The Shinobi Alliance vs The Akatsuki - The Real Winner?

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the akarski versus the Shinobi Alliance this battle would likely never happen but a good way to look at it would be to replace Obito matara and kavito in the fourth war with the Akatsuki members that I'll mention here in a second to start off this battle it's kind of important that we establish which forms of the characters are being used for the Akatsuki we'll be using the team composition from the very beginning of part 2 which includes datera Hidan Itachi kakuzu konon Kisame pain saucery and zutsu now that doesn't mean that they're going to be at the same power level they were at the beginning of part two just that's the team that's going to be up against Elias for the Shinobi Alliance we'll be choosing the point in time from when Naruto and B first joined them on the second day of the war this Shinobi Alliance would include the previously mentioned jinchuriki Duo the gokage and their ninja mifune and the Samurai and some of the Shinobi from smaller Villages we're told by zetsu who's relaying the Intel he got from kisan me that the Shinobi Alliance is about 80 000 strong were later informed by the narrator that the casualties of the alliance amounted around forty thousand by the first night so the Akatsuki will be up against an army of that side for the sake of the video each size objective will be defeating their opponents and there will be no plans for projects tsukunomi or any desire to capture any Bijou or leave Jin Cherokees alive that's all for the battle conditions and rules so before we get into the actual video be sure to leave a like And subscribe if you enjoy versus battles this one in particular was pretty fun to do so let's get started with the Akatsuki to start off this war we'll analyze the collective power of the akoski first by analyzing a couple of statements that should apply to the group in its entirety there's a flashback in the Battle of Itachi and Kisame versus Kakashi Asuma and kernai where Gerard tells Kakashi that almost all of the Akatsuki are s-rent criminals in the Bingo book as said by Uncle a little while ago in chapter 50 of the manga these Shinobi are the worst type of security risk in Pain's character file of the third Data Book there's a section labeled the akotsky which reads the Shinobi the akoski each joined with his own expectations these Shinobi who have the talent and skill to battle a thousand minute once why would they join an organization and Obey pain in capturing tailed beasts then on page 196 is the same Data Book there's an entry for the Akatsuki that contains such statements as hardened skillful Master is even stronger than Cherokee and they always operate in two man cells and each member has a quota of one-tailed Beast to capture with these statements in mind it helps us understand that not only are the Akatsuki far ahead of the average Shinobi but even the weakest among them can fight 1 40th of the entire Alliance all by themselves every individual should be able to fight the likes of engine Cherokees such as Yugi Tony who is stated to be a powerful konoichi that even B once looked up to in the art book although it can be said for every individual it should be implied that the statement is referring to their quota that if they need to be a two-man so should be able to take down any BG with this in mind the 40 000 size Manpower the Shinobi Alliance doesn't seem all too impressive so unless you're at the level of an elite Johnny and or teaming up with one you don't stand a chance against these guys at all we'll be going over the other members of yakovski in alphabetical order so the first to discuss is data data is somebody who is taking down the three tails with the assistance of Toby defeated the start of part 2 Gara using the Sand Village to assist him impressed Sasuke after he had already defeated and absorbed a weakened Orochimaru the fight against Gara is made way more impressive by the fact that data was low on Clay way quicker than he was against Sasuke this implies the underestimated Gara and was ill-prepared he also had to take Gara alive for the akatsuki's objective later his best showings come from the battle with Sasuke where he showed all of his bombs except C3 which he likely didn't use because of how easily Sasuke could have evaded it with his C2 bombs he's shown to be able to destroy a wing off of second stage curse deal Sasuke's body this speaks heavily to data durability because data was also hit by his own C2 bombs yet he lost no limbs his C3 bomb almost destroyed the entire Sand Village and forced gar to protect it by using a huge amount of sand from the environment which tired him out and left him in a more vulnerable state with his C4 bomb he can release a huge Airborne bomb that caused an explosion on a cellular level by breathing it in and has four size range that Sasuke couldn't have outran however the weakness of the Jutsu is also shown here as well were shown to be diffused by the use of the Sharingan that can see his chakra and the lightning chakra to actually defuse the bombs itself a rare combination of abilities in the Naruto verse Sasuke is really the only one with this with the c0 bomb dead or sacrifices himself to create the most powerful bond yet shown to kill Manda giving only a little bit of time left for the explosion overall data is a kage level threat himself that most of the alliance is not going to have an answer to dealing with the next member in the line of the group is Hedon ignoring zetsu hidon is commonly looked at as the weakest member of the yakovski due to his self-proclaimed shortcomings and speed and aim compared to the other costume members so because of this will be way more brief when discussing his scaling he does his best showings of being Superior to asthma and being able to clash with Kakashi for a short period of time also but despite not having more screen time and dying really early on is still decently powerful and the First Data Book he said to be comparable to Kakashi and strength Kakashi being the strongest joanine in the strongest Village this would put Hidan