Green Eyes (1977) | Paul Winfield Returns to Vietnam

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[Applause] it was a great pleasure to introduce the senior ranking officer on the foam coming Flight Lieutenant Commander Alcorn United States Navy major Carlson United States Army captain Wanat United States Army Lieutenant Commander shank ol United States Navy major Reynolds United States Air Force Staff Sergeant Johnson United States Army Commander doramas United States Navy [Music] commander Eastman United States [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] mrs. Cousins yes my name is Lord de Becque I was a friend of your nephew no he once told me about you folks how you raised him and only said that if I was ever passing by to stop and say hello oh yeah I'm on my way home and finally got out of the hospital and they had me stationed in Guam for a couple of years he's a good man no good old boy and a good friend I'll get my husband listen I don't want to disturb you folks please wait it was a useless war it's totally useless no died for no reason at all you know how they sent him back in a bag I could garbage bag war is an industry did you know that mr. de Becque the bodies are just industrial waste I'm sorry you feel like that how else is there to feel but Noll contributed something that he gave his life for his country you've been in the hospital too long mr. de Becque it's not that way with this one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we were thrown out of that place long before they condemned it I told man I got two small kids my brothers in the army and fighting for your country and what do you say to that he said get your butts out chin Daisley that's all what ten days and they throwed y'all and after six years of paying on time - nothing people fighting for remember why didn't you pay the rent no money what happened to the money I say well I still think you still got it well it's your money not mine amen I sent that money to you that's what I told her I'll decide who gets what oh I'm sending you money every month and you've let yourself get evicted that's right that's stupid all right okay just ask you might need it you still tend to go to school that but money's money you got a good start do what money my knees money in the world your needs money money I make no money well it's cool ain't for free you know I don't want your damn knees money who cried down boy I'll conduct I am a grown man yeah but this woman is waiting killing us I ain't 1020 dollars [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I used to do the job used to do and even done handle more we got it machine up and others been doing it now I'm telling you man you picked the wrong time to come back well cutting down on everything now see a few guys we got left on the line starting next week we'll have to play off some more what about driving I mean you still got trucks ain't you with that Lake are you kidding it's a funny thing look I wish I could help you but anything is you got it take me back here I mean that is the law I can force you okay who should I fire just pointed a man this is a very special kind of work mr. de Becque I'm afraid we require more Skills certainly more education typing shorthand a research background at the very least just to call people up on the phone and asking what TV shows they're watching well there's a little more to it than that I read you can I give you a tip for job hunting sure don't wear the uniform it puts people off does it well it does me anyway I send in the next one would you it's a tough job market I advise you to go back to school I don't want to go to another school man I'm too old to go to school pay your tuition I don't want no tuition I'm looking for work I'd like to be limited to a desk job and for a desk job in an education what if I start my own business small business loans are tough to get these days so why is that look I got a million guys waiting now hey I just asked you a question what was the question you owe me something man I mean what happened to the GI Bill the same thing that happened the five-cent cigar look be grateful you don't have any dependents some of the guys come in here with a wife I babies to feed all you got is yourself all you got to worry about is you I know it's tough but then tell me is tough don't sit there and tell me that is tough [Music] guess I gotta it's me but you're wrong you're wrong nobody needs me [Music] dick people can't even miss then hat I'm listening said nobody knees that's right that is right it's a bunch of pump I need you yeah [Music] daddy Lloyd you're right in there I can do it looks like you're packing I'm bagging so what for cuz I'm going why why not let's slow down boy mama I am going where are you going Vietnam Vietnam that's what I said why in god's name i got my own reasons you gone crazy you see that that there is a mother of my child i never even seen it i left her before it was born do you hear what I'm telling you mama I hate you and what do you think of a man that leaves his own child it's got green on no I listen to mama she sent me this letter while I was in the hospital no as she said it had green eyes and curly hair mama I have got a baby and that baby needs me I said listen to me now what kind of girl is this Vietnamese that's not what I mean I met in a bar is that what you meant that's what I thought she's a [ __ ] yes mama they were all [ __ ] and before that they were farmers and wives the farmers and then somebody defoliated their land and they couldn't farm it anymore and we've done that you won't take the blame for this whole war if they give it to me I'm taking it yes that's not your child it's mine no one's the father of a hookers child um we live together there wasn't nobody else forget it just forget it forget it you're going to school you understand me you're gonna be somebody and no half-breed baby of a Chinese [ __ ] is gonna