Hollow Image (1979) | Saundra Sharp, Robert Hooks

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hi I'm Danny Glover as part of Showtime salute to Black History Month I'm pleased to present to you family films that bring the african-american experience to mainstream audiences tonight an african-american woman rises up the corporate ladder but leaves her roots behind in hollow image it stars Sandra sharp and Robert hooks enjoy the movie [Music] [Music] it's too basic than that I'm wearing that's what I give you an excellent price point okay in the sports column well the real saw on the trap like third less fabric than it could be right I'll make up a sample and so the road [Music] in the faraway [Music] on the edge of day [Music] address like inch bandage [Music] sure which bothers girl [Music] every roman candle we had more than one down the back [Music] running up to man and it had [Music] away like all engendered [Music] [Applause] oh but once one it's gone and we don't know where [Music] in the mist with dad in the faraway younger [Music] need one do now [Applause] [Music] did you bring me any samples to get a look at nope well then what good are you why don't you stay around for a while we could have lunch together can't I've got to go by the store and check on some things mint I know what you're going to say I am NOT parting my lips but if I were I would say that you are pushing yourself too hard you fly up and down 7th Avenue and bounce in and out of cities faster than I can put on makeup slow down cousin I start my vacation next week so I'll have time to get plenty of rest and do absolutely nothing you still want me to go buy the apartment and wait for the furniture if you don't mind I am charging you by the hour anyway might as well get your money's worth I will see you there later ok I have become an adjutant he's making it to the top take one [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm glad you're here I tried to reach for book sportswear and they said you already left and then they called your apartment and their way nobody had merchandise is lost oh did you call here [Music] mr. DeWitt please miss kittens calling mr. DeWitt where is my merchandise well we haven't received it when was it shipped did you truck her get back yet call me the minute he gets back I want proof of delivery hello Harry yes yes I know all about it look I want you to check the computer again I am NOT questioning your ability we have ads and all of the papers tomorrow and no merchandise now check it again where's miss Harriet giddons coming home I'm not sure maybe I can help you I doubt it I gotta talk to the lady you work for since I'm all there is give it your best shot there's no way we're gonna get that couch on the elevator miss Gibbons is a pretty smart cookie I'm sure she measured it first well she measured it wrong and there's no way I'm hauling a couch up 22 flights of stairs for nobody hey be careful with that sorry mom did you try to get it in no have to I got an eye for these things listen mister I got to wash cook clean and do the windows so let's stop messing around you got an eye for these things and I got an eye on you I'll go check it out miss Gibbons please it's ivy her maid calling yes sandy by who okay hey cuz what's up everything but the sofa I just told him what you said it unhinge the back of the sofa take the legs off and he had it up here in eight minutes flat there that's better it always seems more like home when the curtains are up hmm it really is set up nice sure is a long way from my railroad flat in Harlem huh I can still hear mama banging on the pipes for the super to send up the heat and that bathroom in the hallway we were late to school every morning coz mr. Peterson would not get out of it oh he was the damnedest man taking newspapers in the John and setting up housekeeping but he stopped that after my daddy threatened to beat him into bad help if he didn't take care of business and keep on getting up oh and I remember your mama hanging over the fire escape and yelling Harriet ivy come on up here now you know it's time for supper but I beat you up the steps every race yeah you cheated oh we had a lot of love and friends money can't buy that money can't even buy me a pizza where is that man I am starving well girl when you order pizza with mushrooms and anchovies and extra cheese and stuff it takes a while to get it together the walls are bare I don't have many things to hang where'd you get those pictures you have over your piano uptown at the center Danny runs the kids do them and he sells them to raise money how is Danny Danny he's fine and sweet-talked is the fancy dresser still up there yeah he's around I really lost touch didn't I where is the center around the corner from the block where we used to live where Dave's meat market used to be thinking about dropping by maybe so many artists and what about that friend that owns the art gallery why go all the way up to Harlem you told me they were trying to raise money so let's see what they've got hi hey I met the guy in the lobby thought I'd save my trick good evening counselor is the legal profession on the skids you have to resort to moonlighting if that's the case you owe me six dollars and 48 cents plus a tip I think I'll warm this up and quit while