Why Boruto vs ALL of Naruto isn't very fair...

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Boro after his three-year time skip has reached a level of power where he's almost unmatched in terms of who he can be put up against from his dismantling of code and just his base form with little to no difficulty and general disregard for kaaki is pretty apparent Boro is one of the strongest now but does boruto's strength hold up when you throw him against every single character in Naruto part one and Naruto shipin I think it's an interesting question or at the very least entertaining to discuss because of the new JSU borto has been showing to us like his Ron uo or the fact he just debuted that he knows the flying Ren jutu albeit he does admit he's worse at it than Mino but that being said we can jump straight into the video before we begin be sure to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more Naruto versus BTO matchups like this one for the sake of saving everyone's time and not keeping myself here for upwards of 3 hours talking about boruto versus every single character in Naruto in a 1 V one is probably just not time efficient there is also a general level where you can probably beat the rest of the Naruto brace at and that's tin tailes level or I guess you could say tin Tail's jinu level characters like juie Obito and juie MOA are so far above the rest of the cast that it takes the entire cast working together to pull the tailed beast out of Obito and this is a mental nerfed Obito at that we know Obito's mental state is worsening because the sword of nunub Boko happened to break and that sword reflects Obito's mental state albe this was a much smaller number of Shinobi than the entire Alliance was made up of because their numbers had dwindled over the couple of days that the war had been taking place but at the same time they were all being aided by both mino's kuram cloak and Naruto's kuram cloak to help them get stronger and actually pull these tailed beast out of Obito in case you don't remember the specific amp that these Ninetales cloaks give the rest of the cast Kakashi mentioned that earlier he had gotten a three times Boost from it and Naruto managed to give him an even stronger cloak than that and then after refilling all their chakra again Naruto gave them an even stronger cloak than that so Kakashi being a high level Jony probably having much more chaker than the average Shinobi these Shinobi some of them are likely getting upwards of three maybe four times of an amp when it comes down to the last cloak that Naruto gave them obviously juie Obito being this strong would make juie Mo even more impressive considering he was stronger than him even just in his base jie Mo form let alone getting one other renegon and then the Rene shangan on top of that giving him the ability to cast the Y suomi but in this specific battle this is obviously just going to add to the Naruto team's Firepower this time rather than working against them they'll also have access to kagia who is even stronger than MAA and is undoubtedly the heaviest hitter that they're going to have when their team in this fight against Boro so let's switch gears to talk about Boro just a little bit boro's new strongest JSU renan uo is very powerful but at the same time it's also a single Target Jutsu while Boro should be able to put this jutu on multiple people he can only hit one person with it at a time is what I mean it's not some giant AOE attack the jutu focuses more on internal destruction rather than external sort of like the gentle fist that being said though there are at least four characters in the Naruto verse that should be able to resist this to at least some degree that being kagia MAA hashirama and Obito kagia should be able to resist it because she can absorb chakra through her entire body that may be a running on ability or it may be due to her osuki genetics but regardless she can absorb chakra through her entire body so the jutu should be able to just be absorbed MAA is the same he should be able to absorb the jutu using his renegad hashirama is a bit of a different story here where he might be able to heal through it but that's if you even think he'll get that far in the first place there's a chance that when Boro puts uzio in hashirama's body he just immediately collapses and the last one is Obito and it's for the exact same reasons as MAA and hashirama combined he has the advanced heal from his Hama cells and he has the Renard the immediate response to this is that Obito never actually uses the renegon ability to absorb so it's not very in character for him to do so I disagree with this and I think there's an example of him doing so in the manga itself when he's up against Kakashi or taking him away into the Kami Dimension to be more specific Kakashi has this cloak on him of K's chakra yet when they spawn in K's Dimension after Obito puts his hand on him Kakashi no longer has the cloak the only way the clo could have dissipated is by Obito absorbing it cuz one scene he has it the next scene he doesn't you could potentially argue that both haguro and Sasuke since they have access to the renegon could resist Uzu heiko as well by absorbing it I personally don't think haguro would get hurt by the Jutsu because hago is just a chakra ghost Sasuke would and Sasuke should be able to resist it Naruto is sort of in the same boat with hashirama where he may be able to heal through it although his healing is much less severe than hashi's so his chance of healing through it is a lot less likely than hashi's is pain or