in the elite joning level range of power nice character in line for the Akatsuki is Hitachi a common pick for one of the strongest members of the group goes without saying that he is one of the most useful assets for the Akatsuki in this battle Itachi is a Shinobi with many talents which includes his skill with weapons Nick Jutsu genjutsu taijutsu and best of all his shine guard even with just his base Sharingan Itachi was able to casually defeat Orochimaru in an encounter that result Orochimaru leaving the akoski losing an arm and being fearful of Itachi with the mangekyo obviously he'd be even better than this using abilities such as a matarasu tsukiyomi and susano with the Yamato also he creates Eternal Black Flames as hot as the sun as said in that above too some people do argue this is a simile which I could also see a thing for but a matarashi was hot everybody knows that even Sasuke's usage of this Jutsu upon his initial Awakening of it was powerful enough to overcome the power of a perfect and Cherokee BG mode color B hisukuyomi is one of the best Ninjutsu in this series it's implied to even be able to be used on perfect and Cherokee from Naruto his susano's full power with the telescope blade and yada mirror was enough for him to defeat Hydra Orochimaru despite Itachi himself being on the verge of death even if you believe that Hydra is an amp about as big as going from cursed stage seal one to curse stage still 2 which is about 10 times this would make Hydra Orochimaru even stronger than the five kage considering the base signing are already comparable to the five targets the uses of the susano and these Spirit weapons make Itachi so powerful that zetsu refers to him as invincible and Sasuke is carried to follow the fourth battle book Sasuke is said to have surpassed Hitachi upon gaining the Eternal margacial Sharingan this helps further support it similar to pain full power Hitachi is a relatively Invincible fighter above the likes of sage where Naruto and mangekyo strong on Sasuke the main weakness of Itachi is his stamina when it comes to using his mangekyo which shouldn't be the biggest problem as Itachi should be smart enough to only use it when absolutely necessary overall Itachi will be one of the biggest problems the Allies Shinobi forces has to deal with and as a combatant that has strength well above any of the saunting and even greater than the gokage when they're at full power next one in the group is the greedy tentacle man named kakuzu as some of you know kakuzu's strength somehow became a controversial topic within this community so this part will be a bit brief so as to not grind too many gears kakuzu is the clear Superior of the immortal Duo between him and he done he has 5 hearts with each heart containing one of the main five nature transformations of chakra granting him the level of immortality with the Earth Grudge fear kinjutsu he stole from his village he gains a very strange Anatomy turning himself into a ragdoll-like human using this kinjutsu he was also able to detach and reattach his Limbs and also transform into this monster whenever he gets pushed into battle kagu is quite durable as he takes it direct straight from yukito whenever she transforms into an incomplete BG mode shown to be much smaller than matatabi in the war with the help of a Jun Cherokee although The Bijou mode is incomplete this still would scale cognitive durability above the attacks from a hypothetical V2 yuvito since yukito isn't referred to as a perfecting Cherokee we can't exactly scale this to somebody like v2b but we do know this is still a huge power increase making this feat great regardless with the assistance of Heaton they are able to defeat transform yugito as well he's later shown to be able to fight with Kakashi with some slight assistance from heat on at a few points it should be noted that at the start of the battle Kakashi does destroy when a cogs use five hearts with a sneak attack this is the heart that allowed him to use art style and his Earth style spear technique that granted him the armor without this sneak attack Kakashi's mangekyo or the arrival of Naruto defeat him kakuzu would have soloed this entire team although all of this is quite impressive for a kakuzu we can only place him in the elite Johnny levels of power due to him lacking any kage level Feats Kisame is a fan favorite and one of the most interesting members of the yakovski when it comes to his moveset even without samihada which would make him at least have strength kishame still is a grand Jutsu used to absorb chakra and go against an opponent such as 7th gate guy with the usage of samihada and the abilities of chakra absorption Kisame is able to get stronger as he fights with this ability he's shown to be a formidable fighter even able to fight with Killer B up to his V2 cloak when fused with samihada he's compared to a tail beast and even gain the moniker of the tailless Bijou or the tailless tailed beast he's able to create a gigantic water bubble limiting his opponent's ability and increasing his arm he can absorb chakra upon contact with his opponents and he uses this to dominate V2 killer bee and even cause him disappointing because of this Kisame and his Peak should be comparable to a Bijou or even stronger and at least a kage level combatant and that's honestly downplay Conan is another akoski member that tends to be viewed as one of the weaker ones and when you reread the manga it becomes extremely clear as to why Conan arguably has some of the lowest amount of Feats in the Akatsuki and barely even fights anyone she has a little scuffle with base dry that results in her quick defeat in a battle with Obito that she loses as well despite the implications that she's been meticulously preparing for the battle she also did use a paper clone to assist pain during the leash Invasion but it doesn't end up fighting anyone in important enough for this discussion even though she loses to dry it and Obito she still has a few impressive Feats that can be taken into account for her scaling when Conan is ordered to go after Draya by pain she claims that she can handle dryer on her own despite