throw out what I spit my life scrubbing toilets for [Music] I need you to forgive me mum and I need you to forgive me now because I don't know when I'm gonna see you again you don't need nothing for me you walk out of here and you don't need nothing you're wrong because I need your money to get there [Music] present from a kid a monkey you mix music bang bang [Music] 44:10 child Saigon 500 feet haha 200 okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] who died what we died that's it all dust UGI yeah was unknown you bow oh I left I got about three years ago you thirteen war yeah thank you or very bad say that again brother very bad steel long getnum boy die still everyday die I thought this region was fairly secure Oh No everybody died my boy died ecoregion one you know him no he died only fine for teeth he who teased need more than for peace for burial jar nor have just for peace let me out break it right so Ali no no no soul Ali brother solo Ali used to out like gee I live here you too yeah me too you have Vietnamese girl yeah I had Vietnamese girl you like a thermistor I'm Acharya Papa's are 400 feet you got it next time if you need a taxi I'm always in front of Palace Hotel Alice okay [Music] [Music] [Music] is the first thing [Music] anybody live here mamasan maybe [Music] - time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me [Music] but [Music] American lives no money no meals for an old man for region 1 they die our me is poor and has no bullets but a fighting goes on tell mama that she's still very lucky I mean she's got you man and I think you're number one son next week I go reach in one I was being trained to teach English please don't it now just while you live tell her I am looking for EM tweed yeah how many chemicals are you by empty chest gone a long time gone just why you go away well Jane go away nice girl [ __ ] baby then wrong ways money with no sin money be quiet one thing I want to know what happened to him tweet do you understand I want to know what happened to my baby can you say your baby money you say you said mommy when you say money love baby very much but the baby get paid very sick he said and he go away where did she go cojito a man these are gone maybe she woke in a bar like before she take the baby with her yes but the baby so sick no only sleep maybe she used it to bag sick babies with a vanity was a boy Mahina yes it is a boy is named absent blossom mint green iced his eyes very cream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi hi curfew on people go let's do our curfew so many people French people German people Chinese people American people so many many people you know lieutenant Thomas damn hi No himeji I have lost me very much [Music] [Music] go clean your geek at alman da ein in it you my daddy loves me just like you see take me back America sure you bet how old are you boy when you lose a buck 1971 four years old baby fine what's her name John you forget oh no no no what are you doing out here drunk looking for you always looking for you you might kid like I'm a [ __ ] you know China well if you're my kid I am [ __ ] I fooled around with the police are out there don't buy drunk no one touch them yeah well where's your mama is that true I Drive word fees you want some dope so Stewart vietname girl drum number one on to get anything you ever see this girl John just my sister you pay me now I go bring her what's her name she has many name what you follow Gertrude sure that's your best mean magnitude Bull Slayer yeah you want some money no you don't want anybody you help me catch that that's a wrap sure you eat rats for dinner sure so good need two people okay how do you do it see we are Chuck here Hey yours very good here hold it like this hey we're over Joe hold my jacket wait me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Asian relief service well I got this list from the embassy and you're the first one on it number one yeah number one I'm looking for a woman yes I am a GI I am looking for a woman do you speak English fantastic I'm looking for a woman this is a social service not a brothel oh no no wait wait I'm not talking about there I'm looking for a certain woman I'm a a woman with a child my child sorry that's all right won't you come in we don't often have a man here coming to women it's alright I probably said it wrong sorry this an orphanage it's a reception center a lot of kids here 55 at the moment or what's the reception center of it it's a sort of halfway point in the adoption process when their times near we bring them from the orphanages and try to fatten them up a bit make them look presentable those are two still alive still alive yes you mean a lot of them died more than half I'm told or what is a starvation disease neglect mostly they die of waiting they die of waiting it's a strange process adoption on one side you have a homeless child on the other a set of parents that want it that's separated by 200 procedural steps which can take up to two years to accomplish in that time many of them dies there were a group of 80 ready for shipping out by the time their paperwork was finished it was only 12 left alive that doesn't make any sense at all what can we do for you well I'm trying to trace this woman here you say I'd like to find her I I'd like to find my child Oh about three years I advise you to give it up what it's either dead or in an orphanage why do you say that because it was half black hey listen they'd hey in spite of all of that I was told that she loved him women with half black children were shunned in Vietnamese society half white children too but they're more difficult to spot hardly anyone will employ a woman with a half black child so they either starve or they're left on the door sir of an orphanage well then the fees in an orphanage is alright then you apparently have you been to one no we have no tea lemonade be alright what happens in these orphanages