Top 20 Most Legendary One Piece Flexes of All Time

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picture this mysterious character introductions mindboggling devil fruit powers and unexpected powerups that leave you completely dumbstruck whether it's cranking up the intensity of spacular battles or triggering character development these flexes Drive the storyline ensuring viewers remain on the edge of their seats as characters undergo transformative Journeys so today vinu brings to you the top 20 one piece flexes of all time as a tribute to the OG of shown in anime which has kept us hooked and hungry for over two decades at number 20 let's kick off with an unassuming yet impactful incident Luffy's one punch knockout of Bellamy the hyena in the G Arc a now this moment links directly to an early encounter between redhead Shanks and the bandits an incident Witness by a young Monkey D Luffy now as a rising star in the pirate World himself Luffy faces a similar situation where he and his first mate Rono aaro are humiliated by Bellamy and his crew after being labeled cowards and dreamers for refusing to fight back the spectacle initially disappoints the story data unfolds into a satisfying rematch with Bellamy and the stakes are raised when Luffy's wanted poster boasting a bounty of a 100 million berries comes into The pirates's Possession initially dismissing it as a hoax Bellamy soon learns the hard way that Luffy is not one to be trifled with the rubber boy teaches the bully an unforgettable lesson for hurting his friends what makes this moment memorable is the absence of Hy's infusion or involvement in any grand scheme or event it's just Luffy standing up for his friends and living out one of his coolest moments in the early days [Music] next up Sanji makes a timely entrance to rescue his crew mates from a grim and watery [Applause] demise known for his reliable behind the scenes Miracles this time s assumes the identity of Mr Prince to save his friends from the clutches of shii bukai and Barack Works head honcho sir crocodile in the alabaster Ark the challenges are overwhelming a fast flooding room a sea Stone cage confining Luffy and the rest enormous banana wani Gators lurking dangerously close and an impending Civil War yet Sanji pulls off a dazzling entrance and swiftly and skillfully incapacitates one of the monster Gators with his trademark kick Mr Prince not only saves the day but also frees his mates just in time to confront the enemy and thwart the Rebellion this is just one of many instances where Sanji makes an invaluable contribution and consistently comes to the aid of his crew the straw hat Cooks unwavering and invaluable support makes him an indispensable asset to the crew rightfully securing his place as the second wing of the future pirate king our pick for the 18th position is none other than kaido's Majestic entrance in wano as he unleashes his devastating blast breath and obliterates an entire Mountain [Music] top as the ninja pirate mink Samurai Alliance assembles in wano to confront the yonko they're in for a jaw-dropping moment as the Colossal pirate emerges in his mythical dragon form dwarfing the landscape drunk and belligerent kaido demands to face off with Luffy and FAL Galore who responsible for disrupting his artificial devil fruit trade the moment kaido unleashes his devastating dragon fire at Odin Castle erasing all trace of it and annihilating the Mountaintop it stood on feels like a cruel second blow to the already AG grieved kuki family despite their beloved status the straw Hat's pale in comparison to this Terror in this epic first encounter setting the stage for a highly anticipated Monumental Clash from a mythical dragon's blazing Inferno the spotlight shifts to Notorious Crime Boss crocodile his ball challenge to Luffy giving him just 3 minutes to show him what he's got before he gets taken out is in the 17th [Music] spot crocodile's absolute confidence in his his Sans sand abilities and shichibukai Status leads him to underestimate the budding pirate a sentiment that's Justified at first as one of Luffy's first big adversaries crocodile with his formidable loia type Powers poses a substantial threat particularly in the absence of Hy notably he stands at a first and only villain to completely defeat Luffy not once but twice in the present scenario The Narrative has taken a captivating turn with crocodile forging an alliance with dracule mihawk and Captain buggy both former members of the shii bukai they've started the cross gear with buggy assuming the role of its head and earning the title of yonko in this backdrop that early glimpse into crocodile's enigmatic and menacing nature adds intricate layers to his Persona and as the Intrigue deepens it