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Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Today, we're going to be playing a game called the... This is how the game is gonna work. We have a deck of prompts that's been prepared. We're going to take turns, and basically for each prompt, one of us has to answer 3 correct answers within 5 seconds. So, it's basically testing our ability to think on the spot. Sometimes when you're performing, and, uh, someone screws up, you have to be quick on your feet. Winner gets a... ...bubble tea. Bubble tea, alright! Dude, I haven't had bubble tea in like, a week. - Alright, so who's gonna go first? - Here we go. Okay, scissors, paper, rock. (both) Scissors, paper, rock! No way...! Do I always go paper?! - Did you know this? - No, I don't! I do always go scissors! - My reaction is always scissors! - Same, like... (both) Scissors, paper, rock. (Oooh!) Oh, that's funny. Well, I always do paper. - So I went... - Rock, 'cause you thought I was gonna do scissor. So I went paper. See, it never works, 'cause like, once the knowledge is out there... It's too late! I'll go first. Starting... now. Nice! One second left. Ohh! Dude, that's hard! And that was something I know! One second left! That was so close! The first clue came at 3 seconds. - I was like, wow... - Yeah. The first thing I thought of was like, scratch my bum. Like, you don't do that with a bow. But I don't know why, it just came to my head. You panic, "scratch my bum." Okay. - "What do you do with a violin bow?" - That's pretty funny. Eddy: Go. I don't think conductors always say, - "Where's the basson?" - Yeah, okay. I panicked. Sorry, bassoons. Gong Cha, Heytea... 50嵐 [Fiftylan]. - Two seconds, dude, that was so quick! - Too easy! That was so quick! I think about this every day! You're so screwed. Go. I don't know. - Alright, your turn. Ready? - Yeah. Sleep, go out to drink, eat! One second, that's legit. Nice. Though usually, I don't sleep. - That's still something you do after a concert, I guess. - Yeah. And also... Nice. The Paganini one! "The Paganini one," nah! That's hard. What are three that feature real violinists? I don't know, but... Hey, Marvel. If you have any real violinists, hit us up! That's right, we're real. - I mean, it's such a random question, right? - Yeah. That you should never tell... But I'll count that. - Makes sense. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Those are pretty brutal things. - Yeah. Depends how honest you're feeling. Church modes? - Are they real? - Okay. "Church modes." Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian! Let's go! Go. Janine Jansen, Hilary Hahn, and... Midori. Whoa... That was close! There's heaps. - Now I'm thinking about it, it's under pressure! - There are. Yeah, your brain just stops working. Ray Chen, Hilary Hahn, and Lang Lang. Oh, nice. Imagine the question was... "Name your least favorite musician that you..." Go. Tromb... Uh... Why did I say trombone? Bro, your brain farts! I don't know why trombone came out. That was so slow! Dude, you just gave up, you were like, "Frsh..." Oh, and um... Richard Gill. - Oh, Richard Gill, yeah! - Of course. And John Curro. Oh yeah, of course! Damn, they're getting hard. Oh. That's not fair, that's so easy! Is Minuet in G for violin? - I think so. - I don't think it's for violin. - Oh, really? - I think it's Suzuki just made it for violin. It's for harpsichord! Oh nooo! - GG! - Nooo! Minuet in GG! I should've just said the Bach sonatas, all that stuff! - Yeah, you should've just named three sonatas. - 1, 2, 3. Oh... Alright. Oh, that's too quick. Too easy. That's cheating, two pizzicatos. But yeah. Yeah...! - Ohh, that was close! - That was close! - That first pause always feels like, so long. - Yeah. Dude, is this even possible in 5 seconds? Go. I don't think that's possible. 'Cause each one you need like, - one second at least to sing. - Yeah. Nah, that's just bad luck. It seems like Squid Game. Luck of the draw. Okay. 21st century?! Have you started? Oh wait, I don't know! Jordon He! Too late! Dude, I didn't know you started! - I was waiting for you to say "Go." - Brett: Well, I finished the question! No, I finished the question! Oh yeah, fair enough. - That was easy. - That was almost tricky, though. Dude, it went... Just hit zero as I pressed. That was so close! - We're getting closer to the end. - Are you guys playing along? Can you guys do it, too? Alright, if you fail this one, you're just the laughingstock of the internet. Nice. Dude, that was the fastest one. You got it in like, 2 seconds. I didn't think, I just said it. Damn, that's how well Brett knows his Baroque! (Eddy: ...the laughingstock of the internet.) That little girl who plays Paganini, Eddy: I don't know her name! That's so hard! Oh. I wish I got this one. And also... Nice. Nice, just made it. As I was saying Prelude, I was like, "That's so long, gotta say it." And... Dude! No, I was gonna say my... - ...coats, like my coattails. - Brett: Yeah. But then I'm like, I don't always bring them. Should've said my violin, my bow, my violin case. They're not alternative words though, - they're just different languages. - Yeah. What would be an alternative word to "violin"? Like what, fiddle? - I'm gonna count that. 'Cause... - Yeah. I don't even know, other than "fiddle," what another... - Me neither. - ...alternative word is. - Allegretto is fast, right? - Yeah. It's like... - Vivace. Vivace is the one I was thinking of. - Yeah, yeah. I'll pass, that's passable. Last one each! Oof. Sydney Opera House, Queensland Conservatory, and... Oh, just! Just! Oh, so close! Technically, it's the Queensland Conservatory... ...Theatre, but... Dude, I was thinking about all the con... - I couldn't name them. - Like the ones on tour, right? Yeah, I was like, Finland... Philadelphia, Kaufman Center, I was like... - That's too slow. - Yeah, yeah. Oh, oooh! What's the one that goes... - Turn. - Turn, yeah. I knew what it was, I forgot the name! Did you guys play along? Dude, I was winning in the beginning! - You were, actually. - What happened? I definitely failed the pop song one. I couldn't get any. Um... Now I'm thinking about it. Oh, Butter. Uh... Wings. Uh... Wings isn't a song, bro. - It's their album. - Oh. Alright guys, please like and subscribe! Thank you for being with us. Oh and by the way, check out our awesome apparel. And we'll see you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 660,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: N6ptcY689y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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