Alex Anderson LIVE - Paper Piecing Class #2 - The Pineapple Quilt Block

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oh it's ten o'clock this morning i didn't even sleep in but man it's gone i think it's because i am balancing several things here my retreat my three-day retreat that started 20 years ago and of course we had to miss last year's um is starting this thursday oh but wait there's 23 people no 21 people coming starting today a dare goes whoa when did it turn into this i'm like going i know we just love to sew um unfortunately our teacher can't come her husband is in the hospital with staff so it's uh susan cleveland they will take all the prayers and hugs from across the world right now so it's okay we're fine we'll be fine we'll miss you we'll get you the later date susan so while we wait for people to log on um this what the heck just here we go so uh i always try to start with a little story i have two grandkids in town here and one is lennox and she's the oldest she's five about to turn six any day now and um she's one of those kids and there's always one in the chrisman christmas play that she's up on stage with all her little friends from school they've been practicing you know all december november and she'll get up there and you just oh there she goes there she goes and she'll start crying i mean i mean just hysterical so her daddy always gets her off the stage and brings her down i'm sure some of you have seen the youtube or the thing that went around the internet a while back where the daddy gets on stage with the kid and performs well jerry just gets her off so um i dare make sure the kids have all sorts of different experiences and one of the things that lennox has done is cheer cheer cheerleading and and so at the dublin high school game football game on friday oh i forgot to say it's monday september 27th okay so last friday uh they they'll the cheerleaders do their thing and then in the third to fourth quarter i think that's the right sport for football um they let the little local kids get up and cheer with them of which oh lennox was one of them but here's the caveat a dare can't go and that's what hinks are up so we got all this video and there he is on the box on the box and the next day i said lennox how did you end up on the box i mean i can't even believe she'd be up there doing her thing anyways and she said i just got on it and people isn't that life when there's a box just get on it so that made me very happy to see that she got on the box so i wanted to show you um this the lisa ellis uh show just uh uploaded or dropped or whatever you want to say this weekend and she does these things with cathedral windows guys i have never been a cathedral window fan but i am now after seeing what she does with it and how easy it is to the point that julie oh oh no oh no julia julie sent me a picture of what she did where are you i didn't upload it i'm sorry julie um no not julie oh shoot i you know what i did this this morning and i i can't do that i have to do it the day before forgive me anyway she showed me a little sample and she said she loved it it was super easy so at a minimum i would go take a look at the show because she takes it to a whole another level again it's lisa ellis the other thing i wanted to share the um carts getting in front of the horse i got a present i got a present from arda and she got hold of me and she said would you like some leftover thai silk stuff yeah straight up don't have to ask me and i got this box yesterday and i just it's kind of blown out here with the camera i just almost wept is so beautiful so i dug through and i don't know what i'm going to do with it some of it's from talbots in the olden days you could go to talbots down in carmel and they you could buy these scraps like this but there was one piece in here where did you go that i decided was my favorite piece where are you little piece and the reason is my favorite piece is because it's kind of an oddball meaning an oddball color well where did you go here it is this is such an odd color for a quilt and given that you put ones in like this and this and compared to the other fabrics and stuff these are just like they're the things that are going to make it from ordinary to extraordinary so arda i i just can't even um i i decided not to i wrote you a thank you and i decided not to put it in with my other ones yet and then um she also gave me now this is just so unbelievable um a hunk of dupiani silk that was from her um grandchild's talent and what that is for her bot mitzvah and what that is is they wrap kind of um it's a symbolic prayer prayer flag for lack of better words that you wrap around yourself in say things like your bar mitzvah bat mitzvah uh joey and shelly had one when they got married and so this piece is extraordinary and normally i would put it in with my other normal dupes but i'm not going to because i think that's just an extraordinary gift that you sent my way so i want to thank you so so much for that all right okay so i know what am i going to do with these silks who knows who knows they just it took my breath it just took my breath away okay so then julie sent me her sequoia uh she said better late than never i think this one is just absolutely spectacular and either you love horses or you're of scandinavian descent i haven't decided yet you know it's funny when when we