Jiraiya Grateful to See Naruto Become Hokage | Legendary Jiraiya Never Died and Come to see Boruto

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what's up guys here we back again with a shinobi return channel as always we back with the story of shinobi world that has morals and very inspiring in this video we will tell you about a character you've all been waiting for it's jiraiya one of the legendary saanin from konaha but before entering the video don't forget to click like subscribe share and hit the notification bell so that shinobi return will be back with more interesting videos this is time to shinobi return right now [Music] the three great shinobi of konaha or commonly known as the legendary sannin are a trio of extremely powerful ninja from konaha hailed as three of the greatest shinobi of their time but apart from that one of them actually had a ridiculous attitude and did not reflect his title as the greatest shinobi and he is jiraiya the arrow sennan as a child jiraiya was known as a flirtatious stupid and never serious in any missions or training he did but in reality jiraiya is a genius where he can graduate from the academy and become a ganon at the age of six which is amazing because only a few people are known to be able to graduate from the academy at a young age such as minato kakashi and itachi after jiraya graduated from the academy he was then placed into a team consisting of tsunade orochimaru under the guidance of the third hokage here is in serutobi when jiraiya first met tsunade in the team he felt a strange feeling that made him quite interested in tsunade on several occasions jiraya tried to act cool and it will to get attention from tsunade even though all of jiraiya's efforts were rejected by her besides that jaraya also often received punishment from herezin for his careless actions and his attitude that never serious in training but even so here is in himself paid more attention to jiraiya who he saw similar to him when he was a child therefore hirozin showed jiraya for the first time his summoning animal which the king of the apes this certainly made jiraiya very interested in having a summoning animal too and asked hirozen to teach him the technique in his heart jiraya actually wanted to master this technique to look cool and to attract sunade's attention and smiled and then told jiraiya that before he could make a contract it required proficiency in shaping chakra first which meant that jiraya had to be more active in training although jiraya initially complained that he never liked training his interest in summoning technique overcame his laziness so he began to take his training very seriously from here on until a few days later jarya who couldn't wait to master the summoning technique finally used the technique without consulting hirozin first unfortunately because jiraya had not made a contract with the animal to be summoned what happened was the opposite where jiraiya was the one that summoned to a place he did not know and that place is mount myoboku when jiraya arrived at the place he felt shocked and confused by what had happened moreover the place was only filled with large talking toads that he had never seen before in fact jiraiya's arrival was awaited by the toads there this is because the great toad sage gamamaru has predicted that a human child will fall into mount myoboku and when that time comes the child will be given the power of toad and will be given another prophecy fukusaku one of the toad elders there told jiraya that he should train here while waiting for the prophecy to come jiraiya himself felt excited because this was a sign that he was the chosen child so that in this way jiraya had made up his mind to train to be strong and also to look even cooler fukusaku then made jiraya his student and began giving him heavy training to master sanjutsu unlike before where he complained more this time jiraya did it earnestly without the slightest complaint even though the training he was undergoing was very tough and he had to go back and forth from mount myoboku to konaha he did not know the word give up at all even every day jiraya almost lost his life due to his very tough training until finally jiraya's training every day began to bear fruit hirozin and his two team members oro chamaru and tsunade began to see jiraiya's drastic development and felt amazed at it meanwhile even though jiraya was still unable to master sanjutsu perfectly fukusaku smiled with pride because jiraya had successfully passed all the training he gave so in this way fukusaku gave a contract to jiraiya so he could use the summoning technique jiraya himself certainly feels proud because he has secured the contract and can use summoning as he has always wanted but even so he is never complacent and continues to practice every day to perfectly master sage mode and other toad techniques after several years had passed the prophecy that jiraya had been waiting for had finally arrived jiraiya was summoned by gama bhunta to immediately face the great toad sage because his prediction about the future had been obtained at first jiraiya was excited to hear the prophecy about him that he had been waiting for but hearing gamamaru say that he would travel the world and become a writer jiraya felt a little doubtful and frowned because it was not his style at all gamamaru continued that jaraya would later have students who would bring big changes to the shinobi world such as being able to stop all wars that were happening to release jiraiya's doubts gamamaru added that none of the predictions in his dreams had ever failed or it could say they all came true from here jiraya began to feel convinced that the prophecy was his destiny so he decided to go on a journey around the world in search of a child of the prophecy from village to village to country to country jaraya met people with different backgrounds for a long time juraiya continued to gather information and look for the whereabouts of people he thought he deserved to make disciples but despite his long efforts jiraya did not