I'm pretty sure he's fireball and I'm spun-out again why why Oh Kurt Busch just drive through aspect ken Schrader and that's gonna do it for this attempt not the cleanest one we ever saw there I was briefly towards the front of the pack briefly being the key word there but Morgan Shepherd gets the win he is racing for Jesus and he's racing for wins now ladies and gentlemen he is about a thousand years old out there still going at it if you don't know the Morgan Shepherd story it really is one for the ages he ought to google him better Google me son it's what Morgan Shepherd said well it's not what he said that's what I said you should Google Morgan Shepherd if you don't know him bargain Shepherd is better Google that man Bobby healing Junior finishes last do you hate to see it yeah that's right yeah we did it silent intro I totally didn't just forget that I was recording right there yeah yeah nothing but professionalism here folks yeah you right yeah you right I'm just fight fight my way through right there and I can't speak all right well we got a nice little opening run here in the top five Matt Kenseth in front of us Matt the Brad Morgan Shepherd is leading trying to go double up on his wins I'm gonna take it easy on Matt Kenseth here I'll let him have some room and then I'll just slide right into him after I say all that and just completely lie to myself and huh there's did somebody he's been flying off the tracking into a tree and I am just taking out some signboards again Satan loves to step out and go sideways I wonder why it's like because it's got about 500 horsepower and over than it probably should right now but that that'll happen sometimes there's a run here is a run hose of concrete blocks almost coming in but Morgan Shepherd up here Oh Matt Matt that was a sand buddy that was a sin I gotta commend to get send but that wasn't it but that was not it all right can we get to Morgan Shepherd and get by him and they get up to Rae elder and then get by him who's in the same car is us oh my goodness Morgan Shepherd just gave us a tire check for the ages one of the greatest ever seen by mankind all right well you know what that's all been nice and dandy but I'm just gonna ahead pass you on the outside Morgan thank you buddy see you later pimp all right now I gotta try and get to Rae other up here he's gone a little bit wide in that corner that's gonna give me some opportunity to close up oh here we go here we go come on I'm gonna give him a little bit of a bump up the hill come on oh this is gonna be good right here as we are winding down here oh I've got messages Oh God I'm gonna edit that later cuz that's that's competitive era private in for me that is a big move though for the lead and that is gonna put us through with only a few corners left to go oh my you we're gonna do it we are gonna do it and not by much because Morgan Shepherd is right behind me but that is gonna be a dub for the ages I think we kind of put the bump and run moves on him oh and I've been had by Morgan Shepherd after the race is over he flips me over oh my goodness Morgan Shepherd resorts to violence after the end of the race I cannot believe it what a guy my god yep yep you know I was gonna say that turn one was gonna be interesting about anybody we have to wait to turn one just look at this look at the parts and pieces already laying on the floor and oh oh yeah oh that's a nice sight to look down the middle of the aisle and just see carnage and death all right well you know what there's no point waiting any further let's just go ahead and jump right into this has my driver's face it smashing into the rear end of this bus in front of me being piloted by Kevin Harvick so there you go never thought I'd see the day this this corner this is gonna be real interesting corner right here and I almost wanted to sit back and watch but winners don't sit back and watch do they oh boy oh yeah oh nice yep there it uh there it is folks there it is oh nice nice yes sweet yep I'm stuck well that's gonna be a hard reset all right nail G right there watch out buddy and that's how you get relegated to 17 in the first corner that might be a corner where the inside line is indeed the best line just the fear that is just a theory but you know what we'll test that at a later date time we've got a school bus race to try and catch up to now Tony Stewart's in the lead why do I believe that he would be in the lead given a real life school bus race where to break out and he was taking part I have a feeling he'd actually probably do a decent enough job Tony Stewart would let's see Oh full-throttle up the hill come on little wide a little bit wide there but just gives us more room to work with okay I'm gonna have to nail the angle is there somebody going for a tumble in front of us and there's a couple of them Oh watch out I'm sorry and that was Kevin Harvick that I just drove straight