Mysterious Website op011

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[Music] we've discussed a number of mysterious videos and websites on this channel over the years and today we're here to do exactly that yet again this time with a website known only as op0 11 before I begin I just want to say that no one really knows who's behind this website or why they created it over the last day or so users on reddit have been working together to try to figure this thing out but at the time of writing this no one has managed to get through it just yet if you go to Opie 0 then this is what you'll see a blank page with white text reading Opie 0 11 is a game this is your first clue no audio no images just that again there really is no background information on this thing just yet so I'm going to jump straight into what the reddit community has uncovered so far if you want to follow this for yourself and go ahead and check out the op0 11 subreddit for details I also want to warn you that if you're thinking of playing this game for yourself then you may want to click away now because I'm going to be spoiling the first 5 clues and their solutions and with that being said let's begin so like I said this is all you see when you first get to the website this is by far the easiest stage as the solution is simply to click on the period once you do that you'll notice the page beginning to flash black and white this turns out to actually be binary the black frames equals 0 while the white frames equal 1 taking that into account you'll be presented with this string which when converted to text gets you this the link to clue number 2 this one is slightly more confusing than last so bear with me we're given a block of text and pretty much nothing else people tried seeing if these were some kind of code but no luck so what about the link may be changing the letters to numbers or numbers to letters well if you use the link and take all the letters in the sequence and replace them with 0 index numbers meaning a equals 0 B equals 1 C equals 2 etc then this is a sequence you get now if you take this and compare to the block of text and you're probably not going to find anything unless you convert them back by adding 1 which gets you this each number in the sequence corresponds to the location of each character you need for the next clue for example the 10th character the sequences B the eighth is four the first is 1 and so on and so forth until you're left with this the link to clue 3 once you have over to this page you'll see this obviously coordinates punch this into Google Maps and you'll be shown a bus stop specifically to stop for bus number 10 e placing 10 e at the end of the link will redirect you to this page showing the link to clue number 4 simply copy and paste and you'll be on your way you may not be able to see it in this video but if you're following along with another tab open then you'll notice that the background color here is slightly different than before this would be our next hint the RGB code for this is zero four zero three zero F the thing is it's very common for these types of puzzle based Arg to reuse some of their old tricks so it's always a good idea to try what's already worked in the past and then work your way out to save time in this case we'll be repeating what we did with clue number two and convert F using its zero indexed equivalent this gives us zero four zero three zero five once again we're going to add one to each digit giving us one five one four one six and use this to locate the next sequence of course this would be the link to clue five this one is way different from all the others we've seen up until this point here all we see is text that says the following 16 slices of my favorite dessert not so fast you need to convert a baseball field has but three bases op0 11 contains four times the cases not a single number in this clue so go ahead and convert them to 16 slices of my favorite dessert refers to pie no not the food however and its first 16 digits a baseball field has but three bases op0 11 contains four times the cases that's a hint to what's needed next so we have the numbers three and four along with the implication to multiply giving us twelve baseball field is a hint towards base 12 and if you use that to convert the first 16 digits of pi that you're left with this number sequence since that doesn't help us and the last two lines say there isn't a single number here and to go ahead and convert them then we'll be using the same methods as before only in Reverse this time taking the numbers and converting them to letters which gives us this the link to clue six like I said at the time of writing this no one has actually finished the entire game yet and we still have no idea who set this up or why as for what's at the end we'll just have to wait and see so far the reddit community has figured out over eleven clues and many thought that this thing would stop at the eleventh mark given its name but as of now that doesn't appear to be the case
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 608,493
Rating: 4.936512 out of 5
Keywords: reignbot, creepy, op011
Id: PvUBwwAqjHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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