find the figure he was looking for so jiraya decided to return to konaha village for a while at some point after jiraiya's return to konaha he eventually officially became a jhanan and decided to lead a ganon team in his team jaraya paid special attention to one of his students named minato namakaze because of his natural genius as a shinobi jiraiya taught minato some of his signature techniques such as senjutsu and the summoning toad technique in a short time because of minato's genius and abilities that exceeded his expectations jiraya thought that minato was the child of the prophecy minato managed to create a resengan technique inspired by the tailed beast ball even though jiraiya was minato's teacher in reality it was minato who taught jiraiya how to use the resengan technique but unlike minato who took years to perfect the resengan jiraiya was able to master it in just a matter of days apart from leading a team jaraya also wrote a book in which one of his famous works is icha icha the book he wrote based on his personal experiences in love especially the rejections he received from tsunade it's just explained in a funny way even though his team under hirazan's leadership had been disbanded jiraya and oro chamaru and tsunade still often fought together as a team in the second shinobi world war the presence of jiraiya and his friends on the battlefield brought significant changes in the course of the war konoha is so invincible and can win many battles especially because each of the three of them has a different summoning animal jaraya and gamma bunta from yoboku mount oro chamaru and manda from ryuchi cave tsunade and katsuyu from shikatsu forest but everything went messed up when konaha's troops faced off with the legendary shinobi who was then the leader of omega cure hanzo hanzo alone and accompanied by his salamander could easily defeat the entire konaha troops leaving only jiraiya and his two friends not wanting to just give up jiraiya assisted by orochimaru and tsunade tried to attack hanzo several times but no matter how the attack was carried out it was all in vain because hanzo not even hurt at all in this situation hanzo appreciated jiraya and his two friends for their determination not to give up and for being able to come this far hanzo spared them alive and awarded them the title legendary sannin from konaha after the fight was over because hanzo let them go giraya and tsunade and orochimaru were approached by three orphans from omega cure while tsunade was wary of their presence which she thought was the enemy's strategy to divert their attention jiraya did not suspect the slightest bit to let them approach and provide them with food even though they were given food the three omega-cure orphans still followed the sanines wherever they went one of them then ventured to ask the saani to teach them ninjutsu but oro chamaru saw this as something sad so he intended to kill the orphans to end their suffering here jiraya immediately stopped this and surprisingly chose to stay in omega cure to train them until the three of them were able to survive alone in this war-filled world jiraiya felt that this was the fate he had been looking for jiraya then created a place to stay and found out that the names of the three children were konan yahiko and nagato before actually training them jiraiya discovered the fact that nagato had a rinagon which was believed to be able to bring peace or destruction it all depended on the owner of the rinnegan himself so from that juraiya began to feel confident that nagato was the child of the prophecy so he decided from here to train nagato and his two friends in earnest besides teaching them how to fight in ninjutsu jiraiya taught them about kinship togetherness to the meaning of life not only that jiraya also created a defense system where they lived so that they could live in peace and safety until three years passed his three students grew up to be strong enough children where they were able to defeat the clone of jiraiya because of this jiraiya felt that there was nothing more to teach and was confident that his three students were able to survive on their own with the strength and knowledge that he had taught so that in this way jiraiya left them and could return to konaha without any worries before leaving jiraya entrusted a message to the three of them so that they should always guard themselves from various kinds of dangers in this world filled with war even though jiraiya had returned to konoha village he still often heard good news from his three students in omega cure through his toads but sadly at one point jaraya heard bad news that his three students had died as a result of the war that had occurred this news made jiraiya feel devastated and realized that the three students were not the children whom the great toad sage had predicted because of this jiraiya decided to travel around the world again in search of new students but not long after that it was announced that the shinobi world war was over and jiraya was appointed to become the fourth hokage unlike people in general who want the throne of hokage jiraya refused because he didn't deserve the position moreover his nature who always wanted to be free was not suitable for working behind the desk therefore one of jaraya's students named minato was appointed to become the fourth hokage an achievement and pride for jiraya because his student has become a hokage shortly before jiraiya started his journey again minato was inspired by one of the main characters in jiraiya's book who he saw had a strong determination therefore minato asked jiraya's permission to name his unborn child according to this character naruto jiraya tried to convince them not to use that name because jiraiya would indirectly become a godfather moreover he got the name carelessly while eating ramen but minato and kushina had agreed to stick with that name because they thought the name naruto was a good name but unlucky just after naruto was born minato and kushina breathed their last to save the village from the kyubi attack