Investigating The Creepy @strayedaway Voicemail Tweet

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unmarked 13th a Twitter user going by the name - I received a rather unnerving coded voicemail from a private number he tweeted out a recording of the message and it soon caught the attention of millions just three days later the tweet had racked up 8.5 million views and over two hundred thousand likes needless to say the masses were hooked what I'm going to do is give you a basic rundown and timeline of what happened then once that's over we'll take a step back to analyze everything we talked about let's start tonight's video at square one the message itself I contacted ty and he explained to me that he got the call while he was out driving and didn't pick up once he got home he discovered this era Delta alpha November god echo Romeo Sierra Oscar Sierra India tango India Sierra Delta India Romeo echo Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Yankee Oscar uniform tango Oscar echo Victor alpha Charlie uniform alpha tango echo Bravo echo Charlie alpha uniform tango India Oscar uniform Sierra tango Hotel echo Yankee Alfa Romeo echo November Oscar tango Hotel uniform Mike alpha November zero four two nine three three nine six four two three zero Sierra Oscar Sierra Delta alpha November call echo Romeo Sierra Oscar Sierra so following this tie tweeted it translates to danger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate be cautious they are not human SOS danger SOS and then he gives coordinates I'm throwing my phone away the next day on March 14th ty posted the following you he later tweeted I should probably include that this happened a few days ago before I got the voicemail I really am about to go into hiding the tweet he's referring to here is dated March 9 a few days prior to him receiving the mystery voicemail I'm sitting in my car in front of my house and the sky started taking pictures of my house with flash then he walked away it's 3:00 in the morning I'm going to die tonight on March 16th ty posted another update this time asking for help was translating more ominous DMS he received just a few hours later he retreated a post made by another user I got the same thing when my boyfriend called me he couldn't hear it but I could Oscar Kengo hotel uniform Mike alpha November zero four two nine three three nine six four two three zero Sierra Oscar Sierra now there are quite a few theories floating around out there right now but the most popular comes from another twitter user going by the name who'sa machi pay close attention that there's an s right before danger meaning that the recording is in a continuous loop it's not set to play once it goes to voicemail also the coordinates given are very close to where the Malaysian airplane went down what if you're hearing the black box recording a black box records the last interactions with a plane that's why it's an SOS and save our ship it was trying to warn us also and this is just to add to my theory because a black box records an audio message and it also records flight information as well this is why it gives coordinates this is where things get a little more far-out it's an unknown number now an unknown number isn't always a block number a computer will still read it as an own this is also happening after two large solar flares were just released causing a soon-to-be solar storm and if you don't know solar flares call electromagnetic pulses in her atmosphere so with more electromagnetic activity in the air this is why random people would be getting this call because the signal would be amplified and sent farther ranges with the solar flares happening closer to southern Asia / Australia this is why it's happening now okay so let's break this down the black box theory is definitely interesting but it is a bit flawed the code in the voicemail is something called the phonetic alphabet you've probably heard it used in movies or shows that focus on the military the idea here is that every word spoken represents a letter for example alpha a beta b charlie c and so on what's important is the first letter of each word if we continue through the sequence and add in spaces this is what it says like I showed you earlier now just to point a few things out it doesn't entirely make sense for an evacuation message to be given by a code when the intention is to alert the receiver and to get them out as soon as possible on top of that SOS is a distress signal calling for help which doesn't entirely make sense alongside the call to evacuate keep in mind those are two different things in short the message is mixed and somewhat incoherent even when ignoring the not human part as for the number string within the message there are a few issues there as well a lot of people were quick to assume that these recordin 'it's but that seems unlikely given how unspecific they were coordinates are usually communicated a certain way not just listed as a single string of digits now people who have tried to plug them in have gotten back locations from both Africa and Asia depending on how you format the numbers one YouTube user decided to call the number on his phone and this is what happened now let's talk about the weird dm's Ty's been receiving you may have noticed that the first one he posted was an Indonesian Indonesia is of course right next to Malaysia furthering the black box theory the main problem here for me is one that I see happen all the time when these weird situations break out when some kind of mystery comes up any number of people will start creating fake accounts to either stir things up or to piggyback off the hype sending fake messages or information is not out of the equation as well because of this I'm not choosing to take any of those seriously I get at least one spooky coded email a day trust me it you don't want to fall for it as for the other Twitter user who claimed to get the same message I've currently got that one set aside since I'm not choosing to discard her claim just yet if it is legit then chances are we may be seeing more people with the same story in the near future as for the mystery man snooping around Ty's house at 3 in the morning there simply isn't any more to add to that right now and hopefully there won't be later here's one last thing I have to say buzu machi tweeted this and I must say I have to agree however people want to look at this it's a theory it's not serious not everything will be correct and it's not proven so let people enjoy it even if it's not true people will enjoy reading it and having fun I don't want anything out of this but for people to just enjoy it
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 761,731
Rating: 4.9198556 out of 5
Id: Q5UBgqDZewY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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