My Happy Place Sew Along - Tomato Pincushion Block Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello everyone and welcome to my happy place i'm so excited because i'm filming for the actual my happy place so long which starts on monday and so because i film on fridays then i'm to go ahead and film the tutorials the ones that i'll be filming not all of them but i'm going to be filming all of the pieced blocks that are in the quilt such as this sewing machine block and all of the pieced quilting blocks and the spools i'll be filming those as we go along through the sew along and so i'll be filming those probably on fridays like the friday before that we do that on the schedule and so that on monday i can put on the blog i can just put a link so that you can watch those videos so even though this these blocks right here that we'll be filming today are not peace they're appliqued it's because it's week one i always do a video on the week one just so that i can explain a few things and so as you saw in the opening video you saw all of the photos that i posted in my be prepared post which is on my blog which i will leave a link to here below the video description if you have not been to my be prepared post on my blog where the sew along does take place then you'll need to go there and read that and read about all of the supplies and everything like that this is the sew along guide that you can download and within that it lists all of the supplies all the fabric requirements the yardage and everything like that if you're still looking for a kit all you have to do is use google because google is always your best friend all you need to know is the name of the quilt or the sew along and or the kit and just google it so what you would search for is my happy place sew along kit and you will see several wonderful quilt shops that carry those kits and then you will be able to find one and so we'll talk more about this later i'll show you some different things that i have done in my binder but for right now because it's week one and i know you're ready to be doing these tomato pin cushions let's just get started and i just want to show you um how simple it is to use my sew simple shapes so of course we're using the my happy place set and we'll be using i-20 oh can you see that okay so we'll be using i-20 for the tomato pin cushion top it's l20 sorry l20 thanks cats apparently i need to put on my readers here and we'll be using l19 for the center and uh l18 for the tomato so these are the three shapes and so all i do when i get my shapes i'll always tell you my blog which shapes you'll be using for that block and it tells you in the sew along guide as well so there's no wondering which shapes you know that you need to use i'll cut my interfacing which also tells you the size in the sew along guide i will just take it and grab my so simple shape and use i like to use a mechanical pencil and i simply trace around the outside that's all i've done okay so i've got this one ready to go and then i've got this one traced from the l19 ready to go a few spare ones just in case you never know and then i've got this one for l18 not not i18 and then here's the fabrics so this is for the top this is for the center for the l19 and this is for the tomato pen cushion base which is l18 all right so i've got these ready to go and i've got my background cut and all four of these blocks have a different background and of course it tells you in the guide what size to cut and where that background goes which block it goes to so what i've done is cut this eight by eight and we will be trimming this up after uh it's appliqued to six and a half by six and a half with that trim ruler so i'm just gonna set this aside because i don't really need this yet until it's time to lay out my blocks i'm just gonna talk about sewing the shapes so what i do is i lay this right side up trace right side up and fabric right side up after i've traced it onto my sewing interfacing now i use sew in because i don't i want to be able to shape this several times and [Music] be able to lay it out and move it if i want to a lot of people have said why don't you use you know like adhesive interfacing or iron-on interfacing and that's why i that's too permanent for me like i would rather be able to have the freedom of using the sew in and this is the thickness that i've developed for these and i love it and um so that's why you're always welcome to use iron on interfacing if you want but it's like a one and done chance to get things right and that's not what i like to do because i like to shape my pieces and iron them and everything before i lay them out and i wouldn't be able to do that if i was using iron on interfacing okay so enough about that so i just put them on there you can grab a pen if you want to and simply pin in the center but i find that the interfacing really kind of doesn't slip on this cotton that much if it's a great big piece i will pin it but when it's a piece like this i usually don't i do not need my seems so easy guide for this it's just always taped onto my machine this is my vintage singer featherweight this one is called sweet baby james after james taylor and it is custom painted for me by the featherweight shop in my color denim and so that's what i'll be using today and so all i do is i just go in and sew directly on the lines and when i start sewing i'll just go ahead and begin like this pivot when i need