it's something you have to see for yourself you mean they die there they keep sending to you but it never arrives same with everything food clothes medicine so much is sentence so little arrives my baby is not dead if you say so I'm gonna find him alright I am have you ever seen it no then how do you cuz he's got green eyes that could mean disease what I'm sorry I'm trying to be honest trachoma hits the eyes so decisions surface you've got the list of all she's gonna see you found talking about my son is your own child so important damn right he is there are hundreds and thousands of orphans at least fifty thousand a half American no lady they've got nowhere to go but back to the earth if you want a child just reach out they're all yours [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in case any of you are wondering why you're here you are here to shoot Dukes Dukes are the enemy and in case you don't know what the enemy looks like you shoot the first thing that moves and then you take a look at it I'm talking about any age any sex any size [Music] before your old Vietnamese kid was sent forward into an American bunker or the grenade strapped to his back alive running adored American soldier boy saw the kid running across the field of battle and ran toward him with open arms when he picked up the gift they both exploded this is the mentality of the people you are dealing with regard alive their own or anybody else's man I'm gonna grab the first Mamas a mechanical poopoo I get over here I come how about you they're new little body action tonight you still hung up on old big belly come on man what's the matter once you like a little while rhinology want a little vacation not Eliza way we earned it seven days in the sunshine we got it me let's do it then what happens stick with me baby I got it all figured out what have you got the beard how to make it out of here alive [Music] I am like a fan [Music] what am I good cause I so cheap I give you this for 500 okay [Music] [Music] you go somewhere I take your coat [Music] I want to go to an orphanage [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did this happen [Music] how did this happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear mama I can't tell you how I am because I don't know how I am it's just that I've seen things and thought things I've never seen or felt before I've been looking for my baby mama I've been there maybe 20 orphanages and looked at all them faces and I can't find anywhere [Music] I've seen an acre of babies month maybe 10 acres each one more perfect than the next and all of them left they had a rot like little apples it fell off the tree [Music] I've seen them hanging on to life god knows how or why and I've seen them give up on life peacefully gratefully they know they're finally being allowed to leave this nightmare and go somewhere sweet [Music] you know how we live on what we call hand mouths we are rich mama behaving I mean we never did go a day without food and we were never so sick that we couldn't somehow get cured they're come in by the carload they call them Budaj the dust the dust of life and they need no God mama they need everything [Music] I've seen these little starving boys and girls walk away from their own food just to be hugged to be touched to the kissed who the thudded mom I mean who'd know that just being hugged it was so important [Music] one for you [Music] I feel like god I wish I had a magic like some big black Santa Claus or something the saga just reach out there touch up on the head and say them don't cry you're gonna grow up to be a real boy I'm gonna make you live off that sore foot and I just watch you try see like that yeah that's it [Music] I'm gonna spend your knees money mom I got some stolen but I've got some left and I'm gonna spend every penny because I know now that that's why I must have been saved yeah marry about with this minute all right I don't know where my baby is mama but until I find out I'm gonna stay I'm touching a mama and they're touching me and if that's all I ever do in this life well then I've done something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't move you did what [Music] [Music] all right penis to shove off he see I told you he better stay away from me kid he he no girl - what are you talking about American GI yeuk Bren cussing my friend what Golson you leave it all time he American like you are you saying cousins sure sure annoying war he no gun picked up dude [Music] why don't we do it on the floor days Saigon's then you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you want to know the truth I wasn't the only one anybody that could come up with the scratch could do it and believe me there were plenty of it hey I'm real you want to feel you were buried cousins yeah I'm sorry I missed that try some of this boy what did they bury then 165 pounds of dirt rocks bullets thrown in you see everybody is afraid of death nobody wants to see it once you close a body bag put a guy's tags on ain't nobody gonna look inside ok stay till you say poor fellow you stepped on a mine see that's why I disappeared after the mine blast by far the best time unbelievable in this country vein you got the cash there ain't nothing you can't do even I mean nothing got a little extra green show you the ropes I do a little buying and selling they love Americans here you know why should they love Americans then oh man but they do John Wayne movies I guess I do need to help him I'm trying to find him tweet I figure did you ever see her again you did yeah when for a couple of years did she have a baby with it oh yeah that big old black baby all she could talk about y'all she was obsessed with it look at my baby my baby's sick how do I feed my baby Yammer Yammer Yammer she said that to you and you didn't do anything to help her nothing come on man that's what they all say where my GI how do I feed my baby they got their half of