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hallelujah amen where's the drama please help me someone should just sit it's my joy to be here London tonight a man tonight is my final session and I believe in the name of Jesus that this night will truly be an encounter I I want us to truly truly honor dr. Challa and his dear wife the angels over the Liberty Church thank you like your heart now let me just explain something before we see it you see in an atmosphere like this it is important that we understand what God is doing when the Word of God begins to come the Spirit of God and the power of God is always found where the Word of God is the Bible says in that light is the hiding place of his power are we together and I believe that the moment in God's presence can turn everything everything around so let your heart be opened do not just like pastor sure thank you for the honor the love you have for me London I love you too and I love you truly but let me tell you this we are only vessels and it is true hallelujah who is like you Lord in all dear my love nothing in this world the satisfy Jesus you're the cop listen the treasure Redeemer of my past oppressor lift your hands you're spirit of the Living God bless our hearts tonight reveal Jesus in the midst of your people and we decree and declare that as we worship and as we yes we were for the Lord holy what why Oh ah you're my treasure my priority who can compare to be great is the measure of your own reality you to be give me you everything else can wait give me you I hope I'm not too late lord party give me give everybody everything else listen do you know why we wash it like this you see the assignment of worship is to create the atmosphere for his manifest presence this is the air I breathe this is the air come on Lana your let it be from the depths of your heart you're my daily bread this is my this is my day lift your hands and worship His Majesty you're very well spoken lift your hands shabbat His Majesty La Mirada Tama and ah the power of God is every way in this place your grace has found me just as I am empty-handed but alive in your hands sing Majesty a majesty forever please sit down I wanted to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is doing this is our final night and he's here to lift you to new levels in the spirit wherever I am changed by you playing your love leave that alone forever I am changed by Cola the presence of your majesty I like Barra you are the mighty God hey Toby Chu you are the glorious God you are the mighty God baba Yaga so we are here for you come and do what you do we are here for you for you come and do what you do we argue for you oh man this is Simone we're man I am here for you come Anu I am he for you for you come and set my heart for you so you what you do this season move this season this season we're readable they say see the moon sit out things I want to teach you a very simple song before I teach one of my dear people wrote the song and it is a prophetic song and I want you to play your correct songs our Ladas in the realm of the Spirit you can use them to climb in two dimensions and rounds please be sensitive because there are implications that are happening an impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities the song is a prophecy and I want you to listen to it very carefully you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life is changed you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life is changed I will never be the same the self touch your great my life is ha ha ha ha ha ha hi prophesy to yourself listen tape I will he does say watch your my life is changed the same thing your life is change your life is changing my life is changing my life is change this is part of the Sabbats my life is changing my life is hi I Hey Hey why your life must change your life must change it I prophesied your light must change your life must she one more time I I we will never be the same we've touched your grace our lives are changing we will never be the same so if Thomas your grace the Bible says now the Lord is that spirit there are many spirits but the Lord is that spirit then it says where the Spirit of the Lord is you will know because there will be a signature of Liberty Liberty is proof that he came Liberty is proof that he moved Liberty is proof that he's here your home is change your health is change shame on our manake said my son alleluia alleluia we're going to pray but let me share two scriptures establish a mystery and we allow the Spirit of God to have a convocation in this place tonight for many of you it will be that when the lot on your captivity that it will be likely true that your mouth will be filled with laughter listen this is no mere talk believe me this is not some motivation this is the Ministry of the Spirit Acts chapter 26 and verse 22 please bring the lady that shouts now under the anointing load to the hearing of everybody bring her Kali Prochaska body Acts chapter 26 the power of the Holy Spirit is here a ministry unseen 11 people say no I'm seeing a craze for speed listen please sit down sit down sit on that anointing will begin to move please bring them out to the aisles I know they may not be space here I'm teaching but right now I stretch my hands I declare right now by the spirit remember you came for an encounter your past store told you that this is an encounter an encounter is an experience that makes God real manifest in the midst of his people 11 I stretch my hands I shift you by prophesy speed speed speed speed new dimensions in the mighty name of Jesus I declare by the spirit have that lady have that lady speak in the name of Jesus speak I bring you the ministry of the holy spirit new dimensions speed remember not the former things heavy load on nor consider the things of old I came to open the to lift gates of this territory in the name of Jesus F Fatah be open he done PITA shame on us on our University hallelujah I declare that everything that represents delay right now I'm declaring by the spirit of grace I stretch my hands over you Mikado scalebar Uchiha in the name of Jesus be free be free every orchestration of witchcraft every manipulation of dark powers hear the word of the Lord I come with the rod of a higher priesthood and I declare be free now be free now be free now be free now Socrates Katya allelujah let's sit down if you can spirit of the Living God moving people to realms dimensions in the spirit young lady I cost the power of witchcraft out now out now out of her life Acts chapter 26 my god adds up to 26 and verse 22 I like us to read it's just two scriptures I'll share a few things and I'll begin to minister listen if you came with any challenge she'll be ready to wave it goodbye because this Egyptians you see today believe me i prophesy to you you will see them no more forever it says dear 4 can you read London one to read aha heaven obtain help I continue listen it takes it takes let's have King James if this is King James be sure that we use King James heaven obtain help from God King James as I continue it takes help from God for a man to continue listen when people remain it is proof that god help them it is conventional to start it is ordinary to start but the staying power of a man financially ministerially is proof that you have obtained help from God scripture number two some 18 and verse 29 some 18 and verse 29 when you have it please let me know so we read the power of God is stronger display some 18 and verse 29 are you ready this is someone's prophecy ready read for by you I can run against it by my god I can shift an even leap of Iowa listen it is only marvelous