Make $3,000,000 With A Business You Can Duplicate - Step by Step

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yeah we do about three million 3.5 million a year I was the worst one bro if I can go from dropping out in ninth grade being literally suicidal hating my life not wanting to wake up to making millions just a few years later what the [ __ ] are you capable of now I work two hours a week I don't know if I mentioned that but like I I don't do anything most local businesses their problem is not they don't know how to get leads the problem is they're shitty business owners we've added on something called the hybrid model so instead of just running ads and sending leads to these Realtors and saying hey go close these leads we actually teach them how to convert the leads so if you could create that feeling for your clients of if you leave our program you're leaving a community there will be an inherent fear of death I've seen people complain dispute and ask for refunds for the same information that have seen other people become millionaires with at the end of the day brother it's you welcome to the we're gonna make it podcast where we talk about the nitty-gritty tactics that underground entrepreneurs are using to build their businesses to the seven and eight figures the goal of this podcast is to go into excruciating detail on the tactics and strategies that they're using right now so hopefully you can implement it into your business and see more success if you like tips like this you can always subscribe to our free newsletter but other than that please enjoy the episode Matt Shields yes sir great to have you here brother so I saw your YouTube channel the video specifically I built six smmas to prove it's not luck highly recommend everyone go watch that but first off how much money do you make by that how much money do I make our agency does about 250 000 per month uh per month yeah it's done it's done up to 290. it's it hovers but yeah we do about three million 3.5 million a year and how old are you 22 22 yeah baller okay bro I'm really excited about this because when I watch your channel you are kind of the opposite of what I see in most people that talk about smma or make content on smma in the sense that I ran an smma one of my first businesses got to around 30k a month that's like my best month and what I always didn't understand was when I would buy courses for smma everyone was focused on sales or getting clients for yourself but they were never focused or teaching me how am I actually going to get the people that I close their clients so first to keep it simple so everyone understands what's going on here what service do you offer like what are people paying you for yeah and that is a great Point like that is the Paramount problem in this industry is nobody actually teaches how do you make your clients money so what service I offer is Facebook and Instagram ads for real estate agents but on top of that what we've done differently where we've really tried to innovate as a company is we've added on something called the hybrid model so instead of just running ads and sending leads to these Realtors and saying hey go close these leads we actually teach them how to convert the leads and so we've developed a community in a Consulting component to the agency to where as for Mosey says you want your service to become the solution to the client's entire business and that's what we've worked on we're not just a lead gen solution we are a holistic solution to Realtors because the fact is most local businesses their problem is not they don't know how to get leads the problem is they're City business owners like a gym doesn't know how to operate or scale or keep clients or create an incredible client experience Realtors don't know how to maximize their sphere of influence they don't know how to effectively sell so we've taught them all of those things and that's where we've tried to kind of innovate our service delivery so I want to ask you how did you even learn how to make their business better than them when you're not actually running one but before we post that later into the podcast I more so want to say like let's break it down as simply as possible sure you help real estate owner real estate real estate agents make more money by getting them people that are trying to buy or sell a house yeah so you find people that want to buy or sell a house and then you're running ads to find these people yeah and those people book a call with the real estate agents essentially essentially we've we run the ads to find the buyer or the seller we send that information that we collect from that potential buyer seller to the agent then we have a CRM where we help them follow up with that person and actually get a meeting to meet with them and then we teach them the sales process okay to take them from a lead to an actual paying client so they make money okay so real estate agents that are looking to grow their business you hire your agency to help them get clients and basically from there you just have this system where you send them you run ads for for them under their brand um sometimes okay so you run ads for them yeah and then they basically just get sent to clients and that's what they're paying for you how much do they pay you so our average client pays eight thousand dollars for six months usually or per month uh for the full six months we do a lot of paid in fulls and then if they pay month to month it's anywhere from fifteen hundred to two thousand per month and that's for ad basically ad Services media buying in a way yep and then the Consulting on top of it and the training in the group okay so how what is specifically your method for getting them clients so we're running ads on Facebook and Instagram Facebook and Instagram and the key like in advertising the best copy in the world the best headline in the world the best image in the world cannot beat a great offer so we try to come up with a no-brainer easy to click easy to grab offer for our agents um and usually that's a free home valuation because because of how uh you know fluctuating the market has been in the last couple years everybody's like well what's my home worth now what's my home worth now so that's gotten us a lot of clicks it's worked for the last year and a half and then we do other offers at times we'll test but we come up with a great offer a catchy image a catchy headline because at the end of the day the headline's the most important thing and that's how we grab the info and then we send it to the agent that's really smart because if I own a home like I want to know how much my house is worth and I hope like if it's free why not and then they click into it and they're going to be like do they go through like a funnel yeah is there like a vsl or both so there's a funnel we get their information we've tested the vsl but we stopped doing it now we just get their information we actually have something called Geo mapping so let's say you put in your home address into our funnel it will pull up the Google Maps listing and satellite shot over your house so now like the person's looking at their own house and like oh this is legit because a lot of online ads on social media it's like I don't know if this is a scam or if this is real so when you see that sort of Technology it makes it way more trustworthy and that's helped us just increase conversion rates and options evaluation they just have to the realtor does it manually call and that's super important on the call in person because you can't value a home unless you actually see it like it's like it'd be like online dating you can't say a girl is a 10 because you saw a Tinder profile you have to meet her in person it's the same thing with a house because you have to see how it compares to the house next door the rest of the neighborhood all that stuff and it gets your foot in the door and then now that human Connection in person exactly so it's a way easier clothes for them exactly spot on that's really smart Okay so ad is free home valuation what's the creative looking like the photo good question we've tested like a lot of stereotypical canva images and those have performed well but where we've tried to be a little bit different as a company is we actually pay a production agency to make these viral style pattern interrupting commercials um and we do this for ourselves too this is what's beautiful about this business is if you can provide yourself results and you can just say look client the same system that got you to be one of my clients I'm going to run for you so you can get clients it's like all right they got me so we run Facebook and Instagram ads for our own agency too that is our no number one acquisition channels just paid ads and so we come up with these viral style marketing commercials one of them that has just gone crazy is called the real estate wrap so we paid this guy shout out to Joey if he's watching this and he made this amazing amazing creative where he just raps about real estate and all the problems and it went viral all the Realtors shared it and it got us I don't know probably made us like seven hundred thousand dollars in a year and we paid twenty five hundred dollars for the commercial so we've made those for our clients in their markets so we have something called like the markets hot out here it's time to sell your home and so like we made it we made a video in a music video like that when the market was super hot so little things like that have really taken our marketing than XL that's not touched on in a lot of courses or the creativity needed you're basically running ads and you need to get people to click but I saw that where you literally made a music video and the lyrics are like speaking as a real estate agent to their problems yeah objections they're facing and then that like got their attention yeah they loved it and then they automatically shared round because I think it's funny and now you're just getting so many clients outside of that ad the best advertisement David Ogilvy said the best advertisement is one that doesn't seem like an advertisement at all a music video does not seem like an ad so music videos entertainment but that was our best ad ever but music videos have the product placement of like alcohol or whatever it is like they just have them in there and they're easier to watch most ads are painful to look at so like it's almost subconscious yeah 100 so that's genius and that is cool that because that's how you get clients that's how you're marketing the real estate agents but you're also going to do that for them and so when you're on your sales calls like they first hand see okay this guy like it works yeah so that's really interesting okay so that would be the typical just that alone is what my smma agent was or uh because what he was like running an ad for them getting them book calls appointments or whatever and then hands off and that was like probably that's probably the standard way to do an agency but you go way deeper than that and actually teach them how to be better at their business yeah explain that I only have one quick Interruption for the podcast today guys and maybe this is a good time to share the podcast with a friend or throw it in your group chat if you're actually learning something because share the knowledge so you can all become better together but I want to put you guys onto a big opportunity that I'm seeing in the world right now and that is building software but with no code typically everyone kind of knows that software is the best business in the world but you have to hire developers it takes a lot of time but we're in the future and right now you can actually build software with no code on a platform called Bubble not only that you can actually plug AI into bubble to build any AI software tool you want very quickly we actually figured out how to build a AI tool to help students with their homework in just a few weeks and we actually made a free course showing exactly how we did everything from plugging in the AI building the actual app itself in an even connecting stripe to accept payments and again that's a completely free course that you can find in the link in the description below other than that guys enjoy the podcast share it with your friend if you're learning something this has been a really good one so far and it only gets better but you go way deeper than that and actually teach them how to be better at their business yeah explain that well to revert back to what I said in the beginning the most Paramount problem for these entrepreneurs these local business owners is not that they don't know how to get leads or that they don't know how to Market is that they don't know how to run a business I can give you all the leads in the world all the opportunities in the world but if you aren't the person and you don't have the know-how to actually cultivate that into a transaction because you don't have effective follow-up processes you don't know how to sell for the life of you like agents will come on our group calls and we'll do a role play and we'll be like all right I'm a lead I'm potentially interested in selling my home call me and the Agents will call and they'll be like it's it's terrible to listen to it's it's it's very very hard to listen to but that's why we focused on it because most of your clients if you're an agency owner they are taking your amazing opportunities that you're sending them and they're just completely fumbling them and so we've tried to and they'll blame you and they'll say these leads suck it's like no they don't suck you said hey do you want to sell your home with me as your opening line like you hurt you're a bad salesperson and so we're very ruthless with our clients I'm like look the leads are the leads the the X Factor is you as the agent because I I can send 20 leads to a rockstar agent and they'll close maybe three of them I can send 20 leads to a brand new scrub and they won't close any of them and that's just the the harsh reality of the business so we teach them follow-up we teach them how to hire and recruit virtual assistants we teach them mindset we teach them uh sales and how do you show up to a listing appointment we teach them the entire business so that's where we've really done things differently because the the underlying problem in smma is leads don't act leads are a commodity leads are so easy to get and you can't build an amazing business on the backbone of a commodity so it's kind of getting them to be accountable but without like being mean to them because they're paying you yeah so but we will call them out you can we'll call them if you have that relationship great but so but you're not a real estate agent you've never sold a home yourself I have no idea how to sell them yeah so how are you teaching these people when you know nothing about their world in theory that is that is a great question Brett um the first thing is my mom's a realtor and my brother's a realtor so I had a little bit of insight into how much of a problem this industry has which is there's it's so outdated they teach you how to grow business off of referrals they don't know how to actually convert predictable acquisition sources like paid advertising and so I just kind of saw how flawed the industry was firsthand or secondhand through my family but the way we actually teach is we just bring in experts in the industry like we have a best-selling real estate author we're looking at bringing in some of the the number one wholesaler in the country to come and do a mastermind with our agents we bring in experts who are great at sales have built successful real estate businesses and we leverage ope other people's expertise and that is what I love is that I don't need to know this [ __ ] I just need to find the person who does and I need to know that I need to find them and so if I can go and Source these people pay them 250 an hour Meanwhile my clients are paying me you know 2 000 a month and there's 30 of them on call it's it's like sixty thousand dollars per that call or whatever and I'm paying the agent the coach 250 an hour to do the call so I'm just leveraging other people's expertise and we're bringing them in and they're teaching the agents for us because I don't know the first thing about selling a house I would completely [ __ ] it up so I yeah so again this is focus again this is what I mean by Pro your product Focus yeah you were going I've never heard of this before and so you're going above and beyond for your clients and I'm sure that out after all these coaching calls are having all these real estate clients you can kind of see like this person is getting the same kind of leads as this person but this person's getting 15 clients paid a month this one's only getting three so you almost like can just learn from all the people doing it the best yep and then bring that into your coaching for future clients exactly and that's and that's the management consulting