My Son Steven’s Build Makes Power!

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] today what's going on guys welcome back to pfi speed we got luke sitting in the hot rod fong over there booster boy kyle jamie and uh we're over here working on steven's car and shane's car my kiddos trying to get their hot rods ready so i'm stoked about that and then he's over here getting his little brother's engine mounts on shane steven bought some solid mounts there and uh shane's gonna try to get those changed out for him so he's working hard but we've been super busy and crazy stepping back on all the tuning got luca you're helping out and uh been trying to get this place all just run like a machine doing some of those boss things and it's working been working out pretty good [Music] okay guys i walked in i noticed loose computer screen had frozen [Music] looking [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah where you got like a chassis ground or anything that's right here to the chassis okay i don't know what it is about these man the so when i talked to anderson about that the other day because it only happened to me on those other cars yeah and he said that there's it usually means there's noise because you know you could plug into him at all times well that's what he was saying to me was noise is what kicks you out but it never had that problem with this so i'm not sure hold on [Music] let's pull that log and take a look yup it comes right up uh doesn't even think about it no it does not i'm so used to not using hearing protection you need it i noticed [Laughter] he noticed oh it's great i noticed this thing is ridiculous man i forgot to grab a hold of the damn wheel because i'm used to on my dyno where i don't have to hold the damn wheel and i was like shooting do this and i'm like right here you gotta grab the wheel right [Laughter] so let's take a look there's the magic how much has it made here before what's the most on this dino 450 let's see so there's 100 tps the correction look at that zero correction looks like we lost the o2 now you gotta get a little dance and luke in the corner yeah good dancing luke yeah we lost the o2 well that's not buena no but didn't you watch network uh yeah yeah you would say it was safe it's just it's weird that it didn't record didn't record there but you saw it there yeah let's watch that thing like a hawk i mean we could pull a plug even and look let me shut it down pretty quick yeah all right let's pull a plug let's just take a look at one of them the trigger we're moving on up we got the fuel tech gap for nowadays what do you know about that kyle no that ain't gonna cut it dude where's the sledgehammer head it's right there you gotta tap them on here that's how you do it that'd yeah that's too fancy still got the sledge but it sure makes it easy makes it perfect first try done deal is it done yep that's a fancy tool man fanciness fanciness that speeds things up so much better yeah put that in your pocket put in your pocket right right right right i'm anxious to see if this plugs fix our computer glitch they just might just not sure yet but we're about to find out do [Music] right we'll get everybody taught all right [Music] 368. 368. got logged that time gotta log that time that's for sure there we go worked a lot better nice cool on the plugs yeah all right so kyle's got his prey that out he's gonna take down a little rip look forward to that it's so nice having him back here little things go check on goof see how he's coming we're looking like we may have some weather tomorrow so we have to deal with that coming good man your brother owes you bit yeah goose got the back mount done he's got the side mount he's got one more there and then he busted his turbo out so okay we'll have to put it back on the dyno yep because it might stand up now the turbo doesn't spin so good we found pork mounts for it today too so we can put nice solid torque bounce instead of just that stock one we have one for this side too dang yeah trying to hook steven up here yeah he's gonna need his fillings checked yeah we put his clips on for him already yeah he's gonna love it we got trailer spot he's awesome we just need the skirts yeah maybe straight bobby would come do it but his truck broke down he's stressing about that i bet yeah and it's just gonna get better so we've decided we're gonna pull the injectors out we're going to flow them clean them and do what we can here one by one because of the size of them and then and then go from there because we can't keep yeah no matter what we put the fuel at it's not right and we're down on power so that's our solution at the moment how bad you think it's gonna be take a look closely to the number two [Music] oh they spray funny huh oh yeah so let's try this real quick we'll see if the machine will do it [Music] we got like no fuel pressure that's all it'll do holy crap so three that's why it's so rich yep two i don't know why it's so lean four [Music] we're all over the board let's try this again all right let's go oh it's a dripper number two is a dripper with pressure behind it that one stop yeah so number two is a dripper so that means number three [Music] 94. now let's move on to number two 94. drip drip drip and spray funny number three now this one i might have to stop because if this one goes 98 so 94 94 78 98 all over the board these two