I'm ahead hey it's shaping up looks great you know between the job and getting the apartment together you are running yourself ragged well at least this part will be over soon problem I won't even tell you what happened at the store today when I start my vacation I'll have two whole weeks to ignore that madhouse we should try and get away somewhere hop over to the islands for a few days you said your schedule was full I'll rearrange my schedule how about you gotta give me a week to finish this place and then I'm free as a bird I wish I could clip your wings ground you permanently subject to be reopened when the lady is in a more receptive mood honey I'm just not ready for marriage now I'm traveling all the time I'm bringing work home that's not the point Harry then what is a house in Stony Brook with a little boy who looks just like you and two little girls were the spitting image of me I can't buy that not now anyway so we'll put off the kids for a while concentrate on our careers but we'd be doing it together I'm just starting to move up and every time I take another step I'm happy but I'm scared it's like I'm climbing a mountain and I'm not sure if there's a peak suppose you get to the top and it's not what you want I'd find another mountain and I'd start climbing all over again that's what I like about you you're not hung up like some black women I know may I ask how black women are hung up I don't have their act together that's all the man that delivered Harriet's furniture thought I was made you should have caught I act today what gives him the right to assume that a fabulous apartment plus expensive furniture equals one white individual I jumped on him with both feet what were you dressed like that and barefoot - then it was a legitimate mistake you'd never make me cover at all next month I will be on the cover of a black magazine which is exactly where I want to be and for your information clothes don't make the woman or the man can I help you move any furniture unpack any boxes or something I'm a pretty handy guy to have around I know you are but I think we've done enough for one day then I think I'll be going so early I've got some briefs to look over I know what you can do for your lady laughs you can take out the garbage she is a hard woman to get along with I don't know why you don't like Eileen I don't dislike a baby it's just that every time we meet it's like somebody yelled battle stations Hey I love am madly okay I had hoped to christen the apartment tonight what changed your mind poison ivy I assume she's staying over she wouldn't mind leaving well I can see you're tired I wouldn't want you to think I took advantage of the situation in one night I've seen you go from a lawyer to a pizza man to an authority on clothes I figured you'd want to handle the garbage details and style when I strangle you I will plead my own defense claiming justifiable homicide by I just don't know what I'm gonna do with the girl oh I've got the perfect solution I don't think you'd go for it Oh Ivy yeah I'm gonna see Scotty in the morning any message you'd like me to give yeah are you gonna marry him I don't know well he's got the looks like the charm the money so that's not it how's your sex life honestly ivy I don't want the juicy details just how he rates on a scale of 1 to 2 how to Scotty rate don't know and don't care and you better tell your friend to stop bugging me ha ha see you're kidding around but take it from an expert you need more from a man than a lot of heavy breathing Paul rates pretty high but I don't know if he's in love with me or with my image a successful woman smart well-dressed and knows a demitasse ain't just 1/2 a cup on image or no image don't take too long making up your mind coz in a few years you'll be sitting in a rocker drinking hot chocolate and stroking the cat oh dear could you help an old lady clean up the kitchen why certainly oh listen on a scale of 1 to 10 what number did you say Paul was dirty old lady I didn't say i didn4t you can answer them [Music] [Applause] a micelle will you go hey Tony hey wait [Music] Hey [Music] I'm looking for Danny hey sister Oh hiya just need a cigarette I don't have any you ain't you take the bear keeping welcome home [Music] hello Timmy may I come in hello Oh Monica this is area you know Abby's cousin I told you about her via Queen me princess whatever if you're looking for Ivy seen here no I came to see Danny what for I thought you were going to the store I might go later I should have called that no that's okay you gonna stand here all day I'm waiting for the money I'll be back soon you look good put on some pounds but on the right place you haven't changed either yeah Stila tie it bite it beautiful so what brings you here do I need a reason to come uptown yeah I think you do I just wanted to say hello see you and sweet talking and the others ain't that nice okay I have you told me you had some pictures with state yeah but I don't think we got into you what may I see them anyway yeah I like that what about these over here I'm bad with those who have to say oh why not because I did them it's just a hobby the place to look the same Danny I remember when you won this and after the game Velma's father took us to the Sugar Bowl for ice cream sodas how's Velma she died about six