My TINY Home in a Minecraft CHRISTMAS Tree!

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this is my friend's minecraft house and inside his house is mine today i get to secretly live inside of a christmas tree which means i get the ability to sneak through everyone's house undetected from christmas ornaments to stars there's no place i can't hide and when some of my friends try to take out another it's up to me to bring peace to everyone on the server can i survive by secretly living inside of my friend's tree let's find out also be sure to subscribe thanks welcome to my minecraft house and as you can see i'm very tiny here so this is not actually my house i'm actually living secretly inside of someone else's house my house is inside of this christmas tree that's right i live inside of this adorable christmas tree behind all the presents where no one can see me so if i go in here at my little fireplace my little christmas tree it's so cool i can see everything i can see everything and no one will see me now you weren't on the nice list [Music] they're making fun of him sometimes this media oh look years we're on the nice list and all you're going to be stuck with is call oh [Music] yeah you're to get call and diamonds [Laughter] what am i supposed to do with these i can't even eat them let me try wow you should set a [Applause] [Music] wow those nice guys are being so mean to peers because he wasn't on the nice list well you know what it's none of my problem maybe i should just go back to the tree maybe i shouldn't worry about pierce too much i'm sure he'll be i'm sure he'll be fine right instead of my problem even though i'm living in his house and he did seem really really sad here he comes oh no he got exploded look he's got exploded dirt on him oh no what even do with these this stupid like little blue things i mean i do like blue but like what am i going to do with them i don't even know i'm just eating some cookies and like just satisfy my my hunger for sadness oh he's so sad no i'm gonna live in my house again man it's hard to enjoy my house when he's crying like that how dare the rest of the people on this server look down on me just cause i was a little mean this year and didn't get i'm not getting any pressure sale i get it you know what you know what i'm gonna take them down they think they can be mr fancy pants with the tnt and the explosions i can do that too i can break diamonds probably not very good at pranks yeah he's not very good i can try and wait a minute huh wait a minute what is this oh where's this tiny little mouse thing shoot get out of here no no no no oh no my table ah getting back here you know why you're so small and my axe is so big oh my god no he's got me a corner oh no oh no what do i do what do i do tnt oh look at that little deity block small it is you're adorable you know that but it's now time to die okay big big small packages got it okay second time in 10 minutes doctor's not gonna let me come back the third time oh wait a minute everything's fixed wait all right get back here okay i'm living in your house oh you're going to my tree i'm in this i can't even can't reach in there oh my kitchen's all fixed again my coffee table's better again wait a minute hey hey hey hold on i promise i won't slide soon uh did you do this you do all this for us i hope he can hear me here i'm too tiny i'm going to say the fact that you're not blowing me up indicates that it is yes all right well you know what nico says soup costume you know you want to hang out my treat that's fine just you know don't to mess up too much and i'll we'll hang out all right let me start planning start plotting i guess it can be really nice when you let me live in a tree okay you know what i live in everyone's tree so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna help pierce get his little revenge let's see what pierce is up to now hmm what is he doing he's going to play a prank on people but i'm to execute my perfectly thought out plan oh i won't know all right step two complete how to do step and no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] wait yes come on this is so amateur thanks for the tnt though but what are the fire the fire ass stupid stupid no i thought i had it why am i so bad at executing oh oh hey hey hold on it's you again hi little gingerbread mouse girl thing how how are you wait are you going oh look at you you're adorable here we go up here uh okay i'm having a hard time with this because i do smile going through where are you going okay okay okay i'll be here what a beautiful christmas tree [Music] he didn't see anything because i live inside of his christmas tree okay just enjoy the fire let's go ahead and use the cinnamon powder on noise what is that up there all right now this is still all his treasures oh he respond no oh no no no no no no who are you show yourself break out the big guns right now if you don't tell me what you're doing now uh what's that because he was saying this is why you have christmas trees in people's houses and a little oh it's out of the oven okay and happy three ah hey uh little gingerbread girl thing where are you uh oh you're so small oh here you are hello hi uh you really didn't uh big number on noi i can still see the smoldering ashes of his house anyway uh i just wanted to say in in honor of you destroying someone's house i want to give you a new house so uh here you go uh bam right next to the fireplace nice and warm nice and cozy i know it's not as fancy as your big tree thing but you know i just just figured i owe you something you know he's nice after all i think there's a good little different house oh thank you takes it out of me so i'm just gonna go take it out oh my gosh i love this so nice i mean not as nice as you know me living inside of my christmas tree but it it it's really nice i like it i can decorate i can do stuff with this okay yeah i see i don't know what this is but you know what he tried he tried that's all that matters oh [Music] okay all right all right i got you i got you i got you see i'm gonna need your help buddy okay come here come here come here all right come on come on let's go watch it oh hold on hold on there we go here we go and everything come on come on bro we've defended pierce's house all right let's clean this up and make sure it's better for him when he comes back okay how dare they destroy the house he made me can't believe this oh okay so