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hey guys this is Tigs from Chill Vibes gaming welcome to my channel it's been a while since I posted a video on YouTube but I'm glad that my recent video about Alto got a lot of love thank you guys for watching I've been having so much fun playing weaing waves and absolutely love the combat system for my genin viewers don't worry I still love genin and will always play stream and make videos on that game especially with how much time and money I've put into it I mean like a lot a lot a lot anyway a lot of people were asking for my AO build on my last video so here it is also disclaimer people that normally view my channel and streams know that I do not claim to be an expert on the games that I play I just love video games and make videos about them I normally don't do build or guide videos I'm still learning things about the game and might have some questionable gear on characters because they aren't built so please take anything I said in this video with a grain of salt however I'm very happy with my alto so far so I thought it'd be nice to share my build with you guys especially because I love Alto and I'm so happy other people love him too so here we go let's get started for my main stats I'm happy with my numbers for now I'm hoping to find better Echoes that would give me higher crit damage but I want a higher crit rate so that his air shots consistently prop crits for constant damage rather than low damage and every now and then a crit would finally hit I have an echo that gives higher crit damage but I lose out on the crit rate R I tried and I found that the higher crit rate was better for his weapon I use a static Mist mainly for the crit rate and energy regen you want a good amount of energy regen just so that you can do as outro intro with the next character to deplete a boss's Shield faster if you don't have the static Mist undying flame is a good alternative for higher attack value and with your intro so you can start your combo with the skill with some added energy the Thunderbolt is probably a better option since you'll have added skill damage consistently because you'll always be shooting I haven't leveled it though so I don't know how it Compares with the undying Flame the Nova burst is a good weapon if you rely on your Miss missiles to deal damage because he's constantly dodging in his play sty anyway for his Echo I do a five piece Sierra Gale for both Arrow damage bonuses you want to do four 3 3 one and one for his main Echo I use the philen Bingle for his huge Arrow damage although we can't take advantage of the heavy attack bonus we still get a 12% bonus for our Arrow damage for both three cost Echoes I went with arrow damage bonus you can go one arrow and one energy regen but I want double arrow for more damage and for the last two slots I went for attack my build's not perfect yet I know there's room for improvement like I can use more crit rate on this one I can also use more crit raate on this one but anyway you get what I mean moving on to talents I'm pretty much just maxing everything out I definitely prioritized normal attack uh followed by his um Forte circuit and then resident skill and lastly the resonance Liberation um also the intro skill I mean you could leave it at one but you could also level it up I'm I'm just going to go all the way with him and just level Max everything out and the final section of my build constellations or um sequence resonance sequence nodes what are they called when I got my first copy of Alto I fell in love with the guy those of you that know me from genin know that I'm a venty main and I absolutely adore him I'm also a bow user M so I guess out of all the characters also just seem to be the closest thing to ventti no bow but he got a gun and he has such a likable personality when I played Alto at s0 I really liked him and I was like well I was able to make my ventti my main DPS why not make elto my main DPS I mean I don't care about meta so I gave him all of gn's Echo and started building him as a main DPS to my surprise it was actually pretty good so I decided to grab as many resonance chain sequence node thingies as I could granted he's still great at szo so don't feel like you have to get more sequence notes but they definitely do help with giving him more damage damage of all of them his S3 is his best his S1 reduces the cool down of his resonance skill this allows you to do more DPS with his Miss missiles his S2 gives you a 15% increase when you're shooting at enemies that are taunted by your clone the fact that the taunt also works on bosses is amazing his S3 as I said before is his best sequence node when alto's basic attack or midair attacks pass through the Mist two more bullets will be generated dealing 50% of the damage of the basic or midair attack basically your damage times two if you have high crit rate and a decent amount of crit damage combined with how fast his midair shots are it's a ton of damage definitely a muset if you're going for resonance sequence notes his S4 increases the damage of his resonance skill missed bullets also alter receives a 30% damage reduction while he's in his mclo Dash form honestly I think he really should just be invulnerable in his Mist form since like he's missed and not physical or whatever but anyway his S5 gives him a 25% damage increase while in the Mis cloak Dash State this means his Mis missiles will have a 25% increase and I believe if you're out of the dash within that 6 seconds you will still have the 25% damage damage increase as for C6 it's kind of useless and kind of not his heavy attacks that pass through the gate of quandry deal 50% more damage however heavy attacks by gun users is literally pointless they're useless don't even heavy attack it's not even worth it the only good thing about this resident node is he gets a 8% increase in crit rate it's not a huge amount of crit rate so you might not need to S6 him for a support sayu said with a five piece motl clouds for energy regen and permanent Teran for 12% damage boost for alto when San performs her outro within the next 15 seconds of using her Echo and a 38% damage increase to alto's basic attacks when San uses her outro and I use Vina for Buffs and like heals and stuff so many people say that alto's damage is underwhelming deter or whatever but I don't care I like him I like his personality in the story he's hot I love his play style and he's just so fun to play so I don't care I'll play who I want besides the biggest reason I pull for characters is by how hot they are and to add to my collection of husbandos screw meta play who you want to play it's your game if you want to play meta and see gigantic numbers that's great I mean I love seeing big numbers too but if you're like me and don't care about meta you can still have fun and clear content according to the devs you can basically play any any character and make them your main and clear all of the content as long as you build them right and know how to properly take advantage of all the mechanics in the game for example parrying counterattacking dodging and proper use of intro outros Etc anyway thank you for taking a time to watch my build /gu video I really appreciate it I hope you guys liked my video and if you did please give it a like comment and subscribe I'm so close to hitting my goal of 1K subscribers and I'd really like to do so by September this is Tigs with Chill Vibes gaming till next time stay behind me right back better keep up pleas buit leave it to me how stay behind me Shackled be gone BL me right BL I can use some fertilizer life is an eff stay behind me a change of perception right back he over here leave it to me wa for me stay behind me let Bridget down me it right back just a scratch lost in the midst of time better keep up thanks for watching how's that for a match trick blue just lowering fluids stay behind me a change perception Karma has covered me right back [Music]
Channel: Chill Vibes Gaming
Views: 19,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uAHgovGHzXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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