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[Music] hallelujah thank you jesus let's lift our hands and bless him a powerful time already in his presence lift your hands and give him praise jesus we exalt you because you will do mighty things in this place tonight and we give you all the praise [Music] is [Music] holy spirit we pray that in this place tonight you will reveal yourself in power take us beyond his realm and this dimension [Music] peace of the living god [Music] foreign are the spirit of god i feel your touch in my life [Music] oh is make my life teach me me is spirit of the living god you for your presence you are truly the spirit of god to experience your grace i just have a few minutes with us and i'd like for our hearts to be open let your heart be open just forget about who you came here with forget about the issue of mass come right now elijah said if you can see me if you can see there is something that will come upon you he says if you can't it wasn't just talking about looking if you can sustain a level of focus and sensitivity in the spirit enough to grasp the things that the spirit of god is doing [Music] the glory of god is in this place in the glory i will stand [Music] i'll receive i'm telling the power [Music] button my hands [Music] every miracle you have for me [Music] will you come and make your presence [Music] this you are the spirit of your presence oh foreign i heard i you're truly the atmosphere hello hello hello hello [Applause] lord i wish you come on get lost in his presence i am oh come on worship god your heart one more time he's let me tell you what you are doing you are invoking his presence he's a mystery in the streets many have learned to talk but we do not know that there is an act of bringing in the manifest presence of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready uh bring them out yes ah yes you are [Music] [Music] the heavens the heavens be opened [Music] [Music] we [Music] now the heartbeat of heaven let us keep now the heartbeats are forever let us yes yes [Music] i'm not going to be doing too much of hallelujah because the spirit of god is going to initiate men into an encounter tonight this is the kind of grace and anointing that is operationally displaced tonight there are certain levels of the spirit that no man can teach you all you need is to expose yourself to that environment it's like an electromagnetic field something will happen to you that i have not seen not yet has heard if an operation of the spirit is a breaking from your inner man is a release of something that will grant you access to spirituality it's already happening to a number of people despite is is is is lord we ready tonight hey is i reach for the fire on the globe hello and moses said i will turn aside and see this great fight and the bible says when god saw that moses don't have tried to see he said moses remove your soul think of your experience and your knowledge about me for now so where you stand is holy ground i'm about to open you to new dimensions so lose sight of what you have known about me yes you have healed the sick but moses i call you into a deeper experience on the strength of what i'm about to do with you moses said who will i tell pharaoh has sent me and he said i am there must come a time in a man's life when he will desire god and the things of the spirit above and beyond nominal religion religion has stopped a lot of people from pressing into these fountains of the spirit [Music] and he said i saw a river coming from the east side of the temple and he measured a thousand cubits and it was through my seat and then again a thousand to this it was to my knees but that was not all the dimensions available then he measured a thousand triplets again there are measurements in the spirit tonight and men are entering deeper levels of the city you are of the fountains of the spiritual night my heart my mind it all belongs to you come on that we see [Applause] hallelujah you are the spirit of god and we reverence your presence in this place [Music] lord there is so much you want to do in our lives and we pray tonight that you will win the war between us spirit man and our flesh hallelujah tonight oh god take us to this room in the name of jesus please sit down if you can if you can't don't be distracted the meeting is on just a few minutes take me to the place the place [Music] [Applause] would you pray that secret place [Laughter] there is a secret place the bible says he that dwells not he that visits he that dwells [Music] there is a realm called the secret place and if a key that dwells in the secret place of the most high it shall abide under the shadow of the almighty my goal tonight is not necessarily to teach so much about intimacy with the holy spirit it will take us eternity to uncover the mystery behind this third person of the holy ghost there is so much there is so much to know and to learn but tonight my attempt is to bring us to a point where we can at least understand what the fellowship of the holy spirit is if i can achieve this then the heart of the father is satisfied tonight [Music] lord take us to the place [Music] the place you are that's secretly [Music] that's where i wanna be hallelujah listen let me tell you something about the holy spirit did you know that when jesus walked upon the earth please listen when jesus walked upon the earth he did many mighty miracles is that true but did you know that with all the great miracles that jesus did in the flesh it never changed people the people did not change in fact they doubted him the more they saw the power of god at work in dramatic proportions they saw the might of god displayed and yet they doubted him you know why because it is not by power the change does not come just by power nor does it come by might but it is by the spirit when jesus died and resurrected they saw him raise lazarus back to life but when he resurrected the bible says son doubted him are you getting my point now jesus kept teaching them again and again but because of the absence of the holy spirit in their lives they could not understand there is a dimension of the kingdom [Music] that you may never know and experience until you come into the place of intimacy the truth is many people have not encountered what they call the fellowship of the spirit what we have seen most of the time is the power of the spirit and whilst that is very important you must come into a comprehension of this person and the presence of the spirit the power of god can produce miracles the power of god can