Mystic Prophecies and Nostradamus (1961)

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[Music] how'd you do ladies and gentlemen I am Basil Rathbone I'm going to read you an interesting and oft neglected story one day many centuries ago when man's language had sufficiently developed permit him to reason he probably asked himself what is prophecy before he have the word poison he had the idea for property as always existing the since the origin of rational man has held some concept of the future the passage of time has attributed the shape of his future to a variety of sources Caltech spades religions and philosophies normals without exception it has been variously named nature truth light love of God decipher a few some never dare to examine these forces beyond the realm of the human body look ahead two forces which determine or foretell that which lies beyond the common extent they have exactly looked into the future and obscene thousand years hence as accurately as they see the Morning Sun the prophet has been feared laughter shun ridiculed tortured and rewarded by whatever name he was known mr. Lussier soothsayer oracle prophet he has been one a holding some almost inexplicable power of spiritual farsightedness imperative stress and danger prophets have risen in every land to warn the people and the rulers of coming calamities the predictions have come down to us carved in symbols often difficult to decipher they have been inscribed in the clay tablets of Chaldea and the hieroglyphics found in Egyptian temples and in Pyrenees prophecies who have been found burned into hiatus we printed on parchment scroll in ruins who caves in India and Palestine we find them recorded in Holy Scriptures of all races and nations in India's pita China's golden book of towel to the Talmud the Bible and the Koran they all containing passages predicting the future of individuals and nations almost all great events in human history have been prophesied in advance sometimes hundreds of years before they came to pass the conquests of Alexander the French Revolution the campaigns of Napoleon discovery of America the Civil War and their outcome and here's something quite strong even the prediction of the present alliance of Russia and China was made over 400 years ago the fall of the Maginot Line and the sweep of the Nazi war machine were prophesied as well as a mild leadership of Franklin birthday the b-2 bombing of London thus the disaster of her mother can be found in prophetic past prophecy is a kind of preening feeling of future events it is a spiritual seeing of events to come which may be hundreds of years and thousands of miles removed in time and space makes us wonder about man's free will in a universe guided by irresistible laws and stirred by tremendous events in Africa Europe and America archeologists have discovered cave paintings of our ancestors hunts and battles primitive but amazingly realistic many of them are highly relevant in any inquiry into the significance of prophecy some scientists believe the cave paintings are merely a pictorial record at the cave man's life but others with more sensitive and mystical Minds speculate that these paintings may well represent man's earliest attempt at prophecy in the way of voodoo priests may prophesy disease or control death through an image so made a cave man abused the images of hunts and battles to prophesy and projection to the future his victories and his successful hunts primitive tribes in Australia and Africa are still known to use the image prophecy and spurred on by its promise are known to be surprisingly successful the early puppets made their predictions hundreds even thousands of years before their fulfillment and they did so with an amazing accuracy there are Egyptian hieroglyphics which predicted subsequent floods and disasters Assyrian clay tablets which foretold Wars and destruction the parchment of the ancient Talmud the sacred book of the children of Israel all bear testimony of the importance of prophecy in the development immense cultural social and religious life the Old Testament relates Isaiah's amazing prophecy about the biblical world's most glamorous and orange starring city Babylon the capital of the greatest Kingdom and the seats of such exalted rulers as Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar the artist's conception of that teaming and dazzling metropolis is magnificent tequan shatters him or she senses the emotion which must have inspired the Prophet Isaiah's words and Babylon the glory of the kingdoms the beauty of Cal d's excellency shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah it shall never be inhabited the other shall it be brought in from generation to generation neither shall the Arab [ __ ] tent there nor shall the Shepherds make their fool there because I made 124 years the point is fulfilled which is true to the letter even today it lies in ruins as the prophet foretold Babylon has never been rebuilt neither do the Arabs nor the shepherds pitch their tent there for they consider the city dead and crisped in Jeremiah the third verse of chapter 30 the prophecy relates follow the day's come said the Lord but I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah said the Lord that'll cause them to return to the land of their fathers and they shall possess it the Prophet spoke when the ten tribes of Israel were still in captivity in Babylon two thousand five hundred and fifteen years before the English troops under General Alam Bey entered Jerusalem by foot and opened the gates for the return of the children of Israel since then it has been as if the Ten Lost Tribes had been gathered out of Russia Romania Hungary Austria Germany France and Spain as the Jews streamed in ever-increasing numbers to their homeland Israel we so have been fulfilled the words of prophet Amos who declared