RX-7 Clean up + Is the Engine Still Good?

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welcome back i hope you guys are excited as i was for that previous video now it might be hard to tell in that previous video but i was very excited i was just also very tired because i'd probably put like in the past two days that i was working on it i probably put like over 20 some hours into it so probably like actually probably closer to 30. i did basically like two 15-hour days but i am really excited for it it is already torn back apart which i told you guys in the previous video we're going back through it so that's what this video is going to be we're going to be going back through cleaning some stuff up this might end up being a two-part video just because there is so much stuff to clean up um i kind of like i didn't throw it together i was putting it together kind of how i wanted to see if running things how where i wanted to and doing some certain things uh was what i wanted to do and now there's only a couple little things i want to change right now i got some stuff i'm working on but before we can get started with that i wanted to say shout out to skillshare response in this video and let me tell you about skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people you can explore new skills deepen your existing passions and get lost in creativity it's curated specifically for learning that means there's no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity will take you skillshare is also very affordable it is only ten dollars a month with an annual subscription skillshare makes practice super easy most of the classes are very short and simple and get directly to the point learning of skillshare is very easy because they have short lessons and hand on hands-on projects this makes reaching your goals in whatever topic you want very easy to do with skillshare when you join skillshare you can also sign up for their live classes you can experience real-time inspiration with popular teachers while watching and working along other members so first thing first you're gonna have to go over to skillshare.com now when you first start you're obviously going to have to create an account i already have mine created and for the first thousand of my subscribers to click the link in the description they'll get a free trial of skillshare premium membership so you can explore your creativity now i've been watching gary vaynerchuk some of the stuff i was interested in was uh marketing it actually is pretty cool listening to him i've always liked watching his videos and he's kind of talking about uh the difference between uh how much content we have and how much uh like the supply and demand between it context versus content so this is a pretty cool little thing to learn if you guys want to go check that out there's a whole bunch of other places to browse through you can go up here and browse through all kinds of stuff and check it out it's a pretty cool little thing and these classes are super simple and short so i'm going to go ahead and watch the rest of these so something you want to deepen your knowledge on head over skillshare check it out you won't be disappointed go sign up for one of their memberships ten dollars for an annual membership go check it out thank you for being a sponsor the video skillshare let's get on with today's video so what are we up to today well yesterday i did kind of like a half day uh i was running around doing a whole bunch of stuff but i took the valley cutter off the intake off now i explained in the old video for i had the intake already on so i didn't want to pull it off but this is the injector harness it does fit underneath the intake but these clips doesn't slide they don't slide under there so what i need to do is uh like keep it loose and run them through it and then tighten it down so but while i was doing that i was like well let's take the valley cover out because i don't actually run these knock sensors i don't have to take them out again and before i had like silicone in there because i had ripped them and now what i'm doing is i chopped the pieces off of here that came up that like where the knock sensors kind of sat in and this thing used to leak and it was all silicone in here and it was all nasty really nasty so what i'm doing is i'm cutting out two of these plugs i'm going to just shove those things in there like that weld them shut and then i also needed to weld this breather shut i don't know why i did this but i was trying to add another breather to it and this one would just shoot oil out of it so it's a really bad idea for anybody who wants to add a breather to their valley cover if you're gonna do it by an actual nice baffled piece i try to make my own and it did not work so we'll be plugging that stuff this morning and then we're gonna be moving right along to uh cleaning up the wiring and pulling uh the inner cooler and the radiator out did i really just do that hey just so you know the uh tick torch it works better if you put trunks in it oh man it's one of the mornings i know some of you guys at home are saying oh i got this done by the way as you can see plugs are welded in there i plugged this hole like i said i was gonna you already know the deal i'm sure somebody's at home are being like dude why don't you just buy the ict billet uh valley cover that's just a flat plate that doesn't have any of the provisions for the knock sensors well it's a good idea it's a good idea for somebody who plans to do things and i didn't plan to do this and i was gonna order it off amazon but amazon prime for some reason was like a week out and i don't have a week to wait just have this thing sitting here with no valley cover on it and no intake so just weld it around i uh i ordered it so if i ever take the intake bag off i will swap it out but for now this guy's getting ran because i'm tired of not making any progress on this thing and using dumb excuses like that to not do anything so go ahead get this value cover on and then we'll start running the harness under here and we'll get the intake back on and then now i am uh making i'm remaking