while jiraiya was not in the village because he was on his way around the world and felt devastated when he learned the fact that minato and kushina had died several years passed jiraya returned to konaha village and met naruto for the first time at first jiraiya did not know that the naruto he met was minato's son so jiraya seemed indifferent to him but after seeing naruto's efforts to control his chakra giraya finally realized that naruto was the jinchiriki of the kyubi and minito's son regret for not being able to save naruto's parents made him unable to be blunt about who he was and still pretended not to know naruto but on the one hand jiraiya decided to become naruto's teacher in an attempt to atone for his sins in order to teach naruto how to utilize the kyubi's large chakra reserves jiraya taught naruto how to use the summoning technique first but no matter how jiraya taught him naruto only able to summon a tadpole from here jiraya considered that a position between life and death was needed so that naruto could instinctively release the qb chakra jaraya pushed naruto into a very deep abyss and sure enough naruto was finally able to save himself by summoning gama bunta so jiraya was amazed by his students development not long after that oro chamaru who had defected from the village due to his obsession with the power to become immortal decided to carry out a full-scale invasion to konaha although jiraiya in the past few years tried to find orochimaru's whereabouts to convince him to return to the village oro chamaru never paid attention instead he attacked konaha and killed his own teacher who at that time served as the third hokage herazin when the funeral was held giraya did not attend and chose to spend time on the training ground crying over the memories that happened there with hirozin after that jiraya was appointed as the fifth hokage by fire daimyo and again he refused the position instead giraya decided to look for tsunade's whereabouts to become the fifth hokage jaraya also took naruto on his mission to find tsunade with the lure of teaching him a technique capable of surpassing sasuke's chidori the resengan but soon after they left the village of konaha jiraiya went with a woman to have fun while naruto lived alone in his room the woman turned out to be in a ganjutsu to distract jiraya so that the akitsuki members could take naruto away luckily jiraya realized this and came on time to save naruto who was almost captured by itachi and kisami with jiraya present itachi and kisami had no other choice but to run away giraya tried to stop and capture them using the toad mouth bind technique but the attempt failed due to hitachi's amaterasu after that they continued their journey while remaining vigilant about their surroundings because they didn't want the same incident to happen again while looking for tsunade jaraya also taught naruto how to master the resengan it doesn't seem like jiraiya in the past which took just days to master the resengan naruto took weeks to master it even so jiraya still believed and noted that naruto had great potential to become stronger in the future in the end jiraiya and naruto met tsunade but they also met oro chamaru who had lost the function of both hands due to his battle with herazin just like jiraya oro chamaru also wanted tsunade to heal his immobile hands jiraya again tried to convince oro chamaru who was his best friend to return to konaha but the response was the same as usual where oro chamaru ignored it and immediately summoned manda with the help of kabuto to attack them there was no other choice jiraya and tsunade also simultaneously summoned their summoning animal so that a great battle between legendary sanin was inevitable even though orochimaru was the strongest of the three heroes and students after all he fought jiraya and tsunade who had strength not much different from him so that orochimaru was cornered and decided to run away in this way jiraiya's mission with naruto can be considered a success where tsunade wants to return to konahut thanks to naruto who has protected her from orochimaru so in the end tsunade becomes the fifth hokage unfortunately some time later sasuke defected from the konaha village following in the footsteps of oro chamaru and naruto suffered a crushing defeat to stop sasuke this reminded jiraya of his friendship with orochimaru so he then invited naruto to travel with him for three years to train to become stronger during their journey giraiya trained naruto to better control the qb's chakra in his body but when jiraya tried to weaken the seal that locked the qb this turned out to be something bad because it changed to version two with four tails naruto also became unable to control himself so that he unconsciously attacked jiraiya and nearly killed him before jiraya managed to suppress the cubies chakra after naruto realized he didn't remember what had happened while jiraiya said nothing and shifted his training to other things such as keeping naruto's emotions so that the cubie didn't appear again until three years passed jaraya and naruto finally returned to the village of konaha from their long training although not many changes have happened to naruto jaraya still feels happy because their relationship as teacher and student is getting closer especially every time jiraya saw naruto he always remembered minado's figure besides that jiraya had actually chosen and bought naruto's clothes which he was wearing at that time so that their relationship looked more like father and son at some point after giraya's return to konaha he met sunade and informed her that he had found the location of the akitsuki leader in omega cure tsunade as hokage certainly wanted to ensure this by going with jiraya but jiraiya didn't allow it because the village needed tsunade's figure especially because this would be very dangerous having no other choice tsunade let jiraiya go by instructing giraya to return safely even though the possibility of returning was very slim jiraya smiled and promised to return safely using his toad