I'm Mom's favourite, my sister made me pay for it

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i was crazy nervous as i tried to hold my balance someone from the crowd cheered come on scarlett you can do it okay here goes nothing i took a deep breath even though these were only tryouts practically half the school was there to see me perform they were all cheering for me i closed my eyes and started to roll and your girl did not disappoint oh my god i did it everyone applauded when i landed the perfect split just then the gym door flew open and my mom rushed in screaming be careful with my baby i groaned momentarily forgetting where i was and losing my balance the next second i was on the floor half the audience ran to help me up thankfully mom couldn't push past my adoring fans but i could hear her yell is she okay you won't know let me pass but her screams were drowned out by all the boys asking me if i was okay i'm fine guys no biggie the football captain laughed and said darn that was a nasty fall but you didn't even flinch you really are perfect why thank you everyone laughed kindly as i brushed off my dress and took a bow time to go home young lady hi i'm scarlett i've just been make captain of the cheerleading squad and to everyone else my life was perfect but i have this rare condition called c-i-p-a which means i can't feel pain or hot and cold my condition helped me make my crush fall in love with me but shh it's a secret as soon as we got home mom started my daily body check i rolled my eyes seriously mom i'm 16 now i can do it myself but mom wasn't listening she was staring in horror at something on my elbow just look at this you'll end up killing yourself and you won't even know it's just a scratch mom a scratch any more squishies like this and i'll have you homeschooled again i groaned jeez mom was always overreacting i hurt my leg that one time mom i was eight i'm sorry that one time need i remind you of the state of your perfect leg ugh fine she had a point when i was eight i fell off a swing and injured my leg but because i couldn't feel pain i didn't know how bad it was when the doctor realized the week after i ended up with a prosthetic leg but that was ancient history now mom just wouldn't get over it suddenly the door slammed open and my younger sister brooke barged in mom you said you'd take me shopping today i'm still waiting oh yes i forgot i'm busy now we'll go another day what oh my god no mom you've been stalling for like two weeks i need a new outfit for the spring dance by this point mom wasn't even listening mom lit but brooke looked at me with anger and stormed out of the room yelling i don't need your stupid sympathy i need you to get out of my life a few weeks later as i was putting my books in my locker before practice someone said so you want to be my date for the spring dance tonight doll face doll face ew where was i in some tacky noir movie i looked up to see who it was and saw the captain of the football team oh of course ever since i've been promoted to captain of the cheer squad every jock in school was on a mission to claim me but this guy was the most persistent one day i found my locker full of gifts and hundreds of love letters it took me an hour to find my chemistry notes another day i was in the cafeteria when i said i love pizza suddenly he jumped up and announced free pizza for everyone i gasped in horror he didn't even wait for me to finish i told him i really wasn't planning on going with anyone tonight i couldn't imagine how mom would react half the time she acted like breathing was an extreme sport but thankfully at that moment a crowd of people started rushing to the parking lot someone yelled the new kid has an audi within minutes the entire school was gathered around the car breathless to see the owner i rolled my eyes like waving candy in front of a baby's face but just as i was about to leave the owner of the car stepped out for a minute i was starstruck this was the most handsome guy i'd ever seen and clearly i wasn't the only one who thought so all the girls began to ooh and ah the most interesting thing was that he seemed to not even notice anyone he walked away from the crowd and headed straight over to me i froze why was he coming over here he looked at me and her eyes met he hesitated and i felt my knees getting weak then his eyes filled with anger and said move out of my way i jumped away like i'd been electrocuted as soon as he went past me it was like everything returned to normal and immediately the captain appeared and said so about that date that evening when i got home brooke practically skipped over to me she looked really happy you know that new guy connor he's coming to the spring dance tonight he won't say no to me if i wear your black outfit mom didn't take me shopping because of you with that she grabbed the dress and was gone before i could say a word i slumped onto the bed and decided to watch videos on my favorite youtube channel my story animated i just put on my favorite one my psycho mom is obsessed with healthy food at least this would