My Super Sweet Quarantine Birthday

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- Hi, I'm Jaime Loveness, I've been looking forward to this day for years and it is finally come, this Friday I'll be turning 21. ♪ All our friends are ready to have some fun ♪ ♪ And the night has only just begun ♪ ♪ We can dance until the morning light ♪ ♪ We're gonna celebrate tonight ♪ ♪ We're gonna celebrate tonight ♪ Now I never thought I'd be stuck inside for my 21st birthday due to the Coronavirus or whatever. Which totally sucks and when I think about it for too long, I just want to rip my hair out, this is like the hardest thing in the world right now. Like, nothing in this world right now is harder than not being able to go out for your 21st birthday. - Some people are getting really sick and even dying. - Oh my god, I know. It's so gross. But you know what, I'm not gonna let that stuff get me down. I'm still gonna do all the things I would have done, even if I wasn't stuck at home. I am still going to have the best birthday ever. (gentle music) I'm making a guest list for everyone coming to my birthday. Zoom only lets you invite 100 people on a call, and I definitely have more than 100 friends. That's why I'm calling my best friend Trisha, to help me figure out who to invite. - Hey I'm Trisha, I'm 22 and Jaime and I, met in our sorority. I'm technically her babe, but she makes all the decisions on our friendship. - Even though you're supposed to be her mentor? - She's just like better at it, you know, how do you mentor someone who's just so perfect? Did Jesus Christ have a mentor? No. Did Dougie Kann have a mentor? No. Why? Because there're so perfect. Okay, so who should we invite to your dope ass 21st? - Well obviously the main squad Blake, Annie and Toby? - Obviously. - What about Daryl? - Can't, he dated Toby's ex after they split up so they're not talking. - All Right, Jessica? - She actually deleted all her social media and threw out her phone. - Good for her. Cody? - In rehab. - Tina? - Dead. - Greg? - Dead. - Tim? - Dead - Michelle? - Very dead - Veronica? - Dead. - Carla? - Dead. - All from the virus? - No, but they all still use Snapchat so they're dead to me. - Fair. (gentle music) - Okay, so the party's gonna be going on all weekend long. I have so many fun activities planned. We're going to have dinner together, Duck Confit. I found all the ingredients at Whole Foods for like $250 Saturday is the dance party, if you can't dance, learn. Guys will probably be buying me drinks all night long. So I'm telling my friends to send me a bottle of Rose every hour on the hour. I'll drunkenly want fast food, I'll probably have Blake bring me Wendy's, he's the only one that doesn't have a DUI so you can risk it, for the biscuit. I'm gonna risk it, Sunday we'll do brunch, blackout and call it a day. Since I'm turning 21, the theme of the party is going to be, the roaring 21s. - You mean the roaring 20s? - No, specifically things that happened in 1921, like the civil uprising of the coal miners trying to unionize and Charlie Chaplin's movie, The Kid. - That's a pretty dark era in history. Most of those coal miners were arrested or killed. - Totally, and the actor who played, The Kid got hit by a bus. He didn't die or anything but he was never the same. It's gonna be so fun. (gentle music) - Wow, what the fuck? She sent me coal, What the fuck? What is this? - So are you excited about Jaime's party? - Not really. - But you're still gonna go? - Hell yeah, I am, I have to see how she falls apart. Last year she shot a body slum on a dude for stepping on her heels, she's a mess. VH one the person. - So are you gonna go to Jaime's party? - I feel like I have to, after the email she sent. - She sent an email? - Yeah. - Hey, most of you guys RSVP'd, no, to my birthday party. Which really sucks because it's my 21st birthday party. If you guys don't show up, I'm gonna drive to your house, and I'm gonna punch you in the vagina. I am gonna punch you so fucking hard, you're never gonna have kids ever again or pee. Please come to my birthday. - She really is a sweet girl, it's just she gets a bit bridzilla around her birthday. - Wow, you're a very understanding person. She's lucky to have a friend like you. - Oh, I'm not her friend, I'm her parole officer. - Oh, yeah, I'm going for sure, because I live alone. And I ain't talked to a person, let alone a female person, in like a month, so I don't care how crazy that girl is, Blake needs attention. (gentle music) - Hi, everyone. - Happy birthday Jaime. - Whad'up baby? - Thank you, thank you guys so much for having dinner with me. - Of course. - We love you. - Okay, let me see everyone's plates. How did the Duck Confit turnout? - Full disclosure, I just ordered some McDonald's. - Yeah, I just made chicken tenders. - Okay, what the hell guys? That is not what we talked about. Okay, Toby, let me see your dish. - Uh-mm. - Wow, okay, that is just a picture of a duck with the word confetti on it. - No, it's not I made this it's really good. See what, watch you just get a good old bite. You gotta make sure you get a bite with a lot of confetti in it right here. Oh, oh, so good. - What the fuck is wrong with you, Toby? Oh wait, I forgot you're like literally dumb. Trisha, please tell me you made Duck Confit. - It was hard, I