Interview With Man That Makes $3M Per Month

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hey everybody we're here today with a good friend of mine and a sales mentor and just a mentor in life uh to me Mr or Dr Myron golden thank you for thank you for coming here 100 bro glad to be here so I could do this this intro for you but it would take an hour because you just have so many you have so much you know eight figure entrepreneur best-selling author uh best Stage speaker and especially stage closer I've ever ever met and where I learned the majority of my uh stage selling from Wow as well thank you well where I learned the majority of the stuff that works that part right there yeah so I just man I just want to sit down with you and ask some really candid questions do things a little bit differently than most people do cool you know so um you can ask me candid questions as long as I watch candidate answers that's what I want that's what I want all right so the first question I have is you know when it comes to sales and people selling uh most business owners have a problem with selling they either don't know how to sell they don't understand what selling actually is or they don't know how to articulate their product in a way in which it's sellable or probably one of a thousand other problems sure what do you see as if you were if you literally were talking to somebody who was coming up and whether they're selling their own product or maybe they're selling somebody else's product and you were gonna like the world was ending and if you did not fix their sales ability in the next five minutes right an asteroid would crash into Earth and we'd all just we'd incinerate it right and you grab them and you shake them and you say do this thing what would you tell them um don't misunderstand what selling is selling is not convincing selling is persuading they're they're not only not the same they're different convincing is when I attempt to get somebody to do something I desire them to do for my reasons persuasion is when I help someone make a decision they already desire to make for their own reasons and all I have to do is tap into those reasons and show them how my offer helps them fulfill their objective and the only thing left for them to do is buy no no outside pressure at all because all the pressure was inside of them when I met him so what what does that look like for someone who sells uh let's call it a common offer like they sell coaching they sell some sort of sure and like oh I'm going to teach you to lose weight or I'm going to teach you how to do this XYZ what does that look like for somebody who maybe because here's the thing that I've learned people can Master their craft right so if you're really good at getting people to lose weight it is a lot just to to know that just to be able to get them to lose weight and be a master of that to also be a master of sales let alone all the other things you need to do in your business like accounting and marketing and all this that's that's a lot so the question is for somebody who is selling say coaching or like a seminar or something what would you tell what do you see as the biggest mistake that you see over and over again you've worked with a lot of people so what is the repeatable pattern the of mistake that they made a mistake yeah they think that the thing that's going to get people to buy is talking about either the product the whatever the product is my weight loss and you could call the weight loss product let's just call the weight loss product um the fat burning furnace system so they talk about the product that's a problem or they talk about the pieces of the product it's got eight videos and nine audios and and 10 PDFs they talk about the pieces or they talk about the process that's like the kiss of death because the process to fulfill on anything is actually harder after you start doing it than it is before you start doing then your perception is about it before you start doing it so never show the process they also think the product is or they think that the the value of their offer is is their person so you get to spend eight hours a month with me that's not valuable here's what's valuable one thing if people will focus on selling this one thing and revealing this one thing and declaring clearly this one thing it'll change everything for them in sales and that is the payoff what is the payoff I get if I say yes to your offer when I understand that well enough to Define it clearly and to describe it clearly people can't not buy they have to buy wow that's awesome that's awesome and you know I've heard you say that so many times because you know I've gone to your I've gone to your seminars um I I paid you what most people would consider a lot of money what I consider to be pennies um because you know I remember one time you're you're you're you're I don't know if you mind but your your speaker master class is like 50 Grand right well my inner circle now I don't even sell the speakers training by itself anymore it was it was 25 Grand or it was 50 Grand when you bought it but you you got it for less than that you paid 25 000. yeah right so it's 25 or 30 or 30 maybe it was 30. maybe it was 30. it doesn't matter because the next event I made a million bucks what exactly what do I care if it's 30 or 50. right exactly it's the same thing it's like it's like a merchant charge like like a merchant like the 50 cents when you run the card that's the cost of doing business it's crazy and it so it pays that and that's one of the keys to selling if you're going to sell something to somebody they need to be able to get at least a 10x result in the next 12 months they need to make back your save 10 times or get a result that's worth 10 times what they paid for over the next 12 months in my for me to sell it but how do you because there's a lot of people that's that are probably listening to this and they sell some sort of money off a business offer or something like that but what do you tell somebody that doesn't sell a money off or something sells weight loss mindset right something like that what do you tell them about that so weight loss um if somebody becomes morbidly obese there's a reason they call it morbidly obese because the word morbid means they're dead right so right so if somebody's morbidly obese and they weigh so much that it puts a strain on their heart and a strain on their kidneys and a strain on their liver right I can talk to them about how much I can compare my offer losing weight let's say my my weight loss offer is ten thousand dollars but you weigh 300 pounds and when we're done you're gonna weigh 180 pounds right well if you don't lose this weight you're either gonna have a stroke a heart attack kidney failure or something how much does do heart transplants cost they cost more than ten thousand dollars right so there's there's always a monetary value associated with either the problem if you don't get rid of it it's going to cost you some money or a payoff that's going to make you more money if you get the outcome so the problem is people think about their offer as being the product most people and the reason they do that is because we're so self-absorbed and self-consumed we think that because our world revolves around us we think the world revolves around us right and so what happens I'm telling you about my thing and I want you to understand all of the research that I put into it that I put into it and I want you to understand all of the things that I know about it it has nothing to do with it the only thing that matters if you weigh 300 pounds and I teach you how to lose weight and you want to get down to 180 pounds you want to know that it works you want to know that it has a greater chance of working than not working than any other option out there and if I can help you see that your answer is going to be yes regardless of price price is never the issue well I shouldn't say that it's almost never the issue here's what's really interesting to me this is can I share my greatest aha discovery of 2022 no we're moving on [Laughter] okay so my greatest aha of 2022 I just shared this with my Mastermind on Monday and Tuesday greatest my greatest aha of the year is this to people who have jobs middle class and poor people who have jobs almost everything is expensive because they pay for it with money they've exchanged their time for so they feel like they're paying for everything with their life because they are wow are you with me yes but the creatives and entrepreneurs like us everything costs the same amount this bottle of water cost me the same amount as my Rolls Royce cost me the same amount as it does to fly from here to the Dominican Republic on vacation for on a private jet which this bottle of water is probably a dollar and 30 cents but the flight to the Dominican and back is sixty thousand dollars how can I say they cost the same amount because entrepreneurs and creators we pay for things out of our creativity notice I didn't say with our creativity but out of our creativity people have jobs pay for things with their time because once you've spent that time you don't get it back when I use my creativity to create something new I have no less creativity than I had before I created the thing are you tracking yeah so I'm paying for something on my creativity and so all I have to do to pay for anything is to create and offer that will make me enough money to pay for it so the bottle of water a BMW or Rolls Royce a Bentley uh Mercedes a new house a mansion an island it all costs the same amount it cost me out of my creativity and so when I we tap learn to tap into our creativity we we tap into the a resource that I call infinite abundance there's more than enough for everybody to have more than enough and there'd still be more than enough left over and the reason I'm tapped into Infinite abundance is because when I when I spend my creativity for something I have no less money creativity wealth abundance whatever you want to call it after I bought it than I had before I bought it we talked about this I think it was like two weeks ago and you spawned an idea in me um because I was like this is just making too much sense I've got to do something I've got to take action on this right so and I've done similar stuff to this before but you really got me on the whole jet thing because you mentioned you know how much of an inconvenience it is to fly commercial and I've been flying commercial like crazy back and forth to Costa Rica I've been speaking in all these events and it is a lot and so uh my girlfriend wanted to go see Alice Cooper in concert which I know is probably one of your favorite artists oh yeah yeah dude named Alice he's like he's like an Ozzy Osbourne um so wait so you didn't know who Timbaland was but you do you know Alice Cooper is of course yeah she's probably my age or older um Cooper yeah oh he's probably super old like he's he's he's knock knock knocking on death's door you know um so anyway so so you're like a spring chicken um okay so so so uh October 29th um my girlfriend wanted to go see him in concert she's never seen him in concert right I didn't want to fly a commercial to Texas for it because I was just like man I don't want to deal with that I've