they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them and they shall make gardens and eat the fruit of them but I will plant them on their land in these fear-filled troublesome times the children of Israel they will heed the final words of Amos prophecy when he concluded and they shall no more be pulled up and out of their land which I have given them said the Lord the great events of the New Testament such as the coming of John the Baptist and the life and crucifixion of Jesus have all been foretold in the Old Testament and Jesus did come as he said to fulfill the law of the prophets five hundred years before it actually occurred Zechariah predicted the Jesus would enter Jerusalem like a king and that he will be sold for 30 pieces of silver he foretold the smiting of the Shepherd and the scattering of sheep he cried out rejoice greatly o daughter of Zion shout o daughter of Jerusalem the whole Dyke King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation and riding upon a nap likewise the Sun is Hotel the tribulations of Christ in Psalm 22 the singer puts it this way they pierced my hands and feet and they tell all my bones they look and stare upon me they part my garments among them and cast lots upon my discharge as the Old Testament predicted the vivid clarity a-coming and the trials of Jesus so did the record of the New Testament of practice I events to come long after the record was made the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew relates and Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple and Jesus said unto them see not all these things verily I say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be found forty years later when Titus took Jerusalem and the temple was burned that just became so angered he ordered his soldiers to dig up the Foundation's above the temple and the city the prophecy of Jesus [Music] there has been much speculation about Jesus prophecy of the days of the end of the world some contend that the end may come in our own time of division and turmoil in atomic and hydrogen warfare others however point to the prophecies of the greatest prophet of the Middle Ages Nostradamus they agree according to his predictions the Troublesome times are ahead of us from now to the year 2000 Nostradamus prophecies projected to the year 7000 and we may not yet witness what the disciple of Jesus called the ailment of the world Jesus prophecy according to Matthew was recorded in these words take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and he shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that she be not troubled but all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet the book of Revelation with its mystical symbolism has been interpreted innumerable times according to the State of Mind the religious background and the desires of the interpreter but time in its own way will reveal the full meaning of that book historians of the future or even yet in our day will evaluate the accuracy importance of those words the unfulfilled prophecies of old are the significant mysteries of the future the two monuments of the ancient world which have inspired the most wonder and speculation are the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx near Cairo in Egypt according to inscriptions found in it Great Pyramid was built by the Pharaoh kkeok ruled about 2600 BC but according to a psychic research conducted by Edgar Cayce the seer of Virginia Beach kkeok took credit for a work which preceded his rule by 10,000 years and the Sphinx was already in existence when the Great Pyramid was constructed under the guidance of rata the high priest be this as it may the Great Pyramid has been the puzzle of the ages for it seems unlikely that such a gigantic structure should be built merely to satisfy the vanity of a pharaoh when archaeologists had last found the cleverly concealed entrance on the north side of the pyramid they discovered to their astonishment that neither one of the two passages led to the mummy of a pero de Davidson and H alder Smith published in 1924 a monumental book entitled the Great Pyramid it's divine message in this fascinating scientific work they proved in meticulous calculations and innumerable charts but the Great Pyramid was actually a monument of prophecy [Music] some of the events prophesied and great to the mid-arm ease the First World War August the fourth and fifth 1914 Falls at the end of the great steppe concluding the Grand Gallery damages November the 11th 1918 reaches the end of the first low passage the Great Depression which ended in stock market crash of 1929 is shown at the beginning of the second low passage Adolf Hitler's decision for world conquest is indicated by the end of the second low passage it is dated September the 15th and 16th when Hitler had his first discussion with Mussolini and negotiated the axis alarms in 1937 but the fathers of the American Revolution the founders of the United States were well aware of the symbolic meaning of the Great Pyramid with this missing capstone which they replaced with the mystical all-seeing eye in Greece about 1,500 years before the birth of Christ temples of prophecy or Oracle's sprang up all over the land donor the earliest one was old then Roma the great poet in the immortal verses of his Iliad but for many articles because Delphi which was destined to become the most celebrated of all the Pythia sat in the sacred cane on an iron tripod which had been placed over a rock tisha drawing her into a holy trance in this trance state sheep upside fame and fortune she prophesied failure and disease Sheva told victory or defeat in literature campaigns which share the destiny of Nations some of the prophecies were about everyday occurrences the sex of a coming child advice to the lovelorn the outcome of the Olympic Games yet sages kings and heads of Nations came to ask the famous Oracle