in our eyes when it is the Lord's doing you don't celebrate me for walking it is human to walk but when people begin to demonstrate dimensions of results that are not affordable in the world of men then it tells you that God is with them Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night and then he says rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from God for no man can do this except God be with him don't worry about those who are out here there is a reason why I call them out for those of us who we're at the session yesterday I began to teach about the mysteries of the kingdom and I did share with us that Dominion in this kingdom please listen carefully is the resultant effect of our comprehending the mysteries of the kingdom a mistress a body of information a body of truth that is privy to a group of people and the Bible says in Matthew chapter 10 and verse 11 Jesus is teaching and he says it has been given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom these are the secrets that empower the Saints to walk in victory they are called mysteries is a body of light a body of spiritual information that empowers the Saints to represent the government of the Christ in experience Alleluia there is a dimension of spiritual knowledge that is responsible for financial prosperity responsible for favor responsible for restoration responsible for influence and this conference has sought to expose us to the various dimensions of the ways of God listen you are growing spiritually to the degree to which number one you conform to the image and the character of the Christ in experience this is the first biblical index to measure spiritual growth so I know that I am growing spiritually to the degree to which I conformed to the image and the character of the Christ Paul said my little children of whom I travail hold the person that gets up and begins to run I just saw it in the spirit is the anointing it's not ordinary so just hold them so they don't injure themselves I just saw in the spirit the power of God comes upon someone and he begins to run it is a prophetic step to show that there is access raishin coming to that person's life now listen please let's have some time to teach before I begin to minister so spiritual growth never forget this the first biblical index is our conformity in experience to the image and the character of the Christ it says my little children of whom I travail until Christ be formed in you the second biblical index for measuring spiritual growth is your depth of comprehending the ways the mysteries of the kingdom so that you stop shadowboxing you come to a point of understanding you know what spiritual law is responsible for the results you seek you do not randomly apply truth in hope that one of them will work you know the allocation that the blood of Jesus is for you know the allocation that the name of Jesus you know what result what does your seed to when you so what does your confession to when you speak this is spiritual maturity and I began to explore yesterday the mysteries of the kingdom I shared with you a number of them the loss of Dominion the loss that the Saints reign by number one I established the mystery of priesthood or prayer the first key that we examined yesterday was the Ministry of Prayer Luke 18 and verse 1 I'm doing a recap for those of you who are just coming today the Bible says that he speak a parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint Festus alone ian's 517 says pray without ceasing it doesn't mean pray from morning till night it means be consistent Alleluia our together yes and then the second dimension I shared with us another law it's the realm of your glory it's the realm of your praise I can see your mighty power moving in this place we're in the presence of angels with God's glory we under wings unlike the four is Amanda Watters I can hear the angel see you are hiwa he was you are Dada da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da the spirit of prophecy is coming on people the spirit of prophecy is a grace that my father is releasing this is not the book of access this is that Hallie's Calibra hasad idea that it will speak for the mistress of the kingdom now please listen I shared with you the second spiritual mystery the ministry of men and now I want to share with you one more very briefly to cup up this session and this conference these are the keys that empowered the Saints to represent the purposes of the Christ in experience I'm praying that among the many things that happens to you in this conference is a fresh hunger for the things of God listen that you will know and understand afresh that Christianity is not a religion is not an advocacy to be loyal to a Thai tea somewhere is an experience that is provable the tangibility the substance of God can be demonstrated here and now are we blessed now I want to share with you the mystery that controls the anointing of the Holy Spirit I want to touch a bit on the anointing because this is one of the secret behind the rising of the sails listen the faith life is such that you you do not just rise by intention alone it takes more than a sincere heart to rise and trance it in two dimensions that will reveal the glory of God through your life to a generation it takes more than a sincere heart it takes more than a desire to serve God you must be empowered now watch this Jesus is with the Apostles and he took time to mentor them for three and a half years are we together now and then Jesus is preparing to start his passion the event that leads to his death his burial and his resurrection and then he begins to talk to them about this strange personality they had seen him walk upon the path they saw the signs the wonders the invincibility of this person then he began to introduce them he said I have many things to tell you Jesus is speaking but he cannot bear them now howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come when he comes he will guide you into all truth he says that he will reveal to you the things that pertain unto the father he said I will not leave you comfortless Jesus is speaking to them he said carry in Jerusalem in other words who are sin gentlemen I appreciate your time you have been faithful mentees but it takes more than information to turn your world around tarry until you are endued with power from on high listen hear me London hear me believers it takes more than a good heart to transform your world it takes more than good intention believe it or not we're immersed in a world that is wicked and satanic in nature it will take the empowerment of the Spirit for you to rise to that dimension where your life feetoes your background feetoes your limitations and now begins to represent the purposes of God some 92 and verse 10 some 92 and verse 10 if his project that please read it with understanding ready read but my horn shall thou exalt like the Horn of a wild ox or a unicorn it says and I shall be anointed with fresh oil listen let me explain to you what the unknown gene is the anointing is not oil in a bottle no the anointing is not even a handkerchief the anointing is not about falling down and standing up the anointing is god's ability the anointing is an authorization listen to me the anointing legitimizes your Dominion it is an authorization to represent the purposes of God to be anointed means to be ordained to have a throne that bugs and sponsors your relevance and your exploits to be anointed is not just to have dots of oil you can have oil on your head and yet you are not anointed oil does not anoint oil our minds because someone anointed the oil now listen very carefully so we