were making that quote i'm like no it's an okay quilt no it's a it's a darn good quilt if you ask me and again people if you go way back uh we got all the patterns from a little block book that we sell in the store and the lessons are all there okay that was my daughter she probably quickly hung up okay so then we have oh there's the one okay i got him out of order i'm so sorry there's the one we were talking about that um pam did she just whipped that out after watching the show okay then we have missy here missy wanted to know how i would quilt this and she asked would i stipple it or what missy i am not a stippler person i just i think we can do better than that if you just have to go over the whole thing you could do a crosshatch but you're not going to want to hear what i have to say missy i would cross hatch the back and then somehow make the flowers come to life and then do something fun within the context of the cup and within the heart and yes that's a pain in the you-know-what and then and then with the border if i did cross-hatch on the beige part in the border i would do something that's curvy like a cable or clamshells or something like that okay then kathy okay we're going to be doing the pineapple today and yes it's cut really close to the book the uh what's it called the center of the book so yeah you can get a little distortion um so she actually takes the book apart and then puts it in fabric and those protectors also somebody else shared with me and i didn't even realize this and now that i have new glasses and i can see these books are actually sewn together and you can go to the center and clip the sewing part and then the pages all fall apart but if you do take the book apart if you deconstruct it make sure you do something that you put it back into a good place like how uh kathy did so that everything doesn't get all lost and messed up okay then we have here irene from green bay who wrote me in said door county's a peninsula it's not an island her husband says well don't technically it's an island and i wrote back and i said no i think we're both right but anyways check this out i have notes on it it has over 6 000 pieces 6 000 pieces people this lovely little pineapple oh how can that be because they're four inch blocks whoosh right man okay then betsy sent this foundation paper piecing um quilt it's beautiful you know one of the most requested quilts from simply quilts was the thing that slo slid across the the front and i think it's called a twisted log cabin at the opening of the show people loved that log cabins with a twist i believe that was the book so the eye kind of this kind of reminds me of that okay and then we have wendy oh look at her she finished very good wendy i i have an inkling you've done this before that's beautiful in the neutrals just beautiful okay and then this is gail's and this is she's practiced on this one and so we're going to talk about it now and i wrote her i said this would be beautiful period um as a quilt by itself so let me talk about the pattern in the book before we get too far ahead of ourselves here here it is right here i'm going to turn it sideways you can see where where the heck why is this i drew the one inch square there okay somebody asked on the pdf does it come with the one inch square no the pdf is simply um the same as the book the other thing is note that there isn't the little quarter inch line that will be the trimming line in the end because there simply wasn't room to make this an eight inch block on the quilt so don't trim it to here when you're done or you'll be making another block all right make sure that when you trim it you add yourself your your quarter inch all right so here is my block oh from the original quilt in the book again it's a stunning stunning quilt that almost took me out when i had to make it just because i was not set up properly i realized now and now i've got a really great setup that i've shared and i will also be sharing again today so that it's not so laborious let's see here all right so the first thing i would do if i were working with the pat the kit that perhaps you purchased and or working with your own fabrics i would like you for the pineapple to sort the fabrics in a light pile and in a dark pile all right so i will show you what i did i did that and i went okay the lights are on top the darks are on the bottom and then i thought you know what just for insurance i'm gonna snap a picture of that and make it in black and white you can see there on the top there are those three fabrics that reflect dark let's go back and look at what those are again we got the polka dot to the left then you move right oh go away okay so it's that if we go to the middle polka dot white with the purple blue on top it's the fabrics to the right the three fabrics let's look again so i took them out and i put them in the bottom row and i re-snapped so if you're ever wondering how your value is going and there's some in there by the way that could swing in both directions and we'll talk about that in a moment but if you ever wondered if it's good value or not all you have to do is take a picture on your smartphone and then take it to black and white and that will show you honestly i was shocked i was shocked because i consider myself a pretty darn good value girl okay so let's take a look at the pattern there we go oh wait no i'm gonna