My tribute to technoblade

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I have struggled so much to make this video I spent all morning trying to record something that's clear that does it justice but I just couldn't so I gave up and I I went downstairs to make myself lunch and in the middle of lunch I pull up YouTube and sure enough there it is again techno blade it's been a year since technoblade died and I I made one Community post about it I felt awkward I wanted to make more but there seemed to be so much controversy around making stuff about technoblade like you're only talking about technoblade for the clout or for the views and so I stayed away from it on top of that I didn't have a relationship with techno so it feels weird even having these feelings but the extent to which technoblade made me change the way I make videos and even the way I live life is just so much bigger and I I just want to make a tribute two years ago I watched my first technoblade video I was starting to get some sort of following online and I'm not sure if it this was the first video of his that I watched but it was his potato a war series and it was the best series I had ever seen at this point with YouTube it felt like YouTube videos should be a certain way you should speak with enthusiasm you should have these crazy ideas but techno's video had none of that it was him farming potatoes in Minecraft for months and it was my favorite I cannot tell you how many times I've rewatched that intro trying to figure out what made it so good but it wasn't even just that video that I got hooked on I started watching all of his SkyWars commentaries and they weren't necessarily like the potato War but they were talking about his life while playing Minecraft it was so different and refreshing and I love them over the next year I really analyzed and tried to understand why these did so well but it wasn't that that I appreciated about technoblade so much wasn't his jokes or his storytelling don't get me wrong those are great but the thing I most appreciated about techno was the way he treated other people on camera in videos at the core of it he's what I would say is a good person making jokes to life in the mood not making jokes at people's expense having a positive attitude giving back and so a year ago by of me watching these videos I end up in this massive recording with a whole bunch of YouTubers we're three hours deep into the recording session and I start to see players log off I didn't recognize or understand why it was happening but before I knew it it was just me and my three other teammates left on the server we were about to finish too but a close friend of mine joins the call and I don't know exactly what he said but he broke the news technoblade had died yeah y'all haven't heard no why what right no right check General Life steal wait what right techno's Channel oh my gosh they're those gone the silence that followed that statement I think really shows the respect that technoblade carried in the Minecraft Community none of us know what to do I think I was in shock but we ended the recording session right then and there and I logged off alone in my room and watched technoblade's last video it was his dad breaking the news that his son had died not even a minute in and I started crying but I felt weird doing it like I didn't know this person why am I feeling this way it hit me way harder than I thought it would my only interaction with technoblade was in a Tommy in it recording he was hunting me down trying to kill me and I was screaming that was it due to like proxy I couldn't even like hear him I got a couple glancing voice lines into my headphones and I think that's been a big part of why I've had trouble with and I haven't made this video for a long time because it's weird like it's it's a it's a parasocial relationship as they say and it's something I thought about a lot because I'm I'm kind of on the other side too now I I make YouTube videos some people watch my videos and I think a lot of people might make the argument that like it's stereotypical for a YouTuber to be different in their videos than they are in person and like yeah you are so what if you are more energetic aren't don't you speak differently to your grandma then you do your closest friends it's just another part of life and so while I never had a back and forth with technoblade I didn't I I wasn't like his friend I knew what he was like in his videos and I really admired that like even just his his writing skills and I studied how he spoke in all of his videos and what he says and how he's setting up these stories and I tried to emulate it so it's been a full year since he's died and it's made me think a lot about mortality and life and what I want to do because it's a it's a harsh reality like people in your life are going to die and it makes me really sad for technoblade's Dad his close friends that Tommy in it whose video I watched earlier Mr technodad is is technically it's dead when he goes by online I was watching an hour-long interview with him and skeppy this morning it was great there was a point where he made a joke about face revealing even though his face had been shown the whole time and in several other videos I just started laughing out loud for a minute straight you could see where the humor comes from and it makes me think about like my own dagging I'm like giving my own dagger the hug the day I heard technoblade died I remember having this overwhelming feeling about what I want to be on YouTube what the impact that I want to leave and it just sounded so cheesy it's like I just want to be a good person because technoblade to me was the epitome of a good person I mean I don't want to get Rose tinted glasses like he wasn't like a perfect human being and there were things I probably didn't know about him but I think he's a good Idol to have and it's been really nice this past year because I feel like I've really become my own person on YouTube like I don't look I don't analyze that potato war video anymore to see what a good intro is but only because I learned principles from analyzing that that have put me in my own spot on YouTube I don't know where I'm going with this but I'll end on this I feel like I've never really internalized the the term Legend in my mind you know it's used a lot in like Greek mythology maybe in books you're reading or at school but to me technoblade technoblade is a legend I would say thanks for the videos that he made and the the kind of person he was online I think it shaped me quite a bit I would say I'm sorry to all the people who knew him closely his dad especially but above all else I would say this technoblade never dies [Music] [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 376,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 06TtQ84M5uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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