Hidden TINY SPOT Inside My Minecraft House!

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I'm tiny hiding from a giant seater but my friends and I have size on our side as we cheat our way into tiny hiding spot from inside a drawer with an amazing tiny minecraft village - even the Seekers very own food there's no limit to the ways we can hide while tiny ok all right he's coming he's coming he's coming Oh guys you're not poins you're worth so much more than 25 cents all right yeah but at least I'm not a dime oh my god oh god watch I got the perfect place to hide so come over this way see see how adorable it is I know right right right all right so I'm gonna do trust me trust me Jess we got da you just come over here jump on her shoulder like this just jump in here there we go see and now my mouth hurts from counting no I mean yes actually we got the perfect hiding spot okay all right whatever you say okay all right Dora don't want to let the cold air out and you don't know you know you know what the funny thing is is that I decided that I am so good at this game I don't even need Josh I don't even need to hide from you all right weird flex but okay I'm just standing perfectly still what do you think I don't know what to think about it and I'm confused and I'm a little bit concerned for both you and myself so tell you what you just stay there I'm gonna go find the others and then I'll go from there okay yeah just stay there okay don't go yeah whoa don't go oh hey wait a minute brown hair I don't know I'm sorry but I gotta chop these down maybe I have a word with you is your real name because I have this way this way have a perfect hiding spot trust me better than me better than my high expects me as a hiding spot you as the hiding spot seems like a bad idea you're so small all right all right so what I want you to do is click that right leg right click it open right click the floor no no no the thing the thing over there with the bar thing oh you mean the drawer okay yes I will open the drawer I see nothing about no drawers no no [Music] [Music] [Laughter] really not gonna find us there's no way just go yeah Mulligan yes I don't know just chop off its head and see what happens you're lying to me I fell you'll never get ahead of you [Music] it's so amazing how well the sky is today it's all in your magazine starter huh yeah I know I love the style [Music] nice to run when we're playing a game hi but you can't get I'm on a table do it nope you have a hard time getting me look at that ha ha ha you can't touch me I'm protected by the table what you were you know that's how you make them to a nice crisp hey guys if you're enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe good luck finding this collection you ain't finding nothing that would be a pretty sweet deal I would say Wow actually we're the giant no upstairs always enjoy white you okay advantage great hiding spot bad advantage it's all carbs the carbs it's a problem did you actually eat [Laughter] [Music] yeah Wow my trust and to spit it out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] girl the carbs I know girls come from don't worry she'll burn them off excuse me price yeah sorry wrong wow you can't put a price on like you know Pierce Wow wait a minute cows I agree so nice someone left the TV on I'm gonna take a break from hide-and-seek I'm not gonna look for you guys I'm great I'm just actually gonna watch some TV because the TV's on right now news the good news good evening and welcome to the 4 p.m. news I am chet ubetcha here with the top stories of today's man saves a cat from a tree but the weather here in the jungles of the bonobo Valley we have ourselves two wonderful orangutangs who are interacting with an open oboes in a splendid display of dance see as they huddle themselves down the line it will attract every mate god this announcers voice is terrible oh my god I wanna oh my god I want to watch some music it begins to get fine soon oh my god this party can watch about my parents oh god Peppa Pig now National Geographic give me some Peppa Pig and George were running around jumping in the mud puddles oh I do love the Mart yeah very yummy I'm Josie eating them all Peppa and then along came the evil person with this sword [Music] [Applause] all right now I'm gonna call up Mary sheep so I can do another whistle he'll never find us up here guys you guys ready I know where to look I don't know where to look [Music] is it ice rollaways in here Thanks get a good deal for him yeah you know great areas great uh whatever you say do you think you're nuts I forgot I said rollaway luggage but sure yeah doughnuts straight doughnuts too oh wow I heard doughnuts just gotta check these fake nose and fake white shines nope nothing in there nothing in just about but the vacant stare is only slightly more creepy anybody got the key for this room upstairs okay fine not allowed to go in the Seagrams long as you're not allowed to go to secret room my house [Music] [Music] these are cookies for ants I'm an actual kitty look at this look at this okay I'll admit you're you're about like 80% more kitty than you were a few minutes ago let me think of a question that only a real cat would know no I don't want to answer your question because I'm a cat and I want to go to sleep in oh that's a good answer [Laughter] okay all right you win this round cat oh my god no no stomach yeah they're on fire okay okay I'm an advocate you can't catch me you can okay you okay maybe catch me let's save you land on your feet one fun nope that's all set yeah I got a great place nice well you guys have a copy boy [Music] Oh trash hi I see you I see with you yeah yeah yeah we'll leave some of this evidence here just hide in the corner one of these fantastic you'll never find us okay ready or not here I come I'm gonna be bold I'm gonna be risky okay I'm gonna be I don't see anything down here are you guys in the cake no I suggest checking the basement I'm pretty sure I saw Clyde time go hide in the Facebook yeah they're waiting out here but obviously to your heart's desire follow it young one following [Music] my heart's desire leads me to my favorite oh now where would I put my favorite my ship is a fiery one yeah well you guys started a trash fire should I be wearing my shoes in your house or should I take the ball now leave them on later on it's fine don't worry about it but definitely don't put them anywhere that would wear shoes would go be so rude to be walking in a house with my shoes no we take the ball boy let's see right here yep it's definitely over there Derek see I'll show you right over here yeah there's the one that's often right here right in the bottom section actually the top works pretty well too yeah okay well you can treat now I thought I saw something else running around that's a pretty cheesy hiding spot cheap cheap cheep-cheep-cheep yeah here's some cheese as an offering I make I make a big cheese actually I'll get you a big piece of cheese here here take some cheese take some cheese and I will you know I will just uh I'm gonna go in here and buy thank you by the way what kind of cheese is this it's uh it's uh Gigi Mazzarella now that was even better with mozzarella way how about cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese a little dough and a little blood tomato peppers like a gross pizzas is like a really bad
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,991,792
Rating: 4.8493538 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft tiny hide and seek, i found secret tiny minecraft hiding spots, minecraft tiny mod, aphmau, minecraft aphmau, tiny hide and seek, hide and seek pranks, minecraft small mod, tiny minecraft, minecraft challenges, tiny hide and seek aphmau, minecraft hide and seek aphmau, minecraft funny moments, no swears minecraft, tiny minecraft aphmau, secret hiding places in minecraft, secret hiding spots, tiny places to hide in minecraft, tiny, hide, seek, minecraft chest village
Id: amAFuwes5TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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