Stop Debating Goku vs Gojo!

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00:00:00:03 - 00:00:00:36 With Gojo 00:00:00:36 - 00:00:00:50 being 00:00:00:50 - 00:00:01:26 introduced to 00:00:01:26 - 00:00:01:53 the anime 00:00:01:53 - 00:00:02:25 community 00:00:02:25 - 00:00:02:40 with the 00:00:02:40 - 00:00:03:30 wild success 00:00:03:30 - 00:00:04:04 of Jujutsu 00:00:04:04 - 00:00:05:11 Kaisen season 1 00:00:05:11 - 00:00:05:36 and him 00:00:05:36 - 00:00:06:07 having an 00:00:06:07 - 00:00:06:45 extremely 00:00:06:45 - 00:00:07:21 overpowered 00:00:07:21 - 00:00:07:53 ability 00:00:07:53 - 00:00:08:09 with the 00:00:08:09 - 00:00:08:40 Limitless 00:00:08:40 - 00:00:09:21 Cursed Technique 00:00:09:21 - 00:00:09:59 & his various 00:00:09:59 - 00:00:10:40 applications 00:00:10:40 - 00:00:11:18 of it. 00:00:11:18 - 00:00:11:56 He, like 00:00:11:56 - 00:00:12:25 many others 00:00:12:25 - 00:00:13:06 before him, 00:00:13:06 - 00:00:13:40 got thrown 00:00:13:40 - 00:00:14:45 into the “Can 00:00:14:45 - 00:00:15:09 he beat 00:00:15:09 - 00:00:16:01 Goku?” 00:00:16:01 - 00:00:16:58 Conversations. 00:00:16:58 - 00:00:17:15 There are 00:00:17:15 - 00:00:17:49 soldiers on 00:00:17:49 - 00:00:18:27 both sides 00:00:18:27 - 00:00:19:15 of this argument 00:00:19:15 - 00:00:19:55 with the majority 00:00:19:55 - 00:00:20:22 of people 00:00:20:22 - 00:00:21:09 saying of course 00:00:21:09 - 00:00:21:32 he can't 00:00:21:32 - 00:00:22:26 beat Goku 00:00:22:26 - 00:00:23:04 and other people 00:00:23:04 - 00:00:23:31 saying 00:00:23:31 - 00:00:24:41 of course he can. 00:00:24:41 - 00:00:25:15 Regardless of 00:00:25:15 - 00:00:25:57 what you hear on 00:00:25:57 - 00:00:26:34 either side 00:00:26:34 - 00:00:26:54 it's pretty 00:00:26:54 - 00:00:27:28 conclusive 00:00:27:28 - 00:00:28:01 that no one 00:00:28:01 - 00:00:28:44 thinks Gojo 00:00:28:44 - 00:00:29:22 is actually 00:00:29:22 - 00:00:29:47 stronger 00:00:29:47 - 00:00:30:25 than Goku 00:00:30:25 - 00:00:30:52 and thinks 00:00:30:52 - 00:00:31:37 either Goku 00:00:31:37 - 00:00:32:07 just can't 00:00:32:07 - 00:00:32:31 touch him 00:00:32:31 - 00:00:32:40 due 00:00:32:40 - 00:00:33:45 to his infinity 00:00:33:45 - 00:00:34:21 or he would 00:00:34:21 - 00:00:35:20 overwhelm Goku 00:00:35:20 - 00:00:35:40 with his 00:00:35:40 - 00:00:36:37 domain expansion 00:00:36:37 - 00:00:37:29 infinite Void. 00:00:37:29 - 00:00:38:40 So, in order 00:00:38:40 - 00:00:39:21 to avoid 00:00:39:21 - 00:00:40:04 attacking this 00:00:40:04 - 00:00:40:53 from a standpoint 00:00:40:53 - 00:00:41:27 that no one 00:00:41:27 - 00:00:42:12 really cares 00:00:42:12 - 00:00:42:43 about 00:00:42:43 - 00:00:43:10 we're going 00:00:43:10 - 00:00:43:33 to skip 00:00:43:33 - 00:00:43:58 the section 00:00:43:58 - 00:00:44:19 of the video 00:00:44:19 - 00:00:44:42 where I 00:00:44:42 - 00:00:45:12 would compare 00:00:45:12 - 00:00:45:45 their powers 00:00:45:45 - 00:00:46:33 to one another 00:00:46:33 - 00:00:47:06 and answer 00:00:47:06 - 00:00:47:43 the questions 00:00:47:43 - 00:00:48:12 burning into 00:00:48:12 - 00:00:49:24 everyone's minds 00:00:49:24 - 00:00:50:06 that being 00:00:50:06 - 00:00:50:54 Can Goku 00:00:50:54 - 00:00:52:09 bypass Infinity 00:00:52:10 - 00:00:52:35 & Can 00:00:52:35 - 00:00:53:36 Goku survive 00:00:53:36 - 00:00:53:51 in the 00:00:53:51 - 00:00:54:59 Unlimited Void. 00:00:54:59 - 00:00:55:42 Since just 00:00:55:42 - 00:00:56:24 being honest, 00:00:56:24 - 00:00:57:36 if he does, Gojo 00:00:57:36 - 00:00:58:04 is cooked 00:00:58:04 - 00:00:58:39 without a way 00:00:58:39 - 00:00:59:36 to actually win. 00:00:59:36 - 00:01:00:19 Before we begin 00:01:00:19 - 00:01:00:55 I'd like to ask 00:01:00:55 - 00:01:01:10 if you could 00:01:01:10 - 00:01:01:24 leave a 00:01:01:24 - 00:01:01:55 like on the video 00:01:01:55 - 00:01:02:31 and subscribe 00:01:02:31 - 00:01:03:14 to the channel 00:01:03:14 - 00:01:03:52 as I’d greatly 00:01:03:52 - 00:01:04:29 appreciate it. 00:01:04:29 - 00:01:04:37 00:01:04:37 - 00:01:05:04 Let's start 00:01:05:04 - 00:01:05:47 by explaining 00:01:05:47 - 00:01:06:09 Gojo’s 00:01:06:09 - 00:01:06:54 Cursed Technique 00:01:06:54 - 00:01:07:33 or rather 00:01:07:33 - 00:01:08:11 the neutral 00:01:08:11 - 00:01:09:14 application of it 00:01:09:14 - 00:01:09:43 being his 00:01:09:43 - 00:01:10:40 Infinity. 00:01:10:40 - 00:01:11:15 To put things 00:01:11:15 - 00:01:11:43 simply 00:01:11:43 - 00:01:12:09 this is 00:01:12:09 - 00:01:12:34 spatial 00:01:12:34 - 00:01:13:15 manipulation 00:01:13:15 - 00:01:13:51 that causes 00:01:13:51 - 00:01:14:13 things to 00:01:14:13 - 00:01:14:51 slow down 00:01:14:51 - 00:01:15:14 as they 00:01:15:14 - 00:01:16:26 approach Gojo. 00:01:16:28 - 00:01:17:11 The way Gojo & 00:01:17:11 - 00:01:17:36 the author 00:01:17:36 - 00:01:18:07 of jujutsu 00:01:18:07 - 00:01:18:55 kaisen Gege 00:01:18:55 - 00:01:19:24 Akutami 00:01:19:24 - 00:01:20:16 describe it, 00:01:20:16 - 00:01:21:03 This ability 00:01:21:03 - 00:01:21:21 works 00:01:21:21 - 00:01:21:46 the same 00:01:21:46 - 00:01:22:26 as the Achilles & 00:01:22:26 - 00:01:22:57 The Tortoise 00:01:22:57 - 00:01:23:51 paradox. 00:01:23:51 - 00:01:24:25 This can be 00:01:24:25 - 00:01:25:04 confusing 00:01:25:04 - 00:01:25:39 and a bit 00:01:25:39 - 00:01:26:15 hard to wrap 00:01:26:15 - 00:01:27:01 your head around 00:01:27:01 - 00:01:27:32 because it's 00:01:27:32 - 00:01:28:12 a paradox 00:01:28:12 - 00:01:28:40 and it deals 00:01:28:40 - 00:01:29:20 with denying 00:01:29:20 - 00:01:29:49 motion 00:01:29:49 - 00:01:30:07 and the 00:01:30:07 - 00:01:30:55 infinite numbers 00:01:30:55 - 00:01:31:19 between 00:01:31:19 - 00:01:32:11 whole numbers. 00:01:32:11 - 00:01:32:34 In this 00:01:32:34 - 00:01:33:07 paradox 00:01:33:07 - 00:01:33:36 Achiellies 00:01:33:36 - 00:01:34:13 and the Tortoise 00:01:34:13 - 00:01:34:33 are set 00:01:34:33 - 00:01:34:58 to compete 00:01:34:58 - 00:01:35:54 in a foot race 00:01:35:54 - 00:01:36:16 where in 00:01:36:16 - 00:01:36:48 the Tortoise 00:01:36:48 - 00:01:37:13 is given 00:01:37:13 - 00:01:38:06 a head start, 00:01:38:06 - 00:01:38:56 after Achielles 00:01:38:56 - 00:01:39:39 starts to move 00:01:39:39 - 00:01:40:10 in an attempt 00:01:40:10 - 00:01:40:35 to pass 00:01:40:35 - 00:01:41:16 the tortoise he’s 00:01:41:16 - 00:01:41:47 first going 00:01:41:47 - 00:01:42:25 to have to cover 00:01:42:25 - 00:01:42:59 the distance 00:01:42:59 - 00:01:43:35 that the tortoise 00:01:43:35 - 00:01:44:47 had moved aready. 00:01:44:51 - 00:01:45:25 In the time 00:01:45:25 - 00:01:46:15 it takes Achilles 00:01:46:15 - 00:01:46:49 to do this 00:01:46:49 - 00:01:47:18 the tortoise 00:01:47:18 - 00:01:47:54 would have 00:01:47:54 - 00:01:48:16 already moved 00:01:48:16 - 00:01:49:01 another distance 00:01:49:01 - 00:01:49:22 away from 00:01:49:22 - 00:01:49:58 that point, 00:01:49:58 - 00:01:50:53 So achilles would 00:01:50:53 - 00:01:51:12 then have 00:01:51:12 - 00:01:51:41 to cover 00:01:51:41 - 00:01:52:28 that distance 00:01:52:28 - 00:01:52:57 as well 00:01:52:57 - 00:01:53:40 which gives the 00:01:53:40 - 00:01:54:25 tortoise time 00:01:54:25 - 00:01:54:52 to cover 00:01:54:52 - 00:01:55:21 even more 00:01:55:21 - 00:01:56:06 distance. 00:01:56:06 - 00:01:56:43 Logically 00:01:56:43 - 00:01:57:03 this would 00:01:57:03 - 00:01:58:03 go on forever 00:01:58:03 - 00:01:58:37 and no matter 00:01:58:37 - 00:01:59:15 how small 00:01:59:15 - 00:02:00:00 the gap got 00:02:00:00 - 00:02:00:30 Achielles 00:02:00:30 - 00:02:00:57 would still 00:02:00:57 - 00:02:01:39 have to cover 00:02:01:39 - 00:02:02:15 the distance 00:02:02:15 - 00:02:03:14 the tortoise made 00:02:03:14 - 00:02:03:59 while he makes 00:02:03:59 - 00:02:04:31 even more 00:02:04:31 - 00:02:05:14 distance. 