produce great results but only the presence of god only the presence of god can bring true transformation and change and the spirit of the living god is the conveyor of that presence beneath him calls him the unlimited presence of jesus the unlimited presence of jesus take your place take your place take your place [Music] take your place you can fake power but you can never fake the presence of the holy spirit you can fake power have a list can mimic power but no man can mimic the presence of the spirit hallelujah i'll just share two or three things with us about the holy spirit and then we will pray because i know that tonight someone will encounter the spirit of god in a very powerful way second corinthians 13 verse 14 paul prayed a prayer that must become part of our daily life an experience that he desired the church to come into second corinthians [Music] thank you jesus [Music] verse 14 second corinthians 13 verse 14. it says the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion paul begins to give us an interesting description and the communion of the holy ghost comes from the greek word koinonia is sharing together a participation it was paul that began to open us up to the possibilities that a man can be in partnership with the holy ghost are you getting me now paul was describing certain things that the holy ghost is not just god to be worshipped alone not just god to be referred but that a man can come into intimacy a knowledge a oneness a communion not a covenant not a covenant this is not about covenant this is about oneness becoming one intermingled inseparable and paul said may that experience be the experience of the corinthian church he said the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion the coinnonia the drinking of the same cup the sharing together of the holy spirit be with you in other words there is a dimension of your christian experience that will never be effective until you encounter this thing called the communion of the spirit there are so many people looking for power looking for understanding looking to seek and know the deep things of the spirit but we neglect the person of the holy spirit without the holy spirit this book is only a history book is only a newspaper void of any ability to change any man that's why many people have read the bible from cover to cover without the holy ghost and all they saw was in quote the contradictions and the error and that became their findings after weeks of studying this but another man studies this by the holy ghost and that becomes the breaking point of his life [Music] who is this spirit of god where is he what is his purpose could we not do without him if the people in the old covenant did without the holy spirit as a corporate people [Music] why is this so important is it really important to have the holy spirit and the fellowship of the spirit in your life what do you stand to gain or what do you stand to lose if we do not understand this our pursuit for the spirit will only be mechanically to be fake and with time we will be tired and we will give up [Music] the holy spirit is the only presence of jesus christ i call him the only presence the manifestation of the presence of jesus without limits jesus began to speak to the disciples and in john 14 when he began to communicate to them about the things of the spirit they had seen him walk with the spirit but his desire was not just that you will walk with the spirit alone my extremes please hallelujah the holy spirit listen is the spirit of the lord the holy spirit is what the spirit of the lord and now i'll explain that for you so that you understand please come let me use it if for any reason you have a vision right and in that vision you see this brother was which is body you saw are you following me now what did you see his spirit that means the spirit of a man looks exactly like that man do you do you understand so the spirit of mama is the unlimited version of his person that is not bounded to this mortal body are you getting my point when he dies the real person when you go to heaven you will still see him whereas the body is down there is that true but you see him i know that this is paul are you getting my point now jesus could only be at a certain place at a given time because he was founded in this body so when the bible calls the holy spirit the spirit of the lord what does that tell you that is god's own spirit at work are you getting my point god's own spirit boundless able to reside and walk with millions and billions of people who are interested the same way the spirit of god is doing great and mighty things in this meeting all across the universe in different meetings at this very point he's doing different things he's giving somebody a prophetic word right now somewhere the holy spirit is causing a sick body to be used right now somewhere he's convicting sinners at the crusade ground right now he's causing a burden woman to rejoice somewhere right now all of these activities by one spirit the unlimited presence of jesus are you getting my point now that was why jesus he said in in john 16 he said the word cannot receive him because they do not know him whatever jesus said he said you know he ah jesus is speaking to the disciples he said don't claim you don't know him the paragraph let us this is him standing but the only thing is that i will leave an another person [Music] the boundless version of myself will now come and be able to walk with you it is on account of that that the things that i could do alone now a an entire congregation of people can do because they can drink of the same spirit are you following me now the holy spirit is god's own spirit the very spirit of the christ at work in you so when you say lord come into my heart it's true that jesus comes into your heart but the spirit the same way my man can be sleeping is that true for instance and then which doctor in the village can invoke his spirit is that correct did the body stand up at home but as far as they are concerned they are talking to him and they will give him instructions and say get up and go and beat your wife and then he gets up in the morning with that same instruction so as far as they are concerned it made no difference whether the real person was there or it was his spirit that means when you look and say jesus why don't you get up on your throne and just calm down and let us see you jesus says the spirit of the living god has brought my presence that's the reason why the holy spirit only answers to the name of jesus and he only answered the