this fuel pressure regulator bracket that i made uh it only had one of the bolts in it because of how this had to be uh cut so i'm gonna go ahead and tack this on here [Music] it's the next day yesterday was a little bit of a fiasco just because i wouldn't got a new phone and i don't know what it is i don't know if everybody else experienced this but whenever i go get a new phone for some reason it should only take me like maybe 30 minutes to do it right 30 40 minutes and for some reason it always takes me half a day like it took me an hour and a half for him to set up my phone and then none of my stuff would transfer so i had to go back there and then back again is ridiculous it was like a four or five hour ordeal yesterday so one got a new phone yesterday but i did make a little bit of progress as you can see i got this little mount for the regulator made it is way different so before i just had a piece of flat uh stock coming off of this i put a piece of tubing on it and then piece of angle iron so it's not as flimsy as it was before like before would just vibrate it also had the stock bracket that came with it and it's really thin and i think that's why it was vibrating so i got everything all on there it's already put the intake on and then over here as you can see i uh i ran the injector harness up underneath it so it's all cleaned up before up above it all i got everything all plugged in so it runs underneath it and then also the iac down here and the tps sensor will be ran underneath as well that way there won't be a big harness up here so let's go ahead and install the intake now so so it's a good thing we're going back through this and that i took this throttle body off because i couldn't remember if i had put a gasket on this thing or not so it didn't have a gasket then also i remembered oh i don't remember if i plugged this hole so this is a snake eater i believe this is a yeah it's a 102 it's a snake eater 102 throttle body it works really well for the price um i think they're like 160 bucks maybe don't don't quote me on that somewhere in there uh it's super cool they work really nice they're basically like the ebay ones but i feel like they're a little bit nicer like as far as how the throttle blade opens they work really well but i'm gonna go and plug this whole plug this hole really quick and then we will get it installed and then another thing i like to do is it's not just because of this brand throttle body i like to do it to all of them because i have seen these throttle blade screws come out so i like to pull them out and then red lock tight them in it's just a nice piece of mind you ever see those uh pictures on facebook of a small screw like this in the in the top side of a piston that's because it came out so i actually had it happen to one of my good friends uh nick eggers over at pts fab it happened on one of his cars so now i just for the peace of mind i pull them out and i read loctite them so that way they hopefully don't go anywhere go ahead and install the sensors back on and we'll get it installed on the car holy hell that was a lot of the red loctite oh my goodness well i guess they're probably not gonna come back out again so now that i went ahead and got the intake and everything back on the throttle body the wiring is all done uh what i want to do is i didn't really specify in the video i didn't really specify in the previous video but i i did but you couldn't really hear me the lifters are making quite a bit of noise it's probably just because they've been sitting for so long and there's like hardly no oil in them i couldn't run the car for very long before or like really rub it too high because it's getting hot because there's no water in the clean system at all so to fix that problem what we need to do is i need to go ahead and take this radiator out i need to clean it out but i need to weld a a cap over this because it's used to have a radiator cap on it but of course this is our secondary well this is our primary radiator but i'm not going to be filling it from here so i don't need that and then i was waiting on this bend over here sitting over here i need to weld the radiator cap to this so it's going to come up off of here a little bit and hopefully be the highest point in the cool system so it's super easy to bleed i still have to do some stuff and figure out is the steam port setup i need to figure out uh what i want to do i don't want to order just a generic kit because i don't think it's going to work with how my stuff is ran so so i went ahead and got everything back on here i got the radiator capped as you can see here i got the filler neck welded onto this one and then i got the lines all ran and installed i actually did take the intercooler off and clean it out as well i don't really think it needed it because nothing came out but i guess it's a better safe than sorry i couldn't remember if i had done it yet so i'm going to put some water in this thing and i'm going to go ahead and start it up see if we can let it run for a little bit and then i did get some different oil to swap in there we will drain the oil and then put new oil in i think we're going to call it for this video before we go ahead and start this thing up and let it idle and get some water moving through there and get some oil up into the lifters i had a couple people saying um these are the main uh like power and ground for the holley they want you to connect them right to the battery so they don't get like in any interference and yes i know this they're not supposed to be connected to those supposed to be connected directly to the battery i just for the first start i just connected them there for a temporary thing they are going to get ran to the back so thank you everybody who told me that i do know it's not the right way and i will change it here later today but uh for now is gonna get rocked like this i just want to make sure the motor was still good and there's nothing weird with it because i didn't know uh how it was so go ahead and start this thing up went ahead and got some of the bugs worked out sounds a lot better now i got to idle right about like 850 