Low IFR in a Bonanza

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your epitaph and as a six-month checkup ILS runway night and eight six one two Quebec theorem tower runway Niner cleared land RvR 3,500 later laughs - Peter epic our a suspect time of 175 - Zhu Ling year of seven 0s by disability 1/2 log feeling 200 over 10 sir fired six point nine eight thirty nine and zero Iowa's friendly nine earn see Rex ground good morning Bonanza seven zero tango Bravo Northwest ease with Quebec request a local i/o our clearance for practice approaches starting with an ILS runway 9a please the other seven zero tango Bravo ski trip declares came back and and the one to prevent a parking card lefties and the ones who protect if able turn left alpha three or a left on runway three one last alpha 3 1 I have the ones who searched XP to the Westies vol 2 3 take their FTL good boy Terrell boys 31 32 outside corner I'm bored 31 32 C rep tower and Wayne Niner through the land RV our 3,000 mile a Schneider envoy 31 32 and the seven zero tango Bravo cleared to Cedar Rapids via radar vectors maintained as three thousand departure frequency one-one-niner point seven o'clock is 0 for 3 5 Bonanza 7zo tango Bravo clear to these Cedar Rapids Airport via radar vectors flight maintain 3000 119.7 for departure spark 0 4 3 5 and and offender of hangar Bravo read back correct unclear when it says 7 0 tango Bravo thank you and ready for taxi Northwest YZ Quebec banan to the seven zero tango Bravo runway Niner taxi via alpha runway Niner taxi via alpha bonanzas yo tink Rome clearly be right for the first 25 hundred out of four three thousand four ones everywhere sorry alright now we identify our nav set up both our GPSS our env lock we have the ILS runway Niner approach loaded at ground patrol for liquid heroin critical identify the pearl or Peter at the ground kids but I forgot to throw for vocalize are identified and final approach course is zero nine zero earning earning direct and the 7-0 tango Bravo turn on left hitting zero seven zero runway Niner clear for takeoff regional jet 4 mile final I've turned hitting zero seven zero to take off runway Niner bonanza say with your team problem Acy 6017 taxi to the ramp via alpha upper forward and I'm ready for that pirate we are on approach alpha alpha four and we broke out literally right at you hundred we got the first set of lights at 200 to get it in rudder thanks anthro he only Tortorella dinorah lending graphically and reporter just below just - Aniki rudder remember some Jews hangar Bravo context marketing cocktail party ribbon and so scheduling Rome see NFC by Jerry good afternoon Bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo 1600 three thousand zero tango Bravo fear of spur greater contact TURN RIGHT heading 1 8 0 vector dial s runway Niner found bridge first TURN RIGHT heading 1 8 0 1 n 70 letting a problem 4439 turn left heading two seven zero they usually alternate between flying baƱo lee and flying with the autopilot on these practice approaches to make sure but also verified the autopilot is still working and I know how to set up the autopilot this first one will do with the autopilot and then the next one will do manual and a revelatory edicue headed there right hitting two seven zero when it's a 70 on a problem inconsiderate bowler for Germany but it says zero tango Bravo would like to do a one for a list runway Niner with a full stop after this one traffic to regional jet folding on have any better tempered by regional jet thirty minutes ago and you worth the couple the bureau take over not altering at a three-picture right turn hitting 360 or open instance your problem thirty-six miles on fourth gear now that three that Roger like a non-void 31 32 Northy teacher position a regional jet at 4,000 only on the local what Nate says yo Chang Bravo is looking for the regional gym for that hearing contact our and everything will turn tender people to the left but instituting broham but I'm a today Birchley and urban and says your thing Bravo has the regional debt in the hold above and also the one that used to be a final below inside 2,500 bunny is using problem and approach on point 31 32 we're ready to go and we'll follow little stir things up enough force whether they may be better or not 1:31 security there take a brothel 2,500 go somewhere private clear dollars from the 100 French right hitting zero eight zero maintain 2500 Patil established Li inspire let's are minor approach mm long number 31 32 the sky with aircraft did make it down did you want you with shot the his server already whatever you can fit us in here we're 31 30 GB turning out at your discretion to tena me to a 2005 was just 500 and hazard a rotatable contact our on the tawa Nestle using problem five rathas brick at our Bonanza Simon Theo tango Bravo on ILS runway Niner approach at the tower runway in the party are turn what Leigha fill the option Niner only go around hitting zero seven zero and three thousand Peninsula safety of Nero Landing checklist gear down and locked three greens landing light us on extra and Reggie comes in short fight Dobin answers your tango Bravo is there time for a stop-and-go lordy have traffic behind me and