My Mom Thinks She Is 13

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where is it turning my whole closet upside down looking for my black top it was literally the one cute thing i had just then mom walked into my room all dressed up for a night out in a shirt two sizes too small for her mom that's mine give it back i have to wear it to a party don't be such a baby wear something else then she picked up my earrings from my dressing table and was off before i could even protest living with my mom was like living with an out of control greedy stupid teenager as if she didn't have enough things of her own she was always stealing my stuff too and dads one time when i was about six i remember she was about to go out wearing dad's black shorts as a dress i giggled because she looked so funny but dad was furious that she was going out looking so ridiculous as i grew up i started to find her silliness less funny once i had friends over and it was so embarrassing when they walked past mom's room and saw boy band posters plastered all over the walls we were listening to some music in my room and she came and joined us and wouldn't stop dancing like crazy mom always wanted to hang out with my friends when they were over i'll accept britney for some reason she just seemed to hate her no matter how nice or polite britney was to her she couldn't even get a decent hello out of mom once when we were in the fourth grade brittany and i were having the time of our lives when mom walked in she went absolutely insane on brittany for teaching me how to make all this junk food and for turning me into a cow just like herself brittany just stood silently what's wrong with her i should report her to child services for being so mean i'm so sorry brit i said after mom had walked off it's okay my dad's kind of like that too don't be mad she's your mom after all fine i won't report her i'll just choke her in her sleep maybe i said and we both burst out laughing of course britney didn't come over much after that and that wasn't even the worst of it what i found the most annoying was how much she gossiped i'm sure her neck had stretched a few inches from always peeking over the garden fence to see what our neighbors were up to she was in everyone's business dad hated it and they were always fighting just the other day i came down to breakfast to this conversation why were you looking into our neighbor's bathroom while he was showering dad was asking mom sounding disgusted that wasn't the bathroom you idiot i don't know what your problem is she shouted back i sighed and left for school without breakfast i was so sick of all this fighting i was her complete opposite so we didn't really get along she kept calling me a nerd and a freak which really pissed me off one day in school as i was putting my stuff away someone came by and leaned against the lockers i looked up and all of my notebooks went crashing down on the floor it was peter the one i'd been dreaming of every day and writing about in my diary every night and he was looking right at me he laughed and helped me pick up my things i'd turned as red as a tomato i don't remember what i managed to say but i definitely just stared at him with my mouth open when he said these words so mandy would you like to go watch the game with me tomorrow i looked around as if i was expecting another girl named mandy to be standing right behind me he knew my name i managed to stutter out uh yes he said a casual pick you up at six and walked off i just stared at his back and then i ran off to tell brittany we were both screaming and jumping up and down with excitement the next few weeks seemed right out of a fairy tale he was so charming and cute he gave me flowers and took me out on intimate picnics and to baseball games but of course i wouldn't invite him to my house my crazy mom would freak him out as i was admiring myself in the mirror in this really cute dress he'd bought for me mom walked in i could see her greedy eyes taking in my dress that would look so much better on me red's really not your color honey i just rolled my eyes and ignored her but what she said next left me in tears i have no idea why the most popular boy in the school is suddenly into a nerd like you you're really not his type she laughed and she walked away ouch i brushed away my tears angrily but felt better when britney said that i looked hot i ran out when i heard peter's car outside he looked really distracted at dinner and was constantly texting he got up to go to the bathroom but his phone kept pinging i turned it around and the name jenny kept popping up but i decided to let it go for now he was supposed to come over for a study date the next evening but he said he had football practice going on till late an hour later i logged onto instagram and saw that peter was at a party at some girl from our school's place was mom right he didn't really like me no that crazy woman could never be right i decided to confront him in person the next day the next day after his football match i stormed onto the field but when i got there i saw him walking off the field towards me looking mad as a raging bull just as i was about to shout at him he shouted first can you believe it i've been kicked off the team i fell silent as he went on and on about how his stupid friend had insulted him and they'd gotten into a fight and peter had punched him the idiot coach refused to even listen to me and has disqualified me for the rest of the season i can't afford this mandy i need that sports scholarship for college with angry tears in his eyes peter grabbed his things from the locker and left school early that day i tried to call him a few times but he just wouldn't pick up the next morning when i went to school i noticed that everyone was gathered outside talking in hushed voices i could smell smoke in the air brittany said that the sports complex had burnt to the ground last night the firefighters had managed to put out the fire completely but everything was ruined oh all my precious things just then peter joined us looking shocked and said he'd heard the awful news but he was definitely having a hard time keeping the grin off his face when he saw mr jenkins crying geez what a loser he said in a low voice and walked away i followed him out