understand that in this kingdom we cannot rise beyond certain dimensions if we are ordinary science can go so far and we appreciate how far its Deaconess sociological go so far and we appreciate the intelligence of sociology but listen the days under times that we live in we require men and women who are not just landed men who are full of the power and the grace of God because the Arsenal's of darkness that continue to be released to sabotage the purposes of God will require men and women of Shia and power and grace not just nominal people nominal Christians hoping that things will work well you will need a dimensional person power Yemi Paul was teaching the church in Ephesus and he says that it be revealed to principalities and powers by the church the ecclesia the manifold multidimensional wisdom of God Alleluia and so the anointing is God's authorization to represent him the anointing is God's ability upon a man or a vessel to produce his dimension of results it is only marvelous when it is the Lord's doing when a man produces results that is higher than that of men it is proof that he has outsourced an ability that is not human are we together it is normal to intelligently apply for a job but when jobs look for you that's not normal it then it then tells you that there is a nobility upon you are we blessed now please listen very carefully many people pastor desire the anointing respectfully speaking I know that there are men and women of God in displays veterans of the gospel and I salute you for standing to lift up the banner of righteousness over London and by extension Europe but listen to me let me tell you this most people talk about the anointing most people write books about the anointing most people desire to be unknown Ted you know when people meet me pastor one of the first things they want to find out is the anointing what is the secret of the power the grace of God upon your life and I want to share with you a secret tonight that I pray in the name of Jesus that you will value you see talking about the anointing does not bring the anointing we shield for the anointing as important as that is does not bring the anointing I will share with you the secret proverbs 23 and verse 26 because we have to be anointed there is a move of God that is coming over London believe me I am standing to say it in the open and I'm standing to prophesy you sulamita ladies and apostolic Spirit is mandated to capture that which God intends to do over a generation and over a dispensation that through the sacrifice of alignment you understand the speakings of the spirit past season and then you communicate the same to the people so that they were wrong that regions and I'm saying it London hear me in the name of Jesus the heritage of father's and patriarchs that took the gospel from this region down to Africa we pray may those graves be open may those monkeys come out I submit to the head of London I split to the head of Europe oh sweet pickles water man Sally comes up a possible in the name of Jesus the nurse Mantle's five people are fresh fine young man sighs young women less yeah push Molly every part of the prosthetic everybody loved evangelistic muscala in the name of Jesus I well she had not just suck you try see man and women heroes so I alleged prophetic words in this season I stand by the privilege of the grace that is given me by a generation a nice week London Germany Europe Germany a move and we were I want us like - that God is already doing multi black dimensions let's sit up proverbs 23 26 we have to be fast proverbs chapter 23 and verse 26 please someone read it if you can find it ready read my son aha give me hold on the first law is not give me your offering it's not give me your songs it's not give me your fasting it's not give me your worship is not even give me your Bible study my son if you want me to use you if you want to stand and become a voice that speaks my purposes listen to me the non-negotiable condition unattractive but powerful is that you must give me your heart you've heard me say it and let me repeat it for the first time in London the price for all of God is all of you the price for all of God is not your intellect that's too small for all of you the price for all of God is not your talent the price for all of God is not even your education as important as it is the price for all of God is not your money the price for all of God is all of you where he no longer becomes like a house help or an errand boy that goes around to bring you prosperity that goes around to bring you healing please modern dads they don't know what you mean to me they don't know what you mean to me listen I started my walk with God sincerely not desiring to bring a picture it was never my desire to be famous my background didn't even allow for the possibility of that kind of lost I came from a very converse con conservative background please listen very carefully but I got to a point in my walk with God I became tired of religion I became tired of church listen I saw the sick go back sick I saw the oppressed go back or pres now this is not an advocacy to fight preachers please understand what I teach you this is not an advocacy to resent I appreciate the labor of the fathers and men and women who have gone before they did their best with the Grace and the understanding available for them I said this is not no it can be the more I read the Bible the more I found out preachers didn't know God said something is wrong listen proverbs chapter 18 and verse 1 says to desire a man haven't separated himself secret and intimate left with all wisdom I the hunger I didn't know it was the anointing for a generation that was seeking entrance into my life I became Restless I didn't want to be around people most of the time what are you doing to me Oh God I remember the first time I took God's generals it was as though I was reading about my relatives I said this is it they are not the only ones there were many other generals in Africa and many other people who never had we salute Robert Landon for the best that he could do but there have been many other moves that didn't have the opportunity to be captured in history however the hunger continued to grow be careful when nothing quenches your hunger is proof that God is the one who put it there when food and relationships and a job and money and promotion does not seem to quench that hunger don't try to kill it is through his godly osmond into deeper dimensions by planting a hunger that seems not to have an explanation why am i waking up in the middle of the night I can sleep I just seek his presence I don't even know why the sleepless calm why is it that I don't to find myself in the midst of people again what is this fear I continued to cry I don't know why why are you crying I don't know listen it's not always a psychological problem is the lowering of the spirit is the mantle for a generation is calling you someone listening to me please settle down and so I got to a point where I began to seek him listen pastor days became weeks weeks became months months became a few years I got to a point where I knew if I did not find him I would die listen I was not looking for fame I didn't want a generation to know Joshua sermon no it still has never been my agenda are we blessed and one night one night I'm lying down flat and here he comes into my room his majesty exalted high above the worship is not a special number for me of the people of the earth I see the Lord I see the Lord for my eyes have seen the king the lamb upon derful who reigns forever let me tell you what I saw the Train of his robe feels that I'm a cloud of heavily worshippers