moment you magnify the lord the spirit of that lord comes to confirm so in your heart the bible says know you know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit but if i ask you who did you receive in your heart you said jesus but today here and now jesus the second person of the trinity is seated at the right hand of the father is that true so who is really inside you the holy spirit reveals the presence of god in the life of a man the holy spirit reveals the presence of god in the life of a man the same way jesus came at an expression of the father in other words the bible says no man has seen the father at any time but jesus came as an expression the holy spirit came as a continuation of his ministry that's why jesus told us in john 16 he said the world cannot recognize him because they have never seen him but you have seen him he walks among you and the time will come he will be in you john 14 verse 16 let's quickly look at what jesus said about the spirit of god let's start from 14 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it feared him not neither knoweth him but he know him for he dwelled with you in other words right now that spirit is among you you are telling them but shall be in you he said i will not leave you comfortless 18 i will not leave you comfortless so how am i going to comfort you read the remaining part i will come to you what is jesus saying jesus is about to leave are you following me now he's about to die his assignment was to be over and he said don't worry you see me leaving for a while i am coming back it's not that i will come back in another form i will come back to you i will come back to you and on the day of pentacles he returned in the person of the spirit and the prophet joel began to speak and he said this is that this is that which he said would happen the holy spirit listen please is beyond praying in tongues and miracles if our circumference of the knowledge of the holy spirit is just his power there are dimensions that we will never enter listen did you know that when the holy spirit came upon the apostles all of a sudden all the teachings that jesus began to teach them started making sense they never understood because you cannot understand spiritual things the bible says a canner man cannot the natural man cannot understand the things of the spirit because they are spiritually besides that means it will take the agency of the spirit to make you really understand so jesus said many things to an extent that in john 16 jesus was contemplating and he was expressing it he said i have yet many things to tell you there are deeper things in the kingdom that i want to tell you he said but you cannot bear them now how be it when she the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth and he will show you he will show you the spirit of god is the spirit of revelation he opens us up to the big things of the spirit the bible says no man knows the heart of a man save the spirit of that man so also no man knows the heart of god except the spirit of god for the spirit of god searches all things including the beauty the spirit of god is the manifestation of god in our lives walking with us listen to how the bible puts it he says and the lord walking with them the lord jesus went to heaven in their very presence is that not true acts chapter 1 they saw jesus rise up and go to heaven and they turned and started working to do to go and do the great commission and the bible says god was still working with them the lord god walking with them confirming the word with signs following the reason why many believers have a boring christian life is because number one many people have not celebrated the ministry of the holy spirit in their lives faith is one thing to be filled with the holy ghost it's another thing to have fellowship with the spirit are you getting my point now that you have received the baptism of the holy spirit for instance and you're born again and you fell under the anointing and you got up is no guarantee that you are in fellowship with the holy spirit the holy spirit is a real person he has emotions the bible gives us the emotional dimensions of the spirit it tells us you can grieve the spirit in fact the bible says your joy is in the holy ghost the kingdom of god is not in meat and drink but in righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost what is fellowship with the holy spirit is this fellowship because his fellowship that brings intimacy what does it mean to our fellowship with the holy spirit number one it means to surrender your mind your will your body your faculties to the influence and the direction of the spirit the influence and the direction of the spirit jesus speaking to nicodemus in john chapter three from verse five down to eight is that the wind blew it where it listed you cannot tell where it's coming from nowhere is going it says such is one who is led by the spirit so to be in fellowship with the holy spirit is to come to that position where your entire faculty comes under the governing influence of this person not just that you are powerful hallelujah please let me have one lady okay there's somebody anybody come watch this if this is my wife for instance what does it mean to have intimacy hallelujah that we can come to a point of oneness a drinking together a sharing together did you know listen that if i stay with this woman long enough a time can come she does not need to ask my opinion of certain things by reason of working together she has come to understand and acclimatize my mindset is that true she has as a faithful bride submitted to my influence and my value over her life this is called fellowship coinonia hallelujah and then i have come to a point where i understand her i know her form our friends is a temperament let me tell you something the holy spirit is the only man capable of being satisfied with you the way you are or the only person let me not say the only man he's not a man the only person capable nobody else can really be satisfied with you but the spirit of the living god that oneness coming under his influence see let me tell you something when the presence of god becomes your habitation and that fellowship becomes a reality there are benefits and i'll share a few of them with you those benefits brothers and sisters cannot be imparted there are certain things in the kingdom that cannot come as invitations and you cannot fake it you can't pretend is there when it's not there hallelujah the first thing that happens to you i preach the message the evidence of genuine