to and i just start sewing all the way around now when i get all the way around to where i started i'm going to over sew that by about a half inch or an inch and that will set my seams so no back stitching i don't like the bolt that it added adds and you may go off the line by back stitching i always use a foot of some kind where i can see where my needle goes directly into my fabric so that i don't have to guess you know once it goes over the foot i don't want to guess that i'm sewing on the line i want to see exactly where i'm sewing so that's all i'm going to do is go ahead and chain piece these in set these up and get them ready to sew and then i'll talk to you about trimming and shaping when i'm finished [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i've got three these three pieces sewn and then all i'm going to do is take some scissors and trim around a little bit smaller than you know quarter inch an approximate quarter inch it doesn't matter we've already sewn so it doesn't you know doesn't matter how large the seam allowance is you just don't want it too big so that's about what that looks like i just continue trimming like this and then i've got two areas in here that we need to clip so i'll tell you about that as soon as i finish this trimming real quick okay so what i do is i take smaller scissors and i'll just do one clip from here to where i sew okay not into the thread and not past it but just clip to there so that it will lie flat when this is turned right side out if on accident you clip through the thread now is the time you just hurry and run it through your machine over over again to kind of um secure that before you turn and so on this one i'm going to trim all the way around and i'm going to clip those cleavage areas right there to that point as well just one clip and then after i get to that point then i will talk to you about turning all right so i've got these three pieces this one's clipped this one's clipped this one does not need to be clipped because it's an outer curve and then what i'm going to do is um take a seam ripper for this small piece and put it through just the interfacing and make sure that i feel and see that it's not coming through the other side and i literally just do kind of like a little rip right there so that i can take scissors and make a little bit of an x so that that can be turned and if for bigger pieces you could just separate them like this if you didn't want to use the seam ripper and just start with a little clip right there so that you can get your scissors in there and make an x so either way you want to do it just make sure that you don't go through to the other side with your seam ripper or your scissors and then i just turn like this use my finger as much as i can and then i grab my clover turner here this is by clover and i love it and what i do is i just have the interfacing facing me and then i'm just taking the tip of this turner and gently pushing out on the fabric only not the interfacing but just in the front where the fabric is so that i'm going all the way around so that i'm pushing out so i can see my stitches where i stitched that way i know that if i sewed right on my marked line of my um when i traced and now i'm pushing it out so that i can see my stitches that means that is going to be shaped exactly the size of the template here which is what the goal is now sometimes on curves you feel like you you know it's not as smooth as you would like it but that's where i just push on this very gently okay if i push a hole through it you could glue it kind of those frayed edges over to the side or you simply could this big piece like this you could turn right side out again and re-sew it and then turn again if you want to so you know you can fix a piece but keep in mind that i wouldn't try to shape this too perfectly because look what's going to happen with this you're going to put it up there and the tomato pincushion top is going to cover that anyway so i would only worry about you know making that smooth down here now when i get to this point i usually will take my roller and just kind of set those edges crease those because it's 100 cotton that will crease and it will be a hard heart you'll be hard-pressed to try to push those out again after i've creased that so that's good and then i'll take it over to my iron and just press it even flatter and totally optional of course you can use the quilter's clamper to let it dry faster oh shouldn't say dry because there's no moisture on there i do not add steam to this i meant cool so this will help it to cool faster and because it cools faster and the weight of it is down on there that means it will go flat so that's what that piece looks like it's ready to go and i'm going to go ahead and turn and press and shape these as well [Music] [Music] all right so i've got this shaped almost how i want it but i wanted to tell you what i do with the points so i love how this is flat on both sides right here but then it comes to a point but not too pointy so you know you poke a hole but i don't want this top part rounded i want this flat right here because when i'm pushing out my points like this i will do it flat first and then i'll push it to the side okay and i will just kind of push gently on that seam allowance and because this is flat right here it helps push out those points so that's what i do there i've got one here that i want pushed out more so i'll turn