00:02:05:14 - 00:02:06:03 Eventually 00:02:06:03 - 00:02:06:23 this would 00:02:06:23 - 00:02:06:45 look like 00:02:06:45 - 00:02:07:19 the two of them 00:02:07:19 - 00:02:07:40 are not 00:02:07:40 - 00:02:08:41 even moving. 00:02:08:41 - 00:02:09:21 Like I mentioned 00:02:09:21 - 00:02:09:48 earlier 00:02:09:48 - 00:02:10:44 this is a paradox 00:02:10:44 - 00:02:11:20 that denies 00:02:11:20 - 00:02:12:19 motion entirely 00:02:12:19 - 00:02:13:04 by implying 00:02:13:04 - 00:02:13:37 that to get 00:02:13:37 - 00:02:14:07 from Point 00:02:14:07 - 00:02:15:09 A to Point B 00:02:15:09 - 00:02:15:50 you have to take 00:02:15:50 - 00:02:16:21 an infinite 00:02:16:21 - 00:02:17:06 number of steps 00:02:17:06 - 00:02:17:24 since 00:02:17:24 - 00:02:18:09 theoretically 00:02:18:09 - 00:02:18:43 you could divide 00:02:18:43 - 00:02:19:40 a finite number 00:02:19:40 - 00:02:20:22 an infinite 00:02:20:22 - 00:02:21:34 amount of times. 00:02:21:34 - 00:02:22:30 This is a paradox 00:02:22:30 - 00:02:22:59 after all 00:02:22:59 - 00:02:23:52 but even within 00:02:23:52 - 00:02:24:28 the paradox 00:02:24:28 - 00:02:24:46 there is a 00:02:24:46 - 00:02:25:31 beginning point 00:02:25:31 - 00:02:25:53 and a 00:02:25:53 - 00:02:27:08 hypothetical end 00:02:27:08 - 00:02:27:40 point. 00:02:27:40 - 00:02:28:22 On some level 00:02:28:22 - 00:02:29:04 this paradox 00:02:29:04 - 00:02:29:40 could imply 00:02:29:40 - 00:02:30:19 that all of us 00:02:30:19 - 00:02:31:26 have some level 00:02:31:26 - 00:02:32:31 of Infinite speed 00:02:32:31 - 00:02:33:00 since we 00:02:33:00 - 00:02:33:36 cross these 00:02:33:36 - 00:02:34:19 hypothetical 00:02:34:19 - 00:02:34:44 infinite 00:02:34:44 - 00:02:35:22 distances 00:02:35:22 - 00:02:35:58 everytime 00:02:35:58 - 00:02:36:21 we get up 00:02:36:21 - 00:02:36:46 to goto 00:02:36:46 - 00:02:37:37 the bathroom 00:02:37:37 - 00:02:38:13 or slap 00:02:38:13 - 00:02:38:36 someone 00:02:38:36 - 00:02:39:43 we don’t like. 00:02:39:43 - 00:02:40:06 This is 00:02:40:06 - 00:02:40:42 what Gojo’s 00:02:40:42 - 00:02:41:28 limitless Cursed 00:02:41:28 - 00:02:42:21 Technique does: 00:02:42:21 - 00:02:42:48 he makes 00:02:42:48 - 00:02:43:30 this paradox 00:02:43:30 - 00:02:44:11 a reality 00:02:44:11 - 00:02:44:43 and is able 00:02:44:43 - 00:02:45:43 to stop opponents 00:02:45:43 - 00:02:46:17 or objects 00:02:46:17 - 00:02:46:26 from 00:02:46:26 - 00:02:47:25 reaching him. 00:02:47:25 - 00:02:48:14 This confusion 00:02:48:14 - 00:02:48:34 has led 00:02:48:34 - 00:02:49:13 a lot of people 00:02:49:13 - 00:02:50:04 astray thinking 00:02:50:04 - 00:02:50:54 that Gojo creates 00:02:50:54 - 00:02:51:23 an infinite 00:02:51:23 - 00:02:52:01 amount of space 00:02:52:01 - 00:02:52:40 around him 00:02:52:40 - 00:02:53:12 when that’s 00:02:53:12 - 00:02:54:23 simply not true. 00:02:54:23 - 00:02:54:48 Taking 00:02:54:48 - 00:02:55:19 into account 00:02:55:19 - 00:02:55:33 one of the 00:02:55:33 - 00:02:56:18 volume extras 00:02:56:18 - 00:02:56:40 where this 00:02:56:40 - 00:02:57:18 is explained 00:02:57:18 - 00:02:57:46 The series 00:02:57:46 - 00:02:58:32 creator Gege 00:02:58:32 - 00:02:58:55 Akutami 00:02:58:55 - 00:02:59:47 says “Gojo’s 00:02:59:47 - 00:03:00:41 cursed technique 00:03:00:41 - 00:03:01:01 is like 00:03:01:01 - 00:03:01:42 the convergent 00:03:01:42 - 00:03:02:24 infinite number 00:03:02:24 - 00:03:03:00 that appears 00:03:03:00 - 00:03:03:34 in “Achilles 00:03:03:34 - 00:03:04:08 and the Tortoise” 00:03:04:08 - 00:03:04:24 brought to 00:03:04:24 - 00:03:05:18 reality. 00:03:05:18 - 00:03:05:47 However, 00:03:05:47 - 00:03:06:21 The infinite 00:03:06:21 - 00:03:07:08 number involved 00:03:07:08 - 00:03:07:40 with Gojo’s 00:03:07:40 - 00:03:07:57 cursed 00:03:07:57 - 00:03:08:22 technique 00:03:08:22 - 00:03:09:10 is fantasy. 00:03:09:10 - 00:03:09:47 The repeating 00:03:09:47 - 00:03:10:10 addition 00:03:10:10 - 00:03:10:40 of numbers 00:03:10:40 - 00:03:11:06 gives birth 00:03:11:06 - 00:03:11:20 to a 00:03:11:20 - 00:03:12:30 fictitious zero 00:03:12:30 - 00:03:13:33 and an “unknown” 00:03:13:33 - 00:03:14:04 derived 00:03:14:04 - 00:03:14:45 from dividing 00:03:14:45 - 00:03:15:16 zero. 00:03:15:16 - 00:03:15:39 That’s 00:03:15:39 - 00:03:15:57 why it’s 00:03:15:57 - 00:03:16:22 called 00:03:16:22 - 00:03:17:25 “limitless”. 00:03:17:25 - 00:03:18:16 This implies 00:03:18:16 - 00:03:18:48 that Gojo’s 00:03:18:48 - 00:03:19:19 infinity 00:03:19:19 - 00:03:20:13 is fictitious 00:03:20:13 - 00:03:21:08 and not real. 00:03:21:08 - 00:03:21:39 Let’s 00:03:21:39 - 00:03:22:21 look at Gojo 00:03:22:21 - 00:03:22:46 explain 00:03:22:46 - 00:03:23:20 his technique 00:03:23:20 - 00:03:24:18 a bit “My 00:03:24:18 - 00:03:24:46 technique 00:03:24:46 - 00:03:25:12 involves 00:03:25:12 - 00:03:25:51 the convergence 00:03:25:51 - 00:03:26:04 of an 00:03:26:04 - 00:03:27:03 infinite series. 00:03:27:03 - 00:03:27:23 Things 00:03:27:23 - 00:03:28:04 that approach me 00:03:28:04 - 00:03:28:50 slow down. 00:03:28:50 - 00:03:29:58 Misunderstanding 00:03:29:58 - 00:03:30:45 this is fine, 00:03:30:45 - 00:03:31:24 it's a rather 00:03:31:24 - 00:03:32:00 complicated 00:03:32:00 - 00:03:32:25 sentence 00:03:32:25 - 00:03:33:19 that can be hard 00:03:33:19 - 00:03:33:39 to wrap 00:03:33:39 - 00:03:34:33 your head around 00:03:34:33 - 00:03:34:48 since 00:03:34:48 - 00:03:35:27 he says it’s 00:03:35:27 - 00:03:36:18 a convergence 00:03:36:18 - 00:03:36:39 of an 00:03:36:39 - 00:03:37:15 infinite series 00:03:37:15 - 00:03:37:39 you’d think 00:03:37:39 - 00:03:38:06 this would 00:03:38:06 - 00:03:39:01 obviously mean 00:03:39:01 - 00:03:40:13 Infinite space 00:03:40:17 - 00:03:40:55 but this is 00:03:40:55 - 00:03:42:01 only simulated 00:03:42:01 - 00:03:42:39 through math 00:03:42:39 - 00:03:43:33 in other words 00:03:43:33 - 00:03:43:55 this could 00:03:43:55 - 00:03:45:03 imply Me & 00:03:45:03 - 00:03:45:50 Everyone watching 00:03:45:50 - 00:03:46:28 this video 00:03:46:28 - 00:03:47:16 has some level 00:03:47:16 - 00:03:47:58 of infinite speed 00:03:47:58 - 00:03:48:27 like I said 00:03:48:27 - 00:03:49:08 earlier. 00:03:49:08 - 00:03:50:00 As when we move 00:03:50:00 - 00:03:50:33 to type on 00:03:50:33 - 00:03:51:14 a keyboard, 00:03:51:14 - 00:03:51:45 walk to the 00:03:51:45 - 00:03:52:13 bathroom, 00:03:52:13 - 00:03:53:02 or even punch 00:03:53:02 - 00:03:53:36 someone 00:03:53:36 - 00:03:54:16 the distance 00:03:54:16 - 00:03:54:50 we travel 00:03:54:50 - 00:03:55:33 could be divided 00:03:55:33 - 00:03:56:11 infinitely 00:03:56:11 - 00:03:56:33 and we’d 00:03:56:33 - 00:03:57:25 have to cross it 00:03:57:25 - 00:03:58:06 and we do 00:03:58:06 - 00:03:58:31 every 00:03:58:31 - 00:03:59:25 single time. 00:03:59:25 - 00:03:59:47 If we’re 00:03:59:47 - 00:04:00:12 walking 00:04:00:12 - 00:04:01:10 two feet forwards 00:04:01:10 - 00:04:01:57 or backwards 00:04:01:57 - 00:04:02:22 then in 00:04:02:22 - 00:04:03:01 between 1 & 00:04:03:01 - 00:04:03:36 2 feet 00:04:03:36 - 00:04:04:22 are an infinite 00:04:04:22 - 00:04:05:16 amount of numbers 00:04:05:16 - 00:04:06:14 like 1.9 00:04:06:14 - 00:04:07:03 repeating 00:04:07:03 - 00:04:07:21 you could 00:04:07:21 - 00:04:07:57 always add 00:04:07:57 - 00:04:08:40 another 9 00:04:08:40 - 00:04:08:51 on the 00:04:08:51 - 00:04:10:17 back of 1.9 feet 00:04:10:17 - 00:04:10:40 and it would 00:04:10:40 - 00:04:11:20 never reach 00:04:11:20 - 00:04:12:14 2 feet 00:04:12:14 - 00:04:12:36 and that’s 00:04:12:36 - 00:04:13:06 exactly 00:04:13:06 - 00:04:13:48 what Gojo does 00:04:13:48 - 00:04:14:23 with his cursed 00:04:14:23 - 00:04:14:45 Technique. 00:04:14:45 - 00:04:15:33 In other words, 00:04:15:33 - 00:04:16:40 think of infinity 00:04:16:40 - 00:04:17:23 as a finite 00:04:17:23 - 00:04:17:54 barrier 00:04:17:54 - 00:04:18:43 with the ability 00:04:18:43 - 00:04:19:17 to divide 00:04:19:17 - 00:04:20:11 infinitely. 