surrounding your throne and we join with them now crying holy holy celeb the Lamb of God listen pasta until that time I had a vision and in that vision I was standing somewhere I'm sharing my story for a reason you understand yes just help those under the anointing and it was as though I run away from a group of people who were to come and hurt me and then the window was opened and suddenly I saw a generation a whole generation crying and they were saying no food and no water and I was looking at them from an altitude and I said who is the cause and they pointed at me and I said no I wouldn't do that I mean my name means the way to love why should I do that and they pointed you are the reason why we have no food and no water and then I promised them that I was coming to set them free but I was afraid it looked as though there were certain people waiting for me and I made up my mind if I perish let me perish but I will not allow this generation die and as soon as I open the door she was this old man giant mighty he held my hand that was a Holy Spirit and he said let's go I will go with you listen and that was when I knew that the grace that he put upon my life was not just white church it was more than a ministry it was for a generation that's why when you listen to the teachings you don't even know what happens to you it is the grace for a generation it is deep calling me auntie please understand this now Jesus appears to me pastor I'm amazed because he's not talking yet I'm understanding what he's saying that was when I learned in the realm of the Spirit that you do not have to talk to speak that light is a language the entrance of the word he says given lights listen to me he stretched forth his right hand towards me you know many people say they have seen Jesus now I do not have the authority to you know I don't castigate the body I love the body unsent to the body but I can tell you many encounters that people say they met Jesus is not true if you meet Jesus the Jesus I met it would take the grace of God for you to be normal again believe me when I tell you he stretched his hands towards me analyte is like taking the Sun and putting it inside and and how I did not die is a question I will ask him when we meet again what was this light for listen as he stretched his hands towards me the experience was over and he left it would take many years for me to understand what that encounter was for I opened the Bible and there was a straight line from Genesis to Revelation I said what is this I began to see things that I never studied the entrance of their word given light in one other encounter the Lord speaks to me under that atmosphere he says my son from today I give you my presence as a gift this is what he told me my eyes is open then to this vision and I'm seeing this angel standing and he said this angel will walk with you he is called the angel of the Lord presence this is what is responsible for some of these supernatural manifestations you see and taking our time to explain this because God is mighty body can be explained are we together now and then in another encounter it was complete darkness that does the rooms the street was empty and I saw sick people all kinds of people and they were crying and calling and then a voice spoke to me to go and heal and deliver them now listen the Lord spoke to me and told me pastor that everywhere city nation region that he would allow me to go to the light that came from Jesus to me that there must be someone in that nation that that light is an instruction I have never disobeyed I need to understand I need to explain to you this person talking to you so that you will understand some of the things happening and everywhere I have traveled to there must be someone in that room who is hungry and desperate that the lights that came from his majesty to this earthen vessel was been most favoured by him that it extends to a generation and this night please believe me some of you for your families some of you for your ministry that that light will visit you pastor your wife I'm prophesying to you ma'am you are stepping into a level in the spirit you're one of these people not speaking about there is a craze for influence I'm stretching my hands to you in the name of Jesus I fix you by the spirit of grace I prophesied the weapon and I declare upon you step into a new phase a new dimension in the spirit please sit down so when you hear about Joshua Salman London Europe there is nothing special about this man in myself it is an honor and a privilege that he is given to be one of those who will hold a button that our fathers held though we are few were surrounded by many who have crossed that River before and this is the sound will be saying it forever holy listen I have an assignment tonight yes I will pray for the sick yes we will trust God to deliver the oppressed but more than that like an Olympic lights and an Olympic fire that never dies I brought something from Africa back to Europe what the father's debts to Africa our fathers held on to these Olympic lights this fire and by His grace his granted us the opportunity to bring it back the fire that saves that heals that delivers authentic Christianity the prostitute of his majesty more than pings so untrusting that somewhere in this service before we are done that fire will move from left from left to right to right and top from bottom to top and lose all losers all of this an ignition is enemies hallelujah please sit down for five minutes and then we pray please listen to me hear me London there is a prize for the anointing there is a prize for the glory of God hear me please listen the price is modern fasting the price is modern Priya the price is modern Bible study the price is modern church attendance as important as that is the price for life is death this may be an uncomfortable teaching but if it is God you want to host only that man can carry God the door that leads to life is called death the door that leads to the throne is called a cross you must die to leave I've been crucified with Christ says nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ that lives in me and the life that I live in the flesh that is the body I live by the faith of the Son of God now please sit down let me interpret what is happening to you right now because the Bible says Romans chapter 8 from verse 18 it says I'll record calisca borussia ha ha ha I reckon that the sufferings of this present time the constraints Lord listen there are many of you the dealing of God in your life is seeking for interpretation because if you do not know you will think is the devil when you want to move forward orders are moving God's as you stay back and you don't know why not what are you up to with my life why can't I live a normal life is a sign of an anointed looking for you it's a sign of a place looking for you others are sleeping and His Majesty wakes you while they are sleeping in same prayer Lord allowed many I want to leave my life and then it says not so for the grades for a generation hear me they will give you instructions that may not make sense techno guys song thy only son whom thou lovest if you want to be Abraham then you must be willing to give up Isaac only those who give up Isaac are called Abraham not those who give birth to Isaac those who can give away Isaac listen to me there is a message that our generation is trying to forget respectfully I stand and lend my voice with many across the globe that are bringing this voice back not everything is free there is a price for the glory of God there is a real price for authentic spiritual power it will cost you your convenience it will cost you