Naruto: 15 Kage Ranked by Power

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let's get ready to rumble naruto fans get ready for the battle of your life we have gathered every single kage throughout naruto history to answer one question who is the strongest kage of all time to answer this question we're gonna compare jutsu feats raw power strength and more and by the end we will have our champion now to be considered the individual must have been an official kage on the five kage summit so if you're a hoshikage fan well better luck next year other than that our competitors are ready hailing from the land of clouds lies the fifth reikage darui who is unfortunately the first to go in our kage fight however this ranking doesn't truly represent the man tarui is as he is immensely powerful enough so that he was able to take on momoshiki otsutsuki before he ate kinshiki as a snack darui's specialty is black lightning allowing him to use techniques such as lightning release black panther that electrifies anyone who comes into contact with it if that doesn't get you he also has storm release laser circus up his sleeve with this attack darui can shoot beams of energy at multiple enemies with pinpoint accuracy along with being a master swordsman darui easily beats out the 15 other kage who didn't make this list alright this one hurts a bit because next on our list is none other than kakashi hatake now don't get me wrong i myself am a huge kakashi fan and kakashi deserves all the credit in the world however kakashi faces a huge problem at the time of being hokage he no longer has the shotting gone meaning that kamui is gone an attack such as lightning blade can no longer be done without suffering the side effects such as tunnel vision up against our later entries kakashi may find trouble giving reason to why he's taken a seat now however shotting gun or not kakashi is still a strategic genius in his own right still has access to every jutsu he's copied and with his new jutsu purple lightning he still knows the fastest way to a girl's heart until naruto poked his head in a the fourth reikage was considered the fastest shinobi alive after minato's passing due to his lightning release chakra mode in this form a's already impressive speed increases to a level where he's able to dodge sasuke's amaterasu and the shotting gun fails to track his movement encased in a shroud of lightning attacks that should be fatal like chidori become nothing more than a scratch and his strength increases tenfold specializing in nin taijutsu a combination of nin and taijutsu a's barrage of wrestling style attacks such as liger bomb guillotine drop and chops are enough to break through sasuke's susanoo ribcage and would have likely ended sasuke's reign of terror if it wasn't for gara making the safe anyone taking on the fourth reikage should not take him lightly overtaking the fourth reikage is the dead ridden hokage herself tsunade in a head-to-head battle of course a has his speed lightning armor and everything else we just mentioned however while he can inflict major damage tsunade has the ninja art creation rebirth strength of a hundred technique which essentially allows her to autonomously heal any injury without hand sign or effort as long as she has the chakra and chakra she has in her fight against matara even after using the strength of 100 technique and eventually getting split in half she still had enough chakra to summon katsuyu to save the other kage now we should mention too that her overall strength is enough to break through madara's susano her strength durability and huge chakra reserves wins for this fight both as a character and in strength gara is the definition of character development overall gaara is considered to be suna gakuda's strongest kaze kage and we need to note that his strength is his own unlike in part 1 where he had shukaku famed to have absolute defense gara's strength lies in his ability to fight at a distance and his use of sand as his choice of sword and shield as a shield the sand will automatically protect him from any attack and if something does get through what appears to be gaara's skin is actually armor made of sand as his sword gara has a plethora of jutsu at his disposal most with the concept of trapping opponents in waves of sand capturing them and crushing them famed for his cruel treatment of the hidden mist village or nicknamed bloody mist the three tales jinchuriki and fourth misukage yagura kuratachi is a foe not to mess with and is also the perfect counter to gaura's sand as a master of water release with his large hook-ended club yagura could create water mirrors that captures and materializes an opponent's reflection and jutsu negating that attack completely if really in a pickle yagura's true power lies in the fact that he is a perfect jinchuriki meaning that he has full control over the three tails isobu this control results in yagura being able to transform into what is called version 2 or becoming the full three tails itself if that happens it means tailed beast bombs for everyone known amongst fans as the troll kagey the second mizukage gengetsuhosuki is a man who loves a good fight praising anyone who can show him a good time specializing in water release gengetsu's jutsu ranges between aggravating and annoying he himself can liquify his body at any moment making the guy impossible to hit the water in his body is composed of oil which renders sand completely useless using a chibi-like clone of himself gengetsu's jutsu steaming danger tyranny creates an unending cycle of explosions as his clone continuously heats itself up till explosion then cools restarting the process over again and then there's this giant clam summoning which can produce a genjutsu to create realistic apparitions of itself and hide it and gengetsu's location causing mass confusion on the battlefield the troll kage everyone rival to the second mizukage the second sushi kage moo is hands down one of the strongest kage to exist largely due to his keketota dust release dust release is the combination of earth fire and wind natures and when combined results in the complete disintegration of anything and everything his beam of light touches in terms of defense mu is definitely covered too at any time he can split his body into two to avoid lethal blows at the cost of reducing his power in half with earth release