that sideways and this is very gent you know gentle so all right so i like how that looks because i clipped those corners this looks kind of curvy like this right now you can see on kind of the side view but as i um put it down here i can put this the roller on it let's see even that looks a lot better and then i'll just bring it over here again and give it a quick press and i just i like to use the tip of my iron for these smaller pieces i don't i don't like to use a giant iron that's one reason i use vintage irons because i like how small they are because i i often use small pieces and i don't like them to get buried under the iron i mean i can't even see what i'm doing so that's what i do with those pieces right there okay and if you want to see about my vintage irons and why i use them and how i use them and how i find them then um i do have a video here on my channel all about my irons when i tell you about how i make my um diy ironing boards here i talk about the irons in that video all right so i've got these three pieces ready to go all right now i'm going to take them over to the table and we're going to talk about laying them out glue basting them getting your embroidery lines traced on and then we're going to talk about the applique stitch the embroidery stitch and then trimming them up and then lastly about buttons so i'll meet you right back here in just a minute all right now i'm here at the work table and i've got my background here on my design board i've got my measuring tape my rulers and my pins here and so what i because i've cut this eight by eight and i know that we're going to trim it down i have um figured out the measurement of how far up you need to place this so start with an inch and a half on the bottom and place your tomato right there and then i always just put a few pins in and i don't put them right on the edge because i want to go ahead and take my glue right here and lift up and go around on the edge while those pins are securing it in place i don't do it all the way to the edge but probably about i place a dot of glue about a quarter of an inch in all the way around and then i can move my pins after i've glued to the outside and i just leave them in there for uh you know a few minutes until they're dry or while i'm doing the other pieces now so now with this i want to notice how this is kind of an egg shape so you want the wider part on the bottom and i'm going to lay this here and probably bring this down about measuring an eighth of an inch sticking down from this bottom right here so i'm not a whole lot but you do want it sticking down center that and again just put a couple of pins in there so that i can grab my glue lift this up and glue around it this glue when you use this is um it's permanent but not too permanent meaning you can reposition this if you need to if you've you know done everything and you're looking at it going oh i really wish i would have you know centered that better or needed to come up or down you can gently pull this off and and you know reposition it and do it again okay i'm not going to put a pin up there because i want to put the tomato top on so now for this we're going to have this let's see let's measure this down probably about 2 and 3 8. so the top doesn't really so see this is 1 2 3 8 right there and the tip of that should be right there and so the top of this tomato is just overlapping above like that and you just kind of want to center it as best as you can again this does not have to be perfect it's just a tomato pincushion and it's going to be cute no matter what okay so i'll stick a pin there so i can lift up each one of these little petals and i'll just put one dot of glue on each one of those and that should be good enough to just stick that down and then i'll add more pins i'll do one on each point and i love these pins these these are my applique pens not my mini applique pens but these are my applique pins for my pretty pins set and these are just the right strength and length and everything and i like that they have the ball head so that you can pull them off okay so then i just set it like this put the lid on my glue and of course i'm obviously i didn't talk about that but i'm obviously pinning into one of my design boards and then i just let that you know sit for 10 or 15 minutes but i don't know if you can see let me pull this up a little bit closer but i already traced on the embroidery lines the stitching lines just so that i didn't have to you know take the time to show you that but i'll let me pull my light box in and show you what i did so here's my light box of course it's not you know turned on yet let me plug it back in and so it just connects like this and then you can turn it on or off when you place your pattern on here i just got it from the sew along guide here and i don't know if you can even see that okay so here's my sew along guide i just pulled out the paper from the sew along guide i always have you copy on single sided meaning we don't double side them so that you can see through on your embroidery patterns you don't want to see through things from the other side of the page so make sure when you copy this that um it's just on one single side and so here's my pattern right here and so all i will do with that is let me go ahead and remove these pins real quick [Music] all right because i want to take this off the design board like this okay now i can turn this on really