My Story: How AI Made Me a Millionaire at 20 Years Old

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hey my name is Joe today I'm going to be going over how AI made me a millionaire at 20 years old so it all started back in 2020. 2020 was the year I graduated high school then in the summer I didn't have anything to do so I picked up a music making hobby I tried Drop Shipping but I failed I lost like 6K and then move into the first semester of University so still 2020 later in the year and I contacted Greg Brockman at open Ai and asked for GPT 3 beta access to work with a team of nine developers on use cases and he accepted and keep in mind that openai like a while ago was not as kind of popular as it is now so emailing Greg Brockton was a lot easier than it is now but everything was so much smaller and it was just such a great community and at that time I got a really good idea of what AI could do for existing business models but I didn't really act on it because I was busy with school and then I was trying out Amazon FBA so I had these kind of side projects that were going on and I thought it would have been cool to start up like an integration consulting firm but I just didn't get around to it but I eventually did May 2022 so last year may 2022 is when I started the Lucio profit which is my AI consulting firm I landed like one client uh in like the first month and then like three in the second but they were all small clients you know they weren't anything big and it was kind of discouraging but I had failed at so many other things that I you know I I kind of almost became desensitized to it at that point and so I just kept trying I basically said that I wanted to continue you for six months and see how it goes so when the summer came around I was not doing bad but I was not doing enough in order for me to say like oh yeah I'm gonna not work a part-time job so I had to go back and I was working at a sporting store which sucked um it's always sucked but I always put in like my 100 I always put my 100 into everything um during that time I took like a few consultations and then in July end of July I met with a publishing company and they wanted to know how to integrate gpt3 into their Tech stack or just in the workflow really um and I gave him some good advice and they worked with it during that consultation that is when I got the idea to start generating books with AI and the reason why I mean books have been around selling books online have been around for a long time the thing is is that with this model once a trend pops up or you see something trending like especially if I go on semrush and I see something that's about to pop off just based on the analytics that I'm seeing I can create a product within a day and right now I'm Outsourcing it anyways so I create a product and then I beat everyone else to it so basically the product creation is so fast that no one else can catch up to me and that's happened multiple times over the only time that like one of my competitors um beat me to it was like it was like five days I spent five days on a book because I wasn't I was just busy and then and then he caught up to me um but usually like one day and no one else can keep up to you and the thing is with plr as well you could do plr but these books have been sold thousands upon thousands of times and there's no original originality to them so a lot of plr books stick around for years and when you're selling a 2019 book in a 2023 Market it just doesn't work out well because you know marketing tactics change um creatives everything everything's constantly it's always Dynamic so by taking a book from 2019 2018 then trying to sell it today where it's already been sold thousands of times it just isn't it's not optimal um I tried it at the start I was like you know because at the start I was taking like maybe five hours to generate a book um like the meat of the content and I was like okay well maybe I can just do this with plr but it just doesn't work because you can't fit your your your books the pre-defined topic books of plr into a niche that is about to pop off um during August I made 10 books and then in September I generated a little bit over 30 and during that time I was at my minimum wage job uh in August I finished in August and then I started in September at school again which is basically this school year that I'm in right now and so during that time August and September I was literally just syncing all the money that I made off of my minimum wage job into Pinterest ads and my consultation money the money that I made off of ghost production it was all going into it um I ended up losing about two thousand dollars on Pinterest ads before I actually became profitable and my first profitable day was in October it was October 3rd and I hit like 23 dollars I think in sales and then this like subsequent day was around 40. I can't remember the exact number I think at that point it just felt like oh yeah I put in a lot of work like I deserve this you know I wasn't super happy like I was like I was like okay like you know something's finally working right you know and you're like okay you know um here's the payoff and so I just kept doing what I was doing and and at the time on October like first or like September end of September that's when I switched my brand and my brand was originally boundless as soon as I switched that I got a new domain that was um yeah that was kind of like the pivotal point I continued with what I was uh doing and it just it almost seemed exponential at like a certain point because I would go from like it would go from like 40 to you know 80 the next day and then it would go to uh 160 and it just kept like it just kept adding on top of each other and it got to a point where it's like okay uh this is cool like it's paying me back but when is it gonna stop like like I thought it was like it was like you know everything else had failed and so I was thinking to myself like uh is it gonna just keep going you know like and I wanted it to keep going but I just didn't expect it to and I think it's because I was conditioned to the failure beforehand when I did Drop Shipping Amazon FBA smma and all that and um it just continued and then I eventually hit my first 1K day on December 28th so um yeah right after right after Christmas like right right in the middle of the holidays and I yeah I was I was very kind of secretive about it um and I recommend to I was secretive about it but my my mom and my dad like my parents or my my family really knew but I think there's something to say about staying quiet about what you're working on because as soon as you tell someone else what you're working on if you fail first off it's embarrassing but if you tell someone else you get kind of that dopamine Rush of anticipating the outcome like envisioning the outcome and and that's kind of one of the funnest parts of talking about a business you're like you know explaining like oh this I'm gonna do this and this is gonna be the outcome but talking about it does absolutely nothing so put the actions in and don't talk about it to anyone um unless you have a mentor like yeah yeah anyway so um that all happened and then uh January was kind of steady like I mean I'm I'm still in school right so it's like uh I was like you're trying to but it's hard to balance you know making money while you're in school so once the second semester started up so this semester that I'm in right now everything was kind of chaotic you know I was thinking about like oh my gosh like you know this can be scaled but I don't have enough time to be you know working on it and you know every time I was in class I would think about oh my gosh you know what could I be working on right now and your mind just races through that because being in class there's no monetary gain obviously you're gaining knowledge to eventually monetize it but it's just so hard when you're actually making money in the moment you know and I think if you don't have a long-term perspective um with school and you don't look out to the Future then it's really hard to stay motivated in school you really have to discipline yourself and create a routine um and and I was like that like I'm a I'm a good student um when you get to a certain level of making money while in school everything just falls falls apart do I focus on school and then monetize my skill or do I work on the business and I know that seems like a very obvious answer but it's more complicated than that because you never want to put your eggs like all into one basket and I've learned that the hard way especially with like the other business models that I've done and uh yeah it was it was crazy so I hope they give you a good overview of how I started it was a long journey but it's paid off and AI books are going wild right now if you know how to do it correctly it's the time to do it
Channel: Joe Popelas
Views: 24,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OpenAI, GPT-3, ChatGPT, Books, Writing, Publishing, AI Books, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Make Money Online, Wifi Money, Success
Id: dm2SX0QjwME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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