We Bought Fake TwoSet Apparel

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What's up? - Hello. - My hair is a mess. That's alright, I was just too busy practicing today, I didn't do my hair. A very special episode, sponsored by TwoSet Apparel. Ta-da! We're going to be reviewing some of the fake TwoSet Apparel, that have been popping up on the internet. Some of you have uh, messaged us about, "Hey, look, we've seen these dodgy fake TwoSet Apparel." And we thought it would be funny to order some of them, and just check them out, see what they're like, right? I can't wait. The very first one. - Oh my... - Oh my...god! Look at that packaging. Look at the packaging! What is it? A T-shirt? Dude, the print is... Ugh. - Yeah... - It's off-colour! Oh, it smells! - I don't want to smell that. - Ugh! I think I just got like, asbestos in my mouth or something. - Okay, so it's a thin T-shirt with really short...sleeves, - Yeah. which is not what the classic look's about. Like... ...oh, it smells so bad. - (Brett) Yeah, I feel like... - I wish you guys could smell it, - like, transmit the smell. - Yeah. Ohh! I can... Yeah! Oh god. - (Brett) That's really bad. - I want to get my ... Can we air out of this place now? That's terrible! What is that?! The cotton is also really thin as well. I'm not upselling, but, we always want to make sure our cotton is...durable, you know? And it's fully cotton, depending on the product, but, for this one, it just feels really thin. And smelly. I don't know what they put in it. - (Eddy) That's what the La Mer's supposed to look like. - (Brett) That's what it's supposed to look like. (Eddy) Oh, and guess what? It smells so nice! Should we open the window? Yeah, let's open the window. Alright, next item! What is this one...? They don't have the nice TwoSet Apparel packaging. And they fold it up, like, as if it's like a little... - ...raincoat or something. - Yeah. This feels... Are these...shorts? Oh my god! What is that?! Speed, accuracy, intonation! - I guess it was one of our old designs, - Yeah. but it was nothing like this. There's a pocket on the side...oh, nice. - Can you guys see how blurry it is? - Yeah, it's... It's like a freaking... - (Eddy) ...Gaussian blur was applied on it or something. - (Brett). Yeah, Gaussinan blurred it! - It's like [bled] into it. and the ink has [bled] to the side. - (Eddy) Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's because they used a cheaper method of printing or dyeing. Trust us, we've been through this. - Yeah, we've been through...gone through this. - We've seen a bunch of this. A lot of suppliers, oh my god. It also smells, no? It does! What's with all these things smelling, dude? Maybe it's that. No, it's a different smell, but it still smells. - Not as bad. - Yeah. Pocket on the back, it's a little small, I don't know. Yeah. Don't get—oh it smells! (Brett) This has to go. Oh, actually that's kind of funny, I like that. This looks like, you're like uh, like a Donald Trump hat, you're like, "Make violin great again!" - Yeah, woo! - Brett Yang...! - But it kind of looks like a kind of art style. - Yeah. - Which is kind of cool. - Would anyone...would anyone wear this? (Eddy) I just... - I just can't picture anyone wearing Brett's face. - Oh my god, if someone wears this, I would be like, oh wow. - It's kind of funny though. - It's kind of funny, yeah. I mean, is the T-shirt good? - It's not bad, actually. - Yeah, it's not too bad. It is a bit thinner though, than what we're used to. What I'm used to, anyway. - It's better than the other two, that's for sure. - Yeah. This one's my favourite one so far. - It's the combination of the font choice - Just this... and your face is just very funny. They just slapped it on. (Brett) Look at that, beautiful. Who would wear this? Mmm... Maybe I'll wear it. Can you imagine wearing your own face in public? Another failed packaging. Oh, you smell that...? Or was it that? - Nah, I think it's that. - It's so pungent! Yeah, this one doesn't smell, - I think you're still smelling the same one. - Dude, oh my god, the other one's so pungent. Okay, so this is our classic hoodie design, except they put it on a... ...kind of purple-y T-shirt, and they made the font a lot bigger. Should we make this on a T-shirt? This feels like um... I think it's just really thin, like this is thick, right? - Yeah. - Um... Wait, is this—yeah, you're right. - it's just very, very thin. - I mean, don't...don't stretch your TwoSet Apparel, guys, - don't like... - Yeah. I feel like one of... This shirt will probably be equal to two of this like, - doubled up, in terms of thickness. - Yeah. - And that printing, look at that "C", right? - Oh, the printing's so bad. When we first started, and we went to those like, - online, Printful stuff, they're all printed like this. - Yeah. You can see the edges of the "C", I don't know if you can see here. - (Eddy) You can see the discolouration, like a little bit of white. - (Brett) Yeah. (Brett) Anyway. Do you guys think we should put it on a T-shirt? Yeah, let us know. Alright, so, here is the quality, OG... Not being biased, but the print is a thousand times better here, I don't know if you guys can see. Another one! Ohh. Oh, man. Oh, man. It looks...from the screen, it looks okay on camera, - but it looks soooooooo bad in real life! - (Eddy) Alright, let me get my... - ...Spring