quick and see how i've given you guidelines right here so you just line that up with those guidelines and you can see through it and then you can see right here where the pins all you have to trace is just these lines for the pins and what i like to do with that is i grab a mechanical pencil right here and i do like to use my ruler and i'll just put my ruler there and i'll go ahead and trace a really nice straight line so that i can see it you can trace it as dark or as light as you want the pencil marks do not come out but they don't need to i'm just doing a gray running stitch on here with three strands of floss it's going to cover that up let me turn this light off so it's not but anyway so that's that's what i do i use my washi tape to to tape the pattern to my light box and then i also use my washi tape like when i put the fabric on so that it didn't slip i normally you know did this beforehand so that it all lined up i just put this across the corner like this like two corners just to make sure it doesn't slip for when i'm putting that on and that's one of the great uses uses that i have for my washi tape and then when i pull it off i just go like this very gently pulling it off that way see it doesn't leave a residue does not leave a residue on the light box either just pull that off and it pulls off of the pattern as well okay and a lot of times i'll just leave my washi tape right here and use it a few times before i um you know throw that away until i refresh it okay so let me move this out of the way and because we've talked about that and then i just simply come to untape that pattern and put it back into my sew along guide so that is all traced on and ready to go i like to trace on and do my embroidery before i trim up my block i do my embroidery and my applique at the same time so for my embroidery let me show you what i do is i take a needle with three strands of my aura floss and i do tell you in the pattern and the embroidery guide what i'm using this is my gray color that i'm using and it's almost gone as you can see but you can buy replacements individual replacements i just bought this from fat quarter shop right here and so as soon as this is finished then i'll open this and put this in my little bee bag so i have three strands ready to go and i'm just going to quickly show you how i do a back stitch and then i'm going to show you how to applique like this one edge or something but normally i would applique first but i've got this ready to go it really doesn't matter so what you do with the back stitch i just want to make sure you can see this cast is this close enough i just come i'm going to knot the end okay i did not the end this is three strands i'm going to come up right here maybe a little bit behind the tomato so that you can you know so that there won't be a gap and now this is going to be kind of hard because it's far away from me but i'm just going to make a stitch probably about an eighth of an inch long from where i came in and then i'm gonna do put my needle in another eighth of an inch okay is that clear and then i pull it up and because i brought my needle out at the same time as i went in that set up for me to go right back in to where i came up so this is why this is called a back stitch because you're always working on top of your work not i'm not i'm not turning this over i'm always working on top and doing my stitch this thread should be centered in both sides of the needle where it goes in and out okay and then you just pull that up and of course you can do this much faster when it's close up closer up and not a foot away from you and i just go right back in exactly where i came up set up my next stitch and by making sure that that thread is right in the middle of that that means you're going to get your stitches even and and that's kind of my little trick how i always do that i always make sure that my my thread goes down the center of where i go in and go out so that my stitches always end up even okay and so that's again a back stitch and that's why you're it's called a back stitch because you're going back again into where you came out and i like to set up that way all right so i just do that when i get to the end there i'll just knot off and then start again and so i'll just go ahead and backstitch all of those ends up looking like this okay so it doesn't really matter if you embroidery you know embroider first or last i usually applique first but obviously you need to have the embroidery done before you sew on the buttons and that kind of thing so i'm just going to finish this line real quick as well as i can see far away from me and i'll show you what i do at the very end how i knot off okay this is my last stitch i just go down in here this is when i will turn it around to the back this is what it looks like on the back and i'll put my needle through there to make a loop and before i pull the loop through i'll put my thread through the loop and i'll do that a couple three times just to make sure that's secure two times i think it's going to be plenty for this and remember i'm going to sew a button on top of that a little bit later but so that's how i do that that's how i do all of the outlining and everything all of the embroidery if they're just lines it's a back stitch but i'll always tell you on the guide plus on my blog post for that week for that block if it's a back stitch or you know what kind of a stitch you need to do