go back to fabric so here are what i want you to do is for the strips back here so i can get more on here for the strips you're going to let me open the book so i don't tell you to cut the wrong thing you can see here i've got my lights and i've got my darks right you see them now what's interesting is that um these guys could play in either this camp or that camp or i could maybe say okay you can go there and you can go there i think that's good but hey what about this guy what about our cave right here well it depends where you cut up on the strip if it were this i could say you can go there if it were this i could say you can go there and that's the issue when you have a actually that still looks pretty light but when you have a fabric that's a focus fabric it swings in both directions okay so you're going to want to cut a one one and a half inch strip of your lights and a one and a half inch strip of your darks okay and then just set them aside put them in a pile me i don't i have limited space here so let me get this out of the way there's my lights there's my darks and there's this so that goes bye-bye so what you're going to do is you're going to cut a one and three-quarter for the center all right and in this case i chose a dart and where did you go there you go i i assigned this to the dark pile so the fir i want to look carefully at this basically what's going on is if you start with a dark center the next round is light the next round is dark the next round is light and so forth alright so you start with dark in the center you're going to go to light to all four corners so here is my little pattern i am where did you go little square huh there you go okay what you're going to do is you're going to put it on the back side of your pattern and pin it oh wait one of you said can't i glue stick it the answer is yes why didn't i think of that just with just a little bit of glue stick this is a water-soluble quilter select glue stick that comes starts yellow and dries clear very very quickly you don't want to put like all over the place like that just a little bit and then i'm going to turn it over and i can see i'm fairly well centered on it that's the beauty of vellum now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to cut a little four little lights and i'm going to do this randomly i don't care i'm not going to lose sleep out of it if your fabrics have been coordinated together you're going to be just fine it's the randomness of this that is so much fun all right get up there so excited for my retreat i haven't seen these ladies in two years okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut it like right here right there with my karen k buckley scissors that i absolutely love now the first round is going to be a little laborious and this is why i'm going to put this here you know just like a 16th or an eighth bigger than this and i'm going to put a little bit of glue here a little bit of glue here i'm going to glue it on and i i don't want to glue this side i'm afraid they could get caught up together so this one's going to take a little bit so i'm going to go over to my sewing machine here we go three cameras today it's jazzy here we are i'm going to turn it over all right and i'm going to sew [Music] one right there right there on through the paper and i have tightened up my stitch remember we spoke about that what's up john oh it is there cool okay on the pdf download it is there i did not know this okay remember i'm going to over stitch a little bit now here's the deal i did not have a thread cutter when i um did the first one i did not have it and i will tell you that's almost a j game changer because before there were just thread ends everywhere and this and that so now what i'm gonna have so i went a little bit more a little bit back and now i'm gonna have to go back over to my ironing service which now i've gotta adjust this camera telling you people and then i'm going to iron this all right and let me see if we can just dial it in a little bit better maybe i can bring it down lower close your eyes so we don't get sea sick okay oh hey if you haven't seen your newsletter today we have the best of show of houston by uh um and it's called rondo i slaughtered your name i am so sorry um but hey quilt sync got it out early and i love them for that so yay and oh my gosh it is just absolutely beautiful now where'd my glue go oh people here we go then i'm going to do it on this side i'm going to put down this one line it up it gets better after you get through the first round come over to my sewing machine and this is the side i'm going to do right here again tighten up your stitch 2.0 let's just see thread cutter and then the angel sing [Laughter] it's funny because all these little doodads that were you know every machine you get has better doodads so there we go and i gotta do two more boy it's like that's not turned on here uh oh i've got the salvage in here i don't care now note yeah i really do care i don't want the salvage in there that's jerky of me okay that there again don't put too much on i can't and i'm going to line it up to the green right there and see i can't do it over here because i would catch it in that it's just the first round that is so stinking laborious right hey um we're going to austin texas to be taping in a couple weeks not it's on location not with an audience and all that