MYSTERY CHRISTMAS QUILT πŸŽ€ The Ribbon Row πŸŽ„ A Happy Christmas Project! All The Trimmings Quilt

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[Music] hey guys i'm kimberly from fat quarter shop welcome to part three of our 2021 christmas in july event we're having so much fun every monday we release a free video so make sure to subscribe to our channel to join the fun this week we're going to be working on making ribbon blocks and to add to the fun we also have a cross stitch that's completely free also so check out the fat quarter shop flosstube channel and you can also stitch along with us so let's get started on week three we're only using three fabrics this time plus the background super easy put it in your quilting journal and now we can cut let's start by cutting our background again i have my fold at the top my selvage at the bottom and i've ironed this part this part we can just roll up and just keep out of your way as you're cutting for this row i've determined that we should do a three inch strip a two inch strip and a one and a half inch strip so first i will put my ruler on the edge and do a straightening cut that gives me a really nice straight edge before i continue cutting so from here i'm going to cut a three inch strip slightly move this cut a two inch strip and whenever i'm looking at a pattern i try to just figure out what i need before i start cutting and of course if it changes that's fine but i like to have a starting point and then a one and a half inch strip and then i'm going to roll this up and we'll save it for row four from here i'm going to just move these smaller strips up here i'm going to work with my three inch strip now i've looked at my pattern and i want to use triangle paper for both the c and the j and the c and the m and that is in this part of the instructions so for the c i'm going to cut two three inch squares instead of two two and a half inch squares on the right side i'm going to just cut a straight edge and then rotate my fabric from here i need two three inch squares i've got a layer of two so i will cut the three inches and that will be my fabric c then i'm gonna cut three seven and a half wide strips and three three and a half inch wide strips but they're two and a half so i need to take my strip that's three inches and trim it down to two and a half and when i'm moving my fabric i'm trying to keep it nice and straight and not have it move so i'm going to cut the two and a half inch then i'm gonna sub cut two seven and a half inch wide pieces and i hope we get enough but there's a seven and a half and i don't think we're gonna have enough so we'll probably have to cut another strip so from this we have three seven and a half inch rectangles which are my fabric a's but we need three three and a half so i don't think this is going to be three and a half inches wide we can get one from here actually we can get two from here and then we'll just need one more that's two and a half by three and a half so i went to my scraps from the previous month and i actually have a little bit left over that's two and a half inches wide so i'm going to just sub cut this down to three and a half so now i'm able to get the remaining fabric b from a previous month and of course you have plenty of fabric if you wanted to do another strip so for d we're going to cut four two by four inch rectangles and from here this is already two inches now you can either cut on this side and rotate or you can cut on the left side i'm going to go ahead and cut from the left side you'll be cutting towards yourself so only do this if you're experienced and comfortable doing it now i'm going to cut a four inch rectangle twice and that's going to give me four rectangles that are two by four and just as i go i am going to add them to my design board now we need eight two inch squares so i'm going to actually cut at the six inch the four inch and you'll notice i move my ruler from the right to the left my fabric doesn't move if you are going to cut from the left to the right your ruler would move more so that's why i do it the way that i do it these are going to be my fabric ease and my f's i need two one and a half by six inch rectangles i don't have six inch here but i have enough to probably do a little bit from the next strip so let's see if i trim this down to one and a half inches i can get two of the one and a half by two inch rectangles that we need for fabric g so you can see as i cut i just try to make the strips work and just try to get as much as i can out of them even if you cut out of order so now we're going to go back and cut two one and a half by six inch rectangles of the fabric f and we cut this strip one and a half so you can either cut on the left or the right getting a straightening line and if you do that just rotate as gently as you can and we're going to sub cut that down to six inches and when i'm cutting i do align my creative grids ruler at the top and the side the reason i use creative grids is they are grips on the ruler and when you move your hand the ruler does not move once it is on your fabric those will be your f's and then we just need eight one and a half inch squares so if i cut a six inch strip now this we can save for another month then you can sub cut at the four and a half three and one and a half and that is going to give you your h's and that is how you cut your background fabric for row three now we're going to move to cutting our bow fabrics and if you look at i through k and l through n they're actually cut exactly the same but on j and m we're going to cut one three inch square instead of a two and a half so that we can use triangles on a roll paper so i'm going to go ahead and cut that first just cut it from a corner and that is going to be one of our j's and one of our m's so i'll set that aside and label it j and m and when i'm done i can divide those out by color now from here i need seven two and a half inch squares so i'm going to do a straightening cut here i'm using the perfect tin ruler because this pattern just uses very simple measurements and this ruler only has half inch lines and that's what we need so i'm going to cut across at the five inch first and we're going to try to get as many two and a half inch strips from this so i'm going to move this down straighten the right edge and then just make sure when you're cutting that you cut through both layers and i think we're going to get four from this and then we'll just set this aside so from here you sub cut into four two and a half inch squares so since i moved that i'm going to go ahead and cut those separately just because it moved so it's more accurate two and a half and two and a half and we can label these in a little bit and we do need three more two and