00:04:20:11 - 00:04:20:54 The paradox 00:04:20:54 - 00:04:21:48 itself supports 00:04:21:48 - 00:04:22:24 this where 00:04:22:24 - 00:04:23:00 the infinity 00:04:23:00 - 00:04:23:47 only exists 00:04:23:47 - 00:04:24:39 between numbers 00:04:24:39 - 00:04:24:55 like I 00:04:24:55 - 00:04:25:58 just explained 00:04:25:58 - 00:04:26:18 and it’s 00:04:26:18 - 00:04:26:38 not an 00:04:26:38 - 00:04:27:34 actual infinite 00:04:27:34 - 00:04:27:48 amount 00:04:27:48 - 00:04:28:33 of distance. 00:04:28:33 - 00:04:29:16 Down in 00:04:29:16 - 00:04:29:47 the Shibuya 00:04:29:47 - 00:04:30:30 train station 00:04:30:30 - 00:04:31:42 in chapter 85 00:04:31:51 - 00:04:33:06 Gojo tells Jogo & 00:04:33:06 - 00:04:33:23 Hanami 00:04:33:23 - 00:04:34:06 that if they plan 00:04:34:06 - 00:04:34:31 on trying 00:04:34:31 - 00:04:35:16 to neutralize 00:04:35:16 - 00:04:35:52 his infinity 00:04:35:52 - 00:04:36:08 with their 00:04:36:08 - 00:04:36:28 domain 00:04:36:28 - 00:04:37:28 amplification 00:04:37:28 - 00:04:38:00 he’ll simply 00:04:38:00 - 00:04:38:24 counter 00:04:38:24 - 00:04:39:07 by strengthening 00:04:39:07 - 00:04:39:31 his cursed 00:04:39:31 - 00:04:40:08 technique 00:04:40:08 - 00:04:40:35 & we see that 00:04:40:35 - 00:04:41:11 as he does 00:04:41:11 - 00:04:41:58 this the finite 00:04:41:58 - 00:04:42:39 barrier grows 00:04:42:39 - 00:04:43:42 larger in size 00:04:43:42 - 00:04:44:31 until it crushes 00:04:44:31 - 00:04:44:52 Hanami 00:04:44:52 - 00:04:45:54 against the wall. 00:04:45:54 - 00:04:46:33 To sum this up 00:04:46:33 - 00:04:47:24 as best as I can, 00:04:47:24 - 00:04:48:07 Gojo creates 00:04:48:07 - 00:04:48:52 a simulated 00:04:48:52 - 00:04:49:24 infinity 00:04:49:24 - 00:04:49:58 by making a 00:04:49:58 - 00:04:51:01 paradox real 00:04:51:01 - 00:04:51:21 within 00:04:51:21 - 00:04:52:12 a certain space 00:04:52:12 - 00:04:53:09 close to him. 00:04:53:09 - 00:04:54:07 The question is, 00:04:54:07 - 00:04:54:59 what can Goku 00:04:54:59 - 00:04:55:53 do to get past 00:04:55:53 - 00:04:56:42 this extremely 00:04:56:42 - 00:04:57:12 overpowered 00:04:57:12 - 00:04:58:19 technique? 00:04:58:19 - 00:04:58:49 Dragon Ball 00:04:58:49 - 00:04:59:40 is no stranger 00:04:59:40 - 00:05:00:19 to space 00:05:00:19 - 00:05:01:10 time manipulation 00:05:01:10 - 00:05:01:53 but let’s 00:05:01:53 - 00:05:02:29 come at this 00:05:02:29 - 00:05:02:40 from a 00:05:02:40 - 00:05:03:25 more interesting 00:05:03:25 - 00:05:03:45 angle first 00:05:03:45 - 00:05:04:12 before we 00:05:04:12 - 00:05:05:24 get into that. 00:05:05:29 - 00:05:06:05 This has to do 00:05:06:05 - 00:05:06:41 with the output 00:05:06:41 - 00:05:07:01 of cursed 00:05:07:01 - 00:05:07:33 techniques 00:05:07:33 - 00:05:08:09 and the way 00:05:08:09 - 00:05:09:01 to neutralize 00:05:09:01 - 00:05:09:39 them. 00:05:09:39 - 00:05:09:59 There are 00:05:09:59 - 00:05:10:46 a few layers 00:05:10:46 - 00:05:11:18 to this and I’m 00:05:11:18 - 00:05:12:12 going to cover 00:05:12:12 - 00:05:12:57 every layer 00:05:12:57 - 00:05:13:40 so I recommend 00:05:13:40 - 00:05:13:58 waiting 00:05:13:58 - 00:05:14:42 until the point 00:05:14:42 - 00:05:15:19 is finished 00:05:15:19 - 00:05:16:22 before commenting 00:05:16:22 - 00:05:17:27 about it. 00:05:17:27 - 00:05:18:03 In the main 00:05:18:03 - 00:05:18:54 series of Jujutsu 00:05:18:54 - 00:05:19:28 Kaisen it’s 00:05:19:28 - 00:05:20:07 told to us 00:05:20:07 - 00:05:21:07 numerous times 00:05:21:07 - 00:05:21:36 that higher 00:05:21:36 - 00:05:22:24 output techniques 00:05:22:24 - 00:05:22:55 like Domain 00:05:22:55 - 00:05:23:43 Expansion 00:05:23:43 - 00:05:24:14 & Domain 00:05:24:14 - 00:05:24:54 Amplification 00:05:24:54 - 00:05:25:36 can bypass & 00:05:25:36 - 00:05:26:31 or neutralize 00:05:26:31 - 00:05:27:33 Gojo’s limitless. 00:05:27:33 - 00:05:28:31 Gojo himself 00:05:28:31 - 00:05:28:58 says this 00:05:28:58 - 00:05:29:29 in his fight 00:05:29:29 - 00:05:30:14 with Sukuna, 00:05:30:14 - 00:05:30:54 during his battle 00:05:30:54 - 00:05:32:09 with Jogo, & down 00:05:32:09 - 00:05:32:47 in the Shibuya 00:05:32:47 - 00:05:33:25 train station 00:05:33:25 - 00:05:33:59 like I mentioned 00:05:33:59 - 00:05:34:31 earlier. 00:05:34:31 - 00:05:34:58 These aren’t 00:05:34:58 - 00:05:35:56 the only examples 00:05:35:56 - 00:05:36:19 but they’re 00:05:36:19 - 00:05:36:36 some of the 00:05:36:36 - 00:05:37:12 more relevant 00:05:37:12 - 00:05:37:40 ones due 00:05:37:40 - 00:05:38:24 to specific 00:05:38:24 - 00:05:38:55 wording. 00:05:38:55 - 00:05:39:59 Gojo says 00:05:39:59 - 00:05:40:32 even though 00:05:40:32 - 00:05:40:53 Sukuna 00:05:40:53 - 00:05:41:22 can negate 00:05:41:22 - 00:05:41:42 the low 00:05:41:42 - 00:05:42:05 output 00:05:42:05 - 00:05:42:54 Neutral limitless 00:05:42:54 - 00:05:43:13 with his 00:05:43:13 - 00:05:43:33 Domain 00:05:43:33 - 00:05:44:18 Amplification 00:05:44:18 - 00:05:44:43 he can’t 00:05:44:43 - 00:05:45:16 completely 00:05:45:16 - 00:05:45:45 negate the 00:05:45:45 - 00:05:46:28 higher output 00:05:46:28 - 00:05:47:33 Blue & Red. 00:05:47:33 - 00:05:48:03 This falls 00:05:48:03 - 00:05:48:27 in line 00:05:48:27 - 00:05:48:57 with something 00:05:48:57 - 00:05:49:44 he says to Jogo 00:05:49:44 - 00:05:50:16 and Hanami 00:05:50:16 - 00:05:50:51 in Shibuya 00:05:50:51 - 00:05:51:16 stating that 00:05:51:16 - 00:05:51:57 even if they try 00:05:51:57 - 00:05:52:13 and negate 00:05:52:13 - 00:05:53:07 his limitless 00:05:53:07 - 00:05:53:22 he’ll 00:05:53:22 - 00:05:53:58 just make his 00:05:53:58 - 00:05:54:22 technique 00:05:54:22 - 00:05:54:50 stronger 00:05:54:50 - 00:05:55:37 and when he does 00:05:55:37 - 00:05:56:07 that he 00:05:56:07 - 00:05:56:43 overpowers 00:05:56:43 - 00:05:57:18 their Domain 00:05:57:18 - 00:05:58:08 Amplification. 00:05:58:08 - 00:05:58:35 Earlier 00:05:58:35 - 00:05:59:13 Gojo mentions 00:05:59:13 - 00:05:59:42 that Domain 00:05:59:42 - 00:06:00:25 Amplification 00:06:00:25 - 00:06:00:46 is like 00:06:00:46 - 00:06:01:28 simple domain 00:06:01:28 - 00:06:01:37 and 00:06:01:37 - 00:06:02:15 if you think of 00:06:02:15 - 00:06:02:38 Barrier 00:06:02:38 - 00:06:03:09 techniques 00:06:03:09 - 00:06:03:57 as boxes 00:06:03:57 - 00:06:04:39 or prisons 00:06:04:39 - 00:06:05:04 that trap 00:06:05:04 - 00:06:05:58 their target 00:06:05:58 - 00:06:06:37 then Domain 00:06:06:37 - 00:06:07:28 Amplification 00:06:07:28 - 00:06:08:09 is as if you’re 00:06:08:09 - 00:06:08:56 being surrounded 00:06:08:56 - 00:06:09:54 by water… 00:06:09:54 - 00:06:10:39 maybe it’s 00:06:10:39 - 00:06:11:11 a similar 00:06:11:11 - 00:06:11:45 feeling to 00:06:11:45 - 00:06:12:03 when you 00:06:12:03 - 00:06:12:36 initially 00:06:12:36 - 00:06:13:10 push back 00:06:13:10 - 00:06:14:22 against a domain. 00:06:14:31 - 00:06:15:01 The chances 00:06:15:01 - 00:06:15:34 of an attack 00:06:15:34 - 00:06:15:54 missing 00:06:15:54 - 00:06:16:30 will increase 00:06:16:30 - 00:06:16:51 but it will 00:06:16:51 - 00:06:17:48 always neutralize 00:06:17:48 - 00:06:18:36 the technique 00:06:18:36 - 00:06:19:08 & with 00:06:19:08 - 00:06:19:51 that method 00:06:19:51 - 00:06:20:11 he was 00:06:20:11 - 00:06:21:12 now vulnerable 00:06:21:12 - 00:06:22:10 to attacks. 