intimacy with god if you can get the message and then knowing god experientially two messages that will bless you a lot you could also add one more spiritual perception praise god listen again my dear can i use you are you tired sorry my wife again watch this do you know that when i stayed long enough with this woman do you know if we stay long enough we'll begin to look like one another have you seen that happen with husband and wife did they go and do plastic surgery it was the height of oneness there is a spiritual mystery that's why the bible says in ephesians 6 that marriage is a mystery and he says i talk about christ and the church that two separate people can come together and at the point they begin to look like one another are you getting my point very soon you'll find out that this lady will begin to talk like me right almost exactly and you're like ah do you know so so petty say what are you saying he's my husband are you getting my point now oneness oneness a lot of people's life betrayed your claims that they know the holy spirit it's impossible to have intimacy with the holy spirit it's like intercourse between a man and a woman or a man and his wife really hallelujah when a man has intercourse with his wife there are evidences a lot of people claim that they are staying in the secret place with the holy spirit but when we look at their lives we cannot see the signature of his presence upon their lives she begins to talk like me she begins to hate what i hate are you getting my point she begins to love what i love my passions become her passion there is a mingling and at that point we can say we are one and as a proof one day she will give birth to a son that is the culmination of our oneness is that who part of me is in that song part of her is in that song so that song manifests as the proof that she's truly my wife is that you that son are the manifestations of the works of the kingdom that begins to live through your life so men look at an ordinary man you enter the meeting and people were shaking you now you are standing and the other person cannot come close to you that's the son the product of the union between you and the spirit are you getting my point now so what is possible for ordinary men although you come in alone but in reality you're coming in with the spirit and then your limitation is swallowed up by his strength and men see only you but they see the work of two people at work they know that this kind of results he said no man can do these things except god be with him so this young ordinary man doing the works of god when they looked at jesus they saw the mighty things that he did at the point jesus said i know that you people are wondering why a man like me would be able to do these things there is one that lives in me jesus began to tell them about the presence of the spirit of god he said i only do the things that i see my father do could it be that the reason why we are walking alone is because we have neglected fellowship with the spirit when men look at you you only look like yourself you don't look like someone else and a lot of people religiously try to mimic see if on the other hand this lady sees me and she tries to mimic the things that i'm doing mechanically i hope you know she will be frustrated one day so a lot of people are trying to be holy without the spirit are you seeing it now a lot of people are trying to be prayer warriors without the spirit a lot of people are trying to heal the sick without the spirit a lot of people are trying to grow spiritually without the holy spirit a lot of people are trying to read their bible innocently but without the holy spirit and all they end up with is the very futility of the efforts of man because it is not by power it is not by mind but it is by the spirit when all things look impossible when he comes his possibility becomes your possibility are you getting my point now so that it ordinarily i prayed for this guy and said be healed and nothing happens now together with the spirit we have form a team inseparable as i lift my hands it's not just my hands that are lifted you can only see my hands but there is the hand of another and his power becomes my power are you getting the point now and when that happens something very very amazing happens a lot of people cannot see him so they will look at you and glorify you but you turn as an usher and say there is one mightier than i am are you following me now breathe upon me breath of god breathe upon me spirit of the lord as i leave my [Music] i am yielding to your speed [Music] jesus i adore [Music] jesus i adore jesus i adore your holy name when the holy spirit becomes a desirable personality in your life listen all of a sudden you lose the sense of singleness i don't mean singleness with respect to marriage that sense of walking alone and you realize are you getting my point that there is one who walks with you he's called the parakletos the standby the advocate the strengthener intimacy with the holy spirit does the following things right number one it opens up the fullness of the ministry of the holy spirit in the life of that believer the holy spirit has various ministries in our lives and these ministries are released in the place of intimacy it is our communion with the holy spirit that affords him the opportunity to begin to carry out his ministry in our lives for instance the bible calls him the comforter the word comforter there is not like encouragement hallelujah the word comforter there means the one who sustains your peace [Music] are you getting it now it's not comforter like he comforts you although he can do that the holy spirit is called the helper the helper the helper the bible tells us that at a point while the war was happening between the nation of israel the hands of moses was getting weak and who came and joshua aaron who aaron right came and lifted his hands come his hands were getting weak and he came and helped him this is what the holy spirit does the ministry of the holy spirit as the helper commits you to responsibility he's called the helper not the doer the helper not the doer the helper he strengthens and magnifies your efforts the helper thank you he is called the spirit of truth and the bible says he can guide you into all truth oh such a powerful ministry of the holy spirit in this day an age where there are all kinds of error you cannot just depend on the man of god for clarity and wisdom what if the man of god is not there the bible says she who follows me will never walk in darkness never working darkness confusion