months ago I have he came to the funeral she should have told me about it I would have been there too maybe it's better you didn't know somebody beat her up badly when I went to clean the body I couldn't even recognize have you told me you got a big-time job it's a job hmm I'm surprised in a married yet are you no I thought you heard my main woman move downtown Danny Weaver 1818 what do we know about love look I meant to come back but my job needs me really busy and I just never found the time rinses you make time but I did keep in touch sure happy birthday Merry Christmas and then the card stopped coming to was Harlem out of bounds by then hey baby I a friend EOS drop by presence how you doing are you so high and mighty now y'all know me huh sweet talk how you doing oh yeah don't want five yeah see you yeah that's it see listen excuse me man all right say then can I speak to your mother mr. Bennet I need a break in your longer timber oh man I made up I know that man will pay your back matter of fact I'm cutting down on the stuff see I'm getting ready to go down on one did sign up no I mean it this time well sweet talk don't get helps up straight come on you've seen it for a lot of Monday's oh no no Danny how important it is time man I mean I swear Danny but right now see apparently I really need something you know damn [Applause] yeah fascist sailing here you were you move mess up yeah no just visiting yeah well that's good like I might check y'all later all right hey sweet talk yeah look they got some bad stuff out there right now so be careful no problem they've no problem they homegrown business but even you know how long eight nine years can't you do anything to help yeah I guess I know somewhere tomorrow but it's gotta be when he wants to do it or don't work so you give him the money to buy it Danny that's wrong what right have you got telling me what's wrong when he got hooked he didn't come around and then when he needed a friend to talk to you were too busy salado come up here telling me what's right and what's wrong look his habit ain't big but it's there I don't want him killing for our parents used to be proud of their neighborhood don't the people care anymore yeah we care we just think got the money how much is this $10 each I'll put it in a frame and drop it by tonight what did you say your address was there's no rush I'm going on vacation maybe I can pick it up myself next room well what about dinner one evening we could stop by and see a movie and an air something to eat I worked late and I I'm never really know what my schedule but you said you'd be on vacation see I just moved into a new apartment I have so many things to do I've got to finish unpacking and sort my books and actually I'm supposed to go away in a few days I okay I'll get hold of Av and she'll bring him to you let me give you my telephone number oh no I'm not busy yeah you called me I'm in the book when you get a chance I will I'll call soon and I'll be back I promise you sound like sweet talk making promises you know you can't keep I forgot my list [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not arguing with you I can only go by what the weekly panel shows and it is not selling I expected to sell an average of 12 a week I sold two in nine days I simply have to cancel the second order yes that's fair enough and if that happens I'll reconsider fine goodbye I was sure that outfit would be a big seller so was I it's got to be something else let's check it out [Music] miss Gibbons how in the devil did they expect it to get an exposure over here it's pretty far off the beaten path all right sandy while I'm on vacation I'm gonna be depending on you to look after this sort of thing mr. Sawyer is determined to ignore my suggestions meanwhile let's solve this problem where is the best place to put these up ah-ha my watch stopped you early I was supposed to meet you 45 minutes ago and I'm getting the silent treatment hello mr. Hendricks hello sandy did you remind her about a luncheon engagement well I thanks friend I think I'm in the doghouse already look it's all mr. Sawyer I want these taken off of this wall and put them over there and I want them on a tea stand okay yeah thanks can I throw myself on the mercy of the court I don't know how the time gets away from you like what you're doing I'm not inhabited standing you up that's true but in a way I'm glad you did well I don't often get a chance to see you do your thing actually I'm impressed thank you sir it's 1:45 and I've got a 2:30 meeting honey I'm not gonna have time to go out to learn exactly as I thought so I came now what do you have a man Swiss on whole wheat or pastrami on rye what no pickles no coleslaw some lunch date hi hey what do you want me to put this anywhere Danny said to tell you that the other ones free it's a gift I can't stay long I'm supposed to be at the club come on cheer up you didn't expect to find the place like you left it I don't know what I expected we should have told what did you want me to say Belma got a face smashed in and sweet talk is a junkie now if you'd wanted to know what was going on up there you would have asked me but I didn't ask and that's what's bothering me you had things to do with your life there wasn't time to look back Danny said he said you make time ivy