process of her Mosey talk about this you bring in all of like management consulting you find you don't do all of the innovative ideas that's making a company successful you figure out between all the companies what are the few things things that all of them are doing that are like indisputable like they're all following up with their leads in the first five minutes they're all calling at least eight times right maybe one of them's going and knocking on on the door and dropping off a CMA but the others aren't so you just focus on what are the things that all of the successful ones are doing and over time we've discovered like the few key things that you have to do as an agent or as a local business owner to actually convert a lead and then we just teach it to all of our agents because we have so much data you know there's hundreds of clients who have gone through the program between the high ticket offers and the low ticket offers and we've learned from all of them and we've acquired data and now we just try to kind of reteach that to everybody see and I love that you've learned this because you've learned this the hard way like the last video you this is your sixth SMA where you're learning each one of these pieces and now that you started your sixth one you have all that knowledge and it compounds and then talk about your story near the end of the podcast but really I want to focus on so Alex ramosi has like I guess another note here is he talks about like how he had to Market his first gym yeah how he's like go put out flyers yeah I put out 50 anything he's like worked really hard and did a lot and then he came back and the guy like yelled at him because he needed to do 500 and so when you're a beginner you don't really know how much work it takes to be successful and people will again just protect their ego and not look in the mirror and be like it's because I'm not working hard enough product oriented you're a very product oriented person and you had a saying in that video that was it was like free trial referral system and great product explained why you are such a product oriented person our first couple of agencies which they succeeded uh but partnership you know different things happened where I got basically I had to leave the agencies and and start this one again but the first few did succeed um and they did well and they were product focused as well so they were free trials up and then run a great free trial get them as a pain client and then ask them for referrals that's like how we grew our first three agencies to 20 30k a month in like three four months was just free trials referrals Etc so why are you so product focused honestly or what are the benefits of being product focused I'll answer both of those the real reason I'm product focused transparently is because like deeply rooted in my nature is insecurity that I won't be enough for people and like like studying great product CEOs this is hardwired in their brains it's like there's a a deep amount of insecurity that they will never be enough and so they have to build something that is so great that it's like irrefutable that they have served you well and so like in in the core of my bones it's like I just don't want to let people down and so I want to build something really great the benefits to that are look at the most successful companies they're incredible products if you want to get the 10K a month 20K a month sales will get you there sure but if you want to get to a million a month if you want to build an eight-figure business if you want to get to 300K a month you have to build something that people actually love to use and studying Jeff Bezos who I think is the greatest entrepreneur of Our Generation Um I know a lot of Elon fans might hate me for that but his whole thing is create value for customers and think in long-term time Horizons like reading all of his shareholders uh letters and just studying that it's a Relentless obsession with the customer how can we provide them the most value possible and so for me that is the benefit is if you can provide them the most value you can charge the highest prices you will keep them the longest and the best form of marketing is a happy customer so it grows exponentially as Naval says you only sell because you don't know how to Market and you only Market because you don't know how to build product so if you build product right you don't have to Market you don't have to sell the product does everything for you so I think that's really the benefit yeah it's the drop shippers dilemma where they think that they can just like get an instant run an ad convert if it's profitable they scale but if you don't eventually get referrals Word of Mouth where one sale equals three because they're telling their friends your ads will eventually become too expensive and you will not be profitable and your taxes will fail so one side note I want to tell everyone here if you guys haven't noticed already his name dropped at least five different quotes or ideologies of very successful business people and you talked before we got here the success is the compound of the people that are in your team yeah but it's also a combination of the information you're putting in your mind if you are in a low-income neighborhood and everyone around you is only making like two thousand dollars a month and they're in the cycle of low quality information yeah that's all that's in your brain and you can't like break out of that so how are you supposed to be successful tea is filling his brain with the most successful business ideologies that have been proven to work in the right thesis then applying that to his business are why he's able to scale an opinion in my opinion so quickly at 22 because you're learning from the right people I appreciate you saying that I know what we'll talk about the story later but it it you just gave me an interesting Insight which is like you know well we'll get into the story but I dropped out I dropped out of high school in ninth grade so like I left school after ninth grade and I left the public education system you become what you consume and all I was consuming there was drama negativity hate fear a lot of fear a lot of high school or trigonometry yeah [ __ ] right I don't even make it to those classes but that's all I was consuming and you become what you consume so leaving that environment as scary as it was then I started looking to YouTube and I always tell people like I went to YouTube University that's why I make YouTube videos is because I was a student now I want to be a professor while I continue to be a student too so like yeah man I just I guess I got really blessed that I I did drop out of school as scary as it was because then I started consuming from not Jimmy the high school [ __ ] quarterback but I was listening to Jeff Bezos and people like her Mosey five years ago before anybody knew who he was and like that's that that research at the end of the day there's not there's no such thing as an original thought so how can you how can you put the thoughts that are already proven by other people into your brain and actually understand them and comprehend them and leverage them like none of this that we've done is really me as like it kind of sucks to say it'd be cool to say it was my Innovative idea bro the hybrid model her Mosey did that with gym launch Joel Kaplan did that with agency lab and our whole goal like 18 months ago I messaged our CEO when he first joined the business because I had to bring him in as a partner I messaged him dude what if we built the gym launch for realtors agent launch what if we did that and he was like cool idea I'm not against it that was it but that was the backbone of what we did it wasn't even original thought it was just like we copied her Mosey but that is the game that is the game Steve Jobs said bro and I'll quote another entrepreneur why not Steve Jobs said like this is a fascinating story to me he quoted Picasso when he stole xerox's um GUI like decades and decades ago right in the late 1970s he quoted Picasso and he said you know Picasso had a saying good artist copy great artist steal and we have always been Shameless about stealing great ideas and this is because he went to Xerox and he stole their GUI when they sued him 150 million dollars because he stole this graphical user interface or whatever it was he just stole it he saw it he stole it he implemented it into apple apple takes off Xerox crashes out of the computer business they stop selling uh you know retail computers or whatever he stole their idea the greatest product oriented CEO in history was stealing ideas and products from other people why are we trying to innovate as 20 year old something entrepreneurs Steve Jobs was stealing why are we stealing bro like the answers are out there he literally went into their like Office Park Center like what was it maybe to sell Apple to them or something and they showed him what they were working on like this windowed version of a computer where it used to just be like all like text-based yes it's that's a crazy yeah they gave him a million dollars worth of pre-ipo stock for Apple they invited him to their Inner Circle where they had all the most Innovative technology in the world and he just says he saw the GUI and said they don't know how to Market that we need that and he put it into the uh the Macintosh and it's been history same goes for like any industry you're in because these people have obviously spent a lot of time and money making mistakes and learning and yeah skip all their mistakes like this is your Baseline now because it's working for them now make it your own or a little different well said yeah I mean Facebook did it when Snapchat came out with stories mentally just stories then Tick Tock comes out now every social media platform has the infinite scroll smart people learn from their own mistakes wise people learn from the mistakes of others so if you can just learn from all of the other people who have already messed up for you you'll go way faster give me your input on the people listening this right now they think that's wrong that are to their book core belief that think you're stealing you're a bad person and that they're gonna discount your success because of that mindset right now I mean look that's fine at the end of the day like it it really doesn't matter but I will because I I understand the moral dilemma like I do understand it what I would say is again there is no such thing as an original thought you're going to steal the question is are you going to steal something good or something bad because you're stealing somebody else's belief no matter what everyone go back and listen to where he said there's no such thing as original thought the first time and listen to that 60 seconds over two or three times that will foundationally change the way you think about the world but moving back to the actual tangible business yeah I want to make sure we fully understand what you're sure let's get into it so first off imagine someone's new how did you you started with gyms how did you get into that Niche how did you choose a niche good question I did it completely wrong I would I would choose a niche completely differently now um because of the quote you mentioned to me uh that I think I said in the video big Market great team which is definitely something we can chat about but I just like gyms I liked working out I used to be super into fitness unfortunately now I'm scrawny you know Punk but um I used to be really into fitness and I loved Jim so I was just like oh I'll work with gyms because if you can have a level of expertise in the industry you're serving it separates you from everybody else like if I can come in and talk web3 with you like it you're like oh this guy actually knows his [ __ ] I'm not just talking Facebook ads I'm talking the ins and outs of your industry and it builds trust and trust is the most important thing in Persuasion which is the most important thing in sales so that's why I chose the industry uh I just liked it and I knew a little bit about it it's called understanding your problem space I learned that from Sam Altman by the way guys you can the person the guy who made chat GPT open AI y combinator thousands of videos how to start a startup is the best so I'm so glad you said bro I love that how to start a startup is the best YouTube series like this podcast will be good hopefully you'll hopefully learn something but at the end of the day like Sam Altman and founders of doordash and Airbnb all it's just in free YouTube videos okay stand for classes it's crazy from the people who made the biggest companies YouTube University brother I love that that's important but that's why we're where we're at 100 so I'm gonna keep saying that I'm every damn podcast because it's so important but brother okay so that's your system for getting real estate clients uh like actual results for themselves yeah so go deeper in how you think about getting clients for your agency you talked about the music video that's making a creative ad what is that process how would you come up with ad creatives it kind of goes back to Ope in that specific instance of other people's expertise we just went to the video production guy and we had saw an ad he made for an HVAC agency so again real estate real estate rap may sound like a super Innovative idea but we saw somebody do it for HVAC and we're just like oh what if we made that and we made it better steal and innovate that is the process other people's ads other people's ads they Sky posted it on Facebook but you can go to Facebook ads library and you can search up basically any industry and you can just go look at the best ads um there's also things like turbo add finder which you can it's a Google Chrome extension you put it into your laptop or whatever and then you just turn it on and then instead of seeing posts and shitty distractions on social media it will just show you ads and you'll just see ads and ads and ads you can look at the best ones you can look at the engagement you can look at you know if they have more views they've probably spent more money which means they've probably made more money and so turbo Ad Finder um Facebook ad Library there's a ton of ways to find ads but in this case the guy just posted it to social media my business partner tagged me is like we need that and I was like okay cool We messaged the guy he's like oh yeah man I could cook that up for you next day this guy's insane next day he's just got the full song and he's like here it is I'm like all right then we made the music video we ran it action takers yeah okay so there's two I'm so torn because I feel like I'm conflating the two like getting clients for your agency and getting clients for your real estate clients is there anything else you want to share on actually getting your clients good results do you think it's really important you really have to there's a ton um but like you really have to transfer ownership of the outcome to them because if they view you as a scapegoat for their lack of success they will always be able to say no Brett your lead sucked so if you can if you can properly transfer ownership of the outcome to them and you actually give them the training they need to be able to succeed and you really you know build the hybrid model then your product even if they don't succeed and this happens to us all the time if a client doesn't win they're like yeah but I saw Sarah Lou winning so like I know it's me guys I'm sorry I've been lazy and that they don't come to us like the typical agency and say your leads suck they come to us and they're like man I I really need you guys to keep me accountable right now that is such a paradigm shift um of that industry so that's all I would say transfer ownership of the outcome okay I'm about to get super detailed with you then okay so you hire you get a client they saw your ad of you yeah music video got their attention they booked with you they want to sign up so fulfillment wise yeah they pay you eight thousand dollars for six months then you're running ads for them yeah first off are the ads you're using the same for every single client you just change their name to their logo yep when you're doing fulfillment yep okay and then what is the the specific budget that they are because they're paying you eight thousand dollars for your service to run the ads for your creativity for your time all your expertise and whatnot but then they still have to pay for the ads that you are running correct so what does that model look like 600 to a thousand dollars per month is what they're spending on ads um yeah super short answer okay that makes sense though because it's not that complex so they have to pay eight thousand you need to be ready to spend six to six hundred to a thousand dollars to even get to clients and then you put it you send them a free course so they can make sure that they're optimized on closing they know the best practices yeah