your ego it will cost you your reputation when you want to stand tall you must learn to go down the secret of standing is kneeling the secret to run is to stay that the game to your speed in life is your staying power the module's pain is present the more you run this is the message that a generation is trying to forget listen to me it is true that the same Lord is rich unto all God loves everybody but it does not trust everybody it takes a track record in the spirit you can have visions of yourself moving in power and grace whether in business in ministry corporate life and it never manifests because there is a real price oh dear Generation hear me there is a real price the price of prayer the price of surrender the price of death where what you want is him not you not your ambition listen the Lord told me something years ago he said son if you can see me there is nothing I will not give you and he meant it I stand before the God of heaven in the presence of your pastor in the presence of God's people London Europe I have no business building an agenda or an empire for myself no my agenda is not fame I am NOT interested in being a celebrity all I want is to be that don't see that His Majesty can write and I told him I said lord if we will ever give me the opportunity to represent your purposes to a generation I am honored I am a man I am not perfect but I am broken listen to me I share with you this is not acting I'm sharing my heart with you if it is God you want to host it will cost you your ego it will cost you your ambition only those who can give him all can carry all of him you want to tell the sick be healed and they are healed it takes more than desire it takes more than kneeling down for a man of God to lay hands on you know there are certain wells you must dig by yourself it is a track record are we together and so I learned by experience that if you seek him and you don't find him it's because you did not seek him with all your heart London I appreciate your passion for the things of God otherwise you would not be here I appreciate your honour for me and your precious pastor I thank you for all that you have done I thank you for your love and everything but you have celebrated Joshua Selman thank God for what he's done in my life but let me tell you I introduced to you afresh his majesty I introduce to you a fresh that God who is bigger than us all I introduce to you a fresh the maker of this money that we so admire listen if all you see is me you have not seen well you must see him my agenda is not to comment dual funds no more than that sincerely he knows where you're all I want you're all I ever need you're all I want help me no you more than say more than the reputation you are Bernie you're all help me no you hear me I'm speaking to you by the spirit II he's calling you to a place of fresh home Ghana this is my message tonight he sees how eyes available but his power will require it and if I can't find someone that is desperate enough tonight to say Lord I will lay my idols and Thrones I have made and now bad has taken my heart that I will lay now my idols and Thrones I have me and all that has taken my heart sing Lord I will bow low I will bow to you to no other God but you this is my desire I sincerely seek to see the Christ revealed under Christ glorified like Johnny says that I may decrease is not self condemnation is an attempt to show how much he seeks to see his Majesty revealed hear me tonight he is calling you to give up your agenda does not mean to forget about it it means to dethrone it until price becomes Lord of it he is not asking you to not seek prosperity don't get me wrong no I preach the whole counsel of God he wants you to prosper he wants you to increase he wants you to go forward you call it a shifty however he wants to be Lord of all his jealousy does not allow him to share any space with any other thing and so I made up my mind and I told him Lord if you will give me anything at all that will take your place let it never come I meant it I still mean it any platform any unknowing teen that you will never give me that will make me shift the attention of a generation from you to me may never come it is my pledge to see his glory revealed I'm not the only one he has called it is a generation it is an honor he is given and we stand faithful to that which he has given but here in London I believe that the man who will restore the body nancy's of God are in this building tonight I believe that the men and the women who will bring back that fire like the days of Gideon like the days of Samson like the days of Elijah the call tonight is the call of death I'm going to give you two prayer points and I want you to pray sincerely because I'm about to speak over your life I want you to find a corner and cry your heart not everything I have exalted above you I did truly tonight be the center of my life someone is framing someone is trying to go someone is crying all I want is for you for you to be loved for you to be ha baby is for you for you to be the love for you to be feel my life she'll always see he gives you blow blow leaves hi I do big well Oh is for you for you to be low for you to be all I want it is for you for you to be the believe that high believe that high for every belief that I believe 10 I believe for your own lift pray Lord take everything I surrender everything somebody's praying I say to view everything I do I'm withholding we're holding nothing I'm withholding nothing to move Enix with keep myself away share their Missoni I keep myself away from you can use me I keep my heart away gave my heart away so me daddy use me I'll Olivia the last sprayer point for tonight you are going to pray father the grace under option that must come upon my life and turn me into another man and shift me twin a next dimension of prosperity there is a mighty anointing happening to pastor's wife there is a my distance this conference tonight was designed by God's counsel you see God is touching people but I see an unusual impartation July flow I wanna run what a rod over the July I wanna feel me whew be Gaga feel me feel me my prayer Lord feel me God feel me feel me feel me feel me feel and we will never settle for less we know there's more that's found in you I'm speaking to someone God is about to shift you I'm standing in this apostolic office but the privilege of God's grace it's time to move you into a dimension in the spirit we know I'm about to pray listen Alleluia pastor Sir with all due respect the Lord is giving me a prophetic word hear what the Lord is saying the Lord is speaking three things number one the Lord is saying he is multiplying the influence of dr. Challa all over London yes this is what God is saying that he's giving you grace four kings place four kings you will raise kings this is what the Spirit of God is telling me and the Lord is telling me again that is multiplying your honor for the Lord is saying I have seen your faithfulness even in the midst of fire this is what the Spirit of God is saying and that a thousand cubits has been measured for you and it's time to go deeper he will multiply your influence and seem good race strange people to stand by you financially strange people believe me to stand by you and lift up the ministry that the Liberty Church will become not just a place of transformation but the place of strange revival it will happen by the power of the Spirit this grace you see tonight I will not go back with it it will rest with this church believe me I want to pray please understand that this is not pride it is the privilege of God's grace to carry this mantle for a generation I'm not the only one