nagato is the last user of the renegon you would expect to be able to do something like this but realistically pain or Nago would just simply kill over if ever hit by uuo pain doesn't have any of the durability on the level of any other people I've mentioned so far and nagato while he is tough isn't realistically coming out on top if borto hits him with Uzu IO just to be clear though all the characters I listed only have the chance of resisting uo the only one realistically who would be able to do so due to the High AP of the jutu is kagia this JSU is something that was able to damage Cod who stated stronger than Jan who is stronger than Naruto and Sasuke and as I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with that they should be stronger than kagio by this point kagi is the only person who might be able to resist it and has the most realistic chance of doing so M hashirama Obito Naruto and Sasuke and pay as well should all kill over if ever hit by it another move Boro has learned recently is the flying Rene and I just really wanted to quickly talk about his flying Rene versus Mino and Toby Ras his versus Mito is really no debate we know who's better with theju it stated that Mito handles flying ring to Perfection borto himself admits that Mino is better than him at the Jutsu probably knowledge he got from the sage toads or something like that since we do know he's been talking to caution Koji him versus Toby Ras flying ring is a bit different I would say Toby Rama's flying Ren is probably a bit better than boro's it seems to take Boro a little bit of time to gather the chakra in order to teleport however he is teleporting to a complete other dimension which is something we've never seen Toby ren do so maybe it would take to longer to actually gather and need the chakra to teleport that far distance to be fair to Boro as well the next time we see him use the JSU against the bug tin Tails clone he does do it without needing to gather any chakra so it is possible in the future since he has only used it one to two times at this point that we'll get to see much and much better showings of flying Ren from Boro but right now he just doesn't have it and I would say that their flying Ren is better than his after all it is the guy who created it versus the guy who completely mastered it a very interesting discussion though since this is a versus Battle would be if borto could connect to the seals of Toyama and Mino in order to teleport where they are going to go or maybe get to jump on them by teleporting to their specific kunai markings now realistically it's not like borto would need to do this but it's definitely something that he could do in order to get around the battlefield Mino in character likes to spread tons of kunai around the battlefield so it could help Boro just maneuver that way but it's also possible that Toby RAM and minito could connect to boruto seals and sort of flip things on him the Naruto verse even though Boro is much stronger than all of them they do have their star players or techniques that can negate durability to help them try to pull a win on boruto this could potentially bring up problems in the future but for now the Naruto versus Star players are dator because of C4 Kakashi because of kamoi Naruto because of frog strike MAA with infinite suku yomi Hashi Roman his poison flowers and Itachi with suku yomi so we'll start with these going through them one by one and we'll start with data C4 data C4 in case you need your memory jogged a little bit is when he summons the gigantic dat that seems to misfire but what it actually does is put tiny microscopic cellular bombs in the air that when you inhale they destroy your cells and eventually eradicate you these bombs are generally seen as this one shot ability but I want to bring up something that I think is interesting coming from the five KAG Summit with Sasuke Sasuke when he's using his susano mentions how every cell in his body hurts now this could of course be a hyperbolic statement him just saying that his body hurts but him saying that every cell in his body hurts implies that his cells have some level of durability which is just natural of course so datus bombs need to have some level of AP in order to destroy these specific cells Boro cells in this case and to say that datus bombs could damage Boro cells at this point would be a fairly weak claim on my end because I have no way to prove that he could actually damage borto cells on the flip side it' be pretty hard to prove that borto cells could just tank the C4 explosions after all we do know that these Shinobi enhanced their body with chakra but we don't know if it's down to a cellular level if you imagine the chakra enhancements like putting armor over your body putting a suit of armor over your body or in this case a chakra cloak would be different than going down to the cellular level and reinforcing every cell with chakra if you get what I mean on top of this though Boro should be able to sense this JSU and just completely move away from it not to mention the massive collateral damage this will do if boruto does actually avoid it it would take out a massive chunk of the Naruto verse at this point Dera is a very strong character so if anything this would just end up making it even easier for boruto to beat everybody present Kakashi with kamwe could actually have a fair shot depending on how you want to interpret a few things in D book 3 it stated that Kakashi's kamwe cannot be defended against meaning you cannot Dodge it you cannot outrun it you cannot reinforce your body if he