Sonata. - Again. Wow, it's like as if I took my glasses off. Look at...the colours, and the lines. This looks like... ...wow. (Eddy) Can you guys see? (Brett) It's a huge difference in real life! It's so blurry! (Eddy) See that? (Brett) That's the quality [one], versus... (Brett) ...this blurry [one], can you see it? (Brett) The flowers here are all like, blurred out. And the colour feels a bit off. But to be fair though, I can see why, 'cause it was really hard to get those colours going. We had to try a lot of times to get the multiple layers of colour. Oh look, this is uh, Towel Embroidery. - Oh yeah, very nice. - Something that none of these mock people have been able to attempt, - because it's a bit more difficult to do. - Mm-hmm. What is that? Ohhh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! Who wants a [pair of] pants of Brett and Eddy?! I...I don't want to think about people wearing this. My hand is where their crotch is, - I don't like that idea. - Who wears this?! Who would..who would wear this? - I don't like that my face is facing where the crotch is. - Yeah, and the bow is pointing there. Oh, but the print's really good! Like non-ironically, like... Yeah, it is, actually. - How did they do that? - Wow! I'm actually impressed! (Eddy) The colours are nice! - Holy moly! Whoa! - Yeah, it's like HD! Dude, how did they do that? They even got my freckle! I mean, I don't like the fabric, it's not my thing, - it's one of those like, plastic-y things... - It looks like, yeah. But the print's really good! Maybe it's a fabric thing, like, plastic is... - Yeah, I think it's 'cause this type of print that prints... - 'Cause cotton is really different. That's so funny, they picked the funniest, like, - old tour photo, from two years ago. - Why would they do that? Like... - Are these...shorts or like swimming type board shorts...? - Yeah, I can't tell, they feel a bit like swimwear board shorts. - I mean, uh... - Have a nice pocket on the side. I can just imagine there's gonna be like, - one person watching this video that's gonna go buy this. - Yeah. I don't know how I feel about that, - but, I mean... - If someone buys this, oh my god! I'm out! I...yeah. - It'll be interesting. I N T E R E S T I N G ! - No comment. I N T E R E S T I N G ! - What is this... - Oh, that is interesting. That is I N T E R E S T I N G indeed. - Oh, that's a face mask? - Yeah. COVID protection, with Violin Anatomy. Oh, that, you put this inside. - Oh. - They give you like this filter, so it's reusable. - Oh, okay. Interesting. - So you gotta like... ...you gotta put it inside here. Who knows if it works or not. That is...such bad print. - I mean, there's a big cut off at the top. - (Eddy) Yeah, they cropped it. - I like this stretchy thing. - Yeah. Kind of works. - I was gonna put it on, but I decided not to. - Yeah, I don't trust this. I don't want to put it on. Extremely blurry print, but... Anytime you need it in an exam, just wear it and show the other person, look around. - Yeah. - And they go... ...they can't...they can't read it. Yeah, it's like there's no point, - they can't read the writing. - There's no point, it's so blurry. Lucky last! Ho-ho-ho-ho! This is so funny. - It's a backpack! Of us! - This is actually so funny. It looks so tacky, but funnily enough, I kind of like it. - It's like a...primary school backpack. - Yeah! I never thought one day that my face would be on a backpack. Why that photo? Why are both of them that photo? Did the same person make this? I don't know. - Someone's out there just printing this particular photo - Yeah, - on every single item there is. - I know. I don't know, I... ...I kind of think it's pretty funny. - Yeah, I don't mind it. - I don't mind it. I'm not sure if I'll wear it, but...not bad. Imagine we both wore this backpack, - just walk through, yeah. - Just one day, just wear this. And then you have your like... - Oh no! - (Eddy) ...T-shirt, and we're both wearing the pants. Oh no! Oh, imagine that as a dare. (Brett) You lose, you gotta wear the pants and T-shirt, and the backpack for one day. - Nah, I can't do it. - Nah. - That's like, social...death. - Nah, sorry, I can't do that. - But that's funny. - Yeah that's funny, I like this. - This one, and the one with my face is my favourite one so far. - Yeah. That one and the shorts, and this, I like those three. Well there you have it! Hope this was a fun video, it was really fun for us, - to kind of see... - Yeah, fun to check them. ...what kind of interesting, underground, black market TwoSet Apparel exists. Look, and if you guys want to support us, of course, please do buy the real ones. - Yeah. - twosetapparel.com. As of this video, we haven't posted anywhere else, this is all exclusively available at twosetapparel.com. We work really hard to try and make sure - it is the best that we can make it be for you. - Yes. Oh, can you hear like the outdoor traffic? - 'Cause we're like, venting this room out. - Sorry, it's just...it smells right now. You guys, can you also remember, you have to practice! - It's actually really nice. - Mmm! Anyway, that's it for today! Go back to practice, and we'll see you guys next time. Bye.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 387,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: r5ynAGmi3JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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