for advice and when fortune favoured them they rewarded it which made it was Cicero the Roman philosopher statesman and critic who wrote Delphi could never have been so overwhelmed with significant presence from kings and nations had not the ages proved the truth of these Oracle's much of the Delphi swirled came from King Croesus a fabulously rich ruler of Lydia whose fortune is legendary even today because Croesus was a cautious man for six different Oracle's to a test with this question what is King Croesus doing today when her turn came the tittle of Delphi replied Croesus is boiling a lamb and a tortoise together in a copper vessel this mr. King was highly pleased for the accuracy of the article he then sent a large procession of courtiers and slaves bearing costly gifts to induce a follow the Sun God and patron of the article to grant him a special favor then Croesus asked July march against King Cyrus of Persia Apollo's answer was cryptic for the fifty replied Greece's without crosses the river highness thou shalt destroy a great Kingdom Croesus interpreted the response to mean that he will be victorious in his campaign against Cyrus and he therefore declared war against 30 but within two weeks the Cyrus who victorious Wistrom Sardis and Croesus was condemned to be publicly burned with his advisors on the flaming funeral pyre he could sadly meditate on the double meaning of the article once PP have prophesied the destruction of the great Delphi itself and the fifty was asked about it she declared in a mournful voice i if he bear it if he endure to know even delphi like all things must go thus even thus on some long destined day shall Delphi his beauty shrivel and burn away Delphi his fame shall vanish and from the earth expire at that bright bidding of the celestial fire and thus Apollo's priestess prophesied the day soon by the first century ad the Delphi had become so famous and wealthy that the roman emperor nero became jealous of its importance and he looted and destroyed it euro fell secure of apatheia had told be aware of 73 but the prophecy applied to his successor Galba who had Nero strangled it was Gabbar who ruled in his 73rd year the world has had many articles prophets magicians and soothsayers embody predicted a great stone September the 16th 1186 ad the storm never materialized but on that night Genghis Khan was born this monk only death swept over kingdoms and nations like a formidable strong leaving his wake death and destruction in the little ages from the Year 900 AD up to 1200 AD the people was hoping Vince to the end of the world happening in the near future that they neglected to repair their houses until their fields near 999 ad was the date most prophets agreed upon for this calamity to happen and affect her to Jerusalem was believed necessary for one's salvation the people sold and left their homes by hundreds were migrated to the Holy Land as late as the sixteenth century Joanna stafa predicted another flood as in the time of Noah the people fled to the high places and spent their time in stadiums in the building of innumerable covered boats like Noah's Ark the hills and mountains were dotted with them and all the arc builders hearted to finish their boats before the great rains a surprisement in the year 1517 ad a barefoot hermit roamed through the streets of Rome crying his prophecy of doom the destruction his name was Bartolomeo van de Mello and he shouted to the populous Walter all wall to Rome the city of destruction will fall to the turns out foundations for the sins of the Pope and the prelates hook 78 had the Hermit kept into ions and wand and dire measures if you would not desist from his shoddy Rand Anna was released but as he continued prophesy with all of Rome the Pope wrote they had him thrown into the Tiber or boniva drowned when Mohammed survive this ordeal directions say he was thrown back into the dungeon and chain ten years later the mercenary army of charles v swept through into the insect rome in a bloody finish the home it was released by the conquerors and both some of the Apes is forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty and had time to meditate on the fulfillment of gardeners prophecy there was another monk Savonarola who predicted the expulsion of the Medicis ruling family from florence he predicted the sack of Rome and the French invasion of Italy under charge the eighth but the Vatican in Rome had long been deleted by disgruntled noble from two lanes and as Savonarola preached openly against the crimes of the Borgias pope alexander the father of sassari and Lucrezia Borgia who were guilty of many a political murder would not allow Savonarola to play his offspring in public sooner both declared Savonarola a heretic when The Fearless monk declared that he was ready to be tested by any ordeal the church could choose the Pope obliged him to prove his innocence through the ordeal of fire astrology has a history of thousands of years in the time of Nebuchadnezzar Pythagoras Nero and maastradamus down to our 20th century even some of the popes were astrologers Leo the tenth became a great patron of astrology because nostalgia have predicted his election to the papal chair when he was only a child when the disease of the Archbishop of st. Andrew baffled London's physicians he went to Paris where it was diagnosed and cured thanks to the horoscope of a French astrologer his name was Jeremiah Dan but in parting he warned the archbishop your eminence I have been able to cure your disease but I cannot prevent your destiny of being handed astrologist prophecy it was fulfilled 20 years later when the archbishop was hanged by an edict of Mary Queen of Scotland the Swedish astronomer Tycho Brahe was only a young man when he predicted the great plague which depopulated Europe in 1666 he also predicted the birth and death of Gustavus Adolphus the warrior