the bargain you get their bodies and get your px ratios when it's over it's over that's it okay I need to find her I got the cash how much nothing for me just expenses all right you got a tie get one very important party tomorrow night it's being thrown by one of the secretaries from the embassy in the meantime go on out to the boonies all hi Oakley all around see if she's got any family out there trunk I'll take you here show you around if you need to much after that get me 200 bucks in $1 bills see what we can do think we'll ever find I don't know man but if we don't she ain't come on [Music] why so quiet oh they're doing okay okay go buy go what's going on please [Music] going on here hey what'd you tell him well what's the matter got wax in here is this what did you say to it it's about me wouldn't it look like it he asked me why i annoying arm yeah and that's all you said you sure sound enjoy my birthday he say you his father you rich man come take him away he say he go America in ice cold watch TV in pyjama he is so crazy lazy boy why do you tell all those slides [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you these beliefs me myself why you suck [Music] you go ask [Music] another fire driving towards a river what's the matter man just don't be see over there what do you think that walking around in the uniforms there's nothing to shoot at down there it's loaded believe me how the hell you know that the captain said so oh yeah he also said the squad with the highest body counts better get a week in Saigon that's enemy bodies idiot get you guys down by the river fair man every time to set up the rocket launcher I don't like this you hear what I said I don't like discusses it's too light you think I like it I don't see any VC over there - a couple of rockets in there that'll start and what if it doesn't it doesn't we lose that's it C squad wins C squad better seven bodies a bonus get the torch [Music] di right you it's okay like it was telling it the most important thing is for you to meet the right people this Gwen Stacy's a good broad right up there with the higher-ups executive secretary to the vice Counsel now man if she takes you there's no telling what kind of strings she's gonna pull hello Jimmy I got a hunch she's gonna dig it come on look just relax have a little bread out on the street we ought to start getting some answers in a couple of days you know you keep up with that long face I'm gonna break your cane we're going to a party [Music] what do they want what do you think [Music] [Music] you said this is the Secretary's house that's why we're here man that's why we're all here in Vietnam on an American Secretary's salary if you live like a queen one day it's all gonna be over VC is gonna sweep in from the north and overrun paradise [Music] [Music] enjoy yourself [Music] babies is living [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] babe and so I said well how long will be taken by clams from Hong Kong and he said madam apparently you've nip flow air Vietnam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right you don't remember the lorda package how's it going pretty much like you said I went to the orphanages had a look around boy are you right you'll be going back to the States thing I don't know you it'll see many dogs inside dog they've all been eaten at least you have nothing to worry about boy did they have it made I keep on thinking how much the children out there could do that food I feel like rushing in there grabbing it or throwing it over the fence [Music] hey there's a young lady over here in 3d if you don't mind we'll just keep this trend up would you get us some more pleased [Music] yes I'm sure there's a great deal of time to prepare them after you don't want to make sure it's well appreciated and if I are just those kids let me I'll get the drink [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] saya brother come on over [Music] the others believe in you miss she helps us a great deal oh she does does she and how does she do that she lets us use her post office box without it our things would be grabbed at the docks like everything else but most of them would wind up being sold on the streets how can that happen I mean why do we allow that when it comes to the children of Vietnam mr. doback no one seems to care go home and tell the people what you saw here tell them if the baby's the country of babies tell me [Music] I bet you I go it's curfew but I'm so alone I'm late already and I've got to tuck my babies in can I help you attack your babies here yes I'm sure they'd love it [Music] [Music] yeah be really [Music] and remember you're covering for his face because beneath it he's gonna run over here and you gotta tag him out so you gotta cover this first space really good all right good okay it's baseball everybody gonna be playing a lot of this when you get to your new homes okay Johnny give me the ball thank okay I remember when you hit that ball you run the first base you got it if you hit it really far run the second and third and it'll be a home run all right ready here we go here we go and why don't you come play with us come on I think he's jealous don't you yeah yeah I suppose he is he's such a smart little hustler it's hard to imagine that it means anything he's always smiling I think he really enjoys himself that's his profession that's how he attracts people like you we hopes are given money to get by on the streets you rather got to be pathetic or cute if you can't cultivate one of the other we don't survive for long what is suppose he lives I mean you know in sluis expect he sleeps under a parked car that's a favorite place and he gets by by selling stealing or pimping the age of 15 he goes into the army 15 well it keeps him off the streets 15 years old this country's been at war for a long time they need all the men they can get me [Music] you shall have all the pretty little horsies apples