The Entirety Of Danganronpa as Vines [SPOILERS - ALL 4 GAMES AND DR3] - 3.5k Subs

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[Music] [Music] Jefferey like wake up or dude like do something you're just like what the [ __ ] is going on what up [ __ ] oh my god are you okay are you the greatest you know what I'm talking about what the hell are you doing that's a big-ass mirror I have big ass eyebrows oh you just talk to me hey would you [ __ ] a black guy I don't know that's racist no I [ __ ] all black guys because I'm not racing I mean for female Ghostbusters the feminists are taking over I'm a virgin your eyes like that he's smoking no it's got weed am i something my so I'm looking something smoking weed not to be racist or anything but I love goat cheese that's not even racist I said I wasn't being racist it's so messed up how we have to like open doors for women I know it gets hard all the time the opening cost I get the next hit chill you didn't pay for it dude it's my lighter though [ __ ] dude look how big my new shoes are well you know what they say about Bigfoot you mean big feet I try to tell you he's not real but I've seen hurry up we're gonna be late for school bruh chill I don't know why you in a big time rush guys guess what my name Jeff right can I have some money mr. Philip did not get an a on a test do you have a [ __ ] dad there's your answer little [ __ ] yeah got some dick you welcome Duke trying to feed his family man yeah I'll take two but hey god bless you [Music] I'm sorry I fell asleep while waiting on you to make me a sandwich go back to sleep and starve no I can't why you're standing in front of the door sir did you witness the murder I don't know did I I and this is gonna be on TV right Red Robin yo that moment when you enter a room and forget why you went in there oh that's right I was getting chased by a serial killer [Music] we all die you to kill yourself or get killed hey Batman what yep I knew it I knew you have no sound like you said Bruce it just sound that man what got him to pros sitting in the hot tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay was most likely burst due to pressure during sex there is this performative right I'm sorry [Music] [Music] Carrie no three [Music] maybe please don't go I love you I can't live without you and die what exactly did you see them take they was working on the tires that's all the worst okay give him what you like dude had enough yet you're disrespecting a future US Army soldiers what was that move your covers move your cover so I can kill you thought it was over [Music] [Music] I spelled lipstick in your Valentino bag mrs. Jones you're like some Satan cake thank you what uh this is Joe this is how you eat a Big Mac [ __ ] tell you to [ __ ] Dee cool sound effects ain't the moola same damn same cool cars congratulations on the worst fish in this competition so far what's what's the best kind of firework to buy wouldn't you like to know whether boy you want to supersize that for ten dollars yes of course oh it's actually three dollars go to page 50 okay and I'm not [ __ ] around hey what are you drinking I'm a lesbian and I am a Republican just because I like women me too small world we should go out sometime we should um you know go to the bedroom are you serious it's 344 this is prompt on pigeon activity we should hang out again you don't seem like a creep this weekend for your birthday how did you know just guess Oh Stephen here present James study I want to see my little boy here we go I want to see my little boy Josh go where's the Scooby Snack what about me Fred down my wife's prescription do whoa got AIDS right okay keep it down hey okay class does anyone know the largest bone in your body please no inappropriate I did [Music] I am a wolf hey guys daddy's running hot daddy went skating today you know [ __ ] care today is Friday so who's the hottest uber driver you've ever had and I never went to oval Java [Music] [Music] wait did I say okay wait did I save wait oh I like your accent mm-hmm where you from I'm Liberian oh my baby I like it okay see you trip where do you guys want to go the Bahamas I don't know about that let's go to hell no look at this lazy [ __ ] hi welcome to Chili's are you studying for your finals goodnight stop it can you mean hey how much money do you have 69 cents oh you know what that means I even may have enough money for chicken Meghan hey don't buy it don't I mean I won't have sex with wonder if that's what you ask your outfit is fresh you know me I'll do me I'm trying to do you through this [ __ ] just take my hand and hold it tight oh [Music] hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage stand in front of the TV spoon [Music] [Music] the doctors just told me how he had four days to live you're sick no he just doesn't like me on Tuesday for speeches [Music] can I get a waffle can I please get a las me my keys I said my keys I thought you said printer why the [ __ ] would I say printer hey how's it going pretty good now you might have thought there were two different people talking but actually it's me again movie magic [Music] and I enjoy honestly if your parents ground you for getting bad grades hide a glass of milk in their room and let that [ __ ] curdle clean up this room before I [ __ ] your ass don't you mean [ __ ] your ass up no I'm a [ __ ] you ask hey I'm lesbian I thought you were American literally never any food supplement hey you want some weird no hey mom candy I got some at the house you got skittles if