I took one look at that Street and I couldn't get home fast enough I didn't want Danny to come here and when I saw sweet talk instead of reaching out to him I held my breath because I didn't want to smell him I'm so ashamed ashamed of what I should be doing something to help help oh for God's sake Harriet you saw the place you saw Danny now let it go are you still coming by the club I guess if you're not in the mood it's okay you can hear me sing any time it'll do me good to get out I'll call Paul and we'll be okay listen cuz everybody's doing their own thing you mean Danny even sweet talk and that's as it should be [Music] like a style huh you better believe it it had to find a way to get next to her I want you put in a good word for me I did Scottie and she said you're not her type [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] you really turn me on but I believe I've mentioned that before oh yeah every chance you get why don't you put your gap on tape and save us both a lot of wear and tear see see there you go put me down again I'll be my love perseverance is the key to my success therefore I will pursue you like a young schoolboy until you finally succumb to my child may your future be filled with positive substance and a very positive man good friend I'll drink to that you'll drink too anyway how's your new album doing making money but I want the next one to deal with the heaviest subject maybe a message for black children yeah you could call it young gifted black and like you're just saying making it it's not enough to be gifted and black oh come on I be making it those are the magic words that's a lot of bull what about the kids with brains and bishan who can't get a foot in the door because the man won't let it well what about us we got both feet inside but you're the only black lawyers in the firm and Harriet is the only big-time buyer in that store and me I'm an entertainer that's a different ballgame I think I'd be saying that were tokens which means I may be the first and the only one but I'm there this thing about the man it's a defense mechanism but in my opinion color is what's hanging them up more than anything else hanging them up Scotty don't you know what I mean in life poor listen being black is a going thing nowadays so Who am I had to knock it especially that you haven't tried it hey it is supposed to be a party remember my dancing with a friend whereas one foot in this back [Music] come on [Music] I wish I could dig your friend he's a brilliant guy we're on different way like he's trying so hard to be right do I give you that impression I'm not sure where you're coming from maybe that's what bothers me [Music] got him girl the man is wearing me out [Music] I have enough to Harlem the other day before to see what it looks like it's not the same nothing ever is is that the reason for the pensive move mm-hmm had me worried I thought it was something important [Music] about lunch this Sunday [Music] early breakfast [Music] thanks for the lift Oh buddy and get home safely either Hey did you have fun tonight oh yeah hey where'd you get beans up in Harlem that was done by one of the kids and friend of mine Danny York did this one hmm do you ever think about kids you grew up with they never crossed my mind aren't you the least bit curious about where they are now nope maybe your childhood was different we had so much fun I didn't have time for fun honey have you ever thought of doing something in Harlem like what I don't know get free advice on how to sing your landlord er something to do with law that's why they've got the Legal Aid Society and to hell with all the poor blacks who can't afford your fee slow down down your sudden black awareness is overwhelming I do my share for civil rights equal opportunity the whole bit you write a check to the n-double-a-cp and your conscience is clean honey I care about what's going on but I'll be damned if I'm gonna carry the entire black population piggyback style we have all the good things we earned it nobody gave you your job or this apartment and nobody put me through law school we worked we got it and we don't have to answer to a living soul maybe you're right I know I'm right you're letting an imaginary guilt get the best of you don't do it you got too much sense for that now how about meeting me in the shower I'm never hungry Danny said to feed you so eat it you offer fire this morning you see me iron and don't you you own Island with your mouth how long did Danny run around with that girl what girl I get no sudden case amnesia you know who I'm talking about Julia all right as long as I can remember that he's had eyes for the princess you gave it at me I don't know like we just sort of started calling of it said his way of walking you know it all up in the air feet hardly touching the ground or she was something I guess you glad to see again - who me I made no difference for me I use ask I've about all the time and I just sort of quit now I don't want to think about nobody I don't even want to think about myself sheesh Oh looking good though hold an him go ahead and say it Oh too worried about Oh hurry mean Danny no fool nobody yeah come in come in hi Monica's Danny here no they told me at the centre you might be here what is he expected soon what do you want to see him