targets you he's going to warp space and throw that body part into the comway dimension this really only presents a problem for Boro if his head gets sniped off with Boro being a sensory ninja and having the ability to sense it's possible he can sense the chakra buildup in Kakashi's eye and slash his head off before that even gets a chance of happening but with borto having to fight so many Shinobi and teleporting Shinobi being on the battlefield like meor Toby Rama like I said prior this Jutsu does present a genuine threat for Boro however I do think Boro is fast and strong enough so where Kakashi should never actually be able to get that perfect shot on him with kamway in order to teleport his head into the dimension because realistically that's the only one that's going to do major damage and take Boro out warping his body in any way meaning his legs or arms isn't going to put Boro down for good and will just if anything make boruto turn up the heat and get things done faster you're probably wondering why I didn't bring up Obito's kamwe and that's because Obito's kamwe is sort of useless here if he sucks Boro into the Kam Dimension since Boro has shown the ability to move with flying Ren across Dimensions it should be possible for him to just teleport back out of the Kam Dimension making it not the one shot technique that it is in most other purses battle on the flip side though Boro shouldn't be able to bef our Obito using his time space portals because Obito should just be able to teleport back to the real world and the same goes for Kakashi if Boro teleports Kakashi to another world Kakashi should be able to enter the kamwe dimension using his eye like he did prior and then teleport out of the kamwe dimension back to Earth these last four are fairly simple and if you feel like I've missed any you can obviously leave a comment Naruto's frog strike hits the insides and that's something you cannot train at least in the Ninja World you can't train that there might be an argument that OS suuki can do so and if that's the case Boro should be able to do so but as far as we know Boro can't do that so Naruto's frog strike if he happens to land one should be able to do some decent damage because it actually damages your insides rather than than you're outside M's infinite suomi is another gamble if Boro actually just teleports out of the dimension while it's happening then it's obviously not going to land on him but everyone else in the Naruto verse is going to get covered and he's not going to have to fight all of those people it's another one of those things that could possibly end up backfiring hashirama's poison flowers are another bit of a weird thing because if everyone inhales the poison and Boro can again just teleport away then it's not like this is going to do much in the way of taking down Boro to be fair though if Boro happens to inhale the poison we have absolutely no proof that Boro would be able to resist it and it would probably put him down using that logic if you want to say that borto is just so strong that this poison wouldn't matter be my guest I think he would probably just teleport away it's not like it's a hard Jutsu to miss the big flowers cover almost the entire Battlefield so he should be able wouldn't notice and just get out of there last but not least is Itachi suomi this is one that if it lands on Boro should be able to do serious damage to him Boro at this point has not shown the ability to turn on his Joan eye and even then we don't know its resistances to kji so if itagi can land suomi on Boro assuming that there is no flex out of the genjutsu chakra hacks we don't know about Boro might be cooked there's nothing that should imply boro's mental state is far above everyone else's meaning that if itashi puts him under suomi for upwards of I don't know maybe 5 years it should fry his brain the same way it would fry any other human brain Itachi just again runs into the same problem as most of the rest of the verse where he can't really L this on Boro because he's not fast enough the last thing I want to touch on here I've already sort of touched on it before is just the downside of teamwork even though kagi is on the same side as the rest of the Naruto vers in the specific example you can't be expecting her to care about the casualties of random people on the Shinobi side while she's fighting someone like boruto they are the two big powerhouses Here Naruto Sasuke and MOA should obviously be somewhere around this realm of power not getting one shot but when kagia switches the dimension to the lava Dimension a lot of other people are just going to get wiped out since they have this giant team full of people who likely don't care for a lot of their teammates lives a lot of casualties are going to happen just within this team itself all in all though boruto should be able to take down the entire Naruto verse at least at this point
Channel: Six
Views: 69,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto shippuden, sasuke, boruto two blue vortex chapter 4, boruto two blue vortex chapter 4 reaction, boruto two blue vortex, naruto, boruto time skip, naruto explained, boruto vs kawaki, boruto power levels, boruto vs naruto, naruto vs sasuke, naruto power levels, six boruto, boruto six, sixfromtokyo, boruto spoilers, boruto manga, boruto new jutsu, sasuke tree, boruto solos, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, boruto vs code, juubi sasuke, boruto new rasengan
Id: a8y4z8ILAgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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