been dealing with it so I uh you know Gary Cox yeah and I heard you've been taking fine lessons from it which is cool yeah I just took a flying lesson with him uh uh a few days ago so I said hey you know um can we rent a Jet and take it to um to Texas and I had this idea that uh like a Dan Henry Halloween VIP experience so I say okay it's you know this amount five people only get on the jet we'll Mastermind we'll hang out at the hotel we'll go see Alice Cooper we'll fly back and within 24 hours I sold all five spots so now I get to take a jet to see this artist I get to pay for all the food the jet the the tickets all this stuff and and it was because you know the conversation I had with you and I thought I'm thinking I'm going to want to do that like once a month maybe one once every you know six weeks or something plus I might see if I can let Gary get me in the cockpit for a few minutes I can't fly a jet yeah we've been flying the assessments but so let me ask you a question it sounds like the answer to that previous question sounds like you focus more on the cost of not buying than the cost of buying is 100 that's that's first and foremost and so so when I'm looking at buying something I'm or or when I'm selling something when most people sell something here's what they do they show you how much it costs if you say yes they don't show you how much it costs if you say no right I show people how much it costs if they say no before I show them how much it costs if they say yes so now they have something to compare it to other than a pair of shoes or a bag of popcorn or a bag of potato chips if you don't give people something to compare your offer to they're always going to compare it to something that costs less wow wow and I I think that most people do not number one do that and even the people that do like I've been I've been in the game for a while you know and even I forget sometimes to in my marketing stuff to hammer it now if I see somebody else I'll be like you're not doing this but for my stuff I'll be like oh I forgot you know uh which is it's the curse but let me ask you a question um so I've I've learned a lot from you in stage selling and uh you know it it it's just it's been incredible to be able to get on stage talk and then have people just you know throw money they they you know those t-shirt cannons that they have it's like they stuff money in and go um I've had people throw credit cards on the table and I'm like sir sir right I take a wire [Laughter] like it's not acceptable I appreciate you I appreciate it all right so I have a question um do you mind if you coach me context for all of her contacts because I want to make sure everybody understands this joke uh Myron has given me the advice and he gives everybody this advice that when you're when you're at an event or just probably on a coaching call if someone has an issue you don't just give them advice especially if you have to be hard on them right which is like right 100 of the time for me yeah I I you say can I coach you there you yeah yeah you're okay so I had this idea this morning I was like I'm gonna ask why is it okay if you cooked that was well played okay so um I came up with um I've been getting into props lately okay so when I'm on stage uh I like to have props because you know how you you teach the picture you draw it well I literally when I draw on a on a whiteboard it literally looks like Michael J fox is doing it I mean it's it's I know that's a terrible joke Back to the Future you know yes you know Marty okay um it's horrible like you have amazing handwriting I do not right so I try but I feel like props or props are great props are great okay so I have this this new one that I do and it's been working pretty good but I'd love you to coach me on it maybe this weekend I think this would be good because they don't really do this on podcasts I've never done this before okay yeah well I get something out of it maybe the audience will get something out of it so okay so um uh here's what it is uh I when trying to explain to them what selling is okay um I'll say to the auditor so what do you sir what do you sell what do you sell what do you sell those I sell SEO I sell graphic design I sell this I saw that right and uh I'll say well what if I told you that the reason you think that that's what you're selling is why you're not selling as much of it as you'd like boom okay boom you like that all right that was good so then I do this this following picture and then okay picture and here's the parable uh I say all right I want you to imagine that you're playing a game with dice and you need to roll a seven to win now you have a regular old pair of dice the white Dice and you have this pair of magic dice which is the red dice now uh you have to roll a seven to win so when you roll this dice it's random right you could win 10 000 you could lose ten thousand you could win fifteen thousand you could lose Thirty or forty thousand all right it's just normal dice this paradise is magical this pair of dice you win 70 of the time you don't win every time because not everything in life is 100 even imagine seventy percent of the time okay which pair of dice would you want oh the magical you'd want them with the rib right but now let's run through this scenario again what if it's the same thing but this pair of dice costs ten thousand dollars now which one we and this one's free now which one would you want how much do I win if I win it's 10 grand every time 10 grand every time right so you roll you roll I want the magical ones you want the magical ones but wait a minute these ones are free why would you why would you pay ten thousand dollars for the magical diet because they're free on the front end but they're costing me ten thousand dollars seven times on the back end so so you see what you're saying is that your your it's obvious that you're going to make your money back and then some even though this cost ten thousand dollars one hundred percent so here's what I and that's usually what the crowd will say and and that's another reason I've every once in a while I'll have somebody say the white dice so now I'm like I need props to really really clear this up but uh I I so I'll say um okay so what what this proves is that human beings value certainty they value certainty above all say value being able to sleep at night and the thing is you're not really paying ten thousand dollars for dice what you're paying ten thousand dollars or whatever amount for is certainty that's what you're paying for and when you realize that when you sell your products you're not charging money for your products what you're charging for is that your customer will be certain that they will get the result they want with you rather than without you that's what you're selling and when you start selling more of that you will sell more of your products 100 so that that's that's and and I I use that as a picture power principle to show them like listen you have to learn how to sell uh by increasing the certainty of your prospects not by talking about your products so I would love to hear your feedback on that and how I can improve it I thought it was great the only thing that I would add at the end yes the only thing that I would add at the end is um why certainty is more important than a guarantee so so I guaranteed anything is a guaranteed loss so I would that would be one of the principles at the end that I would give guaranteed anything's a guaranteed loss the reason when you put your money in a CD they guarantee you an interest rate is because they know they're going to make way more than what they're guaranteeing you on the front end right I mean while they're while they're holding your money they're they're guaranteed 10x 20x 100x what they're giving you so I guaranteed anything is a guaranteed loss because if you did the same thing with your money the bank did with your money that was put the CD you put it in it would make you enough to pay yourself the interest and you'd have more money so so you want certainty most people think they want a guarantee but what they really want is certainty and certainty is this is way more likely to work than not and a guarantee says I guarantee this works the other thing I'd say about a guarantee is this um if somebody guarantees you an outcome before they know the input you know they're lying right I like that right so somebody guarantees you okay if you buy this course it's going to work for you I personally guarantee it if they don't know your input that you're going to do the work if they don't know anything about you and they're guaranteeing you an outcome but they don't know the input you know they're lying now by input do you mean basically their ability to be coachable their ability to be coachable their ability to put the time in like their ability to be available like I tell people if you are coachable and you are available and you do what I say in as a as a business you can't lose but when people don't win they don't win either because they don't make themselves available for the resources that we've created for them or they're not coachable and they want to do it their way and the reason they want to do it their way is because ninety percent of good coaching is counter-intuitive if everything you get a coach like if I hire you Danny you're my coach and everything you tell me makes sense to me I need to go find a new coach do you know why because if it made sense to me I'd already be doing it I wouldn't need a coach in the first place what's really interesting is you know I cold plunge right do you cold plunge too you know I've been thinking about it um Florida I'm from Florida so I are you I was born in Tampa I was born in Tampa oh okay I didn't know I probably did know that I just forgot about it but I value warmth um yeah me too but see what people don't realize cold plunging gives you access to your parasympathetic nervous system the reason I brought a cold plunging is is I learned something when I bought this medical device and I went to a training with all these doctors because it's I'm into biohacking right so I've got this thing called the new fit newbie it's electronic stimuli muscle stimulation therapy right so so one of the things that I learned they could increase a person's strength by 50 80 percent by eliminating pain in a limb right so so one of the things I learned at that thing with all those doctors was pain is not an input from the body pain is an output from the brain and why is that important so if I touch this water bottle of water and it's cold the reason I know it's cold is because my hand is sending a signal to my brain saying it's cold right but pain is not a signal from the body to the brain pain is a signal from the brain to the body so if I put my hand on a hot stove my hand is not sending a signal to my brain my brain sending a signal to me get your hand off that stove danger Will Robinson danger right so your brain's primary objective is to maintain life and maintain homeostasis so anytime it perceives danger it's going to like the sirens are going to go off so when you cold Plunge when you cold Plunge and you get in that water and it's 39 degrees everything every cell in your body screams get out of this water you fool