Dear David Twitter Haunting

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I wish ReignBot spent her time on a more interesting topic. She's an excellent content creator, unlike Adam. Though, I did watch this video simply because it's ReignBot.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DarkVioletCloud 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

He was so afraid of dying, he moved house .... to the floor above and still had the presence of mind to plug his book.

Also "I tried my best to draw it" *does bog standard Adam Ellis drawing of a Ghibli character missing a few chromosomes.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/3dPrintedOG 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/caboosebanana 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Soon as this goes downhill, he'll claim it was a joke or a prank. Wait and see.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/Boatlad 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] just over a week ago the internet became fascinated with something rather strange that was unfolding on Twitter a writer and illustrator by the name of Adam Ellis posted a claim that he was being haunted by the spirit of a dead child the following is his story August 7th my apartment is currently being haunted by the ghost of a dead child and he's trying to kill me he started appearing in dreams but I think he's crossed over into the real world now the first time I saw him I was experiencing sleep paralysis and saw a child sitting in the green rocking chair the foot of my bed he had a huge misshapen head that was dented on one side I did my best to draw it for a while he just stared at me but then he got out of the chair and started shambling towards the bed I couldn't move because I was paralyzed I have sleep paralysis fairly often and it sucks right before he reached my bed I woke up screaming I had another dream a few nights later where I was in a library and a girl came up to me and said you've seen dear David haven't you I asked who and she said dear David you saw him she continued he's dead he only appears at midnight and you can ask him two questions if he said dear David first then she added but never try to ask him a third question or he'll kill you then David came back in another dream the same situation I was in bed and he was sitting at the rocking chair near the window staring at me in the dream I say dear David how did you die he mumbles an accident in a store I say dear David what happened in the store he groans a shelf was pushed on my head and frozen with fear I asked who pushed the shelf David doesn't answer I realized that I've asked a third question which I'm not supposed to do at that point I wake out absolutely terrified over the next couple days I googled deaths in the city but I can't find anything about a kid named David dying in a store I even tried different names Daniel Dylan Devon nothing a few weeks go by without incident sort of randomly the apartment of of mine is vacated and I have the opportunity to move into it it's a larger apartment so I'm thrilled another month or two goes by and I sort of forget about dear David I think he lost track of me because I moved upstairs but lately something strange is happening for the past four nights my cats gathered the front door at exactly midnight and just stare at it almost like something is on the other side last night I got a weird feeling and looked out the peephole and I'm dead certain I saw movement on the other side when I opened the door and turned on the hall light nothing was there but but my cat seemed unnerved bushy tails etc and that's where I am right now dear David found me I think I don't know what to do but I'll keep you updated update for the sixth night in a row my cat has walked over to the door promptly at midnight and stared at it what is going on okay so I took a photo through the peephole cuz I'm too scared to open the door I feel like I saw something I couldn't tell so I mustered up the courage to open the door nothing was out there but I took another photo look at this is it just me or is there something in the first photo right where the banister meets the shelves hiding in the stairs I wasn't sure if it was a smudge or something like that so I took a second photo from inside there was something out there I dead bolted the door and got in bed because I don't know what else to do I can still hear my cat meowing at the door I'm pretty scared this initial thread was posted between August 7th and August 8th and on the next day August 9th Adam posted the following good morning I thought I'd clarify a couple things for new followers first of all I am Alive secondly I've tested the apartment for carbon monoxide so I know I'm not being slowly poisoned last I do have a book coming out next year but it has nothing to do with David this isn't viral marketing it's just a book of funny comics so I hope that clears things up I'll keep you all updated should more weird stuff occur later Adam returns again this time saying he's downloaded a sleep-talk app to see if he can manage to record anything strange he also posts yet another picture of his cat's monitoring the door which he says has become routine at this point the next morning on August 10th david says that the sleep at picked up away too much noise the night before and that he was going to try playing with the settings to see if it would help later that night he posts more pictures and videos of his cats at the door just before midnight as expected August 11th were once again given more updates from Adam I used a sound app to record my apartment last night it makes individual recordings each time it hears something there were 33 recordings most of them are pretty vague a couple of them are passing cars and such but there are three that I'm actually interested in the first one is a snapping sound and what seems like a single step it's odd because I didn't get a bed all night this one is weird because out of 33 recordings this is the only one that has that strange electric sound throughout this directly follows the electric static another snap and then I groan in my sleeve these happen between 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning I have no explanation for them I'll keep recording and share if I find anything curious after this Adam posts a few tweets saying that he's going to be out of town for the weekend and that in the meantime he's gathered up supplies for when he returns things like sage stones and a Ouija board August 13th Adam has returned home and begins updating us once again so a weird thing just happened take it with a grain of salt I bought a Polaroid camera this weekend because they're fun and dorky and I decided to take a few photos around my apartment Polaroids are stupid and fun and inherently sort of creepy I didn't expect to find anything and for the most part I I didn't I took a couple of my living room and my bedroom that's the rocking chair where I first saw David they're pretty unremarkable then I went into the hallway and snapped a photo the polaroid developed completely black I even ripped open and destroyed a fresh pack just to see if it wasn't undeveloped Polaroid but they start out white I also thought that maybe I accidentally cover the lens with my fingers so I took a photo while intentionally covering it the photo on the left is me covering the lens with my finger the one on the right is my fully lit hallway taken just after midnight okay so one last thing because I wanted to double check here's a couple of videos of me taking the photos okay here's my living room [Music] I'll leave that there okay now I'm gonna take a photo of the hallway just to show you what that's like and as you can see the first one has already developed let's see what this one does that's gonna take a minute but it is developing black so I don't know Adam tries taking another picture of the hallway just to make sure and according to him it came out black yet again honestly I don't know why I'm still fucking around with this camera there might be a logical explanation someone told me to take photos from farther away so I tried that once with my iPhone and once with the Polaroid left is with my phone right is with Polaroid the hall light was on both times why is it pitch-black each time with the Polaroid August 14th Adam posts images of himself using the sage he ordered to cleanse his apartment making sure not to miss the hallway in rocking chair he updates us a few more times saying that a sage doesn't seem to help and that he barely slept the night before and said that he kept waking up feeling like something was wrong August 15th sage didn't work I haven't dreamed about David in a few months but he appeared again last night in the dream my bedroom was filled with hazy smoke but I could see David sitting on the chair across the room he was smaller this time you almost shrunken he didn't do anything except look at me anyway I I feel like it's a bad omen August 16th apparently strange faces have been showing up in some of the photos I take a couple people have pointed this out which I don't have a real explanation for there's also this which seems less weird but still odd that it resembles David make of it what you will the second one doesn't alarm me so much since it seems like it might just be a reflection but that first one gives me the creeps at the time recording this video these are the last updates we received from Adam if you look at everything he's posted much of it can be easily debunked but maybe that doesn't make it any less eerie given the technology we have these days we're actually able to sit in and view these events as they supposedly unfold as for what will happen next we're just going to have to wait and see
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 1,136,718
Rating: 4.9057832 out of 5
Keywords: reignbot, Dear David, ghost, paranormal
Id: 8AfClJcPLpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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