king of Sweden who kept Europe and fear and turmoil in the thirty-year religious war the stuff as a dog has died in the bloody matter of literature world renowned French astrologer and Follette Nostradamus predicted more than 100 years before it happened the destructive Fire of London the journey in 1666 this event was also foretold by England's mother Shipton in the chin both wind and fire well-nigh mixes in 1666 much burned in fire a shower in London town so you can see prophecy is bound to have many facets astrology voice is heard by the biblical prophet Jonah ba imprisons mother Shipton Genova the simple peasant girl from gamma-ray Nene was probably the most amazing example of prophecy fulfilled in childlike simplicity she prophesied that she was destined to rid France of the English invaders who crowned the DOE fall in your hands and as John predicted through a leadership the English invaders were driven back and the DOE farm was crowned king of France in the great Cathedral of grounds for these amazing deeds she was delivered to her enemies declared a witch and burned at the stake [Music] it was another Saint Malakai about predicting the number of popes who were to ascend the people chair oops illest in the third for one who was identified with the Latin words juror League event which means that his family name was prevented Pope Alexander the port was described with the words Signum of tinsel and he was before his election Cardinal of Ostia Pope Tremonti eight had been governor of area T in Umbria some Malakai refer to him as ROS Umbria the rose of Umbria Pope Clement the six was identified Boris Barack's and his family coat of arms showed a Running Bear many more could be added to this impressive list but scholars have speculated on if certain Cardinals remained to offend the people chair until the last Pope Peter the Roman fears about him some college hypothesize during the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church Peter the Roman religious fluffy Great Tribulation the city of the Seven Hills will be destroyed and the awesome judge will judge the nation's mother Shipton born in Yorkshire England in 1488 is described by her biographer Baker as techo was larger than common her body cooking her face frightful but her understanding extraordinary her fame lies in the prediction she made concerning Cardinal Wolsey who was making plans to move his reporters to York when the Cardinal heard that yorkshire series had prophesied that we'd never see York he sent three distinguished emissaries to mother Shipton to discover whether she had really made such a prediction he swore that he would burner if it were true when the emissary is faced have a question with another Shipton replied he may see it but he will never get there and to their amazement then she prophesied accurately the fate of the three noblemen when the Cardinal was told of mother Shipton's corrected prediction he was in the council tower of Cawood where he could see York in the distance in fury he vowed that he would burn the witch but he did not burner did not get to York he died on the way there are many prophetic jingles attributed to this 15th century mothership tuna Blocher one ancient dog roll declares in rhyme carriages with our forces shall go and accidents fill the world with wall around the world thoughts will fly in the twinkling of an eye the world upside down shall be go be found at the root of the tree through Hills men shall ride and no horses be at their side and the water men shall walk shall ride to sleep to talk in the Airman's will be seen in white and black green iron in the waters of floats as easily as a wooden boat those will be found and shown in a land that's not now No dear one recognizes an incredible list fulfilled predictions verified in the scientific age of the 20th century [Music] [Applause] emanuel swedenborg the swedish fishing rogue abandoned his profession to startle the worlds of his mystical books about Evelyn's health and also his extraordinary clairvoyance bahá'u'lláh the founder of the Baha'i faith lived in Persia in the 19th century he made the prophecy that his faith would one day circle the world the great mystic the council's are made was the advisor of rulers and darling of Europe Society in the 18th century the American Indian prophets resembled the great prophets of Israel in preaching a definite message they foretold the regeneration of the red man and the recapture of the lands from the white man Germany converts the to seers who foretold future events with incredible accuracy the first mr. Saxon fisherman Christian herring who predicted in 1740 fourth of an army would invade Saxony fighting a bloody battle occupying Dresden and leaving it soon through its utter gate some two years later in the winter of 1745 the army of Frederick great fought the bloody Battle of sexually he did occupy Preston and left it through the upper gate soon after the peace was signed Christian herring also predicted an alliance between marriage eraser of Austria under the 15th of France against Frederick the Great two months before the event came about he foresaw the Seven Years War a full seven months before the fighting began another German prophet Johann Adam Miller made his home in mice bar near Heidelberg fully documented evidence has established that as early as 1807 Miller predicted the franco-prussian war of 1812 and Napoleon's retreat from Moscow in 1815 when everyone believed Napoleon to be safely put away on Elba ruler was mocked and ridiculed when I first saw another war with France nevertheless Napoleon did plea back to France while the victors divided the spoils in the Congress of Vienna he assembled a new army and marched against them until he was defeated in the fateful Battle of Waterloo the most recent prophecy about the first world war and its far-reaching effects was made by the