you're gonna die right that feeling only lasts for two or three minutes it's a long two or three minutes but what happens is after that two or three minutes not only is it no longer painful it no longer feels like cold water it just feels like water is that because you're dead you're not dead I I can I can I can stay in 39 degree water well it doesn't say my body actually warms it up so it warms up to like 42. okay but I can stay in 39 degree water for 15-20 minutes do deep breathing exercises not even shiver not feel cold while I'm in it when I get out nothing it gives you access to your parasympathetic nervous system that's not why I'm telling you this here's what I'm telling here's why I told you that whole story most people when their life gets ready to transform like in a major way it's gonna it has to transform through something completely unfamiliar they're about to go through something completely like that they've never done before their brain starts selling them pain signals don't do it don't do it it's dangerous no no don't buy that coaching program no don't do it he said no don't don't don't ask that question don't ask that closing question because if you ask that question they're gonna hang up the phone on you like the your sales people that you train and they're like oh but I can't say it like you said it Dan yo their brain is create literally creating a pain signal that's saying that saying don't say that it's dangerous right because they've never done it before so what they're expecting the outcome they're expecting is not really the outcome they're going to get it's just the outcome they think they're going to get and because they think they're going to get that outcome they don't do it right so that's why most people resist in life the only activities that can give them the results they're seeking because their brain warns them out of that transformation because it's so unfamiliar there's a good book I'm listening to right now it's called the expectation effect and it talks about how this one girl she had some kind of experience where light hurt her eyes and so she started anticipating light hurting her eyes and that anticipation of light hurting her eyes caused her brain to make her eyes stop working there was nothing blocked there's nothing yeah yeah she's she would just always stay in the dark and she like she would anticipate the pain of life you need to start anticipating not paying taxes I'm sorry you're so wild can I join you on that anticipation yeah yeah that's that's kind of crazy isn't it they get a group thing yeah yeah so so but what happened was she went totally blind she got it examined there was no physical reason for her to be blind and some psychologists had said said oh yeah we could do this brain stimulation therapy they put some electrodes on her head nothing nothing invasive just some voltage that caused her light her eyes to experience light in a like the first couple of treatments you could see like traces of Light Within the first eight treatments you could see color within eight months she could see again perfect vision and never had problems with light again like it's my what what we're expecting affects what we're doing more than any other thing and you've heard me say before expectation is the human being's greatest superpower if you don't learn how to use it I promise you the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism is going to use it against you so back to your illustration yes so I would close make a speech better the illustration was great okay um but the thing that I would add on to it is I would add a quote about why guarantees are not certainty right in fact most people seek guarantees because they don't have certainty right and so I would I would create a quote around that and um show people that when you increase certainty you actually increase the person's chances of being successful like if I could more important if I can I can give you something that's more more valuable than I guarantee if I can increase your certainty your likelihood of success exponentially increases literally because now you're expecting it to work so you actually do the activity that makes it work it's it's like expectation is a mind-blowing thing man it's mind-blowing I've had people tell me man Myron gets done talking to me I feel like I can run through a wall well please don't run through a wall but I do and this is what like my primary job as a coach I believe is to have so much belief in a person that they that they borrow my belief to build their belief you know it's funny that you say that because um I mean as you know I've retired from coaching um I don't I don't do that anymore we build sales teams for people now right um and I've talked to some people who also retired from coaching now I retired from it because I realized that uh you know as many people as I helped uh their I can't sell that right it's a personal brand it's coaching it's me right because I can't exit right there's no exit strategy right so building something that I'm not the deliverable me my face is something I was very interested in but I have talked to people who who are coaches who retired from it or switch simply because they didn't like coaching because they said they said you know if I have to believe in my clients more than they do then I don't want to do it well then they don't want to do it because you have to believe in your clients right they do yeah because that's half probably half the reason why they're coming to you right you know um they they have to believe and it's funny you said expectations because I find that when it comes to expectation it's this it's this sort of like balancing uh sort of act because you'll very rarely find someone who has a balanced expectation they either have the expectation that you're going to do everything for them and they there's nothing wrong with them or that they can't do anything and they're not capable you know it's it's this um balancing act like for instance you know I've I've seen people that uh will have a sales team and they will expect their closers to close every deal when their marketing is completely messed up or they don't have a system or they don't they're not leading their team or they don't have a system in place for proper follow-ups they don't even know their numbers I can't count the amount of times crazy this is the conversation I have over and over again right and it usually ends in them hiring us to manage their sales team but I'll literally say there's two there's two conversations one is I'll just ask what they sell and then it'll quickly become a parent that they don't know what they sell right so if you don't know what you sell how do you expect your closers to know what you sell but the more important was is I will say something like okay um you know what is your what are your what are your kpis what are your metrics like let's start with very simple ones like what's your show rate you know what's your close rate uh and they won't even know the show race crazy and I say well well can you find it out and they'll be like well I'll have to look I'm like so you're telling me that in the next 60 seconds you can't open your laptop and immediately know what your show rate is and they're like no I I'd have to this and that I'm like well that's the problem because if you don't know what your show rate is you probably don't know what your close rate is you probably don't know what your book call rate is you don't know a lot of these things and if you don't know those things you can't expect your closers to know them you can't expect them to understand it you can't expect to correct it you can't correct something that you don't know you have to measure first right if you don't measure you can't monitor you can't adjust you can't control right and that is why you will find entrepreneurs and coaches who and not just coaches anybody that hires sales people they'll they'll hire a salesperson right or they'll pay a recruiter for a salesperson and this will they'll pay thousands of dollars to recruit that sales person and that sales person will do a good job that very first month right and then all of a sudden they start being terrible and the the the suddenly to the eyes of to the eyes of the of the entrepreneur right right and they'll say all these closures were good at first but you know it must have been luck and now they suck and this and that's like no you're not leading them you're not managing them right no matter how good you are you need to be led you need to be managed you need to be optimized and they're they're you know we find that they don't do that stuff they just don't do it but they expect the result as if they did do it but it's the same thing with us like one thing I've always respected about you was you're one of the best Stage closers I've ever seen yet you're always talking about buying coaching programs and mentorships from other stage sellers right even if they haven't done as much as you and and you know I do the same thing I I buy coaching programs and masterminds like it's like a problem you know like it's like I'm like where's my next culture you know yeah you know Dave Chappelle twitch you know and uh and it's the same thing it's like as as an entrepreneur you realize that even you need to be led you know anything's not growing is dying exactly but but people will not even just sales people employees they won't manage them they won't lead them and expect them to do the output and so um and that look that's been a a a issue of whenever I've had issues with employees or sales people even myself especially in my early careers because I wasn't leading those because I wasn't managing them and so this is what um I think a lot of people I I love I love how what you said about expectations because if you expect your team to do XYZ but you're not doing the thing that produces XYZ you're not giving them the tools the assets you're not going to get x y z same thing if you expect a coach to show you how to do all this amazing stuff but you don't show up to the calls you don't it's not going to happen and then you don't do what you learned on the call after you showed up to the call right right but people live in in Fantasyland a lot of times and you know but I I'm glad you mentioned that because so here's here's what's really interesting you know I'm kind of a sciencey geeky like a geek out of all these scientists I mean well yes I've heard you talk about quite a few scientific principles that I've had to hit I watched your whole um I forget what it was uh it was the whole um oh the content creation the yeah and I remember you were talking about it I love the the line where you said Jim Rohn said you got to have two things you gotta have something to say you have to say and you have to say it well right and then then you added you have to say it Myron Ryan golden said yes you have to say it often you did and Adam because I've learned from you I'm hearing your speech and I'm I'm like I can't concentrate on what you're saying because I'm like oh he's doing this thing he's doing this thing he's doing that thing and like rewind I gotta listen to what he's actually saying it's like I'm listening at three levels so but but I'm sorry go ahead I just like