MIKAN TSUMIKI: Character Analysis and Theories!

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hey guys we news here so today I'm going to be doing another character analysis sort of video and um after my last video I got an overwhelmingly high response rate to do one on meon which I'm not complaining at all meon is one of my mini mini donga waifus so I'm very happy to analyze her but um so far it seems like you guys really like the series which I'm really excited about because I'm sure at this point you guys know that I love to just analyze the crap out of stuff and the series really lets me do that um with a lot of characters that I really think are just um really well written and a lot of characters that I really like so I'm really enjoying the series so far but um without further Ado let's begin so I'm going to start off with the free time events with mikon and um from these you learn that she was heavily voied from a very young age it's implied that she was emotionally physically and even sexually abused pretty much her entire life so something particular I noticed about manon's free time events is that she never mentions her parents once she only refers to her home life once in the game simply saying that she was beaten often in school and at home when referring to her abusers she only calls them bully she never says anything like Mom and Dad beat me or something along those lines some of me wonders if she doesn't even recognize her parents as that if they did treat her like every other bully like the game implies I wouldn't blame her for not recognizing them as parental figures when discussing with HJ about what these vaguely described bullies did she mentions that they burned her with cigarettes threw darts at her made her impersonate animals such as a pig and even made her strip for their Amusement so my idea when thinking about how her home life could have been is that possibly she was an unplanned child and never had a stable father figure this means that her mother could have hated her existence and this could imply that her mother highly neglected her convincing her that she was some sort of mistake and that her existence was worthless and this would make sense as to why mikon is constantly asking forgiveness for her existence from the others throughout super ratu and something that supports this theory is when she's talking to hajim during the free time events she expresses fear that when nobody is paying attention to her she feels as if nobody cares about her existence at all and that this is something she fears more than being abused going off the idea that being ignored is her worst fear we can assume that many of the compromising positions that she finds herself during the game is actually purposeful I think this could imply that she receives sexual abuse at a very young age as well and this is why I sort of have the theory that she was an unplanned child of a single mother it would make sense that when she started developing into a woman that her mother's boyfriends would begin to take interest in her and possibly sexually abuse her and even though this of course is bad attention it is attention of some sort that she did not receive from her mother from experiencing this at home she could have brought this sort of behavior to school as well where boys took advantage of it and made her strip which I mentioned before was something she said in her free time events that happened but there is no confirmed sort of childhood for meon other than that one mention about being beat at home this is just sort of my idea as to how her personality could have formed and although we knew that being ignored is her ultimate fear I'm assuming that her least favorite thing other than that is the physical view she received I'm guessing this because during the free time events whenever she felt that hajim was upset with her that was when she would offer to take her clothes off so this implies when she was referring to being beat at home it was probably because of her mom's boyfriend or an abusive father figure of some sort and that whenever they would try to physically abuse her she would offer to strip or do something sexual instead and that this strategy would work for her through the large amount of physical view she went through mikon and eventually learned how to treat her own wounds also she learned this because she sort of implies that nobody else would take care of her so she began taking care of herself and she began doing this exceptionally enough to be scouted by hope speak Academy as the ultimate nurse notably she reveals the reason she enjoys nursing people is because they are the only people she really recognizes as being weaker than her so being weaker than her they can't really cause any sort of like physical or emotional abuse to her and it forces them to have to give her positive attention because basically their life rest on her hands and on top of that it ensures her that she will never be ignored as long as she has the patient to take care of and at the end of her Island mode in um supera 2 she semi threatens hajim saying that she wishes she could injure him to the point where she would have to take care of him the rest of his life so that he could depend on her and never leave her side but back to mean's timeline after she was accepted into hop speak Academy she befriends Miu hiyoko iuki and sat while wandering around the school the five friends discover a corpse in the music room which is later revealed to be kuzar ryu's little sister and once Karu learns that sat was the killer he murders her something particular about this part um Is Not only was it used for the Twilight and Dr murder case in the second trial but also if you sort of look back to the third trial where mikon falls into Despair and gets her Memories Back notice that the two people that she kills are actually the only living people up to that point in this friend group and I think that was possibly a way for her to try and create more spare for herself and not necessarily because she loves despair as much as junko does but maybe more so to create more despair for herself because she knows that junko loves it and she is obviously obsessively in love with junko which I'll talk about a little bit more in a second she could have even possibly been trying to impersonate what jenko did herself to create the most despair in her life for mik in this instance it would be killing the two people that she was the closest to in her past life in for jinko it was um killing the two people she ever admitted to loving with her bare hands but after joining H speak Academy she meets junko who takes advantage of her personality junko manipulates her by pointing out how wrong the people who abused her were but also that she junko was the only person that could ever come to love and understand her possibly I think she could have used that she was like her only one and true soulmate or something along those lines since mikon does seem to be a very um romantic sort of person she has a very strong belief about love so maybe she took advantage of that as well something else that mik mentions a lot through the entire game is that she wants forgiveness but the question is what does she want forgiveness from her line saying forgive me is most prominently seen in the third trial but it's really um if you pay attention she says it a lot through the entire game and even in a free time event I think she does mention directly to hajim that she does want forgiveness for her existence I think jeno could have really convinced her that her life was meaningless and this is how she sort of manipulated her into thinking that it was you know fine for her to give up her life for jeno and this was what really pushed her into despair because she sort of came to the point where she believed her life was meaningless the only thing that had meaning in her life was junko in doing things for junko and that is why she was willing to give up her body her mind her life everything up for her as for some sort of facts and like random trivia about her character in an interview with kadaka at Ritu mikin University he mentions that um almost none of mikon or fuk kawa's actions were censored out that he likes erotic and violent jokes but he doesn't like anything too Vivid or direct so that's something sort of interesting and also in the official concept art for meon it's pointed out that her hair is uneven because it was cut out by bullies and also when you play dongara Ultra despair girls you can see a poster in chapter one of Mikan Miki in the hospital building one last thing I saw was on the Wiki page for mikon it says that her first name means Mandarin as in the type of orange and that her last name means centry on the wik page it says that her last name could reference how she killed out of The Spar jeno had planted inside of her or it says that it could possibly mean to reflect um Eve from the Bible who committed the original sin relating to the tree of knowledge due to the human desire to try and do what is forbidden and the way that this relates to meon is that she committed a double murder in a way to sort of please junko because of her romantic attraction to her and then it states that she is also similar to Eve through the concept of not being forgiven for her actions also when you guys in the comment section of my top five most [ __ ] up Moments video um the YouTube user gender dwarf pointed out that in the Japanese version for super dong retu it also implies that mikon was the one that um basically [ __ ] her corpse by trying to transplant jeno's womb into herself so that she could become pregnant with jeno's baby I've only played the official English translation for super ret too so I found this tid bit of information to be very interesting but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed my analysis video for meon and um I'm really enjoying the series so far thank you so much for all the comments and likes and stuff you left on my last video I'll definitely continue this series and I will try my best to keep you guys updated on 3 and V3 still no information as of yet but um I'll let you guys know as soon as anything happens and um until next time I will see you guys real soon
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 541,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, sdr2, mikan tsumiki, junko enoshima, hajime hinata, ibuki mioda, mahiru koizumi, hiyoko saionji, monokuma
Id: 5hjv2G-W8k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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