took three cooking classes, just to be able to cook this properly. And I gave myself a pretty gnarly burn, but your girl did it. - Did you say you burned yourself? - Yeah, I got myself in the leg pretty bad. Worth it though, I was rushed to the hospital and told I was gonna suffer from severe scarring for the rest of my life, but it's just cosmetic. Parties are crazy, but enough about me. Trisha, let's see your dish. - Oh, well, I ended up taking a nap today so I just ordered Thai. - Oh, that's... that's awesome. I love Thai food. - Me too I'm actually allergic to duck. (gentle music) ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ (clapping) - Oh, that cake looks really good. - Thank you so much, I spent hours on it and I didn't want to cut any corners, so I made everything from scratch. First, I raised the chicken so I could have organic eggs - Okay, whatever, FYI I'm not having any sweets right now. But thank you so much, Trisha, it will look so cute on my Instagram. - Tag me. - I already didn't. - That's fine, that's a stupid idea anyway, I'm thinking about going on private anyways. How can I forget that Jaime doesn't eat sweets? Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid (deep breathing) parties are crazy. - Okay, I will see you guys tonight for dancing make sure you wear something formal from 1921. - I'm not doing that. - I'm also not doing that. - Okay bye. - They'll be back and totally dressed up for you Jaime it's totally fine, I for one was already ready to go, just like you 'cause we're on the same wavelength we're best friends. (gentle music) - Jaime they'll sign back on I know it. - No, my party is ruined. - No it's not, babe no, we can still have fun just the two of us. - How you dumb bitch? - Oh my god, you know how whenever we go out, you like almost always get in a fight with someone? - Yeah, it makes me feel powerful when I win. - Exactly. Jaime, do you wanna fight? - Okay. Say something mean to me. - No, Jaime, you're too perfect, I can't. - Trisha, just say something mean to me. - No, Jaime, I can't. - Trisha, stop being a lame bitch and just say something mean to me. - Fine! - Say it! - You are a vindictive person, who only thinks about herself you have no regard for anyone or anything and you're alone because nobody wants to be with someone who can't see beyond an inch past themselves, and you will always be alone because of it. You're just a sad excuse of a human being, and you're never gonna change and like you're a sociopath who clearly needs professional help. And you know, you're just like those stupid little ugly, like lazy people in society and you just go die and when you do, the devil will probably have to create a new level of hell just fit your fat ass ego. - Wow, that was the best fight that I have ever been in. Trisha, you really do love me. - I really do. - Trisha I love you. - I love you - I love you. - I love you so fucking much I love you - I love you, I'm literally, I'm hugging this bottle of wine but I'm pretending it's you, 'cause I'm hugging you. I love you. - Oh Trisha. (gentle music) - So, how was your 21st? - 10 out of 10. - Yeah, it seems like you did almost everything on your list. - Oh no, I did everything. - Well on your list it said birthday sex and that's not possible you live alone. - Horny finds a way. (door knock) - POSTBROS here's your meal ma'am Whoa - I fucked the delivery guy. ♪ All of our friends are ready to have some fun ♪ ♪ And the nights has only just begun ♪ ♪ You can dance until the morning light ♪ ♪ We are gonna celebrate tonight ♪ ♪ We are gonna celebrate tonight ♪ - And they I'll probably drunkenly want fast food, and then I'll probably tell Brake, Brake? I'll drunkenly want fast food, so then I'll probably have Drake bring me, Drake? (laughter) So I'll drunkenly want fast food so I'll have Drake fuck. Trisha, shut the fuck up once again. - You're right quit talking and start dancing, you're right. - Exactly. (laughing) (laughing) - You remember that show, I love New York? That pretty much sums her up, entirely. - It's like watching a circus, it's just circuses don't exist anymore. So you got to try to be crafty, about finding something entertaining like that. And for me It's her. (vacuum machine hoovering) - I would literally kick a Cocker Spaniel, just for you, I would kick any breed of dog just for you. You just say the word, I love you. - Do it, why don't you go fucking kick a dog for me then - I will fucking go outside right now and find - Go outside and find a Cocker Spaniel puppy and kick it for me, if you really mean it. - I will. - Go do it then, you're all talk. - You're all fucking talk, go and fucking do it. (laughter) - Oh my god, thank you guys so much for celebrating my 21st birthday with me. I really could have done it without you guys. If you guys wanna watch another hilarious video, Click that right there and if you guys want to look high fashion and cool like me, check out the Smosh Store. Okay, I gotta go, my spray tan lady is calling me.
Channel: Smosh
Views: 476,787
Rating: 4.8913846 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, My Super Sweet Quarantine Birthday, sweet 16, 21st birthday, my super sweet 16
Id: a9W840W8aEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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