She Followed Her Crush And His Crazy Girlfriend, It Did Not End Will

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hi i'm jenny pay attention because i'm going to tell you a crazy story you know how you think you could follow your crush to the end of the world well i followed mine to the cinema and regretted it more than i've ever regretted anything in my life it was a day like any other as i was leaving school i saw tyler i was about to wave at him when he suddenly pulled his hoodie and cap over his eyes i wondered where his bodyguards were i'd never seen him without them yep bodyguards tyler's dad was crazy rich he was going through the school cafeteria i silently followed him and saw that he was using the cafeteria exit to get out of the school he was shaking off his bodyguards he walked to the cinema but he didn't go in the main entrance instead he walked to the back and went in a side door i hung back a minute and then went in the front i made my way down the hall to the viewing room quietly fiddled the knob and stepped inside it was pitch black in there i heard the door closed behind me i almost called out for tyler when suddenly all the lights came on i quickly dove behind the seats i didn't want to be seen even though tyler seemed to be alone for now suddenly i heard tyler laughing it's okay babe you don't have to hide i see you we're all alone here just like you wanted he said playfully what for a minute i thought he was talking to me i nearly fainted babe me oh boy my brain almost short-circuited with excitement then i heard her voice a girl giggling i peered through an opening between the seats and came back to reality in the middle of the room was alexa the school's most popular girl tyler's girlfriend she rushed to tyler and threw her arms around him laughing i wanted to gag alexa had been the first person to make a move on tyler when he first moved here but i was still heartbroken every time i saw them together anyway the two started making out right there alexa told him that she had booked the whole room and they were going to watch his favorite rom-com together now this is what i call a date tyler said oh it gets better alexa said teasingly as she walked over to something that was covered with a cloth she pulled it down to reveal a loaded snack cart the cart had everything you could ask for there was salted popcorn and caramel popcorn and also sodas nachos chips and fries i quickly looked away my stomach sounds like a crying whale whenever it gets hungry and with my luck they would definitely hear it oh yeah now we're talking this is perfect tyler said excitedly alexa picked up a nacho and asked him if he was hungry before putting half of it into her mouth and winking at him i could tell exactly why he was with alexa i definitely didn't want to see what they were up to or be seen here like this the lights dimmed so i waited for them to sit down then before i could even make a move toward the door i started to hear noises i looked at them and saw that they were making out before the movie had even started get a room oh wait this was supposed to be their room i quietly made my way to the outside door and tried to put my hand on the handle my heart jumped oh no i thought this can't be happening the door was stuck there's no way i could be trapped in a cinema with my crush and his girlfriend frantically i yanked it harder until suddenly the handle came loose and fell to the ground with a loud thud immediately alexa and tyler turned around to look at me what are you doing here tyler demanded angrily i looked away embarrassed and unable to explain tyler practically growled and said i asked what are you doing here loser i stepped back in fear when suddenly alexa stepped between tyler and me calm down sweetheart she said sweetly there's probably a reason for her being here just then tyler noticed the handle lying on the ground going pale he quickly ran over and pushed me aside as he tried to fit it back into the door but it was useless he tried calling out for help but that was obviously not going to work he started yelling at me again and called me a creepy stalker i just stood there red-faced and wishing for the ground under my feet to open up as if things weren't bad enough suddenly all the lights went out and the projector turned off oh my god creep what did you do now he screamed at me i have no idea what's going on tyler i finally managed to choke out we all switched on our phone lights and tyler hurried over to the other door but it was locked still going batshit crazy he kept saying this was all my fault alexa just gave me a disappointed look then tyler went over to alexa and put his arm around her she said his bodyguards were probably out there looking for him right now and would find him sooner or later tyler didn't reply and both walked back to the other side of the cinema using the light of their phones okay cool so we were pretending i wasn't there tyler and alexa took their snack cart with them but i noticed that some nachos were left behind on one of the seats well i wasn't complaining i looked up just in time to see alexa turn her head away from me was she trying to make sure i had food did she leave these my heart warmed to her anyway there wasn't much i could do so i just took my nachos to the other corner of the room and i sat there and waited i tried calling my parents from my phone but for some reason i wasn't getting any signal time passed so slowly while we waited i waited a few hours until it was night and then tried to get some sleep but the chairs were really uncomfortable besides i couldn't stop thinking about what tyler and alexa were doing at the other end of the room i pulled up some comics on my phone and started reading to distract myself they always put me in a good mood and eventually i managed to fall asleep the next day i was woken up suddenly by the sound of tyler yelling i quickly got up wondering what i had done wrong now but it turned out that his phone had just died and he had thrown it against the wall as soon as he saw me tyler decided it was time for round two he immediately started telling me it was my fault that we might all die in here alexa jumped in once more it's okay babe be kind she said i felt a twinge of jealousy so she was hot and sweet tyler wouldn't even look at me i sighed and squeezed myself into a tight ball there was no getting in between these two alexa took him away from me and i heard her say your guards are probably looking for you they'll find us soon enough the minute the words were out of her mouth though the strangest thing happened tyler broke down in tears yep all of a sudden tyler went from mad bull to blubbering baby he got down on his knees before alexa and for a minute i was about to pass out thinking that he was going to propose but what he said was even crazier babe i should have told you before this is all my fault what alexa and i said in unison she glared at me and i covered my mouth he started bawling his eyes out alexa looked understandably surprised and she tried to get him to speak that took another 20 minutes whatever it was poor tyler was having a hard time confessing finally he got to the point and alexa stood there in disbelief the truth is alexa baby he started sobbing again we've gone bankrupt dad is broke and we've already moved out of the house the guards they're gone too i looked at him stunned my heart went out to him i looked at alexa expecting her to console him i had no idea he was but before i could finish the thought she blew