in the Terminator tango Bravo stopping with proof when answers 7zo tank Bravo Roger thank you that's what plan on doing that's like okay and the Thunder Bravo read your report on the go when it says yielding Bravo local right inside three greens a trim powerflex bow checklist mixture best power Rob high rpm trim 3 up call flaps open flaps finances zero tango but always on the go again Fredrik scroll 7-0 and the seventh year king of rabbu contact protein content approach bonanzas have guilting problem there's no 57:36 seven eight eight two thousand five hundred to writing three six departure bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo 1700 climbing 3000 due to gravity refrigerator contactor Inlet that e360 vector dial it's runway Niner and anything that'll be about the Duckburg affirmative furthers will be a full stop and left turn heading 360 or open answer 70 a problem there's no 57:36 1-0 miles from folder reading zero six zero eight a 2512 some localizer cleared ILS runway Niner bridge 43130 to convict our today I'm void 31 32 I'll restart the approach there's 3,000 feet turn left heading two seven zero finances yochabel has not changed that's so listen both layers identified - 7-0 3,000 feet doing the same approach ILS runway Niner the cedar mine's Lavina 7 2500 57 over the 2400 we need NetZero tango Bravo the sentiment a 2,500 turn left 32 2,500 and five-zero peninsulas using a problem neither Darrow take a rattle German hurting one either left hitting one need zero bananas tilting problem and as a zero tango Bravo six mouthful Boehner turn left heading one to zero maintain 2000 less runway Niner left turn heading 1 to 0 maintain 2500 to establish on the emotionally I waste on realign our propensity to grow 10:16 both boys are alive and attempting a verbal contact come on fix our buddy I'll take rubble next we'll help another good you could she left our bananaz70 tango Bravo on my list on our approach Anthony Rohtang / elbow through the land over dr3 note from banana field and bonanza 17 roll a popular centered GPS soul shows we are a line waiting for Whitesville medicine beetus good for year by his home alone get er up it's brown to run away minor text to be open open runway three one I stole penis F eotteon burnings checklist here down in Lord and and Reggie comes short final 200 ago my members go around bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo did make it going this Bravo Roger clever am i hitting maintain 3000 run beheading maintain 3000 intercepting problem and everything a Bravo turn left hitting 360 row contact Group F 2 heading 3 six-year-old contact approach bonanza I'm feeling well approach urban answer 7 0 Cheng or Bravo is 2200 climbing 3000 turning to a heading of three six zero zero gravity refrigerator contact turn left heading two niner zero vector to ILS runway Niner final burger green Tran left heading two niner zero 187 tilting problem and then to throw tango Bravo full-mouth owner turn left heading one to zero maintain 2500 to established on the localizer cleared ILS runway Niner approach left turn heading one to zero maintain 2500 until last night our approach and seven to zero three miles from you runway Niner bridge therefore they are not approachable this one on autopilot don't make this one we'll go up and hold somewhere there's a profit on a tire 18.7 and at our one 18.7 thank you pitarrio bananaz70 Tanger Bravo attempting a bottle cheer up in shower Emily Niner or white runway Niner Canfield and finances seventeen bro landing gear darling long landing light on picture and rich when 0 8 0 I mean in our VR 3000 rollout 2600 five hundred to go 400 to go 8050 372 300 ohm pyramids ground runway Niner taxi via alpha 4 Alpha actually make an alpha 5 alpha cross runway 1 3 200 to go 100 to go our fights inside q45 Victor Cedar Rapids paragraph generally nine are cleared land RB are three thousand roll out two thousand four hundred character mark that Bravo back a lot of the way that's poor predictor he's over the threshold Rickman's tall because Ida mark Luca I am landing bro couches in Melanson rocket and then the zero tango Bravo turn left when Abel report which tactually you exit and you're holding short of taxiway alpha right so I'll make a left turn here at alpha three as we speak oval short of alpha Beneatha's yachting problem there take a rebel craft actually offer a report when you're on the other side crossing taxiway alpha will report on the other side Peninsula control AC 53 72 earth Bonanza crossing taxiway alpha 3 I can't see him from here it's gonna give me a cone is on the other side 85032 the curator finances your take a Bravo has crossed alpha alpha tango Bravo thank you sir you have a great day thank you very much for the help but have a great day cheapen answer 713 problem when zero 7:06 runway Niner RvR 2000 rollout 2004
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 98,351
Rating: 4.938159 out of 5
Keywords: IFR, approach, instrument flying, instrument approach, IMC, low IFR, low IMC, practice approach, ILS, ILS approach, minimums, Cedar Rapids
Id: 8o7ShZJZmhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2015
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