like most people when they think they're selling from the stage they're playing like Checkers but when you understand what you're doing you can play 3D chess and almost guarantee what you're suffer with right so that's pretty cool but so I geek out online scientific principles and one of the scientific principles that I started geeking out on this year is called prices law are you familiar with prices law I'm about to be this is so cool Dan have you ever wondered why okay so I got all these people in this coaching program but only like x amount of them are actually doing the work right if you have 100 people in a coaching program 10 of them are going to be Superstars sure and produce 50 of the revenue of everybody in that room now every other people may be doing well but 10 of them are going to be like killing the game right and so prices lost states that 50 of the production of production of any domain is produced by the square root of that domain so see now you got to get all nerdy on talking about Parables and birds flying in the air you're talking about it one more time fifty percent of the production of any domain is produced by the square root of the number in that domain for instance if you have a sales team that has nine people three of them oh half of the revenue three people out of nine so kind of like the 80 20 year old process but it's but it's way more more accurate number one and it's not 80 20 because it doesn't scale perfectly okay right because the square root of nine is three but the square root of 100 is 10. right so three is thirty percent of nine but ten is only ten percent of a hundred so the bigger the numbers get the smaller the number of the people in The Domain that are producing 50 of the result here's what I mean so you take you have if you have if you have a sales team that has nine people three of them will produce 50 of the revenue absolutely if you have a sales team that has 100 people 10 of them will produce 50 of the revenue if you have a sales team that has a 10 000 sales people 100 of them will produce 50 of the revenue that's prices law what what sales team has 10 000 people Prudential really oh they have more than that Prudential life insurance they have way more than 1000 agents and so you're saying that that one thousand Century 21. I didn't think of that yeah right Century 21 100 out of every thousand sales people in Century 21 are producing 50 why do you think that is for the same reason if you plant a garden and you have nine tomato plants three of them will produce half of the tomatoes I don't know it's just the way it works well I will tell you I'm going to tell you why and I think it is in a minute okay okay that's where I'm headed okay that's why I geek out about this whole sciency thing because like oh that's pretty cool because there's that when we when we study the science of a thing now we know what we need what we really need to do right so what happens if if the bigger the number gets the smaller the number of producers get why because mediocrity scales exponentially with excellent skills incrementally uh it hits you didn't it yeah yeah yeah you took all that yeah all the numbers and the math and then here then you said oh then you said that like Shakespeare stuff and I'm like got it okay right yeah so so but here's what's cool any single solitary one of us anybody right now watching this YouTube video can decide they're going to be one of the excellent few instead of being one of the mediocre many I have a choice I don't get the fixed prices law but I get to decide which part which group I'm going to be in that's what changes the game for people so people can decide right now I'm done being a part of the Meteo mediocre many I'm going to become one of the exopia how cool is that yeah that you know that reminds me I was at I don't know if you saw I was at Grant cardone's Office I did yeah I did yeah that was a wild I bet that was wild it was wild and there were a bunch of wild people there too yeah oh man it was like it was like it was literally like being in the 1980s like it was like they were just it was just so uh it was great it was a great experience but I just saw like how aggressive every like everything was just and I don't mean aggressive in a bad way but like they're morning meetings we're just like all right everybody and from the Cardinal capital G what are the number one field person for today it's Tom and I'm like wow but uh no no he said he said he he gave a I actually took notes on it I took 51 notes 51 pages not no 51 notes 51 Pages not right in The Great Gatsby now I'm 51 51 notes 51 golden nuggets [Laughter] I'd have left um no uh so so one of the pieces of advice you gave and again a lot of the advice he gave was harsh uh well to most people it would be harsh one thing was he says if you're not firing at least one person a month your company's not going to grow all right and when you were talking about that I was thinking about that because you think about it if if if the majority of people are mediocre right and every month you look at your top or sorry you look at your top people you look at your bottom people right so like your bottom 10 the the worst performers if every month you get rid of the worst performers um well your company has to every month get better and better players and thus grow you know and that's something we actually started doing um my partner Phil boho when I when I let him take over a CEO um I mean he like he just started firing people and and getting new people and then and we've been doing really really well and I noticed and I'm sitting there in in uh in Grant's office and I'm thinking like man I'm I thought I was mean I'm too nice because I don't I hate firing people like I've always hated yeah yeah I I've I've I've I've maybe it's because we got fired so many times we know what it feels like yeah yeah I was the worst employee too because I was like you know this would be better if he did it this way you gotta go uh but uh yeah yeah so it it just made me think about that but how do you feel about that do you feel that there's a certain I don't want to use this maybe this word's a little too dramatic but brutality to cutting employees friends people in your life that aren't serving you uh yeah I I I do I so like I I would be more apprehensive to put a number on it simply because to say if you say if you're not firing at least one person a month your company's not going to grow well it depends on how many people you have right well yeah I'm sure it was more of a right hyperbole but right yeah okay so but yeah I think I think people who don't pull their weight have to go right right here's here's I'm a very relational person as you know I like people who don't know me may not know this about me but I just like people I just I just like people and I like I like having friends and you know doing fun stuff and I mean you like me so that's that's actually oh yeah yeah nobody likes me so you know you're actually a lot of people everybody doesn't like you but then again that's a difference that's a good thing that's a good thing everybody doesn't like me either but here's my point um when I first started my business I started hiring people I was hiring people more relationally right like friends family friends family just people I liked right but then people who you hire relationally they realize that you might be able to fire them but you can't say you're no longer my friend I mean you can but like that's not likely to happen you're no longer my friend you're not my cousin anymore you're not my sister you're not my brother you're not my mom you're not my dad you're not my child like and I had to come to the Stark realization that business is not primarily primarily relation which primarily transactional right and so if I'm giving you something which is money on a regular basis then you need to give me something a result on a regular basis right so to answer your question do do I believe there has to be a certain type of brutality you know I teach business principles based on biblical principles right so here's how God operates he always tells us what not to do before he tells us what to do because stopping doing the wrong things is essential to making the right things work when you start doing them right so getting rid of people who are not pulling their weight is essential to inspiring the people who are pulling away that makes sense yes yes it does it does and and do you think that you know if you're not the greatest CEO in the world sure neither am I in my group that's not my greatest strength I just sell stuff I think we got that same one that's why I I have a CEO because I I just sell stuff but um uh so one thing like if I had to speak to an employee right and I was giving an advice to an employee on how to get ahead and that employee in embodied just the majority of employees on the planet that entity I would say that the biggest shift that you have to realize is that you don't get paid for how hard you work how hard you work is irrelevant it's the result in which you provide right it's the output right I don't care if you're the laziest person on the team if you have more of an output than everybody else well you're going to get a raise you know you could be lazy as heck maybe maybe you're talented and that's why you have the output but you're like that's fine I don't care how hard you work I care about what happens as a result and and I think that a lot of times people because I used to get stuck in this I used to think man why did I get fired or why am I not getting a raise I've worked so hard I work so hard I get up things that doesn't matter right and it doesn't matter an entrepreneur there's some but it doesn't matter most here's here's what I mean when I say it matters some working hard the thing that working the real value of working hard like I tell people working hard is not a guarantee for more success but working hard is a guarantee for being more tired right sure so sure so um working hard matters because it makes you a better person it makes you it's like working out makes you a stronger oh sure sure but it doesn't matter most like working hard is not the key to success because if you're working hard at the wrong thing you're working hard digging hole in the middle of the desert if nobody wants a hole in the middle of the desert you're not going to be successful right right work hard at getting the result back you know not just work hard yes work hard at getting yourself right because if you work hard at getting the result you'll find that eventually you don't have to work as hard to get the same results and that's because of the principle of inertia momentum and see back to the science stuff I go back to the science books ladies and gentlemen so we so when you look at the laws of the laws of nature the laws of thermodynamics the first law is law of energy right what's the law of energy um everything is energy energies neither created or destroyed it just changes form so think about that part from from a business perspective right if I go out into the forest and I chop down a tree I can throw it in a fire and the energy of the wood becomes the energy of the fire and the energy of the fire turns the wood into the energy of Ash and I