russian scholar count Leo Tolstoy the author of war and peace of other Greek words in 1910 when toss why they died he made an amazing prediction in an odd and halting whisper I see floating above the sea of human faith the nations rush madly after her but she the eternal courtesan commercial flips with them all but which inertia seems much agony and destruction followed in her wake she carries the flame of war from city to city and from country to country the great conflagration set by the torch of war will start in 1913 in the southern countries again I see here all Europe in flames and bleeding and I share lamentations on the huge battles and who knows perhaps the German Kaiser did decide on a war in 1913 but waited only for a good excuse to studies there's a modern prophets whose predictions have an amazing percentage of accuracy although we made some of them merely through the study of the human hand his count Haman who called himself Tyrell among his early prediction is was that which he made for Lord Kitchener when kitchen of a still an unknown colonel in the British Army a Carol Turin you will someday hit the British Army in its greatest Ward come Kitchener you may recall was made war Minister the outbreak of the first world war now Cairo then elaborated his prediction into caring and you will die in a sea disaster in your 66 year Lord Kitchener died then the battleship which was to bring him to Russia was torpedoed even though he had trained himself to become a good swimmer he drowned in the turbulent waters of the North Sea in the year 1916 and he was in his 66th year in order to test carros ability as are nicholas ii approached the famous palm reader in the disguise of a private citizen carro togas are you desire peace but your destiny is tied up with bloody walls and turmoil what you love this to violence a few years after the Russian Japanese war which ended so disastrously Borussia Karl came to Moscow and Tsar Nicholas demanded to see him at his Summer Palace Cara was asked to work out the Kabbalistic numbers of Bertha's on the czarina and he was stunned by the tragic death he foresaw from both in 1917 when the monk Rasputin came to him for a reading Caro told him that he will be killed by poison a dagger and bullets the despot II would be thrown into the river neva or a spittoon laughed and claimed be indestructible but it took all four methods poison dagger bully the icy waters of the river neva crush the life out his tremendous body in London Cara was asked to eat the palm of a veiled woman he told her about a brilliant career and fame and fortune all over the continents but an end of disaster and misfortune the woman gasps oh ma years and Caro gazed into the deep eyes of the immortal Sarah Bernhardt Europe's greatest actress in his wrong eventful life Ricardo read hundreds of thousands of the great and be a great among his famous clients were the beautiful Blanche Roosevelt a gifted American girl who became a Contessa Marchetta delicately Navin Nova the Great Sea nose golden voice thrilled Europe and America Lily Langtry the famous actress who became the darling of America and Mark Twain the great American humorist who was bankrupt too many came for his reading erosion Carlos guest book Caro has exposed my character to me with humiliating accuracy I ought not to confess that his accuracy still I am moved to do it Nach Twain the most tragic and yet truthful prediction which Caro made was that which he saw in the palm of the famous English poet Oscar Wilde after examining a pair of pudgy male hems a Caro declared the right hand at the hand of a king who sends himself into exile ridiculous exclaimed Lily Langtry Oscar is the genius on an estate [ __ ] unfortunate scandal Oscar Wilde had to exile himself he died in Paris poor and lonely shunned by his admirers and deserted by his society friends Carlo was no less amazing in his predictions of historical events in 1927 for example he declared that India would be freed and religious warfare would rage between the Muhammadans and the woody Carol further predicted that Italy in Germany would war with France and its Fame would be under education this came to bastard Atlanta Atlanta Nene and General Franco did become dictator of Spain he also foresaw that London and the East Coast towns of England would be destroyed by Russian airplanes he declared the great battle of Armageddon will be fought on the plains of Palestine between Russia and the new Jewish nation karo cited in 1927 the newspaper article unfathomed wealth of the dead sea and Palestine the imagination reels before the stupendous figures of wealth estimated by the experts to be the value of the deposits Andrew Jackson Davis one of the most amazing psychics was born in America over 100 years ago his accomplishments merit genuine respect in 1845 he delivered over 150 lectures in a deep trance he wrote numerous books and he won called the penetrator he made these astonishing predictions there will be a great improvement of noted forces a method of traveling on dry land and through the air instead of the present gallery looking cars we will have spacious salons almost portable dwellings moving the such speeds or perhaps there will be adversary's Thrun to California in four days look out in these days for carriages and traveling channels moving on the roads without horses of steam or visible motivepower moving with greater speed and safety than a present they will be moved by a strange and simple mixture of aquatic and atmospheric gases and so imparted by a machine somewhat resembling our engines as to be entirely concealed and manageable between the forward wheels the first requisite to these land locomotives will be good roads upon which your engine without horses may travel with great rapidity remember that Andrew Jackson Davis predicted all this in 56 Brigham Young the dauntless leader who headed