00:06:22:10 - 00:06:23:04 This is important 00:06:23:04 - 00:06:23:40 not only 00:06:23:40 - 00:06:24:21 because of what 00:06:24:21 - 00:06:24:55 was mentioned 00:06:24:55 - 00:06:25:24 earlier 00:06:25:24 - 00:06:25:49 about the 00:06:25:49 - 00:06:26:20 limitless 00:06:26:20 - 00:06:27:32 being low output 00:06:27:34 - 00:06:28:35 but way earlier 00:06:28:35 - 00:06:29:22 in the manga 00:06:29:22 - 00:06:29:52 during his 00:06:29:52 - 00:06:30:23 first fight 00:06:30:23 - 00:06:31:03 with Jogo 00:06:31:03 - 00:06:31:40 when Jogo asks 00:06:31:40 - 00:06:32:33 if since they are 00:06:32:33 - 00:06:32:52 in his 00:06:32:52 - 00:06:33:28 more potent 00:06:33:28 - 00:06:34:13 domain 00:06:34:13 - 00:06:34:58 if his attacks 00:06:34:58 - 00:06:35:38 will now reach 00:06:35:38 - 00:06:36:14 Gojo and 00:06:36:14 - 00:06:37:03 Gojo confirms 00:06:37:03 - 00:06:37:19 this and 00:06:37:19 - 00:06:37:49 responds 00:06:37:49 - 00:06:38:38 with yes. 00:06:38:38 - 00:06:39:09 So we know 00:06:39:09 - 00:06:39:43 Domains 00:06:39:43 - 00:06:40:21 Neutralize 00:06:40:21 - 00:06:41:07 cursed techniques 00:06:41:07 - 00:06:41:59 but this more 00:06:41:59 - 00:06:42:48 so tells us 00:06:42:48 - 00:06:43:24 the method 00:06:43:24 - 00:06:43:44 of how 00:06:43:44 - 00:06:44:38 they do that 00:06:44:38 - 00:06:44:56 and it’s 00:06:44:56 - 00:06:46:21 via overpowering 00:06:46:21 - 00:06:46:58 the output 00:06:46:58 - 00:06:47:55 of the technique. 00:06:47:55 - 00:06:48:36 An immediate 00:06:48:36 - 00:06:49:12 response to 00:06:49:12 - 00:06:49:42 this would be 00:06:49:42 - 00:06:50:27 that this is just 00:06:50:27 - 00:06:51:18 simply a trait 00:06:51:18 - 00:06:51:48 of Domain 00:06:51:48 - 00:06:52:23 Expansions 00:06:52:23 - 00:06:52:53 and Domain 00:06:52:53 - 00:06:53:52 Amplification 00:06:53:52 - 00:06:54:41 but that isn’t 00:06:54:41 - 00:06:55:43 implied at all 00:06:55:43 - 00:06:56:36 what’s stated is 00:06:56:36 - 00:06:56:54 of course 00:06:56:54 - 00:06:57:30 that they do 00:06:57:30 - 00:06:58:06 these things 00:06:58:06 - 00:06:58:39 i’m simply 00:06:58:39 - 00:06:59:25 giving the method 00:06:59:25 - 00:07:00:00 by which 00:07:00:00 - 00:07:00:45 it’s implied 00:07:00:45 - 00:07:00:55 they 00:07:00:55 - 00:07:02:00 accomplish it 00:07:02:00 - 00:07:02:58 in other words, 00:07:02:58 - 00:07:03:36 If Goku 00:07:03:36 - 00:07:04:48 hits Infinity 00:07:04:53 - 00:07:05:05 really 00:07:05:05 - 00:07:05:29 really hard 00:07:05:29 - 00:07:06:26 with a Ki punch 00:07:06:26 - 00:07:06:45 or 00:07:06:45 - 00:07:07:37 Kamehameha wave 00:07:07:37 - 00:07:08:43 it should break 00:07:08:43 - 00:07:09:07 straight 00:07:09:07 - 00:07:09:36 through it 00:07:09:36 - 00:07:11:03 given this logic. 00:07:11:07 - 00:07:11:33 There are 00:07:11:33 - 00:07:11:58 a bit 00:07:11:58 - 00:07:12:45 more examples 00:07:12:45 - 00:07:13:42 of this as well, 00:07:13:42 - 00:07:14:18 a couple more 00:07:14:18 - 00:07:15:10 examples in 00:07:15:10 - 00:07:15:39 the Sukuna 00:07:15:39 - 00:07:16:51 vs Gojo fight 00:07:16:53 - 00:07:17:38 are Gojo 00:07:17:38 - 00:07:18:16 using simple 00:07:18:16 - 00:07:18:46 domain 00:07:18:46 - 00:07:19:19 but it then 00:07:19:19 - 00:07:20:04 being confirmed 00:07:20:04 - 00:07:20:46 that compared 00:07:20:46 - 00:07:21:18 to the output 00:07:21:18 - 00:07:21:48 of a regular 00:07:21:48 - 00:07:22:20 domain 00:07:22:20 - 00:07:23:25 a simple domain 00:07:23:25 - 00:07:23:54 will only 00:07:23:54 - 00:07:25:10 buy time, & 00:07:25:10 - 00:07:25:40 then later 00:07:25:40 - 00:07:26:16 when Gojo 00:07:26:16 - 00:07:26:56 uses falling 00:07:26:56 - 00:07:27:50 blossom emotion 00:07:27:50 - 00:07:28:28 it’s confirmed 00:07:28:28 - 00:07:28:58 that nothing 00:07:28:58 - 00:07:29:56 can really match 00:07:29:56 - 00:07:30:32 the giant 00:07:30:32 - 00:07:30:57 output of 00:07:30:57 - 00:07:32:02 a domain. 00:07:32:02 - 00:07:32:40 This is why 00:07:32:40 - 00:07:33:35 inside Sukuna’s 00:07:33:35 - 00:07:34:22 Domain Gojo 00:07:34:22 - 00:07:34:53 can use 00:07:34:53 - 00:07:35:47 Blue & Red 00:07:35:47 - 00:07:36:19 but the neutral 00:07:36:19 - 00:07:36:51 limitless 00:07:36:51 - 00:07:37:53 gets neutralized 00:07:37:53 - 00:07:38:45 and the sure hit 00:07:38:45 - 00:07:39:57 can affect him. 00:07:39:57 - 00:07:41:04 Now, I did 00:07:41:04 - 00:07:41:34 say I’d 00:07:41:34 - 00:07:42:23 give other ways 00:07:42:23 - 00:07:43:04 to look at this 00:07:43:04 - 00:07:44:20 and I will It’s 00:07:44:20 - 00:07:44:52 possible 00:07:44:52 - 00:07:45:36 that even 00:07:45:36 - 00:07:45:59 if this 00:07:45:59 - 00:07:47:11 argument is true 00:07:47:15 - 00:07:48:05 it might just be 00:07:48:05 - 00:07:48:37 a Cursed 00:07:48:37 - 00:07:49:22 Energy vs 00:07:49:22 - 00:07:49:39 Cursed 00:07:49:39 - 00:07:50:36 Energy thing 00:07:50:36 - 00:07:51:01 that can 00:07:51:01 - 00:07:51:37 overpower 00:07:51:37 - 00:07:52:09 the output 00:07:52:09 - 00:07:53:07 not necessarily 00:07:53:07 - 00:07:54:09 just an overall 00:07:54:09 - 00:07:54:36 stronger 00:07:54:36 - 00:07:55:55 technique meaning 00:07:55:55 - 00:07:56:20 Even though 00:07:56:20 - 00:07:57:19 Goku’s kamehameha 00:07:57:19 - 00:07:57:39 should be 00:07:57:39 - 00:07:58:03 stronger 00:07:58:03 - 00:07:58:46 than Jogo’s 00:07:58:46 - 00:07:59:18 domain 00:07:59:18 - 00:07:59:51 amplification 00:07:59:51 - 00:08:00:21 it wouldn’t 00:08:00:21 - 00:08:00:37 be able 00:08:00:37 - 00:08:00:54 to do 00:08:00:54 - 00:08:01:33 the same thing 00:08:01:33 - 00:08:01:55 since it’s 00:08:01:55 - 00:08:02:24 not cursed 00:08:02:24 - 00:08:03:18 energy. 00:08:03:18 - 00:08:03:54 This means 00:08:03:54 - 00:08:04:31 you can take it 00:08:04:31 - 00:08:05:22 one of two ways 00:08:05:22 - 00:08:06:30 either doing what 00:08:06:30 - 00:08:07:04 people call 00:08:07:04 - 00:08:07:24 Verse 00:08:07:24 - 00:08:08:11 Equalization 00:08:08:11 - 00:08:08:42 where you make 00:08:08:42 - 00:08:09:03 Ki & 00:08:09:03 - 00:08:09:37 Cursed Energy 00:08:09:37 - 00:08:10:12 essentially equal 00:08:10:12 - 00:08:10:28 for the 00:08:10:28 - 00:08:11:42 sake of a battle 00:08:11:47 - 00:08:12:36 or You can say 00:08:12:36 - 00:08:12:57 that it’s 00:08:12:57 - 00:08:13:37 only a 00:08:13:37 - 00:08:14:16 cursed energy 00:08:14:16 - 00:08:14:52 thing and you’re 00:08:14:52 - 00:08:15:27 not willing 00:08:15:27 - 00:08:15:48 to do 00:08:15:48 - 00:08:16:03 verse 00:08:16:03 - 00:08:16:44 equalization 00:08:16:44 - 00:08:17:02 so this 00:08:17:02 - 00:08:17:34 method wouldn’t 00:08:17:34 - 00:08:18:30 work. 00:08:18:30 - 00:08:19:06 This works 00:08:19:06 - 00:08:19:31 because it 00:08:19:31 - 00:08:20:18 keeps Infinity 00:08:20:18 - 00:08:20:45 still as a 00:08:20:45 - 00:08:21:28 broken Hax 00:08:21:28 - 00:08:22:06 within the 00:08:22:06 - 00:08:22:47 Jujutsu Kaisen 00:08:22:47 - 00:08:23:07 universe 00:08:23:07 - 00:08:24:14 as no character 00:08:24:14 - 00:08:24:46 can just straight 00:08:24:46 - 00:08:26:02 overpower Gojo’s 00:08:26:02 - 00:08:26:27 limitless 00:08:26:27 - 00:08:27:09 without Domain 00:08:27:09 - 00:08:27:55 Expansion 00:08:27:55 - 00:08:29:04 or Amplification 00:08:29:04 - 00:08:30:03 and only implies 00:08:30:03 - 00:08:30:46 in a cross verse 00:08:30:46 - 00:08:31:15 setting that 00:08:31:15 - 00:08:31:46 something like 00:08:31:46 - 00:08:32:06 this would 00:08:32:06 - 00:08:33:03 be applicable 00:08:33:03 - 00:08:33:27 and with 00:08:33:27 - 00:08:34:12 someone way 00:08:34:12 - 00:08:34:35 stronger 00:08:34:35 - 00:08:35:32 than Gojo 00:08:35:32 - 00:08:35:58 and it’s 00:08:35:58 - 00:08:36:36 not like 00:08:36:36 - 00:08:37:12 Gege made 00:08:37:12 - 00:08:38:00 this ability 00:08:38:00 - 00:08:38:29 to be 00:08:38:29 - 00:08:39:14 put up against 00:08:39:14 - 00:08:40:01 other characters 00:08:40:01 - 00:08:40:33 outside of 00:08:40:33 - 00:08:41:31 Jujutsu Kaisen 00:08:41:31 - 00:08:42:51 so yea. 00:08:42:56 - 00:08:43:19 To sum 00:08:43:19 - 00:08:43:58 this part up 00:08:43:58 - 00:08:44:58 there are 4 ways 00:08:44:58 - 00:08:45:12 to go 00:08:45:12 - 00:08:46:28 about this 1. 00:08:46:28 - 00:08:46:46 Verse 00:08:46:46 - 00:08:47:25 Equalization 00:08:47:25 - 00:08:47:51 which I just 00:08:47:51 - 00:08:49:12 explained 2. 00:08:49:13 - 00:08:49:55 Not using 00:08:49:55 - 00:08:50:07 verse 00:08:50:07 - 00:08:51:45 equalization 3. 