about I wanted to buy some more pictures no a pig's eye you did that line worked on him baby but it played out on me now what do you want to see him about well actually I have a problem and I needed his help he has problems of his own I dug the way you looked at in another day I said to myself Monica you can handle any dog on the Avenue who tries to steal your man but this super [ __ ] is gonna try and run a game on you for sure you don't seem to understand I understand one thing my man ain't been acting right since you came knocking on his door and I want you to stay away from him isn't that up to Danny I ain't asking I'm telling don't call and don't come by here you got my message right did you get mine [Applause] we're getting started on a recreation center soon it's just a garbage dump now but we're gonna have a swimming pool basketball court things to keep the kids off the streets used to make our own games it was silly but they kept us out of trouble remember the boat races Oh as soon as they had we went on this summer we float pop sticks down in the water and they run to the core to see who stick won the race I bet you're thinking about the time that Ivy got a foot stuck in the sewer the concept is drag her out I've never good fig out as you got wisdom like that well princess the scenic tour of my turf mm-hmm a lot to be done very little money to do it with I got an idea no it's crazy what is closed yeah now make-believe it's a hot day to have to go to school the two of us play hooky get on the D train and go to Coney on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Danny Danny [Applause] house has been a beautiful day Danny I want to help I want to get involved you want to make the neighborhood a better place to the event so do I that's not your problem anymore but it is yeah I didn't just leave Harlem I turn my back on it and I feel like it's crying out for a new life and I'm just sitting back watching it that you have to change too much I don't think it'll work out you'd be dealing with some real bad people maybe that's what I need in my life to make the rest of it worthwhile I'd be doing something to help someone else come on at least let me try you know you can always talk maybe anything it'll work just lean you think come on I don't think your lady Princeton like this arrangement I'll talk to her yeah well you talk to me about morning in the schoolyard she knocked out your friend - what you gotta be kidding she beat the living daylights out of you and then you ran all the way [Applause] Osia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Gracie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry I'm late be here long that just got here okay is this the new executive look what happened to you a sweater mustard uh-huh you've got sand in your hair I know I like this I thought your color scheme was beige and brown that's why I pulled these out oh but this'll blonde and there's look life in him ah no this is it no a bit much huh for you yes but I'm always buying subdued colors I want to jazz it up a little bit well you can't get any jazzier than this remind me when I use your little girl's room to wear my dark glasses I saw Danny today he showed me where they're gonna build the new Center and we went to Coney Island curl it was just like in the old days we even tried to sneak under the fence at astro-man and the guard ran us out hmm it sounds like quite a day I haven't had so much fun in years you know I always could be lacks with him I mean I just don't have to be concerned about it my hair's a mess oh there's a run in my stockings I can just unwind and be yourself where are you gonna see him again well we're gonna be working together at the center I feel good about it look you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself and what about Paul he is not gonna like this idea no way I am my own woman I'm gonna see about having me sent is the center the only reason you're going up there can you think of a better reason oh let's go to a disco tonight I feel like dancing I think why not Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'll heat your dinner again don't bother you had a little something earlier I'm not hungry did you help the lady with her problem yeah I think so that's nice and she won't be coming back up here no huh oh you know words coming out your mouth mister we talked about that we even talked about it now now we say that we would stay together as long as things were working out if either one of us started to feel uptight we'd split you see I'll have no piece of paper that says you belong to me and that don't bother me none cuz I know that I wash your clothes and I'll cook your food at night when you hit the sack my head hits the pillow first I got a right to know what is going on I don't know what's going on she came back I don't know how do I feel all this time you never got over her maybe she didn't want you I know this she'll own brains and she got them fancy clothes baby but you gotta leave you want the poster no cheating just to be with me you have to be nobody but Danny door [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what you thinking about Danny immortality or that peace of mind commonly referred to as sweet repose stuff sketchy spouting off more than usual where you been