NAGITO KOMAEDA: Character Analysis

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Yeah, I've seen some of her vids, it's pretty good.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GioHiTech 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

I am def. Going to watch this later

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thekillersofficial 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey guys loopy news here so today I'm going to be doing my long-awaited character nails of Nagato kameda and I've been waiting a very long time to do this and I'm happy that a lot of you guys were interested in me doing this as well also before I start I'm sure a few guys have probably already heard but spike chunsoft did announce that super danganronpa 2 is going to be coming to steam on April 18th which is pretty exciting hopefully we'll get ultra despair girls next cross her fingers but I just figured I'd mentioned that if you guys hadn't heard already it's no secret that I absolutely love Kameda and I really appreciate how complex his character is so without further ado let's begin so I feel like Ida is a highly misinterpreted character in the fandom and the two most common stereotypes I see for him are the complete psycho gag character or the precious cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong and all of these stereotypes can be fun to joke about when drawing comics or writing fan fictions faraday's etc I think it's important to really try and analyze his actions that understand why he thinks and actually he does without persecuting him or defending his actions the most important part about understanding comidas character is by playing through his free time events so this is where I'm going to start some of the most important facts revealed about his character in these events are the illnesses he's diagnosed with these being frontal temporal dementia and malignant lymphoma in its third stage so the type of dementia he has is a disease where the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain put abruptly rot away or shrink the disease is incurable and the life expectancy of someone diagnosed with this disorder can range from two to ten years the disorder can cause an array of symptoms including social and appropriateness a lack of empathy obsessive compulsive behavior muscle weakness etc malignant lymphoma is where lives are a group of cancers where the cells of the lymphatic system become abnormal and grow uncontrollably unlike frontotemporal dementia this disease is curable and comidas states that he is in its third stage of it in the third stage of lymphoma it is thought to be above and below the diaphragm and cancer may have spread to another area next to the lymph nodes or into the spleen so from these main two diseases we can already see some sort of explanation for the way he acts specifically from his dementia we can see why he has so much trouble interacting with the others and an insight as to why he is so obsessed with hope and a lack of empathy he shows for those he's willing to sacrifice for hope this is the next point I want to tackle he explains to Hajime that luck to him is absolute power that the reason he is so optimistic during the most despair inducing moments such as the killing school trip is because to him it foreshadows the ultimate luck that was awaiting him afterwards one of the main reason he expresses that he sees it this way is because this cycle of good luck and bad luck has been affecting him for his whole entire life so examples include the bad luck where his parents were killed in front of him on the airplane and then the good luck how he gained freedom and inheritance from that another example is the bad luck when he was kidnapped by a murderer in middle school and then the good luck from that was that he found a winning lottery ticket inside the trash bag he was stuffed in which led to him winning 300 million dollars he also talks about his situation on the island in the same fashion the good luck being that he was accepted by hopes Peak Academy in the bad luck that he ended up in the killing school trip in his mind these events completely balance themselves out in terms of their weight of being good or bad so it's one of those situations that I assume one could see the glass half-empty or half-full and knowing comidas optimistic personality he probably chooses to see it half-full going back to discussing his dementia though I think that this can really explain his obsession with hope and his beliefs about his cycle of good and bad luck one of the side effects of dementia is obsessive compulsive disorder this mental disease that convinces this you have it to have unreasonable thoughts and fears that convinced them to perform obsessive and compulsive behaviors an example of this would be washing your hands compulsively and obsessively which would be you think that you have like a germ that could kill you so you just continue and continue wash your hands a significantly large amount of times in order to get it off even though it was probably never there in the first place the way in which we seek am I to perform these behaviors is by trying to control his cycle of getting bad luck by trying to cause the despair reducing events in order to in turn cause a hopeful one we see this both when attempts to kill the ultimate impostor and Superdog rahmatu and another episode when he assists Monica in her plans although I doubt he would ever fully admit it I think that a lot of the bad luck events that happen in comidas life early on really hurt him a lot deeper than he's willing to admit being kidnapped by a murderer is an incredibly traumatizing experience that would usually take years and years of therapy for a person to get over but in his free time events he simply brushes over it staying with his parents murder acting as if it in a big deal at all one of the reasons you might have brushed over this is probably because he doesn't think he's worthy to be expressing such sadness to what he believes haja me to be an ultimate but anyways I'm guessing these events were probably extremely tragic for him probably so tragic that he never wish to experience that sort of pain again and maybe he even felt guilty for causing some of the events like his parents death because of his cycle of good and bad luck maybe if his good luck ended up and them going on the trip and the bad luck ended up