Top 20 Things in Bluey Only Adults Understand

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teaching this machine doesn't take imaginary coins go and get a job and earn real ones welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 things in Bluey only adults understand yep if we do something wrong and what's a mullet no you didn't and it's a type of haircut that cool people are starting to get again never had us nah blue of course not she just needs 20 minutes for this list we'll be looking at the most notable moments whether funny or serious from this family show that speak directly to the grown-ups in the room which of these moments resonates with you most let us know in the comments below number 20 low effort playing is there some game where I just lie really still on a comfy bed or something what else oh not a hospital any adult who's found themselves exhausted after hanging out with children for an extended period of time will relate to Bandit here please lie yeah thanks doctor no I'm the nurse the dad is always willing to play with his daughters but keeping up with kids can be challenging not to mention physically taxing lots of activities require him to lift and carry the girls which can get tiring after a while after simulating mountain climbing with then four-year-old Bingo Bandit doesn't have it in him to play the same way with his oldest oh yeah so he tries his luck and suggests finding a game that requires minimal effort on his part unfortunately for him the girls come up with an activity that's even more physically discomforting oh hello doctor my name is ouch oh Brave boy what was that number 19 free and easy days I am not Dad raising children can be one of the most rewarding things there is that being said it's also incredibly time consuming Bandit makes a quip about this while simulating a claw machine for his girls dad this isn't fair I am not Dad I am magic claw magic claw has no children his days are free and easy his joke probably eludes Bluey and Bingo but it certainly lands with older viewers especially those who are parents themselves the blue healer obviously doesn't regret his choice to become a dad but his playful resentment to towards the loss of his free time is relatable you lose you if you have kids and are sometimes a tiny bit jealous of the magic claws Child free Carefree life we can't say we blame you sorry did we learn anything today no nope yes these kids are awesome number 18 failing mom school oh you don't need someone keeping score if you're mothering oh not again I'll get you down second thoughts parents can seem perfect from their children's perspective but the reality is that everybody makes mistakes including adults this idea is explored when Bluey is playing mom school Under Chili's guidance let's walk in the straight line I don't know how you have to show them I'm just gonna show you something kids but I don't think that's a good idea after one of her balloon children floats away the young dog is disappointed with herself thinking she failed as a mother Chile assures her that not only will Greenie be all right but also that messing up occasionally is perfectly normal will it be okay yeah I think he'll do just fine you know because he's got a good mum this moment serves as a reminder for parents who might be too hard on themselves raising children is a high pressure task but we aren't defined by our shortcomings making mistakes is okay even in Parenthood but that's okay we all fail mom's School sometimes oh okay we can just start again tomorrow thanks Mom number 17 generational differences ready kids I'll disclose Mars our part no you have to stop on each kid once what why so everyone gets a prize bluey's past the parcel episode has a straightforward message for kids about learning to be a good loser however it proved controversial in adult circles I want to play it the proper way none of this present in every layer business put one big present in the middle win against that well what about everyone else we'll have to suck it up that's not how it's done anymore Pat I'm putting my foot down Janelle so which side do you fall on is one big present in the center better for character building no because just like in real life you or should you put a treat in each layer so everyone can win a little Lucky's dad thinks that the world's gone soft while the rest of the parents are more willing to embrace The Changing Times the episode itself seems to indicate that kids are tougher than they look and they'll learn to love Lucky's dad's rules I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really when Lila is happy I'm happy ah Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing but does every party game have to teach a lesson or is it just supposed to be a bit of fun number 16 it was yesterday mom look I'm eating my pumpkin three and grab that dressing hooray as well as making us laugh this kid's show really knows how to tug at the heartstrings in Grandad chilly and the girls are visiting Grandpa Mort chilly worries that her dad doesn't look after himself properly but he's not impressed by her coddling wants you to rest so your thumbs get better yeah probably then why don't you well it should be up to me they're my thumbs the episode tackles the relationship between grown-up children and their parents and definitely feels aimed more at the adult audience than their preschoolers I'm his daughter he should take care of himself for me because I still need him the final scene is absolutely touching capable of bringing a tear to the eye especially if it catches you off guard sitting with