all right so for the applique stitch what i do with that is i use matching thread to my appliques not my backgrounds so that was our floss that i just showed you okay so that was in these little spools and comes in my um little set that you saw in the beginning in the video and it's also in my be prepared post but this is the thread that i use for applique now when i say applique i mean i use this for machine applique and hand applique either or there are two weights in here this is the ones with the orange is the 50 weight and the ones with the wood like these two let's see i think i've got these switched places this is 80 weight 80 weight means it's a little bit thinner the reason 80 weight is used a lot for applique is because it's thinner so you can hide your stitches better but that doesn't mean that you know you can only have to use 80 weight or whatever i've used 50 or 80 and either one can go in your machine in your top bobbin if you're going to machine applique just put the color in the top bobbin in the bottom bobbin you know just use like a a neutral thread that you use to piece i i use um either a white or just a very light tan color or something in my bobbin and so you can machine applique i will leave a link on showing you how i machine applique i just use a very tiny zigzag stitch for that for hand applique i i have in here i've got my little bob ross needle minder i have my applique pins needles this is my needle case they do come in tubes as well but i have six different kind of needles for different purposes on the back it tells you what those purposes are for and what i use them for now these are my applique that are these come in the mint green tube and they're straw needles so they're very thin and the eye is very tiny if the eye is too tiny for you you could use the sewing ones that's totally acceptable they're still long and thin and this has a wider eye so you could use the denim colored ones and they also come in a tube so what i do is i just load a matching thread up single i will put a knot in the end okay let me pull well i usually leave those scissors in there this is kind of my thing so i can just open it up i did want to tell you too you can also buy these singly i do have a key up here meaning just like remember when you buy um a box of chocolates and it tells you what chocolate is what flavor that's what i do right here inside the lid so you can see that this is one one one four so that's one one one four meaning yeah you can see that on the spool but what if it's misplaced or what if it's you used it all and that way you know where that goes and you can order them singly all right so that's my be happy or a feel so i've got some thread loaded up here and what i do with my applique i'm right-handed so i usually travel to the left and i will come up from the back or i will start back here okay i do have a knot on the end and when i come out i come out right where that applique is folded can you see that so i'm coming around right onto the fabric in between the interfacing i pull that up and then i'm going to go right back down where i started and so that is a very tiny stitch meaning you only have the opportunity to see your stitches from here to here a straight stitch now i travel across the back and take a little bite out of the edge so what's so fun about my so simple shapes they're already turned and sewn all i have to do is just take a bite out of that edge okay and i go straight back down in i hope this isn't too fuzzy when i'm getting close nope it's good and when i travel across i don't have to make really tiny stitches even though this is the same stitch meaning when i say tiny i mean i don't have to put them too close together the tiny stitch comes when you come out of the edge of the applique and go right back into the background so i'm coming up through the applique taking a bite out of that and then going right back down where i came from so that's a short stitch but i'm traveling because the edges are turned under that's what i meant by you don't have to do it too tiny or too close together the edges are already turned those are not coming apart you're just simply trying to sew this down if you're doing needle turn like you know i like to do two and i've done with more intricate my top needle turn applique for many many years the traditional needle turn then you do need to do your stitches closer together because you're turning your seam allowance under as you go but this way your seam allowance is already turned under and secured and so all you have to do is just go along like this taking bites out of the edge of that applique if you go too deep it'll show your thread if you don't go deep enough it won't secure it so i just barely take a little bite and i continue around like this and this is what it looks like on the back okay and then i'll just knot off on the back like i showed you how i did with the embroidery and so that's the applique stitch right there so i'm going to assume i want you to assume that i have this all applicate and this all embroidered and then i'm going to show you all about the buttons so i'll be right back all right so again i want you to pretend this is all appliqued and this is embroidered but your buttons are not sewn on yet because this is the point where i like to trim up my block so for this one you'll be using the six and a half inch trim it ruler and i like to use the lines on the ruler to center