the moment treks to the Salt Lake's to keep him safe from persecution made this following prophecy for the world and America all that you know now can scarcely be called a preface to the sermon that will be preached with fire and sword tempests earthquakes hail rain and fearful destruction you will hear of magnificent cities idolized by the people sinking in the earth including the inhabitants the sea will he beyond its bounds and couching mighty cities famine will spread over the nations they will destroy each other caring not for the blood and lives of their neighbors of their families nor their own lives those dire words of Brigham Young seem to have a parallel in prediction made by Edward Kizzy a miracle man of Virginia village this amazing man who diagnosed the ailments of hundreds of people while in a self-induced trance offered a prediction about the coming changes in the earth his forecast presages events from the present to the year 2000 and a great Cataclysm caused by a flip of the Earth's axis Italy Japan and England will sink and later the whole of Europe in the twinkling of an eye at the same time Nuland messes are to rise from both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans as for America the Casey reading or prophecy predicts the California will be separated from the mainland and broken up into islands while the lowlands and parts of the desert will be covered by the ocean the Great Lakes are to form a large Gulf in the Atlantic while new land is to rise near Florida the mountain range is to be pushed up in the Midwestern states such geographical phenomena are not beyond the realm of reason geological researchers speculate that the increasing weight of this ice mass in the South Pole could cause the Earth's axis to too thereby causing a cataclysm of earthquakes and tidal waves we saw Brigham Young's and Edgar Cayce's predictions that may well come to pass for those who must check the Bible for confirmation they will find confirmed in the 24th chapter of Matthew where in Jesus also predicts these calamities there is one book in the Christian Bible known as the apocalypse or the revelations are st. John many biblical scholars have tried to interpret the Book of Revelations and give its prophecy a time tag various interpretations have been applied to the symbols of the four churches the seven golden candlesticks the seven seals and their opening revealing the white the red the black could the pale horse those slain for their faith and the end of the world of the heavenly rolled up like a scroll now perhaps no one except a prophet of the Satanists and in sight of a st. John and interpret debt which has been couched in this terrifying similar the prophecies of coming Cataclysm and worldwide destruction seem like the fighting visions of a man brave but strange as it may seem both ancient and modern prophets have made similar predictions there was Ezekiel who worried his contemporaries and Zechariah who made his predictions 100 years later and in the story of God we are told that he has to come back a cloud of locusts to ravage the men of the children of Israel Zechariah predicted in the final book of the Old Testament the storming of Jerusalem and the Battle of all nations from this 16th century study where I now see did the following predictions and many more were made over 400 years ago by the French physician who attended royalty fought the plague successfully yet who rose to his greatest fame as a prophet Michel Nostradamus was born the 14th day of December 1503 in Santorini it was an exceedingly bright youngster his paternal grandfather soldier salami trotting Greek Latin Hebrew and the mistress about me Kabbalah and astrology after studying the plague in ovule he developed his own methods of diagnosis and quickly gained confidence and fame through his plague powder which saved many whom other doctors had given up but with his fame became professional jealousies and he was forced to sit for most gruelling examinations in spite of all the obstacles and objections from his older colleagues Nostradamus passed the examination with ease and became a fully accredited doctor at the age of 26 in the beautiful term of agony Nostradamus settled down and married are yet to loop shock who gave him two fine sons it was then the tragedy struck the plague took his wife and sons and he became an eternal searcher and wanderer these wanderings from town to town and in such a wisdom in monasteries and studies of astrologers alchemists and the sages of his time he asked himself perplexing questions why was he unable to save his own wife and his son when he had saved otherwise and other children with his play father was there a fate which decreed when man must join his forebears in their graves did the Creator determine the life path leading either to happiness or tragedy and was all is decided before the building a child written in God's awesome book of life but how could he master Damas gain the wisdom to read the Kabbalistic signs which could reveal the future all these questions and many others led Michel Nostradamus to an intensive study of eternities time clock the constellations he delved into astrology alchemy magic and other secret Sansa's hidden in musty volumes and puzzling symbols and Kabbalistic formula as he searched a lightning bolt of inspiration struck Nostradamus found a way to look into the magic mirror of time where he was unable to watch the astounding parade of events to come in that awesome instant maastradamus had gained God's gift of prophecy and out of a troubled position from a man who was able to read and understand creator's book of life there's no longer degenerate the third and his Queen Catherine de Medici became the patrons of this amazing position who could not only heal their ailments but who could also look into the future and predict Thrones for all four of their