and that way you know that it's not you it's them yeah and the course isn't free it's part of what they pay for so we're not just selling them leads it's included and then there's we do eight calls per week where in our community we have multiple coaches lead industry leaders that come on and you can go and ask questions they do master classes we bring on special guests um and we just yeah we we teach them eight times a week we have live calls we have a community we're about to make an inner circle where people can basically the best of the best can go upgrade um to a more Elite coaching and a more inner private Circle and yeah but that's that's the hybrid component we're doing live calls live trainings and we also do one-on-one meetings occasionally and this is all because if they if you don't have that part probably 50 of them after that six month period will not sign up again dude the average real estate this is a crazy stat the average real estate agencies uh lifetime span is 61 days 61 days two months is the average in our industry oh yeah oh yeah and so your whole goal is to make sure like go above and beyond make sure they are equipped with the right information so they do get results so you know if you send them leads they know for a fact that they have the right information until you can really gauge if the leads are quality and then you are focused on them getting better results so that way they stick around and keep paying you more so that's the difference between like a low effort agency of someone who's not going to see success and someone who is doing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month because you are losing less clients the clients are doing so well that they're actually referring you to their other friends because every real estate agent has four other friends that are real estate agents yep and they're going to tell them how great your service is the point where they almost get Goodwill by recommending you to their friends because you help them and it makes them look good exactly that that was super well said and eat your customers complexity I'll leave it with that you have your customers complex so is that literally the key to scaling in your mind like no what was been the difference between what's the difference between it three thousand dollar a month agency and a thirty thousand dollar a month agency then a 300 000 a month agency team okay what three thousand to thirty thousand is a team three thousand to thirty thousand is focusing on the right things and literally just like not jacking off every day like like seriously it's just like just do the right thing every day and and focus on acquisition like as product oriented as I am one of the most important things I've learned is like you can't build the product you can't build the best product if you don't have the most people yeah they're all data and I say that with love for our clients like I literally love these people but statisticians say like you don't have statistical significance until you have at least 100 sets of data so if you have 10 clients you don't even have statistical significance yet you can't make adequate decisions because they're coming from a place of emotion not from data so in the beginning it's just focusing on how do I get as many clients as possible understanding there will be collateral damage some of them might hate you you might not do great for some of them that's okay you can still act and do right by them and you will eventually learn the secret and the process to a successful outcome and then you can scale that up but most of the time and I was guilty of this we're too afraid in the beginning like we don't want to let anybody down it's a it's a deep insecurity right we don't want to let anybody down so we just don't sell anybody at all like we'll do a couple free trials and that will be that but deep down we're insecure about our product and we have no conviction and that is just ruining our ability to actually sell and scale but in the beginning zero to Thirty zero to a hundred honestly it's just literally setting appointments closing appointments mastering sales info focusing on that and not getting distracted and all of the false problems that aren't actually problems which is I think what happens a lot of times it happened to me five times or just focusing and thinking that you need to make your website perfect or this perfect oh that's it instead of something that just what's an actionable step moving forward income producing activities if it makes money do it ipas I love ipas I don't drink alcohol but I love ipas when it comes to business income producing activities if it makes money do it if it doesn't don't until you got 100K a month okay I want to go to systems yeah just so we can like outline the funnel really quickly yeah so or your real estate clients the product you are delivering you are running an ad if they click for the home evaluation yep they go to your website from there right a landing page what are you using to build your landing pages we use something called High Level going to CRM okay and then so you're making them their custom landing page with their branding and the Geo mapping with in their location with go high level and then how do they book the actual in-person consultation they have to call the lead and they also can do it over text we also have an AI component the AI can message the leads and actually book appointments for them that's another kind of unique thing mostly taxes don't have yep is it twilio we use twilio that's like the carrier um but the AI is something custom built it's used like dial using dialogflow which is Google's software I think but you just train it on your own data basically yep exactly or in the future man okay so that's it for your client side okay now right that's that space I mean sure there's subtleties but that's data or whatever just tracking that's that's essentially it okay that's the premise then for you running ads to get clients to get you know say to sign up with you what is your system there what softwares are you using so you run a Facebook ad well that's a beautiful thing it's the same thing same it's it's go high level um we use well we also use close now a new CRM that we've been testing but we we're running the same ads we're taking them to a landing page built on the same software we're using the same exact system but are you doing appointment setting and like Setters with closers so yeah we use Setters we use I mean we have we have Setters we have closers we have an awesome team can you explain what a Setter and a closer is yeah it's important app too yeah so we actually we got this tip from hermosi when we were when we were meeting with him um just a nice little nugget he gave us was like Hey every time you have a lead opt-in have somebody call them immediately and do a triage call we're like interesting so like have them call the lead qualify them see if they can move their appointment up so if you booked from with me for three days out try to get you to meet with me the same day that way the interest is high you don't deal with no shows so we hired Setters which I don't like that language but we hire appointment Setters triage callers who call all of our inbound leads they qualify them uh and then they see if they can move their appointments up and then they make sure they're actually going to show up because there's a ton of no-shows in this industry so that's what an appointment setter does a closer what we call them is advisors because we are not a marketing company we are a consulting company so you're not hopping on a sales call with me you're hopping on an enrollment call and if I think you are good enough to join the program then I will allow you to enroll and so it's a completely different mindset shift because now it's not this person is going to try to convince me it's I have to convince this person to be able to buy their product psychologically it's very powerful so we have advisors AKA closers and they hop on the zoom calls and they actually close the deals okay let me translate because this is smma language yeah I know I'm sorry people don't know what this means okay so he runs a Facebook ad of a music video about real estate agents having problems and if real estate agents want to get more customers they click the link on the Facebook ad yeah then once they click that link they go to a landing page that talks more about how they can get more clients if they work with this company these people put their name email address and phone number to learn more once they click learn more they have an internal system using go high level and zapier probably use apir no we just make but we used to usually I just make two Okay cool so and go high level and once that person hits enter they have this person that's called an appointment setter that gets a text message that's an automation they hit enter this person on their team gets a text message you have a lead here is their name call them and then this person immediately gets that text and once that person hits enter they get a phone call from a Setter on his team and this person is there to answer questions give a little bit of what is it uh pre be a qualifying pre-qualified pre-qualified in this game in a minute pre-qualifying telling a little bit more and the goal of that Setter is to book them an appointment with a sales person but what is genius about him and the reason I actually booked this interview was because at this exact point was because you don't call a sales call you call it a enrollment call an enrollment call why again it's it's psychologically it's different if I'm booking a meeting with you Brett for you to sell me something like it's it's introductory call for marketing services or something right if that's the you come in it defensive when you say exactly you're already looking for reasons to say no because you know it's a sales call you've been sold before most likely you got sold some [ __ ] you didn't want to buy and now you just have an entirely negative connotation to all sales people but a coach an enrollment an advisor that's somebody who helps you that's somebody who helps you make a better decision which rarely is what a salesperson is supposed to do right as hermosi says the difference between manipulation and I think he says persuasion is intent right so if your intent is good the salesperson is supposed to actually guide and advise the person but when you're a salesperson it sometimes can change the intent so we switch to enrollment um and advisors and psychologically it just creates a different vibe which is so important and a little detail that nobody can ever think about so if someone tells you hey would you like to book a sales call no I'm gonna guess no one wants to get sold or a free consultation call all that shit's kind of gotten it's almost like one you've been accepted two you're already in it yeah like you're in the process and you're like feels like you're moving forward into that priming going into the call and the mental attitude going into the call yeah was like I saw you talk about it on your channel Matt shield on YouTube he talks about all the stuff on his channel go follow him but thank you dude that's like that one was like yeah that's so cool enrollment interview too I should add on it's an interview because it's you haven't earned it yet so now it's like trying to get accepted exactly exactly you have to prove yourself that's the word framing yep did you like see a conversion rate difference like you can quantify honestly we've been doing it for so long I don't know yeah I could I couldn't give the honest answer to that that's a really important detail but yeah so then okay so he has a Setter that calls them to try to get the enrollment call and then they're on the enrollment call that person is trying to get that Aroma call like as soon as possible keep the person like interested because people are in like an emotional state when they see that if you wait two days three days life happened their kids were crying they completely forgot what's this call I don't care but if you get them while they're like still emotionally strong they show up to the call then you try to sell them and get payment right on that call yep yep and then you're closing for six months or eight thousand dollars yep and now you have a client what's the onboarding process so say they signed up yeah they're down you got their credit card they're in this is super important because most agencies lose the client and it doesn't matter if you're an smma by the way you can be any type of agency like this this is all applicable across different Services selling a service that's all it is his service is ADS is a connector of someone to something else to someone else like that you're you're a connector um yeah in some way so works for all agencies the onboarding process is where most agencies lose their customers so what we do is as soon as somebody pays US money we call them immediately we have our head coach Jake who's also a real estate agent I did not mention this most agencies real estate marketing agencies they're account managers are random Joe smose who worked at a software company right and we're account managers Jake is a coach not an account manager again important language language matters uh but he's also a real estate agent so he speaks the language so as soon as you pay us that 8K and you start saying damn I just paid the mate K so I really have paid the make hey damn I kind of want to get that 8K I don't know if I Jake calls you up and Jake says hey man what made you join the program you start thinking of all the reasons you joined and he says hey I'm also a realtor I've used the program I've closed 800 000 listings from the system you just paid for you're like oh okay I did make the right move buyers and Morse is normal it happens it's common having that first what we call an ABR which is just antivirus and Morris it's literally what we call it it's an ABR call anti-buyer's remorse call in the first five minutes that's super important that is the most important call is the first one after they've paid you money so we nail that call we get them to say all of their buying reasons again we get them excited we create a tangible goal what do you want to achieve in the next months and let me say cool let's work on this together so now they've reminded themselves why they bought they've created a goal and they're excited there's no canceling there's no buyers remorse after that then we take them into an onboarding call that is 90 minutes long and we do this in a group setting so we have usually five to six clients on each onboarding and we're just for 90 minutes expectations expectations expectations and it's super important for your team too because when expectations defer problems arise when they think they're going to get something different than what you're actually giving them that is where people get upset that's where they cancel in any business so 90 minutes of just straight here's what this actually looks like here's what you need to do to succeed scattered with a ton of testimonials and case studies in Social proof that has helped our retention more than anything else I can talk about that expectation call 90 minutes of just straight here's what you need to do to win here's what to expect if you're not rich after two months that's okay like simple [ __ ] but just reminding them that has done the most for our retention out of anything probably again one of the most important things about running an agency if you're actually considering agency watch that part again but when people spend eight thousand dollars on a big package they probably they might not have talked to their wife about it they might not have talked to anybody it's a big Financial investment for these people they're kind of taking a bet on you that after they get off that call they were an emotional state all excited but then they sit there for a loan a million thoughts go wild and so the fact that you call them within five minutes is really impressive and then you put them through a 90-minute like is it group or is it one-on-one it's a group onboarding we used to do one-on-one but we had to move from one to one to one to many this is where your community is really interesting for an agency because every agency course has a community which is I see so much value in but exactly but having a eight course or a community for your clients is like even smarter I never thought about that you need a mentor a mastermind and a skill exactly and like dude communities communities are the few like this is the thing I'm the most passionate about about a state AI or company is the community because they're they are primitive they've been with us for years like you thousands of years ago if you got kicked out of the community if you did something and got kicked out of the tribe you literally felt less safe because now you have to go hunt a woolly mammoth by