everything right here and then probably about a half inch which is from here to here this blue represents your quarter inch seam allowance and so this is a half inch from this dotted line to here so that's where you want your tomato here and i want to leave plenty of room up here it might look like you have a lot of room but remember these are all embroidered pretending and all the buttons are going to go on the top so there's room for that so what you're going to do is i like to use one of my smaller mats and i just trim up one side trim the other side okay and then i just without moving the ruler or anything like that i just drag my mat and turn it and then all i have to do is um oh when i pressed it from the back i forgot to tell you that i press it from the back and let that cool before i trim it up okay so now i've got my six and a half inch block which is which will finish at six inches when it's sewn into the quilt and then of course i've already trimmed all of these up and put the buttons on these and i will sew these together and that whole thing will measure 12 and a half inches but each block should be six and a half inches before you sew them together and it always tells you in the guide the finished size of the block and on that page and so you'll know all right so now i've got that trimmed up the reason i don't put the buttons on first i mean you could if you wanted to but it's going to be kind of hard to get that even and to cut straight lines because of the dimension of the buttons all right so all right let's talk buttons now when i do buttons you can either stitch them on first like i do or you can do them after quilting it depends on your quilter my quilter julie will sew around will not so will quilt around my buttons because i have her do custom quilting and i like to sew all my buttons on first before quilting most of the time and so that she can just you know custom stitch around them and that doesn't bother her if that bothers your quilter or if that bothers you then save all the buttons till the end and sew them on after quilting and then just try to hide the knots in the back of the quilt after it's quilted and you know it's not a big deal so that's your choices there when i sew the buttons on i will use matching floss now these are the cute little buttons in this quarter inch size in this package that i've used for all of these um pinheads and throughout the quilt now i've just put a bunch of these packages in one of my cute little storage jars i painted painted the lid yellow you can paint your lids all different colors if you want those storage jars um come in a set of three now and they come with a red lid a pink lid and an aqua lid and they should be here in a couple weeks so i'm excited about that and so you can just add buttons there and all kinds of little things but that's where these are from and so what you want to do is just pour out a few and decide what you want to put so if we want to match up with this red one here it doesn't matter i didn't you know i didn't do anything crazy or you know different so let's just for instance because that one's embroidered let's just grab a button right here and i just overlap it right there and what i do is use matching threads from my aurafloss set so i use this little bag right here full of my rfloss spools see you can see in there and i usually keep this in there so i've got needles and then i have a pair of scissors in here and then i can just kind of grab it and take it with me so what i have here is one of my new biddy boards that's from my stitch set and because i'm going to be using only a little bit of floss to sew on these buttons but i'm going to be doing it several times over and over again and throughout the quilt i've just grabbed this board and dubbed it my happy place sew along little bitty board and i have my rfloss colors that match my buttons so far that i've sewn on load it up and just have a knot in the ends and i have them in here and i'm just going to keep it like this until my sew along is over so that when i need to grab a button all i do is just grab you know a matching color okay so i have a knot on the end and i simply just come up a little bit above where i've stopped stitching onto the side and stack my needle on there i'm using my embroidery needles that come in the aqua tube or come in the little stitch card needle card i don't know why i keep calling it a stitch card then i'll just go down in the other hole right here just regular sewing a button on this is the first thing i taught you how to sew huh cass sewing on buttons and then i'll just do it in twice usually that secures it i don't feel like once is enough i feel like three times is overkill i usually do it twice pull it turn it around and not how i showed you if i just come through the thread and put my needle through the loop and i'll do that two times but what i don't think is overkill when you're sewing a button on is three times so i usually do a three-time knot with my buttons because i do not want them to pull off okay and then i'll just snip that and i just continue going around picking my buttons colors and simply grabbing this little floss thing i often do this for cross stitch as well with i load up several needles and so that's kind of fun all right so that's about the buttons that's what those will all look like and uh pretty happy about that it's pretty fun to work with all these colors and making