all day Coney Island Coney Island yeah took princess she looked at me like I was dirt man I know I much but i dirt yeah you dirt long as you dependent on that I know what you get clean what you'd be a whole man again I don't feel good come on man you can do it come on come on come on you can turn yeah - boy [Music] why don't we wait till Monday man when you got more time I got nothing but time well look at some things I can be doing now [Music] you see their number you can't clean up I'm get you the stash it cost a lot of money I'm gonna get you nothing but the best give me a shirt t-shirt a shoes even polkadot drawers at one you gonna look so pretty I get myself some nice threads get myself straight yeah so he talked me back on blackness right fill this out and I'll call you right back I haven't seen you in a while yeah keeping me jumpy my friend was the sign up right we can't force him he has to go voluntarily he's volunteering hey there right yeah last name sweet talker how to do uh we need your full name for the record Simmons Ralph's son's age uh your age only 30 fill this in for him next of kin address then you sign all right he's got to get in today a hospital is pretty short on their today I'll do my best [Music] how long have you had your habit huh how long have you had your habit a little less than a year what method you snort it skin pop or main line how many times a day twice how much does you have it costing you about about $20 a day are you on any other type of drugs no [Music] who introduced you to drugs friend male or female ma'am his age Oh about 19 was he from your neighborhood just a friend at a party this is fine and you know all take from 15 to 20 days for detoxification the bus will pick you up in 20 minutes [Music] [Music] Simmons Bao Simmons su man you can come up now god [Music] [Music] [Music] she probably got held up in traffic the strain is showing good buddy anything I can do to help no you think the Barlow case never make it to trial I'm gonna take that position of the president of the company maybe we'll get a quick settlement hi Scottie oh I almost didn't make something no this guy's in water see if he can get me a cab Scottie I'll be on tonight know by Harriet say hello to Amy for me you don't seem too excited about your trip I wish I didn't have to go timing is bad my mother came up here a few years back she was supposed to stay for about two weeks while she left big apple in a record time of four days if I ever known anything but hard times as she believes that's all there is she didn't take time to get used to it that wasn't the reason it's just a point some people reach where they don't want anything more out of life I think the court can adjourn now if that's the end of your summation Harriet I am NOT pleading a case I'm concerned about you still planning to go up there and find yourself oh you can ignore their problems I can't do that what about that guy at the center Danny is he a part of your new awareness I don't know have you ever seen crabs in a barrel oh but a crab decides he wants to get out he starts scrambling to the top just when he thinks he's home free the others grab his claws and drag him down to the bottom again and they all say welcome home [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on in thought you were one of the night people what you get up a footlong I don't know what I am right now Oh when this going with Harriet last night every bone in my body aches I didn't think she went in for that kind of thing she doesn't what's going on is that what got you up so early mm-hmm she's helping me organize a sentence as simple as that oh it's simple all right she turned you on years ago and she's got your burners going again so don't hand me that book that's not why I want up to you Danny she's not like us I don't think she ever was I don't want her to get hurt she's a big girl now look would it be so bad as she hooked up with me again that depends on what you using for bait and how deep you set the hook I gotta get out of here look I'll see you later bye happy you're Jack I told you about to make it apart like to know I love you I love you too the paint I know from Georgia repeat over and damn junkie a bit it's a solid gold yeah put it up no no 15 I mean listen you can't get this with less than two of them announced Oh baby turn it up 15 down no I can't go nowhere [Music] taking take it out bait it out this is a $200 ain't your breath report it up 15:15 RG coming in getting afraid somebody rip off this painting fix yourself a drink then it will be ready soon can I think she won no this place is out of sight glad you like it [Music] you got any ice oh I knew I forgot something yeah lady got herself out together and get it together you must pour down a lot of bread mmm page my head like this must go four five six bills a month are you making a study on the middle-class black now is this second how the other half lives oh I don't believe it peas and rice oxtail and Bria pudding I haven't had any of this as we used to raid your mama's kitchen dad [Music] another 10 or 15 minutes and it would be just right you gonna make somebody a good wife no when you was showing me around the other day I could see how the people feel about you I was thinking if you were to run for district leader or