a half inch squares so i'm going to cut right here a two and a half inch strip and then we're going to sub cut this into three two and a half inch squares so using a rotating mat really helps because your fabric stays in place and from here you can actually cut seven and a half five and two and a half and those will be the remaining j and m's now we need two one and a half by two inch rectangles so i'm just going to cut that from here where my ruler is lined up here and then i've done a straightening line and then i can save this for another block i'm going to cut two inches first and then i'm going to sub cut three inches first i always cut my larger piece first and then sub cut down into my one and a half and those will be my k and n so after i've cut i am going to divide them by color so this will be k and this will be n and it's important to keep these fabrics separate since we have written this pattern with two different bow colors so for your eyes and your l's we're going to come back over here and divide these out and this will be your i and this will be your l and from here we'll have a bigger and a smaller and these will be your j and your m's so just take the time to cut and label your fabrics properly and we do have the o and the p still to cut so this fabric is directional and if you look at your pattern you can either do your stripes horizontally or vertically and we have them vertical because we think that looks more like a bunting so if you think about it we want our skinniest strips to go this way so i'm going to turn this way and i'm going to line up the stripe in the fabric with the line on the ruler so when we do the straightening cut here and we sub cut later our stripe will be straight i'm going to cut four two inch strips so i can actually do that with this perfect tin ruler because i can cut at the eight inch mark the six inch mark the four inch mark and the two inch mark set this aside this i'm going to move out of the way for a second i'm going to turn my mat and we're going to sub cut this into seven and a half inches so if you just kind of push this they kind of go back together do a straightening line where you line the top up here and the side rotate your mat and sub cut at the seven and a half inch line so i'm actually gonna do a straightening line here again and then redo that line because it looks like it moved a little bit just so that it is an accurate seven and a half inches so these will be my o's and for my p i need two two inch by two and a half inch so i'm gonna sub cut these so that's two inches and i'm going to cut two and a half inches twice or you can cut a five inch and then sub cut a two and a half inch and from here we have everything labeled on our design board and we're ready to start piecing this block we're going to take our fabric i squares and our fabric l squares and we're going to put fabric h squares on one corner so just like i did in all of the previous i'm going to pin a square on one corner on all of these and having a pin will really help it since you are going to be sewing from corner to corner you'll be sewing on the bias and it will help it stay in place [Music] we're going to go to the sewing machine and we are going to stitch from corner to corner diagonally we're going to start with a 1.8 stitch length and i have an open toe foot and i'm just going to sew from corner to corner using this washi tape as a guide i'm going to chain piece meaning that i don't cut my thread between each unit [Music] from here just cut all of these apart and by chain piecing we have saved a little bit of thread and it makes it go a little bit quicker we're going to trim a quarter inch away from the seam now since it's in your seam allowance it doesn't have to be perfect so i just usually cut them individually one at a time now if you wanted to save time you could stack two and cut them you just want to be very careful that they're stacked exactly so that it comes out nice we're just gonna cut these all a quarter inch away from the seam [Music] from here i'm going to set my seams meaning that i'm just going to place my iron on the mat and let it sit about five seconds so that they get nice and hot and my seams lock together then i will press toward the black put your edge of your iron right on that seam so it gets nice and flat and we can use a clapper once these are all nice and flat to get it even flatter so now that it's still hot just put the clapper right on top the wood is going to absorb that heat and make it flatter [Music] and then here you can actually put these right on top of the others the next step i'm going to take my larger three inch square from j and m i'm going to also grab my fabric c squares from here i'm going to make half square triangles using my h 200 paper and you need two squares but i'm actually going to show you on this one since you only need one each a trick so once i cut that off just put your washi tape back on and i'm going to cut this in half because you only need half since you only need one of each so from here you can put your fabrics right sides together and put that paper on there just making sure you have a little bit to cut off away from that edge if you don't want to use triangle paper all you have to do is follow the free pattern from here we're going to go to the sewing machine and stitch directly on the dashed lines when you're working with triangle paper it's good to shorten your stitch length that will help your paper come off easier later so i go down to like a 1.5 stitch directly on the dotted line [Music] from here we're going to make half square triangles so you can actually take a peek and see how it's going to look we're going to cut on all of the solid lines and using the paper really takes the thinking out of it you just cut on the paper super easy now to pull the paper off you can either just pull or you can crease the paper and then pull and it should come right off if you've used a short enough stitch length from here you're going to set your seam just let your iron sit about five seconds you're gonna press toward the red and just let that sit about five seconds just take your time put that under here so that it can flatten out and the gray we're gonna press the opposite way toward the black and just let that sit under there for just a second this next step we're going to combine the first step on page 2 with the second to last step on page three just to save time so we're going to take our fabric p rectangles lay them just like this we're going to get two fabric e squares put this one on this corner and this one on this corner get them nice and pinned and we're going to go to the sewing machine with the pattern so that we don't make any mistakes on the left one we're going to stitch