yourself and it's way harder to kill woolly mammoth by yourself and so like deeply rooted in our DNA is this idea that we have to be a part of a community in our group in order to survive so if you could create that feeling for your clients of if you leave our program you're leaving a community there will be an inherent fear of death like I know that sounds extreme but it's in their DNA in their psyche somewhere is this feeling of I'm not safe if I leave this community no one wants to get kicked out of the community it's all subconscious um and it's all survival so that's why communities are so important I heard Emmett Shear one of the co-founders of twitch talk about how Community was the most pivotal moment for twitch to go from like a decent company to what it is today they built a community and if you look at a lot of the most successful service based companies they all have this like the agency communities you've talked about that I've been in there were great communities so why not just just build that for another business in a market that's way bigger there's way more Realtors than there are marketing agencies so that was kind of the thesis behind building the community when no one around you is doing what you do you can't relate to their problems you can't like talk to each other about like how your day was going what things you're facing how you can solve it and in a community of people that have done it at the same level as you higher level than you and they can just tell you skip this don't do this do it this way and you make friends you're not canceling a service anymore you're leaving a friend group 100 how hard is that and uh something Donald Miller said in his his book building a story brand he says make your clients the hero of your mission make your clients the hero not your product and in a community your clients can literally be the hero by going to somebody and saying Brett you're struggling with this I struggle with this too let me help you out and now it's like they're helping people they feel more safe because they're providing value and they get they're getting fulfilled it's like it's not a [ __ ] Facebook Ad Agency anymore it's it's a psychological Marathon mood it's it's like you're all a team is trying to help each other grow your exactly and you gotta show there's back you do it in real life events yet have you ever thought about that we haven't yet we do team Retreats and we've thought about doing internal team Retreats but we haven't done in-person Mastermind events yet something we're working on though with the Inner Circle that's smart that's cool okay so you sign them up they'll get the uh anti-buyers remorse call yeah then they get immediately into a group onboarding kind of their tribe of their cohort in a way what else are they getting like a packet emailed to them automatically good question they get an automatic voicemail from me um which is automated but it sounds personalized and then they get a loom video which is just like basically a screen recorded just a normal video basically they get a video from my mom um and she says Hey like I'm one of the clients here I've used the product which is true like my mom just closed multiple deals with our system she says like hey just wanted to welcome you hope I see you on some of the calls that video goes out to everybody um that's another really powerful nugget it's like what if your clients introduced your service after they pay instead of you introducing it what if you had a client say oh Brett you joined the Inner Circle dude you're so lucky be or these guys are badasses I'm a happy client and it's like oh okay I'm in the right place yes if you just go on here and be like I'm the best ad buyer in the existence look at all these ads I've done look at all the results I have you look arrogant but if you have someone else say it about you it's like a whole different effect on people exactly and I love how intentional that was you're smart so also another side note a Learning lesson you chose this because you understood the problem space because of your mom and so I'm big on like there is no best business model it's like what is the best business model based on your advantages you everyone has a unique knowledge Network or skill set and so you need to like like just be honest with yourself do you have like an advantage because you have some in in your network that can give you an understanding of the problem space do you have the experience yourself so you understand the problem space or do you have a skill that you're better at than anybody else is that you can leverage to make yourself better than everybody else so I love that that's how you kind of identified real estate but let's go into is there anything else about onboarding because I would love to get into how uh you partnered with someone and that really shot up your success from 30 to 300 yeah but is there anything else in onboarding so you have buyer's remorse call group onboarding a packet with testimonials everything they need to know where everything is automatic voicemail and then automatic video that's basically it and then they're in the community and this is where you log in to see your results this is how you track your leads just educating them on the process that's all in the CRM yep okay cool and that's all automated through and go high level basically cool right if you're I love how tactical you get I just have to say like I've done this before dude that's what I know yeah which is cool because you you owned an agency and obviously we talked about that but I just love how like this isn't you know stories are cool but like we were talking about this isn't just like here's my story this is like tactically what do you do and I love I love that it's appreciate it bro it's just what I'm genuinely interested in too yeah because I know how much goes into it and you can't just be like yeah I run ads then I get clients they pay a thousand dollars a month an hour at 300K a month like yeah there's so much Nuance in there yes that like the little subtleties so but I want to say there is like a big movement for solopreneurship and I'm a fan like cool like I get it it's a lifestyle thing yeah and I also think that's for like people that are like in their mid 30s they work their whole life they have families and they're like trying to optimize for lifestyle yeah I can say personally that I was stuck at around 30k a month like my best month was 30k in my agency and then the second I actually met someone who was equally ambitious my age equally going out of their way to achieve and had an agency there's no little more successful than mine when we teamed up Millions like that yeah in a matter of months and so kind of share your story because you've obviously started six of these to get to everything you're teaching right now but you had to learn each one of these pieces step by step as I referenced earlier and so for you to go 30 to 30 300K you're a big Advocate on the quality of people on your team and some total intelligence of your team is how big your business can be so can you click this is where we can talk about your story where were you at right before you met your partner how did you meet your partner and what did that do for you yeah foreign just a quick note on the one person business model because I kind of feel have a hot take on it it really depends on the game you're playing are you sprinting are you marathoning there's a great book called built to sell and it says that every business whether or not you want to sell it should be built to sell and that requires a team because if you are doing everything you don't have an asset you have a high paying freelancing gig that's it you don't actually have a business you have a high paying job which can't be great it can literally can't be like dude the guy you had on it was making 1.3 million profit badass keep it going but if you ever wanted to exit to where he could do whatever he wanted all day long with his time he would need to build a team so for me it's just like I know one day I don't want to have to do anything for anybody I want to focus on the thing I love every moment of my day so I built a team I went through the struggles of that way harder way less fun but you learn a lot about business and eventually you get the freedom because now I work two hours a week I don't know if I mentioned that but like I I don't do anything like I work two hours a week because we have amazing team that runs everything um so anyway I just wanted to add that in as far as my story where I was at with my partner can I say one thing on that yeah there is no pride in working hard in my opinion like the goal is there's Sprints like we're like if I need to get my systems down I need to deliver product I'll work 16 hours 18 hours a day yeah but people will come on here and be like I work 16 hours a day and it's like kind of like an ego Flex thing I'm like dude I was working 70 hours it's a that's a really fascinating um note that's really interesting you're not doing things right like yeah in my opinion that's again if you want to be a this is an argument definitely work there's a component of it I mean for like dude I was working 70 hours a week for the last four years it's just the last six months where now I'm working two hours a week so like I want to be clear I I'm not on my ass like I was hustling and I did believe in it hard on a the right thing to build a machine that could eventually in itself which is the actual goal which is what passive income is portrayed as but it takes a long time to build a machine and work sorry for cutting you off no no I love that I think that's a great note as far as where I was before I met my partner so I've known my now partner or CEO Jared for three years um we actually bought you know Billy Wilson obviously you went to high school with Billy Wilson which is hilarious because I bought Billy's course he changed my life spent weeks with him at his home in Kansas love that guy Jared my CEO also bought that program so we met he was 16 years old I was 17 years old when we bought the course um and if you want me to touch on like where I was at psychologically and all that stuff before then I can or if you just want me to get into it cool from the start in a little bit Yeah so Jared ran a fitness agency too I was running an agency for Jim so was he did you buy a gem launch no okay no but that would have been genius yeah that would have been interesting but no I never bought gym launch it was like 16k um I was like how are they doing this yeah so Jared and I both ran marketing agencies for gyms we knew each other I was doing like 20K a month profit and he was doing like 3K he was doing 15K a month but he's doing like 3K a month profit we went over our books with each other and I was just like this kid knows nothing bro like I'm I'm doing 20 game on the property he's doing 3K a mother probably he's dumb but he was putting everything back into the business and Jared is a genius at this he he did not care about short-term shirt short-term income because he was running the marathon and he was thinking long term Jeff bezos's first letter to shareholders ever it's all about the long term that was the title it's all about the long term 17 years later he becomes the richest man on the planet Jared did not care about how much he could make in Flex on a YouTube video which I've been guilty of I have to admit he cared about how much he could learn to build the best business possible and so he put everything back into the business and he bought Joel kaplan's Mastermind and he bought all these courses and he bought all these high performance coaches like he just invested everything and then covet happened my agency crashed to zero because it worked with Jim's his agency crashed to zero because he worked with Jim's but he was in Joel kaplan's Inner Circle he was in all all these different places he had all this information that he paid for and he he sacrificed his income for information and he scaled 100K a month in an Ecom Niche during covid because that's what was selling his digital products right because everybody went from in person to online and he built the agency to 100K a month in six months and I crashed to zero and I was like man maybe this kid didn't know something I didn't know and so Jared and I have been friends ever since he exited that agency he did not know how to build product if I'm being very honest his product and customer service from what I heard sounded like a mess but I could get up to 20K 30k a month and I would be stagnant because I knew how to deliver product but I didn't know how to sell I didn't have the infrastructure for marketing that's what Jared was great at so when I saw a state AI it actually wasn't mine it's an agency that Jared and I acquired because I was running a Facebook Ad Agency for Facebook ad agencies so I was running a white label agency which you'll understand but essentially that's just a an agency that does the actual fulfillment for another agency yeah so oh you do the Fulfillment you would run the ads yeah like let's say you run an agency for gyms and you went and sold a client but you didn't know the first thing about Service delivery exactly you didn't know how to actually run ads for Jim so you came to my agency I ran the ads in your name and said oh this is Brett's company actually it was us you sold the clients we did the back end that's what I was doing after my gym agency failed so you want to learn about that Iman that's what Iman gotchi's course is kind of about I feel like Facebook ads or yeah okay cool um obviously do not know that okay and so yeah so we were running a white label agency and we were partnering with different agencies one of them was a company um called vzm and they ran ads for realtors and we were the ones actually doing the ads that was a state AI but at the beginning it was just vzm and I saw this guy who I really liked him as a person but he was kind of a new agency owner but he just kept getting new clients week after week and he didn't really know that much more than any of the other agencies but he was taken off and he was just like I don't know what's happening I was like dude why are you scaling so much he's like I don't know I was like that's a sign he doesn't even know why he's having the as much success as he is but he's crushing it so I said dude do you want to like partner up and he was like I was gonna ask you the same thing because I don't know how to run ads so I was like cool let's partner up I take 50 in the in the company but I'm not really doing anything I'm just like I'll be your product guy then I run into Jared and Jared's like coaching agency owners at the time he exited his Ecom agency and he's just kind of burnt out looking for the next thing and I'm like Jared you should come into this real estate agency with me and we should scale this thing up he's like bro I [ __ ] hate Realtors that's what he said he was like I hate Realtors it's a terrible Niche churn sucks they're all broke the lead quality sucks all these things that every agency owner says he's like it's a terrible Niche I was like bro we're getting like 10 clients a month nobody's canceling it's I don't know what's going on you got to check this out with me and it's a huge market and that is a key it was a huge huge market and uh eventually Jared calls me back a week later and he's like you know what let's do this he joins the slack Jared and I partner up we go from 10K a month to 150k a month in 90 days and it's been history ever since so the reason I partnered with Jared which I think is important is he was incredible at sales and marketing he had a skill that I do not have I did not have and again I'll quote her Mosey I don't know if this is his original quote but clearly I'm a connoisseur of his content one of the things he says you should only partner with somebody if they have the skills you don't have the money you don't have or the time you don't have Jared had the skill that I did not have and so we partnered up I did all the product all the back and he took over the sales team brought in a ton of closers raised the price did all the fun fancy front-end stuff and we scaled fatal mistake is partnering with the person that's most convenient or like a friend from that you grew up or that you like the most yeah that you like the most fatal mistakes and you'll learn eventually I think we all we've all learned and another big thing about Partnerships is like the best companies and if you read good to Great amazing Business book by Jim Collins one of the things they talk about is leadership teams need to the autopsy results Without Blame or bias autopsy results without blamer bias so Jared and I Jared was on the debate team in high school he [ __ ] loves to debate and I hate it but we debate everything and the reason is because I've had Partnerships like this where I'll go to them I'll say hey here's my idea and I'll say oh that's a great idea