MY WORST JUMPSCARE - (Sophie's Curse)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FusBroDah 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skyvex1 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
warning loud noises and jump-scares what kind of shitty intro is that honestly here we go I'm playing as far as I possibly could from the screen because I know I know by now the games they're gonna jump in my face alright I know the games by now I know how it works oh I played so many [ __ ] horror games I know how they work Annette you're gonna jump scare me right in the face five nights at Freddy's ah I've seen it all before but guess what I don't know this way you can't jump scare me in my face [ __ ] oh god I was supposed to read wasn't I let's actually get into this hello please forgive me I was in a hurry and couldn't wait for you to arrive thank you so much for taking the cake a lot of people turned me down because they believe the place is haunted can you believe that my grandpa is already asleep he is a heavy sleeper so he probably won't wake up during the night but it's best to have you in there just in case he needs help go into the bathroom or something the wires in the house are very old and need to be replaced I created lightning devices I mean flashlights you made [ __ ] flashlights if for some reason when I your devices gives you an error you can use their computer on the kitchen counter signed Robert alright here we go whoa whoa what the [ __ ] oh this is creepy hold the right mouth as a discharge device woo this is very creepy okay oh my god so you click to move around the house a point-and-click horror game but it's fast paced so I just have to make sure I keep all the devices charged and then B is here Hey are you there it's a true Sophie's really in the house oh man I wish I could be there this is really [ __ ] cool we got to get to D station though my dick okay we got a really [ __ ] hurry up - oh God D station is [ __ ] running out fast please speedy station oh oh D my D I can't [ __ ] see anything I swear to god I can't tell the [ __ ] stations apart mate oh god B is running out fast that B station was right there what are you doing me nope ah oh god it went wrong I went wrong mom forgive me oh god it's so close here what just happen we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine that was the [ __ ] beat I ran right past it god damn oh so focused that's never a good thing that's never ever a good thing okay we want to go straight here and then D station charge tidy up baby Oh feels good every time we got this bros easy oh my god I never played it easier her gaming my laugh I can't even Netflix and chill with this [ __ ] lightning Oh Jim oh oh oh oh oh hey ho hey ho hey ho damn it's so subtle police don't jump-scare me they said there was Jim scarce but I have yet to see propper Jim scam alright see station it's just nine [ __ ] p.m. well I'm gonna be a super great shape when I'm done with this because goddamn I have to run up and down the stairs what the [ __ ] was that Sam they hit my hand ow I hit my hand a [ __ ] / listen I may have screamed like a little [ __ ] but I ain't no [ __ ] alright I screamed because a girl screamed and I had to out scream her I am a man [ __ ] cool alright I don't scream like a [ __ ] little [ __ ] that was a fake scream yeah PewDiePie just fake screams for views that was it I was being cool on the inside like this on the outside that's another [ __ ] story maybe I should go to the kitchen maybe that's my problem Oh Jeff no defeat that jab Lafitte you wanna [ __ ] I'm gonna beat this [ __ ] game at its own game my hand still hurts our checkpoints checkpoints at 10:00 p.m. all right we're fine the [ __ ] is this Oh Jeff blood oh my god what the [ __ ] is this game why do I still do this five years of this five years I'm not joking it my heart hurts one day it's gonna and I'm gonna go to the hospital and I'm gonna fill myself doing it and it's gonna get a lot of [ __ ] Muse gets I feel great I am not scared I said me is it hot in here am i sweating can someone put on a fan what the [ __ ] is that the [ __ ] come from the Saline holy [ __ ] sophie is the swell [ __ ] roommate man that [ __ ] [ __ ] I feel awesome this is fine guys we're gonna make it to 7:10 p.m. we got this I don't care if you're crying Sophie hi oh you thought you everybody's gonna go oh oh oh I feel like I'm sweating a little bit [ __ ] sake not this again don't be I swear to god Sophie why does it sound like a [ __ ] oh god damn it full of shame [ __ ] you hey Sophie this is you alright ah oh my god [ __ ] you think a duck is [ __ ] soft I need some motivational music right oh it's turning you on [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] this [ __ ] I was Sophie's curse leave it like if you enjoyed this video if you enjoyed it leave a like I upload a video every Wednesday subscribe for more drama brofist oh my god he was wait oh but we got the flashlight alright we're gonna go back now gotta go back to bed don't attack me
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 17,160,449
Rating: 4.9621487 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pdp, sophie's curse, sohpie, curse, steam, horror, jumpscare, let's play
Id: FhKHn5r1mrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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