Loving Reaper: The Movie (Comic Dub) - Loving Reaper comic by Jenny Jinya

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time to go doggo but my family didn't come back yet i don't think they will [Music] i'm so cold okay let's wait five more minutes i'm sorry but we really have to go now no one came it's okay you'll never be cold again or left behind and so they left from one forgotten place to another hey dog i know it's hard maybe i was a bad dog no you just happened to love bad people but i think i knew who would appreciate all that love you have to give but i died who can i love yet [Music] huh what happened did i die mom dad i'm not ready to leave yet it's time to go human me is the death but don't be scared you are [Music] no way such a good boy [Music] did you come too close to the road again no they hit me on purpose cruel [Music] this world seems to hate black cats they say we're bad luck but there was this old lady who was always fading me death can i see her one last time of course i wonder where she is she didn't need a thing i'm sorry i couldn't say goodbye oh you poor thing hello i might be old and miss one eye but i can see you very well hello i'm here i'll be your best friend hello i'm a good kitty i promise sorry old girl i'm afraid you stay sober but i'm a good kitty i'll take her young men would you please hand me that kitten yes ma'am wake up kitten why did you bring me back here look that that is [Music] even though i feed you as much as i can [Music] you're never full this is all i can find you get weaker every day but you know i'm getting weaker too my stomach hurts i'm sorry i failed you you haven't failed your chick you did everything you could come here little one does he have a name i named him moe moe i'll take care of you moe here say goodbye [Music] forgive me moe farewell i love you okay babies are you ready today we go to a new pond and please stay close together a road we must hurry almost wait wait for me wait for me [Applause] wait huh huh mommy mommy wait oh i'm sorry you didn't make it oh oh no but can i see my family one last time and the pond but of course [Music] four five six i'm here mommy mom i'm here can you say goodbye to me i'm so sorry mommy oh no a circus let's see who died here oh hey you over there no stay away this can't be the end i'm a king they called me king of the jungle a king of beasts but look at me i've never felt like a king in my life i was a tool for entertainment they beat me took my dignity instead of being free hunting they forced me to do silly tricks my king my good and gracious king i mourn your fate but please allow me to accompany you to your new realm my noble king i shall give you some souls to reign over two to reign over oh so pretty hey keep going my spine hurts so bad oh hello little guy how was your day stop moving around [Music] funny i met such an old age and yet in my dreams i still cry out for my mother did they get her too did she go through the same hell the beatings [Music] the sleep deprivation the loneliness i'm so tired mommy you know mummy she spent her whole life wondering how she could have saved you [Music] let me escape from this hell oh you again farewell my only friend protect her with all my soul hello we friends he's perfect a new home a new friend oh are we go no oh new friends [Music] no one wants to be friends with me yeah we still have to crop his ears and tail but other than that he really has potential round one enemies all of them enemies everywhere no the enemy won oh useless you useless waste of time i'm sorry enemy no i think we should be friends oh no no no no help me you poor thing pools are such a trap i'm sorry i couldn't say breathe please yes you made it huh oh it's you life another win for the living take that mr death [Laughter] i love losing to you no hard feelings my dear friend i know all my children will be in good hands once they leave my realm every life i bring into this world will never be forgotten in mine i've grown you the prettiest flowers but they only wilt in your hands don't worry trust me i receive them all oh wow hey life hello mr death hmm so i saw that right it's like you have the universe in your eyes oh but yours um well emptiness absolute nothingness no no i am merely a riddle that the living will never solve [Music] when i was just a little budgie hatchling our mother taught us a song and it went like this all those little wings flapping through the air the wind carries their songs the sun is warm and fair i am happy i am loved [Music] mom i like the green one stella there are like eight green ones oh no the one right there i mean they're quite cheap hop on my finger do it talk at least like those birds on the internet here like this darling give him some time uh what a mess leave them alone for now okay uh alone hello all those little wings flapping through the air this bird is so noisy the sun is warm and fair the sun is warm and fair i am happy i am love a budgie what is your name shut up excuse me um that's what they called me shut up this is exhausting so many lives lost in these fires they're there life you're in a place like this but of course when having hope is the most difficult it is needed the most one should assume that death has already seen everything well i thought so too a tragedy is a tragedy and nothing less than that and yet look life will find a way [Music] there have been some monstrous forests and bushfires this and last year which the world has witnessed in shock billions of wild animals perished in the flames and people lost their homes [Music] among others australia the brazilian amazon ukraine california and the forest in northern thailand have been exposed to devastating fires you can help by donating to disaster relief programs or by volunteering at animal disaster groups [Music] when i started working here you were already here i don't know what happened to your face but your heart was so full of love but so many people just walked by and would only stop to tell you how ugly you are with that look on their faces but you're still willing to offer all that endless love of yours no matter what we've stopped all adoptions from mid-december to january but i wanted