from the bottom left to the top right and on the other one we're going to stitch from the top left to the bottom right now we're going to move our stitch length back to a 1.8 [Music] i'm going to trim a quarter inch away from my seam and then we're going to press toward the black [Music] so we're going to start building we've got lots of units that we can make from what we made previously so what i like to do is build a lot of these units on my design board so right here i'm going to start with this so i'll put this this way i'll take my half square triangle cut my little dog ears off since i forgot to do that earlier and then place my half square triangle here following this and then add this now a similar unit to this is on the bottom of page three so we're going to follow that this is going to go here our half square triangle you just pay attention to the direction that it goes it's going to go here and then this is going to go here so we're making one of these units and one of these units now if we go back we're going to make two of these and what you're going to see is as we do this if we do all of these kind of at the same time it's going to save time so we'll do two fabric g's two fabric case and two fabric d's and that is going to be two of those and now we can go up here and even do two of these so we'll just keep building build as much as we can on this design board we're gonna make two that go this way so this goes up i'm going to add a fabric b and one more of these then we'll do this one more time so that's why these design boards are great because it's going to help you when you get to your sewing machine because you're going to have everything laid out and you won't even have to think so we've got those so let's move to the next page and see if there's anything else we can build we can build this one and this one so we can take our remaining fabric g rectangles put those right there our fabric in rectangles and our remaining fabric d rectangles and so we've got those and now we need to make one of these we'll just kind of put it on top so we've got this unit to make this unit to make these to make this to make and these to make so what we'll do is just move all of this out of the way and what i like to do before i go to the sewing machine is we're going to pin and we will go back and forth to the sewing machine one piece at a time so i'll meet you at the sewing machine after i have everything pinned so i'm going to change away from the open toe foot to a quarter inch foot with a guide and we're going to use a quarter inch seam going forward with everything on this board and i'm not going to chain piece i'm just going to open this back up to where i was and add the very next piece that was on the board [Music] [Music] now from here i'm just going to take this in segments and press according to the pattern on both of these we're going to press away from the center so i'll set my seams and press away from the center and then from here set this seam press away from the center all of these we're going to press toward the long black piece so we're going to press down so i will set my seam press set my seam press [Music] these last three pieces will also be pressed away from the center [Music] so when we were working on all of these pieces this was more of the top of the ribbon so we're going to work on the bottom of the ribbon now and we're going to build all of these so we're going to lay our fabric a rectangles out and on two of them we're going to have a fabric j square on the left and on one of them we're going to have a fabric j square on the right now we're going to take our fabric m squares and place them on the missing sections and when we sew these we're going to sew just like that but i am going to pin these in a second our last step is going to be our fabric o rectangles and with those we're going to put fabric e on each corner and these we will also sew right here so i'm going to pin all of this up and then i'll meet you at the sewing table i'm going to change the foot back to an open toe foot and we're going to sew according to the pattern from corner to corner [Music] from here we're going to cut a quarter inch away from your stitched line discard these little triangles and then we will press i prefer to do these individually rather than stacked just for accuracy sometimes i'm afraid i will just cut too far into the ones that go below it [Music] so here i'm going to set my seams and these are pretty easy because you just press toward the outside and if you stack them and press it only helps the ones on the bottom because they get even hotter and flatter [Music] on this design board i've laid out my units like the very last instruction on page two we're going to make two just like this on the last step of the first column on page three we're going to make one unit that looks like this so i've laid two out on this design board and one on this design board just so that i don't get them mixed up from here i'm going to put them right sides together and pin and when we go to the sewing machine we will sew this seam and after we've sewn this seam we will add the stripe on the bottom [Music] so i'm going to switch the foot back to a quarter inch foot stitch this seam and then from here just open this back up and at the bottom you're going to add the stripe and just pin that and keep going from your board to your machine [Music] from here this is really easy because when you're doing this you can set both seams at one time from here you'll open it up and you need to finger press toward the top and the bottom and get it nice and flat and then bring your iron across [Music] lay out all of your pieces paying attention to color placement and you're going to have four ribbons just pin them in each section and sew your row together nice and slow and you're gonna have a beautiful row three that's a gift wrap on the all the trimmings part three join me next monday for part four and join me every friday for my weekly live streams see you there [Music]
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 30,750
Rating: 4.943182 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, sewing, quilt, quilting tutorial, fat quarter shop, kimberly jolly, fat quarter shop tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting patterns, fat quarter shop tutorials, how to, diy, all the trimmings quilt pattern, all the trimmings, christmas quilt, holidays, christmas, mystery christmas quilt, holiday quilt, christmas in july, free quilt along, free quilt patterns, quilt tutorial, christmas quilts, mystery quilt, free christmas quilt, christmas quilt ideas, the ribbon row
Id: e_xxAkwkeVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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