let's do it oh here's my new idea oh that's a great idea let's do it oh I think that's a bad idea oh you're right that's about and they just would agree and they were just yes men and I was like I don't even need them as a partner Jared and I is the exact opposite I'm like Jared I think we should do this and he literally looks for reasons to say no but it's actually good because then we know we're only actually doing the right things and that's what the most successful companies do is they autopsy the results they don't care who was right or wrong they look for what is objectively the right thing to do that is such a good way to frame I've never thought about that way have you ever done a psychedelics you don't have to dude I'm literally bro I said God give me a sign that I'm supposed to do psychedelics tomorrow and now he asked me we're supposed to do it tomorrow in Sedona that's a great choice that's exactly what it does it allows you to separate your ego and your identity wow decision making and so like you can get in a feedback loop like this is the right business this is the right business this is the right decision yeah and then you can just do that and it's all of a sudden your ego and identity is completely separated from your own decision making where you can criticize that like objectively and laugh at yourself dude so if you're in a rut that's like the key that is so interesting I'm definitely doing it now like that I would not be surprised I'm literally uh I'm literally I'm gonna do them tomorrow now because you said that but it's interesting like most of the things we don't know stem from fear of admitting that we don't know them like like most of the things we think are it's I think Mark Twain has a quote it's not what you know quote you guys yeah dude a phone [ __ ] quote book at the end of the day um he says something like it's it's not what you don't know that gets you in trouble it's what you think you know that just ain't so and it's our ego that keeps us in thinking things that aren't true and it's it's ego it's the self-protection but I love that so everybody do shrooms normally that's funny okay so with that being said I did want to ask you said you're 50 50. how did you guys how do you guys make decisions if you both I disagree that is a great question he is CEO and he technically has laissez which sucks because I'm the founder and like it's like yeah he has the final final set yeah because he is CEO I've given upon and I've given her that responsibility and we have never really actually had a problem there he has made decisions that he did without my knowing or like things on the front end that he just you know basically was like I didn't need to tell you about it because it's the front end I go to him for every decision I make he goes to me for like some of the decisions he makes so there's definitely a problem there and I've just had to accept like I made him CEO because he was willing to take on the responsibility and take ownership over the entire team which I didn't want to do so like I have to accept the fact that he's going to make some decisions without me and I just have to kill my ego there and say you know what you made a decision without me let's talk about it so much of good Partnerships is just not trying to be the bigger person 100 because you could like get to this route where you think that you like it can become an ego thing where like you make this decision and it becomes personal and it's like now you're trying to win an argument regardless of logic because it's your like it's your side versus their side not about what's best for the business yeah so me and my partner I think I'm the one that like has like final say for the most part but in our uh partnership agreements it's always if it comes down to it flip of a coin yeah like if it's like if you want to like to death die on The Sword we just flip a coin just have to deal with it interesting because that's in every operating agreement we have that's an interesting framework I kind of like it I can just challenge him to a bad one yeah he gets head Target Tails yeah I think it's important especially because Partnerships can go wrong I know you talked about like get everything in writing and get Partnerships down pat please well we can save that one for another day yeah so again let's go into team help you said you have he manages the team how big is your team well I manage the back any minutes but he's ultimately CEO so like he has the final say and stuff like that okay so first off just objectively how many people are on your team contract teachers and full-time employees just everybody's full-time 17 17 people okay what okay 17 people wow and they're all full-time employees W-2 yeah um W9 and then some are uh it's like 88 bin or something okay okay interesting okay so then let's go through what in order do you hire for an agency that's scaling what in order do you hire that is a good question I heard Layla say I'll just keep quoting them because they're I mean you are from somewhere there's no original spot it's 100 true it's just about like can you actually grasp the thoughts that are being taught because like you can listen to this podcast and go out and like not follow any distance person to learn so one of the things Layla um I heard her say because she's a genius with hiring and management is you want to hire for the thing that you hate the most and you're the worst at like start with high offloading those things because they're probably draining the most of your energy yeah so if you're a sales oriented person hire somebody to run the ads hire somebody to talk to the clients hire for also what is the biggest problem right now time wise what is taking up the most of your time because if you can free your time you can go work on the most important thing in the business which is going to be generating revenue and attracting more team members so just hire for what is taking up the most time right now like it any agency I'm talking to or working with because I'm starting to take equity in some it's like literally if you're looking to hire people what is the thing you're spending the most time on right now that's the framework we use so when you're first starting out you're by yourself you just put you have to do everything all 10 things you have to come up with the ad make the ad run the ad do the setting do the sales call do the onboarding do the expectation management yeah and then actually end up fulfilling and so just identify out of what part of those steps you do not enjoy the most and then find someone how do you find someone great question we are big fans of recruiters recruiters money love speed we like to just give people money save the time and find people fast the philosophy I call this eight figure philosophy but like this is the thing this is the backbone of our company never stop selling never stop recruiting like and you do that all the way to I think you can probably get to a million dollars a month I haven't done it myself but I think you can get to a million dollars a month never stop selling never stop recruiting and through one channel for recruiting for selling no I think you need multiple acquisition channels to get to a million a month for recruiting you can recruit I mean your recruiters can recruit on a ton of channels we just pay a recruiter and uh we basically have them on payroll and they find the people for us they bring us amazing candidates and we just do the interviews and go from there we sacrifice our money for time how much do you pay on your Twitter um we get a good deal but like 4 500 for a CSM or a sales person usually it's like 10K so it's basically there's 10K per person they find you essentially four England like for us-based front-end people yes for overseas employees we can get team members placed for fifteen hundred dollars which is really good that's just a flat fee you pay them yep cool yep I've never done that that's interesting it helps so much it also depends on the nature of your company if you're like a really Niche company you have a small amount of people it may make sense to hire from Network especially with the leverage you have in your brand uh but when you're like an agency and you can train people from the ground up it's a little less niche it just makes sense to have a recruiter find the people for you yeah there's not many our industry is very new so there's not a ton of like established people or companies that you can recruit from yeah and yeah my network definitely helps um Okay so 17 people wow that's really what's the what roles is it like four Setters five salesmen is that like bulk of it well we have three sales people we have a sales manager we have one Setter right now so three sales Etc one sales manager one Setter we have a wizard who's basically an automation specialist kind of like an ops manager but just the automation side they don't do some of the other operational things you have to do then we have a head coach uh we have two customer success reps below the head coach we have three media buyers and then we have an executive assistant and the head coach should customer success those are all like the community coaching calls calling them talking about like a month are you everything going okay how's your experience basically email support all that okay gotcha cool yeah that's a good structure bro that's the breakdown and 250 to 300K a month so is that what channels are you using to get clients is it solely Facebook ads Instagram they still get Instagram referrals Tick Tock ads as well okay so this is something I want to just nail because it's so crucial to your business and I also want to talk about your uh finding your franchises how that helped you at the beginning so making a good product is how you get referrals essentially yeah but is there a referral structure you have is there a fee you're paying and then go into the actual franchise how you found franchises as well yeah another really good question referrals we incentivize our clients to give you referrals because you're going to pay to acquire a customer anyway you might as well just pay your clients to do the acquisition for you because their referrals make better clients and they're easier sales so we pay our clients um 33 recurring for life of anybody they refer lifetime value 33 percent yep that's really good you do you could make you could make six figures just referring people to State AI so if you know some Realtors connect us thirty three percent for life for real that's crazy um at the gym agencies what we did was two referrals equals a free month and people love that yeah we had one person refer us 12 clients they got six free months and they gave us 12 clients it was a no-brainer I'd do it every time that's like basically just a side hustle for them at that point sure so yeah when it comes to asking for referral at what stage are you asking it like are you waiting until you get them like a result for a month dude I love that you know this space because like I feel like those questions are are super if you class them today and then ask him tomorrow like I feel like yeah so rude yes but also that's what I used to think and now it's like as soon as your client has a win you want to ask them to upsell into your higher level program if you have like the first win if it's big enough yes not yeah um like we joined Cole Gordon's Inner Circle and like in the first like I don't know month they were like yo join the Border like and it's like that's how you should do it so it makes sense as soon as they get a win um you want to get a testimonial a success interview saying good things about your product and service you want to ask them who they know you want to get a written review on Google if you can um and then you want to upsell them into whatever thing you want because you've gotten them to say good things you've asked them who they've known so they put your their name on the line for you now that now is the perfect time to try to upsell them into a higher level program as soon as the iron is hot that's when you want to strike right like as soon as there's momentum capitalize on that because that's when like the start of a relationship you're excited and now you're starting to see some results you're like oh this thing's awesome like that's when you want to strike and you want to get uh testimonials referrals all that stuff how do you know that they got their first win Community helps because we do okay so this is another little uh I guess nugget for agency owners we do something called the agent lottery so every time a client posts a win in our Facebook group our private group they enter a ticket into the agent Lottery and in the Asian lottery in the agent Lottery we give away uh commercials like the custom songs but you actually get to be in the ad we're flying somebody out to be in the ad with us we're taking them out to dinner it's just fun yeah and we're also giving them a free month of the company we're a free ticket to our first in-person event a for a free VIP ticket um and then there's like other things we give away so every time you enter a ticket we're giving like forty thousand dollars worth of stuff and it's a six month challenge which is pretty long I'd recommend doing it for like 60 days not six months but we do the agent Lottery anytime somebody posts a win they get a ticket entered and then we raffle it off so give your clients an incentive to want to share their wins our Facebook group is just full of people crushing it crush it like a couple days ago we had a client saying got a 1.2 million dollar listing from you guys two hours later another client got a 1.6 million dollar listing from you guys a few hours later one of our OG's they closed 16 deals from you they make so much money off of that too insane wow it's insane and so now also what that does is psychologically all people are ever seen from your company is wins how can they go to you and say your product doesn't work right they just saw 40 people get wins and enter the agent lottery so that's that's another thing we do um I forget where I was going with that but that's another no but that's something that's like for that's Community Building like tactics right there yes people look at a community there's like one post a day two posts a day and it's like I can't get this to work it's all tech support people are like gonna just have low energy painful but if you are incentivizing saying like hey if you share your win you're entering this Lottery to get an ad cash whatever it is now everyone's just putting their share it just because Community is like a living breathing organism or like growing a plant you know like if you let it die it's dead it but it's a momentum game yeah just like an agency scaling in that sense as well that's cool that's really smart and really clever that's non-obvious to a lot of people you never you don't see those in smma courses a lot of the time until you've Advanced so moving on that's really good Insight thank you um I just want to go through Just One Last Time like just objectively what are the your Tech stock or what are all the different softwares and automation do you use just list them all okay so slack for team Communications yep stripe for payment processing so what do you do for if you want to accept payment what's that process for the 8 000. we just get their card we put in the stripe you just write down their card number we we our closers our advisors have access to stripe so they can just put the card info right into stripe straight you know I guess hey funnels or anything nope straight into stripe um we used to do pay funnels just Stripes easier for us so stripe slack for team communication high level for CRM management internally and externally close for internal CRM managing leads and Prospects close close it's like pretty cool software from what I heard honestly I don't need that sales team does Facebook group um for automations a little bit of zapier there's probably some other stuff I'm missing but like that's the main that's the what was your attack message provider twilio is connected to high level so if you just use high level twilio will be embedded in that yeah go high levels grown so much dude I was I was on the click funnels group era dude I was the three I was like the 300th person in high level like four years ago when nobody knew what high level was I came across it I was like this is going to change the game and I was like I didn't even want to tell anybody about it because they almost optimized for smma in a way they did they were an agent so Charles Clark the CEO um he was an agency owner that's why the funnel stayed broad for like any funnel they like specifically went into like every solution for your agency yeah and now people are making bank on they're like a Phil their affiliate program dude I know I know the number one high level affiliate Thomas Gannett I don't know if you know Thomas um I won't say how much he makes but let's just