cheer me up mom suddenly barged in through the door and snapped you're not going to this dance are you i rolled my eyes and said i might go for a bit and mom quickly forbade me she says says she wouldn't be able to come with me to keep an eye on me i couldn't go kids do all sorts of crazy things at these parties you might hit your head or injure your other leg you wouldn't even know so you're not going but mom she just slammed the door ugh it was so annoying how she was always in my face i could hear brooke dancing around as she got ready now that mom had said i wasn't allowed i really wanted to go so i waited for brooke to leave and mom to go to her room then i put on my turquoise evening dress grabbed my heels and tiptoed down the stairs the minute i was at the door i broke into a run suddenly a car came racing towards me i screamed and in my panic froze on the spot a loud horn blared and the car stopped just inches from me are you out of your mind what happened are you okay when i finally realized what was happening i immediately pretended to be hurt and cried ow it hurts it hurts i didn't even touch you i wasn't sure if he was lying or not so i just shouted are you calling me a liar after you almost ran me over he helped me onto the hood of his car and looked for any injuries i blushed i couldn't believe conor was helping me out so tenderly as i got off the hood i pretended to limp but to my utter embarrassment i lost my balance and ended up on top of him i'm sorry but then i heard connor mutter under his breath you're breathtaking i'm sorry what did i hear him right then he abruptly pushed me off i'm sorry i was confused till i saw what he meant he accidentally stepped on my foot i begin to jump up and down again oh my foot my poor poor foot he quickly opened the door of his car and helped me get in when he pulled up at the dance everyone looked at us in shock someone whispered makes sense for them to come together they look perfect i blushed wondering if he'd heard it too but of course mr connor had just disappeared the captain of the football team rushed over to my side and grabbed my hand dance with me you're my date for the night ugh him again i pointed to my foot and said oh no i hurt my foot i couldn't possibly but to my utter shock he just pulled me to the dance floor one dance never killed anyone i was getting really annoyed now do you not get consent i turned to see connor glaring down at the guy my heart fluttered was connor rescuing me my hero immediately everyone gathered around us the captain took one look around him then dropped my hand somehow conor had that impact on everyone no one wanted to mess with him i stepped towards conor to thank him but before i could say a word my eyes landed on brook she glared at me before rushing over dragging me aside away from conor i thought mom said you couldn't come and now you've hurt yourself in front of conor to get his sympathy you're disgusting what no brookie that's not what happened but before i could explain something even worse than brooke happened mom came in yelling my name scarlett scarlett as soon as she saw me she rushed over and started shouting for an ambulance my baby is hurt someone call 9-1-1 my baby i tried to tell her that i was fine but she dragged me away saying we had to go to the hospital as soon as possible on my way out i tried to catch conor's eye but he suddenly seemed determined to avoid me the doctor said i was all good but mom didn't seem convinced when we got home brooke was already back and she was fuming before she could yell at me i turned to mom and said mom i'm tired of you following me around everywhere if you ever try to embarrass me like that again i promise you i'll just move out she looked shocked and said i'm doing this for your own good just don't please there's gotta be another way i can't have you showing up at school every day like that for a minute she looks stunned and then she slumped onto the sofa looking heartbroken i almost felt bad for her almost the next words out of her mouth made me want to jump out the window you know what you're right you don't need me all the time thank you thank you so much mom when you've got your sister we both yelled what i tried to tell mom that's not what i meant but she didn't listen and said i chose cheerleading against her will and that it's a dangerous sport brooke looked furious and then she stormed out saying you'll regret this big time and regret it i did the next day i tried to talk to conor alone but as if it weren't bad enough that he was avoiding me for god knows what reason brook kept following me around the school i finally found connor alone the library i tiptoed up to him hi i was wondering where i could find a copy of pride and prejudice i'm not the librarian he immediately turned his back on me how mean i know but i just thought maybe i tried my luck again but whenever i tried to face him he turned away leave me alone he tried to rush past me just as i decided to step in his way again and suddenly our foreheads bumped oh oh my god scarlett what a smooth move hit the