Assemblyman you could win hands down who knows you might even run for Congress ha ha ha what's so funny mere politics they're a bad fake no I don't want to be out somewhere making speeches I want to stay right where I am where I know I can do the most good but if you had a voice in what's being planned for the neighborhood you could fight for better housing the new center whatever the people needed I have a friend in City Hall and so it begins what begins the transformation of Danny York ah hey I got one dark suit for funerals and weddings that's the extent of my former wardrobe I got 47 bucks that's the extent of my bank account I don't want to be a rich politician money doesn't make a person happy just greedy how do you know what money does you won't take the time to find out about Danny I'm not trying to talk you into anything I just don't want you to be satisfied with what you have I want you to reach out for something better yeah okay well I mean yeah let me think about it okay oh you hit me so fast with all these big idea that need thank you it looks nice there yeah you actually read all these books are they just for show I don't believe in show anything that I have is something I need I like that gown you got on you dressed like that for dinner every night only on special occasions how about showing me the rest of your fabulous apartment okay that's a terrace it has a great view of the park I like it yeah it looks like you it's a beautiful room for a beautiful woman I like let's see I like it very much I think oh look daddy it didn't work when you try it before it's not gonna work now but what I'm trying to say now the point is we've been rapping for two hours and getting nowhere now if mr. Clark is willing to turn the place over to us I said we take him up on Danny now we don't need another place for the junkies to hang out in the Emma's right man you say we gonna fix it up for the kids but the junkie is still gonna be hanging around the place then it's gonna be up to us to keep them out well I ain't got time to deal with that I'm still working two jobs and coming by here on the weekends not ask there may I say something since you can't keep the junkies out maybe you can find something for them to do around the place make them feel needed who the hell needs them insist you so hot on the idea let them hang out on your street what block you live on 68th Street 68th Street and would Central Park West you've got one hell of a nerve coming up here telling us what to do what difference does it make where I live as long as I want to help you can't help us you living in the white man's world you don't know how we feel or what we need you don't belong up here I was born and raised in Harlem well bully for you that takes care of your roots you ain't never know clear now am i any less black just because I live downtown when you was living up here you was black like us now you're black cause you ain't got no choice you can't talk to me about nothing cuz your mouth don't know what your mine is putting down all you ants did anything you should have waited till they got to know you 68 Central Park West that really tore it baby they don't want a stranger giving them advice why didn't you stop me because I had to prove to you it's not gonna be easy you made your point I'm still gonna try I got to get back don't worry though bring him around see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I used to lie away just waiting for the door but I found on you begin [Music] [Applause] to go [Music] makes no sense to worry Oh make about the past no no time my day house and it's too good to last I mean that's supposed to be a gee look babe we're gonna put up a new two inch so why don't you work on it for a bit okay hi what are you doing in this neck of the woods why do you go to Harlem what I said why do you go to Harlem to have a few laughs with my friends let my hair down I've met your friends I've never seen Danny with you what are you getting at has Danny ever been to your house once or twice I don't remember which means he's never been there he's just good for a laugh and that's it what's with you today I don't like where you're coming from like it or not cuz the fact is that you wheel and deal down here then you go uptown to be one of the gang but why don't you live up there why should i because you are the total black woman you damn right I am what happened up there they resent me you they welcomed with open arms but they resent me I'm an entertainer they can deal with that what else are you giving them they need more than a song with a message I got a session to do mm-hmm the entertainer rushes uptown to be entertained and then hurries back to a little village apartment to wash off the stench so she can be an entertainer again either you're a hypocrite what do you want from me Harriette what is it you want maybe what makes us so different how the hell should I know but get it cousin you lost touch I didn't get bought my back Ivy we take this from the top [Music] I used to lie awake just waiting for the dog but I found you begin [Applause] to go [Music] makes no sense to worry or make about the past no time my day house and it's too good to let not just dial him it doesn't do a thing for Oh huh she'll miss Fred what you got for me no you're supposed to