and grays and toads and bears a coach [Music] [Music] I keep saying that office green eyes wondering where he is somebody's taking care of it he knows about me like I know about him I can see him so clear so beautiful so he must be alive it must be why did you leave void why did you leave them she was pregnant I told her I was being sent to the boonies were you know I wasn't a cent until much later actually I just moved back to the base anyone I live with anymore why not I didn't love her enough I guess scared maybe I didn't want to think about the baby I just didn't want to be there anymore I couldn't deal with it I mean I don't know if you found the child with the mother would you take them both yes oh yes [Music] I'm coming I'm coming from it's really good to see you man well come on in you're just in time for breakfast come on hey Margaret I got a friend hey man you're gonna bust you can't come back from you can save something later things hey not take it easy ghost like oh what's your hurry man what's your hurry you say well that's tough to say I get you bring up with bring me quick we're done chill on the other side of the river what for hate Ron what for if I'm done with you do what I'm good well why didn't you say so [Music] you like it don't you mr. de Bethenny are you happy that his time is babies and not mind any yellow yup I'm done Victor come back sometime alright there's always food okay come on let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you find her I did where is she waiting for you did you have the I don't know man I didn't ask no questions I found it I said that you want to see her and then I sent a few at duplex the right there will you wait for me I don't know babe I got a busy day it depends how long you take you will sure thanks man we tell him choppin [Music] [Music] it's a beautiful baby its name kimchi kimchi it's a beautiful name daddy kimchi frying soldier he fry region one pilot just parted if I big plane is he married - when yeah now it's our first baby it's a pretty baby daddy no see here maybe next more he will come boy I'll bet he'll love isn't it baby you said boy I saw you baby beautiful - Roy you baby beautiful look like you skin like you here like you clean eyes right Maxim Green I where is Matt son knocks on there [Music] we need he died [Music] so long ago many years he was a good strong baby then he got a fever to walk no more a goofy died away he could walk no more oil forgive me I didn't know I didn't know no more cry [Music] good [Music] is easy very similar [Music] I wrapped him in newspaper street sweeper take him away [Music] [Applause] [Music] are we done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hello hi no baby now you're leaving yeah sorry we'll miss you well thanks but there's really no reason for me to hang around is it I guess not I mean I've used up all my money and if I stayed any longer I'd have to cash in my return ticket and I'd really be stuck wouldn't I yes I mean really stuck we couldn't have that car we would you like a drink no it's just passive actually I was looking for trial I got this present brought from the states and I thought maybe he'd like to have it I should think he'd love it it's with me yesterday and he said he would wait of course why he didn't and when I got back he was gone so if you'd uh give it to him and tell him I said goodbye all right supposed to be all right oh yes don't worry about him yeah yeah that's what I was thinking I mean he's a natural-born survivor just like me I expect he is well in a nice place here Margaret and what you're doing is very special thank you I'll always remember this as a happy time I mean my being here it makes one feel needed yeah yeah that's the feeling all right and it's not so bad it's not bad at all hmm that try that's a boy that doesn't need anybody do you have to go today why didn't you stand it along just to say goodbye to Trump and there's any point he's lost interesting me I I think he smelled that all my money was gone and that's the reason he took off why didn't you stay and ask there's no point left if you say so it's time to go I'll take you to the airport do you remember Margaret when I first got here and I set out looking for my own child you put me down for it you said they were all my children all of them yeah now I sort of know what you mean hey stop stop wait a minute Galatians hi honey I'm waiting to see the baby baby well the green-eyed monster what are you talking about man trunk told me you found your baby trunk told you that well yeah I said while he was waiting he heard the baby crying do you know where he is I don't know man I left after that you know that kid he was a little bit down in the mouth he's kind of weird you know a little bit nutsy do you know where he hangs out hey did you get your kid or not no but listen I've only got an hour and I've got to find trunk what did he steal this time [Music] [Music] [Music] hey stop it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah cigarette why do you smoke sure why you shouldn't [Music] how you baby my baby is dead [Music] you heard a baby crying right well it was a different baby don't have green eyes brown eyes like for you yeah too bad for me that's that thing on your head I like what it looks dumb man I like it looks dumb I like [Music] no something GI what three two days ago a pine is sea glass sea glass was that see you're praising God you mean a mirror sure mirror all right so so see all dear I see my face yeah I see close up my eyes I see green in my eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm crazy I think I just miss my blankie I do now [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 247,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aDH6ChzLBes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 20sec (5840 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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