you're a woman no matter what you're beautiful okay I'm supposed to be doing your freakin homeland [ __ ] dick mom beautiful who like my leftovers who ate my brother's ass okay hey coach Brad hey you weren't a cop uh no sir you could have fooled me goddamn get a cup of that [ __ ] dad you were never there for me growing up my name Jeff someone called me a DILF in the comments today do you want to dance with me going [ __ ] yourself why won't anyone dance with me he and I wanna [ __ ] you happy [Music] come back to me screaming you can't sit with us actually Megan I can't sit anywhere I have how it feels to qu5 come [Music] new five gum stimulate your senses [Music] [Music] how many dicks you suck I do that what's better than this guys being dudes so sad for that bird so 5 plus 4 is 9 69 [Applause] have any experience of children I'll chill all the time no like a baby I was one of those you know Netflix no you have Kabul no I don't watch TV what do you do that's porn if I could okay don't go to Hales please I beg you don't go to hell to make a long [ __ ] story short I put a whole bag of jelly beans up my ass all right I'll tell him she said no candy there is only one thing worse than a rapist boom a child No good evening so basically I was thinking for some oh [ __ ] I can't believe you've done this gentlemen this is the BOC receive manifest and user are you waiting to receive my limp penis oh my god okay it's happening everybody and reported natural habitat oh you just dropped it in the [ __ ] I'm going to jail roadwork ahead yeah I sure hope it does it is important to me to carry myself in a manner where people are going to say you know what he knows what he's doing Jesus bring this guy moaned at least this loud [Music] [Applause] I didn't just splatter paint I was my paint are you okay what is okay maybe a little rest my resting heart rate registers as a panic attack fools juice on their favorite dress hey accidents happen how do you think the kids got here happy Halloween [ __ ] I'm gonna put my dick in a pumpkin all right just relax when she gets over here just tell her how you feel okay oh [ __ ] hey everybody I know drugs are a little hot-button issue you know are they good are they bad you know that's debatable but I just bought a [ __ ] ton tonight's gonna be awesome oh nothing I was just shaving he doesn't deserve you if he doesn't treat you right by now you're gone I'm gone now go chop this dick I've literally got so much to do I'm like freaking scream no.11 can you tell me if your refrigerators running I'm just kidding can you guys send help my house is on fire what the hell Carl [Music] everybody gets tired but specifically today I'm just tired are you fine how much you pay for not talking hey yo you know this boy's got his free taco all right so what you think hat or no hat I'm thinking hat well I'm getting late for sure today yo you know I'm here open up as a child I was forced to eat dog food for open the [ __ ] door that person you know what that means I can't sleep because of that video what what's up grandma bro I had a dream we [ __ ] bro it's just a dream yeah I wouldn't [ __ ] you you wouldn't tell you to clean your room with this spoon just thirsty weirdo some water casserole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you ever want to talk about your emotions CN keeps burning hey let's make this toast out to Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for us Jesus did you hang out with Beth last night you know yeah I did oh I love that you hate oh [ __ ] funny maman oh I don't want to go to church but you will be saved there's no saving this sweet piece is about you frankincense thank you and I brought you myrrh thank you murder Judas what's your name [Music] we got why don't really wanna do the work today I don't really want to do the work today I don't really wanna do I don't wanna do the work today no off-topic questions because I don't want to know there's no permission denied that's an autop for questions next you have been stopped that is not correct because according to the encyclopedia [Music] look at the buns on that guy ice is slippery Isis yeah ice is slices no the ices [ __ ] off doesn't mean go away [ __ ] off means [ __ ] off [ __ ] off he will [ __ ] off off he will I assure you because their heart healthy and my heart has been severely damaged so John if you're out dude why'd you put your wooden shoes in the toilet why do you think I did it I don't know but it's clogged oh come Barney's about to meet his maker now you call me [ __ ] what is that I'm so exhausted up inside a room what are you looking at there's nothing there that's a wall you're literally looking at a wall the interviews going great so far do you have any tattoos or piercings yes I do have a couple nipple rings why yes please yeah of course oh I don't need friends they disappoint me every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your no yelling sock and soon you'll have a weapon to beat Austin you're on the air good morning we're doing open phones hi my own ear yep [ __ ] Thanks [Music] oh girl let me give you a kiss [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: anno
Views: 1,148,110
Rating: 4.9668989 out of 5
Keywords: danganronpa, sdr2, ndrv3, drae, ultra despair girls, super danganronpa 2, new danganronpa v3, danganronpa another episode, danganronpa 3, anime, crack, vines, compilation, lore, story
Id: rYlWs_gIGOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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