JUNKO ENOSHIMA: Character History and Analysis

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hey guys we be news years so today I'm going to be giving my character analysis for Gingka and Ashima and just a quick warning this video will contain any mints amount of spoilers for dying up to zero so if you haven't read it yet already and don't want to be spoiled I'd highly recommend you stop the video and if you haven't read it yet and you would like to and you just don't know where to find translations I'll be posting translation links in the descriptions and these are exact translations so it'll be just like you're reading the book and not just summaries of it but for those of you who have already read it or do not mind being spoiled let's go ahead and begin for this video I decided to split up the history portion and the analysis portion much like I did with my Monica analysis so starting with history portion Gingka states that she was despairingly hopeless from the moment she came into the world and was already tired of everything and I do want to mention that Kodaka never wanted to include any sort of tragic backstory for Junko in an interview he stated that he felt more recently bad guys and games are given harsh backgrounds as some kind of explanation for their evilness but it feels like cheating to him and not the most dangerous thing about Jenko is that she doesn't have any reason to do the things she does so he incorporated that into her character all the way through the games as thoroughly as possible this sort of makes my analysis a bit tougher since there is no given backstory or tragic events that happen in juncos life but sparked some sort of evil flare inside of her it seems to be implied in the game and by Kodaka himself that Junko was just sort of born loving despair and although there is no tragic backstory I do believe that there are some ways you can speculate sty Jenko ended up the way she did one of the earliest references to Gingka McCurry's past is in danganronpa I a kanima crew is free time events and honorable one and this was one Makura AFER's to the fact that she and Junko were homeless for a period of time I haven't seen a whole lot of speculation about this but one of you guys pointed out in my Makura analysis that it's contradictory that they would be homeless for a period of time when it was also revealed that McRoy ran away from home when her and her family were on vacation in Europe and that was my initial reaction to when I was creating that analysis so I did sort of come up with a theory of my own as to how this could not be contradictory and that would be that Makaurau and Junko both grew up and this sort of cliched rich family background for the parents of the children are just too busy dealing with work to take care of them so they end up hiring babysitters and other people to take care of them and then the children feel neglected and the long run I feel like this explanation would make sense because since we know that Jim Koch came to love this Fair at a very young age she could have convinced McCoy to run away from home and become homeless for a period of time by manipulating her into thinking that their parents were awful people so my idea would be after they ran away their parents hired people to find them and bring them back home and of course they would eventually be rescued and irregular privileged family things like take vacations to Europe another thing that I think may support this would be juncos modeling career because generally people who do pursue this type of career come from a family of wealth or a family that has some sort of success in that particular business that way they can get their child's foot in the door or financially support them all they get started things like headshots that you have to start out when you're modeling can be pretty expensive so it would make sense that they would have a wealthy background and be able to help pay for these sorts of things of course none of this is confirmed it's just sort of an idea I had to make sense of these two background elements that don't necessarily go that well together but moving on we do see that during her childhood she had two very important people in her life these being McKerlie cassava and Yasuko Matsuda mcaro is of course her twin sister but Matsuda was a childhood friend of hers and eventually became her romantic partner after a while to intention in darpa zero that Matsuda's mother was diagnosed with some sort of unnamed disease that caused her to lose her memories eventually his mother died from this disease and it was revealed that Junko comforted him during this time telling him that she would become the person most important to him this led him to develop strong feelings towards her and the relationship between them was definitely mutual since Junko reveals that he was the most important person to her as well another defining instance about jinkers childhood is told by Matsuda to Yoko in the neurology lab in darpa zero this was when he and Gingka were at the beach together and Junko attempted to recreate the segata familiar out of sand he said that she worked a full month trying to build it but right before it was completed when nobody was slicking someone had come by and completely destroyed it Mazda said that this reduced Junko to tears and that he looked everywhere for the culprit but with no luck while matza has stared over the wreckage of Jenko sand castle in defeat Gingka came up behind him and revealed that she was the one who destroyed it the reason as to why she did this highly speculated and I've seen some claim that the reason for this was to drive herself into despair even more since she has such an uncanny obsession with it but on the wikia page it claims that she did this to get masta out of the house since you've been acting withdrawn since his mother's death as a teenager she began a modeling career and became very popular among the Japanese population for not being fake Junko seemed to have very little to no fulfillment from her fans claiming that the only men interested in her were all creeps who didn't actually care for her her modeling career grew to be so successful that she was scouted out and accepted by hopes Peak Academy as the ultimate fashionista this is where she began to unfold her plan of creating the worst most despair inducing incident in the history of mankind she began by creating the tragedy of hopes Peak Academy which was where she forced student council members in the ultimate hope is ryu Kamakura into the first mutual