he's able to make his body light enough to float and with water release he can completely erase his presence and chakra from detection renowned as the non-person any shinobi and kage should be aware he might be right behind you creator of shadow clone jutsu impure world reincarnation and flying thunder god toby rama's strength is said to be on par with madara uchihas before he obtained the eternal mangekyo sharingan he's a master of all five elemental releases and both yin and yang releases can perform jutsu with one-handed signs and is an astounding sensor who can detect the presence and scale of an enemy just touching his finger to the ground there is a long debate and trust me i have read every message board on whether or not toby rama could actually defeat mu the second sushi kage does have some advantages with being able to completely hide his presence however needing to drop his facade to use dust release gives toby rama plenty of time to use flying thunder god and flying thunder god slash which took down izuna ujiha to end the fight the history of the third reikage is one filled with stories of pure dominance alone lord third continuously faced and beat the eight tales any time gyooki ran wild oh and just before we continue to avoid confusion the third and fourth rykaes both are named a it's father and son they kept the same name it's a it's cute whatever so uh we're talking about the third raikage not the fourth anyway in the third shinobi war a single-handedly fought ten thousand shinobi for three consecutive days and one his ability to use lightning release chakra mode far surpasses his sons the fourth reikage resulting in speeds that allow him to dodge attacks such as the rasan shuriken and enhances durability to high enough heights that he's been dubbed the strongest shield his greatest attack is hellstab where he concentrates chakra into his fingertips and with a thrusting motion similar to chidori can cut down any opponent who stands in front of him including each one of gyouki's tales at the time of the fourth grade ninja war onoki was hovering around 80 years old and was still holding his own against the army of the dead giving reason to why he's so high up on our list much like our next entry if he could do this now what could onoki do in his prime like his predecessor onoki is a master of the ketota dust release and is highly proficient in earth release with earth release onoki can create rock-style clones golems that can easily rip through a white zetsu and completely change the landscape on top of all that it allows him to completely change the weight of an object allowing him to perform such feats as stopping madara's tengai shinsei with gara's assistance and lifting turtle island in his second run as hokage hirozen sarutobi was 60 to 70 years old and still held his own against orochi maru and a reanimated hashirama and tobirama senju in his prime hirozen was considered the third god of shinobi and was nicknamed the professor due to his mastery and knowledge of every jutsu in konohagakure and his ability to deduce the mechanics of any jutsu just by seeing it once his strength is said to have been stronger than that of toby rama base form hashirama and any other living kage now i know this could be considered hearsay because we never got to see is ending his prime but this legend exists for a reason i mean you don't think he'd make it all up right right when you hear the name minato namikaze what's the first thing that comes to mind is it the fact that with his version of flying thunder god minato teleported behind enemy lines to single-handedly take down over a thousand enemies is it that he was able to seal away half of the nine tails using the reaper death seal after taking down toby and releasing the nine tails from his control or maybe it's that he's the creator of rosengan these are only a few of the many feats minato carried in his storied but short-lived run as hokage which makes me think what could minato have been if he had lived longer lord fourth left that idea little to imagine as reincarnated we saw he had the ability to enter sage mode nine tails chakra mode and could easily transport a tailed beast bomb all right let me just say this if it wasn't for our next entry hashirama senju would take this kage battle hands down no questions asked as the sole master of the wood release keke genkai having massive pools of chakra and regenerative abilities hashirama's power seems endless he can create giant wood structures capable of leveling an entire landscape and defend from attacks such as tailed beast bombs unlike shadow clones his wood style clones won't disappear after taking little to no damage by combining his wood style with senjutsu hashirama can use his ultimate technique sage art would release true several thousand hands which summons a titanic-sized structure capable of pummeling madara's susanna this is just scratching the surface on the power that hashirama holds in his hands but it is definitely enough to take down any shinobi once again taking the top spot amongst the kage is naruto uzumaki obtaining half of the sage of six paths chakra in the fourth great ninja war i mean honestly it seems like naruto is out of reach of any shinobi let's hit the checklist shall we one six pad sage mode which can be combined with nine tails chakra mode boosting naruto's speed strength durability and sensing ability enough so that he's able to see matara's invisible shadows in the world of limbo two his chakra pool runs deep and he has access to all nine of the tailed beast's chakra including each tailed beast's elemental releases three naruto is deceptively a strategic genius whose unorthodox ways of approaching battle makes him the most formidable folk need i say more without a doubt naruto is the strongest kage of all time that's two for two for naruto but his luck may soon run out we have to give a quick shout out to the shadow hokage of the leaf sasuke ujiha who is left off this list for not being an official hokage truly who do you think wins that fight
Channel: CBR
Views: 100,098
Rating: 4.8840237 out of 5
Keywords: Ay Third Raikage, Boruto: The Next Generation, Five Great Shinobi Countries, Hero of the Hidden Leaf, Number One Unpredictable, Seventh Fire Shadow
Id: QHesKkTXj5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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