through and Dale jr. I'm gonna do the same to Dale jr. Dale jr. oh wait sit all right Dale I didn't mean to you but I don't feel bad though decipher what that means so I couldn't tell you we're making a good bit of spot so let's break into the top ten right there come on let's go get Tony Stewart Tony Stewart's got another look at the debris field on the short the start line is unbelievable okay bill Parsons come on oh that's a send that was a send and I'm gonna get bill Billy it's gonna take a shot no he had a looking at a peek but he did not decide to do anything with it and I'm gonna try and hunt down the man himself Rusty Wallace let's go for it over the jump up in the air yep those are always comfortable let's dispense that must be fun if you're some imagine you're some school child and you're just minding your own business you're going to school miss Frizzle sitting up front y'all ready no she's on some bull and you're just like oh boy oh boy what could we get in today and then you just wind up going to a dirt track in your racing 1989 NASCAR Cup Series champion Rusty Wallace and watch a bunch of school buses nearly flip over in front of you while you make passes to try and get into the top five and then the Carl Edwards and you make contact and then you get by him for a top five position with only a handful of corners left I think you notice that Davey Allison is also vulnerable so you drive to his outside but you go wide but then you pull it back on track you all meet in the middle and you crash hard and by now you've got just brain damage yeah yeah the school class you failed math class algebra you failed it it's all over you missed the class the finals have gone and and you finished fourth overall so that's basically how my days usually go in rec fest but that's just me Morgan Shepherd finishes ninth Tony Stewart wins the race we get a top five and who's mr. irrelevant who finished last oh that's Dale Jarrett you hate to see it you really do and he finished for 20 total time you know what that means ladies and gentleman oh my word oh my word yep oh yeah oh yeah yep school buses races they they never fail do they they never fail can I pull direct oh yeah just gonna drive straight through somebody neat tire check there it is school bus tire check never thought I'd see today there it is there it is all right no neck Newman I'm on the inside of all there's a stack up for all stacked ups I'm gonna let whoever that is have a little bit of room that Green Bus and hey we avoided the turn one Massacre so that's a good thing Bobby Isaac leading this race currently that was Morgan Shepherd that I cut a break now I feel like maybe I should have done it now I know does Morgan Shepherd wouldn't cut me break that much is certain I mean we know that we know that positively let's cut into that corner here Morgan Shepherd and there it is there it is well I didn't even give him an opportunity to prove me right I just I just did it just went and did it and I lost a ton of spots for it and I'm gonna probably lose some more a spell Parsons has a big one right there into the tire barrier well we had a good start going and then Morgan Shepherd happened you hate to see it but that's the way big-time auto racing goes sometimes hey can I get a couple of spots here everybody's going white everybody loves to go wide in this corner and I'm sorry Dale Jarrett all tragedy absolute tragedy I feel so terrible about doing that to poor Dale Jarrett oh oh can you hear the sincerity of my voice oh man oh no not Dale Jarrett not after all the absolutely horrendous things he's done to me in rec fest oh no all Bill Elliott what a guy trying to put me into the concrete barriers I can't believe it it's a drag race down the front stretch due for sixth place come on or for fifth place - I'm in sixth place I'll break it I'll break him into the corner though I'll give them up the inside it's or I'll just get a speck by whoever that is mind me and could send wide oh it was Carl Edwards why am I not surprised Carl Everett you piece of trash get out of here go go don't ever track them to go sit on somewhere you freaking bum yeah I said it yeah I said it all right no I like all these drivers in Raleigh but in rec fest it's another animal it's another beast come on we got to slide through these corners we got to get up here we got to get a windy time Bobby Isaak is leading this race right now he voices in his head right now tell him to pull over so we need to get up there and get involved we need to get involved in this race because I tell you it's any moment now Bob you guys are gonna pull that bus over easy to get out and we're gonna take the lead it's gonna happen history tells us but oh that's a slide to the outside that's gonna be two spots right there DW pardon me buddy up the middle the inside oh they're gonna wind up here too come on boys you guys suck you know you do come