can take the Ash and put it in my garden it becomes the energy of nutrition for the garden and then it grows more plants and so it doesn't cease to exist it just turns into something else and see I think the thing we have to all be intentional about is what are we turning the energy of Our Lives into right so the second law is entropy and that is anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards disorder that's why you buy coaching programs that's why I buy coaching programs because if I'm not working on growing I'm dying if I'm not moving forward I'm sliding backwards because anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards disorder that's why we have to take a bath you don't take a bath you stink you don't brush your teeth they rot out of your head right like everything in order for something to to improve or even maintain it requires intention right and then you have the law of inertia what's the law of inertia an object at rest will remain at rest until unless it's acted upon by an outside force and then after that we have the object the the uh principle of momentum what's that an object of motion will continue in motion until unless it's acted by an outside force so what happens is most people most businesses don't grow because they don't know how to overcome inertia and create momentum in fact I've discovered that you want let me teach you a sciency sales trick it's not even a trick it's just a principle I I would love you to teach me any sales trick and I imagine it's going to be sciency I don't even think science is a word it is now okay yeah so so I'm sure you're gonna I'm sure you're gonna teach me a sales record I want you to teach me sales credit and I bet you it's going to be sciency it's gonna be really science if science is a word even if it's not still going to be sciency so it is a word of Myron says it's a word there you go somebody had to make up all the words right why can't we make up words okay there we go Okay so most salespeople when they're selling are creating inertia in the people they're talking to and their overcoming momentum you ever have some you ever have a sales person the person's ready to buy you know they're ready to buy they know they're ready to buy but the sales person keeps talking oh yes they're overcoming momentum and creating inertia our objective should be to overcome inertia and create momentum instead that's why when I'm doing presentations I people talk back to me one of the most valuable skills you can develop in selling is to get the person you're selling to to give your presentation to themselves now is that because when you say something come on now okay people only believe it weave a little this much but when they say it they believe it this much that's one of the reasons yes all right you know what else I noticed what's up you still do it even when there's not an audience because when we were talking a second ago you're like the law of whatever what is the law of whatever well I'll tell you okay like you don't even need an audience you're gonna be a blast in front of all of the YouTube I've noticed I'm like this dude is literally saying like like in case they didn't know to ask the question you're asking it for them wow I didn't even notice you didn't notice you did it it's just how I talk it's that's great doing it so long it's just it's just how it's like I'm sitting here taking notes ask the question for them you don't even know what you're doing yeah so so yeah so so what we should do is overcome inertia and create momentum some for instance when you're selling from the States you come in there and people are sitting there looking at you who's this person what are they going to do what are they going to tell me they don't even look like they know anything they have all these like judgments that come out before you open your mouth right so what am I going to do well I've got to get them engaged I got to show them that I have something for them how do I do that I'll ask them a couple of questions how many of you would like to learn how to and then I just fill in the blank with whatever my thing is when I show you how to do whatever that thing is how many are going to do it say I would I would excellent give yourselves a hand for being here today I remember when you told me the number one thing you never do when you come out on stage just tell a stupid joke just tell it tell us a joke well my definition how do you know if it's stupid or not any joke you tell at the beginning of your talk is a stupid thing here's why because one third of the audience is going to get it and laugh one third's not going to get it and the other third is going to be offended there's no reason to do that at the beginning it makes sense you can do it in the middle like you can do it you can tell a stupid joke in the middle you can't tell a stupid joke at the beginning because you have no content to base it off of you don't have a relationship with the people yet right my relationship with the people the relationship that I'm establishing with people when I am selling is that I am the authority and if you do what I say your life is going to get better that's the energy of my entire talk my energy is not I'm gonna get so I'm going to sell you and I'm going to teach you all this stuff I'm not excited about it all but I'm gonna make you excited about it by the time I get done right I'm going to facilitate your energy in the room so most people when they're selling in front of a room they demonstrate a lot of energy in front of the room I don't demonstrate energy at all what I do is I facilitate energy out of the room and from the room from the people in the room and when I facilitate your energy now we can do something because what I'm going to do is I'm going to get you talking to me what's one way you can do that so start with two questions that's one but so I use some I use some closes on stage one is what I call the choir director close right so the choir director closes whenever you ask someone one a question or whenever you ask the audience a question always give them the answer you want them to give back to you does that make sense say yes yes see that's what I mean I just did it right so as you say yes sir I've heard you say say yes or yes yes yes or yes right but I didn't say I didn't say does that make sense because I said does that make sense say yes and everyone just like you said yes well everybody says yes why because I gave them all the answer now here's why that's important because if I say does that make sense say yes and everybody says the exact same thing yes now everybody is persuading everybody else for me because everybody wants to do what everybody's doing nobody wants to do nobody's doing so I get the entire audience to say what I want them to say then I can also get the entire audience to do what I want them to do if that makes sense say that makes sense that makes sense see and that's all I do and I get them to say it to me right and so but because everybody's doing this every time somebody does what you tell them to do from stage every time they do what you tell them to do their belief in your Authority elevates the problem that most people have when they're attempting to sell from the stage they get up and perform in front of people and they don't ask anybody to do anything until they ask for the order and now that's the first time they've asked and that's the first time they asked them to do something so now you've got all of this inertia that you've created because you've sat stood there and did all the work the entire present for 60 minutes now you're going to go into a 30-minute quote so-called hard close but it's not a hard close it's like you're begging them to buy because you didn't get them to give themselves your presentation um so I get people talking to me but I give them the words to say I give them the words to do what to say that way you don't get like a Heckler or I don't like I don't say does that make sense one person says yeah one person says yes one person says uh-huh another person says yes sir oh yeah I got it I'm giving them the answer they can all say it at the same time but that's only part of the benefit here's the other part of the benefit they all hear it at the same time they hear other people saying yes right and so everybody else is providing confirmation through consensus that this guy is in charge and he knows what he's talking about so if you had a question um so you would pose a question right like you might say something like uh let's say I so I I haven't worse 1012 by the way go ahead yeah so I I have this thing that I explain a lot of times where I say um and I was inspired actually by your two uh two basic expenses but I realized one day I was thinking about this I was like what is the biggest expense that entrepreneurs have in their business and I was like well it's clearly lost sales right it's sales they could have made that they didn't make I like yeah yeah and so I thought like I could literally do that same you know I could say like what's your biggest expense in their business and they'll be like oh ads whatever and then I said well what if you're what if your your your sales doubled right then what would it be and then if you subtract that well that's your biggest expense it's the fact that you can't double your sales that's your biggest expense boom so so uh I might say like does everybody understand now that the number one uh the number one expense in your business is law sale say yes yes that's how you would do that okay is there any other uh because I think sometimes and I've heard this before sometimes people feel a little bit weird uh because they might say XYZ say yes it's like they're telling them like what if the question why people feel weird because you didn't tell them why you're telling them to do all those things so that's why they feel weird so think about it if somebody feels weird doing that give them a reason that's in their own best interest to do it and they no longer feel weird right so you pre-frame why they're doing that right you give me an example oh 100 it was coming so I might start out by saying I am not a lecturer how many of you don't like to be lectured say me me okay I don't like to be like I don't like to be lectured either I'm not a lecturer in fact I discovered that that one of the biggest problems with what I call the miseducational misdirectional system AKA government indoctrination camps or child prisons schools whatever you want to call them right right and so now now and see that's a sales strategy as well so what I just did was I just said a whole bunch of things in a row and you're like what is he talking about government of doctrination camps child prisons what schools oh that and then everybody's and so I said so many things in a row so fast that by the time it hits them and they start laughing like you did do you realize when people start laughing their guard goes down yes right so so now they can receive more of what I'm saying one of the biggest problems with that system is you got a bunch of kids who love to play and have all this energy they have to sit and listen to an adult give a monologue and we were programmed to do that for like first through sixth grade and then seven