say he's like 20 years old and he's making [ __ ] bank just literally referring GH I've heard so many stories of that like the last two or three months great it's interesting because they give 40 lifetime Lifetime and they have a high ticket service yeah it's really interesting it's a whole new one Sean Clark is an incredible CEO by the way just like product focused to the core customer obsessed everything we've talked about he embodies and that's a huge reason High level's been so successful okay I'll check him out yeah huh interesting all right so I think that I think I fully understand your your agency I think I know how you run out to your clients how you get results to your clients what you focus on to make sure you're getting a good product I think I understand how you get clients how you fulfill your process pretty clearly so yeah you seem like a really smart guy you're really well read you're really well educated but you said that you dropped out in ninth grade yeah I don't know if I got to say legal like I don't even know if that's legal I don't know if I could say well educated so I'll tell you how I finesse but not formally educated not formally educated I'll tell you how I finesse the education system completely and I've never heard anybody say this but it's not so I dropped out of ninth grade to my parents dismay and uh disgruntledness and it was very difficult but I left after ninth grade and I can talk about why but to talk about finessing the education system I went and I did classes online like before it was cool before covid was a thing I just did online programs before before it was cool um so my senior year of high school I did this thing called pin Foster it's a company it's a school you can look it up I went to Penn Foster in my senior year I finished two full semesters six full credits in three days any pro anybody can go do that right now do that finish the entire like get your diploma you could like you could finish four years of school in a week how crazy you'd be 14 years old sitting just like all right so mad in high school like all the time like this is such a waste of time so slow I'm here seven hours yeah okay so I left after ninth grade and then I did online and I realized you could finesse um my senior year I I guess my senior year I graduated early I bought Billy Wilson's course I wanted I was 17 17. so I finished in three days um I had bought Billy's course actually a couple weeks before that and it was just it was really interesting man because I remember going to my mom and saying like I'm not going to college and I'm buying this course and I want to build a marketing agency and I also needed her to pay for half of it because I couldn't afford the course and I remember telling her that like sitting her down at the kitchen table just like this and saying like Mom I'm gonna buy this course I'm not going to college and she just like freezes and then she starts crying and I just see like these tears all up inside her and she's just like Matt like please go to college she was so worried for me and I was like Mom like I just need you to trust me I just need you to take this but like and I stopped convincing her I was just like you know what I don't care what I have to do I will never see that look on my mom's face again I will never see that look on my mom's face again of fear and and disbelief and and just I don't care what I have to do now my mom's a client she's wanted to be a business partner of mine love her to death we've grown a great relationship but she was so scared of me not going to college and buying this course and going in this digital route that it gave me the fuel I needed to just say I don't care what the [ __ ] I have to do I'm going to make this work and if I didn't have that motivation I probably wouldn't have worked so hard to try to succeed with this so that that was a pivotal moment for me was talking to her and saying hey I want to buy this course and her just literally crying in my face and then just three hours later I go to my brother I'm walking upstairs he's like so man what colleges are you applying to and I'm like oh dude actually I I'm gonna do smma and he bursts out laughing bro my brother and I have obnoxious laughs so he's just like like literally laughing like a high-pitched girl and he's just like smma and I'm like [ __ ] and I just I felt so bad dude I was like my mom doesn't believe in me my brother's laughing at me my friends are making fun of me like [ __ ] was so I remember I went to the gym one time with this girl that I had a crush on and she walks up to me I'm 17 at the time I dropped out of school so I was like homeschooled so I was like I'll [ __ ] loser in a lot of people's eyes and I remember I go to the gym with this girl I liked and she walks up out of her car and the first thing she says to me like doesn't say hello or anything she just says what are you doing like what do you mean we're about to work out she's like no like what are you doing you're 17 you don't have a car you don't have a license you don't go to school you're not going to college you don't have a job what are you doing I was just like what the [ __ ] am I doing I was like I gotta prove people wrong and I'll be honest proving people wrong was the single biggest source of motivation that I ever had now what's honestly really weird is people believe in me and now I have to prove them right and it's way less motivating than proving them wrong so it's been fascinating for me but that's part of what pushed me so hard you see Michael Jordan's the Last Dance yeah like he just finds reasons like make things personal for no reason for that reason dude a competitor Michael Jordan I have some crazy Michael I met Michael Jordan um I met Michael Jordan because I yeah um I live in Charlotte I lived in Charlotte I played basketball my entire life I played at the Jordan brand classic which is a high school event where he he gave our entire AAU team shoes and like signed them no yeah so I met Michael and I started looking into him and like dude some of this [ __ ] he did is insane Psychopathic dude he went he went to one of his teammates houses to play cards with him and his grandma his teammate got up and like went to the bathroom and Michael cheated in the game to beat the grandma bro and he like he didn't tell the grandma he cheated in a card game against a grandma that's Psychopathic it's cool because it's Michael Jordan but bro if I did that to your grandma you'd be like okay so I will say I'm gonna shout out Dan Co here do you know how that is Dan yeah yeah I love his like spirituality but he put me on this thing called uh like the nine sages or seven stages of ego development to it's like six hour long podcast of like the stages of your ego development and so it's like the pre-conventional the conventional stages of your ego where people at that stage are literally incapable of like thinking that their worldview is wrong and so when you're constantly as a high schooler kid being told by your parents everyone around you your ego is only developed to a space where if you're not doing that one path that everyone is saying is the right path you genuinely to your core belief that anyone doing things differently are wrong to the point where you're like scared and you need to like try to protect them yeah so it's interesting to Glide the exact same story as a kid like I always felt different I always felt like no one was like taking me serious I had like big Ambitions this I was like this can't be right like we're wasting all our time we're not learning [ __ ] and so I love that you like had the balls internally to drop out finish school fast and then stand up to your parents and I will say one more thing because I know a lot of kids relate to this like your mom is only viewing you off of signals that you're sending her based on your performance because she's at her job she's not with you at school and when she's seeing that you're like not doing well in school you're dropping out in her mind like what's wrong with him is he like doing drugs is he like not like what could I do better because they like take account like their accountability what could I be doing better to help them go on the right path but any person wants extraordinary result will be in that position that you're in and have to stand up for themself over their parents at some point yeah so what gave you the courage to even go against them and do that or to tell them before you even started I was too scared to tell my parents like I just did it and I was like if I make 10K a month then they'll like they can't say anything so I did it silently while going to school and wasting a ton of money in college honestly man it wasn't courage at all like the reason my mom cried this is like the real explanation of the story age 15 to 8 17. I had given up on life like after I dropped out of school like I every day I woke up I just hated likes and that is the most ignorant thing I will ever say I admit it it's the dumbest thing I could ever say but I hated waking up did you have a reason like a core like I had so I had I was diagnosed with anxiety depression and OCD The Big Three As I call it and it crippled me like I I couldn't walk into a grocery store my anxiety was so bad but like so many might judge Mears I couldn't talk to people so just for like reference like that is that that's the shift you can make as a human being go from not being able to talk to people to being able to lead a team of 17 people and hundreds of clients like that is what I'm fascinated with more than anything else is what is the transformation you can make as a person on this planet what it what are you capable of achieving by transforming your mind because that is the greatest superpower we have so like I was in a completely dark place I I had been going to therapy for years I wasn't making progress my life was pitiful and I had probably the lowest self-esteem of anybody you would ever meet ever and my mom knew that and she had watched me go through all of this and she was just so worried and she didn't know what to do nobody did they gave me [ __ ] bills they gave me all this [ __ ] nobody knew what no knew what to do and Entrepreneurship was like the one thing that gave me hope that maybe I can actually go and make money and all this proving wrong that I think I can do I can leverage it in a way that makes me financially free and so when I discovered entrepreneurship it was like it was the only thing that gave me hope that maybe I can actually overcome all of this and become freak and it's the best thing I ever did and [ __ ] saved my life and I'm extraordinarily grateful I love to psychoanalyze and so have you been able to like now that where you're at now with perspective your brain's more developed and like awareness have you been able to like look back and try to understand what was triggered because anxiety is like in my opinion maybe this is completely wrong and you stand up for yourself if this is the case but in my opinion anxiety OCD or but depression is like triggered because of your circumstance that you're in and you are like out of control and you can't you feel like you can't control that situation and you're in a bad Loop so do you think that the fact that you were being put into a system that wasn't designed for your personality type was like the reason that you were feeling anxiety and depression or do you think that you actually there's like a brain chemical mismatch genuinely because I think one last thing yeah because doctors will just prescribe in America just prescribe you An Extremely Dangerous Drug to change your brain chemistry to fix it and they did instead of trying to change your environment first and they did that which is everybody wants to give give the solution to the problem but nobody everyone wants to give like the the Band-Aid to the problem but nobody wants to figure out like how do you actually heal the or identify what the problem actually like how did how did it come about and like they gave me like Lorazepam or some [ __ ] and they're like oh you won't feel depressed anymore they were right I felt like a [ __ ] zombie though I didn't feel anything I just was like walking around like I don't feel anything for six months so looking I thought about this so much like why was my anxiety so bad why was I so depressed and I think a lot of it is yes being in an environment that I just didn't fit into I think a lot of it is rooted in the programming that happens from age zero to eight seven my parents got divorced when I was six and I think subconsciously I maybe somehow blamed myself and have always had like some core like lower self-esteem because of that because I felt like I was the reason my parents got divorced but consciously I don't think like that at all yeah I'm glad they got divorced it's way better that way so I don't know exactly what it was um but I know one thing for sure is I was anxious and depressed and sad because I was trying to be somebody that I wasn't because I was trying to fit into a box that I couldn't I was like a fly trapped in a jar going like banging its head from side to side trying to figure out how do I get out of this it just went crazy and then entrepreneurship for me was realizing that the lid was off the jar the entire time and I could just fly right up and like for me I just yeah I just I was trying to fit into a box that I didn't fit into that caused me to be somebody I wasn't so of course I was anxious I was faking I wasn't who I actually was of course I was depressed and the Bible says anxiety causes depression within a man so the anxiety created the depression and the anxiety was created because I was trying to be somebody that I wasn't and it's because I overvalued myself and I thought things were more important than they actually were like my biggest thing to share is you are going to die none of this actually [ __ ] matters don't take yourself so seriously and if I could have done that back then I would have been able to be free like who cares if somebody says dude your podcast sucked your information you I don't like you who cares if somebody says oh you're a terrible business like who cares you're going to die none of this is this is all made up bro all the cameras everything is just made it's a game it's a game that we get to play but I was taking myself way too seriously and uh it [ __ ] me up yeah I think you have to live by a moral ethical code at that point and then you can rest easy at night from there and it's kind of just what you're referencing is the Albert Einstein quote like if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it's going to live its whole life thinking it's stupid talk about quotes man I love that myself I love those but that's just like the system that most people are put on top of that's like pre-puberty puberty you're all going through this different transformation you're in a small like social status Circle and if you're not thriving in that social status Circle that's how humans like judge their performance in life yeah you're obviously gonna have a horrible time I was very sad in Middle School in high school yeah for that exact reason but you seem to be going through a lot different like like a lot harsher so once you got out of that system and then you told your mom you finally made that like statement I'm not going to college I'm going to do this did you feel like was that when the lid was opened and you found the way to go through did that like open the doors to the first feeling free that was the first time in years that I had hoped like that was the first time in years I woke up with like hey maybe I because my plan was like after I turned 18 everybody's gonna go to college I won't be able to live at home anymore and like that's when I'll have to take my own life and like that was my plan for three years is like this is over this is miserable and like I can't even begin to try to comprehend how I used to think that was the option for me like that was the best solution of my life was to end it so when I saw entrepreneurship yeah it gave me hope for the first time and now on wake up every day and I'm just like and Nick can attest to us a test this because we're both the same way like I'm just [ __ ] grateful every breath I get to take I walk outside I see this and I'm like how [ __ ] lucky am I just to be here and um entrepreneurship 100 was the the reason for that yeah so I entrepreneurship isn't necessarily fun or easy like directly the tasks you have to do yeah it's not instant gratification you have to come up with an idea for an ad make an ad for a week wait for the editor you have to learn the systems take a course do all this it's not easy so obviously it was more gradual than just like today I'm going to start being an entrepreneur and now you had hope but the Hope was building and you saw an opportunity that you got excited about and then you could see results kind of yeah so what was like your actual process