SOPHIE’S CURSE (Teens React: Gaming)

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♪ (old-school video game music) ♪ - "Sophie's Curse." - Oh no. Is this a horror game? - "Warning! Loud noises and jump scares!" Really? No, I'm such a scaredy-cat. You have no idea. - This already sounds scary. I don't trust indie games. They're always no fun when you're playing them 'cause it's terrifying, but then afterwards you're always kinda like, "That was kind of fun." - Let's just get this over with. - "Hello, please forgive me, I was in a hurry and couldn't wait for you to arrive. Thank you so much for taking the gig." He crossed out: "a lot of people turned me down because they believe this place is haunted. (insincerely) Ha. Ha. Can you believe that?" Yes, I can. - "My grandpa's already asleep. He's a heavy sleeper, so he probably won't wake up during the night, but it's best to have you in there just in case he needs help going to the bathroom or something." - It's the same thing as Five Nights at Freddy's, isn't it? You're taking a job that no one else wanted. Ha ha. - "I set four devices up around the house, two on each floor." Okay, I should know that. Four devices in total, two on each floor. - "These devices can hold a charge for up to 12 hours and I just recharged them so you shouldn't have to worry about that, but please keep an eye on them just in case. (insidiously) After all, it's still a prototype." - "It's still a prototype." 12 hours, my butt. - "If for some reason one of the devices gives you an error, you can use the computer that I left on the kitchen counter to fix it." - Okay, four devices around the house, two on each floor. If one of them messes up, go the computer and fix it. - Oh boy, click here to move. Oh, it's actually really dark. This lighting sucks. - "Click here to move." (running footsteps) Oh my god. I do not like this. - "Hold RMB to charge the device." So do I need to charge this? (crank clicks) (player pants) - Okay, yeah, I get it. Now what? Why am I breathing heavily? I look-- click here to move, click here to move. Ah, we'll go over here. (running footsteps) - Where is, like, the laptop? - Can I use the computer? (laptop beeps) Okay, this helps. "Henry?" Who's Henry? - "Hey, Robert! Are you still there? Is it true? Sophie is really in the hou--?" Oh, she'd better not be in the house. "Man, I wish I could be there!" No, you don't. Oh wow, they're depleting quickly. Okay, so I gotta go to B and C. C is all the way on the second floor. Crap! - So those are probably the lights around the house: A, B, C, and D. - A is right there. (thunder rumbles) (running footsteps) I think this is A. (crank clicks) Okay, that's B. - Uch. (running footsteps) (crank clicks) Okay, so that's A. - Do I really want to go upstairs where grandpa is? (running footsteps) All right, in the bathroom. This one's C. - Ever since Five Nights at Freddy's I've been noping out of everything. You don't understand. (crank clicks) I'd rather just kick the bucket early than have to deal with this, man. - Dang, this is a lot of running around. No, no, no, no. Please charge! Please charge! Please charge! (crank clicks) I'm scared! Oh, thank god. Okay. - Charge you up. Okay, this doesn't seem too hard. - Who even hires a person for this sort of thing? I mean, honestly, just do it yourself. Jesus. - I'm gonna go to the kitchen soon and grab some water 'cause this person's out of breath. - Oh, we're already getting stressed out. ♪ (eerie music) ♪ Ooh, please don't be there. Okay, see? Let's charge it up. (player pants) Everything's fine right now. - The first hour's gonna let you know how everything works. - I'm scared shitless that something's about to come out. It seems like-- (player sighs in relief) Okay. Checkpoint. - What if they're trolling me? What if there's nothing and they just want me to believe that there's something? (player sighs in relief) Checkpoint! That's good, right? So that means if I die then I can come back to this point? Okay. - It's 8:01. So it's been one hour. (player pants) And... oh, now it doesn't tell me where to go. That's just fricking great. (door creaks and slams) What was--? No! (chuckling) The door just opened. - I'm shaking so hard right now. (door creaks and slams) No-- oh, hell naw! (door creaks and slams) - (gasps) No! What the heck?! Excuse me, no, you are staying in that room right there. - Let's just wind this up. So that's for if a light malfunctions, but how do I know if a light isn't working? (latch clicks) (player pants) (laptop beeps) - "I'm doing some research..." - "Sophie was a good girl, 19 years old, a perfect GPA student, no criminal record. She was just a nice girl, and one day she just disappeared." Yeah, well, she's in this house. There's a save point by D, which is upstairs. - D means it's a save point. - I think that means I won't get killed if I stay there. - All right, well, if I see her, then I guess that means I just go to that one, right? 