but if any of you are in the austin guild we are seeking three or four quilt racks to borrow so if you know anybody please let me let john know this is his bit but i thought all of a sudden wait a minute i could help him out okay and then one more i also think the reason i'm having a funner time foundation paper pc now is that i've got my setup on the side here which is that tv wooden tray that i cut down low and so i wasn't having to get up and down and up and down and up and down okay oh sorry i didn't turn on that camera all right but that's not the important part right now so here we go man can you guys believe what's going on out in the oceans with all the tankers and all that oh my goodness it's so weird to have that you can't get things i mean it's just crazy all right so now i have to trim so what i'm going to do i've got to get these angles like that all right so i'm going to turn it over and i'm going to go from center to two i'm going to fold it back and you're going to see that i'm having to break threads just a little bit and then i'm going to put my little add a quarter on it if i didn't have the add a quarter i'm tell you right now i would be goofing it up and guarantee it work my way around here we go i one thing i love about the pineapple block is that while they say color gets the credit value does the work and that is the truth one more there we go so let's see what we've got going on here okay so now i'm going to go to my dark pile which is over there and i'm going to choose this one you can see how well thought out i am this one we don't want that salvage um i don't don't think i'll do that one because i've just done it this one again i'm going to darks now and maybe this shiny one the shiny one is an absolute perfect example of why you would want a foundation paper piece because it's such a squirrely fabric all right so now this is the trick you don't have to and especially as it gets bigger you don't have to take this all the way to here you don't all the way to here well in this case you kind of do but um basically you just want to make sure that as you progress the the fabric that is the next layer makes it about a quarter of an inch past that and again in this case that's the thing but as you get into bigger ones and i'll show you that in a moment because i pre-did what you don't have to do that now the other really great news is that you could do two sides at once now because the flop over doesn't interfere with what's coming on this side is so scientific all right let's go so i will turn it the correct button on so where did i do it here did i yeah i did see even we trained professionals question ourselves make sure you don't cut that tip off of that square it's the beauty of foundation paper piecing the glue stick comes from the quilt it's quilter select that i didn't cut it it's called quilter select it comes with one glue stick and one refill but if you go to get it i would get the original packaging and then get an extra package of refills it dries really fast so you have to be very aware of not leaving the cap off that's that's the trick to the whole thing all right so now we go like this and we go like this oh these are going to be so beautiful i can't hardly stand it okay here we go so now see this i was talking too soon this next piece does not have to go all the way out to here got it so it just has to go a little bit bigger than this line this line my technical terms line it up to that yeah i was kind of surprised a moment ago i thought wait a minute but i'm thinking on the fly here thinking on the fly okay see this these this goes outside that all right and now i'm gonna sew this one cut i love that stupid cutter it's not stupid at all hey i sent out a couple bernina coupons this weekend yay all right to this this and like this okay you can see a little bit of glue goobered here it will wash out and it will dry clear so don't get shook up over that i'm gonna turn it over and then i'm gonna trim again i'm going to trim one two three there we go where'd my adder ruler go i know this doesn't happen to any of you i just know it [Music] okay how can that be how could it have gotten anywhere how hmm well here we go without it oh there it is i mean that's that happens to you too right it's ridiculous and then i work my way around and so forth i'll be done with this in a second i'm not going to make the whole block don't freak out that's not going to happen okay and one more i think my friend merrill might be getting a seven a mid 700 range machine this weekend at my retreat i'm very excited okay there you go and so if this is dark what do we do next light and so it goes all the way around i started making this one yesterday and so there we have light so if we have light then we go dark let me grab another dark one and i just want to reiterate that when i cut for the dark the number four i don't have to take it all the way to the edge i just have to take it so that it's just like maybe 3 8 outside this diagonal line and you'll be just fine so what do you think what do you think huh you're gonna need two and um okay the hardest part for me was making sure i trimmed on the correct line finally about halfway through the light bulb came on to trim under the next number that i would be adding on thank you i didn't know how to say it you just said it gail thank you and remember this you guys do not