there are many scattered across Europe Africa and across you have only met one of them but tonight if you will believe the words that I release upon you Jamie London I did not call myself the grace you annoys the grace that comes upon you I'm standing in my office and I'm declaring right now anyone called in ministry here hear me I am about to extend my hand and let his strange grace for encounters and hunger at the count of three father I pray all over London and everyone who is following online America Europe Africa Asia in the name of Jesus at the count of three let it be that importation they call a call open up the wellspring of the world one get ready to bring back that race down that there is now technology now in the name of Jesus I shift you by prophecy a new dimension in ministry the healing anointing is coming on people right now take that grace hallelujah hallelujah the grace for intercessors this is what God is showing me Cody's birthday intercessory ministry tonight I'm seen many women in the order of Deborah we're at a London Eye awakened the poorest I blow the shofar I sound the alarm in the name of Jesus the poorest arise the borders arise women with the strength of Nations I caught your warriors in the mighty name of Jesus a decade like the wise men of Shilla I decree and declare that grant also bought you that dress falls upon you hallelujah hallelujah who is David David I'm hearing a name David you are holding the picture of someone called David who is not is a picture David is there someone like that you came with a photo look at this come what's his name so on this boy is going to be a mighty man of God mighty mighty Oh some God how great our mighty are yummy standing there of your home Lord weep and worship Alleluia I released grace upon that boy jornatha who is Jonathan Jonathan where are you you a man of God are you Jonathan calm your life is about to change comes up in this ministry I part of this ministry now I'm going to pray for you but you go on pastor shala would lay hands there is a grace on his life please forget about whether you know him or not just just believe what I'm telling you hold my hands shout Jesus as loud as you can grace I shift you in the spirit you step into a new dimension vice versa as pastor lays hands on you there is an impartation of grace that is coming upon you hallelujah now hammy the prophetic ministry but there has been no one to open your heavens in that regard in the name of Jesus I'm stretching my hands now from the front to the back the balcony everywhere I stand by the Spirit Lord anyone who is called to speak the promises of God to the nation's the seeing eyes and the hearing here at the count of three that place falls on you one two three take the prophetic take the prophetic strange dreams seasons operations of the Spirit Macintosh caddy Borussia in the name of Jesus hallelujah listen I want to pray our time is up but I will pray quickly before I pray for the sick I want to release the healing anointing you see we cannot lose the healing ministry the ministry of science and wonders must be preserved is that except he seemed miraculous signs and wonders you will not believe we live in an unbelieving generation that must see the signs in addition to the truth of God's Word I am not ashamed of the gospel he says for it is the power of God I believe that there are people here who will carry their grace before I pray for the sick I want to release that grace now it has nothing to do with gender it has nothing to do with being a man of God it has everything to do with hunger father at the count of three everywhere within this auditorium Lord there are people who are fasted and prayed for the grace genuine grace for the ministry of science and wonders I stretch my hands at the count of three like the dew of hamon let it fall 1 harus God Asiata to get ready there it comes like a whirlwind 3 take that trace of them please help them my god take that grace take that grace from the front to the back take that things of the balcony take that dreams may that grace find you I shift to by the spirit new dimensions in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah now it's over new level you are trust in God's Way miracle very quickly lay your hands lay your hands right there by the way I know that I have a few minutes left just a few minutes I'll do my best to wrap up but before I wrap up we will agree as a church and speak over the coronavirus we thank God for what the governments of nations are doing but the church is the authorized entity to allow or disallow and we're going to take our place tonight and send that virus back from where it came from but I want to pray for the sick now this is our final session I know that many of you came trusting God for healing listen miracles are real miracles are real they are a manifestation of the messy and the love of God no shadow we will line up mountain you moon climber mommy now to me snow while you will call me now - all right lay your hands here now thank you Jesus just lay your hands do I want to pray for you now I believe in miracles you don't have to come out right where you are as we worship the Holy Spirit's gentle touch is flowing Jesus Jesus God is touching people there is healing in your na now agree with me in the name of Jesus come on London in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I command every level of insanity right now by the power of the Holy Ghost I cause you be gone in the name of Jesus every spirit of infirmity by the power that raised Christ help them please I command be God now be set free in the name of Jesus now I declare over the sick be healed in the name of Jesus every blood disease be healed in the name of Jesus blind eyes open in the name of Jesus those who on crutches on a wheelchair be healed now in the name of Jesus deaf yes partial total deafness be healed now all sus of all sorts be healed in the name of Jesus hats palpitations be healed in the name of Jesus every cardiovascular disease be healed from it in the name of Jesus every bone condition in the name of Jesus be healed now when I mention your case or not in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God I declare healing for you now now I apologize in advance we may not have the time to take testimonies but you can always register your testimony I believe that there might be an email or or you can meet one of the officials and just let them know that this is what has happened to me there will be so many testimonies from this conference alleluia alleluia two more assignments and I'm done listen please listen very carefully prophecy is very powerful it not only reveals it can create the most superior dimension of the prophetic is not the revelatory dimension I demonstrated this yesterday the most superior dimension of the prophetic is the grace that makes us what has no business happening to happen by this time tomorrow he was not revealing what would happen he made it happen the Lord wants to make things happen in our lives now and he said son of man can these bones live again and the Prophet said only down noise listen the prophetic is powerful now I I know and I agree that it has been insulted here and there and there has been exaggerations and people have handled the prophetic without character and people have done a lot of things and even dabbled into all kinds of activities of definition I know that church is like a patient however Christ is still in the midst of her but please do not make the mistake of believing that just because there are perversions here and there every manifestation of the prophetic is ungodly you are wrong if you think so