my experience of being the prettiest girl in school

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whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same when i was eight my dad left my mom and my nana was furious she yelled at my mom i told you not to marry a sagittarius but no you think i'm just a babbling idiot then nana turned to me and said make sure you never fall in love with a gemini a gemini and a cancerian can never be soulmates what's that nana she gave me a book on astrology here this will tell you everything you need to know hi my name is flora and ever since i saw my mom crying bitterly over my dad i've been on a mission to find my soul mate by 16 every guy in school had asked me out 20 of them even said they loved me one said you're so perfect flora i want to marry you but i knew better than to trust in aries thank you next after i turned down every guy in school in search of the one i just knew i was destined to die alone but little did i know everything was about to change one day when i went to the chemistry lab after cheer practice i saw a huge crowd for once it wasn't boys lining up to ask me out hello excuse me coming through when i finally managed to get into class the teacher told me to sit with some new guy at the back since you're the teacher's assistant i think you'd be best to help mr tyler catch up on whatever he's missed one of the girls whispered really her why does she have to get everything i can help him all day every day curious to know what the big deal was i looked over at him and immediately my heart started to beat like crazy it was tyler the lead singer of a local band and right now he was looking at me and smiling my heart but the boy really did need all the help he could get he couldn't even get a simple formula right i had to show him five times before he finally got it and when he did he turned to me like an excited child and said oh man you're so cool you want to come the next time i play live i nodded thrilled after school i found myself looking for him it wasn't hard just follow the yellow brick road of screaming groupies i found him in the middle of a huge crowd the minute he saw me he grinned and waved me forward girls girls please let the pretty lady pass my heart did a somersault everyone around me turned red with envy as i walked forward i almost felt like i was walking down the aisle i do tyler i do but just then someone said something that made me stop dead in my tracks one of the girls yelled tyler i'm a gemini like you it was as if the whole world was collapsing around me a stinking gemini i could practically see nana's disapproval so i did what she would have wanted i turned around and walked away i ran to the library maybe reading would help suddenly my foot caught something and i tripped whoa are you all right i slowly opened my eyes to see who my savior was and for a minute time stood still and we stared into each other's eyes i got up clumsily and apologized he smiled and introduced himself as harry it's my fault really some of the girls found out i'm tyler's stepbrother and they won't stop asking me for his hair i laughed and said yeah i don't know what they see in him except for the perfect face and the perfect voice and the smile and the eye before i could say anything else tyler barged in flora fuller he stopped mid-sentence and his smile faded as he looked at us with shock the way he looked at me made my heart pound i found myself moving even farther away from harry i got your ticket for my show uh oh i jumped at my feet and grabbed it from his hands running out with a hurried thank you i couldn't even look him in the eye why did he have to be a stupid gemini harry ran after me and said he'd walk me home when we got there nana opened the door and practically pulled him inside this is the first time our flores brought home a boy you must be really special i dragged him to my room and told him to wait as i got him some snacks but little did i know what was happening in my room well well well what do we have here my ticket to win her over when i got back he was looking at my book of horoscopes you really believe this stuff it's been true so far he chuckled and i ended up telling him about my mom and dad he listened with the saddest look in his eyes and then suddenly took my hand i know this will sound crazy and maybe you don't believe in all of this but i feel like i've been looking for you forever i think you're my soulmate i gasped and pulled my hand away and he suddenly looked embarrassed maybe that was too soon but you should know i plan to win you over with that he ran out had he just said the s word had i finally found the one i swear i'm going to take her from him she's mine now over the next few days i felt like i was bumping into tyler and harry everywhere harry was sitting next to me in bio and tyler was my lab partner for chemistry harry was the sweetest we could talk about things for hours we liked all the same books and the same music and he even liked pineapple on pizza to top it all off he told me he was a taurus there was no one better for a cancerian than a taurus and this one seemed to be tailor made for me but then there was tyler who always did something to make my heart flutter one day as i was sitting in the cafeteria reading a book he sat down across from me the entire cafeteria fell silent as everyone started to whisper about us do you mind if i join you his voice was so sweet that i found myself nodding he grinned at me like a kid and started chattering on about his day i listened oddly fascinated as he talked i found myself looking deep into his gorgeous warm brown eyes and i realized in horror that i definitely had a crush just then someone asked would you mind if i join you i looked up to see harry smiling down at me yeah but as soon as harry sat down tyler got up and marched away looking at him go i felt my heart sink what was wrong with me harry laughed and said he's such a gemini i nodded miserably tell me about it a few days later tyler messaged me hey i hope i'll see you at the concert tonight i'll be waiting so of course a few hours later i found myself dressed up and ready to go nana called from downstairs flora there's someone here for you i gasped was it tyler i ran downstairs and stopped in my tracks oh it was harry of course tyler wouldn't come to my place to pick me up for his concert how stupid was i and besides why should it make me mad he wasn't my soul mate but harry could be harry said he had a feeling i'd be going to the concert alone so he came for me of course trust harry to be a steady thoughtful taurus at the concert as i had a vip ticket i was in the front row tyler who was already on stage smiled at me that is until he saw i wasn't alone but near the end of the show harry disappeared and when tyler went off for a break harry suddenly appeared on stage perks of being the lead's brother i guess then to my surprise he yelled guys i'm tyler's brother and while he's off stage i have