this quilt to go to hang right here in my happy place all right let me set these aside because bring a few other things in i want to talk to you about oh there was before i set it beside i do want to show you one more thing so you can put a larger button for the things that i've designed i almost forgot to tell you this let me grab my mug okay so see on this mug how i've got a button in the middle here and you can totally do that i just haven't done that yet or haven't decided if i'm going to do it what what you can use um for that button is these light green ones here that come in this stitch set i just want to show you what that would look like let me grab a green one okay so that would be really cute that size would be really cute and i would just use the light green floss and sew that all right i'm glad i didn't forget to tell you about that so that's your choice on whether you want to add them or not i just didn't do that yet all right now i can set this aside and i want to talk to you a little bit about the sew along guide and what i've done because i told you when i got the sew along guide okay here's my sew-along guide i've got my little um dividers and things that i'll talk to you about on here but here i've got my little envelope here i've put one of my stitched charms on there my spool's on the zipper and that's fun but there's two circles in this set that did not fit in this little envelope and so i showed you that when i got my stitched paper that i was going to tell you what i was going to do with that so when i'm talking when i'm talking about my stitch paper i'm talking about how i'm doing paper pads with my different collections of fabric got some things cut up in here let me take these off before i open this up okay so this is what the front of my stitch crafting paper pad looks like on the back it shows you all the 24 sheets of paper that comes in it and then it has two pages of clip art okay the paper is very nice like it's thick it's not like just tight paper it's cardstock sort of thickness meaning but it's it feels almost like a linen fabric but it's paper it's very nice okay and so you've got papers in here i took one out i took this one out and then on the very end i have two pages of clipart see and they won't have the holes in them this was just the prototype and so we didn't put the holes in there because we don't want holes in your paper or your clip art but i've got two pages of clip art there hope you can see that whole thing sis can you see them all right and so you can just you know feel free to do what you want with this clip art and this is one that's called my happy place that's coming out um when my decorator weight fabric comes out so there's different papers in this and it's got two different pages of clip art i just got my vintage ladies that are larger and some fun button cards so i'm going to really have a lot of fun with these and what i did with this is i took one paper out which measures eight and a half by eleven okay and then i measured in here i'm just going to take one of these out and then i'll put it back in to kind of show you what i did so they just rip out like this and i made a little pocket see how i've got these two circles that will just fit right in there now and they won't fall out because this has an edge under this has an edge under this has an edge under and they're glued down okay and so what i did is i took this and measured in let's see if i got a ruler here somewhere i know i brought one thanks cass okay so i measure in on the sides here remember it won't have a hole here i measure in on the sides a half inch and i take this because it can be used as a score if you're a paper crafter you know what i'm talking about and i'll this doesn't cut it but it scores it so you go like this several times a half inch on both sides right here and this is the size of the pocket and then on the bottom i measured in an inch i wanted that to be a little bit more secure and when you've scored them like that that allows you to fold it on a straight line okay see how that folds and then i just grabbed that after they were all folded up there's my glue and i just placed glue here just on the fold part all the way around that and then i just set it on there and press down this is just um this is planner glue pen but there's all kinds of different glue sticks that you can use and i just let it dry for probably 10 minutes and then i place my circles in there and that was really fun now with the clip art pages these are just this is just regular type paper prototypes that i have i just wanted to show you that i just like to i love to cut things out and decorate with them so i cut out some of these vintage ladies i started cutting them out and how i cut them out is i just cut around them like this kind of reminded me of paper dolls so you don't cut them out exactly like you leave white around them that's totally how you do it and i cut out flowers i cut out the word stitch and rounded the corners but again this is just on tight paper this is what i designed but in the actual book it's really nice thicker paper and so you could totally decorate you know like that or put stitch up here put the vintage ladies down here put flowers around them you know if you wanted to it's just kind of fun you can do anything you want and i love to just i just love to cut and paste so that's what what that is for the clip art i'm also going to be using the