technique girayia managed to sneak into omega cure village and kidnapped two of omega curay's ninjas for interrogation the information that jiraya got from them that paine was the mysterious leader of omega cure and hanzo had been killed by him alone hearing this giraya became a little uneasy remembering his past struggles against hanzo meanwhile jirayah's infiltration into omega cure itself was realized by pain because he felt someone with strong chakra coming to infiltrate from outside the village when jiraiya tried to find payne's whereabouts he met one of his students who he thought was dead conan jiraya did not expect that conan was still alive and wearing an akitsuki uniform giraya asked her the whereabouts of yahiko and nagato who he thought had joined akitsuki but conan ignored the question and attacked jiraya with her paper technique jiraya able to stop the attack easily and countered her with towed oil so conan's paper technique didn't work properly and jiraiya caught her in this situation jiraya said that he never regretted raising and training the three of them it's just that the way they use his learning for evil has upset him from here jiraya realized that the three of them were children who had been predicted by the great toad sage to bring damage to the ninja world suddenly one of payne appeared and saved conan with his summoning beast seeing payne's rinagon jiraya realized that payne was actually nagato jiraya at first tried to talk to find another way to finish all these wars but pain remained on his way so that this left girayia with nothing but to kill them to stop akitsuki's atrocities jiraya immediately summoned gamakayan while he prepared himself by gathering natural chakra to use the senjutsu technique sage mode despite being attacked by payne's various summoning animals jiraya was able to defeat them all with the help of gamma kane until he felt he had accumulated enough chakra jaraya summoned fukusaku and shima to help him enter sage mode despite his dislike of using sage mode because his body was still imperfect and part of his body turned into a toad jaraya had no other choice to defeat payne payne surprisingly responded by using summoning technique to summon two other pain bodies the fight between jiraiya and payne was very tense giriya was indeed very strong but fighting three pain at the same time made him quite overwhelmed between pain and another pain has divided vision so that jaraya's attacks can be avoided easily in this situation juraiya together with fukusaku and shima decided to run away first to discuss the problem of the strategy to be used jiraiya found a way to weaken payne's power by separating them using genjutsu but because jiraiya was not good at genjutsu fukusaku and shima helped him with this in this way jiraiya's plan was successful and he could kill the three pain easily through genjutsu unfortunately when jiraya thought it was all over another pain appeared then attacked him from behind as a result of this attack giraya suffered a fatal wound where his left hand was cut off jarria found an oddity that this time there were six pain in front of him and the three he had killed earlier had resurrected again without the slightest injury not only that jiraiya also knew one of the pain in front of him he was yahiko the more confusion occurred in his mind he did not know what or who pain was not wanting to give up uriah entered into the toad barrier and caught one of pain for him to defeat even though he had to be hit by payne's black receiver attack through his hand and chest jariya managed to defeat one of payne fukusaku and shima told jiraya to run but he didn't care at all even though life was at stake because the opportunity to be able to fight pain like this was arguably rare giraya told shima to bring pain's body he had defeated to konaha and report what had happened to tsunade while jiraya and fukusaku returned to the surface to continue their fight with pain when jiraiya looked at payne's face one by one he realized that each pain was the one he had met in his long journey but before jiraya could tell this to fukusaku one of the pain smashed jiraya's throat and simultaneously the other five pains stabbed jiraya with a black receiver in a situation between life and death jaraya reflects on his failures during life just as he failed in winning tsunade's heart failure to bring oro chamaru back to the right path failure to save minato and hirozen and now his failure to have a meaningful death in an instant jiraya remembered naruto's figure who never gave up and he intended to entrust everything to naruto jaraya who pain thought was dead able to get up to write a code message on fukasaku's back the message contains who paying us and he hopes naruto can solve and defeat the mastermind behind pain despite payne's efforts to stop it fukusaku managed to escape to konaha while jiraiya was thrown into the sea and sank deep into the depths in his last breath jiraiya continued his thoughts about naruto where he was the real child of the prophecy jerija smiled and then breathed his last peacefully that's all from shinobi return channel what do you guys think about jiraiya share your thoughts in the comments below and if you like this video don't forget to hit like share subscribe and ring the notification bell so you won't miss interesting story from us thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: Shinobi Return
Views: 810,198
Rating: 4.6622458 out of 5
Keywords: shinobi return, the life of jiraiya, journey of jiraiya, full story of jiraiya, jiraiya legendary sannin, jiraiya father for naruto, naruto, naruto shippuden, kashin koji, jiraiya kashin koji, jiraiya vs pain, jiraiya teach naruto rasengan, jiraiya and minato, jiraiya tsunade orochimaru, Legendary Jiraiya Never Died and Come to see Boruto, Jiraiya Grateful to See Naruto Become Hokage, jiraiya love tsunade, jiraiya and hiruzen, jiraiya toad sage, pervert sage, jiraiya itachi
Id: 6wu_Tdfa878
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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