My Top 10 Strongest Stands In JJBA

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JoJo has a variety of stands to have their own degrees of power within the Sea of them we've seen some to have the capacity to solo the entire universe from both heroes and villains alike so I thought I'd take these powerful stands erect them from weakest to strongest so at the very bottom of the list is Killer Queen in its upgraded form Bites the Dust killer Queen's most basic ability is turning anything to a bomb these bombs are pretty much invisible to the naked eye once Kiron flips a switch anyone or anything will immediately explode this is an insecure move in a lot of cases Killer Queen has a substance culture our attack it takes the form of a miniature tank its abilities exploding when in proximity of a Target these explosions are extremely powerful and the stand will pursue anything with a heat signature it's also close to indestructible as not even star Platinum can destroy it killer Queen's most powerful ability is spice the dust anyone who intends to expose curious identity will be targeted by the stand it implants itself in an individual's eye and once it pushes the switch all affected will immediately explode and this power is pretty much unblockable Vice the dust can also travel back in time whatever KIRO feels a sense of desperation he can activate bites the dust and go back several minutes or an hour back in time only if you remember traveling back seamoon makes pushy the central reverse gravity any objects near push you will begin falling sideways or upwards as without the direction of the ground any projectiles or attacks will also be repelled only things already fixed to their ground will remain the same because the gravity is slipped Deadpool's opponents at a major disadvantage because of the new hazards only push you understand can seamlessly move in this flipped gravity you would need to move outside of the abilities range for Gravity to return to normal if its fist makes contact with any individual the place where you were touched will begin moving inside out even if the stand grazes them this can be used to [ __ ] some but as the stand manages to hit the center mass or the head of an opponent it's pretty much spells instant death this power can also be used on inhabited objects turning them inside out instead software can plunder the properties from any object the first is sound allowing josuke to make a room or object soundless another is friction making anything slippery like ice when the plunder bubbles make contact with the human body this allows the stand to steal your body's water in eyesight the abilities of pruner pretty much have no limit the bubbles popping causes a good deal of damage they can send objects within them flyingly projectiles or be inserted into the human body causing a good deal of damage josuke's secondary bubble then go beyond he come out of josuke's birthmark it is almost invisible to the naked eye once he made contact with any object they can erase them from existence this aspect can be turned off which allows the bubbles to seamlessly face through any object making the bubbles virtually unblockable the line within the bubble is so thin and Spins so fast and it almost doesn't exist so that in turn allows it to function outside of the world's laws like time space and Calamity with a report can control the weather or more accurately the atmosphere he summons clouds that can generate winds water and electricity for a variety of purposes the clouds themselves can also be manipulated since weather report mini Blaze the atmosphere and its conditions he can increase their density to block projectiles or start fires due to the friction of rubbing against them you can increase the concentration of gases in certain environments to stop opponents in their tracks what a report uses that in aspects of his clouds to create various types of weather phenomenon you can likely mix and match his abilities to create tornadoes hail or hurricanes the final aspect of weather report is heavy weather an area begins being filled with a bunch of rainbows anyone who touches or even looks at these rainbows begins transforming into a nail due to subliminal messaging somehow the transformation process is either sudden or gradual and you'll begin taking on their traits such as slow movement speeds if you touch the snails or anyone turning into a snail you begin transforming into one as well only weather report can turn off this ability foreign by wedging himself between two objects like a door and a wall president Funny Valentine can travel to another alternate Dimension this will work even if the objects is a liquid or come in fragments once in a dimension Valentine can bring his alternate either of ourselves to his home Dimension to help him with certain tasks Valentine can also bring alternate versions of his enemies to his world which will then cause them to merge and be destroyed if Valentine's ever in a situation where his death is guaranteed can transfer his stand to an alternate version of himself though inherit all the memories and goals of the previous Valentine d4c love train is the powered up version of d4c Valentine is first surrounded by Golden Light and any attack that intercepts it will be redirected as a Calamity somewhere else this transcends time as the Calamity can harm those in the past future or present potential damage that can be done to Valentine will also be redirected when their injury is put within the light the light also allows Valentine to glide through the air and embed himself into objects King Crimson basically allows diabolo to avoid fate his substant Epitaph allows him to see a couple seconds into the future and anytime he sees it on favorable fate he activates while within the ability everyone will proceed to go through their faded movements while diavolo doesn't have to follow it at all he instead repositions himself anywhere on a battlefield for an advantage the evolu can't interact with anything within the ability which comes to his Advantage when avoiding attacks however he always strikes at the last possible moment before the ability deactivates to surprise his opponents an added side effect is that the time is essentially raised from people's Memories by taking control of the universe's gravity made in heaven accelerates time this doesn't affect living things but inanimate objects will start speeding up cars or other moving objects become massively faster to the point where they become deadly projectiles food begins going bad in mere seconds and other man-made objects will fall apart instantly as the entire world begins to crumble who she can move his body alongside the time acceleration which gives him super speed and since time is speeding up with no limit that gives pushy infinite speed he'll get faster and faster as time goes on after enough time the universe itself will end and then be reset is immense speed when pushy makes him almost impossible to anticipate or attack [Music] foreign both have the highest based strength and perception within JoJo the most powerful ability is time stop both stands can stop time for several seconds start Platinum being five and the world being 10. once within stop time anyone know anything in a surrounding environment ceases to move any and all opponents are completely helpless as the stands can now do whatever they want to them which is even more dangerous when you remember their high strength stats once time stop deactivates anything that stands did within stop time will occur this ability is pretty much undefendable and is impossible to anticipate what will happen within stop time this ability allows Johnny to fire his fingernails like a bullet of a gun when their bullets of Act 2 leave behind a bullet hole which technically count as holes in space time they'll begin pursuing their opponents and will climb over any obstacle put in their way once they reach you they'll leave behind a bullet hole like originally intended Johnny aura's dad can enter this Bullet Hole themselves allowing him to move his body parts anywhere on a battlefield for more range or angles of attack any other person or object that intends to enter them will be Torn to Pieces tuscac 4 is the most powerful ability Johnny has any prison Tusk punches or touches will be inflicted with an infinite spin this spin cannot be stopped as anyone affected will spin forever until they die they'll be unable to do anything in any other object in the surrounding area will be torn apart as well due to being made out of infinite rotational energy which is formed through gravity Tusk and power through impenetrable barriers like love train and temporarily move in time stop Johnny can seamlessly switch between all four acts I know this is cheating but I honestly think both these stands are on par in terms of power when our view controls logic itself or otherwise known as Calamity since it exists in all things Calamity manipulates the environment itself to attack opponents no matter how illogical it seems any intention to pursue its user will cause the world to attack you instead and her standing ability can overcome this power World experienced Requiem can revert all actions to zero so any attack you throw at it will be undone as if they never happened moose won't even remember being reversed do mean them to repeat the same actions Geo has a measurable stats and has been shown to force enemies into an infinite death Loop so one stand could control the logic of the world and another can refer actions to zero both abilities are honestly on par [Music]
Views: 22,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strongest Stand, Strongest Stands, Jojo, Most Terrifying Stands, Wonder of U, Gold Experience Requiem, Tusk, Made In Heaven, D4C, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Id: 2FL651CUQzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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