many of us are confused today because we lack the ministry of the holy spirit the one who guides us into all truth he's called the spirit of revelation the bible says when he comes he will show you he will show you things to come he didn't say he will show you if you are a prophet he will show you if you are interested to contend for fellowship and intimacy with him your own part of the deal is to create the atmosphere and content for intimacy every other dimension of his ministry will be open in your life automatically are you seeing that now a lot of people are struggling to see visions a lot of people are struggling to walk in the gifts of the spirit that part is not your own part of the equation your own part of the equation is number one to create the atmosphere and i'll round up by telling us how to create the atmosphere for intimacy there is an atmosphere hallelujah you create the atmosphere and then you align yourself to submit your faculties to the influence of the spirit and then you will see the wonder that you will make out of your life you may be very weak but you try your fellowship with the holy spirit all of a sudden you will pick this bible and you will see strange things your eyes will open because it's the spirit of revelation he will open you up to deep things and you will begin to uncover mysteries mighty things that men have not seen she will show you the glory of the father he will lead you to that place that's why we sang that song take me to that place spirit of the living god there is a dimension of your glory there is a dimension where a man can live a sick free life there is a dimension where man can walk with wisdom spirit of god take me to that place take me to that place hallelujah the holy spirit if you sustain intimacy with god now i don't have a problem listen i don't have a problem with the teachings that attempt to teach believers how god speaks are you getting my point i know there are all kinds of prophetic seminars where they teach people how god speaks prophetic seminars where they tell people now keep quiet you are going to hear him and people say i had i don't know whether they really had or not but one thing i can tell you is that no disciple no apostle was taught how to hear god they were only thought to sustain intimacy listen there are many things we are struggling with in the body of christ that are not our spiritual responsibilities these ones are the responsibilities of the spirit that should be at work when certain conditions are met are you getting me i cannot tell you i know exactly when god anointed me per se maybe like i know that i've had encounters with jesus i have so many encounters with angels and the realm of the spirit but i cannot tell you that there was a day when jesus just appeared i said bring your head i've seen your commitment let me pour this bottle of oil on your head no again i'm not against impartations but i'm telling you i only sustain the secret place and i left the secret place with luggages of glory luggages of power and gifts and virtues of the spirit i remember the first time i saw a vision it was like i was dreaming this is why i don't know how many people see what they call vision i don't have the right to criticize them because i do not know what dimension they are operating in but i tell you there are many people who are just talking dragons the first time i saw an angel my legs were shaking but the way people just talk i see i see angels and the person that are saying they see angels now just pinching the other person and laughing i'm telling you if if you really see or let me let me not even just say angels the spirit realm if your eye is open listen to what happened paul saul now was on his way to damascus is that true he had a vision the people who were with him fell down they didn't see the vision but the impact of what the opening of the spirit did it filled the people down god can take you to the place of visions and revelations you don't need to pray and say oh god visions oh god we should know there is a day it will open up unto you the vistas of the spirit just because you are maintaining fellowship that's how i started with god oh god use me and sometimes i would worship him for hours there are times i will just let worship songs play selections of worship songs play on repeat and i just lie down quietly there and there are all kinds of spiritual activities happening in that place everybody say intimacy there is a prize for intimacy is not a gift hallelujah so he can take you to the place of power hallelujah there are many people you want the healing anointing you want the breakthrough anointing what are the ones you don't know yet rather than frustrating yourself to try to get anointing one by one why don't you go to the custodian of the anointing and stay there that's the past we miss stay there you won't just visit us the holy spirit how are you today i i think i want some anointing and i say okay here take it today you need more you come no no let me use an example with my wife again wife do you know listen do you know that there is a level of intimacy that i can get with this lady that she may never need to ask me for anything is that true there is a level of intimacy that i can get that i know that kai she wants a nice wristwatch and i won by the resort for her and then i begin to do things for her she did not even bargain for and she said is this not too much i'll say it's not your fault we are married this is why you will see god do certain things in the life of a man and you are wondering god what kind of odor is this god says is not my fault this guy has mastered the art of keeping me like a wife keeps a husband right the church has mastered the art of the believer of sustaining the presence of god [Music] would you take us to the place the place you are that secret place that's where i wanna be take me to the place the place you are that secret place [Music] the benefits of intimacy with the holy spirit number two it releases the gifts of the spirit generously in your life please write that word down generously there is a difference between a man who just received an impartation from a man of god and a man who stayed in the presence of god how many of you watch ben ahead let me see your hands when you watch an average benefit meeting just from when the worship is going you can sit where you are and start shaking even without him talking or saying anything right before the miracles that's the presence of god that's the man of the secret place but how many of you have been to a crusade