after class to talk a few steps behind him i saw him take his phone out and make a call yeah i know really burned everything to the ground didn't we that was fun i turned back around feeling a bit sick and really alarmed was my dreamy boyfriend a psycho who had set the sports complex on fire peter was either a cheater or a criminal or both i needed to know more and for that i had to recruit a class a snoop my mother i wanted to smack her face because she looked so smug as i told her everything once she was done putting nail polish on she looked up at me and said okay sure honey i'll see what i can find wow that was easy and kinda sweet it's gonna cost you how much will you pay me to watch your boyfriend of course i said she could have half my monthly allowance now and i'd pay her more later when she found something out oh and i'm going to need that red dress too she said winking at me the next week i played it totally cool with peter he was being nice to me again as he kissed me one day i just felt myself melting maybe i'd just made a big deal out of nothing i thought or maybe i hadn't it turned out to be even worse when i got home from school one day mom was waiting in the kitchen for me almost hopping with excitement she told me she was friends with peter's dad and he'd invited her over when no one was home she winked as she said this and i cringed ugh and she had excused herself to go to the bathroom and snuck up to peter's room instead mom said i looked under his bed and found some things a huge poster of dr phil a can of kerosene and oh some pages from your diary i read the first line and fell off my chair i stared at them in horror they weren't the actual pages torn from my diary these were photocopies and they were all from the days before peter had asked me out my face burned as i thought about how he must have laughed at me as he read them i saw mom's face and it made me even angrier she was trying very hard not to laugh of course she had read them too furious i grabbed the pages and headed over to his house i walked into his room and slammed the door shut but he still didn't hear me over all the things he was blowing up on the screen i reached over to him and snatched the headphones off his head hey what do you think you're doing he yelled jumping from his chair what the hell is this i spat throwing the pages at him oh poor mandy you really were so easy i guess there's no keeping secrets now since you've been a little snoop and found it all out i stood frozen on the spot not sure what he was even talking about he told me that someone had given him the diary pages and begged him to ask me out in exchange for doing all his assignments projects and college applications it was a great deal for him and he needed to focus on his football you're lying i shouted who else would be able to take my diary think hard mandy think real hard he said grinning mom my mind was racing no she was crazy all right but she was too dumb to do his school work i could only think of one other person who could have sneaked out my diary i gasped there was only one person why i managed to say she really seems to hate you she told me to ask you out make you fall in love with me and then dump you publicly i natched back the papers and threw the glass of soda sitting on the table at him i'm not gonna let you off the hook i'm reporting you to the police i screamed furiously for what making you think i was in love with you i'm sure they'll slap on the handcuffs for that he roared with laughter for burning the building down you psycho i said he stopped mid laughter looking at me stupidly i heard you talking to someone about how much fun it was to burn the place down i said he was in fits of laughter again wiping tears from his eyes he told me i was the dumbest spy on the planet pointing to his tv screen he said that the video game is what he had been talking about on the phone with his friend and the can of kerosene was for cleaning paint brushes i stormed off feeling utterly humiliated and stupid i had to talk to the person who wanted to humiliate me my best friend brittany when i rang the bell at brittany's house she didn't look surprised to see me let's talk outside shall we she said with tears rolling down my cheeks i waved the pages at her and asked her why she would hurt me like this what had i ever done to her what she said left me in complete shock it's your dad or should i say our dad britney looked furious as she explained that she had recently found out that we were half sisters and our dad had abandoned her mom you got the chance to live with your real parents while i lived with a man who never loved me and always abused me mom was too weak to do anything it's not fair i hate you i couldn't believe a word of it there had to be some mistake i ran back home and barged into dad's study tell me the truth about brittany he stared at me turning pale he started crying and explained that he and britney's mom used to work together and he fell in love with her because she was so lovely but mom couldn't take care of herself so he couldn't just leave her he had to choose my crazy mom just then mom came in she looked at our faces and was immediately dying to know what was happening dad and i stared at each other silently not sure how to break it to her i want to know what the two of you but suddenly we were interrupted by the sirens of a police car right outside our house we went out to take a look and suddenly two policemen walked straight up to mom and told her she was under arrest we were all shocked to find out that one of our neighbors had reported her for trespassing their security cameras had caught her breaking in and snooping around their rooms mom kept protesting that she'd been hired by someone as an investigator as if while she was being dragged away she looked back at us and screamed at least tell me what you guys were talking about jeez dad walked up to one of the officers gave him some money and said keep her in there for a few days will ya he turned around to me smiled and hugged me now we can finally have some peace
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 1,557,387
Rating: 4.8700881 out of 5
Id: MFUw6azF_Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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