00:08:51:45 - 00:08:52:02 Saying 00:08:52:02 - 00:08:52:46 Goku could 00:08:52:46 - 00:08:53:29 overpower 00:08:53:29 - 00:08:53:54 infinity 00:08:53:54 - 00:08:54:25 with greater 00:08:54:25 - 00:08:54:50 force 00:08:54:50 - 00:08:55:33 due to higher 00:08:55:33 - 00:08:57:04 output or 4. 00:08:57:05 - 00:08:57:45 Say I’m 00:08:57:45 - 00:08:58:31 wrong about 00:08:58:31 - 00:08:58:47 this one 00:08:58:47 - 00:08:59:27 and move on 00:08:59:27 - 00:09:00:14 to the second way 00:09:00:14 - 00:09:00:32 I think 00:09:00:32 - 00:09:01:02 Gojo could 00:09:01:02 - 00:09:01:33 get past 00:09:01:33 - 00:09:02:18 Infinity. 00:09:02:18 - 00:09:02:58 For the record 00:09:02:58 - 00:09:03:19 I’m not 00:09:03:19 - 00:09:04:10 saying anything 00:09:04:10 - 00:09:04:55 that can match 00:09:04:55 - 00:09:05:20 or be 00:09:05:20 - 00:09:05:52 slightly 00:09:05:52 - 00:09:06:10 higher 00:09:06:10 - 00:09:06:48 than Gojo’s 00:09:06:48 - 00:09:07:42 limitless output 00:09:07:42 - 00:09:08:49 could negate it 00:09:08:49 - 00:09:09:34 the specific 00:09:09:34 - 00:09:10:08 parameters 00:09:10:08 - 00:09:10:30 for that 00:09:10:30 - 00:09:11:00 or how 00:09:11:00 - 00:09:12:17 much more output 00:09:12:17 - 00:09:12:46 you need to 00:09:12:46 - 00:09:13:17 have isn’t 00:09:13:17 - 00:09:14:00 specified in 00:09:14:00 - 00:09:14:38 the argument 00:09:14:38 - 00:09:15:10 however 00:09:15:10 - 00:09:15:27 I know 00:09:15:27 - 00:09:16:13 Goku should 00:09:16:13 - 00:09:16:35 reach the 00:09:16:35 - 00:09:17:11 requirements 00:09:17:11 - 00:09:17:49 because Goku 00:09:17:49 - 00:09:18:18 is stronger 00:09:18:18 - 00:09:19:04 than Gojo 00:09:19:04 - 00:09:19:39 and Gojo 00:09:19:39 - 00:09:20:06 is stronger 00:09:20:06 - 00:09:20:52 than Jogo 00:09:20:52 - 00:09:21:12 who could 00:09:21:12 - 00:09:21:54 overcome this 00:09:21:54 - 00:09:22:13 output 00:09:22:13 - 00:09:22:46 requirement 00:09:22:46 - 00:09:23:58 with his domain. 00:09:24:07 - 00:09:24:34 Potential 00:09:24:34 - 00:09:24:57 evidence 00:09:24:57 - 00:09:25:46 for this resides 00:09:25:46 - 00:09:27:07 in Gojo vs Sukuna 00:09:27:07 - 00:09:27:52 where Gojo 00:09:27:52 - 00:09:28:24 actually 00:09:28:24 - 00:09:29:11 hits himself 00:09:29:11 - 00:09:29:47 with his own 00:09:29:47 - 00:09:30:25 Purple 00:09:30:25 - 00:09:30:46 and it 00:09:30:46 - 00:09:32:12 bypasses infinity 00:09:32:16 - 00:09:32:54 someone could 00:09:32:54 - 00:09:34:15 easily argue Gojo 00:09:34:15 - 00:09:34:46 just didn’t 00:09:34:46 - 00:09:35:31 have his Infinity 00:09:35:31 - 00:09:36:43 on since 00:09:36:57 - 00:09:37:53 it was adapted 00:09:37:53 - 00:09:39:05 to by that point 00:09:39:07 - 00:09:40:01 but I think 00:09:40:01 - 00:09:40:22 it makes 00:09:40:22 - 00:09:40:48 more sense 00:09:40:48 - 00:09:41:06 for him 00:09:41:06 - 00:09:41:58 to have it on 00:09:41:58 - 00:09:42:41 in that instance 00:09:42:41 - 00:09:43:17 considering he’s 00:09:43:17 - 00:09:43:46 planning on 00:09:43:46 - 00:09:44:00 blowing 00:09:44:00 - 00:09:44:51 himself up 00:09:44:51 - 00:09:45:21 and doesn’t 00:09:45:21 - 00:09:45:57 know if he’s 00:09:45:57 - 00:09:46:37 gonna unalive 00:09:46:37 - 00:09:47:24 from this 00:09:47:24 - 00:09:48:19 and was surprised 00:09:48:19 - 00:09:49:12 by the results. 00:09:49:12 - 00:09:50:13 But, like I said, 00:09:50:13 - 00:09:50:49 that's only 00:09:50:49 - 00:09:51:39 potentially 00:09:51:39 - 00:09:52:03 evidence 00:09:52:03 - 00:09:52:28 to support 00:09:52:28 - 00:09:53:00 the claim. 00:09:53:00 - 00:09:53:33 Let's move 00:09:53:33 - 00:09:54:19 onto Goku 00:09:54:19 - 00:09:54:52 & Dragon 00:09:54:52 - 00:09:55:17 Ball. 00:09:55:17 - 00:09:55:57 Like I mentioned 00:09:55:57 - 00:09:56:38 earlier, Dragon 00:09:56:38 - 00:09:56:56 Ball is 00:09:56:56 - 00:09:57:41 no stranger 00:09:57:41 - 00:09:58:10 to Spatial 00:09:58:10 - 00:09:59:04 Manipulation. 00:09:59:04 - 00:09:59:34 One of the more 00:09:59:34 - 00:10:00:36 blatant examples 00:10:00:36 - 00:10:01:01 of Spatial 00:10:01:01 - 00:10:01:42 manipulation 00:10:01:42 - 00:10:02:36 or defiance 00:10:02:36 - 00:10:03:30 in Dragon Ball 00:10:03:30 - 00:10:03:52 is when 00:10:03:52 - 00:10:04:28 Super Buu 00:10:04:28 - 00:10:05:04 & Gotenks 00:10:05:04 - 00:10:05:29 literally 00:10:05:29 - 00:10:05:54 screamed 00:10:05:54 - 00:10:06:18 their way 00:10:06:18 - 00:10:06:43 out of the 00:10:06:43 - 00:10:07:31 hyperbolic time 00:10:07:31 - 00:10:07:49 chamber 00:10:07:49 - 00:10:09:01 using their Ki. 00:10:09:01 - 00:10:09:23 Proving 00:10:09:23 - 00:10:09:54 the Hyperbolic 00:10:09:54 - 00:10:10:33 Time Chamber is 00:10:10:33 - 00:10:10:57 a separate 00:10:10:57 - 00:10:11:40 timespace is 00:10:11:40 - 00:10:12:37 extremely easy. 00:10:12:37 - 00:10:13:15 I doubt anyone 00:10:13:15 - 00:10:13:49 really needs 00:10:13:49 - 00:10:14:22 proof of this 00:10:14:22 - 00:10:14:36 but it’s 00:10:14:36 - 00:10:15:03 stated to be 00:10:15:03 - 00:10:15:27 a separate 00:10:15:27 - 00:10:16:03 dimension 00:10:16:03 - 00:10:16:46 and that time 00:10:16:46 - 00:10:17:29 moves differently 00:10:17:29 - 00:10:17:58 there 00:10:17:58 - 00:10:18:18 the only 00:10:18:18 - 00:10:18:43 connection 00:10:18:43 - 00:10:19:01 between 00:10:19:01 - 00:10:19:17 the two 00:10:19:17 - 00:10:19:46 dimensions 00:10:19:46 - 00:10:20:34 is this door 00:10:20:34 - 00:10:21:03 that when 00:10:21:03 - 00:10:21:59 destroyed locks 00:10:21:59 - 00:10:22:28 the person 00:10:22:28 - 00:10:23:00 inside the 00:10:23:00 - 00:10:23:58 TIme Chamber. 00:10:23:58 - 00:10:24:59 Buu blows a hole 00:10:24:59 - 00:10:25:31 between these 00:10:25:31 - 00:10:26:04 dimensions 00:10:26:04 - 00:10:26:22 in order 00:10:26:22 - 00:10:26:58 to escape 00:10:26:58 - 00:10:27:28 and like 00:10:27:28 - 00:10:27:55 I mentioned 00:10:27:55 - 00:10:29:07 earlier Gotenks 00:10:29:07 - 00:10:29:54 follows after 00:10:29:54 - 00:10:30:34 entering Super 00:10:30:34 - 00:10:31:12 Saiyan 3. 00:10:31:12 - 00:10:32:06 This isn’t a hax 00:10:32:06 - 00:10:32:33 or anything 00:10:32:33 - 00:10:33:18 like that either 00:10:33:18 - 00:10:33:57 Piccolo states 00:10:33:57 - 00:10:34:26 that Majin 00:10:34:26 - 00:10:35:16 Buu blew a hole 00:10:35:16 - 00:10:35:34 through the 00:10:35:34 - 00:10:36:01 dimensional 00:10:36:01 - 00:10:36:37 barrier with 00:10:36:37 - 00:10:37:24 just his ki. 00:10:37:24 - 00:10:37:55 The anime 00:10:37:55 - 00:10:38:32 of Dragon Ball 00:10:38:32 - 00:10:39:03 Z adds 00:10:39:03 - 00:10:39:25 a bit 00:10:39:25 - 00:10:40:17 more consistency 00:10:40:17 - 00:10:40:46 to Dragon 00:10:40:46 - 00:10:41:22 Ball characters 00:10:41:22 - 00:10:41:45 being able 00:10:41:45 - 00:10:42:18 to do things 00:10:42:18 - 00:10:42:45 like this 00:10:42:45 - 00:10:43:26 as Buuhan 00:10:43:26 - 00:10:43:46 takes 00:10:43:46 - 00:10:44:18 this technique 00:10:44:18 - 00:10:44:49 to a far 00:10:44:49 - 00:10:45:46 higher scale 00:10:45:46 - 00:10:46:12 and starts 00:10:46:12 - 00:10:46:49 breaking down 00:10:46:49 - 00:10:47:24 the dimensional 00:10:47:24 - 00:10:47:49 barriers 00:10:47:49 - 00:10:48:37 in the real world 00:10:48:37 - 00:10:49:04 to crush 00:10:49:04 - 00:10:49:39 the entire 00:10:49:39 - 00:10:50:22 universe under 00:10:50:22 - 00:10:50:45 alternate 00:10:50:45 - 00:10:51:55 dimensions. 