leaves us eager to unravel the mysteries of crocodile buggy and mihawk's Collective agender coming in at number 16 is a man capable of unleashing kicks at the speed of light Admiral kizaru earns his spot on this list as he effortlessly executes one of the fastest takedowns in one piece history defeating not one but four supernovas basil Hawkins X Drake urou and scratchman appu mind you rookies they might be but these four Pirates have bounties exceeding 100 million now at a glance k 's distinctive appearance with his vibrant yellow suit and stylish glasses does set him apart his introduction to is flashy as he enters The Fray riding a cannonball his nonchalant laid-back personality creates a deceptive facade that catches everyone off guard including the four Pirates Who find themselves incapacitated by his light based powers in no time the Admiral's dazzling display not only shows off his individual prowess but also emphasizes the overwhelming might of the world government deemed to be the greatest military power [Music] oh onto the 15th spot as the competition for the title of pirate king grows fiercer and our hero confronts increasingly tougher adversaries let's revisit an early incident that being Luffy flexing a conscious burst of conqueror heart against hod Jones and his 100,000 strong fishmen Army in his Showdown with the fishermen pirate Skipper who aspires to claim the prestigious title for himself Luffy displays the progress he's made during the 2-year time skip his haki tsunami instantly harves the enemy forces leaving everyone including his own crew matate stunned all those years ago the incredible display of power was a clear giveaway that Luffy was headed for greatness now that he's been crowned yonko after his exploits in wano he's closer than ever to that Apex Luffy's latest achievement places him alongside fellow Emperor buggy Blackbeard and Shanks his mentor and most formidable of the three as the most recent episodes teas shank's decision to go after the one piece we're left wondering how the story will unfold and what it means for Luffy with so much going on in the current narrative this early hany explosion still stands out as a killer example of Luffy's potential [Music] for like Captain like crew the straw hats deservingly take the 14th spot with their bald yet honorable declaration of war against the world government undertaken solely for the sake of their nakama Niko [Music] Robin unlike conventional pyate Crews the straw hats Excel not just in strength but also in the tight camaraderie amongst their members their uniqueness lies in their family-like bond and the inherent nobility of their personalities and intentions making each member widely adored it requires immense courage and unity for the entire crew not just Luffy to defy the world's most powerful Organization for a recently joined member that too on their own turf collective decision is truly commendable who can forget that standout moment when Luffy displaying uncommon resolve commands Usopp who disgu as so King to shoot down the world government flag at any's Lobby the Ripple of fear this bald act sends amongst the Marine Spectators underscores the crews full hearty yet remarkable bravery in 13th Place we have Shanks who makes up for his long absences from the story line with a few moments of Epic awesomeness look in here the scene off Falls with the citizens of wano celebrating the end of kaido's Reign of Terror with festive fervor but unknown to them adid the Jubilation a Sinister Force emerges newly appointed Marine Admiral ryoku gu arrives on the isolated island to kill Luffy but just as he starts wreaking havoc on the red scabbards and their new Shogun Munos who was still recovering from their battle injuries an unexpected savior intervenes the redhair yonko holds the rampaging Admiral in his tracks with his conqueror Hy un Leash from a considerable distance this extraordinary demonstration of power serves as yet another reminder of the significance of Hy it echoes kaido's assertion that hary alone determines the strongest much like Goldie Roger who won the title of pirate king solely through his Mastery of Hy as thrilling as his display of strength is shank's sudden appearance off the coast of Wana raises intriguing questions the mystery surrounding this Flex at a layer of anticipation leaving fans eager for more at number 12 is the famous first encounter between mihawk and Zoro where the veteran completely humiliates the rookie who dares to rest his title of the world's strongest Swordsman [Music] former shiuk guy mihawk has been a master of flexus since his introduction very early on in the one piece Saga in his first appearance he arrived solo on a tiny boat and proceeds to sink Don C's entire Armada