are close these two are way off so that that matches our plug data because number one and four had matched up real good on the plugs and they're what's paired yep two and three three we were seeing extremely rich which makes sense two we're melting the plug okay everything makes sense in the world you just gotta find the actual problem can we clean them yeah i can run them through there it'll take a while that's all right but that's what we're here for that explained a lot let's put some air put in air in that left front it's way low 439 it came up to his boost cut that was on a mission look how much quicker that stand it up like let's look at the power difference there okay right here 334 to 438 over 100 horsepower right there huh oh you're good right now so if you look where i have the cursor right there that's 100 horsepower difference on your build-up yeah it made my cut pretty good yeah yeah we heard that yeah look at that boy cheesing over here that's gordo bro that's the wrong one this is gonna be the one yeah this should be it this should be the one there you go 516 with the power band hey a little bit better than last night a little bit so that was let's find out what that was oh again 18 pounds there you go i did have it at 22. so i took it back one click down a notch yeah so that should be good down to go up yeah down to go up okay i'll be good what are you going to do with yourself all right all right so we're done cleaning now see how these go 94 so that's the same [Music] hold on i can do this a cool way i don't know what i'm doing here you can do all of them at once no i won't run all of them at once but i don't have to drain each one of them 94 yep now this one was what like 98 80 something oh yeah to begin with yeah it was like 80 something 98 she's even yeah look close now [Music] i don't know why i didn't think about this just not draining it last time that was just a really good let's make them dirty one and four match pretty darn good they're very close yeah one and four match okay so we got the injectors cleaned they got it back in the car now luke's got to go over there and check it all out holy crap yo 4 16 4 16. awesome what's up dude that's complete it's completely different yeah that's right it wants more fuel now so right now that each cylinder is contributing nice job nice job [Music] yeah each cylinder is actually contributing now so yeah because they used to fight each other so we lose that much exactly look how much smoother it is dude yeah that was my foot coming up the accelerator also yeah like i literally like it slipped off kind of and then it buffed me back the pedal is kind of high yeah i noticed we need a block under it you know the original guy put very long yeah he had like a size 14. nice job guys that was awesome that sounds so much better oh dude he did a good job on that injector please hey man yeah yeah what you got going here buddy oh just wiring the fuel pump and the fuel tank and everything yeah i'm trying to get it all done you're pretty close aren't you right too what you're pretty close aren't you yeah it's getting real you're shoving something through yeah where are you coming out where are you coming to the starter got plenty are you like almost half look at your fuel pressure oh that plug wire that you had to fix all right so you guys have all seen a struggle with bong's plug wires here we've got brent's fire cores from sho enough that we had made in the bully years ago and they're like man the perfect length for this thing so we're just gonna have to hit them up and get you a set for this okay hi boss you're ready we've got way nicer plug wires on it that sounds awesome do 401 a little ripper yep yep they say i mean i think we know a few too yeah and it's a little fat the plug wires changed a lot that it's better and when you dial it in we'll have logs so and you call them and you've got fuel for tomorrow yeah i have to load the car and i just run straight to him and pick it up well let's do that so you can get there before you so you can still sleep tonight all right luke if you want to clear the logger and set up the logger yep he can load up and then go pick up fuel before that guy hits the sack for the night sounds good and then we can go off some logs tomorrow sounds good man good job bong good job luke you guys killed it nice job everybody yeah you know it always ends up working by the end of the day it might bite us every time but by the end of the day the damn thing works well it was a busy day and uh we're finally through it um goofy is loading his car up right now we're gonna try to start it tomorrow at the track uh they just about got stuff wired up it'll be kind of fun to do it in front of everybody anyway um but we're shutting down now race cars are loaded up and we had a good day so psca is tomorrow i'm super stoked it's our second race of the season and i'm probably stuck in here the car's done though and i'm super excited for steven and kyle and everybody else so this is going to be awesome oh and fog too funk killed it so this should be epic in this time all right that's gonna do it so uh appreciate you guys watching give us like subscribe see you guys all tomorrow
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 58,053
Rating: 4.9786038 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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