where honestly you did not sense the presence of any of god you even surprised when you saw wheelchairs you were even sleeping later you saw the person close to you standing up so that were you really sick say yes there was power for that presence let me tell you something the presence of god is greater than his power never confuse them we magnify the power of god above his presence no sir no sir the anointing the power of god is the derivative of his presence [Music] if you come to me for instance just because you are looking for hundred naira you may not know me you may get 100 error but you will need it again but if you become my friend even without asking one day you will receive a lot more than that is that true we are two gift conscious in the body of christ we are too miracle conscious and that's not wrong we are too fine and wonder conscious and that's okay but i'm telling you if we return to the place of intimacy and the presence of god you will come out with spiritual virtues you cannot account for you will come out with levels of grace see when a man stays in the presence of god it's like a cloud it does something to you when you say a man of the presence speak it's as if there is something on his voice you cannot explain it but you know that it's an echo that is not a different you cannot even tell what his words are doing to you it may not necessarily be that the person is shouting he may not necessarily be that what he's saying is rhema in terms of deep spiritual knowledge but that word comes and keeps pounding you because there are two people speaking so take us to the place the place you are that secret place where i want to be you can have a worshiper who is still he may even be anointed but lacks the presence of god and you can raise a song just like this song i just raised and while you are singing people are just looking at you like this i think you are talking to yourself this is supposed to be a deep song that can convey people into some experiences but somebody comes with the overflow of his secret place and raises that same song and my goodness is as if you've never had it again hallelujah fellowship coinnonia is the secret to true spiritual power is the secret to the wisdom of the spirit is the secret to guidance he says and thou shalt hear a voice behind you behind you saying this is the way what he needs and you will find rest for your souls listen the prophet samwell when he was a little boy the bible says he slept close to the ark everybody said the ark and the arc in that in ancient times represented the place where god resided where he kept his presence somewhere slept close to the ark he didn't just visited and clean it he slept here and as a result he had a voice many people do not hear god because he do not even have fellowship with god and paul speaking says the resources were many voices and none of them is without effect you want authentic spiritual power in your life i'm telling you the principle is the secret place before there was this book there was the holy ghost i hope you know that it was the holy ghost that inspired holy men to write this take your place take your place take your place take your place take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me take my body my soul my siblings read on me take your place take your place finally how to create the atmosphere for intimacy number one there is always an atmosphere that brings the presence of god listen god is everywhere but his manifest presence is not everywhere this is why although god is in your house you may not be healed yet but if you get up and you come into a place a meeting like this then you find out that you are healed then you find out that you are delivered the manifest presence of god hallelujah number one you create the atmosphere of god's presence through the ministry of worship please never forget the ministry of worship the bible says enter into his gate with thanksgiving and into his cause with what he said come before him with singing there's something about the holy spirit and songs there's something about the holy spirit and music every man of god i know who moves powerful in the spirit is a man of worship and a man of songs and a man of singing whether he knows music or not the holy spirit does something to him come before him with singing let my life be the temple of your spirit and let my spirit feel the worms of your embrace [Music] let me be a holy habitation where your spirits is [Music] [Music] there's something about worship worship is like a magnet paul and silas prayed and when they prayed certain possibilities did not start happening but when they switched and they began to sing and worship the bible says god himself came because he inhabits the praises of his people that means whenever you truly find praise and worship the presence of god finds expression there many of us need to cultivate the art of singing and worshiping god's presence there are so many powerful songs that you can select and create the atmosphere for his presence number two the ministry of prayer creating the atmosphere for his presence the ministry of prayer never underestimates the power of prayer the bible says while they prayed together and fasted the holy ghost spoke to them it isn't spoke to one person he spoke audibly to all of them and said separate me paul and barnabas unto the ministry where would i have called them while they prayed and they fasted the holy ghost said separate me paul and barnabas alleluia the ministry of prayer is very very important [Music] very important you must learn to pray prayer is not just to solve problems or to solve satanic problems no you can just lock yourself and while worship is going on you're just blessing him thank you for your presence jehovah we praise you and you're just worshiping and all of a sudden that glory will mantle you in that place listen when the glory of god comes it does something even to your physical body are you getting my point oh yes your physical body can be affected by the glory of god your mind can be affected by the glory of god prayer prayer prayer prayer you want to experience the presence of god number three the atmosphere that can be created corporate fellowship corporate fellowship with the brethren corporate fellowship psalm 133 behold how good and pleasant it is when men dwell together in unity it is like the oil that runs upon the head of aaron down to his bed to his cat he said for dear god has commanded the blessing the blessing is not money the blessing is the holy spirit hallelujah hallelujah you