even cleaving his gallion in half with a single stroke of his Infamous black sword on meeting his hero and future Mentor Zoro challenges him to a jewel to the death only to have mihawk respond with taunts brandishing a miniature blade against zoro's three sword style hawy easily overcomes the green horn sword fighter it becomes apparent later that this wasn't a deliberate slight on mihawk's part but rather a reflection of the vast power disparity between the two men rendering Zoro incapable of contending with the veteran of full strength nonetheless considerable progress has been made since his encounter with Zoro maturing in Leaps and Bounds maybe in a rematch he could now stop mihawk's giant sword with a regular old knife who knows times have changed and so has Zoro [Music] for taking the next SP is the extraordinary story of kuki Odin's triumph over death as a rightful heir to the country of wano Odin faces the cunning duer of Orochi and kaido captured and condemned to a gruesome execution by boiling Odin accompanied by his steadfast retainers the red scabbards confronts a daunting Fate The Crafty villains agreed to spare them on the condition that they survive an hour in boiling oil now this episode is one of the most emotionally charged scenes in the entire Saga vividly illustrating Odin's extraordinary resilience he not only survives the boiling ordeal but also succeeds in preserving the lives of his retainers however he's ultimately shot dead by kaido in a striking blend of Victory and despair Odin faces his demise with his trademarked smile and flamboyant posture revered as a hero by his countrymen as the impending doom that looms over wano becomes an undeniable reality after enduring 5 years of humiliation as The Idiot Lord Odin's Death Becomes a shining example of great sacrifice and supreme strength of will [Music] oh it's time to unveil the top 10 and traal Gore Hypes It Up by slicing the island of punk hazard in half along with the treacherous vice admiral Virgo an officer and spy of the donkeyote [Music] family [Music] L actions carry grave implications they take us back to his childhood with his mentor donot rosinante while attempting to save his young Ward's life rosinante dies at the hands of Virgo and his own brother Don kote doflamingo leaving L with a lasting trauma with Virgo's death on Punk Hazard Laur not only avenges rosinante but also destroys the sad laboratory on the island a facility especially set up to create kaido's artificial smile fruits this puts doflamingo kaido's broker in a precarious position law rightfully describes his actions as breaking the gear as he successfully spoils doy's plans leaving him no room for a comeback but beyond the Strategic implications the visual spectacle of the island being sliced apart is truly flexor it demonstrates Law's growth in the two years since the marineford war and disproves doflamingo's faith and Virgo Superior Armament hary which supposedly could block any attack including LW spatial cutting this sets the stage for Law's confrontations with doflamingo and kaido Paving the way for the events in dress Rossa and subsequently [Music] wano taking the ninth spot is the moment that introduced us to one of the most explosive Power Systems in the series conqueror hary one piece Creator Ichiro Oda makes a brilliant move by having silver Ry the right hand of the pirate king do the honors dark King Ra's entrance at the auction house in sodi with a grand display of conqueror's Hy is nothing short of spectacular this rare and Powerful form of Hy can be wielded by only a select few ry's seasoned and legendary status adds to the Grandeur of its premere emphasizing that only a figure of his caliber could do justice to such a momentous scene the complexity of the moment goes beyond the immediate Display of Power as it holds layers of re ations that require careful analysis another display of conqueror hary takes the eighth position as shank steps on board the Moby dig to rendevu with Whitebeard now the mere mention of Whitebeard in in Shanks is enough to instill fear even in the highest ranks of the world government and when these two formidable figures meet the world observes in hushed awe a Shanks advances his conqueror's hary causes whitebeards less powerful subordinates to succumb one by one and the mighty ship itself creaks and groans under the immense pressure of his haki this is undeniably Shanks at his most menacing a far cry from the Carefree smiling pirate of Luffy's childhood memories this Shanks embodies a formidable presence worthy of a yonko and this early power display sets the president of The Skys splitting conqueror Hy clashes to come reflecting on This Magnificent scene and the previously mentioned exhibition against