on blow it you got to blow it come on oh you guys suck come on screwed up in the last corner you bums you won't you will oh you kind of did you kind of blew it ah it's not gonna be close enough one more lap I might have had something I might get Tony Stewart it's a dry race at the line Tony don't you turn on me bum Tony Tony Tony I saw that I saw that Tony ain't gonna get away with that stuff with me every time every single time there's never gonna be a normal grid with school buses I guess we probably should have just seen that coming in but it is how it is we're immediately gonna cheese it to the inside that's a tire check right there right off the bat once again bill Parsons over here Geoffrey Bodine on the outside there's no neck Neumann there you go you love to see it all Carl Edwards turned around right out the bat tragic definitely tragic right there come on boys keep it that way keep it that way don't come this way please don't come this way please thank you Mark Martin keep it over there buddy thank ya all right back up to 6:00 another not bad start the bus is in front of us are packed up right now so they'll probably be taking a minute we might be able to sneak up there inside if we can get this next corner right get it in there get it in that day markets hot Dave Marcus I'm sorry buddy that was a send that was a slide job well we got through Oh who's up here we got Morgan Shepherd we got Tony Stewart leading the race well Tony Stewart I remember what Tony Stewart did to me I'll never forget what Tony Stewart did to me we'll be getting back to him shortly if I can help it Morgan Shepherd he's not gonna give me any room right there is he that's a concrete barrier that did not even remotely give and we're gonna get past Morgan Shepherd and maybe Bobby Isaac right now oh we got him we got him under by DW I'm gonna shove him to the corner oh I've shoved him wide shove him wide and I'm gonna go around the outside he's gonna come back and it's me and Tony Stewart Tony suck it yeah you bum take that all right white flag is waving the fans are going absolutely insane as you can see they've never been more bored in their lives they're not even moving an inch in fact I think they might be dead we we may have killed them so many times in previous states of rec fest that they they just they been worn out Oh is he gonna be a worn out somebody got worn out back there and used up they did not take that corner very well but come on we got a good one going right now we got a couple of them behind us Morgan Shepherd is still there roller skater boy is charging up and we pull away we put this one in the back survey says no but my heart says yes so we got to do this we got to put this one away on rec fest Wednesday come on it's only fair it's only fitting over the hill down into the corner this is honestly a beautiful track this was paved I wonder if there's take a paved version of this because the pavers and this would be sick this is almost like spa or here this ratty on one of these has got to be ready on right we mentioned it spa a lot lately but through the final set a couple of corners here we go back to the left and then one last crank to the right and down the stretch we go that is gonna do it the fans in attendance absolutely roaring with what they've seen just a beat down of mass proportions a 10-second lead and a dub to cap things off well there you go ladies and gentlemen that's four different sets of cars and four double use and many attempts many lives were lost today so F's for all of those and us who were destroyed in action but Morgan Shepherd finishes runner-up to us and who's mr. irrelevant its Kevin Harvick it is Kevin Harvick it is tragedy to see with your own eyes Kevin Harmon has come home in lasso there you go buses Class A cars Gen six NASCAR Camaros and the NASCAR legends all teaming up today to bring us our regularly scheduled destruction on rec fest Wednesday you love to see it and that will pretty much do it so thank you everybody as always for watching if you enjoyed this video you already know what to do hit that like button subscribe if you have not already we are going all the way up on the subscribe it's been nuts lately how the subscribers have been going so thank you all so much I think we're at two hundred and ten thousand now that's insane so thank you all so much and that'll pretty much do it for me so thank you all again hope you enjoyed rec fest Wednesday and with that I'll see you all in the next one you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 450,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWESOME ROAD COURSE CARNAGE, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, bus, crash, gta online, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower, soft body physics
Id: zRKdDxze5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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