through eight and then all the 12th grade and then if you went to college you signed up for some more and paid for it nobody likes to be lectured how many all agree with that say me me okay excellent that's why I'm not a lecturer I discovered a concept called natural learning what's it called natural learning and natural learning is when you learn from playing like animals learn to play you ever seen a kitten go to Big Cat school to learn how to do no they just play pouncing on each other little puppies don't go to Big Dog school to learn how to be big dogs they just Chase each other right and they romp and play what if learning could be as fun as romping and playing so I use natural learning and that's new I haven't heard you say that one before right well it's not it's not it's not new but I haven't done it I mean you won't probably work there when I did it yeah you've not been in a lot of micelling environments you've been in more of my teaching environments does that make sense I'd love to be at one of those selling environment you have no idea well you you will be when we go to Boise in October oh yeah yeah that's right yeah so am I speaking with you we're speaking at the same are you you're speaking there yeah I'm speaking Yeah Yeah Okay cool so so then I say that so so here's how natural Learning Works we're gonna turn it into like a game like what like a game and so that means I'll ask you a lot of questions I'll ask you a lot of what questions the reason I'm asking you a lot of questions is because if I say it you might hear it and you might not but if you say it you'll hear it right and I don't want to say something that could make you a million dollars and you miss it because I didn't get you to say it does that make sense everybody say yes yes right now now it's in your own best interest to answer me I want to ask you a question right um I may if I do make a statement what I'll do to make sure you got it is I might get you to repeat it I might get you to do what repeat it and then every now and then I'll begin a sentence leave the last word off and get you to fill in the blanks excellent give yourselves a hit for being here so now they have a reason that is their own for answering me when I ask them do you do that if you have like what if you only have a 30 minute or 45 minute window for a talk do you still do that because that that was probably three minutes if I do that if I have a 35 or 40 minutes for a talk I'm gonna do that I'm gonna tell some store some testimonials I'm going to tell them the result I'm gonna get them and go right into the clothes I'm not gonna like I had one time I was in London and the facility was kicking us out and they came to me you're supposed to have an hour but you're only in 15 minutes is that okay cool all I did was the clothes okay okay here's the thing guys I had some really special prepared for y'all we've got to leave so those of you who've already heard me talk and I did speak more than once that day those of you who've already heard me talk you already know that I'm the guy who can take you by the hand and lead you into the financial Promised Land And for those of you who don't know that's okay we're still friends but for those of you who know stand up right now and come with me boom and I marched up did the Pied Piper closed and walked them right out of the room and closed the 115. remind me of the Pied Piper I know the Pied Piper is when people everybody stands up you get them to come down front and then you lead them out of the room into a different room where other people who are there don't even get to hear the offer oh that's right you do that virtually too yeah I do you do that virtually you you you you say you make them apply and if they don't apply congratulations you've already disqualified yourself and then you don't they don't get to go to the room no that makes sense and that you know what you know why else that makes sense and I'm sure you're aware of this but I'm just going to point it out okay um is is that when you whether it's a virtual room or an in-person room you're you're if you if this is how many people you have right right and this amount of people uh is just not gonna buy period and this amount of people is if you were to sell to the whole room you now see like only this amount raising their hands and saying yes but when you have a the amount that is highly likely to buy now the percentage of people saying yes is higher and the people next to them when they see that it's just more motivation for them to buy it's it's uh it's the uh it's the crowd effect right it's crowd effect yes that feeling of competition oh snap if I don't do this I'm going to miss out that I you know I just now realized that because now the majority of the room is saying yes rather than half or a quarter 100 the other thing it does is it keeps you from revealing your offer to people who aren't going to buy it and so now the people who didn't buy still have curiosity is what the offer is the next time you have an opportunity for them to sit in front of you they come and sit in front of you because they don't have they can you give them nothing to jump to conclusions with all right let me ask you a question I want to hear your take on this I got a piece of advice from Grant Cardone at that oh so now you're pitching you're positioning me against Grant I just want to know your perspective okay I'm sure he would my chair after you pre-framed it I wouldn't mind I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing his you know um he said and I thought this was interesting because I've never done this okay uh and he was talking about webinars but I imagine it would apply to Stage selling as well okay he said that uh the the people that have the most money to buy from you have the least amount of time 400 and so he said when you get on a webinar most people will do this song and dance and everything and then pitch at the end he's like pitching the first two minutes he said as soon as you get on pitch and then share and then pitch again because the the people that are most likely to buy aren't going to be around at the end how do you feel about that I think if you do what he said not only will um you make more sales but you also have more people who stay to the end so for instance for instance the last time like when I do a challenge so or if I were to do a webinar if whatever sales process how many of you have ever been in a room where like at on a webinar or on the challenge or on a virtual event or on a live event oh I know what you're going to say right yes and you had somebody stand up there in front of you pretending to teach you something while the whole time they're just trying to sell you how many of you have experienced that yep okay well this ain't that okay now here's the full disclosure I have an offer for you I'm gonna make you an offer on Friday but I'm going to teach you so much stuff this week I'm in fact I'm going to teach you more this week than most people teach you in their three and five thousand dollar courses and at the end of the week the reason you buy if you buy is because you don't want the learning to stop I'm not going to talk to you into it at all you say Mayan why should I buy I'd probably say you shouldn't the people who are ready they'll know they're ready the offer that I'm going to make you is eighty seven thousand five hundred and sixty two dollars so here's your job this week you've already paid to be here why don't you listen and learn and then evaluate whether what I have to offer or not is worth 82 562 dollars right so I make that at the beginning I say I've got all kinds offers I've got my inner circle it's 155 000 I've got my 200 000 VIP day I got my million dollar royal family program I got all of that you decide which one's for you this week while I'm teaching and maybe none of them are for you or maybe all of them are for you but I'll let you decide fair enough fair enough now what happens it's a price marinade it's also positioning the price I'm I'm so if I tell them the price before I get started and the price is a price marinade now the whole week they're evaluating okay is it worth the 87 000 is it worth 87 000 is it worth 155 they're doing this oh wow man if I had 87 000 I'd surely give it to this guy to show me how to make money and then when I make the offer and I give them a grant or a discount or whatever it's an easy yes so so you what and what is now let me just summarize that price marinade uh for those listening who may not be familiar with it is where you basically at the beginning of your you tell them the retail price at the beginning right and then at the end you show them the discounted or sales price or the after scholarship after Grant price so and and this is because they're thinking the whole time how am I going to afford this they're trying to figure out how to afford a bigger but then when they get pitched it's this they're like oh that's no-brainer but if they would only heard that then it's like oh how okay so I actually did a version of this um which it's so funny that that that that that this happened I did a challenge once and we had a um twenty thousand dollar boot camp that we were selling but we also had my fifty five thousand dollar Mastermind well uh and this was the one where I I did the the boat ad where I did the parody of uh the the Step Brothers video the book and close uh we spent like 15 grand on ads we did 800 50 Grand in sales let's go yeah it was it was well we so we did we spent 15 on ads we did 45 in ticket sales and then we did uh like 800 uh on the challenge but um this is what had happened was was completely just it blew me away like it it was not what I expected I at the beginning I did a slight tweak to the price marinade I didn't say I'm gonna charge you this and then I gave him a discount at the end what I said was I said listen you know um I don't want you to worry about what I'm going to sell you I want you to be able to focus on the content 100 and so look I have a mastermind it's 55 000 and uh that's just what it is and at the end I'll offer you a chance to get into it and if you feel that you you know this is valuable and you don't want to stop learning from me um then you can get it and and if you have enough here this week and that's fine too um but what I did was at the end I said listen I understand that many of you because I wasn't pitching that I was pitching the twenty thousand dollar boot camp right so this is what's crazy at the end on day five or four whatever it was when I pitched it I said listen I know you guys I know I told you guys that we have a fifty five thousand dollar Mastermind and we do have a fifty five thousand dollar Mastermind and if you're interested in that you can you can totally apply for it 100 but because I know a lot of you um maybe not be ready for that the offer that we're going to offer you today is a 12-week boot camp and it's called the high ticket selling boot camp and it's twenty thousand dollars now my expectation was that more people would take the the 20 000. no there were three times as many the amount of people right chose the 55 than the 20. and we got blindsided because you weren't ready and I was like what yeah and it was crazy because it's because you