her father and watching the girl swim chili gets nostalgic her dad used to bring her to the same place as a child but it doesn't seem so long ago to Mort I remember when you used to take me swimming here yeah me too that was a long time ago no it was yesterday number 15 used to be cool but how are we gonna take a photo without this tablet ah leave that to me anyone who's been around for a while will appreciate this hilarious moment and parents will find it especially relatable it shows Bandit rustling through a milk crate of his old things and Reminiscing on his earlier days this is all my stuff from when I used to be cool ah here it is what is that this is what a real camera looks like he mentions once being cool but based on Bluey and Bingo's reactions they doubt he ever was the artifacts have banned its life before kids are a symbol of just how many years have passed the Polaroid camera he whips out was probably purchased new but would now be considered vintage by many and it might have been Young And Hip once but this funny instance reminds us that time changes all we think he's still pretty cool though number 14 stranger things talk oh I hope they bring him back for season four yes I do the majority of the primary storylines in Bluey focus on the children and most of the adult drama revolves around them too however occasionally you do catch Snippets of grown-up conversations that have nothing to do with the little ones I say what you're saying I just don't agree how can you not agree are you two squabbling one second Bluey if you touch the bin to the door it means I have to deal with the bin bags one of our favorite examples of this is in the season 2 episode seesaw chili and pom-poms mom are talking all things TV the character and show under discussion both remain unnamed but we're pretty certain that this is a stranger things reference haven't you seen the trailer guess now that we know what the healers are watching when the kids are in bed and we're not surprised they have great taste what do you want to watch tonight babe do you watch me maybe after we go to sleep number 13. what's in the lemonade and the ladies watch us get all sweaty right ladies you got it lucky dad [Applause] the grown-ups in Bluey are great parents and they're also likably human if you ignore the fact that they're cartoon dogs in stumpfest Bluey learns that adults like to play too while we discover that chili and Trixie can certainly handle their drinks oh leave them alone what they're just trying to run a small business go and destroy the planet somewhere else the moms watch from upstairs enjoying some refreshing lemonade while the dads play it ripping up tree stumps the ladies Heckle them from the upstairs balcony appearing tipsier by the minute while the central Saga of stumpfest versus nail salon plays out on the ground I'll leave that poor stump alone you're the one who wanted it gun oh yeah that's true I want to played in a fish pond oh [Music] okay the Optics on this aren't good when Bandit and Cole break for a well-earned drink they discover that there's something potent in that lemonade to stop this number 12 stripe and Trixie's private conversation handle it strike no tricks let me handle it I get to pair it too yeah but you have to do it right this is how I do it guys kids can you switch this off ideally people raising children together would always be on the same page but that doesn't happen without proper communication Facey talk speaks to us viewers who have worked through a disagreement with a significant other Bluey and Bingo's uncle and Aunt are shown having a tense discussion about using time out I'm handling it it doesn't look like you're handling it we don't do timeout anymore what since when there's clearly a misunderstanding between the two and for a while there it doesn't sound good I feel like Huggle or parenting oh is this one I don't know try this one oh no that's not it I can't hear the end of stripe and Trixie's conversation but we do see them make up with a hug differences of opinion are normal between partners and co-parents and provide an opportunity to model good conflict resolution skills number 11 Indy's preemie Indie wanted to play early baby like her sister in real life Bluey can we pretend my baby is coming but it's coming too early oh okay Bluey and her friends are pretending to be medical professionals and patients in labor when Indy inspired by her sister fain's having a premature baby she teaches the others about how to care for her infant notably instructing them to wash their hands and place her in an incubator I'll put Pauline to you you need to wash your hands oh yeah I forgot there you go Polly it's a cute moment for kids who likely won't think too much about what they're seeing but older viewers understand that the reality of preterm birth can often be stressful and scary because Paul is an early baby she needs to stay in the hospital for a long time because she's still very small oh okay we can take care of her Indy only pretends to be anxious when she's asked to leave but many new parents of preemies know that feeling well okay now sweetheart we'll look after her but I don't really put sorry you have to be the bravest you've ever been number 10 alone time for parents Louie that's a bit loud honey sorry no no oh who's there hon potato Louie too loud potato who those with children as young as Bluey and bingo rarely have a minute to themselves so sometimes they have to actively carve that time out that's what chili does in sheepdog right dinner's in the slow cooker and they've had afternoon tea I need 20 minutes