there are people who are paid the price and by the privilege of the election of grace they've been invested with the ability to create possibilities over the lives of others can I pray for you I stand as one who is sent by the privilege of God's grace in agreement with the angel over this house the man that God has sent and so or not yet again tonight and in the name of Jesus I cry that my father who is my maker and the maker of men that you would happen to every word now I decree over this auditorium London hear me I stand in the name of Jesus every closed door and for your life the final destiny I speak as heart he fell real I know shuttle spiritual boss bill dari our doors he offered I should choose my prophecy you level I see smooth overnight step into prepared blessings number two the Bible says under king sent for Joseph and they brought him out of his torture listen there are men called destiny help us they have an assignment we are mandated and authorized to hold your hand and lead you to the next level i prophesy to the north of London the south is the West every rather helpless of your destiny are in Fremont like the spirit of prophecy like the heart of God in the house of obed-edom I call them yesterday sure listen once upon a time the Bible says Elijah was with the sons of the Prophet and he said where we meet with you is two straight let us go beyond the Jordan and while they were felling the trees the axe head fell and it's an alarm a stir for it was borrowed let me prophesy because there are people here on their financial threshold and listen I respect the laws of economics but from Scripture every time a man was under any kind of pressure it took prophecy to bring them out therefore I speak to your bills I speak to your finances they are the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus rise to a new level I shifted when you level financially in the name of Jesus I won't send help us I thought that I got financial troubles in the name of Jesus Alleluia please look at me the Sami said many a day that rise up against me it's as many a day that say where is your help but then he says for Thou O Lord - shield for me it says you are my glory help me and the lifter oh I pray whatever has brought you down in the name of Jesus made a lifter of man lift you tonight the lifter of man leaves you tonight Liberty's Raj lon God rise to a new level hallelujah Revelation chapter 1 he said I John was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and he went to the throne room and then chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 he had revelations but when we get to chapter 4 he hears a voice even in heaven and it says come up that no matter what level you have gotten to enlike there is still space for more that's why I speak to you Liberty Church London Europe in the name of Jesus la macchina rise to a new level arise shine arise shine I shine arise shine in the name of Jesus listen the donkey of soul gets missing and for three days they keep looking for that don't you and they cannot find it and then the servant says there is a man of God samwell let us go to that holy man of God the moment samwell meets David Saul is that is it not because a lot of anointed to be king over Israel and he pronounced three blessings number one he said that donkey that his mission has been back home let me call what has left your life that should not have left relationships resources in the name of Jesus everything that has left your life by the power of prophecy it returns back to you tonight it returns back to you tonight in the name of Jesus Alleluia nama - he told him he said as you go back you will see three men each holding two loaves of bread they will salute you and give to you somebody say favor I decree and declare over your life someone must love you enough to invest in your success decision receive favor obtain grace and favor it's not 2015 I speak it over your life buddy that anointing later in the morning server in the afternoon shredder in the evening in the name of Jesus number three he said you will come to the garrison of the Philistines and there the hand of the Lord will come upon you and when you read in the letter buses they said is so low so one of the prophets I want to speak over your life London as we wrap up this conference every dimension you have desire spiritually financially in the name of Jesus I agree with your pastor by the power that raised Christ from the dead received that grace now have them please receive that grace now Alleluia let me give you two instructions number one please ensure that the fire on your altar never goes down some of you will need to go back home and husband wife you need to talk about it we must come up with a program for our spiritual development it is no longer going to be half hazard what do we do in the morning what do we do in the night some of you need to go back and come up with an intentional program for your spiritual growth you're not going to open the Bible at random and just read anything no make up your mind to know the Lord make up your mind to invest in your spirit make up your mind to buy books your pastor has got some books there are rich materials you can get it listen to it it says under from a child thou hast known the Holy Scripture that is able to make you wise unto salvation number two make up your mind that you're going to be connected as much as possible to what God is doing in and through this ministry you say let me tell you and and I believe this and this is not I've not even spoken with pastor I believe listen to me I believe that God sends people to ministries and connects them there are we together now it is sometimes you can choose based on what you want I like this man but there is the connection of destiny you will need to locate yourself with the grace the grace that is responsible for your lifting when God called somewhere he used the voice of Eli he did not use an echo they that be planted in the house of God they shall flourish in the courts of our God even in old age the Bible says they will be and flourishing hallelujah praise the Lord our time is gone have been instructed that I lead us to take our offering have we taken our offering let me bring out mine can you bring out your offering let me pray and speak oh right remember that these things are done with understanding and with revelation please very quickly our time is up and then just a final word and we are done let me just pray because our time is done please bring out your offering I want to speak a white in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God who are they hello happy your name ah father hear us from heaven forgave our sins now two things very quickly if you need a not an offering envelope just just with your hands and someone ok please help them they're officials please keep it keep it lifted keep it lifted and someone will reach you very quickly with an envelope not listen while this is happening I want to make an altar call spare me one minute what will all this at the same time it is important that we do this I want you to know that the foundation of the faith life is coming to Jesus with brokenness to receive his life the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish have evilest in life there are two categories of people here tonight the first category is an apostle he is an apostle I really want to make it right with Jesus all through the days of this conference and now tonight I do not want to wrap up this conference and go about the same there are others was an apostle of found myself loving the Lord but for some reason my life has gone haywire and I need a restoration