give us things you don't need blue mister cost a pretty penny you sure you don't want to keep it oh I'm sure I never liked the color anyway where's Danny no no he maybe took the kids to the basketball game that man's got a lot on his mind these days oh don't we all met your cousin Friday guess I musta shook up [ __ ] she came by and lit into me about uh about my coming up here I've been long she doesn't a whole lot of stuff well I guess you've seen now didn't you told her you don't belong either you're joking aren't you place wouldn't be the same without you you know yeah you need any help with the stuff oh it's a special neck to sort no clothes you got to know what's used and abused no I think I'll go find Danny at that basketball game oh you know what maybe maybe they'll let me be a cheerleader okay I'll see you later all right by him I know have fun Emma hmm never mind [Music] you want to take these upstairs home [Applause] I called you last night I was out rather late did you and I Big O just going again No what are you doing to yourself and to me you think I'm so self-centered that I don't need you that I don't care about you but I have no feelings [Music] I don't want to hurt you I don't I have no excuses to give it just just nothing just happened Danny and I have been friends for a long time so what did you to go to bed with him for old times sake I love you Harriet I know the choice is yours but I'm not gonna make it easy for you I'm gonna hang on to you [Music] boy am I glad to see you I got to run around with 45 their kids are carrying I wanna get there before the cops do manastorm we have to talk to you okay we're gonna take care this bridge sweet-talk hi where's Danny he stepped out for a minute don't you get tired of sponging off Danny turning his pockets inside out that is my man hey Francis I look good you good you know me a little bread I don't know strung out right now but I'll take you back hey this is me we go back aways and I'm like I don't need much cut up I see Danny later on i me get myself straight next week matter of fact I wonder can I go Monday who are you kidding what I don't have money that's it back I hope to god that Danny leave this place Danny ain't going nowhere where's Danny going we left a dime on the floor [Music] you understand you just you don't understand how could I feel sorry for a piece of meat with eyes who needs you [Music] I can't find my lipstick [Applause] I can't give up us we talk now he needs me does he need you or do you need him [Music] I'll go to PI wait for me down B'Elanna don't leave one zombie though there must be something we can do to help him I tried even if I got him to go all the way to the hospital he wouldn't stay and what about your life you mean a politic stuff that's not for me I like what I'm doing at the Senate Danny what are you afraid of the world that extends below 100 and 10th Street it's got nothing to do with that it's about what's best for me you know the people would get to know you better if you came up here more often went to a few parties uh hung out with me on the weekends be one of us and so it began hey David you better come around quick so we talked dancing on the edge room [Music] dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi come on you better talk to him is to postage for us to grab okay hey prison I come on to your party I know you asked me talk come here I want to tell you some oh you just wanna dance but all those feet tall but I ain't coming see now I got I got Ali on my thrills me [Music] oh man I didn't go no party like this come on down man come on I hope you get cleaned up come on come on come on why are you leaving me daddy are you going downtown I didn't tell him that Danny I didn't man you know I ain't going nowhere come on down three down come on people supposed to have their own space in this world I'm standing in your space brother i sweet-talked mad no come on down yeah look at this guy I'm gonna big beautiful sky [Music] okay crank it up [Music] [Music] go oh lady go before we all jump off the roof [Music] go ahead and touch it he won't mind early service note began until 11:00 I'm not staying I just came to pay my respects yes we talked the princess is giving you respect I know you blame me for his death and I do feel partly responsible but a lot of things took him off that rock first time you looked at him he started dying see he didn't realize what he'd become until he saw a reflection of himself in your eyes why'd you come back why don't you stay downtown where you belong is this it no goodbyes just walk out what about all your grand ideas about working in the neighborhood being a part of it again all pipe dreams right wrong I can't close my eyes and make believe it doesn't exist I intend to help but I'd only be fooling myself if I thought I could do it up here maybe we can work something out talk about it I know what I have to do now and it has to happen from where I am not from right bed by day [Music] I'm making it to the top oh I'm making it to the top oh but I'm gonna make up to the top maybe I could've been a star [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 246,382
Rating: 4.8267813 out of 5
Id: B4a7Jq0rO6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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