i'm not kidding alexa just started screaming in such a crazy high-pitched scratchy voice i thought my ears would bleed she was yelling at him for being a fraud and for being the reason they'd be stuck here forever tyler and i both did a double take he tried to apologize but she was raving and wouldn't listen she went over to the food cart and dragged it away you idiot she yelled at tyler tyler jumped to his feet and ran after her babe don't hate me i love you i'll make everything okay i'll take care of you forever he was yelling and he practically chased her around the cinema i sank back down into my corner suddenly alexa and tyler yelled and a loud crash shook the room i jumped what the hell i ran up to see what was happening and saw that tyler was on the floor with the trolley on his leg i gasped and rushed to him alexa grabbed a pack of cookies and stalked away what a total witch i tried to help tyler up but he looked so hurt i knew it wasn't just his leg that was injured he was genuinely heartbroken by alex's behavior he pushed me away and tried to get up he fell back i tried to help him again but it was useless i sat down a bit farther away and watched as he finally managed to drag himself away from the mess time passed even more slowly after that i opened up my comics again and fell asleep later i jumped awake with a little scream something had touched my hand were there rats here but what i saw surprised me a whole lot more it was tyler he had my phone in his hand and he was intently reading something he turned to me and said oh you're awake as if he didn't know i could have sworn i'd woken up because i felt someone's hand on mine i looked at him feeling unsure about so many things i didn't know you like comics he said offering me a bag of chips into soda you even have the 88th edition that only came out a few days ago i was pleasantly surprised to hear that tyler was into comics too we stayed up a while eating drinking and talking about comics suddenly i let out of burp i immediately covered my mouth how could i do that he's going to think i'm so gross now but instead of calling me disgusting like i thought he would tyler took a sip of soda and burped even louder we both let out a quiet laugh and just when everything seemed perfect we heard alexa waking up and sleepily calling out for tyler he sighed and said i think it's time we told her my heart raced what no please no not when we were stuck here for who knew how long i tried to stop him but he had his mind made up there was no stopping him now he grabbed my hand and pulling me along limped to alexa seeing us holding hands she jumped from where she was sleeping what the hell tyler you sure decided to lower your standards quickly she was half laughing and half angry i held my breath if she was angry now wait till she heard what he had to say i always thought you'd be a total witch jenny was crazy for thinking of giving you a chance i tried to hide behind him as alexa looked at him with sheer confusion what do you mean she asked and then he finally told her we're not really locked in here i just wanted to know if you were as sweet and caring as you seem to be and jenny said she would help alexa was so confused what i didn't tell her the whole plan tyler continued she's been as surprised as you well he had that part right alexa might be the first girl he dated here but i was his first friend i'd only agreed to do this because i'd hoped to become more than that and the whole bankruptcy thing totally fooled me i believed him he was such a good actor the whole thing was a lie alexa repeated softly she looked like she was about to throw up then suddenly she threw her arms around tyler oh babe i think you have it all wrong i wasn't mad because you were poor i was upset about not having your guards find us tyler laughed and shook her off he told her it was useless to try to charm him now at least she's not a fraud he said i'd rather spend time with her my heart sword he would alexis started crying but tyler walked to the door and dramatically pushed at it the door didn't budge he tried again the door was locked he turned to me in surprise open it jen he said i was surprised i can't i locked the hall door and that can't be opened from in here this door i didn't lock it he looked stunned you took off the handle put it back my head spun i said i hadn't taken it off it had fallen off alexa started crying louder and louder while tyler and i looked at each other in shock will you shut up tyler suddenly yelled at alexa she looked up tearfully no you've no idea what i'm dealing with you jerk then she said something that left both tyler and i shocked i'm pregnant what tyler looked like he was about to faint i actually flopped onto a nearby chair i looked at tyler with shock i waited for him to say it wasn't possible but he stood in his spot absolutely silent except for a few curses he was starting to mutter you're lying he said but alexis swore she wasn't now that she had his full attention she started acting snobby and entitled you will have to look after me forever now she looked pretty happy about that her anger and sorrow were all gone i shivered something was wrong with this girl she was evil we all stared at each other tyler just got me out of here i said finally my head was spinning but of course there was nothing we could do because no one knew how to open the broken door alexa walked over to where tyler sat holding his head and started acting like he'd never broken up with her i rolled my eyes i had almost fallen asleep when a loud crash shook the whole room i jumped what now but to my delight someone was trying to knock down the door tyler and alexa were also standing now we heard someone outside it was tyler's guards i was so relieved i thought all my troubles would be over now so what if the love of my life had a pregnant ex-girlfriend i was out of here alive but boy was i wrong as soon as they burst in one of the guards rushed to check on tyler and two others rushed to me and alexa i'm fine i started thinking they were trying to check on me but to my utter horror they grabbed my arms and told me not to move across the room alexa was caught too she was screaming what the hell i asked angrily looking at tyler the head guard interrupted and told us both to shut up and that we would both be taken to jail i was shocked this had all been tyler's plan we hadn't kidnapped him tyler i pleaded tell them this wasn't my fault he only looked at me scornfully i can't help you now jenny what i asked in total confusion i asked him what he meant and the guard finally told us something that horrified me while we had been locked in the viewing room two men had broken into tyler's house when caught they said they'd known everybody would be out of the house a girl had assured them the house would be empty the girl said she would make sure tyler stayed with her till the job was done the guard said alexa and i looked at each other and gasped before we could say another word tyler turned to alexa and said i know you you were after my money and you set up the state for us it could have been you i sighed in relief at least he believed me but to my horror he then turned to me and said but you knew my plan jen you broke the door handle i don't trust you either he turned to the guard and said take them away you
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 835,970
Rating: 4.8581729 out of 5
Id: b8KJAjSB5yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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