hottie in the head why don't you i'm so sorry impulsively i reached up and pushed his hair out of his eyes to check his head he stared at me and i suddenly realized what i was doing for a second we looked into each other's eyes and instinctively we both leaned in excuse me we both jumped back as brooke appeared immediately conor left the library while my body tingled all over had i just almost kissed conor i um i'm going to the cafe yes i can see you're starving in the cafeteria as soon as i sat down all the jocks started flocking around me immediately brooke danced up to me smiling and said i almost forgot i got you a bar of chocolate then she stuffed it into my mouth thanks the boys around me started panicking i grabbed my phone and was shocked to see my swollen face i literally looked like a puffer fish were there peanuts in the bar brook i'm allergic to peanuts oh no i forgot someone immediately rushed me home for a few days after that i couldn't go to school but i didn't miss much it was like the whole school was sending me flowers and gifts and whatnot a few guys even came to my house but there was one gift that really caught my eye it was a small package i opened it up and gasped it was a copy of pride and prejudice how connor said this my heart fluttered at the very thought apparently brook thought so too because as soon as she saw it she tried to throw it away i had to fish it out of the trash i was thrilled my life really truly was perfect but perfection was an illusion and the next day my illusion shattered as soon as i walked to my locker i noticed papers scattered on the floor and everywhere they look like pages from a book or a diary and a very familiar one at that a horrible thought entered my head and i snatched up one of the sheets almost passing out my gut feeling was right it was a page from my diary i rushed to my locker and saw something that totally crushed me across the front someone had painted frankenstein from a corner of the room the football captain yelled thank god i broke up with her what was he talking about i yelled back we were never together can we be now i don't care about your condition so what i ignored him and rushed to find brook she was in the cafeteria surrounded by a huge crowd do you know who could have done this it could be anyone you keep your diary in your bag i think my life is over oh come on you're super pretty and popular why don't you relax here drink this iced coffee just as i was about to drink it someone snatched the cup away from me i looked up and surprised to see connor is boy only hot she's trying to trick you look at your hands they're blistering already i glared at brooke and she looked terrified but before i could even touch her she returned to everyone and said that she regretted being related to someone like me and that they should know the truth you guys never wondered why she's good at doing splits it's her lit i jumped at her and was about to punch her you little witch but connor dragged me away we sat in the backyard and connor said so it's true huh i told him about my rare condition so yes it's true i'm a freak just because you're different doesn't mean you're a freak in fact you're like wonder woman and that's pretty cool scarlett it's not that easy you know he quietly said yeah it is as he said that conor shyly put his hand on mine i gasped oh no i pulled my hand away what is wrong with you why do you keep doing that do what i told him i was really confused with the way he was hot one moment and called the next your mood sweets are kind of giving me whiplash connor he tensed for a minute and then he said i'm that way scarlett i'm weird and i love strongly but then i can't always show it and it's difficult for me to i could see that conor was struggling and my heart melted for him i reached for his hand and said i don't think you're weird conor not for a second i suddenly he pulled me in for a kiss fireworks exploded around me as we headed back inside i was stunned to see mom marching over to me she was dragging brook by the ear scarlet my baby are you all right the principal called me mom relax relax how can i when my own child my own flesh and blood is doing such terrible things i'm going to ground her till college no mom it's not brookie's fault you're always so focused and worried about me you're always leaving poor brook alone mom froze what what are you talking about it's true mom if you were fair to her she wouldn't be so mad at me so if you really want to change someone it's gotta be you both brooke and mom looked shocked and then suddenly brooke burst into tears i rushed over to her and hugged her i'm sorry i'm so sorry it's okay brookie i'm here i forgive you we're all here for you mom started to cry too and she hugged us apologizing for all the time she was unfair behind mom i saw conor and pulled him into the hug they were all my family now
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 1,069,037
Rating: 4.8984885 out of 5
Id: PGp9QUi6wq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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