880 and it sounds pretty good got the tps doll set and then the coolant is gonna be kind of a nightmare to bleed i had a feeling it's gonna be like this i need to get the big bleeder thing uh it's just like that because there's like so many spots where you can get an air pocket of course so i did get a torque that was like sitting right around like 185 coolant temp so let's go ahead and start it up i did mess with the uh the tip in a little bit it actually sounds pretty good so we'll go ahead and fire her up fuel pump starter [Music] [Applause] [Music] so bad [Music] i said it sounds pretty good 180 degrees we got like 45 pounds oil pressure idling right about like 880 900 somewhere in there it sounds pretty good [Music] [Music] all right so now that it's got some oil temp in it and the lifters actually have quiet down quite a bit i'm really happy with the oil pressure so i went and got some vr1 it's funny in the comments everybody's saying vr1 vr1 after i was like maybe i should get some shafers but i've heard such good things about the vr1 the only thing i don't like is local all they have is 20 50. now we did loosen the clearances a little bit on this crank like they weren't super loose but i'm sure 2050 it'll be all right like i'm curious to see if once i put that oil in it what the oil pressure is going to be if it's this thing's always had pretty good oil pressure with just uh 1040 in it so we'll see i'm gonna go ahead now there's some oil temp in it and the oil has been flushed around i'm going to drain the oil and put some of that vr1 in it and then we should be all good to go we don't have to change that for a while let's turn this oil really quick hopefully i don't burn myself it's kind of nice to remember my first junkyard block not junkyard black but the one that i got that was like high miles never been taken apart and wasn't like redone the oil was always so dirty when it came out and this stuff's like it looks brand new still because we cleaned everything it's kind of nice what kind of oil filters you guys using too i normally get like a wix or a k n this time i got a k n i'm not sure why though one thing i've noticed about the k n is like it seems like it uh we used to run the k ns a lot on the hondas but it seems like the k n is like bigger for some reason i don't know why but i'll go ahead and get this filter in here and put the oil in it and uh we'll call it that's kind of curious too i mean i guess i should have done more research but i'm assuming that this has more zinc in it than that rotella does i'm assuming really wasn't that bad for price i mean it's probably like 10 bucks more than that rotella to do an oil change so go ahead put this oil in here and they'll start it up i want to see the difference in the oil pressure obviously i have to let it idle for a little bit but really not a big diver in so far it's literally at 47 psi basically what it was with the 1040 in it so going from that 1040 to the 2050 really didn't change the oil pressure all that much i'm sure maybe like higher up in in the rpm it will maybe uh probably won't be a bad thing so that should be all good to go i'm excited i got the break in oil not the break at all i guess like the flush oil out of there and the good news is that the lifters sound good the motor sounds healthy it's not like at first i thought maybe like that it lifted a head or something because like it had flung the belt and then shot the coolant everywhere and then when we first started up is like looked like it was breathing out of the cra out of the coolant system so i was like oh no like maybe there's some exhaust getting past it and coming into the coolant system but it seems to be all good to go uh it is kind of a nightmare to bleed like i said i still gotta figure out the steam port setup which i'm gonna do later today get all that stuff ordered then once it gets here i will set that all up and then that should fix a lot of our issues with it uh being hard to bleed just so that way it doesn't like airlock but we got a lot of stuff cleaned up in this video i'm gonna let y'all go i have a lot of stuff i gotta do today i gotta work on a little bit of customer stuff even though i'm totally not supposed to be but it's for a really cool project i will probably show you guys that later but for now uh i think some of the next videos this weekend i'm gonna be making a couple steps backwards which i do a lot as you guys can tell and we're gonna try to get the seats mounted up in the car and uh yeah i'm not sure exactly what we have planned but i will be bringing you guys videos at least once or twice a week trying to get this thing done and now i know i'm really excited because the car makes noise it starts up now there's still obviously a lot of stuff to clean up and a lot of work to still be done um and that leads me to my next point i've just finished doing my whole schedule till the end of july and part of august that is how busy i am and it is a crazy july so to try to get the car done and make a pass in july seems like a stretch but i'm going to try to make it happen so that is going to be the goals there's just some time in july to make a pass now i know that's still a that's basically two months away um and that is still a while but i appreciate you guys following along and uh i know it'll be worth the wait so if y'all want to wait y'all want to follow along watch me build it stay tuned because we will be making videos on it and i appreciate it so until then we'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Metigulous
Views: 23,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleetus Mcfarland, boosted boyz, boostedboyz, boostedboiz, PFI, Pfispeed, SloppyMechanics, Metigulous, 1320videoLSx, V8, civic, honda, vtec, civic hatchback, mustang, wagon, turbo, wagovan, ebay, built, build, custom, 1320video, haggard, b18, h22, d16, mazda, subaru, funny, stock, boost, vs, corvette, gtr, skyline, supra, r35, e85, tune, pfispeed, mr2, k20, eagle, welding, race, car, fast, homemade, ek, eg, ef, rt4wd
Id: z5A12hptdYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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