being his student in the past and well aware of his moniker as one of the legendary three also in the anime she was able to push back driest fire style Jutsu with her paper bombs but that's only in the anime she's also shown to be able to get hit by jariah's fire style Ninjutsu in her paper form and be completely fine Jiraiya is shown to make an effort of dodging her paper attacks proceeding with an oil-based Ninjutsu that prevents her from literally Fighting by disabling her main Ninjutsu turning into paper based on what Conan says and due to jariah beating her due to a specific weakness as opposed to using overwhelming Spirit of power it could be said that Conan is around the level of one of the signing and just their base form and in the battle with Obito Conan is shown to be able to put damage on Obito with paper bombs even before the Sea of six billion paper bombs Obito doesn't have the most durability Feats but he is shown to be able to block so he gets to swing at the Executioner Blade with just his arm blocking a blade like this is actually pretty insane considering that cutting people who are stronger than you seems to be the norm in Naruto a couple examples of this is awesome of beheading he Don who he admits is superior to him for early Land of Waves Naruto's kunai making Zabuza release the water from Kakashi's water prison keeping this in mind Obito has durability far above Elite zoning levels and it wouldn't be far-fetched they said this is a kage level feat for Conan it should be said also that whatsoi guess who did should be an easier form of harming Obito considering how piercing and slicing works as compared to the blunt force of something like an explosion of paper bombs during the scene where Obito is surrounded by said sea of paper bombs Obito makes an attempt to escape completely into the combo dimension whose Conan starts by controlling the paper bombs to attack him due to the fact that Obito managed to grab Sasuke and escape to the comedy Dimension before Sasuke got killed by enoki's particle style without even Enoki noticing it seems to be consistent that Conan's speed is above the level of the cargo excluding the raikage of course another interesting thing about the Obito battle is that it takes place in the rain something that has been implied to be a setback for Conan as implied in chapter 368 this is when Payne turns off his Reign Jutsu at will before Conan travels throughout the village to find Jiraiya the fact that this impressive feat of tagging Obito when Enoki couldn't have may have been done by a nerfed Conan easily makes her kage level so depending on how you view her feed scaling your statements Conan could be a kage to sign in level opponent for the alliance for the sake of the video we'll be going with the higher interpretation of Conan Being Sunny level pain is another top Akatsuki member as the group's Invincible leader Payne is called suitable and Invincible on multiple occasions similar to when Itachi is using the susano toast blade and Yadamir this would be even better for pain considering he lacks the stamina issues of Itachi due to his Uzumaki blood in the Renegade even zutsu despite being the Akashi Scout that has been around since before the group could even ever existed and Records all their battles couldn't believe that Obito could have foreseen the possibility of Payne's defeat The Narrative of the manga around the time that pain is around essentially portrays him as one of the strongest people in the entire world only being inferior to his Superior Obito and other deceased Shinobi such as ashirama and matara even Naruto who surpassed Sage dry with prep time and insistence from the strongest toes of Mount miyaboku still loses the pain who started the battle without the strongest pass abilities even with Naruto using the six-tailed V2 cloak of the strongest Bijou and even eventually an eight-tailed partially transformed state pain is shown and implied to be able to deal with all of this pain is only defeated by Naruto after meeting with his father and getting some guidance that even makes pain note that Naruto's doubt is completely erased all of this plus the literal statement of him being the strongest man in the Akashi easily scales pain above the level of five kage above Itachi and everyone else I've mentioned so far getting into our second to Alaska Koski member sorcery I made a video on him recently so if you want even more context for what I'm about to say I suggest you go watch that but I'll still give a brief summary for the sake of the video Sasha is able to casually defeat an early Shivan and conqueror using his heroko puppet with his modified third kazakage puppet he's able to use the iron sand of late kazakage hailed as the strongest ninja of the sand he even modifies the puppet using hidden mechanisms and magnetic repulsions even with this modified version of the strongest ninja from the sand he's still Superior upon the usage of his own puppet body and the 100 puppets technique this would make sorcery above the likes of Chio Hanzo rasa and madurica dekage Hanzo being someone who can solo the Sony even with the assistance of a platoon would make Hanzo and anyone who scales above or to him a gokage level combatant the level of sorcery will be for the sake of the video zetsu is going to be a weird one obviously white just to his trash and even said to not be a combat type by Obito so he'll be ignored black zetsu does do some very interesting things in the world when reading the stories abundantly clear that these later Feats from blackjetsu were more of a red kind and something he isn't implied to be able to do from the starter part two if you want a rationalization of this it can be said that when kagya came closer and closer to being resurrected black zitsu being her will incarnate also became stronger for simplicity's sake we'll just leave zetsu in the role as the Observer that records for this battle with all of this under review the akoski are composed of three five kage lewishinobi assigning level Shinobi two kage level Shinobi and two Elite jonian level Shinobi so how will the alliance face off against such a threat of an