sons that unforgettable night when Nostradamus conjured the angel an arrow to show Catherine de Medici the future of her sons in the magic mirror she saw each one of them is sending a throne but neither the mirror nor maastradamus reveal to her that each would die to leave the throne to his successor his prophecy about the death of Henry ii was only understood after it happened in a to loot Nostradamus had predicted in one of his amazing fräulein prophetic poems quote the Young Lions shall overcome the old one in a tournament field in a strange duel in a golden cage he shall put out his eyes to wounds one causes him to die a cruel death in a tournament for the Scottish night a splinter entered the golden visor of Henry the second and pierced first his eye and then his brain and so the old lion really died a painful and cruel death when the series of his famous part reigns was fulfilled in amazingly accurate circumstances catherine de medici consulted the magic mirror Nostradamus often Catherine's death there's another of Nostradamus it's rhyming with riddles the lady will remain to rule alone the unique one died on the field of Honor seven years she will vent her grief then she shall have a long life and a glorious reign not to Damas used a brass bowl filled with magnetized water when he searched for the coming future of France and the events which would change the rule of dynasties and nations which you recorded his collection that prophetic poems appropriately called the centuries he prophesied one hundred years ahead of his time the date when the beloved daughter would marry Maria Theresa of Spain and ascend the throne he also foretold the reign of the Sun King with the 14th called grandmother the time a character and death of louis xvi and influence of Marie Antoinette are described in two portrayals the times are too good than the king is to musically negligence he makes and unmix ISTE decisions likely he overlooks the faults of his loyal scholars he will be put to death through his benevolence and the seer continues because a bull ball is too good and carries in his hand the signs of justice his blood than the blood of all those who carry his name after none just flight shall receive their doom in spite of his plea in the beginning of the revolt which grew into the French Revolution near the sixteenth fled with Marie Antoinette and his children all were executed in spite of Kings pleas for mercy his prophets predictions reached even the 20th century when he pinned these lines which are said to have pretended the application of it would be eight when he chose between the throne and mrs. Wallis Simpson the young man bonds the Kingdom of Britain and his dying father shall recommend forgive London a topic after his death and it shall demand the kingdom from his son the rise of Hitler is easily recognizable in another verse from the depth of Occidental Europe a child will be born of poor people he will seduce imagine strange Tony and his reputation will increase in which the audience Adolf Hitler was born of poor parents in the depths of Europe Austria he did seduce the message with his speeches about the journalist distant and his fame did reach an impressive Japan in the Orient looking far into the future far beyond our own time Nostradamus made a long series of terrible prediction concerning Rome but ergy of the Catholic Church and the flight of the Pope among the most thought-provoking of those yet to come projections are these Rome will come to the Italians and terrible fear their great city a victim of corruption will be looted day and night and her churches will be violated the two rivers the Tiber and the pole will be red and flowing with blood when the Vatican new will be pillage the sacred things profane the greatest one there shall be as they roam among the populace a distance with the born a king through something in judgment but he shall not be condemned for Paris Nostradamus prophet eyes all around great city soldiers were the lodged in fields and towns they will attack Paris since iCade by Rome and on the bridge a great pitch were the names just as the biblical prophet Ezekiel and the modern prophet Cairo predicted the return of the Jews to Palestine and the great battle of Armageddon followed by hunger and pestilence so did Nostradamus predicted in this stanza the newcomers will occupy a place which was formerly inhabited for it will build homes without filters and inhabit towns and fields and meadows of their pleasure but war famine and pestilence will make their fields unproductive for quite some time in several of these quatrains Nostradamus predicts an Arab invasion of Europe the Orient clothes will come out to his seat shall pass over the Apennines mountains and sea Franks shall go over the air the waters and the snow they shall strike everyone with his staff through the discord and negligence of the French a passage shall be opened to Mohammed land and sea of Italy shall be bloody on the harbor of Marseilles shall be covered with sails and ships Russia's vision of Turkey a taking over the Greek islands and London's fear of invasion is indicated in this quadrant endeavours of the north shall be great upon the ocean gate shall be open the kingdom in the Islanders shall be reestablished London's are quaking fear maastradamus we now realize predicted the bombing of London and accurately as the German World War two bombs hit their targets the dart of heaven shall make his circuit rockets for strike some so die speaking so unexpectedly it will be a great execution like a stone crashing through a tree social affairs people be humbled through the noise of a human monster atom bombs from the perch an expiation a frightening quatrain indicating the sinking of entire countries seems to have a parallel in the predictions of the coming earth changes made by a modern prophet edgar cayce Nostradamus stated