an announcement to make there's a girl here tonight who i've known for many months now and from the very first day i knew she was the only one for me my soul mate flora in a matter of minutes i found myself on the stage as harry got down on one knee and asked me to be his girlfriend officially from the corner of my eye i saw tyler rush over my heart was pounding and an image of my mom crying flashed before my eyes i'd been looking for a soul mate for years i will yes i will harry jumped into light and kissed me the crowd went wild as harry led me off stage he stopped next to tyler and said thanks for letting me be on stage man i took a quick look at tyler's face and for a minute i wondered if i had done the right thing he looked devastated after that i suddenly felt queasy so i told harry to drive me home the next few weeks were amazing harry came over every day with flowers and drove me to school he was treating me like a real princess and even nana approved of him because he was such a tourist that is until he wasn't you see slowly harry started acting mean and rude this one time we were on a date and he yelled at the server when i tried to calm him down he said be quiet you stupid girl and don't interfere in a man's business i was so mad i walked out he camped on my lawn that night till nana forced me to forgive him another time he took me out and tried to feed me shrimp i'm allergic to them i can't eat this what's wrong with you why are you always so dramatic i'm trying to be nice don't be mad i suppose a bit won't kill me i ended up taking a small nibble and took a small trip to the er one day he promised me he'd come to my cheer practice not only did he ghost me but someone told me he'd invited a girl to watch a movie at his place that jerk i rushed over to his place just as i got there i saw tyler pull out of the driveway i tried to talk to him tyler but he ignored me and stormed out the housekeeper who opened the door pointed to harry's room and walked away but harry wasn't in his room as i waited for him my eyes landed on something it was my diary i ran over and picked it up i'd been looking for it for months what was it doing here harry returned then with a girl the smile disappeared from his face as i asked him what this all meant he laughed and said so you finally found it that's for the best i suppose i was planning on breaking up with you tomorrow anyway for a minute i felt like i would pass out what did he mean but why why do you have my diary he laughed like a maniac again and said you really are the dumbest smart person then he said something that horrified me he said he'd never been interested in dating me anyway he'd only chased me because tyler liked me i'm so tired of always playing second fiddle to my jerk's stepbrother he's always getting things i want so i took what he wanted for once but now that he's going to london tonight i don't have to keep up the stupid act hearing him say all that was making me angrier by the second i grabbed stuff from his desk and started throwing them at him are you even a taurus that's the only thing i didn't lie about sweetie i was shocked but i didn't have time for this i had to find tyler before he left i hopped into a cab if i hurried i might catch him outside throughout the ride i kept wondering how someone who was my soul mate according to nana's book could turn out to be so mean and vicious was all this really useless was nana wrong after driving for a grueling 20 minutes all thoughts of soulmates and horoscopes fled my mind as i pulled up at the airport and saw him he was at the entrance i jumped out tyler tyler everyone stared except him for a minute i thought he would keep walking but just then he turned and looked at me in shock i told tyler everything harry had done and he looked as shook as i felt harry would never then i showed him my diary he looked like he was about to puke but he did make me realize something tyler it's not him i love it's you tyler looked at me sadly and said you made your choice flora i know my brother wronged you but i guess we missed our chance and i i have to go now a gorgeous blonde suddenly ran over to us babe tyler will be late i looked between them in shock please let them be siblings please be siblings she turned to me and said if you don't mind please my boo and i have a flight to catch we're starting college together with that she dragged him away as i stared in horror then i started to cry i had been so focused on finding my soulmate that i didn't see the love of my life staring me in the face and now he was leaving i'd learned my lesson and the minute i got home i threw out all my astrology books who cares if some idiot is telling you which horoscope to be with they don't know if a person is a jerk or not they say if you truly love someone set them free set them free if they love you back they will come back to you but weeks and months passed and i didn't hear a peep from tyler i decided to focus on my sats instead so i could get into a good college then the day of my high school prom arrived the whole week i'd been finding love letters and roses and locks of hair in my locker the football jocks kept saying that as a cheerleader it was my duty to date at least one of them the chemistry nerd said that since i was so good at schoolwork i could only truly bond with one of them in fact even harry showed up outside class asking if i wanted to go with him i practically threw my shoe at him how dare he even think he had a chance i obviously turned everyone down and decided to sit at home and miss tyler but as i wallowed in self-pity the doorbell rang i went to check and gasped tyler i slammed the door shut was i dreaming i pinched myself and carefully opened the door again he was still there he held up a single rose and said flora i i don't know anything about soul mates but i can't stop thinking about you no girl could distract me and god knows i tried now i really want to get to know you better so will you go to prom with me i jumped into his arms and kissed him the next day he returned to london with a promise as soon as i'm done with my courses i'll come back to you i looked at myself in the mirror i couldn't believe i was graduating college nana yelled hurry up we don't want to be late for your graduation outside mom and nana were waiting for me they weren't alone with them was tyler congratulations you beautiful beautiful girl i ran over to hug him and quickly he got down on one knee and said marry me flora i can't live without you that was 10 years ago even though we're not exactly alike and we fight sometimes i know that if ever there was a soul mate for me it was him gemini or not we even have a little girl daisy mom mom there's a new kid in my class and he's the weirdest i bet he's an aquarius
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 1,032,378
Rating: 4.890872 out of 5
Id: whIMfiy1x-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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