00:10:51:55 - 00:10:53:00 That doesn’t mean 00:10:53:00 - 00:10:53:40 the manga 00:10:53:40 - 00:10:54:23 doesn’t have it’s 00:10:54:23 - 00:10:55:12 own consistency 00:10:55:12 - 00:10:56:00 for this though 00:10:56:00 - 00:10:56:38 after going 00:10:56:38 - 00:10:56:58 into Super 00:10:56:58 - 00:10:58:17 Saiyan 3 Goku’s 00:10:58:17 - 00:10:58:49 ki starts 00:10:58:49 - 00:10:59:50 to also cross 00:10:59:50 - 00:11:00:16 dimensional 00:11:00:16 - 00:11:00:48 barriers 00:11:00:48 - 00:11:01:13 and reach 00:11:01:13 - 00:11:01:55 the Kaio shin 00:11:01:55 - 00:11:02:18 realm 00:11:02:18 - 00:11:02:45 a feat 00:11:02:45 - 00:11:03:32 Kibito believes 00:11:03:32 - 00:11:03:48 to be 00:11:03:48 - 00:11:04:57 unbelievable 00:11:04:57 - 00:11:05:58 this map of the 00:11:05:58 - 00:11:06:36 Universe of 00:11:06:36 - 00:11:07:17 Dragon Ball 00:11:07:17 - 00:11:08:04 does prove 00:11:08:04 - 00:11:08:36 the Kaioshin 00:11:08:36 - 00:11:09:34 realm is not 00:11:09:34 - 00:11:09:57 within the 00:11:09:57 - 00:11:10:51 main universe 00:11:10:51 - 00:11:11:40 Akira Toriyama 00:11:11:40 - 00:11:12:12 has gone on 00:11:12:12 - 00:11:12:32 to say 00:11:12:32 - 00:11:13:10 this about the 00:11:13:10 - 00:11:13:35 universe 00:11:13:35 - 00:11:14:31 itself “It’s 00:11:14:31 - 00:11:14:51 something 00:11:14:51 - 00:11:15:25 I came up 00:11:15:25 - 00:11:16:42 with so both I 00:11:16:42 - 00:11:17:24 and the readers 00:11:17:24 - 00:11:17:51 would be able 00:11:17:51 - 00:11:18:21 to easily 00:11:18:21 - 00:11:19:06 grasp it. 00:11:19:06 - 00:11:19:48 The big ball 00:11:19:48 - 00:11:20:33 in the center 00:11:20:33 - 00:11:21:32 is the world 00:11:21:32 - 00:11:22:10 known as 00:11:22:10 - 00:11:22:58 “this world” 00:11:22:58 - 00:11:23:42 and “the 00:11:23:42 - 00:11:24:18 afterlife”, 00:11:24:18 - 00:11:25:08 and the one who 00:11:25:08 - 00:11:26:07 watches over 00:11:26:07 - 00:11:26:24 it from 00:11:26:24 - 00:11:27:05 the outside 00:11:27:05 - 00:11:27:54 is Kaioshin.” 00:11:27:54 - 00:11:28:33 That’s 00:11:28:33 - 00:11:29:27 the little planet 00:11:29:27 - 00:11:29:47 over there 00:11:29:47 - 00:11:30:37 on the left. 00:11:30:37 - 00:11:31:21 This confirms 00:11:31:21 - 00:11:31:57 like I said 00:11:31:57 - 00:11:32:42 that Kaioshin’s 00:11:32:42 - 00:11:33:50 realm is outside 00:11:33:50 - 00:11:34:35 the timespace 00:11:34:35 - 00:11:35:15 of the original 00:11:35:15 - 00:11:36:27 DB universe. 00:11:36:36 - 00:11:37:33 Toriyama goes on 00:11:37:33 - 00:11:38:02 to say 00:11:38:02 - 00:11:38:51 “This complete 00:11:38:51 - 00:11:39:19 map was 00:11:39:19 - 00:11:39:54 originally 00:11:39:54 - 00:11:40:24 background 00:11:40:24 - 00:11:40:57 information 00:11:40:57 - 00:11:41:23 that I drew 00:11:41:23 - 00:11:41:54 at the request 00:11:41:54 - 00:11:42:03 of the 00:11:42:03 - 00:11:43:08 anime people, 00:11:43:08 - 00:11:43:37 but I took 00:11:43:37 - 00:11:44:24 this opportunity 00:11:44:24 - 00:11:44:54 to add the 00:11:44:54 - 00:11:45:57 Kaioshin world, 00:11:45:57 - 00:11:46:21 which was 00:11:46:21 - 00:11:46:58 not included 00:11:46:58 - 00:11:47:22 in the map 00:11:47:22 - 00:11:47:37 before, 00:11:47:37 - 00:11:48:39 to complete it. 00:11:48:39 - 00:11:49:15 In truth, 00:11:49:15 - 00:11:49:57 this complete 00:11:49:57 - 00:11:50:27 world map 00:11:50:27 - 00:11:50:49 is something 00:11:50:49 - 00:11:51:12 I made 00:11:51:12 - 00:11:51:59 after I finished 00:11:51:59 - 00:11:52:15 drawing 00:11:52:15 - 00:11:52:44 the story, 00:11:52:44 - 00:11:53:02 to make 00:11:53:02 - 00:11:53:22 everything 00:11:53:22 - 00:11:54:25 consistent”. 00:11:54:25 - 00:11:55:01 That quote 00:11:55:01 - 00:11:55:26 comes from 00:11:55:26 - 00:11:56:15 Daizenshuu 4 00:11:56:15 - 00:11:56:56 where Toriyama 00:11:56:56 - 00:11:57:39 had revised 00:11:57:39 - 00:11:57:59 the map 00:11:57:59 - 00:11:58:49 for its inclusion 00:11:58:49 - 00:11:59:11 in that 00:11:59:11 - 00:12:00:00 guidebook. 00:12:00:00 - 00:12:00:43 Additionally 00:12:00:43 - 00:12:01:39 that same guide 00:12:01:39 - 00:12:02:51 book Daizenshuu 4 00:12:02:58 - 00:12:03:18 gives a 00:12:03:18 - 00:12:03:59 description of 00:12:03:59 - 00:12:04:30 the Kaioshin 00:12:04:30 - 00:12:05:40 Realm “The world 00:12:05:40 - 00:12:05:52 where the 00:12:05:52 - 00:12:06:30 Kaioshin, 00:12:06:30 - 00:12:07:03 the highest 00:12:07:03 - 00:12:07:39 ranking beings 00:12:07:39 - 00:12:07:58 among the 00:12:07:58 - 00:12:08:49 Kaiou, live. 00:12:08:49 - 00:12:09:27 Its scope 00:12:09:27 - 00:12:09:46 is about 00:12:09:46 - 00:12:10:22 one-tenth 00:12:10:22 - 00:12:10:33 of the 00:12:10:33 - 00:12:11:27 combined space 00:12:11:27 - 00:12:12:00 of the World 00:12:12:00 - 00:12:12:25 Beyond 00:12:12:25 - 00:12:12:39 and the 00:12:12:39 - 00:12:13:28 Living World. 00:12:13:28 - 00:12:14:02 Endlessly 00:12:14:02 - 00:12:15:01 revolving around 00:12:15:01 - 00:12:15:48 the circumference 00:12:15:48 - 00:12:16:15 of the world 00:12:16:15 - 00:12:16:30 beyond 00:12:16:30 - 00:12:16:58 and the 00:12:16:58 - 00:12:17:49 living world, 00:12:17:49 - 00:12:18:25 they watch 00:12:18:25 - 00:12:18:50 over the 00:12:18:50 - 00:12:19:39 entire world 00:12:19:39 - 00:12:20:51 and take balance. 00:12:20:52 - 00:12:21:16 Planet 00:12:21:16 - 00:12:22:15 Kaioshin makes up 00:12:22:15 - 00:12:22:48 the center 00:12:22:48 - 00:12:23:27 of the Kaioshin 00:12:23:27 - 00:12:24:03 Realm. 00:12:24:03 - 00:12:24:37 Planet 00:12:24:37 - 00:12:25:03 Kaioshin is 00:12:25:03 - 00:12:26:16 a solitary planet 00:12:26:16 - 00:12:26:38 in the 00:12:26:38 - 00:12:27:37 Kaio realm, 00:12:27:37 - 00:12:28:26 and around it, 00:12:28:26 - 00:12:28:44 there are 00:12:28:44 - 00:12:29:20 numerous 00:12:29:20 - 00:12:30:32 tiny suns. 00:12:30:34 - 00:12:31:06 The only 00:12:31:06 - 00:12:31:42 people in 00:12:31:42 - 00:12:32:18 the Kaioshin 00:12:32:18 - 00:12:33:00 Realm 00:12:33:00 - 00:12:33:55 are Kaioshin, 00:12:33:55 - 00:12:34:42 and Kibito, 00:12:34:42 - 00:12:35:11 who acts 00:12:35:11 - 00:12:35:54 as support” 00:12:35:54 - 00:12:36:32 this is just 00:12:36:32 - 00:12:37:04 additional 00:12:37:04 - 00:12:37:31 evidence 00:12:37:31 - 00:12:38:29 since it confirms 00:12:38:29 - 00:12:38:59 the Kaioshin 00:12:38:59 - 00:12:39:55 realm is separate 00:12:39:55 - 00:12:40:28 once again 00:12:40:28 - 00:12:40:57 by saying 00:12:40:57 - 00:12:41:42 there are only 2 00:12:41:42 - 00:12:42:10 people who 00:12:42:10 - 00:12:42:43 live in it 00:12:42:43 - 00:12:43:13 and there is 00:12:43:13 - 00:12:44:42 only one planet. 00:12:44:47 - 00:12:45:28 Some people might 00:12:45:28 - 00:12:45:46 try to 00:12:45:46 - 00:12:46:03 call 00:12:46:03 - 00:12:46:49 contradiction 00:12:46:49 - 00:12:47:06 because 00:12:47:06 - 00:12:47:29 the way the 00:12:47:29 - 00:12:48:43 DB universes look 00:12:48:43 - 00:12:49:21 is seemingly 00:12:49:21 - 00:12:49:51 retconned 00:12:49:51 - 00:12:50:22 in Dragon Ball 00:12:50:22 - 00:12:51:03 Super whenever 00:12:51:03 - 00:12:51:27 Whis is 00:12:51:27 - 00:12:52:04 explaining the 00:12:52:04 - 00:12:52:58 12 universes 00:12:52:58 - 00:12:53:27 and their twin 00:12:53:27 - 00:12:54:08 counterparts. 00:12:54:08 - 00:12:54:48 However 00:12:54:48 - 00:12:55:35 this is likely 00:12:55:35 - 00:12:56:15 just Whis’ 00:12:56:15 - 00:12:56:42 depiction 00:12:56:42 - 00:12:57:43 for simplicity 00:12:57:43 - 00:12:58:26 as Dragon Ball 00:12:58:26 - 00:12:59:04 Super chapter 00:12:59:04 - 00:12:59:53 16 shows 00:12:59:53 - 00:13:00:34 Universe 10 00:13:00:34 - 00:13:00:46 with the 00:13:00:46 - 00:13:01:51 Original Toriyama 00:13:01:51 - 00:13:02:25 like design 00:13:02:25 - 00:13:02:52 of Universe 00:13:02:52 - 00:13:04:26 7 as seen here. 00:13:04:26 - 00:13:05:42 Goku’s Ki crosses 00:13:05:42 - 00:13:06:27 space times 00:13:06:27 - 00:13:07:08 as just a Super 00:13:07:08 - 00:13:07:58 Saiyan 3 00:13:07:58 - 00:13:08:51 and this remains 00:13:08:51 - 00:13:09:28 consistent 00:13:09:28 - 00:13:10:15 as when Gohan 00:13:10:15 - 00:13:10:51 powers up 00:13:10:51 - 00:13:11:27 after the Elder 00:13:11:27 - 00:13:12:14 Kai awakens 00:13:12:14 - 00:13:13:30 his powers Super 00:13:13:33 - 00:13:14:06 Buu is able 00:13:14:06 - 00:13:14:34 to feel it 00:13:14:34 - 00:13:15:18 back on earth 00:13:15:18 - 00:13:15:46 and wanted 00:13:15:46 - 00:13:16:40 to test Gohan 00:13:16:40 - 00:13:17:29 to see how strong 00:13:17:29 - 00:13:18:27 he was. 00:13:18:27 - 00:13:19:12 Consistency for 00:13:19:12 - 00:13:19:40 this doesn’t 00:13:19:40 - 