My mom is a flat earther, an anti-vaxxer and also a Karen - (Reddit Ask Me Anything)

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our slash ass credit my mom is an anti-vaxxer flat earther conspiracy and religious nut and used to think my dad was Satan's minion ask me anything a bit of backstory from my parents they divorced when I was 8 it was an extremely nasty divorce but there was due to my mother she remarried a year later to a guy who had the same mindset as her meaning that they tended feed off each other think Heaven's Gate but not as crazy as for me I was home-schooled by my mom until grade 10 I'm also the eldest of nine children three of the eight share the same mom and dad as me five are half siblings who share the same more I am a 19 m and a college student I decided to live with my dad at the age of 15 and I have yet to move out feel free to ask me anything and he'll try to respond as best as I can edit I am seeing some common questions so I'll answer them here in vaccinated I go more in depth somewhere down there no my mom has not been diagnosed with any illness some people were curious about the church I went to the preachers name was David J Smith his church was located in Waxahachie Texas and he was crazy my personal beliefs are agnostic for those who were wondering do your siblings share the same facts as your mom huh this is a tricky one one of my brother's 16 lives with my dad as well he is just a normal high school student now and definitely does not believe it my sister 14 and youngest brother 11 still spent one week with my dad and the next with my mom used to be my dad sauce every other weekend as for how they believe they don't buy into the crazy stuff how do I know my mother has many rules all of which apply when they are at my dad's after all God is always watching they don't follow any of them here they basically live double lives sometimes I have to drop them off at my mom's and the amount of prep they have to do to get away with it is sad as for the five that on my half siblings they don't know any better I had my dad to keep me at least somewhat normal but they don't have anyone like that they are also very young the eldest being nine I truly hope they can push through everything and live for themselves can you elaborate more on the rules your siblings are supposed to follow and how they need to cover their tracks before they go back to her house no makeup no tight pants no print on shirts no dyed hair no revealing clothes no phones except the flip phone given to them zits as' and my sister needs to wear a head cover it was a matter of changing and washing the face and they had to hide the phones my dad gave them Congrats on your escape thank you it was rough but I would like to think I came out okay how did your dad last eight years with her believe it or not he introduced it to her my grandmother was very similar to my Moore so he has a huge amount of knowledge when it comes to the Bible he didn't actually believe it he just found it interesting kinda like trivia my mom on the other hand found herself agreeing with a lot of it she also wasn't always like this they had met when they were 16 and married at 18 at that time she was normal my dad also tended to keep her in check in fact my life after the divorce was rather normal if you ignore the crazy church we went to did she try to teach you about auntie VAX flat earth and other things when you are home-schooled it wasn't part of the curriculum per se she used a beaker book which is from Pensacola Christian college she definitely tried to push it on us though I remember the video she showed us the title was something like 100 facts that prove the earth is flat you can probably find it on YouTube this video was actually one of the reason I left it was full of [ __ ] and seeing my mom and stepdad wholeheartedly agree with it showed me they had no idea what they were doing how do you think your mom would react to pineapple on her pizza joke's on you she doesn't believe in pizza yes given that degree of crazy how did your upbringing affect your personal convictions good question after going through what felt like hell I definitely have a much more critical view of religion and conspiracies my mom is the fire and brimstone type and I just didn't agree even back then with her beliefs I was told that not doing believing what I was taught to as grounds for eternal damnation so I went through sort of an existential crisis back then now I don't really have any beliefs concerning religion I just try to be a good person day-to-day after all that's all we really can do my mother is also a rant avexir slash conspiracy nut I want to go for medicine currently in college for a bio med degree how should I tell my mother I don't agree with her aunt evacs beliefs note parents are also paying for my education so I am afraid that I tell them they will cut me off but I have to tell them eventually since med school requires recent vaccinations what do you suggest I do well you fed differently or did you do things that were weird but thought were normal oh the food horrible absolutely horrible my mom was a bad cook but her beliefs kept her from from using buying certain things so it was mainly beans and rice minimal seasoning sometimes she would make spaghetti and it was awful she would overcook the noodles then proceeded to mix tomato paste and sauce together and dump it in she then will use only garlic powder as a seasoning so much that it would burn your mouth and water your eyes every bite if it