organization to go over the Shinobi Alliance will be going over a general bit of information just like we did with the akoski the alliance is first conceived by Gara after Obito declares war on the kage at the farakage summit his specific reason for this was to counter the power of seven Bijou it should be noted however however that this statement is made before the inclusion of Naruto be Tsunade mifune and the samurai making the alliance a good deal above the power of just the seven bgs one of the highest War Powers of the alliance is of course the five kage who are said to be comparable to the Sani considering the situation at hand the fire kage are obviously more powerful than just the level of lasagni together not only does Tsunade reveal the hundred healings for the very first time in this war but we also see new combinations such as a and Enoki or a Nokia Tsunade which makes the power of the five kage much greater than it would have been beforehand for this part of the video since the alliance is so big I decided to go over the alliance and how they'd be able to counteract the akoski by using the established levels of the ladder Heaton and kagazu will be going first as this is not a winnable battle for them whatsoever we're already shown in the war that darwi with the help of izumo and kotetsu can fight against kagazu with no conclusion to the battle using moakotetsu assisting darui doesn't really do much here as kogazoo has encountered them in the past but simply forgot their names because they weren't that relevant to him because they didn't Garner a bounty darwi is as well coming off of the battle against kinkaku and bunkuku where he used the sage-6 pass tool that are known for being really chakra draining although darwi is super talented he isn't noted for having any amazing reserves of chakra compared to his peers or to anyone for that matter so it's likely that he was super fatigued kagazu also gets off-screen by butterfly choji too so that's a pledge for the alliance as well with he dying being the clear inferior takakazu it becomes easy to understand why they don't play too much of a part in this battle all you really need to defeat them is maybe like two to three kage guards or just butterfly choji to slap them all on his own now this is a part of the alliance where it actually starts getting some serious competition against they would need at least two kage level Fighters first thing that's got to be addressed is that Edo datera did indeed get speed blissed and slap by side the war Arc this can be overlooked though as dead or it wasn't going all out against Psy in their division and also the fact that Sonic is a clear mental amp due to sorcery using his brother as a puppet because he wasn't revived with any of his own dadering kisame's whole wide AOE thing makes this harder especially in the case of an Airborne datera to make it fair Kisame would have to start this battle out in base and would need to build up Chalker before fusing which he could probably get again if he fought vegan or just a huge amount of people who are using the juicy on him the the easiest way to deal with data right here would be with Enoki who is shown to be comparable in Flight speed to him not long before the war and should soundly beat him with particle Style the solution for Kisame would probably be the combination of choji choza kage gars and some more sideline support unless you believe Kisame and base is like multiple tiers above kakuzu this should be enough for Kisame to be defeated if for some reason you see Kisame is strong enough to face off against choji choza darawi kurosuchi akitsuchi chojiro cockro and tamari all at once and would even have the opportunity to transform then these guys are all done for there's just nothing they can do give him Kisame is scaling and bass though he would likely lose here next Fighter for the alliance to deal with is Conan for Conan it was hard for me to find a fighter to go against her a good pick here would probably be mufune who was strong enough to fight against Prime Hanzo and should be a great deal above the level of assani should be able to just dodge her attacks and cut her up for all of her paper or maybe even cut her before she gets turned into paper for the last climactic battle I decided to go with B Naruto and the five kage against Itachi pain and saucery the combo of Naruto and be alone is very powerful and should be able to deal with each of these Akatsuki members individually as mentioned before the raikage and enoki's combo is something we haven't seen before and boasts a great speed that speed Blitz Modera and the power to knock back is complete susano or crack the rib cage usano this combination of Ann and Noki would likely just speed Bliss and two shot Payne or Hitachi so now imagine if you gave this combo the assistance of Gara May and 100 healing Tsunade it becomes quite clear who's coming out on top in that battle even if for some reason he believed that Itachi and pain are strong enough to equalize the strength of these kage Naruto and B should be able to participate in this battle after making light work of sorcery or any other Koski member mentioned before you think would have gotten past the rest of the alliance or giving them a hard time Naruto himself could actually just make a clone for each member of the akoski just like when he first joined the war and created around a dozen clones that shifted the title of a battle so Naruto alone would slap most of the akoski while then providing support in the battles that are just a bit harder for some of the other alliance members if you take away B Naruto and the five kage for this and just have the alliance go up against the akovski I do see it as a makovski w but with the team we currently have here it's more than likely that the alliance will win but that's all from me obviously like the video if you liked the video subscribe if you like the video and have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 92,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HsYLn1EM7V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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