had the right people in the room because you had the right people in the room and they wanted the best they didn't want the cheapest you hadn't even Marcus buyers you didn't have Walmart buyers right they said I want the best and I don't care how much it cost right so yes so if you didn't want that to happen would you would you just basically say it's you know uh fifty thousand dollars and then at the end you're like I'm gonna give you a discount 50 it's 25 how would you frame that without sounding like like a like a used car salesman well first of all if you're delivering a whole lot of value in the content throughout the week nobody's going to feel like you're a used car salesman they're like people are grateful like when we do our challenge okay so I don't know if I don't know if I've talked to you since we've changed our challenge around a little bit um a lot of people do free challenges right we don't do a free challenge we have a 97 general admission 297 VIP and then right 597 plus I've never done a free challenge I don't know I don't think I've ever seen you ever no no you will never see me okay um I mean if you can't afford 97 for five days of learning right I right well if you don't why are you here exactly so and my my belief is can't afford it is not a real concept it's just a construct when somebody says I can't afford it what that really means is this is not important enough for me to figure it out and that's where you are that's fine we can still be friends you just can't come right so so 97 and 97 for the general admission 297 VIP a week before the challenge starts so VIPs just get to be in the room to listen to me answer questions for platinum VIPs oh you made three now yeah so okay so so general admission is is just the General Session where they're in a Facebook group and they listen VIPs are in the zoom room with the question answering but they don't get to ask questions they just get to hear me answer other people's questions and then Platinum a week before the challenge starts we send out an email to everybody who's VIP and everybody's not if you want to ask me a question you have to upgrade to platinum which is 300 more so it's 597 so do you give them all three options at the beginning nope just two options at the beginning but a week before the challenge we send an email to all the VIPs you can upgrade to chat you can upgrade the platinum and ask questions like our challenge last month but but if you sell the VIP as you'll get to listen to me answer other people's questions but how do they know who those are the people they don't know who those other people you know just don't mention it they're just like cool I don't know who those ghost people are right yeah yeah and then a week before the challenge you say would you like to be one of these people that asked me a question upgrade why don't you do it in the front end um or you just you just haven't tried it no I haven't I haven't even I haven't even thought to try that like last month we had we had 35 upgrades 300 so so it says 97 for General 297 is VIP and then Platinum is an additional 300 oh I got top of the VIP so it's like 5.97. right and so um and then we had I don't know we had I don't remember how many dollars worth of crates we had no did we have this um 300 yeah we had 35 we had 35 upgrades to platinum that was 10 500 just for platinum upgrades right and then we did like just a little over 800 000 coaches you know it's funny I thought about doing a challenge for our sales team management offer but there's only one very very big problem with that Myron tell me what it is the problem is that you know one of the reasons why companies that that either train and play sales reps or manage them and there's very few of those is because is they grow too fast and they sell too fast and so and then they implode yeah and the quality of their reps is just horrible we grow slow we can only take on so many clients at a time to make sure that every time we take over managing a sales team for someone they get results they get results right so if I I know if I did a challenge you'd have way more people but well well or you'd have more sales people that are not trained and then right and it would it would not be good and then and then we'd be like all these other right it's not working as you would put it that that they care only about see here here's the reason why I love the gig I got now is you know I made my bag in in coaching right like I don't need any more money personally good right so now I get to create a company the right way where I'm not worried about how much money I'm making the money will come we'll build it up to a insane valuation and then sell it for you know whatever but to create equality and this is what I learned and and this is where these freaking these click funnels Awards got me man I kept trying to hit new records in sales and it was the biggest mistake I ever made because oh I need to make a million dollars by this date and I'll get this I'll get this award oh I need to make 10 million dollars but the problem is is that yeah I made the money but every time I did it through turmoil into my company because I had to hire new people like super fast and then you know I I I didn't want the quality of the product to go down so I put in extra hours that I really didn't want to put in and I it it was a scramble and I learned later on like slow is better and you know your ego gets in the way sometimes especially for people who are new because they want to hit those numbers um but for me it was about growing slow or for me it's about growing slow now you know um but I but I guess I could do one and get like this massive waiting list which would be cool because then I would never need we could just call them up when we have a spot for them you know but the point I'm trying to make is that your your challenge framework works so well it's crazy but I can't use it you don't grow too fast you know but and but the other thing you could do is like figure out a higher priced offer that would cause people to buy it slower and you still make more money so that's the other thing you could do with that with regard to that right so I mean we just like so crazy uh two years ago well last year last year we did 6.2 million and you know me I play golf every day so 6.2 million and I'm playing golf every day I'm not you know I don't play that day but you know I play three four five times a week um this year we've already done 11 million and I work part-time still more you just answer your coaching calls and do well I do coaching calls I have most the thing that I do most of my work this year is now recording YouTube videos or going Live on YouTube that's what mostly what I do know that's the product that's the predominant thing that I do in my business go live on YouTube yeah we do a challenge once a month that takes me two hours a day for five days I do um I've got three or four coaching calls I've got I've got one coaching call every other like I have two coaching calls a month for one coaching program two coaching calls a month for another program so that's four coaching calls how many uh of that money of that 11 million what have you is the bulk of it from the from the uh challenges um probably yeah probably and VIP days were the next biggest thing because we sell VIP days for 200 Grand I don't want to do that no I know no I get that yeah right you don't want but I like it like I like it I get really cool people and we spend a day together and they go out and crush it like Marvin Mitchell did one with me in like the next week he did seven million dollars on his challenge nice Rachel Rogers did one and she did like 2.6 million the next week like I love it because I made the price so high that only high level entrepreneurs take advantage of it for your Revenue no no I mean I'm only sold I don't know a total of maybe 14 of them said no that's okay yeah that's not that much that's like almost three million is it the boot camps that you sell for the most part the Inner Circle Inner Circle so that's almost inner circles yeah Inner Circle is 155 000 or 55 000 and then to do the grants and I do the repitch and the pre-pitch so we make six figures every month from three pitches and pre-pitches and then and then we have um and which is you know how that works you know you go and do a presentation you have nothing to deliver right you just no I love that yeah and they just send you money um and then um so we have we have 90 something people in our Inner Circle once we get to 100 we're closing it and then we have offer Mastery boot camp which we can sell to infinity and beyond and have Buzz Lightyear come in and do a training course and how much is a offer Mastery um it's 27 000. and that's what we sell in the challenge production why can now you're getting into the stuff I'm interested in why why can't you sign as much as of that because we have three coaching calls a month okay no one-on-one coaching at all three coaching calls a month and we teach people in that how to build some kind of Revenue on the internet of course I basically teach the four boss moves that I cover in my book Legion but I'm saying from a logistical standpoint yeah logistical group call right group call now what if you had what if tomorrow 300 people joined they would go through the boot camp first and then join the group coach okay so there's a recorded boot camp that they go through I mean they have to go through the boot camp before they get on no but if they ask your questions in the boot camp that question they answer that question's in the boot camp you don't answer it no go watch the videos you just signed up go watch the videos without people getting angry at you I say look here's the deal eventually we're gonna have 10 000 people in this program they're they're going to be people who are going to come in and they're going to ask questions they're answering the boot camp you don't want me answering their questions that are already in the boot camp and wasting your time so we're going to let you go watch it go through the 12 weeks of module go through the first 12 modules first and then come back ask any questions you want I wish I had known that because I used to just say like a friend go watch it like but that's a much more right so so when you have to tell somebody something that's distasteful okay always show them what's in it for them right right and then it becomes it becomes easier to palette yeah yeah I mean I said something to the effect of I can't remember what I said it's in the boot camp because I got tired of saying but I did not say either way you know you know what we actually did that really helped was we when when you came on a coaching call you had to fill out a form and we made a form and I think it was jot form and we made it conditional so when you ask a certain question the form would automate a response and say hey before you ask us on on the call did you check this lesson and we would get like we went for getting like 50 questions per coaching call down to like seven that's so good yeah we have to get you to show me how to do that I can hook you up but Carlo was on my teammate I can I can 100 but my people will get with your people yeah have your people contact my people so they can do