from like the day you started your entrepreneurship Journey you took did you bought you bought Billy's release of course so what was like some of the key points that like you actually started making positive movement forward I had to get over my fears I had to get over the anxiety I had to start cold calling cold calling was a mental [ __ ] tug of war challenge for me and that was like I remember the first cold clock because I've always fine dude yeah especially when you have like literally diagnosed anxiety and OCD like I'm I'm 15 minutes because this is how OCD works it sucks I I don't speak it over myself anymore I no longer have OCD [ __ ] that but when I did I was I was like dialing the number for 15 minutes straight and then deleting it all and then dialing to get into deleting unlike 15 minutes it took me to make my first cold call you know what's hilarious bro I call the guy and it was the best cold call I've ever had till this day I was sweating I was shaking I was so nervous and he's like so like did you buy a course or something it's a gym owner a cold called a gym owner in Virginia and he's like did you buy a course or something I was like yeah he's like whose course did you buy I was like Billy Wilson he's like Billy I know Billy this [ __ ] random gym owner in Virginia was in an inner circle with Billy in a mastermind with him and we hit it off we had a great conversation and that showed me these fears are just false evidence appearing real and it's not anything that can actually hold me back and I realized like this is all made up in my [ __ ] mind this life there's there's another side to every fear that I have which is the reality of it which is actually something beautiful and I had a great conversation that I was terrified of I was terrified of calling and I ended up having a great outcome so I started to reshape my mind into realizing what you you perceive will happen might not actually be the reality and I could just trick myself into taking the action so cold calling was a huge thing for me there's nothing scarier than the unknown the fear of the unknown like for me even like going to get a bank loan like at this age I've made a lot of money in my life but yeah I've never gotten a bank loan before so like I don't know what questions to ask I don't know how to go about it am I going to come off rude am I going to say something wrong yeah and it's just like terrifies cripples and crippling anxiety but the second you just go in there and do it like oh this company literally exists to give loans that is their business they want to give you a loan and they're trying to help you you know how to do it it's like no-brainer and that's everything I've experienced and so I think one thing for let me know if you've experienced this for a lot of agency Founders is one a lot of people like to talk about oh I'm gonna start an agency I bought I got a course I bought a course and then they go tell their friends tell their parents I'm gonna start an agency and they get like a dopamine hit because they are saying they're going to start an agency but then once it comes to actually you know making their first cold call making an ad putting them taking action putting themselves in the position to fail that's when they get blocked so how did you find that like was it out of pure necessity great question dude I'm so I'm so glad you asked that because yes it was literally life or death for me like I viewed my life as either I figure out how to make money to survive or I end it and so it was like it was life or death I had no other option there was no I want to make 10K a month and buy a Lambo I didn't give up I said out loud to the universe God if I can make twenty five hundred dollars a month online using this smma thing I will be the happiest person in the world I said that out loud 2500 a month 100 times that later I'm still not the happiest person in the world unfortunately but that's all I wanted in the beginning I just wanted to survive that was it [ __ ] all the nice stuff in the cloud like I didn't care about any of it I just wanted to live I've heard Luke Belmar talk about Newton's third law what I'm fascinated with is Newton's first law and it's a object at rest stays at rest and an object emotion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalancing Force most entrepreneurs whether it's politically correct or not to say are objects at rest and I was one of them and the loss shows that the reason you're an object at rest is because you haven't been acted upon by an unbalancing Force so for me my unbalancing force was I had no other [ __ ] option I had to get into motion and once I got into motion I stayed in I stayed in motion which is the law of momentum right staying at rest is the law of inertia staying in motion is the law of momentum so you have to figure out I'm at rest why what is my unbalancing Force for me it was people's judgments it was people's doubts it was proving people wrong it was survival I had an unbalancing force that caused me to get out of rest and get into motion and if you can be introspective and figure out what that unbalancing force is for you you will have a source of motivation that is just incredible to tap into that beats any sort of Desire or anything because you have your unbalancing force and your reason for getting out of rest and mine was just survival I've never heard that like a way of explaining like that meta is a metaphor that metaphor for like entrepreneurship there's a lot of yeah symbiosis I think uh between science and success sorry that really just like resonated with me a lot that's really interesting because that's like a lot of physics but it also applies I'll put it I'll put to put it simple like more simply my partner Jared I love when he says this until the fear of staying the same becomes greater than the fear of change you will remain stagnant um that is so [ __ ] interesting okay sorry so basically explain to me you just I'm profound okay so basically explain to me that someone's watching this right like everyone watching these podcasts are always not everyone but a lot of people watching this podcast are going to be thinking like they have the perspective that they're going to watch this and be like that's the reason he's successful and I'm not like he had something he had an advantage that I didn't he was in he grew up entitled he grew up rich he was in this circumstance it would never work for someone in my circumstances no one could possibly be thinking that listening to your story in my opinion so what could you possibly say to someone like how do you get someone that has a certain constant mindset or way of viewing the world where they are constantly justifying why they are not successful or why someone else is successful in discounting their success for some reason like that people talk about belief a lot belief is the biggest key to success right you must believe to self-development you must believe I don't think it's belief I think it's realization okay once you realize exactly what you said isn't true once you realize that oh it will never work for a person like me once you realize that you are truly the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny or whatever the quote is once you realize that I can actually just shape whatever sort of life I want for myself and once you actually understand that that's when life opens up to you for me it was going to an event in Mexico my first networking event ever I was 18 at the time I was making zero dollars a month and I go into this room full of entrepreneurs and they're all doing 100K a month 200k a month 500k a month a million a month and I meet all these people and I hear their stories and I listen to them and I see them I I realize they're not that much smarter than me but they're making 200k a month 500k a month I had the realization that it was possible it wasn't even the belief I wasn't like oh I think I can do it I was like I know this is possible I saw people firsthand who did not go to college who are making half a million dollars a month I know I can do it too so like once you see and that's why I love sharing the story making content is like if I can be the source of realization for somebody else to where they say man I hated school too like bro I was ranked 330 out of 400 students I was in the bottom 25 of my high school I was in Middle School I was commonly referred to as the worst kid in school because I had the most attentions I got suspended like I was the worst one bro if I can go from dropping out in ninth grade being literally suicidal hating my life not wanting to wake up to making millions just a few years later what the [ __ ] are you capable of like that's the game explain the process of how you did that I know it's so nuanced and so many different learning lessons but you have to talk as long as you want if you could have to like describe the most impactful like Learning lesson is the most like game changing moments I guess is the best way to put it the event was used to like start to finish yeah the event was huge being in person the cold calling was huge because I was getting over my fears fear paralyzes more people than lack of information ever will 100 and so starting to slowly but surely get the small wins the small wins of picking up the phone and cold calling somebody what can that lead to go into the event meeting people in person surrounding myself with people who forced me to level up or get kicked out of the group because again that tribal fear of if I get kicked out of the group I'm not safe once I leveled up my circle and I was surrounding myself with other six and seven figure entrepreneurs I had to change who I was or I would have gotten kicked out so I forced it and JFK tells this incredible story he shared this with the range on these quotes let's go okay look in the Buddha don't get it started on Buddhism bro but JFK tells this amazing story about the moon landing and this is how they he claimed that we landed on the moon um this was the reason behind it he told the story of his grandfather who grew up in Ireland and his grandfather and his school buddies they would walk home every day from school and they would climb these walls they would try to climb the highest walls they could one day his grandfather and his buddies get to a wall that was so high they didn't think they could climb it so what they did Brett was they took their hats and they threw their hats that their mothers had made for them for their school outfits they threw their hats over the wall so the only way that they could go and get their hats was by climbing over the wall so they gave themselves a reason and a necessity to climb over the wall and when for me putting myself in that group of high-level high-earning entrepreneurs it was me throwing my hat over the wall and saying I'm either gonna become the person that is worthy of being surrounded by these human beings I'm going to get kicked out and I'm not going to be able to go home because I don't have my hat with me so I threw my hat over the wall by going to these events getting in person with these people and building relationships and joining a tribe that I didn't want to get kicked out of there is zero doubt about it that you are the people that you surround yourself with and if everyone around you like my circle here everyone's making millions dollars a year yeah we have one friend who their companies got valued at 200 million dollars yeah and they've been building it for the four years we've known them the whole time they're our age and it's like I thought I was doing amazing holy [ __ ] and then I just I'm not going out I'm not doing anything so right I'm staying in for the next six months and I want to be at that level because they're going to have a 50 million dollar house and I want to live in the neighborhood stuff and is some part of you worried like if I don't I think I'm gonna lose the screw this like some travel party yes absolutely because like as much as I want to say these are like my genuine friends and we all have each other are each other's backs like regardless yeah if I start slipping start eating unhealthy gaining weight smoking weed all the time doing all these bad habits they will subconsciously stop hanging out with me because they know that it'll like rub off on them and so it's an unspoken thing these are my friends these are my brothers but at the same time if you don't have your [ __ ] together you don't deserve to be in this group and it's like something that is just in our nature it's just as selfish for you to pull the average down as it is selfish for them to kick you out exactly so if you're gonna let them down of course of course they're not going to surround themselves with you anymore All Humans Do Is compare like you say that there's no original thought we mimic each other yeah like it's my medic desire at the same time like if my friend wants I think I saw you talking about this too if my like if Sebastian or someone wants like is buying a Urus or looking at a Urus I never once thought that was a cool car and then he got it and then one time I saw like a girl be like whose car is that yeah three days later subconsciously I find myself on a car website looking to buy a Urus and I'm like last week I told someone I don't even like urises and now like I like had like a holy [ __ ] like perception or like yeah just like what is going on like I am not in control of what I'm doing right now we're nomadic creatures it's freaky and so the point I'm trying to make is if you're in your local area and all of your friends around you are smoking weed playing video games and they work like a job where they make four thousand dollars a month with their degree and you're making ten thousand dollars a month with your smma you're gonna be like I'm the man I'm killing it this is great but there's no reason to grow and so intentionally throwing your hat over the wall yes is the key to leveling up to 100K a month a million dollars a month because you have to have that Direct in my opinion I do that direct comparison that direct reason to desire something and being conscious of the fact that I'm I am not in control of what I desire being around people that make me desire in positive ways is the single-handed like cheat code to life because now I don't even have to like seek it it's just around me that makes them you're 100 dude that's so well said and you're also constantly growing your realization of what is possible your friend who has a 200 million dollar company as soon as you said that I was like what am I doing I need to get to like I'm and I'm real if I met the guy and I talked to him I'm sure I'd be like oh [ __ ] I can build it it's the realization so you're constantly growing that as you grow your circle too very very powerful and I think you should get a Urus one day that's funny I can't copy so bad so I think you should get the exact same one just a different color it would be kind of cool to have a squad roll up in different rainbows rainbow your assist but yeah okay so really I've loved the conversation and so really just let me know yeah bro last thing I really want to talk about if you guys want to learn his story is really inspiring I wanted to get into your story but like we're getting close to the end here so I just wanted to kind of more so focus on at the end like I always like to ask people like who do you learn from you've quoted so many people yeah but who do you like learn from the most who have you like who would you uh like attribute most of your success to at this point like my dad number one my dad was a senior VP HR Manager for Fortune 100 company how at least everything like I used to think he had the lane and like we weren't Rich growing up but like he just had a good job and he had a high level position but um because I remember you mentioned the you know this kid grew up rich so of course that he did I couldn't we I was just like middle class but anyway my dad had a really important job I guess and I used to think it was the lamest thing in the world and then I had to hire somebody and then I had to manage somebody and then I had to deal with I want to raise I want to quit I then I deal with I was like okay what do I do here and I asked my dad about it one day and he just like opened up this flood of HR wisdom and I was like damn dad why did you tell me you knew so much cooler and uh now I go to my dad for like HR management advice because he's you know hired hundreds and hundreds of people and done it at the highest level um so my dad number one um and I would throw my mom there as well for just her grit and not giving a [ __ ] what people think about her bro my mom's gotten kicked out of more basketball games and others anybody got your kicked out of a bro she's at the end of the day she does um I would also say Alex tremozi very fortunate to have had a conversation with him and and actually chatted with him and learned from him and uh also just learning