killing where the only survivors were is ruined so soon Murakami but so soon was later killed by Matsuda as a way to help cover up jinkers plans the events of this first mutual killing was broadcasted to the reserve corps students who are paying high prices to attend the Academy after watching this they felt as if their payments to the Academy were being used to create murders specifically ISRU since that was where a majority of the schools funding was going towards this caused them to begin writing which eventually led to a movement outside of the walls where the poor protested against the wealthy and the talented and this movement was what eventually led to the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history or the tragedy when Jukka began setting up plans for the mutual killing and Darvill 1 she decided to test out memory erasing procedures with the help of her childhood friend and lover gazook Matsuda the ultimate neurologist by testing this out Gingka became Ryoko Otonashi and created a fake diary of memories to convince herself that she was an entirely different person Matsuda reluctantly helped her with his plan with his own intentions in mind he reveals at the end of diorama 0 that he both loves and hates Junko and wants to protect her no matter what the cost but also wants to protect the world from her this is why he decided that he would continually erase her memories and plant new fake memories into her notebook so that she wouldn't remember anything at all and stay Ryoga Otonashi forever while this was going on McCrea Kesava took on the persona of Junko and killed the school board committee members this was under direct orders that she had given out before losing her memories eventually Gingka regains her memories once again and reveals that the memory erasing plan was for two different reasons the first was to test it out so she could use it on the participants in Donner fo ones killing game but also since she could feel the ultimate despair of killing the one person that was most important to her Asuka Matsuda fairly soon after this the reserve course students all committed mass suicide on janko's request this furthered the message of despair even greater the social unrest around the academy began as an online debate that eventually grew to riots outside of the school they eventually became about more than just the school itself but about the wealthy versus the poor and grew increasingly more violent and destructive and led to more people falling into despair and eventually Wars the wars are described is only happening for the sake of Orang destruction which means that there is no way that could be resolved this again was the event known as the tragedy around the time the tragedy began Junko stopped five abused children from hopes Peak Academy elementary school from committing suicide these kids were of course Nagisa Kota kojocho Masaru and Monika Gingka stopped them from giving their lives away by asking them to give their lives to her instead but of course Junko was only truly interested in Monika because of her connections to the TOA group which would give her the ability to mass-produce the dangerous robot monokuma killing machines the ultimate Astaire's began spreading despair everywhere they turned while the Warriors of hope began to create a paradise for kids by killing all adults the 78th class of hopes Peak Academy lived peacefully for a year inside the lock school until Gingka found a way to incapacitate them and erase their memories she then executed Jim Carrey Giri the principal and began a mutual killing in da Rippa one after she was executed in the final chapter of donger uncle one it's revealed that she created an AI of herself as backup that she implanted into monokuma we see this in the bonus scene at the end of dagger alpha 1 this AI is used in both another episode inside of sheer Akuma and kuru kuma who both manipulate the actions of the children and the adults to influence the most despair inducing outcome both robots are destroyed in the end and collected by Ezra Kamakura who downloads her AI into the neo world program where we see her in super donger fat Sue and at the end of that game she reveals that her plan was to download her a I into the comatose bodies of the super DARPA to cast and eventually create Jim : where the world would be filled with copies of herself this concludes the summary portion of this analysis and going from here I would like to begin breaking down her character it's implied several times throughout the series that Junko is a holder of many talents and is quite intelligent these instances can be seen when she uses the inspiration from Fuji sakis AI to create her own when she recreates an almost perfect intricate design of the Sagrada família at a very young age out of sand and her ability to understand thousands of people and use their weaknesses to manipulate them and by the classification she received as the ultimate analysis when she was disguised as ryuko - na she so I think it's safe to say that Gingka was born into the world with a great amount of talent and knowledge and that this gave her a superiority complex above anyone else she met even though she loved Junko probably views herself as godlike in a way she's able to control manipulate practically everyone she meets she was even able to learn things like advanced computer programming in the span of a few weeks and this made her feel as if she knows everything about anything and everybody including herself and it bores the absolute [ __ ] out of her she reached the point where she feels that she's so powerful that she's become bored with everything and everyone including herself and this is what led her to create multiple personalities of herself several being characterized by human emotions including depression or rage I think the reason she began creating these personalities and why she loves despair so much is because she was so tired of feeling extreme boredom in a difference in her life the reason for her obsession with despair as an emotion could be linked to the fact that the spare is an all-consuming emotion that can easily drive a person into the brink of insanity it's a feeling that can follow you anywhere and consume all of your thoughts and actions completely if you allow it to whereas a more joyful emotions such as hope or love you have to actively maintain in order to feel it all the time despair on the other hand you only have to passively accept for it to consume you entirely jinkers entirely let it consume her being she even states that it's