rugu shank's character gains more depth and an absolute for boing Aura simultaneously it heightens the Intrigue surrounding this Legendary Pirate building anticipation from what lies [Music] ahead irreverence is a flex as Luffy nonchalantly brushes off big mom and kaido which is our pick for number [Music] [Applause] [Music] seven when it comes to the Emperors of the sea their reputations carry immense weight but in Luffy's case there's absolutely no force in the world that would instill fear in him this attitude is on Full display as he faces the two colossal Pirates at top the scull doome in Oni gashima true to his character Luffy completely disregards the yonko's questions and strides past them to get to the fallen scabbards in response to this insult an enraged kaido attempts to strike him only to be swiftly knocked down by Luffy as the chosen one who will take the title of the next pirate king Luffy demonstrates in this moment that confronting two yonkos doesn't intimidate him in the least although he typically avoids putting on airs this incident propels him from being a mere rookie to embodying the attitude and stature of a genuine yonko now prepared to contend in the big leagues Luffy boldly declares to his adversaries his ambition to become the pirate king at this moment in Luffy's character evolution is not just gripping it fills every one piece fan with pride next up at number six is zoro's legendary nothing happened moment a testament to his unmatched bravery in the face of [Music] adversity defying odds that would break most zor's deep loyalty to his captain Luffy shines through with his Monumental sacrifice with Luffy down and out after defeating gecko Moria and ORS the crew find themselves in Dire Straits with a formidable Bartholomew Kuma standing in their way despite G Grievous wounds Zoro steps up to save his Captain's life and even after absorbing all the damage Luffy sustained in his clash with Moria and his zombie army the stoic swordsman Stands Tall defying what seemed like certain death a man a few words his only response to the incident is the iconic line nothing happened this incident is the greatest demonstration of zoro's indomitable Spirit showcasing not only his physical strength but also the depth of his character his willingness to sacrifice his life and dreams for his captain speaks volumes it sets the foundation for the evolving bond between Zoro and Luffy captivating fans through subsequent events including the intense battles in wano whitebeard's Unforgettable last stand against the Marines in the Paramount War comes in at number five [Music] for can a pirate Ascend to the status of a hero the one piece Saga intricately blurs the lines between good and evil providing a compelling platform to contemplate this enduring question a prime example of this is the Battle of marineford where Whitebeard takes the fight to the Marines in a bid to save his adopted son P gasty Ace from execution the veteran pirate acclaimed as the strongest man in the world single-handedly inflicts massive Danger on the keepers of Justice reducing their headquarters to ruins never have we witnessed a battle of this magnitude this colossal Clash unveils whitebeard's superhuman might derived from consuming the Tremor Tremor fruit which grants him the ability to unleash Quakes that could easily destroy the world however it's only when the Marines strike at his emotional call by killing Ace that they awaken and the sleeping giant within him despite his fearsome power whitebeard's revealed to be a man of kindness and steadfast principles extending his protective mantle over entire nations and that's why even as he falls the Valiant pirate dies a hero one piece the theme of justice and Injustice continues and brings us to our fourth pick where Luffy fueled by a sense of moral outrage delivers a single resounding punch to a Celestial [Music] Dragon at the auction house in sodi Luffy Witnesses the gross discrimination fish men are subjected to by humans when his mermaid friend Camy is on the brink of being auctioned off as a slave Luffy refuses to submit to oppress Ive Authority fully aware of the repercussions of challenging the world Nobles our Brash hero teaches the abusive St charos a lesson he'll never forget for the rest of his life beyond the pleasure of seeing Justice served hot and fast and a disgusting villain put swiftly in their place this scene solidifies Luffy suitability to become the next pirate king a title that goes beyond mere measures of power and wealth rather it symbolizes adherence to principles and the rebellious Spirit Champion by the first pirate king Roger in embracing this responsibility as he moves towards his dreams l he proves himself capable in every aspect he embodies