we helped him build up his house look it's like nobody came here last night maybe he won't notice anything's missing oh he's coming downstairs oh so much for a nap i just slept the whole night all right well uh oh oh hey uh sparty mccaw and tiny uh gingerbread girl uh i think he did a fantastic job with uh with doy and all that but i kind of feel bad about what it what you did and i feel very much responsible for it so i think i'm gonna go apologize i just feel like that's necessary at this point oh something nice i'm just gonna grab your present real quick and i think i'll bring it over i just buy it uh he's probably kawai chan's house i bet you because you know on accounts of his house being on fire oh yeah i'll go fix this up he's being too nice when they made fun of him for being mean uh bird bird yeah bird let's go bird okay thank you bird thank you bird all right all right stay you know just park outside i'll call you when i need you okay all right you go do your thing go be a bird thanks for letting me crash on the floor kauai chen i know my house is a little um on yeah no problem i got plenty of room yeah feel free to grab some cookies guys yeah kawaii thanks for the cocoa it's so good very very cozy these cookies are so good yeah they go really well with pierce's cookies right they took pictures what is our plan to get rid of oh after all the things he's done to us before we can't let him get any presents from santa there no way guys what if we shrink him uh hey hey guys so i figured i just wanted to come by and i i saw your house though i just kind of figured that that was that's pretty sad looking out there like i want to bring a present so yeah yeah have a present on me ah thanks pierce so what are you guys up to oh um just making cake plans you know the usual cake plants yeah yeah it's just a tiny cake it's going to be really good what kind of cake would you prefer chocolate or vanilla kind of a red velvet guy you know anything some red velvet um oh yeah sure you know uh actually you can help me upstairs i moved all my kitchen stuff for making cakes upstairs you know oh okay uh weird but sure that's fine uh hold on after you pierce wait oh you guys already had the cake made okay i i gotta say this cake has just been taunting me all day okay can i grab a slice is that okay yes go for it please your temptations help yourself with just a little just gonna grab just a little though i'm gonna try to just just a little bit oh oh uh well i don't feel so good uh oh it's what's going on it's a weight loss guys guys what is it that cake extra small what do you mean [Laughter] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] okay oh there he is i really need to clean my floor this is disgusting yeah i did realize oh hey tell me about it i'm scared now right i did i did yeah i could definitely hear you just fine thank you so how long have you been living here for a while enough to make this little come inside my house i'm gonna show you my house lily look at this look at this look at this okay okay now i can share my house a little bit i have this awesome christmas tree house okay for your christmas tree oh yeah it does look nice so remember how they're making fun of you where'd you go where'd you go you're so tiny i can't see you hold on oh i'm sorry does that does it feel bad about not being able to see people that are small huh wow wow well i'm a little taller than you look at this okay all right so so real talk real talk they are about to frame you all right they're about to fight me yes not even a picture no no no not like that long story short they are going to go and attack mac they're going to mac attack attack at the mac they're going to attack mac okay and this isn't good this is a good idea yeah but they're they're going to make you look back or bad sorry i was really getting to the right but they're gonna make you look bad i get that yeah and say we're gonna see that and he's gonna think you're on the naughty list all right they can't make me look bad i don't know how i don't know how but they're gonna make it seem like you you attacked mac okay well we gotta make sure we take back that back attack we will but first we have to grab a snack of course of course yeah but let's let's make sure we don't grab too many snacks because we want to stay on track to make sure that we get that mac attack back all right exactly all right all right let's go it's party mccall ben i do not feed you enough i'm so sorry you're very happy thank you oh my gosh i got a perfect idea this will work awesomely i got a perfect disguise what do you think oh i think it looked great i can't believe you nailed me so well oh hey matt oh hi pierce what's going on yeah it's uh me pierce what tim what are you doing with pierce oh not to be such a meanie to him so i thought i'd come over and we'd hang out yeah we we made up and then we're gonna make some mutton cake and uh shear some sheep together [Music] yeah i was just watching tv if you guys want to hang out i didn't even get to show you my christmas decorations come upstairs [Music] oh well while we were shearing my sheep [Music] [Music] wait you're actually annoyed no you're so naughty i can't believe you tried to impersonate pierce hi hi uh she think you're like oh no i can't believe you would impersonate fears i know i'm here sweat jen why are you throwing me under the bus like that oh yeah i don't know what was that ah sprinkle attack oh you guys thank you so much for saving my house you saved me from no way and quiet thank you it looks great thank you so so much the right word but yeah i mean we tried our best yeah you know what we we definitely tried we definitely tried all right we did it yeah yeah let's get going let's get going i have to save the next house so that i can eventually get presents from santa don't worry appears we'll carry you all the way you're perfectly fine red run red run red
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,859,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, aphmau, minecraft aphmau, minecraft christmas, minecraft christmas tree, minecraft christmas pranks, minecraft pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, no cursing, minecraft no cursing, pranking my friends in a christmas tree, funny minecraft pranks, minecraft tiny, minecraft tiny pranks
Id: WvMBiGsAVwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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