trim to the edge to the edge of the dark line you've got to put your own quarter inch on it please don't do that because then you will really be super unhappy and it's simply because it didn't it couldn't fit without going into the gutter of the book okay um yeah let's see i love so for me the big deal with paper piecing was number one turning your brain around okay i mean that's huge it's just everything so counter intuitive but number two your setup the fact that i am in a swivel chair and i can turn to my side here and just iron is huge all right and i was using my little oliso iron um last week and this week i went back to my panasonic only be my cordless only because i've got so many chords going on here because it's just it's a it's unbelievable what's going on here and unless i don't want to cut through a cord or something that would wouldn't be good okay so okay only cut one side off of the four square in a square yeah okay so this is what's going to happen as soon as we hang up here i'm going to do a little taping with alilo a bunch of you are asking about lighting all right and um we're going to start with the big lighting and she's going to take it down to the most simplest lighting so i know some of you i have a friend that just moved to rochester and i know she's got to think about lighting in her basement and this is what she's going to want to do and but then like what about things like at a workshop or this or that whatever so i'm gonna take that with lilo and then i'm gonna head over to retreat i will show you that on wednesday and if you have any questions and stuff that's just great friday i will be at retreat next monday i'm going to skip order in the book we're going to do the basket i just thought you know what i don't even know why it wasn't put like that in the book so we're going to do the scrappy basket next monday all right so what do we have here um okay so um marie is waiting for the 790 crystal edition you know it's so stupid i love that you got the crystal edition it was the rose gold for me i just had to have it i just love this machine but also i sat at a jenny lyons workshop at craft napa oh okay craft napa uh jenny lions craft napa and i worked on this puppy for a whole day and i'm going baby you're coming home with mama all right craft napa pokey's it's always in mid-january my birthday um the classes are going to be smaller this round and uh this thursday mind you today's monday september 27th she will be opening online registration for in person there's only going to be 15 people to a class so it'll be like my retreat where we have really you know stretched out but also if you can't if you are can't come and do it on purpose in person and or would prefer to do it virtually she's going to have one in person and then one virtually and i think that sign up thing is coming up in the beginning of october but in in the meantime i would go uh search craft napa and see what's going on i'm taking joanne sharp two times and then i'm taking libby williamson one time i love craft napa i love everything about it so would french general work for fabric or uh fabric for this mary i'm assuming that's what you're saying oh yeah any this is such a this as long as you've got lights and you've got darks you are good to go you are good to go remember color gets the credit value does the work especially in something like this so we are going to okay what about uh magnifying lighting also more portable type um you know what sandy i will ask lilo that i'm going to write it down because i will forget it portable lighting um portable and magnifying i will tell you this right now i got new my new glasses and john's coming in here i got to get off um and i can see again so if you're having a hard time first make sure your eyes are okay because mine were not so asking about the blm on friday are you friday or is blm friday is it the first yeah we'll see what is fr is friday the yeah that's william's birthday yeah so that's the first uh okay well as far as i know barbara will be doing something okay i can confirm on friday we'll we'll confirm and tell you but my guess is yes if friday is the first and i believe it is so okey doke thank you thank you thank you okay paper piece by alex anderson well barb thank you for asking that carol by the way i love a bernina with a bigger throat 16 inch not so many stitches more basic and headspace for quilting and have the machine for quilting and garment making joan i know i'm sure genie's watching this okay how many different strips did i cut you know what um i just took uh inch and a half off each one and i know there's 24 pieces or something like that i'll probably have to go cut more lights but i mean just start with one strip off of each of your colors and then if you have to go cut off a couple more that's fine i'm a i'm a loosey goosey quilter all right and speaking of that this goose has to get out of here have a great day
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Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: alex anderson quilter, alex anderson live, alex anderson quilting videos, paper piecing class, paper piecing tutorial, quilting tutorial, paper piecing project, free quilt classes, quilt blocks, pineapple quilt block tutorial
Id: 3A2KRpcapVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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