I Betcha this s2000 makes some power! 💰💸💵

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all right do our base [Music] and I ride them [Music] [Music] [Applause] a hit button one well that enough for you 1:12 all right all right he's good with that Brent yeah send it home I mean quick work of this one 112 112 come over here and see what he's doing right now [Music] I think we need another gear and maybe some spray [Applause] $2.99 [Applause] so I feel like we need another gear and maybe some spray so we need some spray that was $2.99 so brightly like 500 action they're shot some really cool flames that's why you put up lose good yeah what's your boost cut out 12 so it's only there 12 on spring or that will get checked out this okay we'll check out surround it first rosetta stone ah that's why I turn cuts on Johnathan's always testing me he's like I'm gonna see if this guy can find this problem what gate springs are in it all of them are mine it was all so dude we just got over Gate Springs 15 pounds great I raise my pet to fifteen or sixteen I looked real fast and felt it sugar love love all right guys so we had a manual boost controller in it was hooked up right but what we're gonna do now and put a line directly from the turbo to source so we can get a base of where we're actually at [Music] with our fancy screen here is Steve brought we can watch what Brent's doing so now it looks like he's just building the curve saw where it was going [Music] do you reliable cut out for a minute so as you can see it's got an actual curve now [Music] yeah I'll just roll [Music] [Applause] how was it I love it what you think what you think I was $4.99 pal not at all I was sweet I was watching the fuel over your shoulder - it looked great on the main hall it was you just taking that map right because you just had to make it off that one hole and you made it off one pole good job bro [Applause] so I really they our heirs but he stood for or another air compressor problems this way he keep on the line take a lot of alright guys so we just put the mango boost controller back on while it was out of the car we were turning it and blowing in the end from the turbo so we could find the tipping point of the part where it's gonna give it boost and work we should be close it's about a quarter turn is going to be our difference between 500 and all of it so it's a fine line we're gonna play with alright so we gave it a little boost control here what okay so we blew in the boost controller to try and find the tipping point it's got like a quarter turn tipping point so keep an eye on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah Oh 5:37 what you think you a little more turn all right so we're using this mango boost controller right now is on the source basically we're stopping air from going to the bottom just as if we were putting a TNT no we gave you a little more turn how much boost didn't make their you turn down village I love all right so we've got the log up here so yep so we got 12 and a half pounds of boost injector duty cycle here's one old one at almost redline he gets to go on a fire challenge by challenge should I take that quarter turn back then no okay well I just asking I mean I don't care don't know why we're trying to watch on his little screen we've got it over here on big screen so right now he's giving us some timing to get a little more power out of it we sold the money for the pool yeah Steve knows 5:45 what you say what was that 5:37 routine don't change your bed can't change your bed once you started president borrow dollar so what do we got going here we got dollar bets all right so those closest to the HP number so I'm at 5:47 Jonathan's at 550 Jermaine's at 560 Brent went 545 Dan is deciding and last poll was what 537 537 that was the last poll all right I'm gonna say it's a hard one because I saw the injector duty cycle button I turned the dial which way did the dial go I gave it a quarter turn from the last poll from the last poll I'm going 553 no just a club yeah 37 hello hey Brent how did your fuel look there at a hundred percent were you okay it wasn't running okay so what's the highest one here five sixty I'll go 562 561 because if it does anything up there then I win at 62 everything above everything above let me go turn this again real quick hey Brent and turn that boost cut off for a quick six dollars I borrowed the dollar from Brent to seven dollars worth of bets hold on what urgent ugh it's at McDonald's right now they're like twenty four five right that's so many chicken nuggets out the door no next no next full yeah next full you about ready here sunshine all right [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] all right Brent Vegas he's just seven dollars sir Brent's got the fake money make it rain thank you oh yeah you're definitely enhance all right hold on let's let's look at this log oh he's shutting it off update a school let's take a vote next poll [Music] throttle oh there it is yeah all right he was at 99 and wasn't a hundred though we're up a person I think intake temps or something maybe took away some of your timing you gave it I'm a dentist always [Music] I honestly thought I would get get some heat out of it we'll do it again I got some more dollars he's got he's gonna count on us we're gonna have to borrow some dollars for me again all right so where the bets at here same as last time but we added Kyle 555 is what he said all the bad scanner they borrow one from your dad we all borrowed them from your dad don't worry all right what do you want all that cow yeah good dollar from the dad what you think so it made here Shane hold on we got kept Shane up so Shane it made five thirty seven and then it was warm so it made five twenty seven at 5:37 we were at at five thirty seven we were at a hundred percent duty cycle he gave it two degrees and we gave it another quarter turn on the boost control so go take your guess five thirty seven and add a couple degrees but we were at duty cycle when we were only two pounds from busca Huhn hi hold on Shane stills locking in five 4401 under his dad $30 in there shame he's right under you [Music] damn I think that's Kyle hold on let's see who's I don't think anybody did 5:54 oh that's Kyle's money yeah that the aim little spike aim to gave it to him because what would it have been without that without that we would have been 537 again without that little in spike it would have been 537 you know so hold on let's look at our duty over here a hardware we had a hundred [Music] 96 yeah you got your duty back twelve point seven pounds yeah and you got your duty back so trimming that top you got it man Kyle can buy a lot of chicken nuggets now make it rain well it's all singles we know where he's going tonight [Applause] that's good you gotta tell him to stop or he'll go for days hey Brent you're good
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 161,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: lm_s8fZTN_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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