killing his parents he could feel responsible because he believes that this sort of cycle he's trapped in was what killed them so in a lot of ways I think there's probably time to read lanes himself for these events and this is the reason I believe he often tries to control the cycle good and bad luck partially because he doesn't want to feel that way again but also because he honestly is trying to choose what he believes is best for everyone what I mean is that income ID is mine there has to be a bad event following a good event even if it's completely coincidental his whole entire life in his mind the cycle of good and bad luck is real to him so basically the reason he sort of does these despair inducing events is because he wants to control what happens in these bad moments because he believes that they have to happen once a good thing happens and the reason he does this is because he doesn't want to be taken off-guard like he was probably with his parents death and with the murderer kidnapping him and probably the reason he tries to control these events a lot is because he's sort of deciding what the best that event to happen is because it just sort of happens on its own he doesn't have any control over it but if he's sort of deciding he probably thinks of himself sort of like a martyr deciding what's best for the group because this event in his mind has to happen I also think this is why he mentioned to hajime and the free some events that luck was absolute power to him because he sort of thinks that he has the power to control the good and bad that happens to everyone of course the second point I think is a little bit more present in super DARPA to at least because another episode is a bit of a different story since he had fallen into despair at that point in the final free time event you have with him he reveals to haja me his life-threatening illnesses and expresses that due to his self-righteous ideologies he has pushed everyone away he states that this was fine before when he was healthy but now that he's dying he's sad knowing that he'll die alone and that truly he really just wanted someone to love costumey begins to sympathize for him and took him out of state so this was from a book he read Raja make is aggravated by this questioning if he made up everything combined and neither agrees or disagrees but asks if Hajime hates him enough to kill him now and that he'd be willing to help him create the perfect crime if he agreed so it's generally accepted by the community that Komodo wasn't lying about his past because honestly everything explained previously made sense but I also choose to believe that he wasn't lying about not wanting to die alone - and this is because he shows several signs throughout the series that he wants the approval and acceptance of the ultimates even though he does optimistically settle with them hating him I think one of the reasons he decided to lie about lying basically is because he might not have one in hajimete to get close to him due to his short life expectancy he's extremely self-deprecating in the eyes of the ultimate so he probably didn't want to burden Hajime by having him care about him since he has such a short life expectancy and if Hajime did care about him this would ultimately hurt him in the end so the last part of my disgust from comidas recent events is the infamous love confession this is sort of one of those lines that became lost in translation in the official English translation he states please don't forget from the bottom of my heart I am truly in love with the hope that sleeps inside you and in the Japanese version he states something more similar to please don't ever forget from the bottom of my heart that I love not the dot I love the hope inside of you now at first glance these translations don't seem that different but many people claim that it's supposed to be implied the chimera is confessing his love for Hajime but is too shy to admit it and says he loves the hope sleeping inside of him instead also in the Japanese version used the term a Chitauri which is basically translated into English as I love you and culturally in Japan it's a term that's only supposed to be used when talking to a partner that you have a very long-term romantic relationship with I found a tumblr post that explains it the translation part of it a bit better in the description if you guys want to check that out overall I personally believe it's very apparent that Matta feels a very strong bond to Hajime whether it's romantic or not because in reality if you do complete all of them quite as free time events as Hajime then really Hajj mate is the only one to really try and understand him and get to know him from the group and out of all the members of the super drama to cast Hajime really does exemplify hope the most sense he does solve most of the things in the trials um is always leaving everybody to the right outcome pretty much by moving on from how I acts in Superdog rumba - I want to talk about on Jim goose influence on him in how he acts another episode Thursday I wanna talk about Jim coos influence it always really surprised me that comida was a remnant of despair with his obsession with hope and it surprised me even more at the end of another episode where he stated to Monica that he both loved and hated Junko more than anyone else basically I think the reason he both loves and hates Junko is because he hates the despair she brings but loves the opportunity it brings for Hope to overcome it so basically she has the opportunity to bring the thing he hates the most and the thing he loves the most I'm guessing with the way she convinced him to get involved was that she tended him with the ultimate hope that would rise from the despair they built and even though seeing Hope rise was his initial goal when joining the roommates of despair it is heavily implied that he gets brainwashed by Junko himself while still maintaining his love for hope which leads him to having an array of mixed feelings a lot of people also speculate that maybe Jenko used the lack of love that Kamata receive in his life as a way to bring in wash him as well like in a threesome event when he states that all he ever wanted was somebody's love and of course he claims that that was a lie through some event of course a lot of us speculate and think that he was telling the truth so many people believe that I'm Junko may have manipulated