when no one comes near me oh yep okay come on kids daddy daughter time she asks for 20 minutes where she's left alone which her husband does his best to protect Bluey doesn't understand why Chile wants privacy at first but we do and so do Bandit and Wendy his mom cause Mom I just need but no one says anything to me then she went her bedroom and closed the door oh I see minding kids is a tiring job and carers deserve breaks after all balancing child care with other responsibilities like a career and domestic duties can sometimes be too much I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you you didn't do anything to upset me sweetheart then why don't you want to see us I do want to see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes Bluey validates the hard work that chili and other parents do while also highlighting their natural need to rest number nine Raiders you ready yes okay go [Music] the Healer parents know how to have fun with their kids and Bandit in particular can often get carried away with a game did I make that a little too fun yeah you did sorry squirts it's a hard one to get right in yoga ball Bingo and Bluey ask for an old favorite for the girls it's just running away from a ball but to their dad it's Raiders can we just quickly play that game where we run down the hall and you sing and you roll the ball down the hall and we jump out of the way oh you mean Raiders as an 80s kid Indiana Jones is firmly within Bandit's frame of reference the adult audience will recognize the nod to Raiders of the Lost Ark even if it goes over the kids heads it's a throwaway reference but a perfect fit for Bandit's fun dad Persona not too quick though I want you to play for this long okay fair enough hooray number eight getting out the door [Music] we're leaving now okay okay I just have to find my hat oh the door it is right here this hilarious episode spotlighting chili feels straight out of real life anyone who's tried to Wrangle children out the door before understands just how difficult a task it is made increasingly challenging the more kids there are five have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere oh there it is oh yeah Bluey and Bingo's mom does her best to get the girls ready to go to the park but they have a hard time following directions and keep getting distracted sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this up oh to help oh okay they notably decide it's the perfect moment to play sticky gecko much too Chilly's dismay she does her best to keep her cool amid the chaos but eventually loses her patience how Bingo it is just now mom have you seen my hat that's it that's it we're not going to the park we're just staying here then before ultimately mastering the situation watching this as adults we feel bad for putting our own parents through this sort of thing in the past number seven Chili's implied miscarriage Bluey checklist oh okay I have a little cry then I pick myself up dust myself off check and keep going The Show Must Go On the writing in Bluey can be very subtle for a show aimed mostly at preschoolers it often drops hints about family life that are picked up on in later episodes or that help round out the world with a bit of extra information this was loading days for example some viewers think that Grandad Bob may be suffering from dementia another blink and you'll miss it moment implies that chili may have lost a baby before Bluey the girls are putting on a show of their parents life together and bingo wears a balloon under her shirt to indicate pregnancy well I'm enjoying this very much when the balloon pops there's a tense moment and Bandit grabs Chili's hand it's brief but the inclusion of this unexpected reaction seems to suggest a possible miscarriage number six the 80s references in the flashback episode this story set a long long time ago in a place called the 80s that's me when I was 10 years old a lot of younger parents will have missed the 80s altogether but that doesn't mean they didn't grow up in a different climate than their kids 80s man it were helmets the wild place there are definitely moments in the flashback episode fairy tale that will still strike a chord if you remember cassette tapes or know exactly what happens when you break a jinx this one's bound to stir up some nostalgia you're lucky in any truck jinx huh what's Jinx okay in the 80s if two people said the exact same word at the exact same time like one of you would yell out Jinx you might even recognize the She-Ra costume worn by Young Chile if it is Young chili there's some dispute found it is this your hat is that Mum that's mum what don't listen to him it wasn't me don't listen to her it was placing bandit in Chili's childhood specifically in the 80s is a treat for parents of the era giving them a chance to relive some memorable experiences see you later yeah see you later number five the vasectomy conversation it is pulled pretty quick really it was just in and out and I even got to keep them in another one of those background conversations between the grown-ups we catch an interesting tidbit of information from bandit in a chat with Fido at a Father's Day barbecue the Two Dads appear to be discussing the pros and cons of getting the sniff do you want a boomerang photo no My Boomerang supplies are plentiful but what am I gonna do with this Boomerang since their dogs presumably the official term is neutered chili may be unsure about such a big decision but by the next episode it seems she's made her mind up why are you crying oh it's just this room sweetheart how does a room make you cry in bedroom