those two categories wherever you are I wanted to take the bold step very quickly please come stand before me right now celebrate them as they come someone is running to Jesus are you celebrating salvation please stand or kneel because of space I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no becoming celebrated as the cup I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back I have to start to follow me I salute and I celebrate please look at me just just a moment oh my god that adorable girl she's coming for the altar call to come come come oh I love this lady celebrate her come come darling what's her name now not listen to me I really love children and you love me I love you too thank you Alleluia I pray where's the mom mom where are you please take care of this girl she's a gift don't cry I know the Bible says train up a child in the way should go look at this adorable child loving Jesus serving Jesus only God can tell what she will become I just I just brought her to just love on her and then to make it a lesson don't serve Jesus alone as for me I pray for you my dear you will serve Jesus you will serve the god of your parents and I have a little gift for you do you mind this is for you thank you thank you now thank you I celebrate every one of you a card will be given up am i right okay let me just have one okay I'm not sure do you have it I'm not sure they have it do they have the card okay a card will be given to you is a decision card please do well to fill it I don't know if you can do it immediately if you can get a pen please if you don't have a pen just with your hands someone will reach you feel it legibly and I believe that your officials you'll give it to immediately but then I want to lead you thank you so much for the courage to come and to make this decision and I'm honored to lead you it's a noble decision it's a noble decision lift your right hand if you will please just suspend what you're doing for a moment lift your right hand let it be true let it be sincere you're not reciting a poem Jesus is here let it be from the depth of your heart say after me every one of you standing we can back them up every one say Lord Jesus I love you and I believe in you that you are the son of God tonight I declare that you are my Lord you are my Savior you are my king I obtained remission of my sin and I receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and I declare that from tonight I go forward ever and backward never amen and amen keep your hands lifted let me pray Jesus I present to you the ones you died for and I thank you for drawing these ones no one can come to the Father except by Jesus I bless you the grace that keep made that grace keep you go from glory to glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen and amen okay now all of you please this way all of you in concert just move to my left which is your right and just four to three minutes the officials will just help coordinate what you are doing please all of you let's celebrate them as they go everyone please everyone hallelujah now remember we are about to receive the offering let me just do this quickly I'm honored to have my my auntie and my uncle here it was a big surprise and please I want to honor I want you to help me and I love them very much and I'm honored they're somewhere here I believe please stand please stand that's my uncle my auntie mama Susan that the Isaiah are y'all celebrate them do it for me celebrate them do it from in London oh please okay I'm told that they come forward please let's honor them come on now there are my parents yes sir - let me do it for me celebrate them celebrate them amen hallelujah please lift up your offering lift up your offering and let us blessing thank you sir thank you my I am so honored so honored so oh no please celebrate them one more time thank you and here Alleluia please lift your offering and let me just speak oh right the Bible says and God is able to make all grace abound towards you so that he having all sufficiency he says that you are bound to all good works I speak over your offering I declare blessed I give it a voice in the realm of the Spirit I command your offering to go all around London to God ah it's kind and return to you a thousand fold in the name of Jesus may your see tonight bruise the head of the serpent by this seed I declare rise above financial shame rise above financial pressure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen and amen now let me just say something I just felt stirred up in my spirit that there are few of you here the Lord is going to place it in your heart this is this is something that just came just to bless past one tell him thank you after the service you can see him or I just sense it in my spirit that there are people here that the Lord will speak to this is this is not some fundraising no where people of integrity but were also people of truth the Holy Spirit just spoke to me that he is going to be leading some of you to just come and meet pastor and his wife to say thank you for the sacrifice of hosting this program this is what I have to just love on you to just celebrate you for making this happen and if that is you after the service or somewhere please just find that the leaders would direct you on how to do it and let's just honor and bless this precious precious man of God we love him come on give it up for dr. Challa and his dear wife thank you hallelujah you're offering is blessed in Jesus name please pass it around how do we pass it around very quickly very quickly very quickly OSHA's will come just be patient OSHA's will come while that is happening please listen this is my last night tomorrow I'm back but I want you to know first dr. Scholl and your dear wife thank you for your love the hospitality new Liberty Church you have an awesome team the protocol the the worship team my god they call them the Liberty sounds the sounds of Liberty hallelujah I'm sure I'm sure that one of these days who pick on worship team and bring them here so that you would just have a concert in London and just just shame the devil hallelujah amen praise the name of the Lord London thank you I'm always aware is one thing to be called it's one thing to be anointed but when you have a generation believe in you love you many of you have gone so far to get our teachings to so many people by the way you can get all of our teachings go to Koinonia downloads dog is free just get the teachings is my contribution to the spiritual growth of a generation so please do well to get the teachings listen to them for your spiritual edification are we together London I want you to know that I do not take your trust your honor and your love for granted I love you with all my heart and I decree and declare that you will go from glory to glory in the name of Jesus and for my uncle and my aunt I thank you thank you so much I love you with all my heart the Lord bless you thank you long done god bless you can you women with a lot amplify your voice from a less once
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2019, koinonia watch tv, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia messages, apostle joshua selman worship songs, dunamis hub, apostle joshua selman, koinonia 2020 message, overcoming daily by apostle joshua selman, sbic connect johnson suleman, sbic connect youtube, apostle joshua selman south africa, UNITED KINGDOM, London Apostolic Visit Day 1 | Apostle Joshua Selman
Id: oyDFJs6V5Ok
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Length: 122min 33sec (7353 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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