like this a great mountain encompasses seven studier after peace war famine and inundation it shall roll a long ways sinking many countries even long-established kingdoms and their great foundations in another car train Nostradamus describes Napoleon as Tetris a which means a shaved head this was an apt description the French Kings had all a long hair Napoleon was the first French ruler to wear his short another people rule of the German emperor behind ii was described by Nostradamus as the peacock with the short arm liam ii who was probably one of the famous rulers and he loved to hide his short left arm in a Napoleonic gesture in his vest it is said that the German emperor trembled over an ancient prediction which declared wilhelm ii by name will be the last king of prussia the guys i had good reason to tremble since his grandfather had been told of the Hohenzollern empire would end in 1914 but almost shudders at the uncanny accuracy with which Nostradamus described the first world war some 400 years before the German invasion of Belgium he foresaw the next 20 years between world wars as he wrote upon Hindenburg death Hitler's assumption of power and his rise to fanatic dictatorship the fall of chicle sadaqa Poland and France and the occupation of Paris Nostradamus predicts in these magnificent lands in the city of which the wolf shall enter enemies shall be all around a foreign force shall lay waste great lanyards for the walls of the Alps friend shall go and so it happened all those who were friendly to France either stood up against a wall to be shot or managed to free Switzerland the neutral Alpine country Hitler's pompous Ally Mussolini and his failing fascist regime were aptly described by Nostradamus also Hitler's only gloominess end was graphically predicted very it not dead but in an effective face he will be found to be the city's hold damn the heretic whatever the laws were he haven't changed yes we can easily imagine the problem had learned the cellar the bombed-out Chancery chillin his fingernails and a pathetic fit now that has turned prophecies about America and see what Nostradamus has to say about the older sister of the British Isles will be born 15 years before her brother by virtue of our destiny which is truthfully so she will succeed to the rule of Justice the older sister America was born in 1776 fifteen years before her brother Canada gained autonomy sanctioned by the British Parliament and the Canadians in the next but rain Nostradamus coined the word an Irish 250 years before America came into be he declared the head of London with the ruler of a marish when the island of Scotland will be covered with ice but King and rebel will be against our first Antichrist will put them all into war this happened in December 1941 shortly after Pearl Harbor when Hitler the false Antichrist for both the King England and the former rebel America into the war Roosevelt's appearance on the stage of history is predicted in this country IV accredited the triplicity England France and America will be born one who will make a Thursday is holiday his fame praise rule and power shall grow across land and sea and flooded the Orient President Roosevelt declared a Thursday Thanksgiving Day a national holiday and his increasing power did worry the Orient Japan after her attack on Pearl Harbor now in the last quarter Nostradamus predicts the future of America earth and air will be filled with frozen water when they will come to honor Thursday that which was never to be became so beautiful from all four paths will they come to honor her so the great seer prophesized that on another winter day that which was never to be shall become so beautiful but from all the corners of the world people will come to honor America of course he was referring to Liberty when Edgar Cayce was asked what earth would look like around the year 2000 he'd predicted great earthquakes and tidal waves and earth changes for the entire world in an attempt to explain prophetic vision Cayce declared to the psychic person's thoughts have formed color and substance they are released from the mind of men and gather in the higher realms like clouds each thought is attracted by its own kind like birds of a feather flocking together thoughts of tenderness and love will rise and join their brother thoughts in a cloud of brilliance and beauty the thoughts of anger and revenge will also rise and join other hate thoughts in a darkening and threatening cloud of foreboding Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated there is nothing to fear but fear itself in his four books of prophetic quatrains Nostradamus predicted fearful times twenty years of the reign of the moon having passed seven thousand years another shall hold his monarchy when the Sun shall resume his days past then is fulfilled and ends my prophecy and the last quatrain describes this end graphically for 40 years the rainbow shall not appear for 40 years shall it be seen every day the parched earth shall wax drier and drier and then the Great Flood shall appear but man has always survived on his hope for the future he constantly imagines and plans a brighter tomorrow and hitches his wagon to a star great comfort has given us through hope and faith in the belief of the future the truth of tomorrow can be changed through brighter thoughts and brighter games mankind can change our future could be peace and abundance for all nations not war the destruction lust we hold the fate of our world in our so let us bring those thousand years peace which have been prophesied it were wonderful for food [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 116,377
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Id: bG0-VqavduE
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Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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