the people thing and is that like an Al Capone I don't know one of those guys okay yeah uh uh so so so do you run Facebook ads is it the majority of how you get people in the challenge the initial thing is Facebook ads YouTube YouTube videos YouTube videos and retargeting ads on YouTube that's pretty much it so so now so and we did like we just started running ads last month like we literally just started running our challenge does between 800 000 1.6 million dollars a month in Revenue we just started running once this month we do it once a month what sorry right I'm sorry once a month once a month and and are are you saying that you put out YouTube videos that are of value and then you retarget with the CTA or is the CTA in both nope see retarget well CTA so you do not almost never almost okay because the algorithm doesn't like that like that I don't like it okay here's what I found out I know I don't like I don't like I don't like doing a CTA so so my content that's on YouTube or Instagram live or whatever I call that community service content right so what I do is I just create content that helps people like good people will conclude this person helped me this much for free I can't imagine how much they'll help me if I pay them I don't have to make them I don't have to come to my website and buy my thing they're going to search me I have people come on my challenge I stalked you on the internet for nine months I I watched every video of yours on YouTube and now I'm on your challenge okay cool guess what that means they spent 90 to 100 hours pre-indoctrinating themselves that I know what I'm talking about what are the chances of them coming to my Challenge and not buying I would rather have somebody do the long game the long game is the game to play yeah if you win the short game you make a little bit of money if you win the long game you can go buy an island and I remember because I've known you for a few years now oh yeah you were not doing you were doing well but you were not doing them like this no no yeah yeah there's levels to the baller yeah you know exactly so so okay so just so I'm clear um you you do the YouTube videos right and I noticed your YouTube videos are pretty long is that is that a thing like because they all are 10 minutes you know what's what's this deal so well think about it like this you know how you go to a conference and they have like 97 000 speakers who all speak for 15 or 20 minutes the reason they do that so that people don't get bored you can't talk too long if your content is good you can only be too boring or too uninteresting now the like the two primary matrices on YouTube click-through rate and watch time so you want to create thumbnails that cause people to click and content that causes people to watch what do you see before before my bladder files a restraining order against me what never heard anybody say that before go Dan I'm a colorful individual um what what is because I'm going to be selfish I want to know this okay what is your all right back to the asteroid right asteroids coming towards Earth I need to improve my watch time okay and we'll throw and click-through rate I gotta improve my watch time or that asteroid it's just we're all just Cosmic dust right what do you tell me to prevent that asteroid from blowing up the world for me to improve my watch time uh specifically and and be more focused on teaching content that people want to watch than content that you want to create so many people are so internally focused when they're creating stuff they're creating stuff for themselves and expecting other people to enjoy it I just think okay what problems do people have okay how can I solve this problem okay what kind of title can I come up with that'll make them realize this is the thing so I tell people one of the biggest mistakes you can make in sales is looking for people to sell stuff to it's dumb why would I do that that's such a stupid waste of time you say what do you mean that's a stupid waste of time there are already thousands maybe tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands maybe hundreds of millions of people in the world who would already love to buy what I already would love to sell they just don't know I exist so instead of looking for trying to find people to sell stuff to make yourself more findable for the people who already want to buy what you already want to sell how do I do that by talking about the things they care about on YouTube how do you find that out um well one by being a part of the group of the people that you talk to so if I am in that group or I was in that group I talk about stuff that's relevant to who I am or who I was that's one way reading the comments on YouTube a lot of people don't like to do that because people will call you all kinds of names and say all kinds of bad things about you right I've been called all kinds of bad things on this this guy usually when they're kind of starts with this guy I know it's going to be very entertaining right right so but I like to read the comments because a lot of times your people who are watching your videos will give you the best ideas for the next video to create right and then looking at other people's content that you know is garbage I got this idea from you and you just create a video that you don't have to mention their video you just teach the very opposite thing of what they just taught yeah I talk about that likely look at your competitors and and see what they're saying and then what would you say to disagree with it right you don't mention them because that's right right that's just trash and it's not necessary yeah and but you say that so so you're saying go in groups look at the comments to your own videos maybe go on a competitor's video and look at the comments to their videos and figure out what people are really asking what they want but is there any tactical like in the moment in like for instance one thing I do is I edit my stuff super close together yeah that's a good idea we haven't started doing that yet but we're going to start do it really focusing on the editing piece but here's the deal like content is the king here's what you have to do this is the part that most people are unwilling to do here's what you have to do you ready you have to actually be good to know something that people want to know that's the part where people struggle most people don't know something people want to know here's what's cool I just shared this in my Mastermind I probably shouldn't even say this on YouTube you have to grow your audience faster than you grow your sales or you're going to run out of people think about that oh that makes so much right so so many people they're like oh I'm spending like how can we do millions of dollars in sales and millions of dollars a month with almost no money spent on Advertising we spent 2100 last month on Advertising we did over a million dollars in Revenue this month we've already done almost three million dollars in Revenue like so can I bring you back on sure to talk just about YouTube sure I'm not a YouTube expert though well you're more than an expert than me I I hired a YouTube coach and he told me what to do and I do it like literally that's what I did I heard this guy talking about you I didn't know you could do that with you dude I know you do that hey can I write you a check sure here here's fifteen thousand dollars show me how to do stuff I started doing stuff he said we went from 10 500 subscribers March 31st of this year it's now 15 grand what's that it's 15 000 where can I write that right exactly I'll send you to it but watch this here we are now it's September 10th September 9th I have 176 000 subscribers on YouTube since March wow I don't even have a hundred videos and I talk I talk for 40 minutes sometimes it takes me a little while to get warmed up so yeah okay all right all right well man this has been this has been this has been incredible cool um yeah this is this is fine and I I totally get what you mean by be good you know I remember when um free plus shipping books were all the rage they still are but to somebody yeah I do Premium Plus books well I'm just saying like writing a book to get clients was just so like everybody's doing it and I remember I did mine and I really focused on making it good and it's good it's really good thank you thank you so good and I I noticed that every time I see somebody on Instagram they'll share like Russell's books Tim Ferriss book and I'll see my book next to it right and I get like really humbled but also like thankful that you've spent the time to make it good to where that book is sitting next to those books and um but I I can I can there's so many people out there that have done a free plus shipping book or just or just wrote a book that's terrible and the book's terrible you don't hear about it all you're doing is letting everybody know how terrible you are that was the other part remember I said you had to grow your audience faster you grow yourselves this is the other part the second half of that statement you have to grow your learning faster than you grow your teaching that's why most people aren't good right oh every time I every time I well I have a huge stack of books up there because every time I I finish one I talk to you and you give me five little read so I'm constantly doing that you know but okay awesome awesome good man well my brain's full for the day um Byron thank you so much pleasure for for coming back always good to talk to you I do have a gift for you I see you have that nice embroidered hat there I got you at hat hat let's go so let's pop the top let's go and it's flat brim too so yeah [Music] so we're gonna have to extend that my nickname growing up was big head look at this nice oh look at that with the label still on it on the bottom closed Nation let's go yes awesome well sir thank you so much my pleasure bro you're one of my favorite people thank you and favorite sales mentors and thank you I appreciate that I absolutely uh I thank you for traveling all this way 25 minutes yeah when I was probably 40 minutes oh was it 40 minutes yeah traffic was like oh traffic yeah it was bad uh no I do I do appreciate you coming out it was fun we got to play golf again let's do it let's do it I'll tell you what now so you knew I was going to go didn't you well you're gonna say I was gonna say something about pool I was gonna say hey I'll let you beat me at golf I got a pool table right up there sir it's right there you see it that's Dan I've already played you I've already beaten you at the world championship of who why would I play you again why would I do hey why did why didn't Connor and Diaz fight again man I don't know who that is did you like that yeah always a pleasure bro [Laughter]
Channel: Dan Henry
Views: 201,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Henry, Sell your course online, create an online course, how to sell your course, how to create an online business, sell courses online, Digital Millionaire Coaching, myron golden, alex hormozi, myron golden bible succsess secrets, myron golden hstory and mystery of wealth, myron golden bible studdy
Id: fS6h5MFFnj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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