indirectly from him for years I think business-wise he has influenced me probably more than anybody else the Buddha I've learned a lot from studying Buddhism and studying the philosophy that Buddhists hold and then I would also add Jesus to that which is a complete contradiction from Buddhism but I think Jesus and like King Solomon into some of the wisdom in the Bible those things have influenced me probably more than anything else at the same time studying Sam Altman like I could share with you people I study all day long like there's so many I think it really comes from a family and then again people like hermosi and some of the wisdom that is in some of these biblical texts as well I think those have been the things that have led my life more than anything else I really do think people might over emphasize the business knowledge needed to be successful yeah and really it's just about taking the action doing the uncomfortable things and neglect the spiritual side or the actual like focusing on your happiness personal side personal side yeah better way to put it and so that is really interesting for you to say that because I've watched your content and you do focus a lot on the personal side I know and I feel like I've actually been doing it too much because I think people are like all right dude like we get it now and like I need to post some tactical [ __ ] so um I'm glad we I'm glad we did this because I'm like damn there's a lot of technical [ __ ] I need to talk what's the details that matter most I do want to ask you that I totally forgot this you can reference Billy's course a lot yeah so like what and you were like a blank slate like you could have found a Drop Shipping course you could have found an affiliate course you could have found Amazon yeah it's like you could have chosen any of these like stereotypical make money online for companies and they're all valid business models so what was it about smma that really like it was like that's the one that I'm gonna do that I could be great at logically and made the most sense to me it seemed the most duplicatable Ecom you have to find the product you have to create the brand it's like there's a lot of variants and Nuance to it SMA it was like find businesses sell them Facebook ads and like copy and paste my structure help them get customers the other thing is like I saw myself in Billy that is so important if you can see yourself in a mentor they'll they will be able to take you away further because you will be able to believe and realize even more that the things they've done are possible for you too because you see yourself in them Billy was like kind of this like you know awkward like kind of introverted guy who seemed to really be honest and care about product he wasn't a flashy Wolf of Wall Street salesperson and I love that about him because I was like man like you're not trying to [ __ ] me you're not like amazing exactly you just seem like a genuine dude who like figured out how to build something cool so seeing that in billion I should add Billy to the list of people who've changed my life because 100 he's at the top of that his 600 course has turned into over five million dollars for me right now so like that education system is [ __ ] by the way there you can turn a 600 course into but everyone in the comments is called an online course is a scam these days so it's just like brother Jan Henry said something I found very profound I'll quote another [ __ ] Guru but uh he said I've seen people complain dispute and ask for refunds for the same information that have seen other people become millionaires with at the end of the day brother it's you who are The X Factor so so speak to that did you ever think that you were like when you were younger did you have like an ego like you were special you were different you're like you can achieve way more than other people even through the depression and all that did you have that gut feeling somewhere in my core I knew I viewed life way differently but to be honest with you I didn't think it was in a positive way like I didn't think it was I'm so unique I'm capable of something great I thought it was I'm so unique why am I so [ __ ] up like I thought it was a bad thing and I I think that's normal maybe good and ironic he can't tell because everyone around every signal you're getting is that you're on the wrong path and that you need to conform yeah and so anything that's not not conformant conforming it's it feels wrong and you're taught it's wrong and it's programmed from schools from media from everything it's programming into your mind that if you do not conform you're doing something wrong so of course when I didn't conform I felt terrible but so you would say you felt different but you viewed yourself yes it felt terrible I never felt like I always felt like I don't belong because I I find it hard for me first off the school system was designed to make you conform and to make you like learn the skills to be an employee like that's really why our public school system was made and that's why it's free because if they give you the basic skills you can make the business owners money fairly excellent I just thought about it like that oh my next video I have my next video with Luke we go in on that oh yeah yeah or exactly that so I but I also find it hard to like come on here and give advice something like hundreds of thousands of people will watch this but I genuinely believe that like if you do feel that way like to your core where like you feel like something's wrong with you because like you think this can't be right like you need to find a way to not be in school now maybe Middle School maybe the first few years of high school you should probably go to but like 16 17 if you can like really if you have the self-motivation and you do like learning and you're looking around like this is not this can't be right you're not fit for that system seek Educators online seek a business model where you can learn step by step how to make money and keep practicing because it's going to take three to five years for you to really get good at it where you can compete but eventually you will succeed so do you like have a stance like do you think people should you dropped out in ninth grade that's insane so I don't have the balls I don't have anyone telling me this again it wasn't balls it was like fear like I hated going to school every day so much that I didn't have the balls to go to school so I dropped out so it was it was complete necessity do I have an opinion on going to college the numbers here are interesting like the actual stat I could give my opinion all day but stats show people who go to college people with a college degree on average make 85 more in their lifetimes than people without a college degree so statistically speaking most people should probably go to college it's unfortunate and that data may be outdated in this new economic climate that we're in I think that if you aren't going to college you can guarantee similar amounts of success with these three things and I've talked about this in a video once but I think it's super important because college at its foundation is a professor it's a group of students and then it's a mat it's a uh I don't even know what it's called a major accreditation or something a major right you get your major you have your professor and then you have your group what is online education it's the same exact thing you have a mentor who teaches you high ticket sales you have a community of other high ticket closers and then you have the skill of actually learning how to sell so a mentor a mastermind and a community a mentor a skill and a mastermind those are the three things all that is is college just flipped in a modern way so if you can find a modern high paying skill with a good Mastermind and a good Mentor you are going to college you're just doing it in a way that you want in a way more affordable way that is more in alignment with who you are with a very clear end goal like I guess the answer isn't don't go to school or go to school just be intentional like if you're a stem major like if you're going to Medical medical school go to school yeah don't try to get a medical degree from online 100 but if you are like just going to college because I don't know I'm gonna get a business degree I'm going to do journalism because I have to pick one off this list because my parents told me to go to college yeah you're wasting your time and you are setting yourself up for a miserable life so it's more so I guess if you're self-motivated to learn that's like my whole mission at this point because I just feel so Jaded by the school system because I went through the whole thing like I graduated and I immediately started working for myself and I've never used my degree and have made way more money than any of any people might agree and I just did it because I like had the ego internally like my parents wanted me to go to school my mom wanted me to go to school so I went through because I felt like I was doing the right thing by Society it wasn't hard for me so I just get the degree yeah but then work on my side hustle relentlessly every hour I'm not in school and then hopefully I can liberate myself you said it was the main thing like you're like the reason you like your purpose you feel like is to what flipped the education system I feel genuinely Jaded by the school system like they were they were not there I think that was the biggest realization that I had at the world especially America no one is here no one has your best interest in mind they all have their best interest of growing their bottom line and America is designed to addict you you go to the corner it's marketing for sugar for fast food McDonald's which is an addiction you can get physically addicted to carbs to Sugar yep pharmacies doctors doctors have Partnerships with big Pharma the actual companies who make the drugs and so there's different brands of Adderall Vyvanse Ritalin each company has a different back-end deal it's like an affiliate program for doctors and then doctors yes they might have your best interest in mind but they're also more worried about getting a negative review getting someone going like someone saying that this person didn't listen to me so if I go to a doctor and say I can't pay attention and I want Adderall give me Adderall if they don't I'll go on Google and say he didn't listen to me I'm seriously in a bad place and this doctor doesn't listen or they lose their Partnerships because they're not giving anybody any of the drug business and so I yeah school was the what firsthand taught me that it also applies to school but firsthand taught me that like we learned the food pyramid in elementary school which is made up by bread companies to sell more bread and so School taught me firsthand like these people Everyone that works in the system thinks they have my best interest in mind but the system itself was not created to actually help me right and um how I felt about it going through it that's a really good point that's why I make YouTube videos because I have consumed so much information from real sources like that like Stanford go to Stanford but I'm talking about like University division one schools like middle of America or whatever yeah it's too expensive the information is beyond average you're learning from middle managers of Business Schools and they're not trying to teach you how to be entrepreneurs so my goal is just I want to disrupt the education I want to talk with you more about that super interesting because that's what is serve others well that's that's kind of where I was going um I don't know exactly what it is yet that's cool I act like that the mission is to free the world and I don't know exactly what that means but I think there are four levels of Freedom there's Financial Freedom mental Freedom physical freedom and spiritual Freedom I'm not a master at all of these I don't know all of them I've learned the Financial Freedom I've worked on the mental Freedom not completely free I still struggle all the time um I think part of becoming mentally free is realizing you are never completely free you just learn how to manage it um physical Freedom all the [ __ ] they put into our food in our water that literally programs us to feel sick make us all don't even get me started anyway um and then the spiritual warfare that's going on in the world too which I'm not very accustomed to but I have some friends who who've enlightened me on that stuff so I just I don't know what it's going to be I don't know what I'm going to do I honestly have no idea but I know that this website this idea this came to me and it was put in my lap for some reason and I know that the mission however it is accomplished is the most important mission that I can possibly think of which is to free the world like think about space travel and what some of these Ultra Rich Elon and Jeff like they're well they're trying to go to another planet right and people are like that's the biggest thing we can do is literally find another uh planet to live on and survive on as a community but you're just gonna take the same [ __ ] up programmed messed up community in society and put them on another planet it's not actually solving the problem it's again what we talked about with prescribing drugs rather than solving the core of the problem going to another planet is prescribing a drug free in the world I believe is actually solving the problem so I don't know what it's going to look like I don't know what I'm gonna do I have no idea but I know that if I do nothing else on this planet if I do nothing else with this life but actually serve others and try to help people and free them in some way shape or form while also working on freeing myself completely I know that I'll I'll die uh fulfilled and knowing that I did the right thing and that's what it is that's amazing bro and I do think the information you shared in this podcast is like a first step in that direction or a great step in that direction I appreciate you coming on here bro I appreciate you so much I appreciate you not holding anything back bro I felt like I had to share everything so I yeah man the fact you DM me was incredible I feel very very blessed and fortunate to have been on here so thank you man it wasn't random bro where can people find you YouTube um I'm trying to put as much as I can on YouTube and I'm trying to take that content to a new level value what's the channel name it's called match if you look up Matt Shields it should pop up if you look up like Matt Shields SMA or d-mat Shield if you just look at Matt Shields it should pop up Instagram is official Matt Shields if you DM me I will always answer um if you try to sell me [ __ ] I might not but if you just DM me like I try to respond to everybody uh every YouTube comment every Instagram DM I could check my phone right now there's nothing but so like I will respond to everybody because I remember when I was a kid reaching out to people that I saw on YouTube and I was like how cool would it be if this person responded to me I feel so humble that some people view me in the same way right now so if you message me on Instagram I will reply if I seem short or like maybe it wasn't the most in-depth answer I apologize but you know I'm also working and trying to build companies but uh yeah man that's it Instagram YouTube that's basically it yeah guys definitely check out his YouTube I would definitely recommend starting with the video I built six smmas in a row to prove it's not luck you'll basically hear his whole story and the lessons he learned along the way basically each one he started after the other just got better because he took what he learned the previous one to make better decisions and now he's making 200 300 000 a month so definitely go check them out and again guys watch this podcast two or three times because that's how you actually absorb information and actually pick it up you can use it every day in your life and he dropped a lot of insight on like personal stuff business itself even the nitty-gritty tactics that we'd love to get into but hope you enjoyed this one guys I'll see you in the next one have a wonderful day
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 285,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smma, social media marketing, how to start an agency, smma for beginners, how to scale an agency, how to get your first agency customer, matt shields podcast, wgmi podcast, were gonna make it podcast, we're gonna make it, how to start in smma, digital marketing, make money with smma, make money online 2023, real estate ads, facebook ads course, joel kaplan, billy wilson, iman gadzhi, best way to grow a business, best business to start in 2023, no code, bubble, saas, ai saas
Id: _T4Kk7c0QRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 11sec (7031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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