'Cause it's a save point? - Now I gotta get going to D. (running footsteps) (door creaks and slams) What? ♪ (eerie music) ♪ (player pants) - (Megan) How's it going for you? - Well, the door just opened... so horrifying right now. - (Sophie shrieks) - (intelligible screaming) (breathlessly) Hoo! Oh my god! (exhales) Ha! I told you I was a scaredy-cat! Oh my god! - Oh my god. Everything's going down really quick. (crank clicks) No, no, no, no. ♪ (jarring chord) ♪ (gasps) Oh my god! No, no, no-- (Sophie shrieks) AAAH! (laughing softly) What was that? - Instead of coming back to haunt innocent people who are just trying to take care of the house, she should just go out and reapply to college or something, okay? It's not my fault-- (player pants) You stay there! - This is like a game of hide-and-seek, but if you lose, you die. Hoo! It's just all the quick turns are so scary 'cause anything could show up. (sharp pop) (rattling noises) Oh my god. No, it's in the kitchen. What is that? (Sophie shrieks) Oh my god! Oh my god! Hoo! What the heck? That was so-- (squealing) She came out of nowhere. - I'm literally shaking right now. (crank clicks) Oh my gosh, giving me the chills. - It's just the same three movements repeated a bunch until the inevitable scare. It's tedious up until the point where you die. Like, that's just-- that's like real life. Who plays videos for real life? - (whispering) I don't know what to do. OH MY GOD, NO! Oh my god, what the hell? Oh god. Oh my god. - (Megan) She didn't get you. - I know, okay! It's okay. I'm gonna tell her that I'm gonna be her friend and it's gonna be good. (Sophie lands hard) (gasps) No! I am not gonna be your friend if you crawl on the floor because you are creeping me out. And why are the-- no! (thumping heart) - (Megan) What's going on? - I don't know! (heart pounds faster) - I-- wait, what the heck? (distorted noises) Oh my god. See, she listened to me. She wanted-- okay, we're chillin'. - It's relaxing, peaceful. Of course, of course, of cour--. (thunder rumbles) (heart thumps) (electricity buzzes) What the heck? I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I can't-- I can't do anything. (heart thumps faster) (distorted noises) (crank clicks) Uh-- I-- aaaaaah. - I just-- All right. (crank clicks) There we go. ♪ (jarring chord) ♪ What the frickity frack? Can I just be murdered? Thank you. Like, honestly... (crank clicks) And now there's weird sounds and-- (Sophie shrieks) (gasps) Oh my gosh. Thank god! Can I just be done now? - (Megan) So you still have one attempt left. Do you want to try again? - I refuse! Goodbye! (giggling) - One, two, three. Bam. ♪ (jarring chord) ♪ Oh-ho, heck naw! (titters anxiously) - Okay, come on. I got this. I got it. (guttural croaking) That did not sound very-- (Sophie shrieks) Oh my god! (feebly) Okay. (inhales) Was not expecting that one. Are we done yet? - (Megan) Yeah, you can be done. - I feel like a mess. (running footsteps) - Okay, I'm personally freaking out right now 'cause... (Sophie shrieks) AH! AAAAAH! I'll take you out on a date or something. Just don't kill me! - My heart is beating so fast. This is not healthy. - All right, Sophie. Let's go. - Okay, I can do this. - Okay, the save point, it's in the same spot, so we're good. - She's going down. So we're gonna quickly run to see as fast as I can. Can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man. (running footsteps) (crank clicks) Crank that sucker. (Sophie shrieks) WHY?! What did I do? I'm done. I'm done. I'm never playing this game again. - Sometimes you have to move, sometimes you have to click it. It's weird. It's a weird system, but it's pretty easy. You get the controls, makes everything easy. ♪ (eerie music) ♪ (thunder rumbles) - Okay, okay, I heard a noise. I have to get outta here. (crank clicks) ♪ (jarring chord) ♪ Oh my god! No, no, no, no. I-I can't move. I can't move. What do I do? (whimpering) Oh, you guys. - It's almost 9:00. (running footsteps) A? Go, go, go, go, go, go! D. It's up there, and the save point, so I need to run over there. (crank clicks) - All right, stay on. (running footsteps) (rumbling thunder) (exhales deeply) I-- (Sophie shrieks) No! Why? Why? (chuckling) (pounds table) Ugh. That's enough torture for today. - Nothing's happening, okay. (thunder rumbles) See? This is an easy, relaxing game. It should be like this the whole time. - 9:20. Just make it to 10:00. (Sophie lands hard) Oh my god! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. (heard thumps) No, no, no, no, no, no. Run, run, run, run, run, run. The lights are going out. (shrilly) The lights are going out! What do I do? Oh my god. Did I get out of that? I should probably go check the laptop... 'cause I'm afraid that after that power outage or shortage or whatever they might not be working. Okay, please don't be there when I close it. Oh my god, thank you. - Of course, C has go down, and second, 'cause C is a little brat. Oh god. Please don't be there. Please don't be there. Please don't be there. Okay. D, D, D, D, D, D, D. We're in our save spot. (crank clicks) (sighs) We need to go back to A 'cause it's losing power again. This is awful. (player sighs in relief) Oh my god! I made it to 10:00. - We're good. We're doing good, guys. Three more minutes. It's two more minutes. (player sighs in relief) (saving game beep) (prolonged sigh) I don't like this. - "The police report says that Sophie's parents went out with some friends around 7:00 PM." - "When they left, Sophie was by herself in the living room, reading a book. Everything was just as usual, but when they came back at 10:20 she was missing. - "Nobody saw her leave the place. There was no sign of forced entry. The house was just left as they left." - "Sophia never called them, and none of her friends saw her that night." Okay, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D. D's for deez nuts. ♪ D for deez nuts ♪ - Hoo! D. All right. I feel like I have a good strategy going here. ♪ (eerie music) ♪ Oh no! B isn't working. Okay, um, let's charge up and then-- okay, we need to go to the computer. (running footsteps) (haunting whispers) ♪ (jarring chord) ♪ Ah! (heart thumps) I'm dead. I'm dead. (Sophie shrieks) Ooooh. That was a good one, guys! Good one. Okay, saying our goodbyes now. - God, Sophie's messing with me here. We need to fix it. How do we fix this? What the heck is this?! "Until all the lights are green?" Okay, god, and Sophie's gonna come and see me while I'm here right now. Oh my god. Okay. Turn on all the switches. (groans) This is awful! "Code... 7963." At least-- (scraping noises) Oh my god. Sophie! Please. (heart thumps) Oh my god! (heart thumps faster) No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie! I need to go to the check point. I mean my save point, or whatever the [bleep]. Oh my god! ♪ (haunting music) ♪ No! Please don't. (moaning) Oh my god! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Save point. Go. (thunder rumbles) (running footsteps) Save point, save point, save point. (Sophie shrieks) Oh my god! (exhales) It still gets me. That was really hard, but you don't give up, even if there's a little shit who's making your job really hard. - I hated it. That was the worst game I've ever played in my life. - I feel like the worst scare was the build-up to the damn scare. - At any corner, I just figured it could jump out at me. They do a good job with scaring you. - I don't want to play it again. I'm good. No more. I don't wanna talk about it. - Thanks for helping us keep the lights on on the React channel. - If you have any scary games you want us to play, leave it in the comments. - Subscribe or Sophie will curse you! - Bye, guys. - Later, guys! You guys, where's the crank? ♪ (old-school video game music) ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,411,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, Gaming, REACT Gaming, walkthrough, letsplay, lets play, video game, React, reacts, reaction, reactions, funny, comedy, best, hilarious, explain, fine brothers entertainment, thefinebros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, respond, watches, discusses, kids react, teens react, adults react, elders react, youtubers react, kids vs. food, react gaming, SOPHIE’S CURSE, steam, horror game, Sophies Curse, Sophie Curse
Id: ui3YxE2INzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2016
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