art in my planner a lot and this is my 2022 planner that i'm so excited about and i'll be using that on my calendar pages in my note pages and to decorate and just in my daily things because i like things to look cute this is going to be like my manual you know that i use every day next year i always use a planner and i like to make it cute i like to use my um here's my little cookbook lunch box that's going to be coming i'll talk about that i like to use my planner pens that i did with my scrappy project planner okay and so i like to use those in here and so that's going to be really fun so i'll be using my papers on my cliparts and things like that for all that kind of thing and this pocket was really handy one thing i wanted to show you that i clipped here was a couple weeks ago we did a crochet tutorial here's all my little flowers in my vintage jar and i showed you how to do these covered buttons and so all i did was take one of my one of my little paper clips here they're kind of an over large you know oversized whatever you want to say this one's hooked let me just grab a single one in this bag now these come in my office set okay and they're shaped like that and all i did was grab one flower and grab any flower right here that i crocheted i'm making a clip out of this so that i can use it to decorate i mean you can get any covered button that you want and you just there's no sewing or crocheting or anything you just get this because it's got a shank on the back and you just literally put that on there and wind it all the way down and now you've got a clip that you can put on the edge of your pocket or on the top of your pages or anything like that and that's really fun so i kind of wanted to show you that because i made that little one for right there and you know i love to decorate my binder and the other thing i did was these also come in my opposite and i know i've shown you these before but i don't know if i've shown you in my sew along guide so they come with little adhesive adhesive strips that you peel off and then they fold like this and so i use these in my planner to divide up oh here's my other bookmark that i did for my scrappy project planner that's cute in there and so i just did little dividers right here you see that on the side i can label them i just haven't done that yet but so that i can go to the cutting on this one and because i'm keeping everything in sheet protectors i simply just stuck them on the sheet protector instead of the paper and it works just as well so i know that if i do that that's the cutting i turn here this is my shapes this one goes into the quilt and the layout when i want to look at that and this one goes into the pieced blocks okay and starts talking about them and then this one is the last one that goes into my notes so those are kind of handy to use and i love how all of this fits in the binder perfectly i'm so glad that i'm doing the wider binders from now on for all of them so that nothing hangs out on the end everything's perfectly uh fit and perfectly fun all right okay so that's how i'm storing those circles and all about that fun stuff okay so the last thing i want to do is announce the winner of my video that i did two weeks ago which i um showed my schoolhouse block let me grab that just have it right here behind me so i showed you how to sew this schoolhouse block in my video two weeks ago and so i did this giveaway where i gathered all of this stuff and asked you to use the word school house in your comment so all of this stuff has to do with school supplies like glue and tape and rulers but you know on the quilty side get it but i cannot believe that i forgot to show you something that will be included in the giveaway so that was included in the giveaway meaning cassidy picked a name this morning but i wanted to show you that my take along project bag is like a little backpack see and i did this with fat quarter shop and i love this this is denim this is a really nice canvas fabric and it's got a pocket in the front and so i use this a lot for my crochet you can use it for cross stitch anything you want but i use this i always have a crochet project going on in this and it's a backpack and so it was sitting right here but i forgot to show it to you so it goes along with this as well so now you've got your backpack to put lots of school supplies in and so let me grab the paper from cassidy the winner is pam lacey that's pretty exciting okay pam so i'm gonna leave a comment on your comment and we will get in touch that way and so i am super excited about the sew along that starts monday i'm so glad that you're joining me and of course i will be you know doing a blog post monday so join me there on my blog a link will be here in this video description and i will tell you everything that's going on every week and show you all the tutorials step by step and when i do the tutorial step by step here on my channel then i'll always link and say click here to go watch the tutorial on how you do this and so i'm super excited for the next um several weeks we're going to be sewing together in my happy place sewing my happy place quilt so thanks again for joining me please subscribe to my channel and like this video and i'll chat with you later [Music]
Channel: Lori Holt
Views: 40,314
Rating: 4.94835 out of 5
Id: hjwE5AXugqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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