a part of her characterization and who she is but I'll talk a little bit more why I believe she has such an obsession with despair in a little bit the odd thing about Junko is that although she claims that her characterization is completely defined by despair it's not as if we see her feel positive emotions such as hope or love and it doesn't necessarily seem that she hates these feelings either this can especially be seen in DARPA zero where she states that she was in love with Mazda to the point of insanity where all she wanted to do was be in his embrace in his presence this implies that she hoped to always be with him and love him but she finds the excitement of the despair she would experience for murdering him in cold blood and by bluffing that she was the reason for his mother's illness before he died better she also acts as if she's incredibly narcissistic and that she loves herself above all else and although it's true that all of her actions are self-serving in the terms that they all contribute to the sake of despair she contradicts her love for herself after killing Matsuda by saying that she felt an incredible amount of self-loathing even though it's obvious she loves the feeling of despair not only this but after Mazda breathes his last breath she stomped on his body tears streaming down her face until he was a completely unrecognizable mess why would she do this even though it's obviously causing her an intense amount of pain I think this could be because she feels inhuman like with the amount of talent and intelligence she holds she states that she feels as if her whole existence was a mistake from the moment she was born this implies to me that she believes she doesn't belong in this world because of how superior she thinks she is that she feels inhuman despair is an emotion that we all feel at one point in our life and whether or not we let it consume us it is a very real human emotion and probably one of the strongest emotions one could ever feel I think that Gingka forces herself to do these deeds to make herself feel human I think she longs to feel this way and that her greatest fear is living in a perpetual state of boredom and indifference as to why she doesn't let positive emotions like love or hope help convince her of her humaneness is another story I think that this goes back to the fact that positive emotions you have to actively seek in order to maintain them in Junko prefers to lie in despair rather than actively put effort into relationships with others and I think this can be traced to the fact that she may not believe anyone including the one she loves is worth her effort since she thinks so highly of herself overall chinko is a very intricate character with one absolute goal to bring despair whether or not it be to herself or others around her every action she makes is contributed to that goal which is exactly what Kodaka intended as for some sort of like trivia and fun facts about jinkers character there wasn't a whole lot though but it did see a couple of cool things on the Wikia page and the first one is that Jin goos English title is ultimate fashionista but in the Japanese version it's more of the ultimate gyaru and gyaru means a gal and basically she is the sky REO or Koga area which is a high school guy area basically and it is a subtitle of basically being a gyaru or a gal and the thing that's interesting about this is that she represents a lot of different characteristics that these sorts of people have and some different sort of examples of this is that she shortens her skirt her school uniform and she has a fondness of platform boots and we see both of those another quality that these galleries have is that they extensively decorate their cell phones which AI Jenko in the second game when she's an avatar is highly decked out extensively with different like trinkets and stuff and so these are all things that basically are tributes to this type of ultimate tell that she has in one thing that's not explicitly stated in the game but is in a tribute of a guy REO is bleaching someone's hair or wearing colored contact lenses and we see Junko as ryuko Dena she she has red hair and red eyes so it's sort of implied through this that that is her original hair and eye color and that once she became the sort of gyaru she bleached her hair and got colored contacts one of juncos poses is actually a reference to do brando from JoJo's bizarre adventures she also says his catchphrase useless useless useless during a machine gun talk battle but with that it concludes my character analysis and summary of Junko I hope you guys enjoyed I did want to mention a couple of things so few of you guys have come to me just recently and mentioned different fan games or stories are working on and it seems like a lot of you guys in the comments section we're pretty interested so just wanted to try and like spread the word about a few of those the first is an action fighting game using the Don Rafah characters by trade pin LAN and he's actually holding voice auditions right now for it and he sent me a couple of just like different drawings and stuff for the game and I think it's a pretty cool idea so if you guys an audition for that I'll put the link in the description and then Nate Sawatzky you mentioned in my last video that he was working on another sort of type of dog Ralph's a fan with completely original characters and stuff like that so I'll post a link in the description if you to look up some of his original characters and story ideas they're pretty cool from what I've seen so far but if you guys want to check those out I think they're pretty cool and I'm not completely sure what my next video will be probably a countdown or another character analysis and you guys have sent me a ton of different requests for character analysis videos it's awesome I think the next one I'm going to end up doing is Gundam but after that possibly Hajime I've seen a lot of recommendations for Akane Solis and Ibuki and the kawah so it's sort of around those few characters that I'm thinking of doing after Gundam but I'm not completely sure but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you real soon subscribe to read the news for more hope-filled videos
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 782,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko Enoshima, Danganronpa Zero, Ryoko Otanashi, Yasuke Matsuda, Mukuro Ikusaba, Izuru Kamakura
Id: N52mV4N7OqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2016
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