My New FAVORITE Concealed Carry Gun!

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what's up guys thanks for watching yes we're finally back out on the gun range it's been tough over these last couple weeks I appreciate all of you guys hanging in there with me I'm sure you understand why the family's been home no one's been working it's just been a weird couple weeks for everybody I think and yes I am stuffed up no it's not the coronavirus I went to the doctor and everything checked out there so fingers crossed it's just a stuffy nose it makes people freaked out right now so I didn't go to the doctor but apparently I'm good to go so a few weeks ago I uploaded a video on concealed carry guns and I had three or four of them out here we were playing with and I asked for your guys's help in the comments on helping me choose I'm which carry gun to switch to and I got some amazing feedback positives and negatives on all the guns I was shooting the video actually got you know quite a few views for a channel my size so I really appreciate that and I have made a decision so I thought we would come out here and show you guys my new carry gun and break it in a little bit so if you watched the video you're probably not surprised that yes I chose the Sig Sauer p3 65 XL now this is just a bigger brother to the Sig p3 65 and it's pretty much the same gun I think I think the the XL has a different trigger maybe and it obviously has a longer grip and it holds a few more rounds but I like that I can fit my pinkie on the grip you can see I got all my fingers on there and then a gun this size being able to hold 12 rounds in the magazine it's just amazing so it was kind of a no-brainer if this thing worked I was gonna choose it and I kind of made that obvious in the video so enough of me blabbering let's get to it so I've got a couple hundred rounds out here and it's kind of a weird time to just waste a bunch of ammo but we're definitely gonna shoot this thing a lot I just don't know if you know I'll shoot it as much as I would a few weeks ago just because you can't find ammo right now so you got 12 rounds in the magazine let's take some shots on the steel feels so good it just fits me perfectly feels like it's been forever since I've shot a gun I miss it so yes I did buy this gun Turtle Lake tactical actually gave me a really good deal on it so I want to thank them once again for helping me out they helped me in the last video you know they sent me a few of the guns that I used and once again he's just giving me an amazing deal on this gun so if you haven't checked out his website go check it out he helps me out a lot and I really appreciate it so I got a couple more magazines loaded let's speed it up a little bit try and do some rapid fire not super fast but just a little quicker man that feels good I couldn't tell if I missed I might have missed a couple of those I did see him start to kind of go out to the right it kind of feels like a full-sized gun being able to get all your fingers on the grip it really does help it's not necessary you know there's definitely smaller guns out there that work just fine and you can control really well but it's definitely an advantage getting that pinky on the grip all right I'm gonna put my tactical hat on and embarrass myself a little bit so I got the shot timer back out here I do not do stuff like this this is gonna be pretty funny but with the carry gun I guess you know fast reloads are somewhat important it's probably rare that you're gonna do a full mag dump and then a reload and but you never know that's why people carry spare magazines and it's fun to you know practice this kind of stuff so I've got a spare magazine fully loaded and then one round in the magazine in the gun and I just want to try one shot reloads and see how fast we can get these done so I don't have a holster for this gun yet I'm actually gonna buy one soon and I just got the magazine kind of tucked in my belt here so don't make fun of me in the comments for this 2.26 actually not terrible for my first one with full-sized guns I've done this kind of stuff a few times and I've gotten them pretty quick like I said I don't do this stuff very often but that's pretty fast for a gun this size I don't know if I'll be able to get too much better than that 2.44 it's tough with a smaller gun because your pinkie kind of snags the magazine so whenever you got to drop a magazine free like with a full-size gun it just falls right out and you have all that extra room to play with but with these little or guns your pinkie kind of holds that up and your hand right here so you almost have to like you know adjust your grip let the magazine fall reload and do it that way so it is kind of awkward at least for me I mean I suck at this kind of stuff good 1.94 so under two seconds hopefully you guys can see that that was my goal was to get one under two seconds that's a 1.94 so sweet little floppy 1.98 I don't know if you guys are able to see this that the Sun is so bright I cannot see the screen on my camera but that is a 1.98 so under two seconds alright we got a couple more rounds then we're gonna do some experiments I'm point eight six plus you got to be kind of careful with these little guns whenever you bring a magazine up and put your grip it's easy for that thumb to get kind of far out there so trying to be careful 1.9 all right last one two point zero five so not my bread and butter but I was actually expecting it to go a lot worse all right so we're gonna do a couple ballistics gel tests but first I want to do a little redneck science experiment so on the table here I have a 45 sporting clays all stacked together and you can see I even put a strip of duct tape along the top on there to kind of keep them in place and this has nothing to do with concealed carry but I want to see how many of these clays it will take to stop a 9-millimeter bullet coming out of our little sig p3 65 so I did a similar experiment with the compound bow in my last video and our arrow went through 15 before it curved and it didn't hit all the clays so put your guesses in the comments I'm thinking 20 to 25 all right so we're not using just any regular bullet we're actually gonna use a nine-millimeter tracer round now it's broad daylight so we probably won't see anything but who knows I'm hoping I'm at a safe distance it's a super small target and I kind of got to get really low here but I think we'll be alright make sure I get this shot perfect I think we hit it well I can tell just by looking at the amount that's left that my guess was definitely way off so here's the ruble that's left over on the table just mean obviously obliterated ninety percent of those and then of this one it looks like that might be the last one that was damaged so we'll go ahead and count these that we have left over we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven sporting clays left over which means we got thirty-four that it actually broke I don't know if we'll be able to find the bullet I would like to but obviously you can see this huge pile of rubble and that bullet hit a ricocheted in any direction honestly so go ahead and put those off to the side no way that is our bullet holy crap look at the back of it you can see it'll focus focus there you go you can see the back of that bullet where the tracer ignites whenever you fire it and it's actually flattened out quite a bit it's just covered in sporting clay dust so it's kind of black but that is our bullet and it was laying right in front of that 35th sporting clay so if you guess 34 congratulations you're correct the beautiful thing about sporting clays is they're made out of clay so you can just dump them right into the dirt and it doesn't hurt anything alright guys before we wrap this up we're gonna do a couple ballistics gel tests so on the table I have my 20 percent clear ballistics gel block and I just want to test a couple of my favorite carry rounds out of the Sig p3 65 XL and see how they do I hope this video is not running too long but we haven't been able to shoot ballistics gel in a long time so we got to do it alright so we've only got one gel block so some of these might go out the other side they shouldn't but with the shorter barrel you do get you know more penetration because you get less expansion usually so we're gonna start with one of my favorites the 124 grain plus P hornady critical duty again this is a round that's probably made for a full-sized gun it's a duty round but I like it so let's see how it does out of the 365 so no surprise to most of you I'm sure the critical duty once again did really well so here is where it went into our ballistics gel block and I try to start to the left and then work my way right as I go so that all of my cameras will pick up the slow motion but you can actually see this one pretty well from the top of the gel block and you can see the wound cavity for the first half of the gel it looks pretty good pretty big and then the bullet continued down the gel block and came to a stop right there fully expanded and once again did really well so I got to get on this side so you guys can see the tape measure so it is upside down but our critical duty stopped at about 14 inches alright next we got another one that I know a lot of you really like this is the 124 grain plus P Federal Premium HST I actually didn't know this was the plus P when I grabbed it I thought it was the regular one but a lot of people like the plus B as well so let's see big recoil difference and it sounded a lot louder - all right the HST went in right below the critical Duty and from the front the wound cavity on the HST looks a lot bigger than the critical duty you can actually see the spirals in the gel block from the bullet expanding and then over here hopefully you guys can see that but the wound cavity is definitely bigger than the critical duty and it went down probably six or seven inches before it started shrinking and then our bullet came to a stop right there and is also fully expanded and the plus P HST stopped at about one foot into our ballistics gel block so if that was the standard pressure round it would have gotten a little more penetration the plus P's you know they're going faster so they hit harder expand more and usually penetrate a little bit less alright next we're gonna shoot around that I haven't shot in quite a while and I'm a really big fan of this is the 80 grain Fort Scott munitions T UI which stands for tumble upon impact so it's not a hollow point it actually looks a lot like a pointy Full Metal Jacket hopefully you guys can see that but because it tumbles it creates big wound cavities and it stops you know in ballistics gel and tissue like a hollow-point it just doesn't expand like a hollow-point so I have tested these before they're really impressive and I really like them but I don't know if I've shot these out of a smaller pistol like this so they might use velocity you know to tumble and perform how they're supposed to let's see really soft shooting compared to the last one I'm telling you man I get positive and negative feedback on these Forks got to UI rounds but I've never seen 9-millimeter bullets that create the insane wound cavities that these do so here is where it went in to our ballistics gel block and then at the top of the gel block you can see it's the one right here on the right and look at the difference in that I mean that looks like a rifle round that's what you see when you shoot five five six and you know stuff like that that is an insane wound cavity for a 9-millimeter pistol round now it did pass all the way through the ballistics gel so that's a 16 inch 20% gel block and they've done that before they do tend to penetrate you know on the long side but for those of you who don't you know mind deep penetration and you do want that insurance that it is gonna penetrate far enough to hit vital organs and stuff like that which most of these will but they're so erratic because of that tumbling and just the amount of damage that they do in that ballistics gel is unparalleled at least in the ammo that I've tested from a nine-millimeter pistol crazy well on that note guys I think I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this video up right here the Fort Scott DUI is a good impressive way to end the video this isn't an ammo test video or we'd probably shoot a little bit more but I just wanted to see how some of my favorite rounds did out of my new carry gun and it looks like they're doing just fine so let me know in the comments what you guys think of my decision on this gun if you think I made the wrong decision or the right decision I love it I shoot the gun really well it carries really easily it's really comfortable and what more could you ask for so I'm excited to be back out here on the shooting range hopefully this virus goes away soon so that everyone can go back to work and we can continue making these videos it has been a weird couple weeks and I just want to thank you guys for hanging in there with me I really appreciate it so if you guys liked this video as always please hit that like button for me it really helps me out a lot thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: 1ShotTV
Views: 14,664
Rating: 4.9114389 out of 5
Keywords: Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Gun, Best Concealed Carry Gun, ccw, self defense gun, best carry guns, best carry gun, best carry caliber, best pistol, handgun, 9mm, best concealed carry caliber, best ccw, glock 19, sig p365, sig p365xl, sig p365 vs glock 43, sig p365xl vs glock 43x, 9mm carry guns
Id: VI9r47cYdXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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