Adopted By SANTA In Minecraft!

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when this little minecraft player wakes up on christmas she's accidentally adopted by santa now she gets to live in the north pole and learn every secret there is okay all right i got the cookies and i got the milk and i set up my little tree yeah fire is on in the chimney that's no good that's no good that's got to go oh who are you [Music] um what are you doing awake you're not supposed to be awake oh i i used all the food that i had left i used all the food that i had to make a cookie for santa see oh milk and cookies for santa how original let me just uh make sure that these are good enough for the big guy and um [Applause] oh this is terrible cookies are no good and i don't like the look of that milk nope that's a that's negative too all right what do you got next you gotta have a treat for santa when he comes over do you think it's good enough this is not you call this a tree uh-huh i call this a the bush this is no good it's got it hey that's my tree yeah no no that that's not true this is no good listen i'm here to make sure everything's good for santa and so far everything's terrible for santa but i tried my best to make it look really nice and what is this you got weeds growing in your house this is a mess oh my goodness and this is not gonna be good for santa at all i'm sorry to say this is not gonna be good for christmas it's okay i'm gonna go upstairs thank you for checking mr elf ew what is that i tried everything to make it look nice guess it doesn't work after all wait a minute is that the elf what is he doing oh this poor little tree don't worry i'll fix you right up ah yes there we go all fixed and good as new there we go someone really cares about you little tree i can feel the love put into you let's see yes here we go a little present for little athmo here now for those milk and cookies maybe the little girl who lives here put them outside kids these days you have me a present oh this is so the greatest day of my life this is the bag this is the bag he carries all the presents in i want to see what's inside what hey hey why am i in here no cookies outside either oh well i really should be watching my weight anyway all right here we go back to work we've got plenty of other houses to visit tonight don't want to leave those kids waiting oh this pack feels a little heavier than it did before must be more wonderful toys to deliver on dancer and the rest of y'all let's go oh [Music] hello everyone how was your trip sir so glad you're back we missed you it was a wonderful trip may i help you with your bag no no no no i'll help him i'm the head elf no you're not i'm the head elf and santa would never let you be the head up in a million years oh no now don't fuss you two i can carry it myself i am santa after all oh yes sir well that's strange it should be mostly empty what are you doing here santa i will dispose of this creature don't you worry come here no no you know stop can't you see this child is afraid [Music] look at you get here i don't know well well if it isn't little off mom santa you know my name of course i do now how did you end up in my bag sorry santa i didn't want to ruin christmas it's just the elf told me that my christmas wasn't good and he was bad no who said that [Music] before in my life it's not good health behavior unfortunately that does sound like ian what you know your celebration doesn't have to be perfect for me to visit i come to visit everyone and anyone no matter what really now let's get you home to celebrate with your parents i wait oh that's too bad you know what how about i adopt you little one what if she's on the naughty list you really should make aphmau feel welcome naughty or nice everyone deserves a second chance you know that better than anyone that's right we've given you a hundred chances yeah we're usually on the naughty list till about december 23rd every year i'm putting you in charge of showing her around the house oh what's about it mister you made this mess and now you get to clean it up oh but before that let's make you look like you've been adopted by santa just a little bit of christmas magic wow she's so pretty this is amazing thank you so you are much welcome enjoy your time here at the north pole now i should really check in with the you're misses i'll get it later okay well kid if you're gonna be uh one of us i guess you'll have to learn the layout so here we have some books yeah alex kim likes those for some reason i'm not i don't know why i love to smell the pages yeah she's weird like that and uh over here we have the fireplace and uh oh hi mrs claus oh and who is this oh nick did say we adopted a new daughter oh this is my mom oh my goodness i just adopt a new daughter you're so cute oh thank you take it easy mrs claus take it easy would you like some cookies or some milk what can i do for you she will never stop feeding you cookies oh my gosh it's true i've got many is that how you gained uh never mind what mrs paul you're so beautiful oh thank you dear you're too kind oh you're so sweet can i have a cookie please oh yes absolutely i want i want a cookie you take my cookie my cookie this instant i'll beat you on this table i think we need to have some of your special milk and take a nap okay oh yes my favorite treat yes yes i love you mom oh i love you too dear oh okay yes off to bed i go all right moving on all right kiddo so now that you're at the north pole it's time to learn how to do all the important stuff to get ready for the big day we are decorating very important thing for being able to pull off christmas all done wow that's really nice ian it's uh pretty good i think last year's was better but um outmouth aren't you going to compliment my tree it's really big and really cool my mine is um i mean mine is a little small but you know i'm working on it and i got oh you call that a tree oh yeah i call it a tree because it reminds me it's small like like my hot mine at home oh i remember your tree at home it was so tiny you know bigger trees bigger presents and a bigger christmas yeah but but i i see you're getting into the festive spirit by decorating some lovely trees wearing a jollyness my goodness that's uh that's a lot ian that's uh that's a lot we're gonna get big presents big presents all right nori this is looking very nice and casey classic as always oh thank you tim