must learn to create that atmosphere your job is to create that atmosphere once you create that atmosphere and worship you create that atmosphere through prayer you saturate yourself and then you create that atmosphere by your perpetual study of the world the holy spirit is called the reveal of the deep things of god so whenever you take your bible you compel his presence because it means you are ready to understand the deep things of god he said and he opened up your understanding that they might understand scripture isaiah 11. talking about the roots that will come out of the stem of jesse talking about the seven-fold manifestation of the holy spirit and the next verse says as a result you shall be of quick understanding there's no point the holy spirit is trying to help you understand when you are not passionate about the word you must love the word hallelujah i love i love i love your presence i love i love i love your truth i love i love i love your presence i love i love i love you jesus i love my love i love your presence lord i love i love [Music] i love you all too powerful i love i love i love your presence i love my love [Music] i love you jesus this is how i get a lot of the messages that i teach i don't sit down saying i'm trying to get a message i'm just focusing worshipping him and praying and let me tell you something sometimes please add this one way of creating the presence of god is too silent many of you do not know that silence is a powerful spiritual principle he said be still and know that i am god there is a level of knowledge and impartation of divine things that come upon you when you are still sometimes you just need to go somewhere and be still just still you're not listening to anything the bible says and there was the wind and the voice was not in the wind and there was an earthquake and the voice was not in the earthquake and there was fire and the voice was not in the fire when there was silence the still small voice okay could it be that some of us are too busy for intimacy sometimes you need to retreat and just go somewhere where you're not hearing any sound at all and then the voice of the lord will come to you god is not always speaking people say god is always speaking does it make sense you are not always speaking the bible says the word of the lord came the word of the lord came in the fifth day of the 10th month of this and that the word of the lord came the word comes the word comes god is not always speaking he speaks [Music] hallelujah johnson suleiman a great man of god was worshiping and praying and a very prominent politician came to his house wanting to see the man of god so he can inquire of the lord a few things about his life and career and for one hour they kept him in the palo and the guy started feeling i'm a dignified personality i mean let this man of god come and respond to me and after two hours at the point his wife was already embarrassed apologizing you know and then his daughter also after three hours she had not come out and the daughter went to knock and she entered and she told him said daddy about this is not fair this is a noble man you should come out and respond to him and joseph suleiman said he looked at his daughter and he said my daughter sit down he said there is a reason this man is coming to my house this secret place is the reason why he is coming if i forfeit the secret place just one talk to him a day will come the man will not return again let him wait how many times do we rush out of the presence of god in pursuit of what only his presence can give you there are many of us who get into all kinds of trouble you are in a straight between to make a lot of decisions in your life you've heard your opinion of every other person could it be that you need some time to just stay with the spirit and say lord i've had every pastor and every man of god and every apostle and every prophet speak to me and you stay in his presence i'm telling you sometimes it takes a very long time before the presence of god comes there are times that i go to the secret place and i'm i'm praying and singing and worshiping and i wait and god doesn't say anything i fall asleep and i wake up nothing has happened and then if you can be patient enough he is the rewarder of them not that seeking that diligently and part of diligence is persistence it is based that waits upon the lord you know what it means to wait upon the lord this is what they are doing they've been standing here for a long time just hoping maybe i would need their help for something this is what it means to wait sometimes to wait doesn't mean to fast it means to enter the secret place and hallelujah you need to wait i don't mind waiting i don't mind away i don't mind waiting on you lord i don't mind waiting i don't mind waiting i don't mind waiting i will never trade anything for the treasure of the holy spirit that i have hallelujah i will never trade anything for the treasure of the spirit the reason why all of you can sit down today to listen to me is because of his presence are you listening to me the reason why people can say ah this is a man of god let us inquire of the lord it's simply because of his presence if i neglect his presence i have neglected my destiny you are the treasure that i think you are the hardware singing that i see you are my heart mean this song from the depths of your heart begin your [Applause] [Music] you are my stay with the holy ghost and let him make you a champion stay with the holy ghost and let him make you a sign and a wonder stay with the holy ghost and let him take you out of inferiority and complex you have been admiring people admire the spirit of the living god and let me tell you when you admire the spirit of the living god something will happen to you he will take you beyond this level this is what he did my life is a testimony that god can pick any man from any realm no matter what the limitations are if you will follow him in that light if you can stay and say not let it let every other thing go jacob told his wife you can go he told his partner god he told everybody leave when he was alone a man came and take up helping if they have waited so long you must change my name and change my story and he said you are jacob but your name will be called israel for as a prince that was contended with god this is the secret of two anointing stop chasing after men i'm not teaching you not to honor men but we honor apostles and prophets and we carry people as though we are worshiping them let me tell you the same access the veil has been torn