00:13:20:42 stop there 00:13:20:42 - 00:13:20:56 in the 00:13:20:56 - 00:13:21:19 Dragon Ball 00:13:21:19 - 00:13:21:59 Super Anime 00:13:21:59 - 00:13:22:28 Goku is 00:13:22:28 - 00:13:23:04 able to break 00:13:23:04 - 00:13:23:31 through Hit’s 00:13:23:31 - 00:13:24:14 separate time 00:13:24:14 - 00:13:25:10 space as well 00:13:25:10 - 00:13:25:46 it’s explained 00:13:25:46 - 00:13:26:22 by Vados 00:13:26:22 - 00:13:26:42 that Hit 00:13:26:42 - 00:13:27:09 can use 00:13:27:09 - 00:13:27:59 his stored time 00:13:27:59 - 00:13:28:30 to create a 00:13:28:30 - 00:13:29:25 parallel world 00:13:29:25 - 00:13:30:28 and we see Goku 00:13:30:28 - 00:13:31:19 quite literally 00:13:31:19 - 00:13:32:20 just breaking it. 00:13:32:20 - 00:13:32:49 The final 00:13:32:49 - 00:13:33:32 space breaking 00:13:33:32 - 00:13:34:06 I want to talk 00:13:34:06 - 00:13:34:55 about is Gogeta 00:13:34:55 - 00:13:35:25 and Broly 00:13:35:25 - 00:13:36:05 breaking into 00:13:36:05 - 00:13:36:54 another dimension 00:13:36:54 - 00:13:37:53 during their fight 00:13:37:53 - 00:13:38:42 and then breaking 00:13:38:42 - 00:13:39:16 the dimension 00:13:39:16 - 00:13:39:52 to go back 00:13:39:52 - 00:13:40:10 to the 00:13:40:10 - 00:13:41:02 other world. 00:13:41:02 - 00:13:41:51 In reality 00:13:41:51 - 00:13:42:18 this is just 00:13:42:18 - 00:13:43:08 more consistency 00:13:43:08 - 00:13:43:34 that Dragon 00:13:43:34 - 00:13:44:13 Ball characters 00:13:44:13 - 00:13:44:56 have the ability 00:13:44:56 - 00:13:45:57 to do this stuff 00:13:45:57 - 00:13:46:39 but I just wanted 00:13:46:39 - 00:13:47:25 to mention it. 00:13:47:25 - 00:13:48:16 At the conclusion 00:13:48:16 - 00:13:49:04 of the Gojo vs 00:13:49:04 - 00:13:49:57 Sukuna fight 00:13:49:57 - 00:13:50:38 Sukuna also 00:13:50:38 - 00:13:51:00 gives us 00:13:51:00 - 00:13:51:28 another way 00:13:51:28 - 00:13:51:52 to break 00:13:51:52 - 00:13:52:44 through Infinity 00:13:52:44 - 00:13:53:27 if you target 00:13:53:27 - 00:13:54:09 existence or 00:13:54:09 - 00:13:55:08 space itself 00:13:55:08 - 00:13:56:13 you can get through it 00:13:56:13 - 00:13:56:58 which I guess 00:13:56:58 - 00:13:58:24 isn’t all too new 00:13:58:35 - 00:13:59:04 it kind of 00:13:59:04 - 00:13:59:51 just validates 00:13:59:51 - 00:14:00:45 the previous ways 00:14:00:45 - 00:14:01:19 people thought 00:14:01:19 - 00:14:01:46 you could break 00:14:01:46 - 00:14:02:42 through infinity 00:14:02:42 - 00:14:03:48 but Goku can also 00:14:03:48 - 00:14:04:30 target space 00:14:04:30 - 00:14:05:20 w/ his attacks 00:14:05:20 - 00:14:05:47 as I’ve 00:14:05:47 - 00:14:06:14 just made 00:14:06:14 - 00:14:06:52 consistent 00:14:06:52 - 00:14:07:24 through his Ki 00:14:07:24 - 00:14:07:53 traveling 00:14:07:53 - 00:14:08:43 space times, 00:14:08:43 - 00:14:09:34 weaker opponents 00:14:09:34 - 00:14:10:48 breaking space, & 00:14:10:48 - 00:14:11:18 his battle 00:14:11:18 - 00:14:12:09 with Hit. 00:14:12:09 - 00:14:13:06 With this evidence 00:14:13:06 - 00:14:13:22 you can 00:14:13:22 - 00:14:14:04 simply argue 00:14:14:04 - 00:14:14:36 that Goku’s 00:14:14:36 - 00:14:15:05 punches 00:14:15:05 - 00:14:15:49 or Kamehameha 00:14:15:49 - 00:14:16:24 waves would 00:14:16:24 - 00:14:17:02 just get through 00:14:17:02 - 00:14:17:13 Gojo’s 00:14:17:13 - 00:14:17:38 infinity 00:14:17:38 - 00:14:18:32 as they are 00:14:18:32 - 00:14:18:52 as the 00:14:18:52 - 00:14:19:30 barrier would 00:14:19:30 - 00:14:20:04 simply be 00:14:20:04 - 00:14:20:47 overpowered 00:14:20:47 - 00:14:21:39 by higher levels 00:14:21:39 - 00:14:22:08 of spatial 00:14:22:08 - 00:14:23:07 manipulation. 00:14:23:07 - 00:14:23:22 There 00:14:23:22 - 00:14:24:06 is an argument 00:14:24:06 - 00:14:24:46 to say Gojo’s 00:14:24:46 - 00:14:25:31 Infinity works 00:14:25:31 - 00:14:26:18 on an atomic 00:14:26:18 - 00:14:26:51 level though 00:14:26:51 - 00:14:27:30 but this is 00:14:27:30 - 00:14:27:57 likely 00:14:27:57 - 00:14:28:33 only talking 00:14:28:33 - 00:14:28:55 about his 00:14:28:55 - 00:14:29:49 use of red 00:14:29:49 - 00:14:30:27 as after 00:14:30:27 - 00:14:31:03 he uses it 00:14:31:03 - 00:14:31:30 on this 00:14:31:30 - 00:14:32:00 random 00:14:32:00 - 00:14:32:52 cursed spirit 00:14:32:52 - 00:14:33:45 Miguel says 00:14:33:45 - 00:14:34:06 this is 00:14:34:06 - 00:14:34:38 the limitless 00:14:34:38 - 00:14:35:27 jujutsu Geto 00:14:35:27 - 00:14:35:58 was talking 00:14:35:58 - 00:14:36:14 about. 00:14:36:14 - 00:14:36:46 A Precise 00:14:36:46 - 00:14:37:21 manipulation 00:14:37:21 - 00:14:38:06 of cursed energy 00:14:38:06 - 00:14:38:18 at an 00:14:38:18 - 00:14:39:00 atomic level 00:14:39:00 - 00:14:40:12 to control space. 00:14:40:19 - 00:14:40:48 We know 00:14:40:48 - 00:14:41:22 Red is a 00:14:41:22 - 00:14:41:42 better 00:14:41:42 - 00:14:42:19 application 00:14:42:19 - 00:14:42:30 of the 00:14:42:30 - 00:14:42:57 limitless 00:14:42:57 - 00:14:43:22 technique 00:14:43:22 - 00:14:44:00 or more 00:14:44:00 - 00:14:44:33 specifically 00:14:44:33 - 00:14:44:51 a more 00:14:44:51 - 00:14:45:19 powerful 00:14:45:19 - 00:14:46:21 application of it 00:14:46:21 - 00:14:47:06 Gojo’s cursed 00:14:47:06 - 00:14:47:51 technique lapse 00:14:47:51 - 00:14:48:46 or blue 00:14:48:46 - 00:14:49:04 is an 00:14:49:04 - 00:14:49:51 amplification 00:14:49:51 - 00:14:50:04 of the 00:14:50:04 - 00:14:50:29 limitless 00:14:50:29 - 00:14:50:52 technique 00:14:50:52 - 00:14:51:27 that creates 00:14:51:27 - 00:14:52:28 a vacuum effect 00:14:52:28 - 00:14:53:18 while red 00:14:53:18 - 00:14:54:05 is the limitless 00:14:54:05 - 00:14:54:30 technique 00:14:54:30 - 00:14:55:01 activated 00:14:55:01 - 00:14:55:37 with positive 00:14:55:37 - 00:14:56:00 energy 00:14:56:00 - 00:14:56:54 and cursed energy 00:14:56:54 - 00:14:57:27 or just 00:14:57:27 - 00:14:58:31 positive energy 00:14:58:31 - 00:14:59:02 to create 00:14:59:02 - 00:15:00:14 a push effect. 00:15:00:23 - 00:15:01:13 Even with this 00:15:01:13 - 00:15:01:26 though 00:15:01:26 - 00:15:01:42 there are 00:15:01:42 - 00:15:02:30 arguments for 00:15:02:30 - 00:15:03:12 Ki acting on 00:15:03:12 - 00:15:03:59 an atomic level 00:15:03:59 - 00:15:04:30 as well 00:15:04:30 - 00:15:05:15 It’s stated 00:15:05:15 - 00:15:06:09 that Mecha Frieza 00:15:06:09 - 00:15:06:45 was reduced 00:15:06:45 - 00:15:07:17 to atoms 00:15:07:17 - 00:15:08:00 by Trunks 00:15:08:00 - 00:15:08:38 and Elder 00:15:08:38 - 00:15:09:34 Kai tells Shin 00:15:09:34 - 00:15:10:08 that getting 00:15:10:08 - 00:15:10:44 close to Goku 00:15:10:44 - 00:15:11:56 & Beerus’ fight 00:15:12:00 - 00:15:12:25 would lead 00:15:12:25 - 00:15:13:13 to his body 00:15:13:13 - 00:15:13:28 being 00:15:13:28 - 00:15:14:40 disintegrated 00:15:14:43 - 00:15:15:18 both of these 00:15:15:18 - 00:15:15:37 could be 00:15:15:37 - 00:15:16:15 interpreted 00:15:16:15 - 00:15:17:07 as just sayings 00:15:17:07 - 00:15:17:33 but they could 00:15:17:33 - 00:15:18:27 also be taken 00:15:18:27 - 00:15:18:39 as a 00:15:18:39 - 00:15:19:28 consistent jump 00:15:19:28 - 00:15:20:04 between the two 00:15:20:04 - 00:15:20:56 type of ki 00:15:20:56 - 00:15:21:28 if Trunks 00:15:21:28 - 00:15:22:10 can atomize 00:15:22:10 - 00:15:22:33 Freeza 00:15:22:33 - 00:15:23:25 with normal ki 00:15:23:25 - 00:15:23:58 then Goku 00:15:23:58 - 00:15:24:25 and Beerus’ 00:15:24:25 - 00:15:24:57 with God 00:15:24:57 - 00:15:25:40 ki being able 00:15:25:40 - 00:15:26:31 to disintegrate 00:15:26:31 - 00:15:26:49 you on 00:15:26:49 - 00:15:28:01 a subatomic level 00:15:28:10 - 00:15:28:40 which is what 00:15:28:40 - 00:15:29:09 the physics 00:15:29:09 - 00:15:29:43 definition 00:15:29:43 - 00:15:30:23 for disintegrate 00:15:30:23 - 00:15:31:22 says wouldn’t 00:15:31:22 - 00:15:32:02 be too far 00:15:32:02 - 00:15:32:29 fetched as 00:15:32:29 - 00:15:33:00 progression 00:15:33:00 - 00:15:33:12 for the 00:15:33:12 - 00:15:34:07 power systems. 