him by exploiting that factor of him as well when he talked to easier about her on the boat he did mention that he wanted to meet AI Gingka so that he could kill her since he was unable to kill the real one but as he continues explaining himself he becomes increasingly confused questioning whether or not he really does hate her it's also revealed that after execution Nagato cut off his left hand and put hers in his place to try and steal her power but also to feel close to her something I found interesting was how his outlook on hope versus despair changed before and after Gingka is influenced in supernova two he's willing to kill for the opportunity of hope but in that game it does seem that he has more of a line he's not willing to cross in order to build hope while in another episode he doesn't seem to have a line at all basically what I mean by this is that in Superdog rapid sea when he finds out that he and the rest of these students besides Chiaki are all remnants of despair he plots to kill all of them including himself implying that he doesn't believe that a spare they would bring would be a good foundation for Hope which is - what he does in another episode when he basically offers in assisting Monica it's become the next Jim ko so I think in a way Gingka could have possibly influenced him by sort of raising the stakes of hope and despair for him maybe she convinced him to be more selfish by sacrificing more people so that he could witness true hope before he died so this basically concludes my analysis part of this video but I hope you guys enjoyed and you're still following along I understand that he is sort of a doozy to understand but moving on to some sort of facts and trivia about his character that I found to be interesting the first thing I mentioned is that there were several different on beta designs for 92 before they decided on the actual one and basically Kodaka did reveal in an interview that Naruto is planned to be the main characters rival and his design was based around the image of a Shinigami or a god of death padalka also revealed that um he created Nagato to be a strong rival in sort of a dark version of Nikes character sort of like if Nagi had gone down the wrong path he also stated that it required a lot of hurts to draw a character holding so many contradictions but once he got over that he really enjoyed making the portrayal also in the official fanbook for danganronpa Nagato is given a execution called rope master basically um according to the baqia pages execution is described you have Nagato standing on a platform where that resembles these circuses flying trapeze then countless ropes are hung onto the platform monokuma begins to cut off the ropes one by one but none of the ropes are connected to anything fresh-grated he punches the cutting machine and sets the platform on fire monokuma escapes but not you - with no ropes or any other way to escape dies in chapter 3 of Superdog rabbits - it's also implied that the reason the despair disease affected him more so than some of the other people that were contaminated such as Ibuki or akane was because he was already so ill with the lymphoma and the dementia like I mentioned before Nagato is supposed to be a darker parallel to Makoto naegi and his name is also supposed to be an anagram for Nagi Makoto death which translates to I am Makoto naegi its implied through a Superdog referred to that one of nato's favorite hobbies is reading and the reason for this is because he isn't affected by his life cycle when he does this and finally Nagato does have his own character song which is called poison and it is sung by his urge voice actor from the Japanese version Megumi yukata but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video this was definitely the most challenging video to make I had to do it the most research even outside of danganronpa to sort of come to understand his character a bit more which of course you guys know I love Naruto a lot already but I did feel like I got to know him a lot better and understand him more from doing this so that was really fun to do too and I know recently I sort of requested for you guys to give me more ideas for a character analyses and stuff like that and honestly it's super funny because I've seen just like an array of like completely different characters so I've seen of everything from like toko to Ibuki to Gundam to solis and I'm honestly not completely sure who I'm gonna do next I still think would be really cool to do on Junko or like Hajime just because the Junko I could talk a lot about zero and Hajime I could really kind of dip into why he became easier because I think that's really interesting but um just other news I was actually thinking I'm getting pretty close to like three thousand subscribers so I was thinking it might be fun to do like a live stream or something soon I'm not sure how you guys would think about that I'm not like a let's play channel at all but I got like it switched account recently if you guys want to find me it's just weepy news I haven't really done anything on there but I was thinking that possibly like a live stream would be sort of fun there's a ton of fan games for dying rapa so I could play one of those or I know if you guys have mentioned xeriscape and I hadn't actually played any of the games before but I did download the iOS version for the first game of that series if you guys would be interested in me playing that I haven't started yet just because I was sort of wondering if you guys wanted to see me livestream it but anyways um thank you so much for supporting this channel I really appreciate it and I will try to keep you guys updated on 3 + v3 like always or hasn't been that much announcements involving that I really think we're proud I couldn't get anything from April from what I've heard but once I hear anything I will be sure to post something immediately anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you real soon subscribe to wavy news for more hope-filled videos
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 494,846
Rating: 4.9766355 out of 5
Keywords: Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Nagito Komaeda, Junko Enoshima, Hajime Hinata, Remnants of Despair, sdr2, Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Id: B8Q88U-_pYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2016
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