and everyone can come it's not that the price is enormous and many people do not want to pay we think everything in the kingdom is a gift i bring you a deeper revelation there are certain realms that are rewards it's the letters therefore to enter that rest is not a gift we'll soon be praying and god is going to be doing a mighty walk in this place listen for many of you is going to be like god has been seeking you he's been you know how a man is looking for a woman for many of you god has been calling you attention the bush has been burning for years but you have refused to see it because you are looking for money the bush has been burning for years and as good as your academics is it has distracted you from seeing that bush moses was spending his father in lost sheep jethro and he saw the burning bush only god knows how long the bush born god was trying to lure him into a place of intimacy he's calling you deeper [Music] deeper [Music] [Music] is higher higher [Applause] beyond christianity [Applause] is [Music] my god is so you must get to that point in your life where all you have seen is is is no matter what else lives your life if his presence is seen with you nothing has left let the guy go no problem tell him goodbye thank you go a bear will come men will look for you if that gentiles will come they will find out what is happening and kings to the brightness of your we are going to pray in two minutes and then our minister to us very quickly hallelujah i'd like you to prepare your heart because there will be a mighty move of the spirit in this place but i want us to pray in the next five minutes i see i don't know how you will cry forget about your neighbor try in the next five minutes and say not enough is enough i want you not your power not your hand i want you i need you in my life lord i need you i need your presence to see your power and your glory as i have finished in the sanctuary oh lord my god only will i seek you my faith for you my heart pans after you to see your power and your glory as i have seen in the sanctuary tonight my older home my ultra clothes for your power my altar calls my worship by us for the authentic presence of the spirit i am not ashamed [Music] the place of strength of beauty the place of the glory foreign you [Applause] foreign hallelujah if you can rise up on your feet if you cannot no problem [Music] please rise up on your feet my can you coordinate this method [Music] you will be changed his glory will be revealed that's what will happen to somebody right now you will be changed his glory will be revealed will be changed hallelujah what's wrong with the baby it's not working ah okay no problem hallelujah listen in the next five minutes something wonderful is going to happen in this place this is the moment many of you are faster for this is the moment many of you have prayed for you have said lord there is more of you and i know that you are going to show me that more hallelujah [Music] something will happen to you the spirit of the living god will come upon you in such a dramatic way hallelujah that's the prophet somewhere those songs he said the spirit of the lord will come upon you and you will be turned into another man mary said how shall these things be seen that i know not a man and he said this is how it will happen the power of the highest will overshadow you there will be a mantling of glory and i know that the lord will be separating a few people in this place into that experience of glory [Music] into that experience of power not everybody may be hungry and thirsty but there are certain people who are really desperate i hunger i hunger is i hunger please let me have all those people out lift your hands everyone help me with the same hallelujah the power of god is going to begin to come upon people is like electricity according upon your people by the fire is is one two three now foreign is is oh god let's see your grace just i am me forever we are changed by his forever we are changed by his love it's in the presence of majesty [Music] i break every limitation over your life right now in the name of jesus everything that i stood as a limitation right now i break it right now i break it right now i break it right now whatever has limited you i command and i prophesy let it be broken now let it be broken now and i pray for every sick body in this place is there any kind of sickness i don't care what it is i don't care what the sickness is lay your hands down watch it live right now i don't care what it is in the name of jesus i bring you the power and the glory of the kingdom and i represent and i command every sick body goodness the power of god will heal sick people right now be healed now now [Music] now this is now every devil of infirmity i touch you right now let every sickness be the blood disease be contaminated jesus demonic infection of whatever it is i command you to keep right now [Music] thank you for listening [Music] thank you for listening thank you [Applause] thank you for lifting me now by the power our time is fast friends i want to appreciate the mass communication students where are the escorts do you have escrows ask us where are you come just come and line up here quickly you don't need to push the other people just escrows come and lie down i'm not coming later come and line up sorry you have this many escrows okay please quickly come keep playing i want to lay my hands on you i must come and protest no problem as may something come mighty upon your take it now take it now take it down new dimensions i want to appreciate everyone for coming i want to appreciate the muslim students you will never be the same in the name of jesus as for will go back society see that you have become his time and wonder whatever limits you receive grace right now to step into a new dimension i command this for your prayer life i command peace for your worship life i command grace for your body life in the name of jesus all the encumbrances of the flesh that attempt to release you be delivered from them now in the name of the lord jesus may the lord bless you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 5,708
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, #ApostleJoshuaSelman, About Apostle Joshua Selman, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLYSPIRIT || APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN NIMMAK
Id: KzJM23Y8Dtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 53sec (6833 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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