00:15:34:07 - 00:15:34:49 So here 00:15:34:49 - 00:15:35:15 you have 00:15:35:15 - 00:15:36:00 being generous 00:15:36:00 - 00:15:36:37 to Gojo 00:15:36:37 - 00:15:37:17 his Infinity 00:15:37:17 - 00:15:37:48 works on an 00:15:37:48 - 00:15:39:03 atomic level but 00:15:39:03 - 00:15:39:41 being generous 00:15:39:41 - 00:15:40:28 to dragonball 00:15:40:28 - 00:15:41:15 their ki works 00:15:41:15 - 00:15:42:10 on the same level 00:15:42:10 - 00:15:43:03 and even smaller 00:15:43:03 - 00:15:43:30 in the God 00:15:43:30 - 00:15:44:36 ki forms. 00:15:44:36 - 00:15:45:14 Without being 00:15:45:14 - 00:15:45:45 generous, 00:15:45:45 - 00:15:46:39 only Red works 00:15:46:39 - 00:15:46:57 on this 00:15:46:57 - 00:15:47:56 atomic level 00:15:47:56 - 00:15:48:12 and the 00:15:48:12 - 00:15:48:50 statements from 00:15:48:50 - 00:15:49:30 Dragon Ball 00:15:49:30 - 00:15:50:20 are just figures 00:15:50:20 - 00:15:51:21 of speech. 00:15:51:21 - 00:15:52:04 For the absolute 00:15:52:04 - 00:15:52:49 last point 00:15:52:49 - 00:15:53:02 of the 00:15:53:02 - 00:15:53:54 Infinity section 00:15:53:54 - 00:15:55:24 of the video I’ve 00:15:55:24 - 00:15:55:44 heard 00:15:55:44 - 00:15:56:22 some people 00:15:56:22 - 00:15:57:12 argue Goku 00:15:57:12 - 00:15:57:55 would get stuck 00:15:57:55 - 00:15:58:39 on Infinity 00:15:58:39 - 00:15:59:18 and then Gojo 00:15:59:18 - 00:15:59:42 could just 00:15:59:42 - 00:16:00:34 hit him like that 00:16:00:34 - 00:16:00:52 with his 00:16:00:52 - 00:16:02:15 domain or purple 00:16:02:20 - 00:16:02:54 but this just 00:16:02:54 - 00:16:03:50 isn’t true 00:16:03:50 - 00:16:04:35 while you can 00:16:04:35 - 00:16:05:45 get stuck or 00:16:05:45 - 00:16:07:01 sit on Infinity 00:16:07:03 - 00:16:07:40 this doesn’t 00:16:07:40 - 00:16:08:13 happen to 00:16:08:13 - 00:16:09:05 anyone of note 00:16:09:05 - 00:16:09:16 when 00:16:09:16 - 00:16:10:26 fighting Gojo 00:16:10:26 - 00:16:10:57 it doesn’t 00:16:10:57 - 00:16:12:12 happen to Jogo 00:16:12:16 - 00:16:12:39 it doesn’t 00:16:12:39 - 00:16:14:03 happen to Mahito. 00:16:14:07 - 00:16:14:43 The people who 00:16:14:43 - 00:16:15:32 hit Infinity 00:16:15:32 - 00:16:16:08 can normally 00:16:16:08 - 00:16:17:00 just back away 00:16:17:00 - 00:16:17:40 afterwards 00:16:17:40 - 00:16:18:18 and Mahito 00:16:18:18 - 00:16:19:19 specifically does 00:16:19:19 - 00:16:20:03 just that. 00:16:20:03 - 00:16:21:07 Lastly 00:16:21:07 - 00:16:21:34 I want to talk 00:16:21:34 - 00:16:22:22 about Goku vs 00:16:22:22 - 00:16:23:06 Unlimited Void 00:16:23:06 - 00:16:23:42 because I think 00:16:23:42 - 00:16:24:07 this is 00:16:24:07 - 00:16:25:19 very simple. 00:16:25:24 - 00:16:26:06 A lot of people 00:16:26:06 - 00:16:26:49 surprisingly 00:16:26:49 - 00:16:27:30 misunderstand 00:16:27:30 - 00:16:28:03 how Unlimited 00:16:28:03 - 00:16:28:51 Void works 00:16:28:51 - 00:16:29:29 they think 00:16:29:29 - 00:16:30:05 being able 00:16:30:05 - 00:16:30:37 to perceive 00:16:30:37 - 00:16:30:59 tons of 00:16:30:59 - 00:16:31:55 information 00:16:31:55 - 00:16:32:22 makes you 00:16:32:22 - 00:16:32:58 immune to 00:16:32:58 - 00:16:33:36 the Domain 00:16:33:36 - 00:16:34:10 somehow 00:16:34:10 - 00:16:34:37 but that’s 00:16:34:37 - 00:16:35:24 not true 00:16:35:24 - 00:16:36:12 the way Unlimited 00:16:36:12 - 00:16:36:46 Void works 00:16:36:46 - 00:16:37:22 is by making 00:16:37:22 - 00:16:38:20 your first action 00:16:38:20 - 00:16:39:19 never end 00:16:39:19 - 00:16:39:41 the way 00:16:39:41 - 00:16:40:15 this is best 00:16:40:15 - 00:16:40:55 described is 00:16:40:55 - 00:16:41:22 say you’re 00:16:41:22 - 00:16:42:16 in Unlimited Void 00:16:42:16 - 00:16:42:52 and you think 00:16:42:52 - 00:16:43:31 “Apple” 00:16:43:31 - 00:16:44:00 instead of 00:16:44:00 - 00:16:44:58 thinking “Apple” 00:16:44:58 - 00:16:45:36 your brain will 00:16:45:36 - 00:16:49:18 repeat “a-a-a-a” 00:16:49:22 - 00:16:50:22 since the actions 00:16:50:22 - 00:16:51:14 you try to take 00:16:51:14 - 00:16:52:03 get repeated 00:16:52:03 - 00:16:52:16 on your 00:16:52:16 - 00:16:53:33 infinitely you 00:16:53:38 - 00:16:54:27 get stuck and 00:16:54:27 - 00:16:55:17 can’t move 00:16:55:17 - 00:16:55:57 you never 00:16:55:57 - 00:16:56:34 get past 00:16:56:34 - 00:16:57:16 the first point 00:16:57:16 - 00:16:57:54 essentially. 00:16:57:54 - 00:16:58:39 That being said 00:16:58:39 - 00:16:59:02 there are 00:16:59:02 - 00:17:00:09 ways around it 00:17:00:09 - 00:17:01:06 for example 00:17:01:06 - 00:17:02:22 if someone could… 00:17:02:27 - 00:17:03:39 I don’t know… 00:17:03:41 - 00:17:04:03 fight 00:17:04:03 - 00:17:04:42 without using 00:17:04:42 - 00:17:05:24 their brain 00:17:05:24 - 00:17:06:19 and having 00:17:06:19 - 00:17:06:48 their body 00:17:06:48 - 00:17:08:19 move for them. 00:17:08:24 - 00:17:09:35 Now it is stated 00:17:09:35 - 00:17:10:08 that Domain 00:17:10:08 - 00:17:10:57 Expansions can’t 00:17:10:57 - 00:17:11:33 target people 00:17:11:33 - 00:17:11:55 without 00:17:11:55 - 00:17:12:35 Cursed Energy 00:17:12:35 - 00:17:13:27 but that honestly 00:17:13:27 - 00:17:14:05 just feels like 00:17:14:05 - 00:17:14:47 a giant cop 00:17:14:47 - 00:17:15:19 out to me. 00:17:15:19 - 00:17:16:13 So being fair 00:17:16:13 - 00:17:17:07 if Goku does 00:17:17:07 - 00:17:17:34 get caught 00:17:17:34 - 00:17:18:48 in Gojo’s Domain 00:17:18:48 - 00:17:19:19 Unlimited 00:17:19:19 - 00:17:20:00 Void would 00:17:20:00 - 00:17:20:49 of course fry 00:17:20:49 - 00:17:21:32 his brain. 00:17:21:32 - 00:17:22:22 If Goku is in 00:17:22:22 - 00:17:23:07 Ultra Instinct 00:17:23:07 - 00:17:23:56 however since 00:17:23:56 - 00:17:24:19 he doesn’t 00:17:24:19 - 00:17:24:59 use his brain 00:17:24:59 - 00:17:25:24 to fight 00:17:25:24 - 00:17:25:48 and react 00:17:25:48 - 00:17:26:12 to things 00:17:26:12 - 00:17:26:47 and instead 00:17:26:47 - 00:17:27:43 his body parts 00:17:27:43 - 00:17:28:22 all move 00:17:28:22 - 00:17:28:58 and react 00:17:28:58 - 00:17:30:00 on their own 00:17:30:00 - 00:17:30:50 the fact Goku’s 00:17:30:50 - 00:17:31:33 brain is getting 00:17:31:33 - 00:17:31:51 fried 00:17:31:51 - 00:17:32:38 wouldn’t matter 00:17:32:38 - 00:17:33:00 and he could 00:17:33:00 - 00:17:33:32 still just 00:17:33:32 - 00:17:34:44 beat down Gojo. 00:17:34:46 - 00:17:35:27 In the end 00:17:35:27 - 00:17:36:16 Goku does have 00:17:36:16 - 00:17:36:43 a few 00:17:36:43 - 00:17:37:30 ways to argue 00:17:37:30 - 00:17:37:46 he could 00:17:37:46 - 00:17:38:56 bypass infinity 00:17:38:56 - 00:17:40:08 that I find valid 00:17:40:12 - 00:17:40:37 as well 00:17:40:37 - 00:17:41:18 as being able 00:17:41:18 - 00:17:41:49 to resist 00:17:41:49 - 00:17:42:14 Infinite 00:17:42:14 - 00:17:42:52 Void in 00:17:42:52 - 00:17:43:48 Ultra Instinct. 00:17:43:48 - 00:17:44:42 So I’ll say 00:17:44:42 - 00:17:45:19 unless you’re 00:17:45:19 - 00:17:45:46 being 00:17:45:46 - 00:17:46:51 extremely 00:17:46:51 - 00:17:47:29 generous 00:17:47:29 - 00:17:48:05 to a point 00:17:48:05 - 00:17:48:50 I’d consider 00:17:48:50 - 00:17:50:00 just biased 00:17:50:00 - 00:17:50:54 for Gojo. 00:17:50:54 - 00:17:51:50 Goku would win.
Channel: Six
Views: 426,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goku vs gojo, gojo vs goku, goku solos, son goku, goku, satoru gojo, gojo satoru, gojo vs sukuna, jjk season 2, jjk season 2 reaction, jjk reaction, jujutsu kaisen, dragon ball z, gojo, dragon ball super, dragonball super, dragon ball sparking zero, dragonball, dragonball sparking zero reaction, domain expansion, jujutsu kaisen manga, sixfromtokyo, six dbz, six jjk, why goku vs gojo isnt close, ultra instinct, jujutsu kaisen reaction, goku vs satoru, jjk 231, jjk 243
Id: DIsoEq1e64E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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