the family are clearing out the old Nursery in the U.S broadcast however the conversation between the dads was subtly altered so that they're discussing having teeth removed instead but I love my dog teeth I don't know somebody's wonder I just want to bite someone number four New Year's hangover oh man I don't ever want to leave this couch where are the kids they're on the phone to muffin oh happy New Years yeah I do not have the energy for games today it's been a big new year for the Healer parents after a party at Uncle Stripes place they're feeling a bit fragile if you know what we mean but Parenthood never stops and the girls still want to play you already on the floor sorry I haven't got it in me today are you sick yeah no just um sleepy roughsies are not what you want when you're feeling well rough and seeing the typically energetic mom and dads longing for calm is pretty amusing it's also likely to be relatable for many adults oh Bluey that's too loud at least the whale game involves lying down and on Chili's part wolfing down some hangover treats are very bad for you okay good only whales so good still we all need a break sometimes and a bit of screen time proves the perfect temporary distraction for Bluey and bingo plus it gives chili the exact boost she needs number three evolution religious undertones and Ikea furniture my arms are tired me too next time we can walk yeah dogs and I'm your cave teenager flat pack contains several layers of deep meaning that the show's youngest viewers wouldn't yet be able to grasp indeed Bluey and Bingo's game replicates Evolution and the development of human society Concepts that can be found in high school curriculums the sisters play as mother and child progressively getting older until Bingo's character is ready to go off alone look Mom I built a spaceship to go and explore space oh you're always such a clever thing Bye Mom thanks for looking after me that's okay honey bluey's Ascent up the stairs is thought to signify death and her afterlife has religious undertones it's not uncommon for kids to learn simplified versions of these complex topics but those of us with more years under our belts tend to have a better understanding of them this is Heaven on a lighter note Bandit and Chili's project throughout the episode speaks to anyone who's assembled Ikea furniture isn't this meant to face up uh I don't think it matters oh I think it does number two Brandy's implied infertility I hope they fit I wasn't sure how much they'd grown and um four years hey mine's too small and mine's too big well then swap them around can you make my cheetah onesie fit me we wouldn't typically expect a children's show to tackle the complicated topic of infertility but Bluey does so beautifully in onesies things are kept vague and probably go over the heads of younger audiences Bluey you look just like your father oh what who I look like you look just like you but for those of us old enough to guess what's going on it hits hard a long overdue visit from her sister Brandy prompts chilly to try to explain her difficult situation to Bluey the mom relates Brandy struggle to bluey's desire for a onesie she can't have you know how you really want Bingo's cheetah onesie yeah more than anything but it doesn't fit you so you can't have it and there's not really anything anyone can do to make it fit it's implied that Brandy's unable to get pregnant despite the fact that she wants to bingo running away from her aunt in the yard is widely believed to symbolize the situation and breaks our hearts why can't she just have the things she wants because it's not meant to be before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one parental guilt well she'll get there one day but am I better than her on this day will we just run your own race what does that mean Louie is great at tackling serious Topics in a gentle but informative way that kids will be able to understand however on occasion it speaks directly to the adults in baby race chili looks back to her early days as a mother when Bluey doesn't progress as quickly as the other babies a touch of Parental guilt sets in Judo had won the baby race oh biscuits are you upset with me that I lost the baby race no sweetie look we were all learning to do do things for the first time I just felt like I was doing everything wrong just when Chilly's feeling at her lowest someone more experienced is right there ready to give her some encouragement when Coco's mom looks right at the camera it feels like she's speaking to all the parents at home who might be struggling or doubting themselves wow you must have learned a thing or two I have and there's something you need to know what you're doing great her kind words might be simple but they could be exactly what someone needs to hear are they happy tears mum yeah happy tears honey and then on I decided to run my own race do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mizmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos thank you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 663,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adult jokes in bluey, adult jokes in kids tv show, adult moments in bluey, adult moments in kids cartoons, aunt trixie heeler, bandit heeler, bingo, bluey, calypso, chilli heeler, chloe, coco, honey, indy, jack, jean luc, judo, list, lucky, mackenzie, mojo, mrs retriever, muffin, rusty, snickers, top 10, uncle stripe heeler, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: d54AdXhhOGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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