wasn't finished put in the fridge for later use and add more garlic as needed not much love between me and my stepfather but that man had a stomach of iron okay here comes a tough question are you grateful of anything she did for you besides cleaning your ass when you were one-year-old or maybe this one too if it does not make you feel uncomfortable are you ashamed to have a mom with that way of thinking I and think of anything but I can respect that she believes what she did was right in her own way forgiveness however is a much harder thing to come by at this point I am not ashamed but I can remember thinking why do you do this at some point I accepted that we just have different ways of thinking and it says their minds just don't think the way a normal person does would you rather have stayed for your mom or dad and when your dad take you to be vaccinated I'm asking this because my parents joke about says he would choose to be with sorry if it's sensitive or something my dad no doubt about it living with my mom was dull and boring too many things were bad too many things where until oudh couldn't even go outside a lot of the time I got vaccinated without my mom knowing until after the deed was done my dad took me in when he had me then dropped us back at Mom's unfortunately my youngest brother told my mom and we were forced to stay in our rooms in quarantine for around a month zero stroke ten would not tell my mom again vaccines No I'm all caught up to date so your youngest brother ratted you out for something that was 100% crucial to your survival did he bought into her beliefs as well no he was just nurtured that way I was supposed to make sure they didn't sin and he was supposed to tell my mom everything we did over the weekend please remember he was just a baby maybe five he just didn't know what would get us in trouble if he was about to say something that would get us in trouble I would normally give him a certain look so he knows not to say it worked wonders actually one look and he would stop in his tracks but my mom caught him when I wasn't around have her beliefs ever put you or your siblings in harm's way does she still homeschool your siblings before my dad got me vaccinated I got sick I mean really sick I had red bumps all over me and I could have very well had measles I will never know how ever since my mom does not believe in modern medicine I got oil of oregano for my treatment by far the worst moment of my life I had it for around three weeks and then got a second infection which I think was severe strep overall I was bedridden for over a month my brother almost died of pneumonia as well he turned blue before we talked her into getting him to the doctor his lungs were almost over 40% clocked and was hospitalized for two days as for home schooling yes she homeschools my half siblings three of which are over a year behind what do you think makes people susceptible to these kinds of thoughts also where are you from my parents are from Nebraska but they moved to Texas and had me as for the people who are more likely to do this I am no expert but I feel like it's people who want to be special it's sort of like racism they know more because God revealed it they are chosen they are better than others because God chose them and not you and if you don't agree then you are a sinner in other words it's people who didn't grow out of their middle school phase off wanting to be different when your mom becomes the next Manson would you turn her in if he was about to murder someone absolutely did you grow up hearing your nan listening to Alex Jones also did she ever talk about reptilians short answer yes long answer when it comes to conspiracies I consider myself at this point a pro just by living with my mother speaking of Alex Jones the head preacher of the church I went to was on his show once his name is David Smith you might be able to google him if you want to type in walks a hacci Texas as well that was the location of the church can't remember the exact name of it as for reptilians the Clintons were one of the groups disguised as humans pretty sure a banner was considered one as well besides antov accent flat earth what other conspiracies does your mom believe in much like your dad I find them fascinating but don't believe them I can't even list all of them but to give you an idea Nephilim Illuminati Holocaust was faked 9/11 Skull and Bones wrapped miles Flat Earth aunty VAX moon landing demons among us satanic rituals hurricanes is punishment from God hidden bunkers for ww3 UFOs government agents spying on us chosen few One World Order and a million others I can't think of if you can't name the conspiracy I can probably remember if she does or not did you know she was a interesting person after the divorce or did you have no clue and just think she was right because all adults are always right I knew she was different but I never had any friends outside the crazy circle as for her being right I don't know what I thought I'm not even sure if I did think about it till later when I got older I think I just did what she said because the idea of God and all his rules was never real to me I just went with what she told me to do because it made my life easier than disobeying her not because I believed it ro you made it to the end you are ducking mad lad I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content my eyes it's free and that's a great price
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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