the essence of what it truly means to be the greatest pirate to rule the Seas Now All That Remains is to patiently wait for his triumphant Ascent to the [Music] summit the intensity escalates as we get to the top three and first off is Zoro as he takes on a fearsome new Avatar during his clash with King the wildfire not fighting for their captains both contenders put their lives on the line in a battle that surpasses the ordinary after clashing with kaido and coming out of it close to death Zoro miraculously resurrects to engage in another phenomenon Showdown with King the choreography is Flawless culminating in the revelation of zoro's conqueror haki but this isn't the highlight of the fight not by far heard by King's taunts about aspiring to be a king after unveiling his haki Zoro cleverly dubs his new technique king of hell with it he not only neutralizes his opponent's scorching magma likee flame attack but also inflicts a severe wound on the lunarian sing one of his wings brawling through the length and breath of wano Zoro has consistently delivered remarkable victories to the extent that he became the only individual after Odin to deeply wound kaido with his triumph over King Zorro keeps his promise to Luffy to never lose a fight furthermore he contributes to substantial cating Luffy's dream of one day becoming the pirate king the question now arises can any future battle surpass the Brilliance of this encounter well that's something only time will [Applause] [Music] tell throughout one piece there have been numerous remarkable character introductions yet none quite compared to our Runners up today the ominous nature of the grand line is vividly portrayed as yonko kaido hailed as the strongest creature across land sea and air makes his highly anticipated [Music] entrance well since this intro introductory scene apart from the rest is the gripping way he plummets from a sky island and lands on the kids's Pirates base seemingly attempting suicide and coming out of it unscathed the governor general of the animal kingdom Pirates isn't your average pirate he has earned reputation for being virtually indestructible having survived hanging torture and even the guillotine with such a formidable Persona the Dragon Emperor is akin to God until Luffy eventually tobbles him however this doesn't diminish the uniqueness of his character marked by excessive drinking and an insatiable desire for a good opponent understanding the weariness of a Powerhouse like kaido living in a world lacking in worthy adversaries adds depth to his character despite meeting his end in a spectacular clash with Luffy he does so honorably and entertainingly ending with his iconic move the Drunken Dragon bagua Hy at long last it's time to reveal the biggest Flex to date and it's none other than redhead shank's arrival during the Paramount War where he effortlessly concludes the conflict not just through his imposing presence but also with the subtle suggestion of a potential confrontation with the Marines astonishingly not only does fleet Admiral sangoku quickly comply with shank's request but the Marines the Blackbeard Pirates and whitebeard's crew too all back off without a murmur with a mere request from the yonko sangoku even agrees to entrust Shanks with the responsibility of laying Whitebeard and Ace to rest the Intrigue deepens later as Shanks unexpectedly appears at the Ry and is allowed to meet with the Arrogant five Elders of the world government as someone who has stayed strictly in the background of Luffy's Journey shank's mysterious appearance in wano and his declaration to go after the one piece further thrust this elusive character into the foreground speculating anymore about his future role is a delicate matter so we'll refrain from that right now nonetheless Shanks undeniably steals the spotlight with every appearance particularly with his impactful intervention in [Music] marineford and that concludes the top 20 one piece flexes of all time brought to you by vinu we can be sure the one piece still has plenty of surprises in store for us do share your thoughts in the comments section below and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for additional anime content until next time ciao
Channel: ViniiTube
Views: 135,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 10 anime, viniitube, anime tops, anime, Top 20 Most Legendary One Piece Flexes of All Time, top 10 legendary one piece moments, most legendary one piece characters of every era, most legendary one piece characters, top 20 most legendary one piece flexes of all time, one piece, luffy, luffy vs kaido, monkey d luffy
Id: Z9YNmgzChC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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