to show them all how precious you are you were so excited but [Music] no one should have to try so hard just to be loved i don't know when was the last time you had a home you might not have enough time to wait any longer when the vet said that your health was deteriorating i gave up it came down to this welcome home [Music] dedicated to the shelter staff and volunteers who work so hard to find each animal a forever home thank you please go away please just just leave where's your partner what swans mate for life yet i don't see your partner anywhere i can't see his spirits so he must still be alive did he just leave you alone with this he couldn't handle it neither can i i wasn't even allowed to meet them only one little egg is left intact death you're not here for my unhatched eggs are you no you're here for me right please don't be scared the stress the grief this is more than you can take but i'm ready what please forgive me little egg [Music] hey reaper it's been so long i don't even remember what my feathers look like can you show it to me again hmm well but i don't know if this is a good idea why not oh please i'd so love to see our colors again if you insist there's only one way i guess [Music] wait a building no no no we were always in the wild dad i told you you won't find hey there is oh does that mean we're gone like forever i'm afraid it does i wish i had an ass coolest pet ever hello little guy nice to see you here for you mr nibbles i love my human he's always happy to see me soon you'll get a bigger cage promise [Music] but one day his fan came over he came out look what is that a rat no it's a hamster hamster he was only 10 bucks and what does he do he usually sleeps during the day so you have a pet that sleeps all day what a lame pet lame i don't know what they were talking about [Music] but it changed the way my human looked at me forever what did i do wrong hello hello look i'm awake can you say hello to me please it's been a week please say hello maybe he didn't notice me ah [Music] hey i think i'm hurt human why doesn't my human like me anymore here you could have one of these seats okay now can we be friends again here are some more you can have my whole stash [Music] hmm you are why did you come back here i wanted to check on my friend he is still grieving but his brother got him a new puppy i think he's not ready for a new dog yet sorry i'm not in the mood play [Music] no damn i feel so terrible for holding so much resentment towards a puppy atlas left some kind of dog void and the new dog just isn't filling in it i know you're trying to be a good pup yet all i can think is atlas wouldn't have done any of that [Music] hey puppy come here oh are you a new friend uh sort of hey can you bring this to zach uh of course what is it huh where did you find that you can't have that this was atlas's favorite toy before he but you're not atlas you're you're not atlas and you're not a replacement either because no one can replace him and that's okay i'm sorry but uh i'll get you your own little plush okay i i need time you knew exactly what you were doing didn't you nah dogs find a way to befriend you that's just what dogs do reaper dog reaper cat are you ready for your first official task yes yes yes yes yes [Music] all right today you will each pick up one soul of your kind and bring them here good i give you one hour and yes yes i can do that dogs [Music] on my way [Music] okay where do i find uh oh hey hey you over there you gotta come with me but i'm chasing this butterfly right now yeah but you just died you're dead i know that means i have an eternity to chase butterflies [Music] hmm what takes them so hard but where is the cat [Music] his job must be so hard not life you could only guess how many souls he must collect stay strong dear friend her right must be so hard not deaf she has to watch her creations struggle and fade but both they don't you make my job worthwhile can you go faster mate uh catch something do you know what jeff did last week oh goodness can you shut up for five minutes oh come on you like us admit already sorry guys i won't catch anything tonight all right everyone let's snack some parasites off the turtles don't babble them into a coma what was that uh nothing get lost you little punks see you tomorrow big boy has anyone seen our sharky boy lately nope double nope we could suck on other things shut up jeff we don't suck on boats you're such a oh jerky dude where have you been hey what are you waiting for let's go i can't huh wait you're fins what [Music] humans took them and threw me back into the sea humans what do humans need finns for [Music] hey can can you can you stay a little [Music] yes of course tell me what jeff did it's so hard to breathe please talk to me ready for the last ride so jeff sucked on a boat once and he wondered why he wasn't getting any any food and [Music] ever since i was a child i've always been in deep all forests i did every step with caution trying not to scare anyone i hoped that the forest would feel that i was coming in peace [Music] after all i was just a visitor but every visit comes to an end what's on your mind human [Music] that i miss it miss what being alive i mean people always said you should be grateful for the little things in life but no one ever told me that it's the little things that i'd miss most in my afterlife like watching the sparrows outside my window dude or the smell of freshly brewed coffee the warmth of a the sweet poor of my cat i mean i've always loved these things i just wonder if i would have loved them even more if i'd known how much i would miss them one day death i don't want to say goodbye to life yet i don't feel ready that's okay we can walk around until you are but dying is a part of life you know but how everything dies trees flowers even those poor washed up starfish human you do not leave life you follow it into the next chapter [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: deyoku
Views: 1,844,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f r i e n d s ?, comic dub, loving reaper
Id: wJ619CazhVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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