now that's a wonderful tree very well done thank you santa no little laugh now where's your tree this is my tree right here it's right in front of you this one right here why that's so wonderful thank you all right everyone i have chosen a winner for this year's tree decorating contest huh yeah yeah [Applause] her tree is so small yes it may be but it's a christmas tree it's not the size of the tree that matters it's the size of your heart here athmo have a golden star for your tree she's not even enough she doesn't even go here what's the highest honor to get a gold star from santa amazing enjoy little one by your jolliness at the top of the tree uh-oh what are we doing here santa well little this is my workshop and today you're going to learn how to make toys for all the good little girls and boys all around the world come on in and let me show you around now we have quite the operation around here we have a lot of toys we have to make every year you know gonna work faster is she gonna teach my liberators tim is an absolute expert of what she does yes i am he's the best toy maker in all the north poles [Music] okay and then that's where the toys give me they get made over there okay you understand okay and what else i do uh sometimes when i'm stressed i punch the wall too ah cause there's so much toys to make for me like that oh okay i can't help it [Music] all the toys are done and then we put them in the box it's super duper easy you're really fast at this you don't have to go that fast you know yeah i have to be i barely have any breaks huh okay okay then what do we do what's that what's the numbers are done then the toy comes out come on toy why don't we do that yeah grab it and then you gotta give it some love put it in your mouth put the tie in my mouth yeah shake it okay this is the why are we doing this miss camel because it's very christmassy i think i don't know we throw it in the box and then it's fine that's christmas thank you for teaching me about christmas yeah no problem uh uh you keep working on the toys i'm just gonna take a little nap okay don't worry diana oh damn i think she's dead oh don't you worry about that little one kim takes these power naps all the time don't worry she'll wake up soon in fact she should be awake in three two one get to work she's the best at what she does i have an important announcement from his jolliness guys what do you say what do you say uh are you okay over there yes i'm fine okay what's the announcement yeah hey santa has made aphmau an honorary elf hang on no he can't do that i'm the head elf and i will not allow it no you are not the head elf i am the head elf and besides santa can allow anything that he wants but fine you're right i may not be the head elf and she may be an honorary elf and i guess i haven't had my ambitions high enough what do you mean by that that means that i am gonna be something even better than the head elf i am going to be the new santa you could never be santa elves can't be santa that doesn't make sense your hat doesn't make sense [Music] what about my feelings why was she adopted by santa i mean we're all kind of adopted by santa we basically live here rent-free well you can still be an honorary elf eel like me no no no no i'm gonna make my own holiday which means it's time to get rid of christmas what are you doing [Music] [Music] can you craft the toys [Music] that's genius yes let's do that okay okay i think i think i think i can help um can i just grab some of this and this i i know how to make a key stuffing for the stuffed animals give me a second all right [Music] [Laughter] what have you done so what have i done i've made a few improvements to the workshop as well as my new santa hat ian you need to take that off right now you cannot wear that hat no this house can't be santa wait wait guys where is santa what did you do with santa oh well i just gave him a little snack what did you do oh no we need to find a balloon oh [Music] i guess you can't deliver presents after all looks like you need me to do it now oh you gotta deliver the presents then it's fine perhaps someone else can do my job this year don't worry i already gave santa some cookies some broccoli not cookies that's my mortal enemy oh no but who's gonna deliver the presents if not you santa let's see it can't be annoying he needs to stay here to keep an eye on everything with your heart so nice won't you guide my sleigh tonight i can do it come on i wanted to deliver the santa you've been really mean to me well you've been really mean why are you meeting me because i i i don't like you everyone likes you and is so nice to you and no one's nice to me well you are kind of mean to everyone ian yeah you're really mean santa once said that everyone deserves second chances i'm gonna give him a jillion and two and not everyone is perfect and i want to help so ian will you help me deliver the presents really yeah okay let's do it and i know i i know the best way to deliver presents here take one of these uh are you sure you should uh i don't know you should do that all right athmo you ready to deliver these presents yeah merry [Applause] and this is a really good way to deliver presents why didn't do this before yeah i don't know and you know what happened you weren't so bad after all hey i i guess i was kind of jealous oh it's okay but we can be friends now yeah ian you're sure you're not gonna be jealous one day no what could i possibly be jealous of her over we're the same and we're always going to be the same yeah plus you know always be taller than you so i got that on her exactly one year later hey guys i got really tall on my birthday huh yes sure i did taller than you that's it i quit i'm gonna make my own holiday and it's the [Music] well i guess we'll have whipped cream instead of milk with cookies this year oh dear
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,488,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau adopted, aphmau adopted by, aphmau adopted by santa, aphmau adopted by santa claus, aphmau santa claus, aphmau elves, aphmau christmas, aphmau at the north pole, aphmau north pole, aphmau plays as santa claus, aphmau playing as santa claus, aphmau santa, aphmau playing as santa in minecraft, aphmau santa minecraft, aphmau plays as santa in minecraft
Id: QOoox10ZGgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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